HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-09-26, Page 18Bazaar
and Tea
Anglican Church
Friday, Sept. 27,
8 p.m.
Admission Free Tea ,.35
sponsored by Ladies' Guild
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al”! .... !!!! I!! lane HA lae,!!el !OW!. k!en4pi,9,
and district news
gctr.r9sPPrldPrrtt Mrs. Frames Saward
Lacan personals, Ng* 18 Times-Advocatlio Sieember 26, 1968
Local golfer gets ace
Charlie Glenn, Lucan, second from the left, scored a hole-in-one while playing in a foursome at the
Exeter Golf Course, Saturday. He recorded the feat on the 145-yerd fourth hole, using a six iron. Others
in the foursome from the left: Harry Saunders, London; Mr. Glenn; Nelson Crafts, London; Earl
Knoblauch, Lucan.
—T-A photo
Institute members decide
to assist secret friends
phone W.4517
Prpgrqm change
at district. school
The Biddulph Central School
held its first ,Students' .Council
meeting. The newly elected
representatives: were welcomed
to the council by President Jeff
The Students' Council now
consists of co-presidents Kim
English and Jeff -Culbert;.
secretary Bev Parker; treasurer
Nancy Nickles; and
repr.esentatives Nancy
Casselman, Gary Barker, Ron
Simpson, Jean Barker, Lynn
Stanley, Janice Field, Jim
McCann, Vickie Hardie, Anita
Hodgins and Mary Jane Culbert.
On Thursday and Friday of
last week the pupils of Biddulph
Central School chose their
electives and will begin working
on them next week. Everyone is
looking forward to this exciting
new change in the school
Be a fussy consumer—it pays.
Is honored
Miss Sharon Marie Munn,
daughter of Mrs. Dolores Munn,
RR 1 Lucan, whose marriage to
Gordon Henry Peckham, son of
Mr. and. Mrs.. Richard Lorne
Peckham of RR 2 Mt. Brydges
took place Saturday in North
Caradoe Presbyterian Church,
Mt. Brydges, was honored with
four miscellaneous showers and
one linen shower.
Hostesses were Miss Gloria
Van Arenthals and Miss Mary
Van Geel, Lucan, et the home of
the former; Mrs. Joe
Chi llingworth, Komoka, and
Mrs. Larry Dejonckheeri, RR 1,
Mt. prydges at the home of Mrs.
Chillingworth; Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Peckham at their home;
Mrs. Frank Blackwell and Miss
Jeannine Clymans of London at
the home of Mrs. Blackwell; and,
Mrs. Graham Bolton, Mrs.
Charles Bolton and Mrs. John
Henderson, all of RR 2, Mt.
Brydges, at the home of Mrs.
Attend Forest
pastor induction
Induction service was beld
Friday in Christ Church Forest,
for the Rev. E.O, Lancaster,
former Lucan -Q1 andeboYe
Representatives from Mr.
Lancaster's former parishers
helped to fill the church.
Lucanites and former
Lucanites included two organists
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jacklin,
London; Ken Clarke, Acton; Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Corbett, Mrs.
Harold Corbett, Mrs. Kay Egan,
Mrs. Joe O'Neil, Mrs. Charles
Haggar, Mrs. George Hodgins,
Mrs. Russell Bowman and Miss
Lina Abbott, all of Lucan..
Most Lucanites visited the
rectory next door and felt right
at home as the lay-out is so
similar to the Lucan rectory.
Following the rehearsal
Friday evening, the groom's
parents, Mr. & Mrs. Richard
Peckham entertained the bridal
Mrs, Frank .HarclY Sr. has
returned from A visit with her
daughter Mrs. John Knight and
family of Kintnte.
Mr. & Mra. Earl Atkinson and
Mrs. 1304 Coleman of Lucan and
Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett of
London Were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mrs. Cecil Carter and. Mrs.
Karl O'Neil have returned from a
two week bus trip to California.
Mr. & Mrs, Cecil Armitage
and Sheila were Saturday guests
of Mr, 4 Mrs. Les Wills of
Springbank Drive, London, and
Sunday, Mr, & Mrs. Armitage
visited Levi.Darling of
Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy.
Gary Revington, Leroy
Revington and Barry LoYens
were among those who flew to
Delaware, Ohio, last Thursday to
see "The Little Brown Jug" race,
Miss Judy Blair, Centralia,
entertained friends at her home
recently for a miscellaneous
shower, for Linda Warner, Ivan,
whose marriage to Dale Froats
will take place October 5 in Ivan
United Church.
