HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-25, Page 10FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. 5. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS ••• FISH & CHIPS •••• SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone: 238-2025 13 For Sale July ”, 1968 4 Female Help Wanted 13 for $o1o. ROUND PHROME iriteben table PO 4 rebairs, like new; dieipg ppm tehle, buffet 44 4' chairS.;.. refieiehed dining room table And 4 chairs; floor and table 41POS; hail tree; chesterfield suites; end .tables; coffee tee tile; 'odd chairs and tables; 6xti'rag; pictnres; beds, springs 4 mattre"ases', dressers wash- .ows,t 'of drewere; chil, deep's desks; Thor washing in a chine; gg. washing in eching; refrigerator; elect* heater; lawn mower.; portable sewing machine; diehes; pots & pans; vacunin eleaner; fleor pplisher; carpet sweeper ; cai•cl table; garden too/s; cash register; Adding machine. Phone 2354964.. Whiting's Used Fprniture and Appliances, 2 blocks west of Wedge the Mover. 25c rag. 10 22 Notices 17 Property For Rent • CLASSIFIED_. . RATES .„. , I:ARON FURNISHED boated 2', bedroom Apartment; else, fur- nishecl bachelor ePertment; vete nethreom. P.h.one 235-2376, . . . APARTMENT - .Ground flo.or; private entra ri g e; furnished; 40,30c1, bedroom, immediate possession, Dial 333-9312 or 227- 4217. 25e LARGE 3-BEDROOM house, le- cated ene block from dowptowP Exeter. Living room, dining room, kitchen, Bathrooms up and .down. Apply to Box KLB, The Exeter Times-Advecge, 7;,,Itfnx Classification's 15 FT., ALUM/NUM PQAT with 40 hp, JOIniston eleetric Start motor and custom trailer. pi§i 23,54075. :1-.S;25e. IT 11 E MentTnereOey. cherries ready now At W. Stew- ardson's on Ridge Road, .Bring containers. Price 150 :per potind, E. Pease, Forest, .Ont, 25c ROOFING-15W slate eningles; la Oliver combine, Pewee take pff, in good eepaie, Phone 235-1207. 18:25c „ . INTRODUCTORY OFFER PITTS13LIFIGH PAINTS NORTH END B.A Service Sta. tion, Exeter ()pen hpurs a day. Under new management. 25:1* EXPERIENCED WOMAN for short order cooking and wait- ress for 4 - shift. Apply Hensall lfatei 462-201.2, 25c le Lost, Strayed 2- Found 3, Male Help Wanted 4- Female Help Wanted 5. Help Wanted 6. BUsiness Oppoetunities 7, Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9, Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11, Poultry For Sale 12. Cars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a. Personal Items 14, Wanted. To Buy 15. Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20. Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23. Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales Fl RST INSERTION - 20 words $1.25, per Weed thereafter. SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS - No copy changes, 40 per word, minimum 800, SIX INSERTIONS - No copy changes, Thfg per word, minimum 740. SEMI-DISPLAY -- First insertion, $1.60 per column inch; subsequent insertlpns $1.30 Per column inch, Minimum size in this category 2", Accepted in multiples of W'. BOX NUMBERS to this office - 25e per insertion. BIRTHS - No charge, MARRIAGES, Engagements, Death Notices, ,Cards of Thanks- 30 words $1.25, each additional word 20. IN MEMORIAMS - $1.25 plus 100 per line of verse, COMING EVENTS -30 weeds $1.25, each additional word 20, Subsequent insertions deduct 504 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Benedict Thompson, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of William Benedict Thompson, late of the Township of IVfcGillivray, in the County of Middlesex, Retired Farmer, whp died on or about the 13th day of May 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 