HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-04, Page 26Pens20% Off
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Fri., July 19
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EXOter Public SCh0,21 PrInci", pR1 •Arthur Ielle heA rele?.§.0 the
class Hats for the coming fall
term at the school, He _also sup-
plies the following informatioe
regarding kindergarten.
Because litil04 aPeerilrno
dation and large enrolment in 'Kindergarten, is again neces-
sary this year to have three
groups of Kindergarten children.
GROUP 1 will attend Monday
mornings, Tuesday afternoons
and Thursday mornings,
GROUP 2 will attend Monday
afternoons, Wednesday mornings
and Thursday afternoons.
GROUP 3 will attend Tuesday
Mornings, Wednesday afternoons
and Friday mornings.
Since school begins Tuesday
Morning, SepteMber 3, Group 3
will begin Kindergarten that
morning. GrOup 2 will come the
Afternoon of September 3 and
Group 1 will begin school on the
morning of September 4.
Room 1 Kindergarten; Teacher
Mrs. J. Desjardine;
Group 1—Audrey Adkins,
Linda Barrett, Teddy Beck, Paul
Broderick, Annetta Cann, Sheila
Eisenschink, Kelly Finnen, mau-
reen Gans, Cindy Janke, Richard
Lindenfield, Shelley Little, Jan-
ice McArthur, James McCaffrey,
Christopher McCauley, Michael
McCauley, Garth Richardson,
Bruce Shaw, Wayne Smith, Jef-
fery Turner, Donna Voerman.
Group 2 —Ronnalee Bogart,
Peter Boyne,Brenda Brunzlow,
Susan Campell, Susan Craw-
ford, Kimberley Dobson, Vicki
Fahner, Kevin Glasgow, Susan
Hewitt, Scott. McLellan Danette
McLeod, Bruce Northcott, In-
grid Peitsch, Michael Reid, Jef-
fery Rooth, Michael Sass, Rob-
ert Smith, Terry Stagg, Michael
Taylor, Peter Tuckey.
Group 3 — Lori Belling, David
Delbridge, Richard F letc her,
Brenda Foster, Kari Hearn, Dale
Kerslake, Dale Lang, Robert
Northcott, Peter Parsons, Cath-
erine Raymond, Shane Rose,
Sandra Scott, Janet Simmons,
Douglas Simpson, Brian Thiel,
Kelly Tiedeman, Michael Veri,
Michele Veri, Brenna Wein, Holly
Room 2; Teacher,Mrs. Thomp-
son: Bradley Baynham, Debbie
Broom, Michael Coughlin, Sheila
Edwards,Heidi Eisenschink,
Douglas Fetcher, Jeff Fuller,
Bobbe Glover, Paul Hockey,
Peggy Inch, Kim Lang, Douglas
Luxton, Julianne MacLean, Paul
McAuley, Kim McBride, Shelly
McLeod, Michael Parsons, Paul
Perry, Stephen Rawlings, Doug-
las Raymond, Melody Rhude,
Douglas Robbins, Laurie Ship-
man, Bill Simmons, Julie Skin-
ner, Danny Smith, Brian Talbot,
Carolyn Walkom, Randy Warren,
Susan Zachar.
Room 3; Teacher, Mrs, Vriese;
Bonnie Baynham, Roger Belling,
9.411'y Brintnell, Janet C owan,
Kelly Dobson, Cindy Fisher,
Cathy Ford, Teresa Foster,
Sherry Gilfillan, Cheryl Harvey,
Douglas Hoffman, Steven Horn,
Gail Irvine, Eddie Jackson, Tracy
Johnston, Melinda MacIsaac,
Bobby McDonald, Jeff Musser,
Jeff Newby, Judy Parsons, Su-
sanne Patterson, Kathy Penhale,
Brenda Pinder, William. Plomp,
Lindsey Redman, Patricia Rose,
Charles Ross, Laurie Shuffle-
botham, Ian Sweet, Steven Wells,
Neil Wright.
