HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-08-22, Page 14Luca ra
district news..
Corresloohrierit7 Mrs, ralices Sawara
Return from,
.Holland trip
Mrs* Austin HOOPS .and
daughters, Jacqueline, 15, and
Anita, 13, returneriTuesdayfrain
a month long trip to Holland,
Some of the highlights of the-
trip were the week spent in parts,
sailing with relatives .and the.
visits to Mrs, Hodgins" 91 year-
old grandmother, who lives alone
near her mother and is still
able to take care of her home,
to read her paper through,. and to
discuss current events,
Lighted candelabra, iceburg•
mums and ferns formed the set-
ting in St. James Anglican Churdi
Cla.ndeboye recently 'when Rev.
R. Carson officiated at a double
ring ceremony uniting Barbara
Ann Cunningham and W. Ward
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cunning-
ham, RR 1, Clandeboye, and the
groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Hodgins, Lucan.
Given in marriage by her fath-
er, the bride wore a floor-length
gown of silk organza aver taffeta,
fashioned on sheath lines with
a slight A-line skirt. The bodice
of the dress and lilypoint sleeves
were of chantilly lace over which
flowed a Spanish styled cape train
of the same material. A cluster
of lily of the valley held her
fingertip veil of French illusion.
She carried a cascade bouquet of
yellow and white rose buds.
Miss. Terry McLean, St.
Thomas, as maid of honor, Miss
Bonnie Hoffman, St. Thomas, and
Miss Jean Cunningham, RR 1
Clandeboye, as,bridesmaids, and
Miss Sandra 011)!er, Lotcdon, as
junior bridesmaid, were dressed
alike in floor-length yellow crepe
featuring short puffed sleeves and
flowing panels at the back of the
dresses which fell from the waist.
They wore matching bow head-
pieces and carried white shasta
daisies. Miss Mary Manson, Sim -
coe, as flowergirl was dressed in
white organza with a white lace
bow headpiece.-She carried a
basket of shasta daisies.
Best man was Bill Park, Lon-
don. Ushers were Wayne Hodgins,
Lucan, Duncan Hough, Guelph,
and David Cunningham, RR 1
'The bride's mother wore apink
crepe sheath dress with rolled
collar and a matching Chantilly
lace coat. Her accessories were
white and she wore a corsage
of white and pink roses. The
mother of the groom wore an im-
ported rench silk dress In cham-
pagne tone, with a bateau neck-
line, dipping to a “U" in the back.
1010000010001 4444444 1 . OOOOOOO I
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dewey,
Florida, are holidaying with Mr.
and Mrs. John Park and other
Lucan and district relatives.
Mrs. John Campbell and family
and Mrs. 148.111 McFalls of Lon-
don were Friday gliests of Mr.
and Mrs. Sheridan Ftevington.
Mrs. McFalls remained over for
a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman mc-
Dowell of Listowel and Mrs.
Lila Beadle of Stratford Spent
last Sunday with Mrs. Eldon Hod-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley
visited with their son, George
Stanley at Hanover for the week-
Mr. and Mrs. James Lockyer
and family haVe returned home
from a holiday at Jell-E Stone
Clare Srliale, after Spending
a month with his Mint, Mrs,
Alma Price, has returned to
Fresno, California.
Mrs. Dell sprawl, who is still
suffering from the eiter-effects
Of a Stroke, is accompanying
her daughter, Mrs. Walter Rice,
When she returns home to Okla-
homa City.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Alex- young
spent the day at ipperwash Sat-
urday, They Visited the .Army
Cadet Camp where their grand ,
soh billy Young of -Myth has
been training, This being the
lag Saturday Of the Camp, the
Lieut. Governor was in attend-
ance, After the Ceremony they
spent the retnainder Of the day
With their daughter and sOn-in,
law, Dr, and Mrs. Rebert. CbateS
at their Cottage at IPperWash
Its only trim was a heavily en-
Creste4 band of pearls, crystals
and bugle beads on the elbow
length sleeves. Her corsage was
perk roses in a bed of woodsy
veers mite matching her hat,
For a honeymoon trip to North-
ern Ontario, the bride changed
to a pink matching coat and dress,
white accessories and wore a
corsage of pink roses and white
The couple is residing in St.
is celebrated
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hack-
ett of Lucan, who were married
in St. Luke in the GardenChurch,
Byron, August 18, 1943 by the
Rev. 3. H. French of the Hyde
Park Anglican Church, cele-
brated their 25th wedding an-
niversary last weekend.