Miss Flo Chown spent last
weekend with her sister, Miss
Fteta Chown,
Mrs. Cecil Carter and Mrs,
Karl O'Neil have returned from a
trip to San Francisco, They went
by plane to Phoenix, Arizona,
and then joined the Berry
conducted tour, visiting many
interesting places in Arizona,
Nevada and California.
Miss Beta Chown visited Mrs.
Charles (Wile) liaakett
Wednesday at Strathroy,
Mrs. Otto Meyer and Mrs.
William Snell, two sisters of Mrs,
Katherine Fischer, took her to
visit her nephew, Carl Stever and
family of Drysdale, Sunday.
Mrs- Katherine Fischer
attended the wedding of Gordon
Peckham and Sharon Munn at
Mr. PrYdgeS, ,Sattirday,
Mert Culbert is On the sick
Mr. & Mrs. Alan Tindall and
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Peacock of
Wiarton attended the Love-Davis
reception, Saturday, and spent
the remainder of the weekend
with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott..
Guests With Mr. & Mrs. Ross
McRoberts Sunday were Mr. 84
Mrs. Wilford Caslick and •Brian
and Mr. & Mrs. William King and
family of Wingham. They also
visited with Mr. & Mrs. Charles
Corbett and had supper at the
farm home of Mr. & Mrs. Harold
Leroy Revington of Lucan
stole the show at the races at
Dresden Saturday-
Revington drove three horses
and each was a winner.
Midge Diamond, his horse
owned in partnership with Harry
Loyens of London, and Speedy
Ellen and Time to Sall, both
owned by his brother, Donald
Revington, also of Lucan, were
the horses.
at Exeter
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The Lucan Women's Institute
held its regular monthly meeting
at the home of Mrs. John Park,
with 18 members present.
President Mrs. Frank Hardy
Sr., took the chair with some
assistance from Mrs, Frances
The theme of the meeting
was Home Economics and
Health, the convener being Mrs.
Sheridan Revington, who gave
Lions hear of
blind progress
The Lucan and District Lions
Club held their regular meeting
at Holy Trinity Church Monday
with an attendance of 67
The guest speaker was Jack
Clements of the C.N.I.B., who is
a member of the West London
Lion's Club. Russ Tozer of
C.N.I.B, accompanied him, as
Mr. Clements is blind.
In his speech he told how the
London Branch of C.N.I.B.
started a Braily ,Library, March
1918, then progressing to a
collection of records, and now
have a good selection of tape
The Lions Clubs have always
worked closely with the C.N.I.B.
Other guests at the meeting
were Alf Williams, teacher at
Regina Mundi College, London;
and Bob Gibbons, who is
employed by Lee and Stuart,
London. Both are prospective
members of the local club.
The Annual Lions Club "Stag
and Draw" will be held Friday,
October 18 at the Legion Hall.
All proceeds will be used for
betterment of the community.
Plans are going forward for
the monthly dances to be held
the last Friday of each month.
The first one is to be held
Friday, September 27 at the
Community Memorial Centre.
It is hoped that some
residents of rural areas adjacent
The Lucan Branch of the
Royal Canadian Legion held its
first dance of the season in the
Legion Hall last Saturday
evening with a splendid
Music was provided by the
"Country Rhythm Pals" of
Strathroy and proved so
enjoyable that the committee in
charge booked them for the
annual New Year's Eve Dance in
Mrs. R. P. Salvadge, 83,
Milverton, formerly of Lucan,
passed away September 16 after
a lengthy illness in the Milverton
Nursing Home.
Interment was in the
Greenwood Cemetery,
Milverton, Wednesday,
Her only survivors are her
daughter, Mrs. E. 0, Lancaster,
now of Forest, and her family.
Mrs. Selvedge suffered a
stroke 18 years ago and made
her home with the. Rev. and Mrs,
E.O, Lancaster since then, Whe
was five years with them at the
Lucan rectory,
The last two years, she was in
the nursing home,
Mrs, Hugh Borden, 'M
Springfield, died very suddenly
last Wednesday at the home of
her son; Fred Berdan Melrose,
principal of the Biddulph
Central School.
