HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-18, Page 15Head Lucan swim program
Lucan and district youngsters are turning out in record numbers to participate in the swimming
instruction program at the Lucan swimming pool. Above, supervisor Alf Williams is shown with his staff
of instructors, Liz Hill, Janis Freeman, Peggy Elson and Dennis Burt. T-A photo.
Record number compete
in second swim session
at Middleton Drugs •
MIDDLETON fh-11995
„z7 --crry-gA,
Will reside in London
Stefan Orenchtt, Exeter, Robert Campbell,
Clinton, Bernard MacEachren, London, George
Moore, London all win brand new CCM bicycles.
You could be one of next week's many winners!
Look for contest details in cartons of Coca-Cola,
COcitolti tote ire itetft Identify "otily 016 broduct Ccateli
Times-Advocate, 1908 15:.
Last test of the season
for older racing -birds
once again we had two races
last weekend. The one race was
from Oshawa (136 miles) and
the other was from Smith Falls
(300 miles).
The birds were liberated in
Smith Falls at 6:45 am into a
hot and humid morning. There
was very little wind and it was
bright and sunny all along the
line. There were 123 birds from
Lucan in this race.
Willy Vanneste was out in his
yard cutting the grass. His wife
says he misses a lot of grass on
Saturdays because he is watching
the loft for a bird instead of
watching where he is going with
the lawn mower.
As Willy rounded a rose bush,
there before his tired old eyes
was a big blue pigeon just about
to land on the coop. Willy was so
excited he forgot to shut the lawn
mower off and it cut up a lovely
row of rosebushes.
Any way you look at it, he will
have enough money out of this
race to plant a row of orchids
where the roses once bloomed
so nicely.
Now Willy was just qu i c k
enough to get first, second and
third. He had more birds home,
but we can only clock three. His
first bird was 25 minutes ahead,
of any other in this club.
Clarence Hardy was able to
pick off fourth and then came a
performance that has never been
B ride-elect
is honored
Prior to her wedding July 27,
Miss Catherine Blake was a guest
of honor at a miscellaneous show-
er recently sponsored by Mrs.
Joe W helihan, Mrs. Will Mc-
Laughlin and her daughter, Mrs.
Mark Boulianne.Held in the old St.
Patrick School, B id d u 1p h, 75
relatives and friends were pres-
Following a program of con-
tests and musical numbers, the
bride-elect's two sisters, Mrs.
Pate Cunningham and Miss.Lau-
tette Blake, assisted Miss Blake
as she opened her gifts.
Mrs. B. Taylor
dies in Tilbury
Mrs. Benjamin Taylor, 59,
passed away very suddenly last
Tuesday while watching TV in
her Tilbury home.
The body lay at rest in the
Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan,
until Friday when the Rev. G.
Johnson of the Anglican Church,
Ilderton, conducted the funeral
Two grandsons, a son-in-law
and a friend were the only pall-
bearers. Interment was in St.
James Cemetery, Clandeboye.
Besides her husband, Mrs.
Taylor is survived by one son,
Roy of Windsor, two daughters,
Mrs. Gordon (Wynne) Berry and
Mrs. Alex (Marjorie) Hill, Lon-
don. three grandchildren and four
brothers, Harold, Herbert, Char-
les and Roy Emery, all of Peter-
Mrs. Taylor was the former
Jenny V. Emery. She was the
mother-in-law of the former Ma-
delaine McLean, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. McLean.
Junior farmers
plan Detroit trip
The regular July meeting of the
Lucan Junior Farmers was held
in the Maple Lodge Community
Centre, Tuesday evening with ap,
proximately 40 members pres-
ent. President John Riddell pre-
August 3 was the date set for
a trip to the Detroit Zoo and
Ford Museum. August 13, the
Lucan Jr. Farmers will hold a
Wiener roast.
Three members were chosen
to go on an exchange trip to
• Welland Cotinty.
After the meeting, a shivaree
party was held at the home Of
• Mr. and Mrs: Keith Selves (nee
Elizabeth Riddell) of Kirkton, a •
• recent bride and groom.
The Jailer Farmers and 4-H
Clubs held an all-day Middlesex
Judging competition at Glencoe
Sa.turday, with county director
Alfred 00118, secretary.
