HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-08-29, Page 13stitute at Stqffo.wptch . lady's ..centenniqf pro'ect: • 41, 6 APARTMENTS IN LUCAN AN UPPER AND LOWER SPACIOUS TWO - BEDROOM APARTMENT IN SOLID RED BRICK DUPLEX 1.Infurnialied, modern, conven- ient, ready for occupancy Sept. 2,, 1968. • HENSALL Outstanding trailer home — ex- ceptionally well appointed and spacious, complete with garage and many extras including full lot. SEAFORTH Drive-in restaurant—land, build- ing and complete equipment; high income and potential; terms available. We have other listings available for your consideration. GUARANTY TRUST Realtor R. B. PATERSON Phone 262-2116 Hensall 15:22:29c 17 Properly For Rent TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior Lit. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tinc 3 - ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- ment, furnished, self-contained, heated, private entrance. Apply 145 Victoria St„ Exeter. 29* APARTMENT, modern, located down town, living room, kit- chen, tiled bath, large bedroom, completely renovated, $75 a month, available Sept. 1. Phone 235-2420. 8:22tfncs 3-BEDROOM HOUSE in Grand Bend. Available Sept. 1. Phone Ross Guenther 237-3676. 29:5:12* REAL NICE, steam heated, at- tractively furnished, wall-to-wall broadloom, automatic laundry, all utilities paid,$95,00. 442 Main St. 235-2912 or Grand Bend 238-2680. 8:29tfnc 4-BEDROOM HOUSE — Kitchen, living room, dining room and den; bath; oil furnace. Phone 262-5500. 29c FURNISHED apartment. Cen- tral, washer, dryer and thot water supplied. Apply Beavers' Hardware, Exeter. 235-1033. 8:29tfnc BEAUTIFUL 7-ROOM home; 2 bathrooms; attached garage. Vicinity of high school and pub- lic school. Will rent to respon- sible person. Phone 235-0707. 8:29tfnc FARM HOME — 4 bedrooms, bath and oil heat, outskirts of Dashwood on Highway 83. Dial 237-3532. 29:5c APARTMENT — Ground floor, private entrance, furnished or unfurnished, heated, 1 bedroom, immediate possession, Dial 235- 0512 or 227-4217. 29c APARTMENT — Furnished, heat and hot water supplied, suitable for one or two people. Apply 70 John St., East. 8:29tfnc ii 19•75 Fibreglass Skylights Clear or green, por shoot Good Aug, 29 to Sept. Ilth. BALL-MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES CLINTON- 482-9514 SEAFORTH — 527-0910 HENSALL — 262-2713 SPECIALS OF THE WEEK! Standard Gauge Galvanized Steel Roofing 1 01. 35 Minimum quantity 15 squares By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. & Mrs. Bob Marshall had a birthday supper on Friday even- ing in honor of Mrs. Earl Wat- son, Mrs. Charles Stephen and Lana Marshall. Those attending were Mr. & Mrs. Frank Pypers, Grand Bend; Mr. & Mrs. Charles Stephens, Elimville; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and Jim of 3rd Line; Mr. & Mrs. Albert Watson and family, Kentucky; Mr. & Mrs. Paul McN au ght on and sons, Strathroy; Mr. & Mrs. Reg Mc- Curdy, Woodham; Mr. & Mrs. John Grose and family, Kirkton; Miss Claudia Baldwin, St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Keith Watson and sons spent the weekend at Ottawa. Mr. & Mrs. Leon Paul are va- cationing in the Western Prov- inces. Mrs. Dave Nelder and Dayna of Chapleau are visiting with Miss Mildred Cowdrey. Miss Marilyn Cook of Strat- ford visited Sunday with ,Mr. & Mrs. Ken Blackler and Maureen. Miss Joan Switzer was solo- ist at the Barber—McKinley wed- ding in Wesley United Church, Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Paul and Terri are holidaying in the Ot- tawa district this week. Miss Yvonne Jacques and Dal- ton of Zion spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Bill Waghorn. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Marshall have returned from a trip to Eastern Canada. jiiimUSOMMINNMaamswearm4fttOti See you at the Rodeo NOTICE TO Parents or Guardians of children eligible for kindergarten (1968 Fall term) In Hensall or Zurich Public School In Hay Twp School Area Children attending Zurich school will attend morning classes only commencing at 9:00 a.m. Transportation for rural kindergarten children will be provided in the morning to the Zurich school. Parents should pick up their children from the Zurich school at 11:30 a.m. Children attending the Hensall school will at- tend afternoon classes only commencing at 1:00 p.m. Transportation for rural kindergar- ten children will be provided to their homes at 3:30 p.m. Parents should bring children to the Hensall school in time for_clas,ses at 1:00 p.m. Times-Advocate, August 29, 1968 Page 