HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-25, Page 11• • In charge of successful party The 24th annual Kirkton Community Association Garden Party was again a tremendous success, More than 3,500 spectators wended their way to the Kirkton Fair Grounds to watch an excellent juvenile and professional show. A portion of the executive is shown, above, during the evening. From left, Mrs. Roger Urquhart, assistant treasurer, Eldon Robinson, treasnrer, Mrs. George Wilson, secretary, vice- president William Waghorn, president Garth Blackler and members Mrs. Raymond paynter and Mrs. Rae Stephen. T-A photo, Mock wedding produced at bride elect's shower "FUN DAY" NAIL GUESS CONTEST WINNER Total nails in the jar 787, Closest -guess Was Graham NIUdge 1007 Adelaide St., N., London, whose guess was 786 nails. Graham Wins the Admiral Transistor Radio , .. Value 12.95, CHOOSE YOUR . . . PORTABLE TV from the biggest line of, all ADMIRAL of course! Nobody builds quality portables quite like Admiral. Unmatched in engineering precision styling, and sheer variety, there are no less than 22 models to choose from. Everyone built, tested, and re-tested to give you countless hours of viewing pleasure. Sleek in lines, razor-sharp in reception, packed with exclusive features ... no other portable TV outperforms Admiral. Instant Play 15 INCH PORTABLES 979 95 Instant Play 19 INCH PORTABLES 994 95 ADMIRAL COLOR PICTURE TUBES ARE WARRANTED FOR THREE FULL YEARS! . . if you want the extra features NMI choose ADMIRAL custom FREEZERS 15 cu. ft. 199°' * Rustproof inner and outer dabiriets * "Zero Safe" cold control 20 cu. ft. 21500 * Partitions and food baskets included 25 CU. ft. 235° five year food protection Warranty, ADMIRAL SALEg.ANO.801Via MOM HARDWARE YOUR bOMINION HAROWARE STORE IN EXETER WEEKEND CHICKEN SPECIALS Friday, Saturday & Sunday 21-PIECE BUCKET INCLUDES 7 ROLLS 15 15-PCE. FAMILY PAK Ir\C}IL-(1)jLDLESS $ 4 LITTLE PAK 9 PIECES -3 ROLLS 42 50 FREE Honie belivery on Orders over $2,00 The DRIVE .IN HIGHWAY 4 NORTH PHONE 235.0383 2 LB 25C ••••:>,‘• U.S,NO 1 Carrots See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING the familymarket t exe er FROZEN FOODS FREE PARKING NOW OPP8fliNq A LARGE PAVED LOT r011 VOUft .tONVtNIENCt, TO TH8 EXETER .AktA FREE LIVERY SERVICE That's why i shop at Exeter Frozen Foods nifSMITN/SEIMIXONNEMEMSNIENIXAMTeMm.. MEATS WESTON'S WHITE & WHOLE WHEAT HOSTESS 11 OZ. R EG. 69e Potato Chips 59C BRUNSWICK 33/4 OZ. Sardines 5/494 PRODUCE CHiQUI TA Bananas 2 L6.29C IDEAL FOR THE BARBECUE KORMVAVAME FROZEN FOODS Ground Chuck Assorted Drinks 2/654 Cold Cuts LEAN PAILS OP FROZEN SCHNEIDERS ASSORTED 60Z. HEINZ SWEET 16 OZ. REG.W 3 3/19c Mixed Pickles 2 /59 REG. 37i ALLEN 48 OZ. Bread REG . 2" 4 LOAVES 894 EACH MAPLE LEAF 1% LB. TINS REG, 1.79 Canned Hams $1.59 CAMPFIRE 1 1%0Z R EG 331/ Marshmallows 2/494 Strawberries 6% FOUNDS $2.95 akl.MIMIWAAN"Z: We carry a complete supply of bags, cartons, etc. for your freezing needs. • • • 0 • 25 .Aucon lain Important AUCTION of Vaiyahle Real Estate, rwygehnI4 .Effects, ford Tracter, ,faun. Machinery, Etc, On the PrenliSeS .137 THAMES 1390 .PAST! IN EXETER 'The ,undersigned auctioneer received Instructions to sell by public auction on • ,SATURDAY, JULY ;7 at 1:oo p.m, REAL ESTATE; 87 Thames Road East, :Exeter, approxi- natelY one acre .of land on which is situated well con- ..structed two storey white brick dwelling. Main floor; large ing and dining room, Modern kitchen, .3-piece bathroom and. bedroom, Second floor: 3 large. bedrooms, :3,piece bathroom, Full size basement and new oil furnace, Also ..newly built shed, 2040. Convince yourself by in- specting this property. • TERMS of Real Estate; • 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, SOld subject to a reason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold. Mortgage terms can be arranged prior to sale, FORD TRACTOR, impix, MENTS & MISC, ITEMS; Ford tractor with 3-point hitch; 20- plate mounted disc; •21-tooth Kongskilde cultivator and level- ler; 3-section of drag harrows; 2-furrow mounted plow; lawn roller with hydraulic steering and International Cub motor; 2- wheel trailer for transporting lawn roller. