HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-07-04, Page 13• Surprise canoe starter The winners of the canoe tipping contest at Riverview Park, Monday had more opposition than they ex- pected. After the Newby Tire entry was declared grand champions, a couple of girls decided to try and upset the winners. Above, Mary Hurley and Cheryl Sweet are showing how they stayed afloat for a few minutes. —T-A photo Minister at Dashwood gives farewell sermon -Lk 1,tiz, POOR BOY CARRY OUT €_tui ecKazi.3‘. THE PURGER FAMILY POOR BOY" 8O TWO DUE PATTIES OH A TOASTED BUM. DO SAKE °Oita' UNION, TANGY COLE SLAW, pit two., BURKLEY BURGER 50, BEEF PATTY 'OAS LE, SESAME WIN, TANGY REL1:41 Lill. FILM. • TOMATO HAMBURG ALL rrommos 35' CHEESEBUR6 4O 4 CrYINIRY STYLE SALADS POTATO SALAD I Le. 49 4 MACARONI SALAD 499 BEAN SALAD t Lb. 494 SAUER KRAUT SALAD 49 4 OLE SLAW 494 1,;ke homed ,c'esh hdieti DUTCH APPLE PIE 894 Delicious Neilson pre ()yam Famous Flavour bricks CHICKEN TREATS 80 4 2 Pr 1A51"1 OliCi.En A 1,..taAt.E vl 'Ka KAI PIOF.f, CHICKEN DINNER h25 .V.Pch TASTY HOED CrlieNEN WKElen Ff.te% TANGY COLE SLAW, DO !MD KOLA, HOOEY PICK & SERVE CHICKEN 4 PCS 2 criEVINNI 1.15 PCS ) SWAM *2.20 12 PCS 5.45 SERVIRGS 't3.20 16 PCS 6-8 SE LAM *4.10 20 PCS 8 -10 SERVOP69 f 5.00 JUMBO SHRIMP 95' FRENCH FRIES, SHRIMP 5AU5E FISH 6. CHIPS 55 4 ICE COO SOFT DRINKS MILK SHAKES 30 BAG OF ICE 50 ; NORTH SIDE OF THE BURKLEY RESTAURANT — EXETER OPEN Wed., Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 12:00 Noon to 1:00 a.m. Mondays & Tuesdays 12:00 Noon to 8:00 p.m. Now Open Sunday from Noon to 8:00 p.m. Special Attention To Phone Orders 235-1730 TMesAdY9cate, .41y -4, 1948 .rasl ,NEVER: Assume the public knows as much .040 yqur. business doP That's why ad xe.Itisiniti.is sa InfiteeetIV34.4" • es . e n e a. e + sx p s sr - tm P l f €s e. t By MRS. IRVIN RADER DASHWOOD Sunday was the final service for Rev. Merrill James at cal- vary United Church. Following the service there was a congregational share-a- dish fellowship meal in the sun- day School rooms. The cong- regation presented the James family with two table lamps and a gift of money. This was also the seventeenth wedding anniversary for Rev. and Mrs. James and this oc- casion was marked with a large By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Gerald McDowell and family of Belgrave visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Shute. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Marshall, Linda and Bob attended the Marshall- McCormick wedding at NorthBay last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burns Blackler and family and Mrs. Wm. J. Blackler were Sunday dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stacey of St. Mary's. Champion pie eater Contestants in Monday's pie eating contest at Riverview Park were scarce but they made up for lack of quantity with healthy appetites. Above, the chainpion Cliff IVIebohald Is doing a replay fer the caineramati after he won the event. photo GOOD COOKS APPRECIATE ONSOIMMIVRAMIESSTAMMteal NISGSSIMMOMemammeallaUliinIMMV DR. BALLARD (3 VARIETIES) BOTH FOR 99- Do - Food4/79t sA2v6Eozi9.4 . . , S S GREEN GIANT & SAVE 194 W ax AND Green Beans 4 /79t SALADA SAVE 146 Tea PA PRIOR RK 100'S 65C GAY LEA EXTRA Large Eggs 2 DOZEN 894 GRANULATED 50 LB. BAGS White Sugar $4.19 SAVE 1911 4‘'1:11;trprCC.E.* CHIQUITA Bananas 2 LBs.33C LARGE SIZE SWEET AND JUICY Watermelon ROOM---OetitrailY located, avail- able new. Apply 10 „Jahn or phone 235-0382, "5.;80.440 TOWN HOUSE neetlinents new renting, Ail new lrbedroo,m. apartinents, centrally located, 301 Senior" St. Phene. 235.844 -.5:9tfnc WOO -.,—One bedroom mod, ern apartment, available jely. 1. Phone 474413 after 0;2.7tfne ,..„. . LARGE FURNISHED heated .2- bedroom apartmeet; also Wailed baetielor apartment; Pri- vate bethreeM. Phone 45.478, 8; 27tfne LARGE 3-BEDROOM house, to cited one block from dewntown Exeter, Living room, dining room, kitchen. Batnroonie up and down, Apply to Box KLB, The Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:4tfnx BRIGHT FULLY furnished, new- ly decorated 1-bedroom apart- ment; 1 block to Post Office, $75.00. Elliot Apts., over Canad- ian Tire Store, Phone Grand Bend 238-2680, 7:4tfnc EXETER — 2-bedroom duplex, full basement, available July 15. Phone F. G. Simmons 235-1854. 4:11c 2-STOREY BRICK home, mod- ern conveniences, good location, 4 miles west of Credit= on Crediton Road. Phone 234-3458 after 6 p.m. 4c EXETER — 2-bedroom apart- ment, electric heat, patio, avail- able Aug. 1. Phone 235-1303. 