13 LOOKING FOR CANADIAN CANNERS. MAIM) * We are the AYLMER 9letillonte people and we need men and women to process corn and carrots. * Work will begin around August 26 and continue until November '16. * Both day and night work available. * Work is interesting and wages competitive. * Transportation supplied or easily arranged. Call and register NOW!!! At your nearest CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Or Phone Area Code 519 - 235-2445 Ask Por Personnel Department CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED Plant No. 1, Exeter,'Ontario Good Place To Wdik" 16 Property For Sa • le 2 - BEDROOM /IQUSE — Par- tially furnished, new, good lo- cation corner of Huron and An- drew St,, Exeter, For informa- tion call 262.5628 after 6 o'clock. 29:5* PRIVATE—, 2 bedroom bunga- low, no basement, well situated far schools and shopping. Huron St. E.,; PIT- is $80 Per Month after initial down payment, plume Exeter 235-0781 or 433- 5892 (London). 5:16tfne 1-STOREY HOUSE, Huron St, W,, living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnace, hot water; brick house, 226 Andrew St., needing repairs, has new roof, old barn, large rich garden, bargain price; insul-bric, 216 Andrew St., 4 bedrooms, full bath, new oil furnace. See W. C, Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 7:25tfnc GUARANTY TRUST HENSALL. One of ensall's finer homes— three edro laricr-)exception- ally a orhed-lf-choice lo- catio , A real opportunity to acquire a fine home. HENSALL Snack bar and poolroom—well established thriving business, An excellent opportunity to acquire due to health of owner. • HENSALL Duplexed brick home with two car garage; forced air oil heat; corner location. Terms avail- able. TELEPHONE LUCAN 227-4440 FOR APPOINTMENT 29c 18 For Rent WINTER STORAGE Tor boats. Cali 2374532: 2.0:5,d , , RENTALS—Ploor sanders, floor edgers; poWer hand sates; belt Sanders"; IA & 1/2" drills; port, able 1Plovision; power movvertj (lope polithers, beavers. Ware, 2841083. 2,22tfrie 18 For Rent 19 For Sale or Rent SILVERLINER (lard-top camp- ing trailers for sale or for rent, Open evenings and week- ends. Dale's. Sunoco, Exeter. Phone 2351710. 6;2otfne 22 Notices Township of Stephen NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a by-law for raising $500,000.00 under the pro- visions of The Tile Drainage Act will be taken into consid- eration by the Council of the Township of Stephen at the Municipal Office in Crediton on the 3rd day of September, 1968 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the evening. WILMAR D. WEIN, Clerk-Treasurer. 15:22:29c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Herman Gill, deceased. , All persons having claims -against the estate of Herman Gill, late of the Village of Grand Bend, in the County of Lambton, Retired Fisherman, who died on or about the 15th day of July 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 31st day of August 1968, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter, Ontario 15:22:29c 24 Tenders Wanted TENDER FOR HOT AIR FURNACE Sealed Tenders on forms and in envelopes available from the office of the undersigned will be accepted until 5:00 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 11, 1968 for the supply and installation of 1 — 196000 BTU/HR ceiling suspended oil fired hot air fur- nace at the County Garage, Au- burn, Ontario. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. J. W. Britnell, P.Eng., Huron County Engineer, Court House, Goderich, Ontario. 29c TENDER Township of Usborne Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 6 p.m. Tuesday, September 3, 1968 for supply, on rental basis, of one snowplow unit equipped with plow and wing, to be used in snow clearing operations for the winter of 1968 - 69 in the Township of Usborne. Description of equipment is requested and price submitted to be per hour while working and also standing time, if any, to be quoted. Equipment to be of adequate 24 Tenders Wanted design and in ;god state of re, pair. W. to be done under the direCtiell Of the StiPeTin,- ,. • ten .. UMW or any tender not, necessarily •accepted, For , further :particulars .con- tact 25 Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of Registered and Grade Holstein Cattle WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 at 1:30 p.m. to be held 1 MILE EAST OF MITCHELL No, 8 Highway Consisting of: 8 close springer heifers; 9 heifers due in the fall; 2 Registered Holstein heifers breeding age; 2 'Registered Holstein heifers, 10 months; 10 Holstein heifers, 10-12 months; 3 heifer calves, 3 months; Also 1 Registered Hereford bull, 15 months (choice). This is a choice lot of heifers mostly from unit sires. No Reserve — Terms Cash DON STEINACKER, Prop. FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auct. 29c Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Trucks, Combine, Feed, Field Corn, Household Effects and. Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 26, Con. Lake Road East, HAY TOWNSHIP, 4 miles north of Grand Bend, Highway 21. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 at 12:30 p.m. TRACTORS, TRUCKS, COM- BINE: Int. 504 Utility tractor, recently purchased; Super A Standard tractor, in A-1 condi- tion; 1963 •Chey 11. ton capacity truck equipped with dual wheels, hydraulic •hoist, grain and stock racks, in perfect con- dition; Ford 1-ton pick-up truck equipped with stock racks; Int. No. 91 self-propelled 81 ft. com- bine, in first class condition. FARM MACHINERY: Gehl forage blower and pipes; Int. forage • harvester; 2 forage wagons and racks; heavy duty rubber tired wagon-, equipped with self-unloading grain box; Int. 10 ft. swather; Int. 10 ft. wheel disc; Super loader for Utility tractor; Int. 15-run grain and fertilizer drill, on rubber; Allis Chalmers 4-bar side rake, on rubber; Int. 3-furrow hy- draulic lift plow; Int. 3-furrow plow, on steel; 12 ft. land pack- er; Innis bean windrower; Int. tractor spreader; Int. 8 ft. trac- tor disc; Int. single row corn picker; Int. 3-point hitch 7 ft. tractor mower; Int, liquid corn planter; 3-drum steel, roller; bean attachments for Int. com- bine; 2 bean scufflers; grader for tractor; Int, 12 ft. cultivator on rubber; 2 Massey Harris bean pullers; hydraulic cylin- der; grain auger; New Holland hammermill; Ebersol heavy duty -grain and bale elevator; 4-section diamond harrows; new cement mixer; weed spray- er; 5-section diamond harrows; 2 sets tractor chains; heat houser; Jackall jack; 3 tar- paulins; 50 ft, endless belt: power take-off pulley; steel posts; 32 ft. extension ladder; cutter; electric fence posts; rolls of barbed wire; 25 gal- lons liquid fertilizer; 3 steel gates; 400 tile; 1/ inch electric drill; 1/4 inch electric drill; 7 inch skill saw; wrench sets; chains: forks; shovels, etc. FEED AND FIELD CORN; Quantity of cut hay; 14 acres Pfeister single cross 6X48 25 Auction Sales choice standing corn, to be Of. fared in 2 lots. HOUSEHOLP FlAiNISHINCS: Antique hall seat and mirror; dishes; rockers ; beavy duty '4- burner electric stove; Int. med. size refrigerator; GE refrigera- tor: bedroom furniture; antique oval table; dinette set; an- tique dinner bell; Model 'T' car horn and many other miscel. laneous iteme. Plan to attend this outstand- ing sale. Terms; Cash NOTE: Not responsible for ac- cidents on premises day of Sale. No reserve as farm is sold, GARNET PAITERSON, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 1:30 p.m. Dining room table and chairs; studio couch; occasional chairs; davenport; platform rocker; Boston' rocker; oak rockers; centre and end tables; Spartan 21" television; mirrors; card table; electric lamps; Simplic- ity electric washing machine; McClary med. size refrigera- tor; GE 3-burner electric stove, new condition; antique pine glass cupboard; vacuum clean- er; electric heater; Singer sew- ing machine; kitchen table and chairs; step stool; metal cabi- net; 2 antique pictures and frames namely "Last Supper" and "Great Musician"; pictures and frames; curtain stretchers; aluminum folding chair; assort- ment glassware, antique dishes, silverware; kitchen utensils; electric iron and toaster; com- plete set of dishes; toilet set; mats; linens; cushions; oak bedstead; dresser; commode; 2 steel bedsteads, springs and mattresses; green Axminster rug 10x12; sealers; crocks; 3 galv. tubs. etc., etc. Terms: Cash MRS. BERTHA HAYTER, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29:5c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractors, Truck, Farm. Machinery, Hay, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 18, CON. 7, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 2 miles north of Crediton The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel No. 1. Consists of Lot 18, Con. 7, Ste- phen Township, 100 acres on which is situated well construct- ed 2-storey modern white brick dwelling. Large bank barn 96x48, newly constructed silo 14x45. Also workshop and drive shed. Land choice clay loam; 7 acres mixed bush; well drained and in first class state of culti- vation. Parcel No. 2 consists of Lot