HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-06-20, Page 16Married at Lucan
Lucan United Church was the setting on June 1 when Rev. G, Sach
united in marriage Barbara sims, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Don Sims,
Camp Borden andKenneth Wilson, son of Les Wilson and the late Mrs.
Wilson, Lucan. Attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hockey, Lucan.
The young couple are making their home at Huron Park, Centralia.
First time starters
feature pigeon races
I think the Culbert bird has
it sewed up but other people think
differently. Willy and Chuck are
the ones to make the final decis-
Next week we go to Peter-
borough. We hope for better
weather as these rains and high
wind takes a great deal out of
our birds.
Grade 5 pupil
draws cartoons
Tim Stutt, ten-year-old son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Stutt and a
Grade 5 pupil at the Biddulph
Central School, who won the essay
contest on "What it means to be
a Cub", has also a flare for
While other boys are outside
enjoying sports, Tim prefers to
stay indoors and draw.
"Ting" of Free Press fame,
is his idol. He makes copies of
many Of his cartoons but else,
composes his own.
What the future has in store
for Tim only time can tell. Per-
chance Lucan will have another
"Tine" some day.
Put your money into
our guaranteed investment certificates
now paying the never-before interest
of seven per cent
for one, two, three, four
or five year terms.
Since IS-89
Meitiber of Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation
Harold Corbett who underwent
surgery ineSt. Jeeeell'e HOspital,
is. making eetiefeetore recovery.
Mr. and Mrs, John Perk l'e-
eelltle entertained at e dinner
Party for 14 JP9MbeVS of Mrs,
park's family, the Reviegtons.
Mr., and Mrs, Arthur Abbott
spent last Saturday in Wiartott
as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan
Tindall, They left all their chile-
ren with their grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Cliff Abbett of George
Street for the day.
Rectory visitors last week With
Rev. and Mrs. E. 0, Lanceetee
were Rev, and Mrs. Cecil Ward
and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cooper
of Glencoe; Rey, and Mrs. Fred.
Ralph of Teamesville; Rev. and
Mrs. Alvin Harrison of Durham;
Rev, and Mrs. Ray Weeks of Lon,
lion; and Mr. and Mrs, W, D,
Lancaster of Lambeth,
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simpson
held a family reunionof the latter
family, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Mite-
ere last Sunday,
Arthur Hodgson and family of
Ailsa Craig and twofriends were
Sunday guests of Mrs. Eldon Hod-
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Aedy of
London were Sunday guests of the
latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Calvin Haskett.
Miss Maureen Smith left on
Sunday tp spend the summer with
her fridnds, Josephine and Car-
men Fostado of Mexico.
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Wilson
of Burlington were weekend
guests of the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Thompson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Langford
of Toronto are spending a few
days with Mrs. John Casey and
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Langford.
Mrs. Ron Crozier and daugh-
ter Jane had a luncheon last week
for Mrs. J. W. Jeffery of Lon-
don, Mrs. Alex Simpson, Misses
1.44ry. „.44o..J.witat .,Crawford, Miss,
Cethereeeekhaete Mrs. Chas,,
given, Miss_ 4004 Torrance and
Mrs, Jeeet Gree t all of
and Mrs..Erle Helmer of
Winchester were geeets of Mrs,
charies. liagpr last Week,
In the jeRe adit1P4 ,0.tha
tee message is a picture of
Lucas's fernie.r Rector, Her,
Prest and his helpers vir4p,
ping : up 1500 Christmas gifts
Five members
watch weights
Five members of the Weight
Watchers' club met at the home
of Mrs. Glen Kennedy on Tues-
day afternoon. The weigh-in
seowed little change in weight.
Mrs. Clare Paton won the doer
prize. The afternoon was spent
playing games. Next meeting will
be at the home of Mrs. Thomas
Emery, Alice St. Diet refresh-
ments were served by the hoe-
Miss Line Abbott received
word last week that her appli-
cation to become a resident of the
McCormick Home, Loedpn, had
been accepted by the Board of
As there is always along wait-
ing list, she was most surprised
to receive a phone message the
following day that a room was
With a house and all her be-
longings to sell, she felt she
couldn't leave Lucan at once.
Besides, she feels an obligation
to T-A subscribers until the new
correspondent is ready to take
over—about August 1. With the
help of many kind friends, she is
trying to carry on until then.
We reserve
the right
to limit
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ittsts-Ativocata, Juno 20, 1968 ummuutiumuu.unim nun ii ttttt i min
About people you know
itlistrict news .