Saturday night Mrs. Haskett's
sister, Miss Angela Antal of
London, held a smorgasbord din-
ner for 45 Lucan and London
friends. Sunday afternoon Mr.
and Mrs. Emerson Gill of Grand
Bend, entertained 20 members
of the family at another smor-
gasbord dinner.
Among the many gifts pre-
sented to Mr. and Mrs. Haskett
were a. beautiful silver tea ser-
vice and large tray from their
three children and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Gill, Bill
and Brenda.
Lighted candelabra and gather-
ing baskets of white gladioli
formed the setting in the Lucan
United MI-eh at high noon Aug-
ust 10 when the Rey LloydCra.Ck-
nell of St. Judes China, Len-
don in a dOuble-ring ceremony,
united in marriage Brenda Eliz-
abeth Brooks and Charles Doug-
las Hill.
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Brooks
Of RR 1 Lucan, and the groom
Is the Son of Mr. and Mrs. F. 114
Hill of Delhi.
Given in marriage by her
er, the bride chose a floor-
length gown of rose point lace
over taffeta, featuring Mandarin
collar, appliqued with seed
pearls, bell sleeves and a cath-
edral train, falling from the
shoulders. She wore a shoulder
length French illusion Veil and
carried a nosegay of baby's
breath; white carnations, Spliced
With pink Stephanotis.
Robert. Copp Of London,
sister of the bride, as matron Of
honor and liarS, David Jarvis Of
COOkSVille Stephanie 14111,
sis ter Of the groom, and
Miss Bonnie Brooks, sister of
the bride, as bridesmaids were
dressed alike in floor-ietigth
gowns of Mist pink organza over
taffeta With A,Iitie skirts and
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott of
Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Don
Abbott of RR 1 Lucan have re-
turned from a motor trip to Man-
itoulin Island,
The former couple were par-
ticularly interested in the island,
as. Mr. Abbott taught school there
for three years, back in the
Although some four decades
have elapsed since then, yet many
of his former pupils and parents
recognized him and all enjoyed
reminiscing happy school-day
events, both for teacher and for
Tops members
go for a swim
Last Wednesday's Tops meet-
ing began with a swimming party
at the pool when five of the eight
members present displayed their
skill as swimmers.
Later all went to the regular
meeting at Mrs. McKenzie's
home, where the weigh-in was
particularly satisfactory, Mrs.
Roland Carty was named queen
for the week.
The leader, Mrs. Eldon Hopps
was able to be present after
another lengthy sick spell and
was welcomed back. However
the co-leader, Mrs. Don Mc-
Robert, presided.
Tiny Tot, Kathy Hopps won
the mystery prize,
All enjoyed the swimming party
so much that it was decided,
weather permitting, to have an-
other party next meeting.
Last Monday night it was a
repeat performance when the
Lucan Ladies ball team batted
it out with Parkhill team with
only two losses recorded all
There was a good crowd out
to see Lucan again defeated to
the score of 15- 6.
bell sleeves. They wore circlets
of pink stephanotis in their hair
and carried nosegays Of white
carnations and pink stephanotis.
Four year old Margaret Hill
of Delhi, sister of the groom,
made a charming little flower
girl in her floor-length gown
styled similar to the other at-
tendants, carrying a gathering
basket of baby's breath, and pink
Michael Hill of Toronto was
best mail for his brother and
Michael Owen EVans,Waynelligh
and Robert Copp, all of London,
in black directors' jackets and
Striped trousers, were ushers,
At a reception in the church
parlour the bride's mother re-
delved in a cranberry silk gown
With Matching jacket, flowered
hat of multi-hued tones of Cran-
berry and corsage Of White dais-
les. She was assisted by the
groom's mother in powder blue
silk, matching jacket, fuchsia
hat and corsage of pink rosebuds.
For a honeymoon motor trip to
Calgary, the bride donned a
Matching Goat and dress of strip-
ed moygachel linen with navy
accessories and yellow orchid
The young couple will make
their home in Calgary.
The bride Is a graduate of the
London 'teacherS, College.
