HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-18, Page 5Visitors tour Kongskilde Members of 4-H clubs in many district counties are touring the College of Agricultural Technology at Centralia and other area industries. Above, a group of•youngsters from Grey County are being shown a display of machinery in the showroom of Kongskilde by employee Dave Charlton. T-A photo Large group in attendance at Thames Road picnic 100% Frost-Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model F114K, 14.12 cu. ft. (CAMA standard) FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service DRYSDAL E Cited HARDWARE Diel 262.2015 HENSALL let PS 43( YON TV OS it ought to be .fined f.perience.pitis ;kilt Inaite, the difference In TY- Tel_ • poirs. For .T405 service, • call us today, 255 HURON a, 'EXETER ELECTRICAL WIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS TUNA OOLD•SEAL eljUNk• (LIGHT MEAT) 6% OZ TIN PROZEN FOODS StiPPIENIE BRAND PEAS/CAR • r.,$••'%,• WELL.. WORM 601 SKIMILK m POWDER BEANS WITH POR VINEGAR CANADA PURE WHITE 128 OZ. JUG ..BIX CRACKERS OR. BALLARD'S CHAMPION' 25% 02 TINS BEEF k•CHICKEN, LIVER 99 3/794 59 2/570 5/994 790 3/894 3 LB. PKG. VAN.CAMP 28 OZ. TINS POTATO.Ciop. CATSUP HUNT TOMATO Roam HOOD CREAM PIE MIX FRUIT DRINKS ALLEN'S ASSORtED PRODUCE N EW POTATOES No lb ONIONS GREEN (NO 1 PRODUCT OP CANADA '1i3E.GULARLY 694 594. • 3/894 48 OZ, TIN .3/79 HOSTESS, 11 oz. 2/ 48.02 3/991 TINS CHOCOLATE, VANILLA, COCONUT, BANANA 11 04 251 1.13., BAG 1 MARKET HENSALL- ONTARIO • N. SMOKED Y.'),VAC PRIME s HNFIDER'S tiONeLes$ DOG Fob McCCiFiNliCk'S BUTTER OZ.:PKG. • MARGARINE GOOD LUCK 3 LB. DEAL PACK IhneeMvocetoR My If, 1900 and district news :CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Mewl. Haddon, Phone 202-2002 Mri. Bertha MacGregor,• Phan, 262402, • MacMillan and family at South- Gott Pines, Lake Huron. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bozzato and. Dana, port Colhorne, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. T. Kyle, Kippen, the latter's par- ents. Mrs. George. Follick is a pa- tient in South Huron Hospital, Ex- eter. Mr. & Mrs. Delbert Geiger en- tertained visiting members of the Smillie-Elder Clan onSunday at their home near Zurich. The Lakeview Quartette con- tributed two selections at Hen- sall,United Church Sunday morn- ing service. Miss Jarvis Peacock, Ottawa, who has been spending a week with her grandmother, Mrs. Grace Harpole, has returned home. Bruce Wilson, Regina, Saskat- chewan, arrived by plane to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wilson, Hensall, who celebrated their golden wedding anniversary recently. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Bell and Sylvia spent a few days at Pike Bay with Mr. and Mrs. Ron Pass- more and boys who were vacat- ioning there. They also motored to Tohermory before returning home Saturday. Prominent man pastes away Frederick (Fred) George Bon- thron, a prominent resident of Hensall for the past 36 years and who served as Postmaster here from 193'7 until 1950, died suddenly at his home on Satur- day. He was in his 87th year. Surviving are his wife, the former Marguerite Cordier; one sister, Mrs. Louise Simpson, Hensall. Private funeral service was held from Bonthron F une r al Home, Hensall, Monday conduct- ed by Rev. Harold F. Currie. Burial was in Hensall Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were Glenn Bell, Ed. Munn, Bruce Walker, Ar- chie Hoggarth, James Bengough and Keith Buchanan. Lodge picnic at community park The annual Oddfellow and Re- bekah picnic was held at the com- munity park Sunday. Noble Grands Mr. and Mrs. John Cor- bett arranged the sports and were assisted by Earl Campbell and Charles Hay. Prize winners were Larry Parsons, Debbie Consitt, Leslie Consitt, Mark C o n s it t, Jack BrintneIl, Ray Consitt, Robert Parsons, Mrs. Ray Consitt, Mrs. Jack Brintnell and Mrs. Robert Parsons. Wedding anniversary nearest date, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pars- ons; birthdate nearest 1900, Earl Campbell; youngest present, Paul Parsons; ladies' longest name, Mrs. Ross Richardson; men's longest name, Clarence Volland; ladies' shortest name, Mrs. Charles Hay and Mrs. Glenn Bell (tied); men's shortest name, Glenn Bell. Supper and a Social followed. It costs over 30 million dol- lars annually to maintain Can- ada's forest fire fighting forces. Local families hold reunions The McArthur Reunion was held Sunday at Riverview Park, Exeter, with relatives from Nia- gara Falls, Paris, Agincourt, Kitchener, Ingersoll, Thames- ford, Blenheim, St. Thomas, z ur- leh, Exeter and Hensall in at- tendance. A brief business meeting was conducted by president Bob Bell. Sally and Danny Laing conducted a sports program. The executive appointed for the 1969 reunion to be held at Ex- eter are: president Bill Elliott; secretary-treasurer, Shirley El- liott; sports committee, Mar- garet and Dick Greer; table com- mittee, Hilt and Sally Laing. SMILLIE - ELDER The thirty-first annual reunion of the Ben Smillie and Thomas alder clans was held at the Lions Park in Seaforth, Saturday. Members from a distance came from Montreal, Chicago, Lucan, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Hamil- ton, St. Catharines, Kingsville, Brampton and P et r oli a. The afternoon was spent in games and swimming. Lorne Elder reported on the family tree now numbering over one thousand, and had a number of names to add. New executive is: past presid- ent, Mrs. Jean. Statham, Kings- ville; president, Mrs. Jean Smil- lie Taylor, Beaconsfield, P.Q.; vice president, Jack Peck, Kip- pen; sec.