Cornispondent; Abbott
enjoy banquet
Last Friday night was a big night for the Lucan hockey play-
ere when the annual father anti
son banquet was held at the Lucan
Legion Hall.
The Lucan Canadian Legion
branch 540 was very proue of
their hockey teams as the novice
and midgets brought home a
Shamrock league trophy to dis-
play in the Legion trophy case.
The young athletes were thrill-
ed to have Walt McKeitnie of the
Minnesota North Stars as the
guest speaker. McKeenie, a young
man who played with London,
signed autographs for all com-
W. Roach from the Canadian
Foundation for the Canadian Na-
tional Hockey team was also
present and had a film on the
Canadian team against the Rus-
sians. He also gave a talk on
national team.
W. J, Smith was the emcee
for the evening and introduced
the guests. KeithD icks on, pre-
sident of the Lucan Legion, con-
gratulated and thanked the man-
agers and coaches for their time
and energy over the hockey seas-
The most valuable player from
each team was picked as follows:
Cecil Nickles, Novice; Jeff Park,
Pee Wee; Allen Kraul, Bantam;
Mike Anderson, Midget. Bart
Harris, goal tender of the midget
team was awarded the best goal
tender trophy.
The novice team won the Sham
rook League APTrophy and mem-
bers were presented with their
crests. This trophy has been
given for four years and Lucan
has won it three,
The midget team brought home
the ,I3' Trophy in the Shamrock
Friends shower
bride with gifts
Miss Carol Latta, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Latta, RR
Lucan, has been honored by
many prenuptial events, prior
to her marriage to Mr. Wm
Park, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Park in the Lucan United Church
on Saturday.
Hostesses for miscellaneous
showers were Mrs. W. W. Gar-
rett, Mrs. Don McTaggart, Mrs.
Jack Garrett and Mrs. Earl At-
kinson at the Lucan United
Church; Miss Cathy Amos, at
the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs, Normen Amos, Kirk-
ton; Misses Linda Smith and
Sandra Abbott at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith
Lucan, Mrs. Murray Hodgins and
Miss Doris Weir et the home of
the former.
Wes Barbara Park held a
kitchen shOwer at the home of
her mother, Mrs. Dave Park.
Mrs. Stewart Park and Mrs.
Dave Park held a graduation
dinner party in London; Mrs.
John Park held a dinner party
in her home; and Mrs. William
Butler, Toronto, was hostess at
a dinner party in her home.
Storm hampers
political meeting
Last Tuesday's eeVere storm
arid hydro interruption more or
less put a damper on the Pro-
gressive Conservative meeting
at the Legion Hall. Over '75 were
present, to greet Bob McKinley
and his wife, four daughters and
Mr. McKinley is the PC can-
didate in Huron riding, which
now includes Biddulph and Mc-
Gillivray Tewnships and villages
of Ailsa Craig and Lucan.
J. W. Smith was emcee for
the evening and introduced all
present to the McKinley family as
they stood on the receiving line.
After refreshments, Mr. Mc-
Kinley spoke briefly giving a
summary of his experience since
taking office.
T rail riders
enjoy outing
Last Sunday, 19 members of
the Lucan Horseman's Club, met
at the farm of Don Abbott for a
trail ride over his farm..
This was followed by a wiener
roast in the evening.
The weather was perfect, so
Lucan Cubs
pion compi.out
CulenlaSter Gordon Froate, ape
sistant Tom Barr and, seven Cubs
had a busy Mondeyeneetingfinale
izing puns for the over-night
eampeout at the Pinery, June 15.
Tents were again brought out,
aired, and set up.
The group left Lucan about 1:30
pm on'Saturday and returned Sun-
day about 6 pin,
The weatherman provided a
beautiful afternoon fpr the Cub's
outing. Cubmaster Gordon
Froats, two leaders and 24 Cubs
left Lucan and by the time tents
were all set up it was time to
eat. Then there was swimming,
fishing and jumping, followed by
a wiener roast. All were to bed
shortly after 10 pin,
After breakfast on Sunday, a
church service was held with
11-year old cub, Douglas Barr
as preacher. Jim Thompson read
the scripture and Brent Froats
led in prayer. Two children's
hymns were sung.
About 10 am all went for a
hike through the wilderness.
After dinner, another swim
was enjoyed before starting for
all club members enjoyed the
day's outing.
eeeeeee eeeeeeeeemeee,,,,,e,,,,emeeleeemeeeeemeekeeeeeemeemeeetteefeeemeeeltetememeteekeeeeeeeeeeeme. . . •
for the Theee gifts had.
been dopeteeefrent the .P1Keee9f
Seekete9.11 ,4114-.freete Acw groppq,
,across Canada.
