HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-25, Page 16Pow 16 'Timis-A4vpotet July 240. 1908 He didn't get away Friday afternoon's Funday parade was interrupted for a few minutes by an unsuccessful attempt to rob the Bank of Nova Scotia. Above, attempted robber Sonny 1Vi0Goon (Lloyd Schwa.rtzentruber) is being wrestled to the ground by seven members of the hippie bank staff. T-A photo. He doesn't stand a chance The final part of the attempted robbery of the Bank of Nova Scotia during Friday's Funday festivities was enacted at the Exeter Town Hall. Above, bank employees, Tina Vanderlaan, Diane Hackwell, Donna Webster and Hugh McMullen are ready to put robbery suspect Sonny McGoon into the local cell. Few results from dog control "• aE>t1aMaS Iii stc it 5,, 4418 201P0asltl t5.00 954 FISH' &OK 55 coths,orrovaes MILK SHAKES • 30 HAG OF ICE 50 Master Wesley Abbott, ,, Whalen. Lis .spendingfew 44Y4 with kris ccesins, Ian .and Brenda Carroll, Mr, and Mrs, gar), preeniee. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Vailderhelh and boys .on a picnic to Turnbull's Grove Mr. and M. Robt, Meg!;, Guelph, spent, the weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Dobbs Jr, Mrs. Bob Tindall and .giria4 .111111111011101101.11111111111111111.11.11.111111._1 Obituaries R. M. BERRY Richard Morgan Berry passed away at St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Thursday. He was the husband of the former Frances Louise Howey and resided at 454 Oxford Street. He is survived by a son, El- yin, Detroit; a daughter, Mrs. Francis (Erma) Doxsee, St. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec; a step- daughter, Mrs, Roy (June) Lam- port, Centralia.; and two sisters, Mrs. Harry (May) Hull and Mrs. J. (Ada) Larking, both of London. Funeral was from theNeedham Memorial Chapel on Saturday With Rev. Dr. George Goth of- ficiating. Interment was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. ALBERT HESS Zurich businessman Albert G. Hess passed away in Monteville Wednesday. Funeral service was Saturday from St. Peter's Luth- eran Church, Zurich, with inter- ment in the Church Cemetery. Mr. Hess was married to the former Margaret C. Fuss who survives, Other survivors include a daughter, Mrs. Ewart (Kathleen) Rydall, Belmont; a son, William J. Hess, Woodstock; four grand- children; and a sister, Mrs. Jam es (Rose) Trevethick, Thedford. ALVI N VVU RM Alvin Wurm, '74, Exeter, pass- ed away Wednesday at St. Jo- seph's Hospital, London. Funeral service was from the Hopper- Hockey Funeral Home Friday with interment in Exeter Cemet- ery. Rev. E. E. Steinman, Peace Lutheran Church, officiated. Pallbearers were Mac Dougall, Bert Selves, Roy Alderson, Hugh Davis, Tom Yearley and Dave Miller. He is survived by four daugh- ters, Mrs. Harold (Emma) Beav- ers, Exeter; Mrs. James (Grace) Stead, Thorold; Mrs. Roy (Edith) Campbell, Hensall; Mrs. Gerald (Margaret) Lawson, Woodham; five sons, Edgar, Harold, Ger- ald and Clarence, all of Exeter; and Melvin, Hensall; 14 grand- children; one brother, Herbert Wurm, Entwistle, Alberta and two sisters, Mrs. Charles (Lou- ella) Gosman; Port Huron and Mrs. Henry (Emma) S c hilb e, Zurich, Holiday Specials ON LIKE.NEW CARS 65 ACADIAN Beaumont Sports consul Hardtop, 6 cyl. automatic J29408 64 PONTIAC Parisienne Convertible-Sports consul, radio, automatic, yellow with black top 66 CHEVELLE 2-door, 6 cylinder, automatic, radio H 48418 64 FORD 500 Fairlane radio, V-8 automatic, motor completely overhauled H47929 64 CHEVROLET Stationwagon, rebuilt mo tor, 6 cyl., stick 30011X SPECIAL $895 63 MERCURY 4-door Sedan, V-8 auto., radio, E82148 SPECIAL $995 6/ COMET 4-door, 6 cyl. auto., radio, red with white interior E39446 62 PONTIAC Convertible, V.8 auto., 283 cu. in., new top, new paint, yellow, A87748 SPECIAL $895 NOW IN STOCK . 