HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-08-22, Page 13LOOKING FOR $ CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED *.We are the AYLM ER 5:1141Ronte people and we need men and women to process corn and carrots. * Work will begin around August 26 and continue until November 15. * Both day and night work available. * Work is interesting and wages competitive. * Transportation supplied or easily arranged. • Call and register NOW!!! At your nearest CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE Or Phone Area Code 519 - 235-2445 Ask For PersonnelDepartment CANADIAN CANNERS LIMITED Plant No. 51, Eketet, Ontario "A Good Place To Witiek",, NO FUSS- NO MUSS ... at our end of town PLENTY OF FREE PARKING Right in front of the store. MAKE THE MEAL Buy Here With Confidence VALLEY FARM 16 OZ. 2/854 REG. 1.79 Mashed Potatoes MAPLE LEAF V!2 LB . ?MM. MONTMORENCIES IN PAILS IDEAL FOR PIES VIRASNAIMIWWWWV: INCLUDES CUTTING, WRAPPING & QUICK FREEZING AVERAGE 225 POUNDS INSTANT Canned Hams 1.59 SCOTT TWO-ROLL RACK Toilet Tissue 2/494 SCHNEIDER'S SPOT Dog Food ,oz. 4/494 on". OWSENNOSC LB. 417 PRODUCE MalitMearinWMU SI FROZEN FOODS CLUB Steak LOCAL C orn ON THE Cob DOZEN 454 McCA I NS French Fries 2 .39C STILL AVAILABLE 22 LB PAIL Cherries $8.25 LARGE HEADS Cauliflower EACH 29C NIMIMMAMOWaVaMARMSSMOUSEM See Us For The Finest Quality Beef From Huron's Top Feed-Lots. Sides of Beef .584 See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING the family market t exe er FRO ZEN ..Factos NOW OFFER ING FLEE DELIVERY SERVICE TO THE EXETER AREA MEATS ASSO RTED Cold Meat Loaves 59C MINCED HAM, MAC 'N CHEESE, DUTCH LOAF, CHICKEN - STYLE LOAF Ground Chuck .69C Tjposo-Advocatk August. 12e. 190 pfo 113. our from Wooah.am. Scout Jamboeee 16 Properly For Sale I-STOREY HOUSE, Iiiiren W., living room, 2 bedrooms, bath, furnace, hot water; brick hope, 226 Andrew St., needing repairs, has new roof, old barn, large rich garden, bargain Price; insul-brie, 216. Andrew St., •4 hedreoins, full bath, new oil furnace. See W. C. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter, 7:25tfnc GUARANTY TRUST HENSALL One of ensall's filter homes— three own VriW--eScePtion- ally deoilaled.,—choice lo- cation real opportunity to acquire a fine home. HENSALL Snack bar and poolroom--well established thriving business. An excellent opportunity to acquire due to health of owner. HENSALL Duplexed brick home with two car garage; forced air oil .heat; corner location. Terms avail- able. HENSALL Outstanding trailer home — ex- ceptionally well appointed and spacious, complete with garage and many extras including full lot. SEAFORTH Drive-in restaurant—land, build- ing and complete equipment; high income and potential; terms available. We have other listings available for your consideration. GUARANTY TRUST Realtor R. B. PATERSON Phone 262-2116 Hensall 15:22:29c 16 Properly For Sale 110,'XI13" LOT, in small Apply "D,G.", Exeter Times- Advocate. 22:29* RED BRICK MUSE —, 2 bed- rooms, utility room, living roont, good sie kitchen and dining area, 3-piece bath; sep- arate garage; nice lawnS. Cash only, Phone 235-1008. 1:15:22:29c FRAME HOUSE in Hensall. 3 bedrooms upstairs, built-in nun- boards, apiece bath, modern oil furnace, new 100 amp spry_ ice. Phone 236-4611 Zurich, 15:22c 200-ACRE FARM 180 acres workable, medium clay loam, well drained; 4-bedroom house; driving shed; L-shaped barn; located 3 miles south of Dash- wood on county road. Phone 237-3407. 15:22c PRIVATE — 2 bedroom bunga low, no basement, well situated for schools and shopping. Huron St. E.; P,I,T. is $80 per month after initial down payment. Phone Exeter 235-0781 or 433- 5892 (London). 5:16tfric 11 Property For Rent ROOM—Centrally located, avail- able now. Apply 16 John St. •or phone 235-0382. 5:30tfnc TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tfnc BRIGHT FULLY furnished, new- ly decorated 1-bedroom apart- ment; 1 block to Post Office, $75,00. Elliot Apts., over Canad- ian Tire Store. Phone Grand Bend 238-2680. 7:4tfne 3 - ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- ment, furnished, self-contained, heated, private entrance. Apply. 