Boni& TWiddle And fair LUV
can corn and beef club inen1-;
bets were Luaa.ti,t contribution
ie, the 239 contestants preSenttt
Although Lucan'was not among
the top wi'nne'rs, members Made
a good shoWing: The final re
stilts Will ha be available for a
couple Weeks:
equaled in pigeon history. Big
lovable .Uncle Norm was just
walking up to get his clock ready
when he took a look in the wind-
ow of his loft and saw a bird
from the race sitting on the nest.
He lost very little time clocking
it and then he drove over to his
mother's loft and clocked one
Just as he came out of that loft
he saw a bird going over so he
jumped in the car and raced home
to clock that one. After the stones
from the tires and the dust had
settled he was quite pleased to
find out he had picked off fifth,
sixth and seventh positions.
Jack was able to pick off eighth
and ninth even if he did have to
use some of his relatives' birds
to help. Dwight Henderson had his
first one at 2:03 to get tenth and
then came Mert Culbert and Clar-
ence Hardy.
At this point the prize money
was gone but these last few should
be mentioned, too, because if it
hadn't been for them the prize
money wouldn't have gone as far
as it did. Thank you boys, Tom
and Gord, Chuck Barrett, Mr.
Eggett and Skinny Ennis.
The Oshawa race birds were
liberated at 7:00 am, The first
bird was clocked by Bill Ennis at
'10:23. This was the second win
of the season for this fellow.
I sure am glad he just flew the
last half dozen races. Maybe next
year he will take some of these
trophies away from Willy Van-
Dwight Henderson was second,
Chuck Barrett, third, Dwight,
fourth, and Chuck, fifth. These
boys sort of looked after this
race very nicely.
Dwight won the pool money.
I think this is the fourteenth
time this year for Dwight to win
the pools.
This concludes the old bird
race schedule. I hope to be able
to give you a few new winners
in the young bird:fteries.
Gathering baskets of blue snap-
dragons 'and white daisies and
lighted candelabra formed the
setting in the Lucan United
ChUrch Saturday, July's when the
Rev. ,G. W. Sach, in a double
ring ceremony, united in mar-
riage Barbara Janet Park and
Donald Earl Coughlin.
The bride is the daughter of
Mts. Dave Park of Lucan and
the late Mr. Park and the groom
IS the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Coughlin , also of LUCan.
Given in marriage by her uncle,
John S. Patk, the bride chttise
floor-length goWn of white Swiss
nylon eyelet. The fitted bodice
featuted a Wean neckline and
elbOW-Iength sleeves, enhanced ,
by narrow CUM. Elegance was
portrayed in the gently controlled
A,line skirt, While a loose badk
extended to a romantic chapel
train. A tiny bow adorned the
back neck 1 i n e. A frill-length,
three-tier veil of nylon tulle held
by a SWiSs eyelet bOW completed
the ensemble. She carried a White
gathering basket of white daisies,
blue stephanotis,- pink and white
cornflowers, and ivy.
Miss Kristen Tyndall i London,
AS Maid of honor and MISS Del-
Ores Murray," Toronto, Miss Judy
Codghltn, sister of the &O&M and
Misses Nancy ,and Betty Park,
sisters Of the bride,- as brides-
maids were dressed alike in
floor-length sleeveless gowns of
printed nylon. sheer over blue
taffeta. The gowns featuted high
neckline's and deep inverted back
pleats; 131ue p i not hie ',,tuns'
formed their headdreSSeS and
they carried caScadeS Of 'White
carnations edged in blue.
Gordon 'Voting, uncle of the
was best Man and Ralph
Simpson, Oaty 11,eviiigteti $ 13111
nark And. Jeff Park were ushers.
Church' Organist,. Miss Reid
I.nt: WOO LbsO Abbott
Lions help to
beautify park
Lucan Lions may not hold reg-
ular meetings during July and
August, but they have not been
The town park at the corner
of Beech and Market has been
kept beautifully mowed all sum-
mer. Last week six picnic tables
were added.
Some people are still under
the impression the park is only
for the Lions but the Lions would
like it understood that old and
young may use the park and
tables at any time, if they leave
it as they find it. Kindly remove
all garbage before leaving. Now
that tables are available how
about some class picnics.
The Ladies have been practis-
ing ball a few nights. Why do
not some of the young boys and
girls organize a ball team in-
stead of playing on the street?
Last week the Lions com-
mittee met at the Haskett Fur-
niture store when it was decided
the Lions and Legion would hold
a joint picnic, August 18.
