HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-25, Page 5Merners meet for annual fete The 16th annual Merner re, union was held at the 'farm home of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Merner Sunday with 150 members of the elan, attending from Kitchener, Detroit, Dearborn, Cipcitinatt, Streetsville„ London, Elmira, Hamilton, Exeter, Dashwood and Hensall, A full line of sports was dire ected by Mrs. Marjorie Schilbe, Zurieh. A ball game highlighted the sports program, Prize for the eldest person went to Mrs. Susan Merner,.Zure ich; youngest, Susan Tiernan, London; coming the farthest dis- tance, Mrs, Sally McConaughy, • Cincinnati, Ohio. Vice-president Robert Mer- ner, Zurich, chaired the meeting and announced that the 1969 Re- union would be held at the same place the second Sunday In July. Entertainment was provided by Robert Reschke on the .accordion accompanied by his sister, Dian- ne, on the guitar. • Their costumes were different Youngsters taking part in the International parade Friday afternoon as part of Funday celebrations chose a variety of costumes. The winners of the various divisions are shown above. Back, left, Randy miller, Heidi Eisenchink, Chris Cowan, Tammy Litt and Sandy McLeod. Front, Julie Ann McLean, Michael McCauley, Robbie mellenger, Claudia Litt and Tammy Sue McLeod. T-A photo. Whalen residents travelling to holiday with relatives By MRS. FRANK SQUIRE Mrs. Laverne Morley and Carol Foster left Saturday by plane from Melton airport for a daughter, Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family. Mr. and Mrs. Don Kyle, Ham- ilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Johnston, London, were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Byran Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the Shakespearean Fes- tival last Thursday evening in Stratford. Mrs. Garnet Mousseau of Rid- getown was a guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. Byran Kyle. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles and Ann of London, were guests Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mickle and family at Sauble Beach, Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. William Kerr and Miss Carol Kerr, North Bay, are visiting with Mrs. Maude Hedden, Hensall, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Kerr, Seaforth. two weeks visit with .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sotcher and family, San Jose, California. Mrs. Arthur Cann, London, accompanied them to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. McLeod Mills, Barry and Bruce, are leaving Friday on a two week vacation with relatives at Spalding, Sask- atchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hodgins visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick, London. Mary Johnson spent the week- end with her friend, Margaret Hodgson, St. Marys. Dace Beitans spent the weekend with friends at Hamilton and Niagara. Mrs. Astra Kalmins and fam- ily, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Arvid Beitans, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gee, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Squire visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen, St. Marys. Inta Beitans holidayed during last week at the Zemitis home Da.shwood and Karlis Zemitis holidayed at the Beitans home. Martha Khlare, London, is holidaying this week with Marlene Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Wm French and Joe and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Parkinson and family, St. Marys, spent a few days during last week at Lake Calabogie. Ainsley Neil, Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Neil, Clandeboye, and Mr. and Mrs. Len Powell and Heather, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alton Neil at their cottage at Turnbull's Grove. Donald Neil, Ron Pullman and Jim McDonald among others in Middlesex County took in the bus trip on Wednesday going to Cen- tralia College of Technology and Dashwood Industries, Centralia; Canadian Canners Ltd., Exeter; W. G. Thompson Elevators Ltd.; Huron Pioneer Museum, Goder- ich; and a tour of Goderich har- bor and beach. Grafton Squire was in Toronto Wednesday attending the annual meeting of Masonic Grand Lodge. FRONTIER DAY SPECIALS July 26 & 27 Served 5:00 to 7:30 p.m. TRADITIONAL ROAST BEEF with pan gravy $2.25 BAKED HAM with pineapple ring $2.00 HENSALL HOTEL For reservations call 262-2012 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT Ron Gorham, Prop. Featuring the Sherwood Room ENTERTAINMENT FRI. & SAT. NIGHT Exclusive FRIGIDAIRE Cus to m. imperial SuPer;'Surge DISHWASHER Model. DWJMK 3 Frigidaire colors or •4114.0 I YOUR BEST BUY IS FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service I DRYSDALE neat HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL Tine Advocate, Baten July 0 41 2r5,191.06811/. flowerer, we •stippoSe they publicitypi eee;that7 didn'ttaVe anythingetterrcelvedapdwt)4tt is most 4nywyand itdoesh:lppasot difficult to IceeP things neat When time of day, this: junk cetnes flooding in each day. That excuse no longer