Wed in Clandeboye
To live in West
• 31,499.03
67,100,00 90,199.98
4 IlmiwAdv0F00.4 190
Auditor's Rport an Financial „Statements
A-vd.itces Report
rig :Reeve, CC/4401 APO' ..1140PayerS
TneQPrPPPOotk.Pt the Township of .Stephen
Creditors, Ontario,
.July 1990
I have audited the..e.eceentS APO records of the -Township of Stephen for the
year ended December at, 190.7 and nave prepared, therefrom the statements
listed in. the index accompanying this report,
The -eperatieria resulted in a deficit of $19,296.59. compared with a surples
of $4,336;06 fig'tbe year ended'Peeerilber 91, 1960,,
Presented herewith is A condensed Stateirient gf Comparative Revenue and
Expenditure for Pie three. years ended pecember 81,1957. 1,966 and 1905,
Year Ended December 31
Taxation -
Long,term debt charges recoverable
Subsidies - Province of Ontario — -
-Government of Canada -
Licenses and permits
Interest and tax penalties
Other revenue
Other municipalities
Surplus from prior years to reduce levy
465 258.29 442,$95.05 4691 159.97
General Government
Protection to persons and property
public works
Sanitation and waste removal
Welfare assistance
Recreation and community services —
Debt charges
Capital expenditures out of current revenue
County rates
police village rates and grants - -
Taxes refunded and written off -
Provision for deferred income —
Provision for reserve funds
484,554.88 438,556.99 464,633.11
Surplus (or deficit) for year $ (19,296.59) 4,338.06 4,526.86
The budget for 196'7 as shown on Schedule D was not amended to include the
Council's decisions for further expenditures so thatinsome cases, comparisons
between actual revenue and expenditure and budgeted revenue and expenditures are
not practical.
It is suggested that a municipal drain ledger be maintained.
The bank loans are in excess of the amount permitted by section 329 (2)
of the Municipal Act.
At the time of my audit the accounts and records of C.R.C,S.S. Hay, McGil-
livary and Stephen were not available for audit, so the statements of this Board
are not included, nor have the insurance policies and fidelity bond been examined.
I did not examine a Statement of Debenture Debt assumed from the Village
of Grand Bend concerning Stephen TownshipSchool Area Board, but made my own
calculations. It is understood from the inforMationprovided to me, that the Clerk-
Treasurer of the Village of Grand Bend refuses to prepare the proper statement
for this purpose.
Auditor's Opinion
Subject to the foregoing qualifications, I hereby report that in my opinion
(1) The financial transactions which have come under my notice have been
within the powers of the municipality
(2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the instructions of the
Department of Municipal Affairs
(3) The financial statements present fairly the financial position of the
municipality as at December 31, 1967 and the results of the operations for the
year ended on that date.
Signature A. M. Harper
Date of filing July 13, 1968 License number 3461
Debenture Debt Issued and Unmatured
Drainage (other than General)
Public and Continuation
Due to Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed
-- Schedule 2) 216,851.35
Accounts Payable (Schedule 17)
13,300.00 Due to Other Funds
96,833.88 Investment in Capital Assets
NOTE; Guarantees or Contingent Liabilities (Schedule 16)
Statement of Source and Application
of Capital Funds
For the year ended December 31, 1967
'Source of funds
Province of Ontario
Tile Drainage Act -
ContributiOrts from current revenues for
Capital expenditures ti.
Balance at end of year hot perreafientiY finanted
Application of hinds during the year
Med Assets and Work in Progress
General GOVerintient -
Tile drainage loans
Revenue Fund ;Balance, Sheet
December 31, 19¢7
CPA- ortillaad - - 20.00
Sundry , , „ , , r rn0 r
Agreements .Mueicipal .drains
Dee from Province of „ontarie reer
Due from Dominion. of Canada
Due from Other Menicipalities „ „
, , 2,597,15
Due from Other Funds (specify)
Capital funds O , - - -
Bank Overdraft
Temporary Loans (Schedule 6)
Accounts payable
Due to Other Manicipalities
Due to Schools
Due to Other Local Boards and Commissions (specify)
Police Village of Dashwood
Other Liabilities.
