The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-04, Page 14VILLAGE OF LUCAN
Noxious Weeds
Notice is hereby given to all 'persons in possession of
land in .accordance with the Weed Control Act 1960 Sec.
tions 3, 13 and 19 and amendments thereto that unless
Noxious Weeds growing on their lands within the Village
of Lucan are destroyed by the date of June 29,1968 and
throughout the season, the municipality may enter upon
the said land and have the weeds destroyed charging
the cost against the land in taxes as set out in the Act.
The co.operation of all citizens is earnestly solicited.
M.L. GIBSON (Clerk)
Village of Lucan
Wulff llllll li ll tuf Ili llllllllll
tttttttt flvisi tttt • Wit ttttt
Lucan personals
Rtilili1111111itltl,06 ititiiiiitiitti tllhilllltiYtilitlillltllll llilltlliltlll ill iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Save 8c --
Granulated Fine
Save 75c —
Natures Best
Government Inspected
Canada Grade "A" Pre.
dressed Young Roasting
or Frying
(21/2.31/2 lb. size)
Save 50c Somerdale
Frozen Choice
Save 30c-- Top Valu (Pareh, Wrap)
.11 -York FanOy CREAM STYLE
1 CORN •
II. soups •
Save Sc — Aylmer
Btl. 1
"Br. ing
Vork Frozen Atist*d.
Meat Pies . .3 az
Shirley GO Sugar or Olean
Teenie Donuts :,kt.
1-lb. rima
Pkgs. 44%
Kraft Aset'd
Salad Dressing
Save 30c -- Lady Patricia (Soft, Firm or Extra Firm)
Ont. No. I
. . lb. 4
1.16. iveL.
Vac Pat i 7w
New Uttlanci
'OM, NO. t Not Houire
No. clithlUITA • Saitn AtileinVihne..ttize'4's)
• ii
:eV 4.
(No Back Neck or diblett
Tap Valu Sliced`
Fresh Cut
lb, 59 111.
Moving to Forest
Rev. and Mrs. E, 0, Lancaster have left Lucan and clandeboye
Anglican Churches for their new parish in Forest and Kettle Point.
Prior to their departure the polaillar couple was feted by both con-
gregations who sincerely appreciated the couple's efforts in the
community as well as the church while living in this area. This
photo by Lucan teenager Helen Shipway was taken at the Lucan
faxewell service when Mrs. Lancaster was presented with an ar-
rangement of artificial flowers.
Pigeon dislikes wet
arrives before storm
P491 14
Timos-Adv.ocatot July 1,08 Hold mony,showeo
for local .bricieelect
,Service To All Makes &
MOOS In The.
Exeter, Precliton, Grand
Rend and Surrounding
Cameras & Photo Supplies
Fast Photo Pevelopin9
Aif TV-Service done
xoveroment certified tecon'cion.
236-4094 ZURICH
Saturday's unexpected down-
pour ruined the Soldan—Ready
wedding plans for an outelnet-
t eception and pictures at the
D ican United Church. It was
Most disappointing fa* the wed-
ding party.
Miss Linde Abbott, 15-year-
old datightet Of Mt. & Mrs. Clay-
ton Abbott of LOW-Doti, California
WhO flew to Toronto, is holidaying
With Lucan and district relatiVeS.
Per patentS arrive by plane
August 10.
Rey: & MrS. Hobbit CarSen
and son fill rhoved from Forest
to Lucan lag Wednesday and
are busy getting Unpacked:
Mr. & MrS. S. E. Jeffery of
Virginiatown were Weekend
guests Mit. Dave Park.
Mrs. ken Mcbonald, after a
Week's visit With Rev. & ,Mrt.
Gordon McDonald, has returned
to Spartatibtirg, South Carolina
and Mrs. IVIcbonaliPS inethet,,
Mit. Jetta Doss of WinStoti-
Salem, North Carolina, IS now a
Mr. & C. A. Mann of
Toronto were Monday gnestt of
& Rareld Hodgins,
Leonard Maloney has reSign-
ed as principal of St. PattiCk'S
Schbol, Biddillph and Will be
teaching In St. Pattick"S 'Scheel,
"1.,Ondon, in September, He Will
be succeeded by Ken Schenkel
Of London.