3rd day of August 1968 aft- er which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of whieh notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executrix, Exeter, Ont. 16:25:1c. OPPORTUNITY Exclusive sales rights for Avon Cosmetice available to capable .energetic women. Immediate placement in. Huron Park, Crediton, Daen- wood and Kirkton.. Write or call eollect eveeings. Mrs, M. Mill- SOP, 11 liawkesbnry Ave., Lee- don. 451,0541,,4; 11:18:25e . .. LADIES who would like to earn extra money in their spare time phone 237-2663 after 6 p.m- for information. 11:18:25e 4 15% OFF BRIGHT FULLY furnished, new- ly decorated 1-bedroom apart- ment; 1 bleck to Post Office, $75.00. Elliot Ants, over Canad- ian Tire Store, Phone Grand Bend 238-2680. 7:4tfnc 3 - ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- ment, furnished, self-contained, heated, private entrance. Apply 145 Victoria St, Exeter. 25c CLOSE UPTOWN - Bright one- bedroom apartment, furnished and heated. Dial 235-1185. 7:18tfric 6 Business Opportunities UNTIL END OF JULY We now carry a full line of Interior and Exterior Paint. We mix ell colors to your specifications. If you plan painting this sum- mer, get your paint now during this special offer. U.C.O. A1L$A CRAIG - 293-328/ 18:2.5e DISCOUNT FOR CASH PAYMENT DEADLINE IS 5 PM TUESDAYS RAWLEIGH BUSINESS available in Stephen, Hay and McGilliv- ray Townships. Experience un- necessary, Above average earn- ings. Write Rawleigh, Dept. G-202-240, 4005 Richelieu St., St. Henry, Montreal. 25C • EQUIPMENT for modern beauty shop. Phone 294-6428. 35* WRINGER WASHER with timer, lint filters, excellent condition. Call 235-2358. 25:1c WESTINGHOUSE home freezer sale - 23 cu. ft., $234.95; 16 cu. ft., $214,95; 12 cu. ft., $194,50; 29 cu. ft., $279.00. Bea- vers Hardware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St, Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect). 9tfnc 9 Services 9 Services COMBINING - Grain, beans, corn and swathing. Geo, Troyer, RR 2 Hensel!. Phone 262-5282. 3:14-11:28c WALT ANN'S Dressmaking and pattern designing school now of- fering pattern drafting courses by correspondence. For informa- tion write P.O. Box 638 Exeter. 2:29tfnc 3 Male Help Wanted 7 Teachers Wanted TRUCK DRIVERS - Part time and'full time; also part time dock men far night work. Ap- ply Guenther Tuckey Transport; Exeter. 25c 1966 SUZUKI MOTORCYCLE - 50 cc, sports, Phone 235-1230. 18:25:1* PRINCIPAL RELIEF For Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School. Minimum of 3 half days per week. Apply CRCSS Hay, McGil- livray and Stephen Secretary, Mrs. C, Hogan, RR 8 Parkhill. Phone 294-6756, 18:25c Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. OXFORD DEAD STOCK EXETER - 2-bedroom apart- ment, electric heat, patio, avail- able Aug. 1, Phone 235-1303. 18 For Rent CONCRETE WORK - No job too big, no job •too small; also post hole digging and fencing, Reasonable rates, Contact Louis Maloney, Seaforth. Phone 527- 1351. 5:24tfnc PLUMBING REPAIRS and ren- ovations, Free estimates, Call 227-4168 Lucan. 4:11:18:25c SINGER - Sales, service, rent- als. Your bonded authorized representative will be in Exeter district every Tuesday. Phone Walper's Tip-Top 235-0991. Singer Co. of Canada Ltd., Goderich 524-8431, 3:14tfnc CUSTOM SWATHING and com- bining. Contact Emerson Pen- hale, phone 229-8203. 25:1c TO BUY OR SELL used furni- , Lure contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfnc GRADER & OPERATOR avail- able to do custom drainage back filling and general grader work. Phone 2274721 day or night. 