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, and MISC, ITEM'S: Two 21 inch TV sets; dining room suite, import- ed from Holland, with 6 chairs; 30-inch electric stove, like new; chrome set of kitchen table & chairs; Bartholomew office fur- niture; commercial refrigera- tor with freezing compartment; washer; dryer; deep freeze; maple twin beds and dresers; 3 other bedroom suites; 2 chain saws, one 18-inch and one 24- inch Pioneer; used galvanized pipe; tees and elbows, half to inch and a half in size; used lumber, one and two inch; wire turkey pen; tea kettle; toaster; electric clock; coffee tables; rocking chairs; cupboards; ex- tension ladder; old rocker: 100 feet of chicken wire; wedges; wheelbarrow on rubber; lawn chair and table; aluminum cooker and' many other items too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash WILLIAM POULTON, .Prop. D. A. FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11:18:25c 25 Auction Sales- stands; 19 choir ehairs;,metal choir front; altar railing; pass peeing;.communion table; co service; hymn boards; hymn books; odd. tables; post office; 10 child's stacking chairs; 10 ellildS' wooden chaiTS; 00 wooden chairs; banquet ta- bles ; kitchen cuPboaNs; large quantity of u p s, , saucers, plates, bowls, platters, cutlery, etc,' table cloths; linen; Peach, combination woad and ProParle stove; blackboard; clock; desk; mirrors; lamp; draPes and blinds; chemical toilet; quan- UV of ceiling tile; 200 gal. oil tank; ladders; brooms; shrub- bery, etc, The committee in charge or auctioneer not responsible for -4PY 'accidents on Premises, No Reserve ,— Terms Cash W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE — St. Marys 284-8796 25c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Brick House, Lot and Household. Furnishings in the VILLAGE OF KIRKTON for the Kirkton United Church on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 at 7:00 p.m. White brick house with 4 bed- rooms; 3-piece bath upstairs; large living room; dining room; kitchen and den; wall-to-wall carpet in living room; full basement; oil furnace; good well with pressure system; sit- uated on lot approximately 74x255. TERMS on Property — Selling subject to reserve bid, 10% down, the balance in 30 days. FURNITURE — 9-piece dining room suite; very goad chester- field and 2 chairs; antique oval table; 2 platform rockers; rock- ing chairs; antique chair; odd chair; odd tables; writing desk; bed, springs and mattress; dressers; wash stands; chests of drawers; spool bed; metal bed, springs and mattress; day bed; hall rack •and seat; side- board; large kitchen table and chairs; McOlary refrigerator; McClary 24" stove; annex; washing machine; lamps; shelv- ing, etc. Terms on Chattels: Cash W. E. NAIRN & SON AUCTION SERVICE — St, Marys 284-3796 25c Important AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises HENSALL — Highway 4 London Road The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 31 at 1:30 p.m. Monarch upright piano and bench, new condition; Frigidaire med. size refrigerator, recently purchased; McClary 4-burner electric stove; Coronado elec- tric washing machine; electric radio; electric Singer sewing machine; chesterfield & chair; 25 Auction Sales buffet; G oak Oars; kitchett table and chairs; combination bookcase and writing desk; china cabinet; daybed; oak rockers; centre and end tables; electric clock; kitchen oval mirror; electric lamps; rugs; floor polisher; Vacuum cleaner; oak bedstead, springs, and mattress; dressers; porn- modes;franks; wardrobe; steel bedstead, springs & mattress; assortment of, linens, quilts, pillows, mats, dishes, glass- ware, silverware; antique dish- es; crocks; sealers; kitchen utensils; set of dishes and ail-. verware; , apple peeler; lawn chairs; power lawn mower; step ladders; folding chairs; garden tools; wheelbarrow, etc. Terms; Cash MRS. EMMA G, FORREST, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 2,5c Important AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Farm Machin- ery, Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in ZURICH directly across from R. C. Church The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 at 1:30 p.m. TRACTORS AND FARM MA- CHINERY: Oliver No. 