North Half 18, Con. 6, Stephen Township, 50-acre farm. Land choice clay loam; 6 acres of mixed bush, remainder all till- 2 FOR 1 COMING Watch Sept. 5 Issue 25 •Auction Sales able; never failing water sup- ply. Ideal graSs farm, Please Not.; Farms Will be offered separate(y, TERMS of Real Estate; 10 % on day of Sale, balance in 00 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. TRACTORS & TRUCK; M.H. No, 555 diesel standard tractor in good condition;. Chal- mers No, 4 "C" row crop type tractor, TRUCK: Redford van; 1953 Chet/ sedan, FARM MACHINERY; Chalmers 7 ft. power take-off mower; Oliver 4-furrow Plow: 3 forage harvester wagons and racks; McDeering ft. cutiva. tor equipped with heavy duty springs; land packer; M.M. tractor disc; McDeering tractor spreader; McDeering tractor disc; Cockshutt 4-bar side de- livery rake; 6-section diamond harrows; Case cultivator on rubber; Cockshutt 15-run grain and fertilizer drill equipped with liquid fertilizer attachment; Woods electric grain grinder; 2-row corn planter; set of scales; beet thinner; Forney 180 amp, electric welder; weld- ing equipment and table, rods; electric motors; new 32 inch buzz saw blade; drills; carpen- ter and garage tools; wrenches. Household effects to be listed in next week's issue. Terms: Cash MRS. ANN RUGGABER, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items 95 SIMCOE ST. EAST, EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Part Lot 1329, all of 1330 and 1331, Exeter on which is situated a well constructed white brick dwelling. Main floor: Duplex living and dining room, bedroom, kitchen with built-in cupboards and utility room. Second floor: Three bedrooms with clothes closets; 3-piece bath,. Full size basement with coal and wood furnace. Also small barn suitable for garage. Beau- tiful shade trees, ample garden land. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Complete list of household furnishings in next week's is- sue. EZRA. ROBINSON, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 29c By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Mrs. Wilbur Glanville and Mrs. Sam Norris were tioatesSes for the TWeedsmulr meeting of the Staffa Wteen's Institute held in the township hall on Wednesday e'Venleg! President Mrs. Ed, Chappel opened the meeting! There were 12 members and 12 visitors Present and the rel.' call was answered by :a current event of the year you were born, Mrs. Carter Kerslake gave a report of the executive meeting and it was decided to hold the officers' banquet on Nov. 12 in the township hall. Everyone was reminded of the fall rally in Stratford, Oct. 17. The members decided to ex- tend invitations to Dublin, Goulds, Monkton and Kirkton Institutes to attend the September meeting. Mrs. Carter Kerslake presid- ed for the pregrph. Guest speaker for the evening was Mrs, Jones, Thorndale, She was introduced by Mrs. Hoag, PaPt Preeitient of the. Thorndale Women's Institute, 14r§, JPnea ShoWed a "This Our Heritage" complete with sound which she had made herself as her Centennial prp, ject last Year. Misses Joanne and Fay Temp, 'map sang accompanied by Miss Prencla Keralake and MrP, Tom sec* accompanied herself on the autoharp. South perwe safety council representative, Mrs, Ron Skin- ner gave an interesting and in- formative address on S at e t y, Mrs. Kerslake conducted a quiz on. letters and what they stand for. Mrs. charles Douglas read an article on upundurn castle". A letter was read from the In- stitute's adopted -child thanking OVeryelle for the birthday ggt „reeeper14. The motto? Wisdom is When. to speak yqur mind and whim to mind your speech —.was Own by Mrs. ,C6 RoWnitnlp ,Seine material was 4;40 ter the TWeedsnautr book. PERSONALS Misses Janet and Edna Miller, 'London 'Visited over the weekend with their parents, Mr, & Mrs Leslie Miller, :Pallid Kemp left Monday for Broughton Island„ North West Territories, where he will be teaching this term, Mr. & Mrs. Ross Smale and Doug are holidaying this week at Manitoulin. Mr. & MrS. Cameron Vivian and Carol Ann and Miss ,IndyDill are enjoying a motor trip Aleog the St. Lawrence River, Mrs. Ruby Reed is at present in Seaforth Community sospital, , • , . 75 - ACRE FARM acres ,CONCRETE FORMS; P.n w e r workable, choice land, geed trowel, Bement paiXer, etc. Ceti- buildings, recentlY renovated taet COrriveau, 4nrich, barn. On paved road near after p,m• or Saterclay4 Orpect Bend.. Phone g33-20_31 or 2229;5:12e 236.2144, 29;5:12:19c W. J, ROUTLY Road SuPeriPtendent RR 3 Exeter, Ont. Telephone 229-0151 or, 229-6363 29e