68 AUSTIN 1 100 automatic SOUTH -END SERVICE Exeter 235.2322 aIllaIII44Ileee.441110141.11,I4.1.144IIIIIIIIIIIiiiii14444e9,4444IMELIetleMeteeeeiet I ii Ne!!!!!!!, LIIII.IIII4M4404..eateeee 5...... .,..., IP. .Fami y reun dons ,,,„,,„...„„„„.„„„„.,........ ...... llll !„.,,,.„......,,,,,„„„„...„.„..„.,,,i,.,,,,„„„,„,,,...,„,,,.„„,,,,,,..,,,..„.,,,„,„„ l ,..,.„,„„„„„ Ma'aIeNeIIII, "'Me!! l 'Pala By MRS. HEBER P4V15 ASK FOR A DEMONSTRATION on the amazing, sporty SEA-D00 The new let-powered aqua scooter from Bombardier. It's the little boat with the big difference. So exciting, it's the start of a brand new sport! It's as playful as a dolphin. Sea-Doo will skim the waves up to an exhilarating 25 mph. It's so maneuverable, it invents new fun and games by the minute. Sea-Doo gets its power from an exclusive Rotax engine, its thrust from a unique jet turbine. And because ihere'S no propeller, Sed-Doo needs only three inches of water. You can safely play near swimmers, glide right over logs and rocks. You can start your Sea-Doo at water's edge, beach it right up on the shore. And Who arb the people bringing so much fun to summer? The same people who brought it to winter. Bombardier, thb inventor of SKI-D00 . the world's most popular snowmobile. GET A MINIATURE SEA-D00 FOR THE KIDS Battery operated for hours of fun By the way, the new 1969 SKI-DOO is here noW in stock at Larry Snider'S BUY NOW PAY IN THE FALL LARRY SNIDER MOTORS AND SALE OF NEW & USED CARS AND TRUCKS CONTINUES CHECK THESE VALUES 1967 CHEVROLET BISCAYNE 4-door, 6 cyl, auto, local businessman, clean. H47625. Was4.2495 IS '1995 1967 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, V8, auto, radio, new tires, fold down rear seat. H48156. wm422ss IS '2150 1966 PONTIAC STRATOCHIEF 4-door, 6 cyl, standard trans., radio. E19587. Was IS 4695 1966 CHRYSLER WINDSOR 2-door hardtop, V8, Auto, PS & PB, radio, new tires. H48650. 3541E42695.1S $2395 1966 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, 6 cyl., auto, radio.A78958. -yuzipsioas IS $1695 1964 FORD CUSTOM 4-door, 6 cyl, standard trans, radio. H47474. COMING THIS WEEKEND 63 FALCON CONVERT- IBLE, 6 cyl., stand. trans., radio H54560 63 FAIRLANE 500 2-DOOR HARDTOP, V-11, stand. trans., radio 78303 TRACTORS AND EQUIPMENT FORD 2-FURROW PLOW • II-1C 13A FT. STIFF-TOOTH CULTIVATOR FORD 2-ROW SCUFFLER DEARBORN 7 FT. MOWER COCKSHUTT 7-FOOT MOWER MASSEY 11' Spring Tooth Wheel CULTIVATOR 114t "A" WITH SCUFFLER FORD 501 3-POINT HITCH MOWER FORD 3-FURROW PLOW, 3-point hitch 77 OLIVER GAS WITH SUPER KIT INC B-250 DIESEL 53 FORD JUBILEE FORD MAJOR DIESEL 55 FORD "850" 65 IliC "414", low hours 60 JOHN DEERE CRAWLER AND LOADER 66 FORD "4000D" 10 SPEED 63 SUPER MAJOR TRAc700., loader, back hoe morioso IS $895 1967 CHEV 1/2 TON PICKUP 6 cvl., fleetside. C93921. VBs4-1{395 IS $1795 66 FORD GALAXIE 500 HARDTOP, V-8 auto., PS. & PB H46263 66 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-DOOR, V-8 auto., PS & PB 46674 LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LTD. Huron COUtitrt. Lorg6tt Ford Dealer 50.00 100.00 100.00 125.00 135.00 135.00 300.00 350.00 350.00 • 600.00 850.00 975.00 1000.00 1250.00 1900.00 3200.00 3700.00 4500.00 Master j'effrey Young, Lucan, and Mrs. Veber Davis spent last Week at Grand Bend, Mrs. Earl Greenlee, Miss Beverly Parkes and Michael Davis visited them during the Week. Mrs. Harry Carroll spent sev- eral days this past week with her sister, Mrs. II. don, MI'S. Mullins underwent siir- gery at Victoria Hospital on Sat- urday. Mr, and Mrs. Jim Barker and Mr. and Mrs, Cliff McLean, Lucan, left Tuesday morning for a few days at Manitoulin Island, Mr. and Mrs, Heber Davis visited several ill relatives at Victoria Hospital Sunday and called on Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dick- ins, London. Mr. and MrS. Fred Dobbs Sr., Exeter, were