The Lion's Club had a emek
meeting at the park last Monday
evening., It logks lovely newt
.leneee escaped the Ordnt
Tuesday •night's storm, 1.71.Y4F0
was off: the' :fer.
4ert period but it remained off
until 12;3() am in the country,
Some farmers were ,doing their
milking ,at 2 am,
Mr, and Mro. Lepi3 Panciole„
and faintly of Los Angeles. are
holleaying. with Mg, ,anci
Thomas Emery of Alice stropt,
On Weetneedey Air, and
Charles corbot 440 family neeVe
ed to their farm home.
tvirp, J. J. Gommer has ree
turned home to Halifax after • a
ten day visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Bond.
Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Hockey
and family and Mr. and Mrs,
George Wilson have r etur ne
from a six-day motor trip to,
Maple Island, near North Bay.
Mr. and Mrs, John Campbell
of London, held a family get-to-
gethee •on Sunday in honour of
the latter's. father ,.S her igen Hey..
On Father's Day Mr, and Mrs.
Alex Young held a family re,-
union at the home of their son
Den at Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Freeman
and family were Sunday guests
Of Mr. and Mrs. Randal Dunning
of Norwich.
Rev. and Mrs. E. O. Lan-
caster were Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. George Thorne of Lon-
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Crozier and
family were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lockhart of
Ailsa Craig.
phone 227.425
This pigeon racing is certain-
ly full of surprises. In our race
from Oshawa this week we had
one new entry to the race. Bill
Ennis from Arva arrived on the
scene with a basket full of birds
for his first race of the season.
Now with all the rest of the
birds in our club having flown
at least 220 miles this season
we didn't figure he was too much
competition. He just showed us it
is not wise to fool around with
an old timer even if he is a
late starter.
One of Bill's birds was clock-
ed at 11.17 am from Oshawa
(136 miles) to win this race by
18 minutes over the second place
Culbert bird.
Bill used to fly many years
ago with the old Forest City
race club. Be has just started
to fly the odd race again after
being out of the birds for quite
some time. We wanted to take his
picture but he had such a grin
on his face we couldn't get it
all in the camera.
It just goes to show you that
you can't teach an old dog new
tricks. This one still uses all
the old tricks and does very well
at it.
That race ended up as follows:
first, Bill Ennis, then Mike Cul-
bert, Clarence Hardy, Dwight
Henderson, Clarence Hardy, Mr.
Eggett, Clarence Hardy and
Dwight Henderson.
These birds were released in
Oshawa just before a bad thund-
erstorn broke so they had to fly
through very bad weather to get
The second race that day was
Smith Falls (300 miles). This is
the place that we start to lose
our birds, Only the strong ones
will make it home from here on to
the 500.
As it shows on the race sheet,
Willy Venneste must have a loft
full of strong birds. His first
bird was borne at 4:15 pm and
he had two more before 5:30 to
take first, Second and third.
As the boys in the club say,
"the big broad Belgiari from
Brussels has done it again."
Willy not Only picked off the
first three positions, he also won
the Smith Sunoco trophy. This is
Willy's fourth win this year. If
he doesn't stop soon he will have
to put the trophies tit the turnip
storage just to have enough room.
Jack Hardy was there for fourth
with a little hen that was the
best youtig bird last year. He has
-only sent her to four races this
year end has clocked her every
time. She could be the best year-
ling this year if she keeps on
flying the way she has.
Right behind Jack carne Clare
ence (just a couple Of MteUtes
later). At the time of writing
the results are not yet official
se we are not just sure who gets
sieth and seVerith,
Mert Culbert has one that has
a 46 setotel edge over Norm
Hardy, Now )`Corm has a bit
farther to fly so We are hot
sure Who has these two posie
Many showers
for area 1p....ride
Mrs. M H. nettles and Miss
Loris Weir Wete coehestesses at
the former's honie bneVecitiesday
evening fora en 1st 'dile nee s
skewer for Tense -Caeca Latta,
prier to her tnarrlege to Wirt.
S. Parke
Assisting the bride-to-be were
Margaret Sach iced 'Vire, Jack
Marshall, While Mrs. Jack
loin end lefreeT. A. Watsbriaseist-
ed terelhg.
Mrs. R. IL Crozier conducted.
kidaPtb.in cob's Test" wh le
proved to be very entertaining,
and Mree Hodgins directed two
other games prior to the preSen-
tation of the gate,
Miss Latta itiVittiti her many
friends to view the wedding gifts
:at her parents' hotne -aiiy day the
eellowing week.;