88 stand- ard tractor in good condition; IVIeDeering Farmall "A" stand- ard tractor equipped with bean scuffler and puller cultivator and grader, in good condition; M.H. 9 ft. spring tooth cultiva- tor; M.H. one way disc; Mc- Deering 3-bar side rake; Mc- Deering 3 furrow plow; heavy duty 2-wheel trailer; small 2- wheel trailer; power driven lawn roller; variety tools; ham- mers; wrenches; bolts; power emery; 2 electric motors; steel drums; wheelbarrow; extension ladders; 5-inch belt 32 ft. long; 3-inch belt 16 ft, long; 7 h.p. gas engine; 25 lbs, grease; grease guns; garden hose; win- dows; cedar posts; elevator pipe; saws; shovels; etc., etc. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; GE 4-burner electric stove; Easy electric washing machine; Frig- idaire large size refrigerator, like new; chrome kitchen table and 6 chairs; Motorola 21 inch television; vacuum cleaner; drop leaf table; 2 chairs; pie- tures; centre and end tables; electric lamps; chesterfield suite; space saver; floor polish- er; bedroom suite; dressers; commodes; platform rocker; rugs; assortment dishes, glass- ware, silverware; set of dishes; electric fry pan; crocks; 14 gal. crock; kitchen. utensils; galv. tubs; wash bench; sealers; bot- tles, etc., etc. Terms: Cash. NORMAN OVERHOLT, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25:1c Opportunity AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Complete line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Footwear; Accessories, Electrical Appliance and Misc. Items On the premises, MAIN STREET, CREDITON SATURDAY, AUGUST 31 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Consists of part of lot 4, Crediton, ap- proximately 85x55 on which is situated 2-storey solid brick store building 24x65. This build- ing and lot has many potential values. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold, JAMES LAYE, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctdoneer 25c Important AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 77 SANDERS ST., EXETER The -Undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 at 1;30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 465, Plan 20, 77 Sanders St., Exeter on which is situated a one storey stucco finish frame dwelling, 2 - bedroom, 3 - piece bath, living and dining room, kitchen and utility room. Dwell- ing nicely situated and in good state of repair, Ample garden land and lawn, TERMS of Real Estate'. 10% on day of sate, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reserve bid, if not previously sold, In- spection invited. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 3 hostess chairs; chesterfield with 2 chairs; Studio couch; end ta- bles; chrome kitchen set; step stool; pole lanip; 4 living room lamps; china cabinet; treadle sowing machine; Admiral 17" television; 13each 4-burner elec- trio stove, 30" recently put- chased; McClary med, size re- frigerator; GE floor polisher; Mirrors; pictures; green rug 10x12; oak and steel bedsteads, springs and Mattresses; dress- ors; tomiriodeS; thett of draw- ers; fern stand; teak sets; As,. sortmerit glassware, silverware, crystal, China; 'antique dislieSt antique orriantentS; Coal Oil lamps; lanterns; kitchen WU- sils; eledtridal appliances; 2 Washing Mathines; child's tri- 25 Auction Sales gygle; ,assortment of tools; Duo norm ,oil stove;lawn chairs;. Mgr. heater, etc., -etc. Terms;. Cash VAPP AND STUART AdmintstrAto5. for William Wright AVM" WAP.P.4, .Agetimmer 25:10 ANTIQUE AUCTION DAsHwooD commuNrry CENTRE AUGUST 17 at 1:00 p.m. Articles op view from 10 4,m. FURNITURE includes; Wal- nut> Cherry, oak, etc. Desks, organ stools, captain chairs, commodes, secretary, spinning wheel, •spool bed, etc, LAMPS: prass, iron, green, hilaatils, nghlagn, Tiffany gslwasas j , Student, GLASS: Lustres, hobnail, car- nival, bull's eye, coloured, am* bboe‘rv,lsc:yesttca.l, pressed, mercury, CHINA: R & st Prussian & German, Lemoge, vases, fern- ival (over 80 pieces), cheese & butter dishes, hand painted plates and bowls, mustache cups, shaving mugs, jerdiniers, iron stone, etc. BRASS: Sundial, cuspidor, statues, toilet sets, dresser sets, silver, tools, Telephone, marble dresser top. CLOCKS: Cast iron