The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-25, Page 7Left over SPECIALS from F.UNDAY Men's and •Boys` Jeans and Slacks Reg. From $5.95 to $12.95 1/2 Price %cl a GOULD JORY Dial 235-0270 Exeter TirnepAdVocate, July 25, 1968 Page 7 Observe farm safety week .•• .e.eev,*ftit EXEtEfi Erin FIDInn kh .ear MMIKeem:ktk,,,„ enti-cORGE wait pitts rib lbS 400( D ag. bi !%.1.:•Z•Vz, APPLY FOR A HANDY `CAN-CHARGE' CREDIT CARD EXTRA! Cosh & Carry NUS COUPONS [mum TIRE OM*. s'Ama*, Visitors take mcgor prizes pt mixed bowling 'event S The vehicles from Freakville Most of the contests during Exeter's Funday last week had unusual entries and the freak vehicle section was no exception. The winner was Scott Batten, shown on the right with his battery-powered car and second place was taken by Scott Rundle with his corn covered tricycle and cow of the future. T-A photo. The major 041 of prizes at WedneSday'S mixed tournament held at the :Exeter fAwa pow1ixig Club went to yisiters, Mr. and Mrs, Art Finlaysen, Seaforth took first place with three wins and a plus of go. Taking second positien were the only ether three game winners of the day, Me- and Mrs. Bert. Grey, Clinton. A record 0 two wins and a phis of 19 gave Mt, and Mrs, F.xeraerapa Gunning, Mitchell third prize with fourth place going to Mr, and Mrs, Ted Zim- merman, petrolia. Wes Venner and Mrs. LeriMe- Knight of the host club finished, fifth on the program with a single win and a plus of 10 to their credit, REPEAT WINNERS Rev,.A.E. Merl-ow, Grand Bend and Mrs. Alvin Pym continued their winning ways during the past week of club competitions at the local club. Mrs. Pym took Tuesday's regular jitney combining two wins with a plus of 16 and aggregate of 31. Rev. Morrow was best inSat- urday night play, posting two wins, a plus of 20 and aggregate of 36. Ivan. Hill, finished second on Tuesday, Pair ,ef wins with a pliiS pf S,. .one more than, peter1.)..lantinge, who fin,, !shed third. Mrs, William TaY- '/Qr and Rev. .Morrow were deadv locked in fourth .apot with ..eq4e;l scores of two wins and plus pf Seven with. Mrs, Roy SwertZ, close behind' with :a pius of 6 to go: with her double, Saturday's runner pp prize Mixed golfers hold tournament A mixed two-ball golf tourna- ment was held at the Ausable golf course over the weekend with a large number of golfers competing. Don Joynt and Helen Burton combined to take low gross bon- ors with a score of '78. After using handicaps to reduce scores, Bill Coleman and Trev Richardson took the top net award with a 77. Prizes for the most honest golfers went to the combos of Ed Richardson and Norma Mac- Donald and Derry Buie and Olga Chipchase. Went to Mrs. Qertriids liamiltga on the strength of two wins and Plus of 15. A plus of 11 and two wins enabled Mrs. Edna Caldwell to tehe third SpOt. Mra, Wilt Oaptoe and Mrs, Roy .Swartz took fourth And fifth prizes, res, pectiVely. Farm receipts reported down Farm cash receipts in the first quarter of this year fell below the record set in the same period of 1967. However, the two years are not comparable because of the timing of final wheat pay- ments, These were paid during the first three months of last year but did not fall in the quart- er this year. Had the timing been the same, farm cash, receipts would have been 40 4% above, rath- er than 15.5% below a year ago, according to the D.B.S. Cash receipts from the sale of cattle and calves ran about S10 million ahead of last year with good gains in the West more than offsetting small declines in the East. Receipts from the sale of hogs were generally lower. • HOLIDAY 6 SAFETY HIGH TRACTION crinnomn TIRE • The beauties of the show Judges in Friday's girls and dolls beauty contest were faced with many dolls and their mothers dressed in identical costumes. The winners are shown above, from left, Nancy Miller, Sandra McLeod and Sheila and Brenda Edwards. T-A photo. District ambulance operators happy with new arrangements Mar Ambulances made the head- * lines again this month in Ontario with the announcement that the Ontario Hospital Services com- mission was responsible for ad- ministering all financial agree- ments with private ambulance operators as ofJuly 1. Although the office of Dr.Nor- man H. McNally, chief of emer- gency health service for the de- partment of health has been bog- ged down with an e no r mous •amount of paper work to affect the switch, ambulance service operators this district seem satisfied with the new arrange- ments. Ambulance serVice years ago was usually supplied by the fu- neral directors as a service to the community, With countless II- nancial problems to hinder their Operations, it was evident that some government control was • needed. For a while, municipal ambul- ance subsidies appeared to be the answer even though some com- munities were reluctant to add the expense to their budgets. In April, Health Minister Mat- thew Dymond told the Ontario • LegislAtere that broadening the province's hospital in s u r an c e coverage was a factor, along with mushrooming hospital costs, in raising its monthly insurance rates in its March budget. Wider the amendment to the Ontario HOSpital Services Act, el! still to be introduced:to the House, OliSC Will pay 15 percent of the ambulance charges with the re, niainifig 25 percent billed to the patient involved through OHSC. 