-treas., Mrs, Joan Tre- maine, Toronto; historian, Mrs. Annie Smillie, Toronto; social convener, Mrs. Grace Peck, Hen- sall; membership convener, Lorne Elder, Hamilton; billet convener, Mrs. Dorothy Elder, Hensall; sports, Ken Elder and Carol Lawson, Toronto; business committee, Stewart Smillie, St. Catharines and Fred Howe, Niag- ara Falls. • WRIGHT.6. - Over 30 attended 'the 1968 Wright Reunion held at Lions Park, Seaforth, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dalton were in charge of the sports. Winners Included Aubrey Ross, Bruce Ross, Larry Dalton, Betty Ross, Lois Dalton, Bill Jeffery, Dennis Dalton, Virginia Dalton, Doris Jeffery, Carl Dalton, How- ard Ross, Faye Dalton, Jean Ross, Jane Muir, Ruth Jeffrey and Esther Wright. Family coming farthest, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ross, Science Hill; oldest lady present, Mrs. Herb Kercher; birthday closest to picnic date, Dennis Dalton. The next reunion will be held in Seaforth on July 13 with Lorne Ross as president. Mrs. Laura- belle Reichert as secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baillie, Kirkton and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Wright, Cromarty, in charge of the sports. • CHAPPEL Seaforth Lions Park was the setting under ideal Weather con- ditions Sunday for the annual Chappel Reunion with 70 in at- tendance. Contests under direction of Mrs. Mary Forrest, Seaforth, had the following winners: Jack Dearing, person with most freak- les, Barry Kemp; father with most sons in attendance, Will Ferguson; mother with most daughters in attendance, Janet Vivian; heaviest couple (man and wife), Oliver and Wilhelmine Ja- aatrn,,around: ,,,.,c9P441,10.1r9r4,page.4 left :rnerilcal of 4412;99%., ,talscalp tie inherited.. With ,an vOCP11114911,4441e,,och AS Patteti, not apt to .get: ,up in Such, A. scheme, 144 Just Plink fiqw. well ;you'd, -opt by receiving fee :ranging- from Q $;12.lck locate an heir. for 4, ",person. with .4_ name such .as 49441 Smith, ;4rown, •oamp- :eto,, -etc. if YPU have 10 idea of Pat -how well that could 'work POI even only 10 Percent 0 the people with that nerne fell for the geheme, just. look up the tele, phone directory lor some ierge city .P•40. see how many times severa common surnames pear. * • * * There's a moral to all of this of -course. Stated simply, it is the fact that you very, very seldom get .anything for nothing, and if in fact It is legitimate, it will always come through more proper channels. It would be Interesting some time just to' learn how many people make their livelihood liv- ing off the greed and gullible nature of the rest of us. The. number would probably shock you. a • ri trt tia et"! e If "If"""'"""" ""'" Personal .items „„„„„„„„,.tttttttttttttt o o ! t 11 tt ! t IIPT104!11' By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD About 100 adults and children sat down to a bountiful dinner under the convenership of Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mr. & Mrs. Glen Stewart and Mrs. Harold Rowe. After dinner, sports were un- der the direction of Mr. & Mrs. Ross Hodgert, Mr. & Mrs. Wil- liam Snow and Mrs. Bev Alexan- der. Winners were MichaelStew- art, Paul Stewart, Connie Jeffery, C at h y Cottle, Deane Hodgert, Laurel Hodgert, Lawrence Kel- lett, Gary Cottle, Janice Alexan- der, Mary Kernick, Robbie Stewart, Keith Pasernore, Judith Cann, Marlene Stewart, Robert Bray, Grant Hodgert, Judy Mayer, Marlene Stewart, Jack Mayer, Jack Hodgert, Brad- ley Cann, Murray Stewart, Barb- ara Miller, Sylvia Stewart, Susan Morgan, Beth Passmore, Nancy Alexander, Alvin Cottle, Bill ques; lightest couple (man and wife), Lorne and Verna Tinning. Following a delicious picnic dinner a business meeting was held. President is Oliver Jacques, H s all; secretary-treasurer, Anna -Kemp, Munroe; table com- mittee, Duncan and Joy Scott, Cromarty, Filmer and Jane t Chappel, Cromarty and Ed. and Janet Dearing, Staffa. Rohde, Mrs. Edwin Miller, Mrs. Glen Stewart, Ray Cann and Mr. 8z Mrs. Wilfred Hunkin. Youngest child present was Sherrie Cottle; guessing, Mrs. Reg Hodgert, Mrs. Howard Cun- nington. Kirkton couple attends wedding By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON Mr. & Mrs. Herman Paynter attended the wedding of their nephew, Roy Doupe to Miss Donna Burt at Islington, Saturday. Mrs. Annie O'Ligney of St. Marys spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Herman Paynter. Mrs. Miller McCurdy visited Sunday with Miss Lillian Pulley- blank, Calgary, a patient in St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital. Mr. & Mrs. Tom Atthill of Kit- chener spent the weekend with Mrs. Dan Jarvis. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Urquhart and Robert of Welland Port and Mr. & Mrs. Rodney Wright of Fenwick were Sunday visitors, with Mr. & Mrs. Fred Switzer. Mrs. Dorothy Collier and her brother, George Bailey, are ,:spending three weeks visiting %•(v,rtili`telatives in England. Albert Berry left for Bogota, South America on the weekend where he has accepted a position doing research work. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Ed McKay, Kippen and Mrs. Colin Culloch, Gordon and Ronnie, Calgary Alberta, were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Herb Bibby. Douglas Jeffery is on a trip to the West Coast. Mr. & Mrs. David Millar and Mr. & Mrs. Milton Sheamon of Exeter visited Sunday evening with Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde. Jack Whincup, London, Eng- land, visited from Monday to Fri- day of last week with Mr. & Mrs. William Snow, Miss Janet Cunnington is holi- daying with her grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Cunnington, Centralia. Miss Linda Knight is holiday- ing with her uncle and aunt, Mr. & Mrs. George Webber, De- troit, Michigan. Mr. & Mrs. Archie Ethering- ton returned home on Sunday evening after a month-long motor trip to Arizona to visit with Mrs. Etherington's brother, Mr. & Mrs. Bob Abram. They also visited at Los Angeles, Vancouv- er, Calgary Stampede and other points of interest. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Stewart, Jan- ice, Sandra and Michael and Elaine Stewart visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ray Stewart. The ' three girls remained for some holidays. Neil and Lloyd Miner of In- wood visited Sunday with Rev. Stewart and Mrs. Miner. John Miner is visiting with his uncles. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Parker and family and Mr. & Mrs, RO-ert Kinsman and family enjoyed a vacation at North Bay. David Harold Lawrence, son of Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Wein (nee Geraldine Parker) was baptized in St, Matthew-Wesley United Church, North Sydney, NovaSco- tia, July 7 by the Rev. Ralph Johnston B.A. B.D. Kenneth Schroeder, el he n- year-old son of Mr. & Mrs. Ed Schroeder slipped on a hay baler at the farm of Jake Hovius on Saturday evening lacerating his right leg. He was attended at South Huron Hospital, Exeter, by Dr. J. Q. Goddard and re- leased later to his home. Mr. & Mrs. Fred Beer and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Love have return- ed home ,after holidaying at man- itoulin Island. Mr. & Mrs. Fred McGregor and family of Brucefield left by jet Monday for a three week visit with relatives in Scotland. Sgt. Gary Merritt, son-in-law of Mr. & Mrs. Carl Payne, has been posted to Cuba effective Immediately. Grant McClinchey who was a patient in Seaforth Community Hospital, with neck Injuries suf- fered in a car accident was trans- ferred to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Thursday, and is under a specialist's care. Mr. & Mrs. J. L. McCloy and family, Don Mills,spent the week- end with Mrs. George Hess at Hesshaven cottage in the Pinery. Mrs. Clendon Christie, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick, Miss Catharine • Christie, and Miss`Sherry Trav- ers are vacationing at Thurstonla. Park. Mr. & Mrs. Laird Mickle, Charles, Robert and Miss Ann Mickle, London and Miss Lynne Crouch, Arva, were guests Sun- day with the former's daughter and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Ross NOTICE seeepl eidemage4 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION in the event of an interruption in postal service Unemployment insurance claiMants who receive benefit payments from the London area office and to Whom a Cheque is due this'Week, may pick up their Warrant at the following locations at the times specified. ClaiMatits willl be required to supply proper identification. EXETER -Town Hall, 322 Main St. S., Friday, 19 July, 1068,1:39 p.m. — 3:00 p.m: Persons requiring Social insurance numbers or unemPloyment insurance books May present their applitations at the above locations at the times specified. At all other times they should bring their applications to the area Of- fice 120 dueens Ave., London. CialMants Who would norm ally Mail their report forms during the week commenting 11 July, '1968 may deposit them at the London' office 120 Queen's Ave. London., If More convenient, Claimants may present them oh Mt", 22 July, 1968 at the place and tithes stated in the above sChedule.