Room 4: Teacher, Mrs. Scotch-
mer: David Athill, Barbara Arm-
strong, R ickie Broom, David
Cooper, Robbie Datars, Bradley
:Dittmer. Margaret G re ear t,
argaretAnn arisen Patrick
Lang, Shelia McLeod, Philip Me,
Leocl, Brien Merger, Janet. Mid,
dieton, P etc r Mohr, Karen
Moreau, Willy Northcott, Danny
pres;cator, Ronnie Prout, Terry
Schwart?entruloor, Joan Skinner,
Frances Thompson, Cathy Tr lel:),
ner, Terry Wedge, John Wildfong,
Mary Ann Willis, Ronnie Wright,
Brenda WPM.
Room 5: Teacher, Mrs, Turn-
bull; June Barrett, Bradley Beat-
tie, David. Bogart, Richard Boyne,
David Dann' Eu gene Clarke,
Jeannette DeVries, Randy Dough,
Room 1: Teacher; Mrs. M.
Isaac; Shirlee Ballantyne, Cath-
erine Cottle, Larry Dawson,
Gregory Dougall, Janice Hey-
wood, Murray Heywood, Connie
Jeffery, Kelly Kernick, Eliz-
abeth Neevel, Kevin Parker, Ben-
ny Phillips, Carol Van Wieren,
Charlotte Webber, peter Wonna-
cott, Joanne Boyer, Nancy Coop-
er, Jamie Eveleigh, Connie Fran-
ces, Paul Hern, Sharon Kaake,
Lana Marshall, Terry McCurdy,
Elizabeth Miners, Cheryl Par-
sons, David Stephens, Brenda
Pincombe, Laurie Prout, Stephen
RooM 2; Teacher: Mrs. 0.
Gowan; David Cunnington, Janet
Cunnington, James Cottle, Glen
Gamble,Valerie. Glanville, Ray
Glanvile, Deborah Kaake, Wendy
Phillips, Mark Jeffery, Nancy
Shoemaker, Dianne Skinner,
Louise Towle, Delbert Wonna-
Room 3: Teacher; Mrs. E.
Taylor; Carol Abbott, Lenore
Coates, Gary Cottle, Joyce Cun-
nington, Jayne Dougall, Patti Lou
Down, Robert Essery, Earl
G a m b 1 e, Marlene Glanville,
Kevin Hern, Todd Hey wood,
Douglas Hibbert, Gerald Johns,
Debbie parsons, Craig Paton,
Sheila Penhale, Elaine Pym,
Pauline Pym, Lori Iredale, Lori
Lynn Stewart, Stephen Willis,
Bonnie Ross, Bills, Hern, Mark
Parsons, Terri Brintnell, Dianne
Rundle, Marjorie Ritchie, Rose-
mary Miller, Janet Marquardt.
Room 4: Teacher: Mrs. S.
Norris; Janice Towle, Stephen
Kerslake, Stephen Jaques, Lee
Hodgert, Joanne Foster, Jimmy
Ballantyne, Marjorie Van Duyn,
Kirk Blackler, Richard Neevel,
Barry McCallum, Terri Dobson,
Nancy Cornish, Gail Johns, Carol
deJonge, Catherine Abbott, Craig
Alexander, Carol Allen, Dorothy
Bax, Ruth Bray, Allen Case,
Bradley Coates, Brent Marshall,
Lynda Morrison, Lisa Morrison,
Stephen Paton, Donna Stewart,
Lisa Westcott, Richard Miller.
Room 5: Teacher; Mr. D.
Bieman; Janet Bray, Peter Case,
Diane Deelstra, David Foster,
Nancy Hern Daniel Heywood,
Brian Hibbert, Dianne Hutton,
Bradley Johns, Carolyn Kellet,
Alan Lovell, Brian Mayer, Lor-
rie Morrison, Evelyn Neevel,
Mark Paton, Gail Patterson, Ed-
die Rodd, Perry Sereda, Neil
Stephens, Elaine Stewart, Rob-
bie Stewart, Ronnie Stewart, San-
dra Stewart, Joyce Webber, La-
Donna Wonnacott.
