HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-04, Page 2916 Properly For Sale 20 Wanted To Rent 22 ment, eglicrete wall, floors and trim to your specifications, sewers installed.. NEW HOME — bedrooms, bath, large living room and ia- ing rpm, kitchen, concrete walls, sewers installed, Sold subject to present lease, PHONE 235-0537 11c FOIL. SALE' NEW 1-101Y14 'Argo living Tom, kitchen, 3 1?PcireoMs, 4, plege bath, centre Itall, PleS. Wed and bricked 1' full base, , ICeS It.ovg. near Ilensall or Exeter. Preferably out of town. Gall 45-34,84 after 5 .o'clock. 11:1811" AUCTION SALE of Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises IIENSALL IlighWay 4 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by pUblic auction on WEDNESDAY, JULY 'M at 1:tO p.m, Cornplete list to follow, VMS, EMMA G., 14)1111EST, Proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lld NOTICE 'TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with Weed Con- trol Act, Sections 3, 13 and 19 that unless noxious weeds grow- ing on their lands within the Municipality of Exeter are de- stroyed by July 20, 1968, and throughout the season, the mu- nicipality may enter upon said lands and have the weeds de- stroyed charging the cost against the land in taxes as set out in 'the Act. The co- operation of all citizens is ear- nestly solicited. (Signed) JAMES PAISLEY, Supt. Town of Exeter 4:11c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises CON. RANGE 1, LOT 8, STANLEY TOWNSHIP n miles south of Hayfield, Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 13 at 1:30 p,m. REAL ESTATE: Con. Range 1, Lot 8, Stanley Township. Ap- proxiMately 20 acres of land on which, is situated 2-storey frame dwelling covered with asphalt siding, in good condition; also small bank barn. Property sit- uated in choice resort area. In- spection invited by contacting the auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously, sold.„ , IlOPSEI401.,110. • , piece wicker set including set- tee, rocker, chair; Westing- house medium size refrigerator recently purchased; chrome ta- ble and chairs; Philco televi- sion; antique writing desk; oval cable; Wingham cook stove, like new; 21 radios; antique kitchen clock; 2-burner electric stove; electric, washing machine; dry sink; pine glass cupboard; side- board; Singer sewing machine; coal oil lamps; phonograph; rockers; 2 steel bedsteads; dressers; commodes; oak bed- steads; 2 toilet sets; 2 trunks; antique small youth bed; bath- tub; pine wood box; 2 oval pictures; frames; tril'ight lamp; couch; tables; wardrobe; as- sortment antique dishes; silver- ware; glassware; quilts; mats; sausage grinder; iron kettle; buzz saw; small scales; electric mower, like new; garden tools; gals,: tubs, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE LILLIE HOHNER ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4:11c PROPERTY & HOUSEHOLD AUCTION • for MISS MARTHA RYDER ALICE STREET, LUCAN (just east of Bank) SATURDAY, JULY 20 at 1:15 p.m. PROPERTY — Lovely stucco home close to main street with new oil furnace; 4-piece bath (new); extra toilet; built-in cup- boards; 2 bedrooms; full base- ment, Small barn, Lot size 50'x175', HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES: General Electric washer with pump (new); old Washer; cup- boards; china cabinet; table & chairs; buffet; electric refrig- orator; Findlay 4-burner stove; Philco radio; dishes; pots and pans; old dishes, etc.; antique upholstered settee and chairs, real good condition; couch; step stool; tables; dressers; washstand and bed, coinplete; steel bed; linens and bedding; pictures; coal oil lamp; Rogers Bros. silver; vacuum cleaner; desk, For further information con- tact the auctioneers. Terms: Cash Auctioneers: HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON 666.0833 Phone 666-1967 11'18C LISTINGS WANTED We have through our Toronto. Office and U.S. contacts, an :ever increasing demand - for properties of all kinds in this. area. If you are contemplating selling either now or in, the future, please contact me and I will be happy to be of service to ypu. Horace W. Crumplin, London 433.3304 or Grand Bend 238081, KEITH LTD„ REAL, TOR, 181 Eglinton Avenue East, 'Toronto : 12, 487-3333, 4:11;:18c 11 Properly For Rent ROOM—Centrally located, avail- able now, Apply 16 Jahn St. or phone 235-0382. 