5:4tfnc REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tfnc TO BUY OR SELL good clean used furniture and appliandes and other gocid used household effects apply to Gabby's Au- ction Centre and Second Hand Store, 433 Main St., Exeter 235-0621, 25:1e USED OIL FURNACE, complete with pipes, fan, controls, etc. Phone 236.4976. 25c RED BEETS - 500 per 6 qt. basket. North end Exeter. Ap- ply Wesley Hackney, Hay P.O. 25* REMOVAL LTD. UP TO $5.00 FOR FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 85 C67 We go any place any time. 5:23tfnc APPLICATIONS will be received until August 6 at 5:00 p.m. for the position of 8 Situations Wanted RENTALS-Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tinc CUSTODIAN 15-YEAR-OLD BOY is willing to do any of your odd jobs. If you need any help call Cen- tralia 228-6947. 25c 14 Wanted To Buy for the USED SKI-D00 - Ready cash. Phone 235-1250 Exeter. 25c JAD McCurdy School 9 Services WILL BABY SIT in my own home, 5 days a week. Phone 235.1393. 25c DRESSMAKING and alterations. Wedding ensembles especially. Rates reasonable. Phone Mrs. Owen 228-6924. 25:1:15:22c PAINTING - Exterior and in- terior, Expert workmanship - 25 years' experience. Tom Walk- er, phone 235-0722. 11:18:25:1c CONCRETE SILOS - 14' diam- eter up to 60' high. There is still time before fall to have one built. Contact Arnold Hugill & Son, 92 Cambria Rd. N., Goderich. Phone 524-9437, 6:6tfnc CUSTOM SWATHING with new self-propelled 10' swather. Gor- don Ratz 237-3307. 25c SEPTIC TANKS vacuum pump- ed. New modern equipment; fast efficient service. Butler Bros. 227.4312 or 227-4254 Lucan. 7:18tfric 19 For Sale or Rent 16 Properly For Sale located at HURON PARK, ONTARIO, For further particulars contact Wilmer D. Wein, Sec. - Treas., Stephen Township School Area Board, Box 40, Crediton, Ont. 25:le SILVERLINER hard-top camp- ing trailers for sale or for rent. Open evenings and week- ends. Dale's Sunoco, Exeter. Phone 235-1710. 6:20tfnc PRIVATE - 2 bedroom bunga- low, no basement, well situated for schools and shopping. Huron St. E.; P.I.T. $80 per month after initial down payment. Phone Exeter 235-0781 or 433- 5892 (London). 5:16tfnc NEW HOME - 3 bedrooms, 11 bath, large living room, dining room. family room, kitchen, utility 'room, full basement, 2- car garage. Contact Harold Taylor 235-0674. 6:20tfric 171/4 ACRE FARM - 71/4 acres within town limits, Huron St. W., Exeter; house, barn and shed; ell newly painted. Phone 235-2806. 7:4tfne 141 ACRE PROPERTY - 3/4 of a mile east of Exeter on Hwy. 83. Most suitable for industrial purposes, 487' frontage. Phone 262-2830. 25:1:15c ACREAGE, vacant brick house, conveniences, barn, Grand Bend 4 miles; Brick house 226 An- drew St., needing repairs, has new roof, old barn, large rich garden, bargain price; Insul- brie 216 Andrew St., 4 bed- rooms, full bath, new oil fur- nace. See W. C. Pearce, Real- tor, Exeter. 7:25tfne CREDITON 2-storey brick house. Oil furnace, 4-piece bath. Immediate possession. Phone 234-6389. 25:ic MASSEY PONY TRACTO R; farm wagon. Apply Geo. Deel- stra, RR 1 Centralia. 25:1* MASSEY HARRIS 9' pull type swather, A-1 condition, Gordon Ratz 237-3307. 25c 3.90 FEET LIGHT WIRE gauge fencing 36" high with. 6 T-bars and gate, $22,00 complete. Dial 228-6736. 25* INTERNATIONAL 3-furrow ace bottom plow in good condition. Phone 234-6430. 25:1c # 18 OLIVER COMBINE, spring tooth cylinder, with scour kleen and all attachments; 20 acres of wheat straw. Apply August Gregus 235-1647. 25c MONTMORENCY CHERRIES - Starting around July 20. Bring containers and pick your own. Elmer Wells, 3 miles south of Camp Ipperwash on gravel road. 18:25* Roofs Shingled AND REPAIRED 20 Wanted To Rent Free Estimates 10 Years' Experience WORK GUARANTEED Phone 234-6307 3-BEDROM HOUSE in Exeter. Possession September 1, 1968. Call 235-1325 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. 