HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-09-26, Page 13G. D PAIEMENT Realty Ltd,, Real Estate Broker 12 Stanley St., London Phone 433-6171 BEEF OPERATION 25 minutes from London, new Beaver 50 x 80 pole barn with new silo 18 x 65, fully automatic Badger feeding equipment, plus older barn 50 x 65 with new 14 x 50 silo with feed room, spring creek and well, 2 storey brick home, excellent clay loam. For more information phone GERRY COURTNEY 433-6171, evenings 227-4884. STORE, GARAGE DWELLING $16,000, $3500 down payment, vendor will hold mortgage at 710; drilled well water; 2 bathrooms. Price includes ex- isting stock in store, For more information phone GERRY COURTNEY 433-6171 or evenings 227-4884, 26c 17 Properly For Rent TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tfnc APARTMENT, modern, located down town, living room, kit- chen, tiled bath, large bedroom, completely renovated, $75 a month, available Sept. 1. Phone 235-2420. 8: 22tfnc • CREDITON — Unfurnished 2- bedroom apartment, all utilities paid; available immediately. Phone 234-6336. 9 :12tfnx MODERN 3-bedroom home on Bluewater Highway; immediate possession. Phone 238-8261. 19* • EXETER— Well located duplex 2-bedroom apartment, front en- trance, private drive. Phone 234-6301. 9:26tfnc UPSTAIRS apartment and win- terized cottage. Available Oct. 1. Apply to Wellwood Gill, Grand Bend. 26nc • SMALL FURNISHED downstair apartment, 1 block from up- town, available October 15. Dial 235-2942. 9:26tfnc VICTORIA PARK APARTMENTS * Custom Designed Kitchens with double sinks and range hoods * Large Rooms: living room • 13'x17'; kitchen 12'x13'; twin bed size bedrooms * Tiled Bathroom with vanity and shower * Broadloomed throughout * Electrically Heated * Phone Outlets in three rooms MILL STREET One Block South of Huron St. West, Facing Victoria Park Phone 235-0526 26c DEPARTMENT of HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Notice To Truckers Rental Of Hired Trucks For Winter Sanding Separate sealed Tenders marked Truck Rental Agreement will be received by the District Engineer, P.O, Box 217, London, Ontario until 12;00 Noon, Local Time Wednesday, October 2, 1968 Specifications, Tender Forms and Envelopes may be obtained by calling at or by mail addressed to London District Engineer, P.O. Box 217, London, Ontario Trucks for mounting power sander units, a minimum of 27,000 G.V.W. will be located at the following locations: 4 Trucks required' at Junction Highway 401 and Iona Road 4 Trucks required at Junction Highway 401 and Sweabag Road 4 Trucks required at Junction Highways 401 and 74 4 Trucks required at Elginfield 4 Trucks required at Simcoe , 4 Trucks required at Junction Highways 401 and 97 3 TrUcks required at Tharnesford 3 Trucks required at 3.0 miles west of Tillsonburg 3 TrUcks required at New Sarum 3 Trucks required at Lambeth 2 Trucks required at Hickson 2 Trucks required at 3.0 miles south of Courtland 2 Trucks required at VVallacetown 2 Trucks required at Strathburn 2 Trucks 'required at Junction of Highways 81 and 22 2 TrUcks required at . Parkhill 1 Truck required at Norwich The lowest or any Quotation riot nedessarilysaccepted When requesting Tenders please specify location. U. o. Dernier, DEPARTMENT District Engineer, Department of Highways; 390 Saskatoon Street, O F HIGHWAYS London, Ontario Telephone:. 451-B400 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS ONTARIO Require Trucks and Loaders for Hire To be used for winter salting and sanding Separate sealed tenders marked: Truck Rental Agreement, or Loader Rental Agreement will be received at District Office, Stratford, until 12 o'clock noon local time, Friday, September 27, 1968. TRUCKS with minimum G.V.W. 27000 lbs. suitable for mounting power sanding units are required at the following locations: 1 Truck — Milverton 3 Trucks — Galt, New Hamburg 2 Trucks — Guelph, Guelph East, Listowel, Harriston, Wroxeter, Monkton i