145 Victoria St., Exeter. 22* 17 Properly For Roof gE XETER.2.44;9pm mfor, .nished apartment, washer gnd. dryer, garage; choice upper or. lower. Phone 235-1153. 224 l$EATJTIFL74 7-ROOM home; 2 bathrooms; attached garage.. Vicinity of %high, school and p0., tic school. Will rent to resPon- Sible party, Phone 235-1153. 22e APARTMENT, ,modern, located down town, living room, kit- chen, large bedroom, Completely renovated, %.$'75 month, available -Sept, 1, Phone 235-2420. 8:22tfnc 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; '1/2 4. ,14.n drills; - port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers„ 'Heavers Hard, ware, 235-1033. :2;22tfnc . .........„..... CONCRETE FORMS-, P o w e r trowel, cement mixer, etc. Con- tact N. J. Corriveau, Zurich, after 5 p.m. or Saturdays, 22:29:5;12c 19 For Sale or Rent SILVERLINER hard-top camp- ing trailers for sale or for rent. Open evenings and week- ends, Dale's Sunoco, Exeter. Phone 235-1710. 6:20tfnc EXETER — 4-bedroom home, 8 rooms in all, 3-car garage; washer and dryer. Phone 235- 1153, after 7 p.m. 22c 20 Wanted To Rent HOUSE, 3-bedroom, in or near Exeter; needed between Sept. 15 and Oct. 1. Phone 235-1380. 22c 22 Notices Township of Stephen NOTICE OF MEETING TO CONSIDER BY-LAW Take notice that a by-law for raising $500,000.00 under the pro- visions of The Tile Drain-age Act will be taken into consid- eration by the Council of the Township of Stephen at the Municipal Office in Crediton on the 3rd day of September, 1968 at the hour of 9:30 o'clock in the evening. • WILMAR D. WEIN, Clerk-Treasurer. 15:22:29c STARTING A BALL TEAM. WATCH THIS SPACE FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENT. ' B.B. Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Herman deceased. All persons haying claims against the estate of Herman Gill, late of the Village of Grand Rend, in the County of Lambton, Retired Fisherman, who died on or about the 15th day Of July 1968, are reqtdred to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 31st day of August 1968, after which date the estate will be distrib- uted haying regard only to those claims of which notice has been receiVed. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrices, Exeter, Ontario 15:22:29e 24 Tenders Wanted FURNACE OIL Exeter Public School Board in- vites tenders for the supply of LIGHT INDUSTRIAL OR NO. 2 FURNACE OIL One-year Contract, Sealed. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders closing Thurs., Sept. 5 at 12:01 p.m. should be for- warded to W. H. Hodgson, see.- treas. 15:22c 25 Auction Sales Opportunity AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Truck, Farm Ma- chinery; Complete Stock of Men's, Ladies' and Chil- dren's Footwear; Shoe Re- pair Accessories; Fixtures, Electrical Appliances; Fur- niture and Misc. Items On the premises, MAIN STREET, CREDITON SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 commencing at 12:30 p:m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of part of lot 4, Crediton, ap- proximately 85x55 on which is situated 2-storey solid brick store building 24x65. This build- ing and lot has many potential values. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold. TRACTOR AND TRUCK: Ford tractor equipped with loader and mower, in perfect condi- tion; 2-furrow plow; double disc; 1966 Chev 1/2 ton Fleetside pick- up truck, 20,000 miles, in new condition; 1961 Chev station wagon, in perfect condition. FURNITURE A N D MISC. 25 Auction Sales ggvIsl Antique roll away deSlc; 10 dining chairs; oak rOckera; kitchen chairs, swivel chaira.; 3. mantel clocks', 8-day clocks; Pictures and frames; filing cabinets; Optical Cabinet; 19 ft. plate glass show case; gun case; banging lamp; 22 rifle with clip magazine; cash regr ister; step /adders; Duo Therm Space heater; Pioneer chain saw; new electric motors; port- able air conditioner; 25 hockey sticks, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES in Clearing AUCTION SALE of Household Effects; Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 20 SANDERS ST., EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 at 1:30 p.m, 