25* NEWLY APPOINTED engineer for Centralia Agricultural School requires 3-bedroom home, pref- erably in Exeter by August 15. Please call (519) 822-0333 Guelph. 25* SELL RURAL REAL ESTATE If you are looking for an exciting career that will start you earning JOE REGIER BIG MONEY CREDrrON 3:21tfnc represent MANN MARTEL CANADA'S LARGEST REALTOR TREE REMOVAL YOU CAN ENJOY DINING IN THE PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE OF THE Watch Repair Service TREES REMOVED, LOTS CLEARED, FIREPLACE WOOD One year guarantee on work performed on your watch by - We will train you at our expense - We pay for your advertising - You work from your own location - You sell in your own com- munity. For a personal interview Call or write Mr. Tom Montgomery Mann & Martel, Rural Sales Department, 1499 Yonge Street, Toronto 7 Phone (416) 925-2211 25c DASHWOOD HOTEL CERTIFIED MASTER WATCHMAKER WILSON'S JEWELLERY ACE BARN PAINTING - Free estimates. Phone Dave Morris- sey 234-6202. 7:18-9:12c PAINTING & WELL CLEANING. Glanville Bros. Phone 234-6326. Phone collect if long distance. 18:25:1* APPROXIMATELY 250' woven fence wire, 3/16" thicks, 6' high. Exeter Salvage Co. Dial 235-0781. 7:4tfnc Delicious home cooked food specializing in steaks, pork cutlets and southern fried chicken. Open daily. Bakers Tree Removal • PHONE 237-3287 4:25tfnc L & L Saddle Shop & GIFTS - EXETER Pleasing you pleases us. 2tfnc Dipner Is Served Weekdays 5 Until 8 P.M. Sundays 4 Until8 P.M. SAVE THE New Beaver Home Way PLUMBING - Repairs, altera- tions, installations. Call Arthur Jones 235-2775. 4: lltfnc CONCRETE SILOS - Farmers interested in having a silo built 14' in diameter up to 60' in height contact us. Reasonable price. Could be built immedi- ately. C. W. Hugill & Son. Dial 236-4928 Zurich, 25:1:15:22c CUSTOM SWATHING - Phone 229-6367 after 9:30 p.m. 25* H. T. DALE Septic Tank Serv- ice. For mornp, efficient serv- ice, call 527-1406 Seaforth. 6:13-9:26* WESTERN WEAR, BOOTS & TACK OVER 25 PLANS TO CHOOSE FROM Beaver homes erected on your foundation. Send or phone for your free Beaver Home Plan Brochure. Check Our Bargain Table 4 Female Help Wanted 17 Property For Rent WE ARE FULLY LICENCED UNDER THE LCBO. Entertainment Every Wednesday Friday & Saturday Night Phone 237-3671 STUDENTS AND housewives to work 10 hours a week, $30.00 and up. Phone 262-5164. 25:1c PART - TIME SECRETARY for the principal's office at JAD McCurdy Public School, Huron Park, Ontario. Typing a neces- sity. For interviews contact Wilmer D. Wein, Sec. - Treas., Stephen Township School Area Board, Box 40, Crediton, Ont. REDUCTIONS UP TO 50% ROOM-Centrally located, avail- able now. Apply 16 John St. or phone 235-0382. 5:30tfnc TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tinc SIGNS BY WEBSTER 210 SANDERS ST. E. 235.2203 18:25c BEAVER LUMBER Exeter Phone 235-1582 5; 2tfnc HARLEY DAVIDSON motorcy- cle, $300.00 or best offer. Phone 262-2438 after five. 18:25c 10 FT. OF TOP kitchen cup- boards (2 sections); 13 ft. of bottom kitchen cupboards with stainless steel sink and faucets, painted; 130 21x12 ceiling tile (White). Call 235-0487. 18:25* DACHSHUNDS--Reds or blacks, registered; $50.00 to $75.00; Toy Terriers, registered, $50.00; un- registered, $40.00. A Macintosh, Clandeboye. 227-4598, Closed Sundays. 