Stratford, St. Marys, Mitchell, Exeter, Clinton, Wingham, Lucknow, Goderich, Grand Bend, Fergus, Erin, Orange- Ville, Shelburne, Mt. Forest, Arthur. LOADERS, with 3/4 yd. bucket at the following locations; 1 Loader — Galt, Guelph, Guelph East, Elmira, New Hamburg, Listowel, Milverton, Harriston, Wroxeter, St. Marys, Exeter, Clinton, Wingham, Lucknow, Goderich, Grand Bend, Fergus, Orangeville, Shelburne, Mt. Forest, Arthue, Tender Forms, Specifications, and envelopes may be' obtained from the District Office in Stratford. For further information contact Mr, J.B. Morris, District Services Supervisor. When requesting Tenders please specify locations, The lowest or any Quotation not necessarily accepted. The successful bidder must have . P.C.V. licence or apply for same within 7 days of being notified, if. 6, Wilcock, District Engineer, Department of Highways, Ontario Box 8; 581 Huron Street, Stratford, Ontario. Telephone: 271-8550 New three bedroom home connected to sewers and close to schools, This home offers electric heat, cushion flooring in the kitchen and dining area, completely painted inside and out, partial landscaping. Three bedroom home located on approximately four acres of land on highway 83 in Exeter. This home has been remodeled and has an attractive kitchen, large living room and den. A real investment, suitable for V.L.A. Duplex located in downtown Exeter with two bedroom apartments. This brick home with hardwood and tile floors throughout has a good roof and new oil heating system. Each unit is self contained with separate entrance, bath etc. Live in one unit and let the other pay. Brick two storey home on Highway 83 with new oil heat and some land. Commercial block in downtown Exeter with three bedroom apartment and double garage. This brick building has an office, display area and refridgeration room. Building lots in Exeter located by schools on Pryde Blvd., Sanders Street and Riverside Drive with or without sewers. Triplex 11/2 blocks from downtown with three separate two bedroom apartments. Brick construction, asphalt roof, oil heat. Terms. Three hundred acre farm of good land and one set of good buildings. See this now while the excellent crops are being harvested. 100 acre farm located 21/2 miles east of Exeter — 93 acres workable with stream suitable for irrigation. 160 acre farm in Kippen — Hillsgreen area INSURANCE REAL ESTATE Phone 235-2420 Exeter 1-110C0GSON LIMITED M. J..Gaiser W. H. Hodgson J. A. Kneale • Escape front the ordinary M your Oldsmobile dealer's: librottado,PlinetrEight,Delta 88, Cutlass,Vista.Cruiser. Every Olds mobile has to Malta II before WO mark it GM ' ••• • ;;•:•.••:, 16 Property For Sale RED BRICK HOUSE; 2 ab . e , d- rooms, utility room, living 'room, good size kitchen and dining area, 3-niece bath; seP -erate garage; nice lawns. Cash only, Phope 235-1008, 9:5tfnc HOUSE rooms and bath- room, drilled well, hot water heat, storms and screens, dry, et% House Sotith of Ceotralia Post Office. 20* ACREAGE, vacant brick house, conveniences, bare, Grand Bend 4 miles; 1 storey house Huron St. W., living room, 2 bed- rooms, bath, furnace, hot water, See W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exe- ter, : 191ine 2-STOREY BRICK home with modern convenience';; 4 miles West of Crediton; close to high- way, Phone 237-3458, 26:3* 18 For Rent ELECTRIC BISSELL power rug shampooer. DP • yeurself, pave time and money, See Hopper- Hockey, Exeter. 