Roy Hamilton, now of 'Exeter;
who liaS been in St. Joseph's
Hospital for the pad three weeks
is still seriously 111.,
Mrs. Gordon panting latoond.:
Ing the sunnier with her /laugh,
ter, Mrs. Harold tobleigh and
Mr. Cbbleigh end IS visiting
form 6 r Utah neighbors and
Showers for
recent bride
Prior to her marriage to Mr.
Michael Gordon seldan, in the
Lucan United Church, Saturday,
Miss. Harbor°, Sue Ready, was
honoured with a trousseau tea
and five miscellaneous showers.
The former was held at the
home of Mrs. Don urbshott of
llderton on June 22,
Receiving at the door were the
bride-elect and her mother Mrs,
J. B. Ready (now of B,C,) while
Kathy Hearn, Lucan, had charge
of the guest book.
At an heirloom embroidered
linen covered table, centred with
white candles and an arrangement
of snap dragons, daisies, carna-
tions and baby breath, Mrs. Lola
Walker, Mrs. Kenneth Endall,
Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Mrs. Mary
Carter, poured tea,
Serving in the tea-room were
Miss Jo an Goddard, Miss Bar-
bara Park, Miss Sharon Light-
foot and Mies Ingrid Theander.
Miss Mary Shipley and Miss
Norma Grieve, displayed the
wedding gifts and Miss Jean
Loft and Miss Margaret McGreg-
or displayed the shower gifts
and personals.
The following were the hos-
tesses for the miscellaneous
Mrs. Marguerite Woodhouse,
held a surprise shower for Miss
Ready's fellow teachers at t he
Lorne Ave school, at her Lon-
don home; Miss Norma Grieve,
assisted by Miss Euna MacRae
and Miss Margaret McGregor
at her home; Mrs. Ivan Hearn,
Mrs. Les Kennedy and Mrs. Bert
Thompson of Lucan at the Lucan
Shillelagh; Mrs. Kenneth Endall,
at her London home; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ready of St. Marys
held a large family luncheon and
shower at their home.
The groom's parents enter-
tained the bridal party following
the rehearsal June 28.
Tie exists for
Tops queen
Fun night was recently held
by the Lucan Streamliners, with
eight members present and co-
leader Mrs. Don McRobert pre-
Mrs. Gary McKenzie and Mrs.
Harry Bond were in charge of
the bingo.
The weigh-in was not as good
as usual. Mrs. Alfred Williams
and Mrs. Gary McKenzie tied
for the "Queen of the Week,"
honours, being the greatest los-
On June 26, both leader and co-
leader were absent so Mrs. Gary
McKenzie presided.
The weigh-in showed an equal
gain and loss. Mrs. Leo Corrigan,
a consistent loser, had the great-
est loss so was named “Queenof
the Week."
During the business session a
number of weight-losing summer
activities were discussed as well
as a number of projects that
Members of the club could do.
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Schell
and family of Shakespeare were
Friday guests of Mrs. JaneSotn-
Mrs. John buideavy of Dan,
don and Mr. & Mrs. John Cnin-
'Mint and family of Toronto were
Friday guests of Mr. & Mrs.
Calvin Haskett. Mt. & Mt% ire&
Eady of London were Sunday
gUeStS, to celebrate their first
Wedding anniversary.
Mrs, P. '0, Xing, Who tinder,.
3 ent a cataract Opetation in St.
Joseph's hospital, -making tat.
Wattory recovery,
& Mrs. Allan Tyndall of
3 iattOn spent the Weekend With
Mr. •& Mrs. Cliff Abbott and leek
home with them their two nieces,
Carol Ann Abbott andtslancyTyii.,
doll to spend part of their VACCA
M. & Mrs. Douglas
Sioux teeketit,, are holidaying
Wi th the Tatter's patentS, Mr.
& MrS. EirietSen Stanley.
Mrs. Aljoe Celbett and son
Vied, took Anne and MitS Cate,
lyre Giles to Honey Harbor teat
Weekend to Work for the sttainier.
Mrs. Elden lleppa i who under-
Went ttirgery It8t.joteptitaito4,
pilaf, 'over tWO weeks ago,itable
to be tiettiei.