Room 6: Teacher: Mr. J. Laur-
ie; Janice Alexander, Ralph Bat-
ten, Steve Blackler, Kenneth
Coates, Douglas Easton, Jim
Ferguson, Judy Hern, Glen Hew-
itt, Judy Heywood, Shawn Jef-
fery, Ann Marie Johns. Eleanore
,erty, Blair Hearn, Kathy 'Living,
stone, ,David. Luxton, Len 'Math-
,ers, Altele.,Mccatiley, Kim Mor,,
ean, Wanda :Newby, John North-
colt, GherylPstlanti, Joyce Perk,
niriga, Greg Pfaff, Elaine
Shirley Ann Rose, Randy Scott,,
vaul Shtifflebothaln, ;Steven 5151n,
tier, Billy Snell, Sheila Snider,.
lizabeth Wiese, Judy Webb,
Debbie Webster, Hugh Wright,
ROOM 6; Teacher, Mrs. Jo-
Ann Rowe,. Wendy B a ynn
Helen Brand, Michael printneli,
Cam Brock, Lynne clarke, Jeff
D a r 1 n g, Shannon Dougherty,
Brenda Edwards, Jodi Finnen,
Johns, 'Larry Johns,Janet Kers-
lake, Lynda Marshal, Merit Mc-
Lennan, Connie Miners, Marg-
aret Parsons, Keith Passmore,
Joanne Paton, Brian Penhale,
Ronald Simpson, Steven Sims,
Gary Skinner, Janice Stewart,
Vernon Thomson, Ronald Web-
ber, Rose Marie Webber, Shirley
Zanbergen, Joan VAnDuyn.
Room 7: Teacher: Mrs. V.
Hunkin; Karen Brock, Douglas
Carrol, David Chappel, Irene
Deelstra, Robbie Dickey, Roger
Dougall, Cathy Easton, Monica
Eveleigh, Carolyn Glanville, Iyan
Hem, Steven Hibbert, Dalton
Paul Jeffery, Laura
Johns, Murray Johns, Joan Kers-
lake, JoAnne Lovell, Debbie Mc-
Lachlen Barbara Miller, Rob-
bie Morley, Judy Parsons, Mur-
ray Parsons Joan Pym, Laurie
Richard, Linda Ritchie, Lori
Sims, Sylvia Stewart, Henry Van-
derSpek, Frieda Zandbergen.
Room 8: Teacher; Mr. L.
Black; Helen Batten, Linda
Bieber, Robert Bray, Dennis
Brock, Leslie Cudmore, David
Dykeman, Patsy Faber, Kathy
Ferguson, Dalyce Gamble,lan
Hern, Linda Bern, Robert Hey-
wood, Kathy Knight, Patricia Mc-
Lachlan, Kenneth McLennan,
Barry Miller, John Miner, Scott
Morgan, Murray Park, Susan
Parsons, Darlene Passmore,
Terry Phillips, Leisa Ritchie,
Calvin Rhode, Peter Sereda,
James Skinner, Karen Skinner,
William Taylor, Earl Thompson,
Francis Zandbergen, Connie Van
Room 9: Teacher: M:s. J.
Keith; Cathy Parker, Cathy Ma-
ier, Theresa Zandbergen, Larry
McCallum, Alan Jeffery, Dale
Simpson, Brenda Ballantyne,
Brian Ballantyne, Bradley Cann,
Kathy Cooper, Pamela Coward,
Richard Dougall, Sheila Duncan,
Mary Easton, Denise Fletcher,
Sandra Hero, Terry Heywood,
William Hibbert, Brenda Hod-
gert, Mary Johns, Tor M:Len-
nann, David Prout, Terry Ire-
dale, Ricky Skinner, Br ian
Thompson, Pat deJonge, David
Prance, Joey Stephens.
Room 10; Teacher; Mrs. I.