mantle, weight clocks, steeple, etc. Many articles too numerous to mention. Plan to attend this outstand- ing auction. Terms: Cash Refreshments available, seat- ing. MRS. RUTH EVELAND, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 25:1:15c Many visitors at Thames Road By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Mrs. John Rodd, Pamela and Calvin, Woodham, Mrs. Roy Mar- tin, Gary, Susan and Janice, Del- hi, were Friday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery. Master Dick Dougall, Hensall, and Miss Diane Hodgert visited a few days last week with Brad- ley and Judith Cann, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Rowe spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Fisher, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. , Robert Box, Belton, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hall, St. Marys, visited Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. William Elford. Miss Kathy Ferguson,Hensall, visited a few days last week with Miss Darlene Passmore. Mr. and Mrs. Robert maver and Brian spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. William Stewart at their, cottage in Muskoka. Mr. and Mrs. William Rohde, Glenn and Calvin, attended the Rohde picnic at Springbank Park Sunday celebrating Mrs. Sleam- on's 83rd birthday which was on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jeffery, Alan and Connie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Clark of Lon- PERSONALS don Sunday at the Paul Bunyan Camp near Hayfield. Miss Diane Hodgert is holi- daying this week with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Murray May of London, Rev. Stewart and Mrs. Miner, Charles and John, left Tuesday morning for a month's holiday' in Newfoundland. There will be no Sunday School or church services until Sun- day, August 25. Karen Brock of Zion is visit- ing with Barbara Miller. Master Murray Dixon of Ailsa Craig visited a few days. Mr. and Mrs. William Pass- more of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore are visiting at Port Arthur this week. Wood is one Of the few ma- terials that can be sawn, bent, molded, sliced or broken down into individual cells and remahu- factored into a new form. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA The schoolroom of the United Church was filled Tuesday even- ing of last week when ladies of the Community honored Miss Sharon Lightfoot, on her ap- proaching marriage by present- ing her with a miscellaneous shower. Mrs. Elmer Powe opened the program with a reading. Bonnie Blair favoured with a piano solo. Amid tears and laughter a mock wedding was staged by Gail Cronyn, Glynn Wilson, Marilyn Riley, Mary Shoebottom, Lois Elliott, Joanne Smyth and Velda Tripp. The powers of thinking were put to the test in a telegram contest. Each word in the tele- gram was to begin with the let- ters in the Christian names of the bride and groom to be. Sharon had the pleasure of reading the telegrams later on in the program. An address was read by Mrs. Ann Thomas and the gifts were presented by Penny Smith and Dianne Skinner. Mrs. Lenore Latulippe, Grand Bend, and Miss Wendy Moir, Hensall, assisted in displaying -the gifts. Margaret Haist pre- sided over the guest book and Mrs. Alvin Essery was in charge of the music. By MRS. M. H. ELSTON Mr. and Mrs. Sam Skinner and family and Mr. and Mrs. John McAllister attended the Skinner picnic which was held in Strat- ford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Eagleson of Parkhill visited Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McFalls, David and Donnie, motored to Wiarton Sunday and spent the day with ,Mr. and Mrs. Allan Tindall. David and Donnie re- mained for a week's holidays. Visitors Sunday with MH and Mrs. Elston were their uncle, Clarence Fletcher, Woodham, Mr. and mrs. Cliff Abbott, Luc- an, Miss Sophia Richards, Lis- towel arid Murray Abbott, Cen- tralia. Mrs. Jack Leff of Port Bruce was hostess for a surprise birth- day party for Wendy Elston who celebrated a birthday on Friday. Several girls attended. Mrs. Inez Hickey at her cottage at Port Bruce entertained her grandchildren, Janice, Debbie, Bill, Jim and Charlie for dinner on Monday. Students