26c RENTALS—Floor sanderS, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & Ve" drills; Writ-able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc CONCRETE FORMS, power trowel, cement mixer, etc. Con- tact N, J, Corriveau, Zurich, after 5 p.m. or Saturdays, 9:12-19:10c 24 Tenders Wanted FUEL OIL — St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Zurich fuel oil tenders for 1968.69 to be in by Sept. 30. Send tenders to Doug Armstrong, Zurich, 19:26c TENDERS FOR FUEL Marked Tenders will be re- ceived by the undersjgned for the supplying of light furnace oil fuel for the Usborne Central School for the heating season 1968-1969. Quotations must be on a firm basis, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders close on Oct. 3 at 6 p.m. A. GARNET HICKS Secretary-Treasurer RR 3 Exeter 19:26c NOTICE OF TENDER AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY Tenders wanted for installa- tion of oil furnace in 3 bedroom house, Parkhill area. Contact Ausable River Con- servation Authority Workshop, Parkhill 294-6121 or office, Exe- ' ter 235-2610. Tenders to be submitted by 12:00 o'clock noon October 7. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Mrs. C. Hume, Sec.-Treas., Ausable River Conservation Authority, Exeter. 26c 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises First house north of Stephen. Township Central School, 21 miles west of Crediton thence V4 mile north, on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 at 1:30 p.m. Chesterfield and chair; 6 din- ing room chairs; 2 oak rock- ers; buffet; 8 kitchen chairs; coffee table; fern stand; wash stand; mantel clock; leather rockers; book case; arm chair; library table; dry sink; phono- graph; dressers; commodes; oak bedsteads; steel bedstead, springs and mattress; hanging lamp; coal oil lamp; 2 toilet sets; antique dishes; glassware; china; silverware; kitchen uten- sils; kitchen cupboard; Boston rocker; large assortment lin- ens, quilts, comforters; mats; pillows; apple peeler; bake board; bird cages; ironing board; large trunk; lanterns; copper boiler; bench; paper rack; clock shelf; quantity of dry wood; washing machine; sealers; crocks; barrel; clothes dryer, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE EDITH KENNEY DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. 25 Auclion Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Men's, Ladies' and chii. dren's Footwear, Shoe Re- pairing Accessories, Gloves, COI Register, Large Neon. Sign, Desk and Misc, Items On the Premises MAIN STREET, CREDITON 9!1 BATVRDAY, OCTOBER 5 at 1:00 p.m. Plan to attend this clearing sale as store Property is sold. No Reserve—Terms Cash JAMES. LAYS, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 12;19:26c Stocker-Feeder SALE Hensel! Sales Arena MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 7:30 800 Head Consisting of Calves, Heifers and Steers For consignments contact the management: Victor Hargreaves '482-7511 Jack Morrissey 234-6200 HECTOR McNEIL, Auctioneer 26:3c Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Dairy Cattle, Tractor, Combine, Farm Machinery, Field Corn, Grain, Misc. Items On the premises LOT 3, CON. 9, HAY TWP. 41 miles west of Exeter or 21 miles east of Dashwood thence 1/2 mile north, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE — Parcel # consists of 100-acre farm, Lot 3, Con. 9, Hay Twp. on which is situated a two-storey brick dwelling with attached garage. Main •floor: Living and dining room, modern kitchen, 4-piece bath and utility room. Second floor: 4 bedrooms with clothes closets. Full size basement, new- ly installed oil furnace. Large steel drive shed; newly built silo 15x50. No barn due to re- cent fire. Seven acres mixed bush, remainder all tillable. Parcel # 2 consists of 75- acre farm, Lot 4 and 5, Con. 8, Hay Twp. Land all tillable and in good state of cultivation, No buildings. Please Note: Farms will be offered separately. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. HIGH QUALITY HOLSTEIN COWS AND HEIFERS — Cow, second calf, fresh since March, rebred; cow, second calf, fresh since June, not bred;. cow, sec- ond calf, fresh since June, re- bred; cow carrying second calf due to freshen sale date; pure- bred cow carrying second calf due latter part of Oct.; cow, recently freshened, second calf at foot; cow, carrying second calf, due sale day; cow, carry- ing calf, due latter part of Oct.; 3 heifers recently fresh- ened, all rebred; cow freshen- ed in May, rebred; 3 heifers due to freshen Oct. and Nov.; 3 heifers due to freshen in Jan.; 4 heifers rising two years old; 2 yearling heifers. This is an extra good herd of cattle, complete herd arti- ficial breeding and from high 15 Auction Sales producing blood lines. PONY Welsh pony gelding rising 4 yearS Old, •saddle and line breken. TRACTOR e COMBINE AND MACHINERY— FordSon Major Standard tractor cpmpletely overhauled, in new cooditipn, equipped with Kelley manure loader; 2 heat housers; Chalmers # 90 power take-off combine; Massey Ferguson 4.p- run grain and fertilizer drill in brand new condition; New Hol- land hay baler; Ford 3-point hitch 3-furl-eve plow with 14" bottom; Int. 100 bushel.manure spreader, recently purchased; Int, 7 ft. power take-off mower; Kongskilde Triple K 11 ft. 9 in, cultivator, used one season; Int. 3-point hitch 7 ft. disc; Oliver 2-row tractor scuffler; New Holland 3-point hitch Pow- er take-off rake; heavy duty rubber tire wagon with 175 bus. gravity grain box; 4-section dia- mond harrows; 2-wheel trailer, etc., etc. FIELD CORN AND GRAIN- 2,000 bushel choice quality Rod- ney oats; 121 acres choice Pfeister cob corn. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up farming due to ill health. Terms; Cash RAY RASENBERG, Proprietor DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 19:26c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Complete Line Full Stock of Hardware, Paint, Stoves, Electrical Appliances, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET, CREDITON WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 at 12:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of East Part Lot 6 and Part Lot 7, Crediton, 34 acre of land, approximately, on which is sit- uated 'a 40x22 two-storey solid brick store building in good state of repair. Work shop 20x27. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a mod- erate reserve bid. Full list to appear in next week's edition. ROSS CLARKE, Proprietor Auctioneers: WM. H. SMITH, Crediton HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON Denfield 26c COMPLETE DISPERSAL of 90 Registered and High Grade Holsteins and Equip- ment, Patz Stable Cleaner, Solar Bulk Tank SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12 at 12:30 p.m. at the farm of Peter W. Ber- endsen, Kirkton, 8 miles east of Exeter on 83 Highway or 31 miles west of Russeldale Full list will appear in Oct. 10 issue. PETER W. BERENDSEN, Owner BOB SHORE, Auctioneer 26:30 HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL 36 Head Dairy Equipment & Misc. on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2 at 1:30 pon. The complete herd will be offered by public auction for MR. GEORGE S. THOMSON, Lot 32, Concession 12, London Township, 21 miles north-west of Ilderton Mr. Thomson is giving up dairying and his quota has been sold. CATILE: 24 high grade Hol- stein mature milking females, some just fresh, others due 25 Auction Sales Oct. - May. AB bred. Holstein to Oxford Unitnulls, poe§, to be announced sale „day 2 heifere, hreci, -Angus, due gerch. 1969. 5. PPell heifers, ready to breed this 5 heifer calves months.. DAIRY EQUIPMENT: 33-can Dart Kool btillt tank, excellent .cenditipe; .Surge stainless steel double sink; 3 Surge single unit milkers with 3 - pit motor; pump and piping for 24 powe; milk strainer`; cow litter, etc. stiff tooth. cultivator, 9'; tractor chains 1248; buggy; Oster Pet, tie furrow M.F, disc ohm; ." Geo, White cutting :hex and outside pipes; chicken feed- ers; laying cages; 200 gal water 44.4.; Smalley harnoier 50 ft: dpuble eridless belt; 3 section harrows and many .oth- er articles, Terms: Cash Auctioneers: TOM ROBSON, HUGH FILSON D enfield Rally Day Service will be held in the United Church Sunday at 10 a.m. with Sunday School following at 11 a.m. Wm. Willert of Dashwood visited last week with his sister, Mrs. T. Isaac. Hymnaries with words and music were presented to the