5:30tfnc TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting. All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420, 5:9tfnc LUCAN — One bedroom mod- ern apartment, available July 1. Phone 227-4413 after six. 6:27tfnc LARGE FURNISHED heated 2- bedroom apartment; also fur- nished bachelor apartment; pri- vate bathroom. Phone 235-2376. 6:27tfnc COTTAGE — 2 miles north of Grand Bend, 3 bedrooms. Dial 235-1877. lie LARGE 3-BEDROOM house, lo- cated one block from downtown Exeter. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Bathrooms up and down. Apply to Box KLB, The Exeter Times-Advocate, 7:4tfnx HOUSE — 2 bedrooms, redeco- rated, available immediately. Phone 235-2254, 11:18* EXETER — Modern house, oil heat, 2 large bedrooms, im- mediate possession. 235-0743 be- fore 6 p.m. lie BRIGHT FULLY furnished, new- ly decorated 1-bedroom apart- ment; 1 block to Post Office, $75.00. Elliot Apts., over Canad- ian Tire Store. Phone Grand Bend 238-2680, 7:4tfnc 3 - ROOM DOWNSTAIRS apart- ment,7fUrnished, M'f-'cbritained, heated,; private entrance. Apply 145 Victoria St., Exeter. 11* EXETER — 2-bedroom duplex, full basement, available July 15. Phone F. G. Simmons 235-1854. 4:11c COTTAGE — 3 bedrooms, lake- front site, 1 mile north of Drys- dale, August 10 to September. Phone evenings 237-3654. 11:18:25c 2-STOREY BRICK home, mod- ern conveniences, good location, 4 miles west of Crediton on Crediton Road. Phone 237-3458, after 6 p.m. 11c EXETER — 2-bedroom apart- ment, electric heat, patio, avail- able Aug. 1. Phone 235-1303. 7:4tfnc APARTMENT — For two, re- modelled, hot and cold water, frig and stove, heated, on Main St., $55.00 monthly. Apply at The Exeter Times-Advocate, 7:4tfnx TWO BEDROOM apartment sit- uated north of Hensall U miles, It has a fenced-in back yard with private entrances. May be rented immediately. Phone 262- 5618. 4c 18 For Rent RENTALS —Flbor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ,ware, 235-1033, 2:22tfrie 19 For Sale or Rent SILVERLDIER 'hard-top camp- ing trailers for sale or for rent, Open evenings and week- 'ends. Dale's Sunoco, Exeter, Phone 235-1710. 6;20tfnc For Extra 'Fishing Money`— Drop a Line In the T-A, Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles 'Exclusive healing substance proven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A„renowned research institute has found 'a unique healing substance With the ability to shrink hemor- 'rhoicls painlessly It relieves itching ,and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured,. a nflamed tissue. In case After case, while, gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important Of 411—restilts were so thorough that thisirhprove- ment was maintained over a period of InrinST This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-pynti) ,which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of now tissue, yne is offered in oint,, 'meat and suppository form called ?reinvent ion IL Ask for it at all drug 8Cord's, Satisfeetion or your nieriey refunded. Begin ninth season of services The first Gospel Drive-In service for the year 1968 was held at the Starlite Theatre at Shiplca Sunday. program chairman Edgar Cudmore, guest speaker, Rev. Bruce Penny of Wingham Baptist church, mu- sical director Harry Hoffman and Rev. D. S, Warren, Main Street, Exeter are shown above checking the program before Sunday's service, which opened the ninth consecutive season of the popular church services. — T-A photo SUNDAY SPECIAL • vropy Baked ~9 Barbecue Ribs CHOIC.E.OF cpk,g.4...Aytv.or$AVERKRAuT WIT11:01igncH FRiES anti TOASTED ROLL liVeg 77IE PURGER FAMILY POOR BOY" 804 TWO BEEF PATTIES ON A MASTED BUN, BC1. was , CHEESLONION, TANGY COLE SLAW, FRENCH FRIES BURKLEY BURGER Sof BEEF PATTY, TOASTED SESAME BUN . TANGY REUSE'. Dal PICKLE, TOMATO. HAMBURG ALL TRIMMINGS 35 4 CHEESEBURGriAtio 40 4 attINTRY STYLE SALADS POTATO SALAD ,La,49 4 MACARONI SALAD 494 BEAN SALAD 1 L.B. 494 SAUER KRAUT SALAD 49 4 COLE SLAW 494 je;ie hone a i;e5h Caked DUTCH APPLE PIE 894 Delicious gleilson