present program tonight By MISS E144 moRLoCK CRED1TQN_ Students. of VacattPt1 Rtblf School will Present a, program indicating their*chtevemeht gtpr nearly' two weeks of study Thursday evening (tonight) at 8 P.M. in Pen Vnited Church. PPAPQN44 In attendance at the funeral service of Harry 'Psalter 'la* Wednesday afternoon were Rus- sell Clark and Miss Agnes Lam« PPrt, Detroit; Jim 1-.4rPYI Ferndale, Michigan; and Mr. and Mrs/ Bill Penninger, Mount Clemens. Pallbearers were Sam King, Russell Bea.ver, William. Schwartz, Arnold Robertson, Tom Yearley and Lloyd Lam- port. Cpl, and Mrs. Willard Berge and family of Moose Jaw, Sask- atchewan are holidaying with Mr. and Mrs.,Oscar Pfaff. Dr. and Mrs. Carl Morlock of Rochester, Minnesota spent a few days with Edward. Morlock and Ella. S/L and Mrs. Robert Palmer and family, Trenton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Emmery Fahrner; Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finlcbeiner and family, Thornton, with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne presp- cator and family enjoyed a motor trip to Peterborough, Ottawa, Morrisburg to see Upper Canada Village, the Gatineau, the Thous- and Islands and Fort. Henry in Kingston. Those who attended the United Church Women Fellowship at Zurich Tuesday were Mrs. Em- mery Fahrner, Mrs. Chris Din- ney, Mrs. Aaron Wein, Miss Lil- lian Haist, Miss Nola Feist, Mrs. William Schwartz, Miss Doris Schwartz and Rev. and M r s. Howard Zurbrigg. Mrs. Fahrner, Miss. Schwartz and Rev. Zur- brigg took part in the program., Miss Pearl Haist of Lansing, Michigan, has been visiting in the area. Ready Mix CONCRETE FA* \\1. Plant 235-0833 Residence 228.6981 C.A.McDOWELL PERSONALS Mrs. Lorne Hicks returned home last week following a trip to California where she was a guest with her sister-in-law, Miss Helen Hicks. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hodgins, Maureen and Jamie, Toronto, are spending a week with the former's father, Kenneth Hod- gins. Mrs. Hodgins and Marikay are on a holiday trip to the East Coast. Mrs. Arthur McFalls accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. BudJermyn and Mrs. E. Simpson of London' to Exeter Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jermyn visited with the R. D. Jermyn family and the two ladies visited with Mrs. Mc- Falls' sister, Mrs. Samson Mc- Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paisley have returned to their home in Toronto after holidaying with her parents, M. and Mrs. George Dunn. In last week's news the names of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dunn, Exeter, were omittedfrom the list of visitors at the Dunn home. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Vogan and Sharon of Listowel accompanied by Dianne Vogan of Georgetown were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cunnington. Heather Vogan, who has been holidaying with her grandparents returned home to Listowel. An- other granddaughter, Janet Cun- nington of Thames Road remained here for a longer holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Smith, Mount Albert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Smith of Stouffville were week- end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb. Recent visitors with Rev. and Mrs, R. V. Wilson were Mrs. Wm Nichol, Sheila, Heather and Douglas of North Bay and Mrs. Nichol's grandfather, Mr. Mc- Cordic of London. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Greb, Jeff and Daryl, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green and family, London, and with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Eagle- son and family, Grand Bend. Mr. and Mrs. Norm Tripp and family spent the weekend camping at Hayfield. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamport, Gayle and Barbara, Mrs. Etta Young and Mrs. Milton Pfaff at- tended the funeral of the late Richard Berry Saturday. Clearing AUCTION SALE of Contents of Mt. Pleasant • United Church at the church on Highway 23 1/ miles south of Russeldale on TUESDAY, JULY 30 at 7:00 p.m. Mason & Risch piano & bench; • Innes piano and stool; Kern hand pump organ and seat; 24 pews; pulpit; 3 pulpit chairs; pulpit light; ferns and fern