3-piece chesterfield suite; stu- dio couch; daybed; dining room suite consisting of table, buffet, china cabinet, 6 chairs, in new condition; gate-leg table; plat- form rockers; centre and end tables; mirrors; pictures; elec- tric lamps; Frigidaire 4-burner stove; Frigidaire large size re- frigerator, recently purchased; GE electric washing machine, like new; large 'assortment an- tique dishes, glassware, silver- ware, china; kitchen utensils; sealers; quilts; mats; rugs; hall tree; modern oak bedroom suite; 2 •steel bedsteads; com- modes; dressers; springs and mattress; 2 toilet sets; chest of drawers; Singer sewing ma- chine; power mower; 2 hand mowers; extension ladder; step ladders; garden tools; etc., etc. Terms: Cash NORMAN PASSMORE, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22c AUCTION SALE AT ZURICH ARENA Sponsored by Zurich Lions Club SATURDAY, AUGUST 24 at 1:30 p.m. Watch for full particulars of this immense auction. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 15:22c Twilight AUCTION SALE of Household Effects for Misses Pearl' and Mae Harris, Ellen St., in PARKHILL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28 at 6:00 p.m. Selling will be the entire home furnishings including Westinghouse refrigerator; din- ing room table and 6 chairs; buffet; studio couch; 2 Duo Therm space heaters; 200 gal. oil tank; drop leaf table; utility cabinet; GE 21" TV; rangette; treadle sewing machine; secre- tary desk; 2 beds, springs and mattress; 2 dressers; chester- field; love seat and 2 matching chairs, recently upholstered; rug, 12x10; kitchen utensils; garden tools; lawn chairs. Items of interest to collectors include Gone With the Wind lamp; Chinese brass, as well as a selection of glass and china. Terms: Oash—plus 5% sales tax if applicable. Also offered for sale will be the property on Ellen St. on which is situated a 2-bedroom insul brick cottage, in good condition, situated in a quiet residential area close to the business section of the town. Selling subject to a reserve bid. Terms: 10% of the sale price on day of sale with the balance in 30 days. BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer 22c Extensive AUCTION SALE Of Valuable Tractors, Farm Machinery, Trucks, Combine, Feed, Field Corn, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises, Lot 26, Con. Lake Road East, HAY TOWNSHIP, 4 miles north of Grand Bend, Highway 21, The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4 at 12:30 p.m. Sale includes: Int, 504 utility t r a c t o r recently purchased; Int. Super 'A' tractor; 1963 Chev truck, dual wheels, grain and stock racks; Ford truck with stock racks; Int. No. 91 self propelled 81/2 ft. combine; Int. forage harvester; 2 forage wagons and racks; heavy duty wagon equipped With self Un- loading grain box; Int. 10 ft. wheel disc; Int. 15-run grain drill, on rubber; Int. 3-furrow plow; Int, single row corn picker; Int, 10 ft, swather; Allis Chalmers 4-bar side rake, on rubber; Int. manure sPread, et, oh rubber; 12 ft, land packer; Sdrurri Steel railer, 2 bean puller8; Innis beah Wind- rower; bale and grain elevator; 25 Auction Sales . beef, I n t. CUltiVator, on rub. ker. Quantity of cut hay; 14 acres Pfeister single cross 6X48 choice standing corn, to be pf- pro lots. Household effects and misc. items, Watch for complete list in next week's issue, GARNET PATTEESON, Prop, ALVIN WALTTR, Auctioneer 22c AUCTION SALE. Of Valuable Housaholcl Effects, Antiques and Miscellaneous Items On the premises, DASI-IWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue, MRS, BERTHA RAWER, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22c Too Late To Classify HELP WANTED —Part-time bookkeeper for one or two days per week. Apply in person at Exeter District Co-op. Phone 235-2081. 