'Local anibulance operators are expecting payment from OHSC for attibulance della since July 1. To date, none have received Cheques fOr services rendered. With the nation- Wide postal strike at the present time, no money is likely for a few days. Tb SNUFF Government officials have Stressed th6 new agrobirient will not Mean that ambulance operat- ors Will be dictated to, however, it has entailed a major overhaul of einhulaneeS, 'staff and equip ment in some cases. Two Way radio systems head the list of reguirettiefita ftir atti- ry billance Sal/ices) with someone .on staff 24 "hour's a day to take the calls and man the radio. Where station wagons had been previously acceptable for ambul- ance use, new regulations demand standard height vehicles. Two qualified attendants must be on duty 24 hours out of each day. Equipment aboard the ambul- ance must include such things as two chains, ropes, crow bars, wrecking bars, splints, fracture board, bandages, fire extinguish- ers, oxygen and resusitator, Hoffman Ambulance is licens- ed for two regular units and one standby unit. The Dashwood firm has Come up to standard, main- taining a full staff round the clock and radio equipped to insure ef- ficiency, Westlake Ambulance, Zurich, is also a licensed ambulance service. Owner Keith Westlake The matter of trucks double- parking on Main St. was broach- ed at Exeter council meeting, last week with Chief C. H. Mac- Kenzie reporting one driver giv- en a ticket fer such a violation recently. Reeve Boyle said he had learn- ed the driver complained about the fact local trucks were not given tickets for the same of- fence, but Chief Mackenzie re- ported there were no other s violating the law at the time. "We Went out that day to get thern,°' he stated "and others Would have been given tickets had they been feund." Cotincillor George VrieteSug4- gested there Should be A time limit for trucks Unloading in areas where there are no rear entrances. 4i Yoti can't expect people td walk around the block to make deliveries." he stated: Mayor belbridge agreed, but pointed out trucks double-pant in areas where there Are rear accesses to stores. He a.id that after the Street was ripped up the truCkers would have to find Spols at the rear Of the storea. "Maybe that will get them into stated his service has been fully equipped since January 1 although Westlake Ambulance has been in the business for many years. In Lucan, ambulance service is being provided on a tempor- ary basis by C. Haskett and Sop and Murdy Ambulance. Both ser- vices have been requested by Toronto to carry on with present equipment until new arrange- ments are made. Expectations are that a priv- ate company will be engaged to service the Lucan district. , Aim of the health department is to improve and standardize the qiality of the service, to ensure every citizen a desirable degree of ambulance coverage and to assist ambulance services throughout the province, the habit," Deputy-peeve Mery Chdmore quickly added. Chief MacKenzie was urged to use discretion in the matter. The Chief also reported that the typewriter at the office was “pretty well shot" and aSked Whether council would want it fixed or another one ptirchaSed. He suggested only a used one was needed.<tWe're not very goOd typists anti it takes a beating," he eXplained. The matter was left with the Dolled committee, "Anything else broken down?" Mayer belbridge then asked. "illfreg j sir," the Chief replied, -lithe car raio". Co nneillor Newby men- tiOned he had two used radios available, butt lie answered in 'the negative when Mayor Del, bridge asked if he was going to donate One, The Chief was asked to haVe the radio checked to See how much repairS would cost. Paper clothing was disported to Canada from Ge rmany years Arm, Almost one half of Canada's land area is forested. NO TRADE NEEDED 2 TIRES FOR THE PRICE 1 OF 4-PLY TUBELESS SIZE NYLON POLYESTER BLACK WHITE WHITE 2 FOR 2 FOR 2 FOR *520/10 *500-550/12 500-520/13 590-600/13 640-650/13 ...., 700/13 25.40 25.98 27.94 28.98 30.96 32.26 28.40 28.98 31.98 33.96 35.26 35.96 36.00 38.36 560 600-650/14 735/14 (7o0/14) 775/14 (750/14) 825/14 (800/14) 855/14 (850/14) 885/14 (900/14) 30.74 33.14 33.90 38.34 41.58 33.74 36.14 36.90 41.34 44.58 47.98 38.20 38.76 41.30 46.81 51.50 ,..•.• 560/15 685/15 (590/15) 735/15 (640/15) 775/15 (670/15) 815/15 (710/15) 845/15 (760/15) - 885/15) (800/15) 30.64 32.16 33.28 34.90 37.90 40.98 33.64 35.16 36.28 37.90 40.90 43.98 47,34 39.50 41.30 46.81 51.50 01.ply Otating) FREE! STATIC WHEEL BALANCE when NEW VALVE INSTALLED for .. • . - Discuss problems of double parking .................................. SAFETY "99" HIGH TRACTION Torture-tested at speeds you'll never need! Ruggedly built with heavy, 4-ply Dupont Nylon cord pound for pound stranger than steel k k fot smoothest rotting, more miles and even more miles per gallon, it's Safety "99" with Polyester., Can't "told, morning-thurnp." So tOV0h, well replace it with a new one if it punctures. (see Ouctratitee). Keep company with SAFETY "99" kkka grea compcmion and of 2 FOR THE PRICE ik ' •••••••••ifirereil