Drelivabi Timms flavour bricks NORTH SIDE OF CHICKEN DINNER'C12.5 'PCS. TASTY FRIED CHICKEN. OREN( PILMS. TANG, COLE SLAW, PUTTERED ROLL, FNMET NCI 8 SERVE CHICKEN 4 KS SERVIRGS 1.15 8 PCS 3-4 SER VINO 2.20 12 PCS 5.6 SERVINGS 3.20 16 PCS 6-B SERVINGS +4.10 20KS 8 -10 SERVINGS 15.00 JUMBO SHRIMP 954 FRENCH FRIES SHRIMP SAUSE FISH &CHIPS 554 ICE COLD SOFT DRINKS MILK SHAKES 304 BAG OF IC .4 tkz, R BOY CARRY OUT c'ts c ,40ziAA: - CHICKEN TREATS 80 4 2 PCS. TASTY FRIED CHICKEN. A WM) , FILEAJOI Feat THE BURKLEY RESTAURANT — EXETER OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 12:00 Noon to 1:00 a.m. Mondays & Tuesdays 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Now Open Sunday from Noon to 8:00 p.m. Special Attention To Phone Orders 235-1730 Tilmts*Advocale, July 11, 1968 Get ready .for Exeter's • FUN. DAY Page 13 Present certificates at Kirkton church By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS KIRKTON Seals and diplomas were giv- en out to 81 members of Kirk- ton United Church SundaySchool. F i r st year, Murray Atthill, Donna Bickell, Bryan Bickell, Julie Morrison, Danny Shute, Mrs. Bert Bickell, Beth Hibbert. Second year, Vickie Burgin, Anne Marie Paynter, Donnie Ev- eritt, Stephen Francis, Timmy Shute, Daryl Selves, Connie Francis, Jeff Lamond, Mrs. Ross Everitt, Harry Burgin, Mrs. Mervin Shute, Mrs. Bill Lamond. Third year, Linda Morrison, Lisa Morrison, Joan Ross, Jo- Anne Everitt, Dwayne Selves, Mrs. Larry Selves, George Bur- gin. Fourth year, Janice Burgin, Laurie Morrison, Lana Marshall, Craig Paton, Stephen Paton. Fifth year, Jamie Eveleigh, Mark Paton, Verna Burgin, Mrs. Harry Burgin. Sixth year, Wayne Denham, Brent Marshall, David Burgin, Murray Switzer, Gary Urquhart, Mrs. Jack Switzer. Seventh year, Valerie Denham, Ellen Eveleigh, Mrs. Roger Ur- quhart, Jo Anne Paton. Eighth year, Grace Paton, Don- na Switzer, Robbie Amos, Kim Doupe, Sylvia Paton, Mrs. Ray paynter. Ninth year, David Paynter, Jo Anne Scott, Linda Marshall. Tenth year, Linda Denham, Eddie Atthill, Billy Atthill. Eleventh year, John Urquhart, Brian Denham, Mrs. Cliff Scott, Roberta Neil. Twelfth year, Monica Eveleigh, Bob Marshall, Shirley Switzer, Bryan Amos, Rickey Scott, Heather Urquhart. Thirteenth year, Brenda Den- ham, Norma Switzer, Ruth Bail- lie, Ron Denham. Fourteenth year, Anne Urqu- hart, Bill Denham, Fred Cow- drey, Helen Baillie. Fifteenth year, Cheryl Den- ham, Darlene Denham, Mrs. Bob Marshall,• Cathy Ames. Sixteenth year, Barbara Swit- zer. Twentieth year, Mr s. Allen Eveleigh. Perfect attendance, Daryl Selves, Dwayne Selves, Donna Switzer, Laurie Morrison, Bren- da Denhatn, Shirley Switzer. 25 Auction Sales Important ANTIQUE AUCTION DASIIWOOD COMMUNITY CENTRE AUGUST 17 it,. 1:00 p.m. 'NORMAN EVELAND, Prop, ALVIN WAVER, Auctioneer lie (Intended for last week) John Grose left for England last Monday to attend the fun- eral of his father, Dr. G. N. Grose who resided near London, England. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Miller of Sarnia visited July 1 with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Crew. Mrs. T. A. Wiseman of Lon- don has been visiting this week with friends in the village. Fred Hamilton is supplying for the month of July at St. Paul's Church while Rev. and Mrs. Bell are on vacation. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Irvine are holidaying this week in North- ern Ontario. By MRS. NORMAN LONG PERSONALS Miss Faith Dikin and Miss'Beth Schroeder of Detroit spent the American Holiday with Mr. & Mrs. Vivan Cooper and sons. Mrs. Reid Torrance is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Robert Hanes at Severn Bridge. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Van Wlerten and family recently visited Mr. & Mrs. Selinena of Braneton. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Manson of London visited Rcibert Thomson On the holiday. Miss Pam Mickle of Hensall spent a day last week with Louise Kirk. Miss Jo-Anne Van Wierren turned hothe Saturday after en- joying a few days at camp in the Pinery. Miss Christine JOriker of Hodge-Veen, Holland, is spending two Months with her friends, Mr. & Mrs. Albert Fisher. Bert Thomson and family terlipanied by Robert Thomson visited Sunday with M.C. & Mrs. RObert stokes and Larry of Len= don. Elzar Mousseau has been 'a patient in SeafOrtli •Community HOSpitai for two weeks. Steven and Jimmie Hillier of ThaitieafOrd anent last week With their grandparents, Mt, & Mrs. Alex` Michael Smfth of Guelph : Visit, ed on ,the weekend With his gran& parenta, Mr, & Mrs. Gordo it Wren. & Mrs. N. Hood and 1\4;;.s. Long spent an afternoon with Mrs l• Ed. Morton, -Seafertli: A Mail bought a 'parrot and in trying to make him tall' ice kept repeatiffig, 4 qtellel flellot" the parrot opened one sleepy eye arid askedi “What',s the matter'?` Line busy?" when it comes to /rood... I want Quality! That's why 1 shop at Exeter Frozen Foods SCHNEIDER S NO 1 STOKELEYS VANCAMP Chicken Legs J Beans 1902. SAVE 33ce St Breasts .59C With Pork 5/$1.00 aM.:SEMVASSW" FROZEN FOODS Picnic Lemonade 12 OZ, SAVE 17te 4 /9 94 Buy with confidence . WE STAKE OUR REP- UTATION ON EVERY POUND OF BEEF WE SELL, EITHER BY THE QUARTER OR OVER THE COUNTER. glIalutsatMlanZ See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING KRAFT 32 OZ. SAVE Miracle Whip 59C BISSETT'S CANADA FIRST GRADE SAVE 64 Butter LB 65C ORDERS TAKEN FOR PAILS OF BLACK OR RED MONTMORENCY CHERRIES the familymarket t xe er FROZEN :FOODS FREE PARKING NOW OFFErliNG A LARGE PAVED LOT FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE TO THE DELIVERY SERVICE EXETEll ARV\ FR wormszt up MEAT BUYS HOME CURED Bacon HICKORY SMOKED .494 CAMPFIRE 111/2 OZ. SAVE 17fi Marshmallows 2/49C PRODUCE ONTARIO NO. 1 Lettuce CRISPY, FRESH LARGE HEADS 19C 25 Auction Sales AUCTION Household . Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the :07 'YVATEIIT4QQ. 51'4 EXETER The .undersigned auctioneer ubli received instrtiCtipps to. sell, by ...fincliop ,on wEDNESDAy, JULY 24 at 1:30 Complete list sale in ,next 'WOO'S issue.. MARY Proprietress ALVlN WALTER, Auctioneer lie Extensive. AUCTION SALE of Complete Line of Mobile Home Equipment and Accessories On the premises Highway 135, approxiniately 1 mile east of No. 4 Highway, Con, 3, West- minster Two., London, General Coach Warehouse, across from Huron Steel, on SATURDAY, JULY 20 at 10:00 am. Sale includes large selection of plywood, aluminum doors & windows; chesterfields and chairs; trailer furniture; bath- room accessories; lights; floor coverings; awnings; draperies; refrigerators; colored glass, etc, Plan to attend this oppor- tunity sale. GENERAL COACH WORKS LTD., Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11:18c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Ford Tractor, Farm Machinery, Etc. On the premises 87 THAMES ROAD EAST, IN EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 27 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: 87 Thames Road East, Exeter, approxi- mately one acre of land on which is situated well con- structed two-storey white brick dwelling. Main floor: large liv- ing and dining room, modern kitchen, 3-piece bathroom and bedroom. Second floor: 3 large bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement and new oil furnace. Also newly built shed, 24x40. Convince yourself by in- specting this property. TERMS. of Real Estate: 10% en ,,day ,qf sate, •balance in Qo days. Sold subject to a ,yeason- able reserve bid, if not previ- ously sold, Mortgage terms can be arranged prior to sale. FORD TRACTOR, IMPLE- MENTS & MISC. ITEMS: Ford tractor with 3-point hitch; 20- plate mounted disc; 21-tooth Kongskilde cultivator and level- ler; 3-section 'of drag harrows; 2-furrow mounted plow; lawn roller with hydraulic steering and International Cub motor; 2- wheel trailer for transporting lawn roller. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS and MISC, ITEMS: Two 21 inch TV sets; dining room suite, import- ed from Holland, with 6 chairs; 30-inch electric stove, like new; chrome set of kitchen table & chairs; Bartholomew office fur- niture; commercial refrigera- tor with freezing compartment; washer; dryer; deep freeze; maple twin beds and dresers; 3 other bedroom suites; 2 chain saws, one 18-inch and one 24- inch Pioneer; used galvanized pipe; tees and elbows, half to inch and a half in size; used lumber, one and two inch; wire turkey pen; tea kettle; toaster; electric clock; coffee tables; rocking chairs; cupboards; ex- tension ladder; old rocker: 100 feet of chicken wire; wedges; wheelbarrow on rubber; lawn chair and table; aluminum cooker and many other items too numerous to mention, Terms: Cash WILLIAM POULTON, Prop, D, A, FINKBEINER, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 11:18:25c Important AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Farm Machin- ery, Valuable Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises in ZURICH directly across from R. C. Church The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 3 at 1:30 p.m, Complete list to follow, NORMAN OVERHOLT, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer lic Important AUCTION SALE of Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 77 SANDERS ST„ EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, AUGUST 10 at 1.!30 p.m. Complete list in following is. site. FRED AND STUAItT WRIGHT, AcIministratorS for William Wright ALVIN WALPElt, Auctioneer lie Street da new Clan By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE Six street lights were in- stalled Wednesday by Jim Free- man of the Lucan Hydro Commis- sion assisted by Pete Butler. All lights came on at dark. Clandeboye residents have raised $600 so far to pay toward the lights. They are hoping to raise the balance this year by having street dances and other activities. Mrs. Clarence Carter is ar- ranging another street dance for Friday night. The Department of Highways will be erecting four street lights at the entrance to Flanagan Street in the near future. The residents are hoping the Department will see the need for lights at the Hodgins Street entrance, also. FOND FAREWELL The congregation of the United Church at Clandeboye held a farewell party in honor of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Sach, Lucan and Clandeboye. Mrs. Arnold Blake read an address and William Northgrave nee to mark deboye lights presented a gift to Mr. Sach. Miss Aggie Northgrave present- ed a gift to Mrs. Sach. Mrs. James Donaldson gave a reading. Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Scott showed pictures taken this year in South America. PERSONALS Lloyd Lynn was able to leave St. Joseph's Hospital, London, again Friday and is spending some time with his daughter, Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hern, Gran- ton. Aubrey Davidson left St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Sat- urday after several weeks there. He was taken by ambulance to his home in Thedford. Bill Martin left St. Joseph Hospital, London, Tuesday after- noon for his home at Mount Brydges. Catherine Roberts, a lifetime friend of Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Gebel, and her fiance Steve Jesmin, Rochester, New York, returned a visit and spent a long week- end here. Mr. & Mrs. AlbertSmlth, Hyde Park, visited Mr. & Mrs. Jim Donaldson in the village. Michael and Faye, children of Mr. & Mrs. Don Black, Lucan, spent the weekend with their grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Jim Donaldson. Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Scott had Ricky and Sandra Hea.man, Ailsa Craig, with them while the child- ren were taking swimming les- sons at Lucan. Mr. & Mrs. William Lloyd, London, Rev. Stanley and Mrs. Tomes, Kansie and Ruth and Mrs. Emily Tomes spent several days with Mrs. Lloyd's mother at Restawhile Lodge, Kincardine. t' Rev. Stanley Tomes was guest speaker at St. Matthew's Anglican Church, London, Sunday. Sunday afternoon guests of Mrs. Emily Tomes were Mr. & Mrs. S. L. Sawyer, Petrolia, Rev. and Mrs. Stanley Tomas and family, Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lynn, Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tomes and George, Centralia, and Mr. & Mrs. James Robert, Hamilton. At St. James' Church Sunday, Mr. Carr took the service and Miss Elizabeth Hill played th e pipe organ while Miss Joan Cun- ningham is on vacation. Sharon Coughlin, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Charles Coughlin, and Debbie Lynn, daughter of Mr. & Mrs.• Ralph Lynn, are at Keemokee Camp this week.