22c Kirkton lady breaks leg By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON Mrs. Fred Hamilton had the misfortune to break her leg at their cottage at Port Franks and is confined to bed at their resi- dence in Kirkton for several weeks. Bob Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall has the honor of attending Scout Jam- boree at Milton this week. Mr. -and Mrs. George Elliott and Keith of Stoney Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Overholt of Wainfleet were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Switzer. Mr. and Mrs. Norris Atthill and family have returned home after a vacation at Kingston and Algonquin park, Miss Wendy Blackler spent three days with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Henry and family in Lon- don. By,MISS 0EAN coep,Amp, WOQDHAM DOI4 $mth,Gorcl o n and Graham Robinson and PaVid Strahan are attending the gigy Scout Ontario Jamboree at Kelso Conservation Park near milten this week. Dr, P. D, Hurst andMrs.,Hprst Of Detroit visited onganday after, noon with mrs, John Butters. Misses Beth and. Barbara Arenthals of Lucan sppnt a few days last week with their grand- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Mills. Mra, Marjorie ChiverS of Par, nia accempanied by her daughter, Mrs, James McLachlen and granddaughter Debbie spent a week holidaying at Arran Lake and also attended a family re- union at the Pinery Park Sunday. Mr. and. Mrs. George Wheeler, Mrs. John Butters, Mr. and Mrs. John Rocid, Pamela and Calvin, Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and Deanna and Mr. and Mrs. Jim McNaughton were guests at the wedding of the former's son, David to Sylvia Corsaut in Bir.r United Church on Saturday. ,Ellen Copeland act- oed ,as flower glrl and Jim Me- Naughton was best man. Mrs. Lloyd Jaquea rebirned home Friday from a motor trip to the east coast. Michele Robinson, Spent last week with Mr. and Mrs, Ron Gollings of Port Credit. Guests Sunday with Mr, ,and Mrs. George Wheeler were Mr, and Mrs. Ross Wilson, Dianne and Lori of Conn, Mr, and. Mrs. Cedric Wheeler and Mrs, Alex Walker and Tan of Prov?ilsbarg, P ,9., Dr, and Mrs. Dap Hurst of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. John Pamela and ValVin and Mr, and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, Cynthia, Ellen and. Deanna. Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine spent the weekend in northern Ontario. Mrs. Arnold Hern attended a trousseau tea for Miss Trudy Ireland of London Saturday even- ing, Mr. and Mrs, wilia.rdSchaefer, of Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pfaff of Crediton and Mr. and Mrs. Rae Stephens of Anderson visited with. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Brine Sunday. PRODUCTION WORKERS REQUIRED Some industrial experience preferred • USUAL FRINGE BENEFITS • SHIFT WORK • STEADY EMPLOYMENT Apply in Person Only to BLACKSTONE INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS LTD. 533 Romeo Street S Stratford elude washer and dryer; televi- sion testing and equiPitlent; radios; wiring; used televisions; large neon sign; Phonograph & record players; toasters; ket- tles; heaters; ate„ etc. FOOTWEAR consists of large variety of men's, ladles' and children's footwear. Plan to attend this iniPortarit sale„ Terms; Cash. Only certified cheques accepted, JAMES LAYE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 22:29c NAVIGABLE WATER PROTECTION ACT R.S.C. 1952 CHAPTER 193 The Zusable River Conservation Authority hereby gives notice that it has, under Section 7 of the said Act, deposited with the Minister of Transport, at Ottawa, and in the office of the Registrar of the County of Lambton, Sarnia, Ontario, a description of the site and the plans of the Grand Bend River Wall proposed to be constructed on the north bank of the Ausable River in Grand Bend, Ontario, in front of Part of Lot 27, Registered Plan 4, and part of Brennan Parkway and Water Access, Registered Plan 9, Village of Grand Bend, Township of Bosanquet. And take notice that after the expiration of one month from the date of the publication of this notice, the Ausable River Conservation Authority will under Section 7 of the said Act apply to the Minister of Transport, for approval of the said site and plans. Dated this 19 day of August 1968. R. E. Crysler, P. Eng., Crysler, Davis & Jorgensen, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, 5803 Yonge Street, Willowdale, Ontario. for the AUSABLE RIVER CONSERVATION AUTHORITY