As Scoutmaster Froats has
such a large group of Cubs, the
enlarging of the Scout Hall was
discussed but nothing definite
was decided.
A hamburg cook-out is plan-
ned 'for July 27 to be held at the
home of Lion Jim Young.
Saturday, a number of Lucan
Lions went to Mt. Brydges to
make arrangements and clean
up for a barn dance and steak
barbecue for Zone 24 N. Ladies
Night that Saturday evening.
Twenty-two Lucan Lions and
wives attended this outing. Ap-
parently a good time was had by
all for some Lucanites did not
arrive home until 4 am Sunday.
A report on bow many made
church at 11 am is not available
but at least one Anglican did.
Three young Lucan ho ck e y
players, Jeffery Park, Bradley
England and Danny Stuckless are
attending the Billy Harris Hockey
School in Toronto for a week.
Mr. Burt reports already 280
have registered for the second
swim session, the largest num-
ber ever.
The ,following are the winners
at the swim, contest held Sunday
afternoon, attended by a large
crowd of parents and friends.
Front crawl, Clay Phair, Judy
Williams, Marilyn Scafe; front
crawl, Marlene Watson, Ret a
Wood, Mary Robinson.
Beginners front crawl, Doreen
Charton, Jane Stewart, Scott And-
erson; advance boys' front crawl,
Marlene Rush, Kevin Bourke, Pat
Jr. front crawl, Jim Hodgins,
Linda Hodgins, Randy Kraul; Int.
front crawl, Kevin Hudson, Susan
Bradley, Larry Heaman; Sr. front
crawl, Alan Kraul, Nancy Simp-
son, Pete Culbert.
Paddle wheeler, Judy Wil-
liams, Brian Bourke, Clayton
Phair; learn to swim paddle
wheeler, Darlene Watson, Mary
Robinson, Jim Robinson.
Beginner's sculling, Steve
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Hodgins
spent last weekend with the Bell
View Trailer Club at Willow
Park Lake, near Woodstock.
Mr. & Mrs. Ross Schram and
family of Arkona were Sunday
guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cecil
Sunday, 47 descendants of the
late Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Reving-
ton held their annual Revington
Picnic at Riverview Park, Ex-
eter. Members from Toronto,
London, Cargill, Granton and Lu-
can were present.
Miss C andyc e Connor, 18-
year-old daughter of M. & Mrs.
Keith E. Connor, London, who
was killed July 6 in a car accid-
ent at Arva, was a niece of
Keith Kraul of George St., Lu-
can. Mr. & Mrs. Kraul attended
the funeral last Tuesday, at the
Needham Memorial Chapel, Lon-
Mrs. Ted Barnes (nee Gert-
rude Reith) now of Toronto was a
weekend guest of Mrs. Charlie
Grose and is now visiting other
relatives in the community.
Fred Davis, a hydro employee
has been moved from Ironbridge
to Windsor. He and Mrs. Davis
spent the weekend with Mr. &
Mrs. Jim Davis. The latter re-
mained with the Davis' until her
husband can secure a bruise in
Miss Margaret Powell of Lon-
don spent a few days last week
with Mrs. Jane Somerville.
MrS. John Knight of Kintore
spent Wednesday night with her
mother, Mrs. Frank Hardy; who
is still on the sick list.
Tom Weller had to be taken
back to Westminster Hospital
two weeks ago and underwent
surgery Wednesday. lie is mak-
ing satisfactory recovery.
Owing to sickneSs and vaca-
tions there was no TOPs meet-
ing this week:
Mrs. Cecil Hodgins of Alice
St. who was in a car accident
July 5 is now able to be home
but it will be some time before
she can return to work.
Cheryl Davis, eight-year-old
daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Jim
Davis, is spending a three week
vacation With her sister, Mrs:
Bill Beavie and family Of Bar-
Art Cobleigh, London, has gone
into partnership with his father,
Ma Cobleigh of Alice St. and
haS moved his wife and babe into
his parents' home Until he can
locate a Lucan house to refit.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Steeper
haVe adopted a two month old eon,
whom they are going to call David
Mr, Bi Mit. William Abbott
and family of Niagara FalleWere
Weekend visitors of Mr. & Mrs.
Jim Mtigfordi
MISS Lynda Voting and Miss
Joan Cunningham are holidaying
in the West where they attended
the Calgary stampede and visited.