Mrs, l3 erclan Who had been to
a weekend wedding in. Toronto,
suffered a heart attack.
funeral 'service was held
Friday at the Shaw Putieral
Itome, Springfield, _followed by
iritertherit hi Springfield
to Lucan will become interested
in the Lions' Club. Regular
meetings are held at 7:00 p.m.
on the first and third Mondays
in each month at Holy Trinity
Church, and guests are always
some thoughts on the motto
"Resolved to make our WI
enrich our lives".
The members had each
brought an old kitchen utensil,
the use of which was explained
by the owner.
A letter was read by secretary
Mrs. M. •H. Hodgins from the
Italian orphan the members help
to support. She reported her
progress at school and thanked
the ladies for money sent.
The roll call was answered by
the name of a scientist and his
contribution to health.
Mrs. Wes Lewis, District
President gave a short address,
and read an article on the local
history. She reported a large
deficit in funds of the District
The Board of Management of
Holy Trinity Anglican Church
met in the Parish Hall last
Tuesday evening to line up the
fall activities of the church.
Members of the Ladies Guild
met in the Parish Hall
Wednesday evening for their
September meeting.
President Mrs. Charles Haggar
was in charge and Mrs. Harvey
Hodgins read the scripture
Most of the meeting was
given over to finalizing plans for
the annual bazaar and tea to be
held in the Church basement,
Friday evening, September 27.
It was decided to charge no
admission and 35 cents for those
wishing to attend the tea.
Kitchen and dining-room
hostesses were chosen and
members to take charge of the
various booths.
Decision was reached to again
hold the annual turkey dinner
October 80.
Last Monday evening, 16
Lucan-Clandeboye Anglican
Youth Movement members held
a meeting in the Parish Hall to
finalize plans for a car wash
Peggy Elson was named
Plans were also Made for
corporate communion at 8 a.m.
Sunday, September 29 followd
by breakfast prepared by Peggy
and Frances Elson, Lori Crudge
and Janis Freeman with Alan
Kraut and Ed Knoblauch setting
the table.
Saturday's car Wash netted
the A.Y.M. $36.40 which
delighted the young people.
Their next moneymaking
project will be a candy booth at
the tea and bazaar Friday,
Music was provided by the
Singing Sisters of Chatham.
The Quarterly conference of
the Pentecostal Women's
Auxiliary was held here
Mrs. C, E, Isaac, W. A. World
President, gave an address and
showed slides of Africa,
Mrs, Isaac installed the new
offieera of the W. A,, assisted by
the W. A., Ontario President.
New officers are President
Mrs. Gordon McDonald;
vice- cp residen t, Mrs. Howard
Carrie secretary-treasurer, Mrs.
Edward Butler; members of the
board, Mrs, Rufus Thompson
and Mrs. Amelia Graliarri.
The Lifelinets Young People's
Rally Was held Saturday with
music by the Singing Sisters of
Chatham. The speaker was the
Itev,• Douglas Warren of the
United Church; Exeter,
After the meeting the boys
had a get together at the
Women's Institute and it was
later agreed to send $5 to help.
Mrs. Lewis was thanked by
Mrs. Cecil Robb and a gift was
Presented by Mrs. Frank Jolliffe.
The name of a "Secret
Friend." was drawn by each
member, to whom a birthday
card will be sent and a small
Christmas gift will be given at
the December meeting, both
anon ymously.
Mrs. Ron Crozier gave a
resume" of her visit to the
Leaders' Convention at Guelph
and a few impressions of the
A.C.W.W. Convention were given
by Mrs. Frances Saward.
Lunch was served by Mrs.
John Park assisted by Mrs.
Revington and Mrs. Seward.
The next meeting will be held
in the home of Mrs. Ron Crozier
at 2:00 p.m., October 17. The
subject will be Citizenship and
Visitors will be welcomed.
Clubhouse of the Boys' Brigade
at Howard Currie's.
The Catholic Women's
League of St. Patrick's held a
meeting Wednesday in the old
school with 24 present.
Mrs. Anne Noble gave a
demonstration of liquid
embroidery work.
Plans were made for the fall
bazaar to be held October 18 in
the Lucan Community Centre.
The next meeting of the
C.W.L. will be held October 2.
Mrs. Mina Rollason will
demonstrate her numerous
As Sunday will be Harvest
Festival Service in St. James
Church, Clandeboye, there will
be no 11 o'clock service, or
League of Loyalty service in
Holy Trinity Church.
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Lucan Church news
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