Saturday evening guests with their son and daugh- ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dobbs Jr., and children. All from this community are pleased that Fred. Sr. is out of hospital follow- ing his recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnson and boys who spent last week at Timmind Jake and Manitoulin Island returned home on the weekend. Mrs. Fred Dobbs, Freddie and Patti, spent last week with the former's father, H, S. McLean, Teeswater. The week before, she and the children attended Huron Church Camp near Eia.yfield. Michael Davis was guest with his cousin, Dennis Maguire, Luc- an, for the weekend. One freezer trick, which will help to make you a relaxed hos- tess is to drop slightly sweeten- ed whipped cream in swirls or puffs on a piece of waxed paper. Freeze these quickly, and then store the frozen daubs in plastic bags, handy for instant dessert decorations. Bonita McEwen was the Piing- Ost Person at the Pienic; CathY. Schenk Wen the footsie contest;; and pita ochenk and. Launa Ful, ler took ,the prie Or the egg throwing contest, MORLEY REUNION The tenth, 0 111441 Morley re- union was held at the h011e of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis, Ailsa Craig, Sunday With about N Per-! sons Present, President Earl Morley con- ducted the lonsinessf. Officers or the corning year are Mrs. Pearl Morley, honorary president; Earl Morley, presi- dent; Pearl Watson, vice prey- dent; Linda Lewis, Secretary- treasurer; pearl Watson and family, sports committee. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott in- vited all to their home for the next reunion the third Sunday of July 1969. All relatives were asked to keep the date in mind. Visitors? When Uncle Bill and Aunt Mary come to visit - or you visit them -- tell us about it. We like to report the social activities of the folks in this district. 235-1331 THE TIMES-ADVOCATE Or your local correspondent He told council the present situation is in no way satisfact- ory to him and he asked that some new arrangements be made. At the present time, the police and private citizens are still taking dogs to his pound, and he said the price he receives from council is in no way sat- isfactory and doesn't even pay for the bother of answering the telephone calls from citizens en- quiring about dog problems. He said Exeter council has had the cheapest pound in On- tario and he asked that if they wished him to continue accept- ing dogs they increasethe board- ing rate to $1.00 per day and $4.00 to destroy unclaimed dogs. Members didn't know whether they should enter into an agree- ment with Roelofson in addition to the one they now have with the Humane Society and decided to leave the matter until later in the meeting. However, it was forgotten, al- though a few members after the meeting when Roelof son return- ed from a ball game indicated he should carry on accepting dogs and council would pay the rates he suggested. He said during his talk he had advised Chief MacKenzie earlier in the year he would be willing to consider the job of catching stray dogs, but the matter was never mentioned at council. JULY SPECIALS Inspections on 1200 and 1300 series, Reg, $11.00 $900 Inspections On 1500 and 1600 series. Reg. $13.75 '1115 All size Volkswagen TIRES. 