Deferred Revenue (Schedule 8)
Reserves (Schedule 8)
Total Liabilities
Guarantee or,Contingent Liability (See Report)
Revenue Fund (Deficit) Account
December 31, 196'7
Debit Credit Balance
Balance at beginning of year 27,257.20
Surplus included in Current Budget 27,257.00
Balance after above adjustments
Deficit for the year (Form D) 19,296.59
Totals of Debit and Credit columns 46,553.59 27,257.20
Balance of Deficit at year end (Form B)
Statement of Revenue and Expenditure
For the year ended December 31, 1967
Actual Budget
Total Revenue from Taxation (Sdhedule 3) - - — ' 300,184.58 263,790,00
Long-Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) 21,012,42
Contributions, Grants and Subsidies
Canada 7,591.00 18,000.00
Ontario —
Direct Relief 2,589.79
Highway Improvement 79,785.94
Payments in lieu of municipal taxes 784.85
Unconditional Per Capita Grants 12,608.60
Other (specify)
Warble Fly 228.55
Other Municipalities
Licenses and Permits (include dog tax)
Interest, Tax Penalties, etc.
Other Revenues —
Fines 412.62
Service Charges 1,902.25
Miscellaneous (specify)
Recovery re Fire Hall 1,139.00
Sale of buildings & material - — 2,916.46
Recovery from Township of Hay re Dashwood 449.80
Recovery of taxes written-off - - 192.53
Provision for deferred income - - 3,231.60
Gross Total Revenue - - - - - - -
Surplus from Prior Years used to reduce levy
Deficit for the Year
Total Revenue Section
General Government
Executive and Legislative
Protection to Persons and Property
Law Enforcement
Protective Inspection
Other (specify)
Warble fly
Ausable River Authority
9,023.04 5,800.00
Public Works — Roads, HighwayS and Streets, etc. 148,329.98 115,000.00
Sanitation and Waste Removal - - - - - 308.25
Social Welfare (Schedule 10)
Relief Assistance 3,326.33
Institutional Care 357.05
Welfare Administration 150.00
3,834.28 6,000.00
141,407.11 128,860.00
1,617.54 1,000.00
Taxes written On
Capital Expenditures but of Revenue (Schedule 13)
JOint Or Special Expenditures
County Rates - - -
Police Village Rates
2 110 04
487,788.48 390,351.00
487,780.48 390,351,00
1967 1966 1965
300,184.58 241,570.22 204,314.26
25,997.73 117,694.12 235,086.15
7,591.00 18 /7 93.00 17,932,00
1,376,50 1,086,50 3,242.00
4,576.11 2,909,43 2,507.36
7,012,66 3,307.05
250.29 7,534,73 4,194.39
27,257.00 50,000.00
13,171.28 11,525.03 9,548.96
9,023.04 5,897.76 5,494.51
148,309.98 150,267.80 255,775,48
368,35 22.50
3,834.28 5,785.55 5,454.03
141,407,11 112,894.53 92,53'7.18
1,617.54 2,525.13 1,274.73
48,079,40 15,531.17 12,142.78
78,551.16 79,535.07 72,182.73
9,491.70 8,435.93 9,852.51
236,62 956.80 99.17
(3,231.60) (4,820.28) 271.03
Capital & Loan Fund Balance Sheet
December 31, 196'7
General Fixed (as per Schedule 18) 96,833.88
Due from Schools (for Debentures)
Public and Continuation 250,696.40
Collegiate and High 195,451.20
Due from Utilities and Other Municipal Enterprises (for Debenture)
Other (specify)
Tile drain loans 156,349.2'7
Due from Other Municipalities (For Debentures
Assumed --Schedule 2) 206,711.06
• O.*
O 50 W
91A 569.07
r - 09,519.27
r - - 7,591.0Q „ - „ 623.55
Dye from Other Local Boards and commissions ..(specify)
Police .village of centralia
POMP village of Preditoe
Taxes Receivable (Schedule 1)
Deficit (Form C)
Total Assets -
95,997.73 75,535,00
1,376.50 3,000.00
4,576.11 2,000.00
2,314.87 775.00
441,232,89 363,100.00
27,257,00 27,257,00
468,489.89 390,357.00
487,786.48 390,357,00
Actual Budget
13,171.28 11,000.00
Miscellaneous (specify)
Rogl Subsidy to Police Villages
8undry ,
Gross Total Expenditure .40,4 '4 ..."
Total ttomitiftut8-d-CtiO0 4 '2
Ethication, including debt charges (Schedule 9)
Recreation and Community Services
Debt Charges
Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) 93,645.91
Less own share of schoOl debt charges 51,000,67
ShOrt-term interest and other charges 5 440 16
O 4 ti
▪ 0 )491.7 0
48,0'79*40 13,500.00
31,499.98 21,257.00
8042,86 82,000,06