exists so if the strike continues too lcing we'll have to setabout the tedious tasAkctoufaelllyea:rlangmtheser drelssIcaWisay4. great boon to a newspaper editor. WheneYer Something is left out and people come storming in, all they anddimmediatelyo is take on e 1lc realizee hOhwe desk easy it would be to lose something on it. People who keep their desks neat and tidy can't avail them- selves of that ready excuse and in this we sympathize with them. Not only that, but a messy desk suggests a person is ex- tremely busy and we often do question how much work is done by those persons who don't have a thing piled up around them. While we admit to having the Worst clutter in Exeter, we do find some that rate a close sec- ond and in all cases we find they belong to people who are extremely busy and work hard. The two just go hand in hand and there's no other reason . . in our opinion anyway. * * * * Readers will be glad to know that even the postal employees suffer some inconvenience from the strike. They had no way of getting out information to the newspapers outlining their stand. One such piece of information was delivered to the office some- time over the weekend, and rather than just dropping it in the mail, the postal workers apparently had to deliver it around to each news- paper. --,Continued. from. page 4 Protect Your Income Your income is the one item that makes everything else possible. Protect it with a Great-West Life Disability Income policy. It's the plan that pays you a tak free income if you become sidelined because of illness or injury. Call us now: G. G. COOPER 276 EMILY STREET ST MARYS 284.2343 Great-West Life )(1%u7kAtitt Cr.rn tOmPANY One extreme to another Youngsters attending' Friday's Funday festivities brought animals and pets of all sizes. Above, judge Fred Walters has lined up three sizes of turtles in piggy-back style, T-A photo. PUFFED RICE QUAKER 13 PT. MUFFETS QUAKER 150Z. COFFEE MATE 11 OZ. JAR APPLE JUICE ALLEN'S 48 OZ. TINS FRESHIES OR KOOL AID 10 PKGS. WHOLE POTATOES FIESTA 19 OZ. TINS COFFEE CHASE & SANBORN (DEAL PACK) 1 LB. BAG PUDDINGS 71,N,'„77 MARSHMALLOWS WONDERFOOD 16 OZ. PKG. FOIL WRAP SOUPS HEINZ COFFEE SUPER $AVE INSTANT 8 OZ, JAR PEANUTS BERE'S BLANCHED 12 OZ, BAG (SAUCE INCLUDED) CHOCOLATE, CARAMEL, LEMON, APPLE STUART HOUSE (12 INCH WIDTH x 25 FOOT) ROLLS 10 OZ. TOMATO OR VEGETABLE 2/790 754 3/990 494 3/59 77 4/$1. 2/690 2/690 7/111EW 990 350 PRODUCE WATERMELONS IGOOD SIZE) NO. 1 (PRODUCT USA) CAULIFLOWER o,...o,o, EACH EACH 894 254 MINUTE STEAKS. 89t PEAMEALED BACK BACON ..,,,EcE) 69C LB. (SLICED) 79t BONELESS POT ROASTS .4 95 BLADE ROASTS LB. 59C FRESH HAM STEAKS 69C MEAT BY- PRODUCTS HAMBURG OR WESTON'S (80 HOT DOG ROLLS 4 pKGs. $1. FROZEN FOODS FISH It FRAZERVALE (COD) 24 OZ CHIP DINNERS 2p,<Gs $1.00 I MACARONI/CHEESE LOAF, CHICKEN LOAF, MINCED HAM 49c LB. cORRESPONDENTS Mrs. MovS10., H.00.11, Phone .2024002 Mri, B.r.tIva •Macqrogor, ph.900: .2424024.. Gordon Charles Page, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Page, has been accepted into the navy as an ordinary seaman and will report to. CFB, Cornwallis, Nova Scotia on August 9. Mr, and Mrs. John Hendrick and family, Arthur, visited this week with Mrs. Hendrick's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamSold- an and Bill. Ross Love of Clinton was a recent visitor with his sister, Mrs. John E. McEwen. Wayne Corbett is holidaying this week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, Peter L. Mc- Naughton. Mr. and. Mrs. Eric Munroe, Seaforth, were visitors with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor last week. Miss Cindy Parker returned home after holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Parker and Patsy. Leonard Erb had the mis- fortune to slip and lacerate his left arm in a window at his home. He was attended by Dr. J. C. Goddard at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, and released to his home Saturday. Sgt. Karl Schwalm, Mrs. Sch- walm and sons Ricky and Terry, are spending a month long vac- ation with the former's mother, Mrs. Violet Schwalm and mem-• bers of the family. Sgt. Schwalm who has been stationed in Ger- many for the past two years, has been posted to Camp Borden. Mrs. R. M. Peck is visiting with her brother and sister-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elder and family in Hamilton. Leslie Riley left Saturday where he will enter The Work- men's Compensation Hospital, Downsville, for further treat- ment on his left arm which was injured in a chain saw accident some months ago. Gary Lawrence, 22, an employ- ee of Scholl's Supersave Market had the misfortune Tuesday caus- ing him to lose the index finger of his right hand while sawing meat with an electric band saw. The next finger was badly in- jured and required surgery at Victoria Hospital, London. Gary returned home from the hospital on Saturday. Grant McClinchey underwent surgery in St. Joseph's Hospital Thursday morning for neck in- IHM , MMIMPIMPHMPIIMIMPPOMM, ll PIM ll l PMMUM l HMIMMI l l PPM III l I Mill111111111111111111111111111111111,111 juries which he received in a recent car accident. He