Mrs. Stuart Smate and font
Children called on their cousin,
MrS. Jane Somerville.
Mrs. W. W. Garrett held a
family gatheting in honour of
her daughter, Mrs. ben WT4,
gart'S birthday.
Mr, & Mrs. Prank Egan :an()
family, Aylmer, and Mrs. j<ay
BOA, Lucan, have mane-111f*
a few days vacation
George 'lion Is on a
motor trio to the Batt coati.
A veteran of 22 years ser-
vice with the Ontario Provin-
cial Police force, Sergeant Sid
Daley took over as head of the
Lucan OPP detachment, Thurs-
Transferred from district 12
at Haileybury, Daley joins Cpl.
B, V, Crane and 11 constables to
police the area.
The new sergeant spent five
years in the RCNVR Reserve and
is married with two children.
Family holds
proud record
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier have
reason to be proud of their family.
Mrs. p. G. (Julia) Maynard,
after three years teaching at
Oakrldge Acrea Secondary
school, has been made head of
her department and her husband
has completed his year in post
graduate studies at the Univer-
sity of Western Ontario.
Jane a grade 11 Medway stu-
dent, received a mark of 75.1
and did not have to write and
Susan, a grade eight student at
Bidclulph Central, enters Med-
way in Sept.
Owing to the continuous rain
every day last week, Field Day
events for the Bicidulph Central
and the Lucan schools could not
be held outdoors as usual so as
many events as possible were
held in the Biddulph Central gym-
torium, resulting in a number of
Julie Hardy, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Hardy, a
Grade 8 pupil attempted a high
jump and fell, breaking her left
Last Friday afternoon and
evening, Mrs David Park, of PI-
can honoured her daughter Bar-
bara with a trousseau tea prior
t0 her,marriage to Don Cough -
lin, la the Lucan United Church
at a pm on July 5.
The groorh's mother, Mrs,
Robert. Coughlin of Lucan, assist-
ed the bride-elect and her Moth-
er as they received the guests.
Dianne Young and Melanie Park
had charge of the guest book.
At a tea table covered with a
pink linen cloth and centred with
pink candles and an arrange-
ment of pink carnations and white
daisies, Mrs, Brie Young, Mrs.
B, Langford, Mrs. S. E. Jef-
fery and Mrs. John Park poured
Serving in the tea room were
Misses Judy Thomson, Connie
Birch, Elizabeth Hill and Ruth
Miss Judy Coughlin displayed
the wedding gifts; Miss Delores
Murray showed the shower gifts;
Misses Betty and Nancy Park
were in charge of personals;
and Miss Kristen Tyndall attend-
ed in the trousseau room.
Miss Park was also honored
with other pre-nuptial events.
Hostesses for three miscel-
laneous and one personal shower
Were Mrs. Jack Murray and
daughter Dolores at their Lon-
don home; Mrs. George Young
at her Lucan home; Mrs. Sheri-
dan Revington and Mrs, Gordon
Brooks, in the Lucan United
Church schoolroom; and Miss
Kristen Tyndall at her London
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Butler of
Toronto hosted a dinner party
and Mr. R. A, Cougler of London
celebrated with a party.
The groom-elect's parents,
Mr-. and Mrs Robert Coughlin
will entertain,the bridal party
following the rehears4 FrP447
Prior to her wedding tp Mr.
Don Coughlin on 411lir '0, MIPS
Barbara Park was Pest of 1194-
our at a miscellaneous shower
Tuesday which was sponsored
by Mrs. Sheridan lieVlngten and
mrp. qprd04 Brooks, and held
14 the United chnreh sop:42'90M.
In spite of the steady down-
pour,over 6Q of Miss Park's
relaves and friends were ahle
to be out.
Well, we are now going up the
back stretch of the old bird races.
There are just two more weeks
of racing after this one for our
old birds.
The one race we had this week
was from Tweed, 222 miles. The
other was from St. Jerome, Que-
bec (400 miles).
At the Tweed race there were
10 lofts shipped 78 birds from
Lucan. Gord Hardy went with the
truck on Friday night. He had to
hold the birds until 8 am because
of fog at Tweed.
As I mentioned last week, Jack
Hardy's birds do not like to get
wet. Well this kind of training
has paid off for him. He had a little
blue hen home just ahead of a
heavy rain storm on Saturday.