Dicy, Jane Stewart, Doreen
Charlton; advanced beginner's
flutterboard, Kevin Bourke, Pat
Bourke, Marlene Rush.
Jr. sidestroke, Brenda Hod-
gins, Ed. Legg and Linda Kraul
(tied), Randy Kraul; Int. side-
stroke, Jim Benn, Larry Hea.-
man, • Lynn Hudson; Sr. side-
stroke, Alan Kraul, Jeff Culbert,
Pete Culbert.
Learn to swim motorboat, Da-
vid Morley, Wayne Shabe, Donna
Hodgins, Darlene Watson, Mary
Robinson, B rend a Scott, Judy
Williams, Joanne Hodgins, Brian
Bourke, Clayton Phair, Kathy
Scott, Ricky Wood.
Beginner's motorboat, Jane
Stewart, Doreen Charlton, Scott
Anderson; advanced backstroke,
Marlene Rush, Ann Stanley, Kev-
in Bourke.
Jr. elementary backstroke,
Linda Robinson, Jim Hodgins,
Randy Kraul; Int. elementar y
backstroke, Larry Heaman, Jim
Benn, Susan Bradley; Sr. elemen-
tary backstroke, Nancy Simpson,
Mary Berm (tied), Pete Culbert
Mike Culbert, 15-year-old son
of Mr. & Mrs: Mert Culbert is
spending three weeks at the Huron
Church Camp at Tyrconnell on
Lake Erie. Saturday the group
sang at a wedding at St. Paul's
Cathedral London, and again Sun-
day at the 11 o'clock service.
The Culbert family was all pres-
ent to hear the singing.
Saturday evening 20-25 mem-
bers of the Lucan Jr. Farmers
attended the wiener roast and
beach party at Ipperwash, spon-
sored by the Kerwood Jr. Farm-
Best Athlete
Brian Ankers, 15-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. Don Ankers, Lucan,
was named best athlete at Bid-
dulph Central School for the
fourth time in five years. His
wonderful record was spoiled
last year when he came second.
The Canadian Red Cross helps
nearly 15,000 hospitalized vet-
erans to lead useful and pro-
ductive lives through its Arts
and Crafts programmes in 22
D.Y.A. institutions.
. •••
• 44.•
PkiiMei 238.2025
3 sq. Lockfast Asphalt Shingles 2.00 sq.
7 2/3 sq. Asphalt Shingles 4.50 sq.
1 sq. J.M. Rockshake Asbestos Siding 6.00 sq.
9 1/3 sq. J.M. Col orbestos Asbestos Siding 6.00 sq.
12 Bles. Backerboard for Asbestos Siding 2.00 sq.
12 Decorative Block .25 ea.
11 Odd Wood Sash (Glazed)
1.00 ea.
5 Combination Aluminum Windows 4.00 ea.
2 4 x 8 Channel Plywood
2.00 ea.
51/2 4 x 8 - 2" Sterofoam Insulation
4.06 ea:
1 4 x 8- 1/2" Sterofoam Insulation .50 ea.
1 Farm Roof Ventilator
5.00 ea.
2 Pc. Vent a-Ridge 10'
1.00 ea.
3 Door Frames (No Sills)
8.00 ea.
36 16" x 96" Plain Sheetrock .50 ea.
5 Odd Wood Screens .50 ea.
10 Odd Basement Units 4.00 ea.
1 Dominion Aire Window (Glass Cracked)
20.00 ea.
1 4' x 8' - 1 3/8 Mahogany Slab Bifold
20.00 ea.
11 4 x 8 Odd Panelling 2.50 ea.
50 pc. Block-Lok 10'
4.00 ea.
1 48" Yellow Counter Top 5.00 ea.
1 42" Birch Unfinished Upper Cabinet
49.00 ea.
1 Odd Size spacemaster Folding Door 10.00 ea.
5 Spacemaster Folding Doors 25.00 ea.
5 18" Metalbestos Chimney Sections 4.00 ea.
2 30" Metalbestos Chimney Sections 6.00 ea.
1 Premium, Pre Built Door Frame
8.00 ea.
1 2/10 x 6/10 Combination Wood Door 13.00 ea.
13 Interior Fir Slab Doors 1 3/8"
5.00 ea
1 Awning CK38 6'
10.00 ea.