expects to remain in hospital for two 'weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sim Roobol were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jones at a dinner at Dominion Hotel, Zurich, Sunday evening on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Louise Simpson was taken by ambulance Saturday evening to South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Memorial flowers in the sanc- tuary of Hensall United Church Sunday morning were placed by Mrs. Roy Campbell in loving memory of her father, Alvin Wurm„ W.O.2 R. M. MacKinnon, Mrs. MacKinnon and family of Ororn- octo, N.B. left Tuesday for their home after a vacation spent with the former's mother, Mrs. Don- ald MacKinnon. Miss Vicki Albright, Detroit, Michigan, spent a few days visit- ing her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Schwalm, Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hansen, Stratford, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O'Hara and Peter, London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. Violet Schwalm and Ray. Miss Ruth Petty and friend, Miss Peggy Watson, London, left by plane Friday for Vancouver where they will vacation for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Terry North of Fingal spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell. Ter- esa and Tammy returned home with them after spending a few days with the Snells. Miss Olive Petty, Southwold, has returned home after spending a vacation with her brother and sister-in-law, M:. and Mrs. Wil- liam Petty. Mrs. Warren Gibbs and daughter Joyce, London, were Sunday guests with the former's sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Petty. Weekend guests with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton were Mrs. Nellie O'Connor and grandson, Clint Hughes, London, England, and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Page and David, Burlington. Mrs. Florence Joynt and Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle spent Wednesday with the latter's • WI's executive • okay delegates The executive meeting of the Hensall Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Clar- ence Reid Monday evening with 12 members present. It was decided to send two • delegates to the ACWW meeting in Lansing, Michigan, in Sep- tember. If leaders can be found, the 4-H course "Cottons May Be Smart" will be sponsored. Programs were arranged for the 1968-69 season. • Couple feted near Kippen By MRS. NORMAN LONG About 56 neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hood, RR 3 Kippen, gathered at their home Wednesday evening and surprised the couple by dropping in to celebrate their 25th wed- ding anniversary. For entertainment the high- light of the evening was pro- gressive euchre which was play- ed on the lawn. The celebrants were present- ed with a large mirror and other gifts. The address was read by Ted Robinson. Mr. and Mrs. Hood, thanked everyone and lunch was served. PRESENTATION Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kyle were pleasantly surprised Monday evening when the neighbors gath- ered to spend an evening with them prior to moving to their • new home in Hensall. After a few games of bingo, the couple were presented with a pair of lamps and a picture. P ERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Louis Kirk and family spent Sunday in Port Stan- ley with Mr. & Mrs. Roy Kirk. • Louise remained with her grand- parents for some holidays. Robert Thomson of Kippen who recently celebrated his 91st birthday was very pleased last week to receive through the mail a framed scroll from the provin- cial government. Mr. & Mrs. John C. Doig of Grand Rapids, Michigan, attend- ed the Treasure—Sri-11111e wed- ding Saturday in Hensall United Church and called on Mrs. Long in the evening. David and Robert Cooper spent Sunday in Detroit. • Sunday evening guests with Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis were Mr. & Mrs. E. Sproal and Mr.& Mrs. J. Johnson, all from Exeter. Monday visitors with Mrs. Long were Mr. & Mrs. A. Pringle and Mr. & Mrs. E. Scott and four grandchildren, London. • Miss Barbara Dales of Wheat- ley spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. John A, Cooper. Miss Sharon McBride enter- tained Saturday evening at a mis- cellaneous shower in honour of Miss Barbara Dales of Wheatley whose marriage to David Cooper • takes place August 24. Barbara teaches public school in London. • By GORDON MORLEY Mies Barbara Lewis and Miss Judy Thompson are holidaying at home of Mrs. Earl Lewis. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Elliott, Torn and article, London, and Mrs. Pearl Morley and Torn ; Lieury, spent Sunday tattle home of Mr: and IVIr5, Norman Lewis. Many from the area attended the Morley Reunion held at the farm of Mr. and Mtg. tart Lewis: Miss Lorna MawSiin has been holidaying the past Week With M. anti Mrs. gernidin Lewis. poimul!!!! o !!!! l o oo ttt tt 1•P tt !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! t ! t !!!!!!!!!!!! tt !I! t ! , !!!! Personal items • • INIMWMPEMMUMESISOMMISMAssammeMrmeng•gegemaressr ngfiftk::7q1Vm,Inre