Haugh; Wesley Abbott, Marton
Brock, Carol Dougall, Ellen Eve-
leigh, Diane Hodgert, Laurel
Hodgert, Trudy Johns, Lawrence
Kellet, Karen Kernick, Susan
Morgan, Larry Parsons, Brian
Pym, Michele Robinson
Rundle, Murray Stewart, Ena
VanderSpek, Jerry Cottle, Grace
Webber, Mark Wragg, Dale Pass-
more, Francis Cornish, Ricky
Ford, Donald Hern, John Hern,
Kenneth Hunkin, Barbara Johns,
Kathy Lovell, Gail Parsons, Paul
Ritchie, David Rundle, Doris
Stephens, Stephen Johns, Fred
Brenda Fletcher, Janine Hack/.
ney, Douglas Hansen, L an r ie
Heirnrich, David liOltanlanti Su-
s a nne Janke, R obi rt
Dwayne Mathers, Sandra Mc-
Leod, Nancy Perry, PatilPoeleY,
Stanley Robbins, Bradley Taylor,
Heather Tisdale Teddy T-
ner Jimmy Veri
, Mark Warren,
Braden Whilsmith.
Hoorn Teacher, WS. D.
Weigand: George Armstron g,
Carolyn Broom, Michael Burke,
Chris Cowan, Darlene Davis, An-
gela Dittrner, Randy Fisher,
Cheryl Ford, Paul Oaiser, Steven
Boltzmann, Cindy Born, Elaine
Kestle, Richard May, Angela
MacIsaac, Heather Meikle, Lyme
Mercer, Perry Pooley, Matthew
Postill, Paul Rawlings, Jayne
Smith, Joanne Taylor, Jill Tuck-
ey, Kevin Wildfong, Laurie Wild-
long, David Wolfe, John Wright.
Room 8: Donna Bourne, Henry
Brand, Lorne Brock, Tom
Creech, Susan Davis, Steven Det-
tmer, Martin Dykstra, Doug
Fairbairn, Beverley Finnen,
Randy Gifillan, Peter Glover,
Mary Hearn, Debbie Higgins,
Terri Janke, Elizabeth Jolly,
Kathy Kirk, Scott Litt, Jim Mac-
Gregor, Sharon McCaffrey, Lisa
McIver, John Musser, Chris
Parsons, Jane Penninga, Ann
Pinder, Darlene Porter, Jessie
Postill, Brian Prest, Catherine
Read, Robert Ryckman, Kathy
Simmons, Trudy Stagg, Julie
Taylor, Bryan Tuckey.
Room 9: Teacher, Mrs. Ram-
meloo: Cheryl Barkley, Brian
Beaver, Kathy Campbell, Bradley
Daters, Shirley DeVries, John
Dobbs, Catherine Ecker, Launa
Fuller, David Hall, Steven Har-
rison, Susan Insley, Fiona Ken-
nedy, Oral Knox, Debra Linden-
field, Robert Lndenfield, Gary
MacLean, John McAuley, Leona
Obre, Michael Ottewell, Geary
Penhale, Debbie Potter, Westley
Rhude, Gary Shipman, Bonnie
Schwartzentruber, Perry Stover,
John Vriese, Linda Whiting,
Patsy Wilcox, Debi Wooden, John
Room 10: Teacher, Mrs. D,
Hughson: Stephen Cann, Elizabeth
Campbell, Bonnie Dale, Douglas
Ecker, John Gould, Veronica Ha-
ley, Bryan Hearn, Dennis Keller,
Karen Krampp, Debbie Lang,
Colleen Lysack, Hannah Math-
ers, Heather Mills, Paul Mohr,
Sandra Parkinson, Bradley Roel-
Olson, Jean S i in p s o n, Brenda
Snell, Van Tuckey, Bill Van Ber-
gen, Teddy Wedge, Heather Wein,
Linda Westlake, Steven Willert,
Charmaine Wise, John Wurm.
Room 11: Teacher, Mr. Roor-
da; Ronnie Brand, David Brint-
nell, David Broom, Mike Cald-
well, Brent 'Clark, Alan Des-
Jardine, Doug Ferguson, Wendy
Gilfillan, Rodney Gr eenacr e,
Cynthia Gunn, Gerry Latour, Jeff
Lindenfield, Kathy MacGregor,
Danny McIver, Stephen Pfaff, Kim
Postill, Barbara Rawlings, Ron
Schroeder, Kim Smith, Virginia
Smith, David Snider, V aler ie
Sweet, Brian Taylor, Wendy Tay-
lor, Linda Wedge, Billy Wilson,
Denise Wyatt.