5:2tfne • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS McDONALD SANITATION SERVICES GARBAGE COLLECTION PHONE 235-0680 EXETER 2:8tfnc • BALL-MACAULAY -BUILDING SUPPLIES- Ford Rent-A-Car Residential - Industrial HTJRON, PERTH, MIDDLESEX PHONE 234-6246 CREDITON 6:27-8;29* N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235-2433 ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times, "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-3399 BY THE HOUR BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK FRESH EGGS - 1/4 mile north of Hensel' on Highway 4, Mar- cel Verlinde, RR 2 Hensall. 6:20-7:25* CLINTON - 482-9514 SEAFORTH - 527-0910 HENSALL - 262-2713 10 Livestock for Sale LARRY SNIDER MOTORS PALOMINO MARE - Western broke, good disposition; 3 pony mares - one 3 years old; two 2 years old; good With children Jud Dykernan 229-6405. 25c THRESHING MACHINE, Bell, Seaforth, with straw cutter, in A-1 conditiori. Phone 227-4670 Lucan. 25e 14 ACRES of barley straw. Phone 237-3289. 25c COMBINE Minneapolis lVfoline pt.o., auger fed. Phone 262- 5434. 25c PREPARE for this year's corn harvest now -- Quantity of 16 and 18 fOot cedar poleS, corn alb farbric and strapping for 300 feet of corn crib, Priced to sell. Some used Only two sea, Sons. Apply Don Thompson, Ailsa Craig, 203.3162 after 7 25:1nc JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types of sales "For Top Prices" EXETER LONDON Phone 235-0720 451-8630 LTD. or Exeter 235.1640 5:9tfric C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 228 Front St., E. Strathroy, Ont. 6 FOOT CEDAR Dead Stock Removal PICNIC TABLE 12 Cars, Trucks for Sale WE BUY AND SELL used cars and trueks. See Ed Hearn 235- 1640. Larry Snider Motors Ltd. 5:9thic 1956 MERCURY 1/2 TON truck with eackS, good motor and tires. Needs seme body work. Apply Gladvvyn Hooper, 229- 8278. 25ne FRESH DEAD COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. For the most prompt and cour- teous service hi this district Please Call Collect BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office Exeter, Ont. Directors Martin Feeney 11,11, President Dublin E. Clayton Colgithouil RR 1 Vice-President Science Hill William IL Chaffe AR 4 Mitchell Robert G. Gardiner RrI Crom artY "Raymond IvhClirdy RR 1 Kirkten Tina Toohey AR 3 Udall Agents Hugh Benninger Coates Exeter ClaYteii Mirth Miteliell geteelai*,treasuree. 'Hugh Patterson EXotet .00 ASSEMBLED (not as illustrated) NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, MY Size, Anywhere Phone /35.1964 EXETER MARLATT BROS. Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 Hour Service-4 Days a Week License No. 390-C-365 5:21.fric TRY VARATI1ANE PLASTIC FINISH 13 For Sale TO Ohm Your New -Table That 'Natural ,r., ,,L CHERRIES Pick your osvn at James Eberly Orchard, 1 mile west of Sylvan store. Montnlor- &ley eherries ready July 15, 13ring your OWn baskets, Jamee Eberly, SylVan, Ont, Phene 294- 6512. 18:25c BRUCE REFRIGERATION PHONE 2384385 GRAND BEND Nate and used Milk cOolers; Welkin boxes; ice niathineS; air conditioners and eotriplete KelVitiator appliances; SWeclen sett Serve ice cream machines, WE SELL, Itz nEsT AND SERVICE VE MST Mlgtfrie Grinsven & Butler LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL G« A. WEBS, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WtnNtSpAY VW° Appointment Phone 235-1680 80 ACRES standing Oat Straw, betWeen Dashwood and Grand Bend, Pliene '236-4695, 18:25;1* KITCHEN CUPBOARDS Suit, Able for sUillmer cottage. Cheap for quick sale. Apply Harry Waythouth, Olintori 4824375, JAZ*. b, BECK LitENSE6 ALlerioNEER tor Comploto 8alos Servide that Satiages, Call 285-0621 st., txoffir Got,AdtiON BY Atittleit4 PIC.K UP DEAD & DISABLED CAME & HORSES For eititiett service tall dollett 27.-4112 24,1Iour Servloo-4 Day§ a Week Lidense 15968 3:21tfne Good July 2ith te AUguit ith