1200, 1300, 1500 and 1600 series $11)95 Whitewalls 14,0 Don Taylor Motors 'Your Volkswagen Dealer EXETER 235.1100 NORTH SibEOF THE BURKLEY RESTAURANT - EXETER Special Attentititi 'Phone Or ders .235-1730 DINNER •12S 'WER‘WOREHEN.MOSS, roma, gal; Tim' • SPOS.1" BURKLEY BURGER 5U? toksatceti 4$31,p MEV PATTY, TOASTED SESAME us, TANGY RELISH. DILL PICKLE. TOMATO. Other than the fact it may be serving as a deterrent, Exeter's new dog control program isn't having many results and is being questioned by members of coun- cil, Talk around the council table last week indicated several mem- bers may be ready to cancel the THE BURGER FAMILY'' 1)00R BOY TWO OW PATTIES OM A 'MASTED SUN. . BO. SAUCE, C/IEESE.ONION, TANGY MX MAW, FREON PRIES HAMBURG AU. TRIMMINGS 354 CHEESEBURG tariLINGS 40 4 aNATRY OYU SALADS POTATO SALAD i La 49 4 MACARONI SALAD 494 BEAN SALAD t to. 49 4 SAUER KRAUT SALAD 49 COLE SLAW 494 7;.4.19 /1111NP d 1;rsh intent DUTCH APPLE PIE 894 Pehrious Streram Liinous Amur irirks services of the London Humane Society. In three trips to date, only one dog has been picked up, accord- ing to statistics listed by Chief C. H. MacKenzie. The new program is also caus- ing problems for local veterin- arian, Dick Roelofson, KERSLAKE REUNION held in Ti3llieyeKreyrteSwlakpe a re re isounn dwaays Stith about '10 in attendance. sports winners. were Craig Kerslake, Janet. Parkinson, Allan Casey Elizabeth Header / Patricia Pender, Bob Cane, Brenda Park- iiinon, Doug Case. ,rTayilneoi yoloduensgtestP epresrosno,n, Georgepennis Schroeder; nearest birthday to date Of picnic, Ralph Bender. sports Were Conducted by Mr. and Mrs, Don Case and Mr. and mrs. Fred Parkinson. Table committee was Mr. and Mrs, Harold Kerslake and Mr. and Mrs. Archie Webber. COCHRANE REUNION The Cochrane Clan met for their annual reunion at Clan Gregor Square, Hayfield, recent- ly with 70 relatives present. Members from a diatance came from Springhill NoVa.Scotia, Fen- ton, Michigan and Illinois. Sports were in charge of Ruth Willed, Jean Rathwell and Brenda Turner. Family coming farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, Springhill, Nova Scotia; youngest person, Allison Hunter; oldest person, Mrs. Jean Cameron; lucky table draw, Agnes Madge; mystery object, Carol Hillier; birthday closest to picnic date, Jessie McAllister. The next reunion will be held at Hayfield the second Sunday in July with Stan Love as president; Ian McAllister, treasurer and Margaret Jones, secretary. Table conveners will be Mil- dred McDowell and. Ethel Mc- Murtrie. Ruth Willert, Jean Rath- well and Brenda Turner will be in charge of sports. DOUPE REUNION The Doupe reunion was held Sunday at Centralia Community Centre when around '70 friends sat down to a plenie lunch fOi- loafed by races, of all hinds for Tenn and old, A. soap relay Was played with pienn Dobbs' side Winning. (Dne to a little Cheating). A. carMel scramble was enjoy- ed by the children and adults too.. A fast ball game was. played by the young players butcllang- etl to a very nioW pace when the old timers were up to bat. The oldest lady present was Mrs. Lena Parkinson, London, who is over eighty:. The oldest gentleman, was Frank Doupe, St, Marys. A social hour was spent as this was the first time some had Seen .each other in a good many years. Family had come from Winnipeg, Pembroke, Trenton, Glencairn, New Lowll, Sinie0e, Langton, London, Sarnia, St. Marys, Anderson, Kirkton, Win- chelsea, Crediton and Centralia. All voted to return again to the same place in two years time with mrs, Clifton Brock, Mrs. Ivan Brock, Mrs. Max Switzer and Mrs. Wilfred Yates in eharge. SCHENK REUNION The Schenk family picnic was held at the Crediton Community park recently with 43 in eaten- alanc e. Winners of the races were Don McEwen, Tammy Schenk, Darrell Ryan, Jill Schenk, Paul Ryan, Debbie Multart, Bob Bierling. Cathy Fuller won the guessing contest; Joe Finkbeiner was the oldest man; Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner was the oldest lady; Beatrice Tait, Hamilton, came the furth- est distance to attend the picnic; Latina Fuller had the longest hair; Paul Ryan had the most freckles; Hugo Schenk had the' most hair on his chest; Maleida Schenk had the most lace on her slip. r SUNDAY SPECIAL Burkley Baked $ 69 Barbecue Ribs CHOICE OF COLE SLAW or SAUERKRAUT WITH FRENCH FRIES and TOASTED ROLL