2 Rolls Gas Fab
4.00 en
180 sq. ft. Parquet Hardwood Flooring .29 sq. it.
Galvanized and Coloured Steel Roofing.
Random Lengths and Different Profiles,
(App. 100 Sheets)
6.00 sq.
227 Main Street, Exeter
Phone 235-1582
Charles Lux, London, Mr. M. Carnegie,
Burlington are some of the winners of
shiny, red Honda motorbikes.
and Allan Kraul (tied), Marilyn
Learn to swim flutterboard,
Kim Morley, Kathy Scott, Brian
Burke, Donna Hodgins, Janice
Burt, Marline Dykeman, Mary
Robinson, Darlene Watson, Mari-
line Scale, Brenda Steeper, Jo-
anne Hodgins, Karen Williams
and Judy Williams.
Beginner's flutterboard, Stev-
en Dicy, Doreen Charlton, Ron-
nie Steeper; advanced beginner's
flutterboard, Derek Dyke man,
Pat Bourke, Kevin Bourke.
Jr. stride entry, Linda Kraul,
Carol Robinson, Randy Kraul; Int.
stride entry, Kevin Hudson; Jim
Benn, Lynn Hudson; Sr. surface
dive, Nancy Simpson and Pete
Culbert (tied), Alan Kraul, Jeff
Culbert and Mary Benn (tied).
Learn to swim picking up
puck s, Jim Robinson, R icky
Wood, Darlene Watson; Int. sur-
face dive, Susan Bradley, Larry
Heaman, Jim Benn.
Jr. front dive, Randy Kraul,
Jim Hodgins, Ed Legg; Int. front
dive, Susan Bradley, Kevin Hud-
son, Jim Benn and Lynn Hudson
Sr. arms and legs, AlanKraul,
Nancy Simpson, Pete Culbert;
beginner's treading water, Jane
Stewart, Pat Benn, Ronnie Steep-
Parents, Keith Kraul, Ross
Scale, Jim Simpson; beginner's
underwater, Scott Anderson,
Steven Dicy, Jane Stewart.
Jr. leg alone, Carol Robinson,
Randy Kraul, Linda Hodgins;
learn to swim shirt and pants,
Jim Robinson, Rita Wood, Kathy
Learn to swim bobbing, Dar-
lene Watson, Mary Robinson,
Ricky Wood.
Phone 2271255
ChOWn played traditional wed,
ding music. Mrs. G. W. Sach,
at the piano accompanied the
soloist) Mrs. R. A. Cougler of
London, who sang 'The Lord's
Prayer and They at Thy Altar
At a reeeptiOn in the chliteh
parlor, the btide's mother
ceived in a goWn of pink worsted
with lade trim, pink accessories
and a white orchid with pink
throat. She was assisted by the
groom's mother WhO Wore an
acitia silk worsted dress With
braid trim, aqua accessories and
a white orchid' corsage.
Fora honeymoon trip to pointS
East, the bride donned a 'Oat and
dress ensemble of white ottoman
With hOt pink accessories and a
corsage of pink variegated Minia-
ture carnations. ,
The young couple will 'Make
their henne in London.
The bride is a .graduate of the
university of WeStern Ontario
and will be attending AlthOuSe
C011ege. thiS Fall.
Guests were:preeent from Kap,
usicasing, Vttginiatown„ 'Ottawa,
TOrento, COOkSVille, Port Hope,
Learnington, tiettolia. St. Marys,
London and' Teeswater.
Mrs, SteWart Park,. assisted
Mrs. Bill Park and Miee DOHS
Weir held a miscellaneous show-
et in her borne Wednesday for
Miss Barbara Cunningham,
whose marriage to Ward Nod ,
gins of Lucan will take pude
TWelity4iihe Lucanites -and tikre.
friends were 'Oretent.
Miss Jean Ciiniiiiighani assist-
ed in opening the gifts and Mrs,
Bill ',Park decorated the ribbon
Winners of two contests. were
Mra. Sheridan Revitigton and
Mrs.. Murray Hodgins.
Lucan personals
Master Neil Eisenberg, Ottawa,
Ont. and Mrs. Darlene Gaucher,,
Penticton, B.C. both won sporty
SST Javelin cars by American
oak who's won
set of wheels!
Authorixta 0i of to&i•tof 'odor totifrod toca•Cola