She was ahead of the next birds
by 4 minutes. This is the hen
that has been home first to Jack
every time he has sent her on
her last seven starts.
When you hear of 1403, you do
not think of a date in history
but rather of a little hen that
really must like to fly.
We had a new member taking
a look around on Friday evening.
Jim Hodgins, son of. Constable
'*Doll" Hodgins was at the club
hous'e to see how we do the bask-
eting etc.rWe let him run the band-
ing machine which puts the rubber
bands on the birds' legs. I am
sure after banding 78 birds if
someone tells him of a person
who is pigeon-toed, he will be
sure to know what they look like.
He also thinks Mike Culbert's
birds had dirty toe nails.
When the results were in they
finished as follows: Jack Hardy,
Willy Vanneste (second and third),
Jack Hardy (fourth, fifth and six-
th), Willy (seventh), Dwight Hend-
erson (eighth) — at this point the
prize money ran out.
All the rest of us M. Culbert,
Norm Hardy, Clarence Hardy,
Chuck Barrett, M. Eggett and
Bill Ennis got a cold from
running to the coop in the rain.
The other race was from St.
Jerome. These birds were up at
9:30 a.m. They flew all day Sat-
urday in rain and wind With the
odd thunder storm thrown in for
sound effects.
The sun set On Saturday night
and so did all the bird watchers
in Liman. Then they sat looking
into the east with bloodshot eyes
but no birds. The bloodshot eye
bit came from looking too long.
It couldn't be from anything else
because of the strike.
Sunday morning before the sun
was tip over the horizon (at 5:38
am to be exact) along came a bird
to the loft of Willy Vanneste.
As far as We can figure it must
Mitchell picnic
at Exeter park
Over '75 deseendants of the
late Mr. and Mrs: Themes Mit-
chell held their annual reunion
at Riverview Park, Exeter, Sun-
day. Lucan was represented by
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Hodgins
and sob.
During the business session,
ken Hodgins was named presid-
ent for next year and Mrs. Don
Ian e, London was elected see-
Mr. and MrS. Gerald O'Neil,
RR 1 Belton were In charge of
the Sperts.
A Surprise birthday party was
held Stinday. for Mrt. EttieStkciSS
b3 t2 ineinberS Of her faintly at
the home of het son, J. Ca SIMI),
Otte Of the highlights Of the
„ afternoon was aty old-fashioned
game of etotpiet.
A 01Cille lunch 'vas enjoyed by
It was Gr. VII pupils not Gr.
Vat of laiddulph School, Who went
on the 'bus trip to Kitchener.
have been on Tom Gilmour's silo
the night before. Willy was of
course right there to clock it and
get first position.
At 6;41 am he got his second
bird which was good enough for
second in the club.
The under statement of the
year would be to say that Willy
was pleased. He was in fact so
pleased he just stood there with
a grin on his face and said "I
must be slipping a bit because I
had first, second and third at the
last 400".
This hen was the one that won
him the 400 a month ago. This
is indeed an exceptional bird.
That will be another trophy for
the Vanneste collection.
After Willy had looked after
the first two positions the re-
sults were as follows: three,
Clarence Hardy; four, Jack
Hardy; five, Clarence Hary; six-
th, Jack Hardy; seventh, Ron
Rowland, Mitchell club; eighth,
Clarence. Hardy; ninth, Norm
Hardy; tenth, Clarence Hardy.
After the tenth position the
prize money was all used up so
the also-rans in order of finish
were Mert Culbert, T&G loft,
Dwight Henderson, Bill ' Ennes,
M. -Eggett and Chuck Barrett.
There was only one consola-
tion for the Culbert loft from
both races. They had the first
bird after the money had run
Next week we go to the 500.
Dwight Henderson is walking his
little bird on a string every
evening just so she will be in
shape to take this one. U he can
win two 500 mile races with the
same bird he will have a better
average than Willy's 400 miler.
The best of luck to both of
The Weight-watchers' meet-
ing last week took the forth of a
walk to the Lucan Public School
and back. They had hoped to see
Field Day activities but owing
to the rain and the wet grounds
nothing could be held out of doors.
, - e