United Church Sunday by relatives from Michigan in memory of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pollock. Harold Dettloff of Detroit made the presentation and Mrs. Harry Isaac received them. A miscellaneous shower was held in Corbett Community Centre Saturday evening by relatives for Miss Marion Bullock, a bride-elect of Saturday. The United Church Women held a successful bake sale and bazaar last Friday at Parkhill Fair. The Willing Workers Class, of the church had a lunch booth at the Fair. Mrs. Arthur Brophy of Parkhill moved her furniture to her new house here Saturday. EARLY RECREATION Lacrosse, a fast-moving net- ted. stick game, was played in America before Columbus landed in 1492. Originated by the Iro- quois Indians and used as a training requirement for war- riors, this strenuous game was adopted in 1 840 by the white man. It is now reputed to be north America's oldest organiz- ed sport. — Continued from page HIGH SCHOOL Wood .MANI AL TRAINING working, ihor Orenczuk ; wood turning, Thor Orerleznic, Mike Barkley, Larry Haugh; forage project, Fred May; sheet metal ; Thor Orenczuk; Metal turning, Fred May, Doug Meidinger, Wesley Pigheri. HORSES Foal, Bonnie Swartzentruber E; showmanship, Bonnie Swartzentruber E; pony, Gail Ecker E, Cathy Read E, Trudy Johns U; showmanship, Wayne Presczcator S, Gail Ecker E, Trudy Johns U, saddle horse, Doug Ecker E, Bradley Johns U, Bonnie Swartzentruber E; showmanship, Doug Ecker E, Bonnie Swartzentruber E, Bradley Johns U; Beef CalfC AaTftTerLEJan 1, 1.968, Kenneth Coates U, Teresa Ondrejicka JAD; halter-broken calf, Ken Coates U, Teresa Ondrejicka JAD; Bacon hogsSW SWINE 175 lbs., Garry Cottle U; bacon hogs under 100 lbs., Jas. Cottle U. POULTRY Barred rock, pullet, Danny Brintnell E; Leghorn, cockerel, Murray Stewart U, Lori Lynn Stewart U; leghorn, pullet, Danny Brintnell E, Murray By GORDON MORLEY A Rally Day Service will be held at Brinsley United Church Sunday. A Junior Choir will be in attendance. The Rev. Johnson will be assisted by the Sunday School with the service taken by Misses Judy Robinson, Susan Morley and Debra Lewis. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald and family of Clinton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lewis and family. Guest speaker at Brinsley United Church Sunday was David Blair, president of the Toe-Alpha. Mr. Blair, president of the Ontario Temperance Federation spoke in favour of the Society. Byron Cunningham visited Lloyd Lynn Sunday. Mr. Lynn is recovering from injuries sustained in a fall at his home. Stewart U, Elaine Stewart Ti; ducks, Karen Skinner Ti, Gary Skinner U, Mark Rnelofson PETS. Bantams, Elaine Stewart U; rabbits, Jeff Liodenfield E, Keith Davey 5, Norman McCauley g; pigeons, Laurel Hodgeet U, Billy Elrintnell E, Bob Snell, JAD; Ititten.§, Sandra McLeod, g, T.,40 Hodgert. U; trained dog, Bonnie Dale E, Michael Ward El anyPet, Brad Roelofson E, Kathy Scott Rodney OreePaere g, Times Advocate, September 26, 1968 Paste School fair results They're at your Chev-Olds dealer's right now. Captivating cars like this all-new Delta 88 Royale —youngmobile thinking in a big, beautiful package. Sportier looking vinyl top—that's youngmobile thinking. Longer, easier riding 124-inch wheelbase —that's youngmobile thinking. So is the custom pinstriping. The side fender louvres. The draft-free, Wamtk.14 New top-of-the-line Olds 88: Delta 88 Royale Come see the cars the come-closer look. ventipane-free side windows. To say nothing of a Rocket 455 V8. They're standard on Royale, along with the new GM safety features. There's even an ingenious anti-theft device to keep your Delta 88 Royale your Delta 88 Royale. Stop in soon. See all the cars with the come-closer look. They're on display and waiting for you right now. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED 'OLDSMOBILE DEALER SNELL • BROS. •LIMITED MARI< OF tY,CELLENCE• 450 Main Street • Eketer 'Phone 235;660