Room 12: Teacher, Mrs. Tur-
vey: Bonnie Campbell, Gayle
Ecker, Mike Dougherty, Barbara
Ferguson, David Greene, Bruce
Gunn, Bruce Hoffman, Ernest
Hohner, Cathy Horrel, Robert
Jolly, Howard Jones, David
Krampp, Karen Morley, Morley
Obre, Vaughn 0 s t l a n d, David
Perry, Steven Read, Elizabeth
Sanders, Susan Thompson, Ther-
esa Voerman, Jimmy Webb, Dav-
id Webster, Debra whiting, Kevin
Windsor, Jean Wright, Linda wp.r.111„KPVia Wurm..
Room 13; 'peter Armstrong,
pekhle Rarkley, Bobby Brand,
Dan Rrintnell, ant Brintnell,
Wuyne. BrIntnell, Carla Bruls,
Margaret Campbell, John coop-
er, steven Marliene
'Desjardille, Vickie Edwards, Jon
Gaiser, Rev Genttner, Randal
Glenn, Melanie Hackney, Marilyn
Hamilton, Mary Ellen Horrell„
Paul Idle, Bill Inch, JoAnne Inch,
Dan Kerslake, Leslie Wirier,
Georgina Gbre, Noel. Skinner,
Wayne Simpson, Judy S t h,
Ricky Stagg, Mark TuckeY, Rob-
bie Watcher, Jimmie
Robert Whil s m i. t 11, Darlene
* Wolfe.
Room. 14: Teacher, Mr, Snell:
SteVen Atthill, Gregg Beatti
Vicki. Cunningham, Jeff Davis,
Heather Potigherty, Gail Fuller,
Anne Gould, Mark Reap, Mich
ael Higgins, snaron Jones,
Brenda Lang, Tammy Litt, Jean
Luxton, Don McAuley, Linda Mid,
dleton, Kip Moreau, JoAnn North-
cott, Ross Parkinson, Cathy Par ,-
sens„ RehlplePentthiga,Ketipind....,
0r4 David Read, Debbie See-
miller}:$teptlen Thompson, warm.
3,TAnper.po, wjlma, yanderlaan,
Brenda -Walpe.r„ Becky Watcher,
Hoetil 15; Teacher, Mrs,. Mill-
er: Gary Bl.a n a r Becky
Brock,. Brian Clarke, am. Cock-
Billy paters, Valerie Flynn,
Kelly Gaiser, Brian Borrell,mi,
0140 Bunter, Graham. Kadey„
John Lindenfield, Michael Me -
Kenzie, Randy 'Miller, ,Connie
Mills, Kandy Northcott, vorma
•penhale,, CarolynPerry Mark
139elefsen, OM Sander s Kinn
Turner,. Wendy Webb, Marlyn
Wein, Charles Windsor,
Room 16; Teacher, Mrs, G.
Brine; Stephen Baynham, Susan
Brintnell, Darrell.pesjardine,
Qrace Dykstra, Cathy
Heather Little, Jeanne Luxton,,.
Michael Lysack, Lorrig
ley, ,K1M lyicg affrey, Norman me,.
Cauley, Karen. Parsons, Judy
Penninga, Roxanne Jihad?, Laurie
Skinner, Stephen.Thiel, Karen
VanBergen, Cathy yriese, Kathy
Walltom, Michael. Wedge, Faye
Whiting, 'Nancy Whiting, Cathy
Room 17; Teacher, Mrs.
Moore: Bill Armstrong,, Kirby
Perd4n, Bradley Brintnell, Herb
Broom, Sharon Campbell, Robert
Corey, Michael Dobbs, Colleen
Kerslake, Laurie Martin,
chael Rose, Richard Rose, Terry
Ryckman, Richard Schwartgell,
truber, Calvin Westlake, Larry
etail fall class lists. for Exeter Public Sch
Osborne class lists