7: 4tfnc APARTMENT — For two, re- modelled, hot and cold water, frig and stove, heated, on Main St„ $55.00 monthly, Apply at The Exeter Times-Advocate. 7:4tfnx TWO BEDROOM apartment sit- uated north of Hensel' 11 miles. It has a fenced-in back yard with private entrances. May be rented immediately. Phone 262- 5618. 4c ONE STOREY 2 or 3 bedroom house, full basement, garage. No pets please. Phone 235-0736 after six and Saturdays. 6 : 13 tfnc 18 For Rent RENTALS —Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; IA & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc 19 For Sale or Rent SILVERLINER hard-top camp- ing trailers for sale or for rent. Open evenings and week- ends. Dale's Sunoco, Exeter. Phone 235-1710. 6:20tfnc 22 Notices NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS DESTROY WEEDS Notice is hereby given to all persons in possession of land in accordance with Weed Con- trol Act, Sections 3, 13 and 19 that unless noxious weeds grow- ing on their lands within the Municipality of Exeter are de- stroyed by July 20, 1968, and throughout the season, the mu- nicipality may enter upon said lands and have the weals de- stroyed charging the cost against the land in taxes us set out in the Act. The co- operation of all citizens is ear- nestly solicited. (Signed) JAMES PAISLEY, Supt. Town of Exeter 4:11c 24 Tenders Wanted FOR SALE BY TENDER A portable classroom, electric heat, A-i condition, lo- cated two Miles Ott of Exeter. Tenders close JULY 8, 1958, For further information eon- tact, A. GARNET HICKS, Secte- taty-Treasuret, Minute Tw- P. School Area, R.R. 3, Exeter, 2.35-2438, 4c ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS & DEVELOPMENT For Sale By Tender ApproXiMately. 256 acres Of standing, 'milted hay Adjadent to the runways at Centralia hi- ditetrial Park. To be cleared away by July 25, 1058. Sealed tenders, clearly marked "Tenders for Hay" VIII be re- CeiVecl by the undersigned Until M OO Mt .3n/Y 1961, 'Further neon itifertilation maY received bY Calling the Cen- tralia ItidoStrial Park at 228- 6181. C tialene, Manageri tontralia InduStrial Park, HURON PARK, Ontario 24 Tenders Wanted, TOWNSHIP OF HUBERT DRAINAGE TENDERS Sealed and marked "Tenders" will be received by the under, Signed until 12 o'clock noon, Monday, itilY 8th, 1068 for the construction of the Geary Drain- age Works and Extension- 18,069 lineal feet of open drain (7,000 en. yds.) 7,856 lineal feet pf closed drain 5 catch. basins 1 junction box. Township to supply tile, A marked cheque of 5% of tender price to accompany each ten , der. Plans and specifications may be seen at Clerk's Office, Low- est or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Please state ap- proximate time that work can be completed. MRS. A. BURCI-JILL, CLERK Dublin, Ontario, 27:4c 25 Auction Sales Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Television and Radio Equipment Complete Line of Acces- sories and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN ST., ZURICH on FRIDAY EVENING, JULY 5 at 7:00 p.m. Sale includes: Television sets; electronic testing equipment; voltage regulators and genera- tors; assortment of radio and TV manuals; circuit diagrams; bench tools, etc.; aerials; short wave receiver set; large as- sortment tubes and cables; store equipment; display coun- ters; large neon sign; display racks and stands; large assort- ment wiring, hardware and fishing equipment; various fil- ing cabinets; brand new tent 9x9x7; etc., etc. Plan to attend this large clearing sale. Everything will be sold without reserve. Terms: Cash K. M. BREAKEY, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques & Misc. Items On the premises CON. RANGE 1, LOT 8, STANLEY TOWNSHIP 11 miles south of Bayfield, Highway 21 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JULY 13 at 1:30 p.m, REAL ESTATE: Con. Range 1, Lot 8, Stanley Township. Ap- proximately 20 acres of land on which is situated 2-storey frame dwelling covered with asphalt siding, in good condition; also small bank barn. Property sit- uated in choice resort area. In- spection invited by contacting the auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid if not previ- ously sold, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: piece wicker set including set- tee, rocker, chair; Westing- house medium size refrigerator recently purchased; chrome ta- ble and chairs; Philce televi- sion; antique writing desk; oval table; Wingham cook stove, like new; 2 radios; antique kitchen clock; 2-burner electric stove; electric Washing machine; dry sink; pine glass cupboard; side- board; Singer sewing machine-, coal oil lamps; phonograph; rockers; 2 steel bedsteads; dressers; commodes; oak bed- steads; 2 toilet sets; 2 trunks; antique small youth bed; bath- tub; pine Wood box; 2 oval pictures; frames; trilight lamp; couch; tables' Wardrobe; as- sortment antique dishes; 'Silver- ware; glassware; quilts; mats; sausage grinder ; iron kettle; buzz saw; small scales; electric mower, like new; garden tools; galv. tubs, etc., etc. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE LILLIE 1101INER ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer .1;11e AUCTION SALE of IMplernerits, Valuable House-hold Effects and Misc. peens On the premises 87 THAMES ROAD EAST, IN EXETER. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction Oh SATURDAY4 JULY 27 at 1:00 :P.M. Ford tractor with three-point hitch;_20-plate mounted died; 21-toot Xengikilcle cultivator And leveller; three section of dragharrows; two-furreee mounted plow;. 'awe roller With hydraulic steering and Interna- tional CO Motor; two-wheel trailer' for transporting lawn roller; two V' TV sets; dining room suite, imported front Hol- land, with six chairs; 30" dee- tric Stove, like new;'chrome tet of kitchen table and chairs; I'lartholemew office fttriiittire; comrhercial refrigerator with freezing Compartment; WaSher; dryer; deep freeze; Maple twin beck and dressers; three other bedroom suites; 2 chain saws, brie 1.8" sand one 24" Pioneer; 25 Auction Sales used galvanised - pipe; tees .and elbeWS:, half to MO and a half in size; used lumber', one and tvve inch; wire turkey ppq; tea kettle; toaster; electric coffee tables; rocking chairs; cupboards;. extension' ladder; old reekor; wedges; wheel bar- row on rubber; lawn chair and table; 100 feet of -chicken wire; aitimInnM cpoker and many other items toe numerous to 11-1111%.9PROPERTY will be of- fered for sale subject to a rea- tonal*. 'reserve bid consist. lag of one acre, on which. is located an eight-room house and: newly built shed, 24'x40', cement floor. Buildings all in excellent state of repair, In- spection invited before sale date, Terms; Cash WILLIAM POULTON, Prop. D. A, FTNICI3NINFli, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4;11:.1.25c Many visit in Bidduiph By MRS. M. H. ELSTON RTI1DT IT .PH Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston and David were dinner guests of Wm Lambourn, London, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Bander- burg of Holland are visiting with the latter's sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoonaard for two months. Murray Abbott, Centralia, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Elston. Mr. and Mrs. J. Obbema and family of London spent Monday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoonaard. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Hoonaard of Alexandria (near Cornwall) spent the past week with the for- mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoonaard. Miss Sheila Elston,St. Thomas General Hospital is spending her vacation at Chatham and Ipper- wash. Mr. and Mrs. Win Warner of Toronto are visiting with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Buswell. Mrs. Elmer Dunn, Toronto, nee Hazel Buswell, Ronnie and Cathy, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Melville Bus- well and Allan on Monday. Douglas Cameron of Kitchener is spending a few holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Buswell and with his uncle, Allan Buswell. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Elston spent Friday in St. Thomas re- newing acquaintances where they formerly lived. They accom- panied their granddaughter Sheila home. Miss Judy Blair is on a motor trip through the Western pro- vinces. Peter Knox, London, visited on Tuesday with David Elston. Large crowd enjoy supper By MRS. WILLIAM ROHDE THAMES ROAD Well over 500 people attended the Strawberry and Ham Supper Wednesday evening at the United Church. The UCW received the proceeds. PERSONALS Miss Keret'. Heist of CreditOrt spent a few days recently with her cousin, Miss Darlene Pase- More. Miss Shirley Newhook returned to Bat Verte, Newfoundland, Wed- nesday after visiting with ReV. Stewart and Mrs. Miner for ten days. Mrs. Robert Mayer and Wayne, Mr. & Mrs. Bev Morgan and Jelin, Mr. & Mrs. William Rohde and Douglat and Mrs. William Snow and Bob attended com- mencement exercises at Central Huron Secondary SchoOl, Clinton, Thursday evening When Wayne, Doegles and Bob received their tirade 12 diplomas. Mrs. Whitmore, TOrOntO, spent the holiday Weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Barry Jeffery. Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Heard, Wendy, Joan and John of kirk* visited saturday evening With Mr. & Mrs. Glebe Jeffety. Wet Nancy dente Kingston, Is holidaying with her grand-, parents, Mr. & Mrs. Robert carin, MISS Patricia Miner left on Monday to attend summer school in Toronto for .Live weeks. Mrs. William TheinteOn)Eitee ter and 1VIr. & Mrs. William Rohde attended the twenty-first h i-annual SwitSer Retteloa held Sunday in Queen's Park, Stitt-, ford. Thete Were about 170 InAt, tendance. The "annual church and Sunday Sehotil held at RiVeiVieW Park,. 'Exeter, Tiles,. dayi July it at f2 O*clOok The sacrament of the tOrd'S Supper will be observed Sunday at the ,regular church honk 11,15 a,111, There are rootlet church services every Stinday evening at the drive-in theatre, Shipka i at 8 p.ni. & Mrs. Wllliatii Johns spent the Weekend atItort Wayne, Mr. -& Mrs. WilliatiiPaSetieete of Exe'te'r, Mrs. 'Joanne Grebe and Mt. & Mrs. Herb Woods 'Who have been visiting -relatives in the eorrittiiiiity were Sunday guests with Mr4 & Mrs. AlViii Passiiiere. On' Monday they idt Ltfildon by train for their imint to 'Calgary: MrS. Case de MOO.. Sandra and Shari of London are 'visiting WitIrMr, AlvinPastrilbre, 711 11 Properly For Rent t Make Summertime Pale:mien tine With A T-A. 285-1-331., 'NOTICE TO KIRKTON- AREA RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs. Derbecker at the Kirkton Market are our agents for this district. We offer you top quality DRY CLEANING arid LAUNDRY with fast, regular service every TUESDAY & FRIDAY GRAND BEND CLEANERS and Launderers 238.2122 decorated cake. Rev, and Mrs. James and sons John, Orville, and Paul have gone on vacation to Western can- ada before taking up residence in Windsor. DASHWOOD OLD BOY CELEBRATES Rev. Ernest Miller (Ernst George Mueller) celebrated 40 years in the Lutheran ministry Sunday at Gladwin, Michigan. Members of his family attended as a complete surprise. His son, Rev. Ronald Miller of Cleveland, delivered the ser- mon. Those from Dashwood were his brothers, nephews, and fam- ilies, Mr. and Mrs. Reinhold Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Miller and Diane, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Janet, Robert and friend, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Mil- ler, Keith and friend. 25TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Wolfe celebrated their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary when about thirty relatives and friends gathered at their home. They were recipients of many lovely gifts. 'PERSONALS John and Orville ,James and Dean Oestreicher spent ten days at the Youth Camp atSilver Lake. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sid Baker were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Guenther of Clark- son and Mr. and Mrs. StanGreen and family of Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Rader and family and Miss Joan Becker of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Van- Dorsselaer and Robert spent Sun- day with Mrs. Wm Haugh'. Philip Rader spent the holiday weekend with his grandmother, Mrs. Haugh. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schenk and family attended the Luedke- Wiseman wedding at Mildmay Saturday, Miss Erma Keller, London, spent last week with her sister, Miss Loretta Keller. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Faveri and family of Agincourt called on relatives during the weekend and Miss Pam Bacon who had vacationed here, returned to Tor- onto with them. The Dashwood Midget ball team lucky draw for a lawn chair and lounge was won by Milford mern- er. Maatalge:AMOUNatieNakAAWIk• 8 LEAN Beef Patties AND Hamburg Buns MEAT BUYS BURN'S DOUBLE SMOKED VAC Bacon L. 79C BURN'S S.P. Cottage Rolls LB 594 FREE PARKING NOW bPPEillN6. PRE . DELIVEA Buy with confidence . WE STAKE OUR REP- UTATION ON EVERY POUND OF BEEF WE SELL, EITHER BY THE QUARTER OR OVER THE COUNTER. '`%)(SIOSSUINgatEllett See us for CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING and PROCESSING FROZEN FOODS tOMAIIMMIAM: FROZEN FOODS famil Coffee Rich 16 OZ. 29t ERV A. LA4165 ;MVO') -LOT VOA -YOU-A tONIVENtiti\ite TO THg ExErt,rt AllEA ' • * NU.