HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-06-20, Page 1316 Property For Sale 23 legal Notices 75 Auction Sales. foot; cow, recently freshened, celf 1.004 cow, IniliciP07 forth calf at foot; cow recent- ly freshened, calf at feet; cow, milking, fifth calf et foot; cow milking, rebred, second calf at fleet; cow, milking, third calf; 2 choice heifers flue to freshen 4n August; Ifoleten farrow cow; 2 open heifers; 3 heifers ten months old; 4 heifers 15 Menthe old; 5 Ifolstpin steers, This is an extra good herd of dairy. cattle, Owner giVing up dairying due tq other intereets. Surge 2-enat milking machine With Piping for 18 cows; Dry Cold 4-ean milk cooler; De Laval electric cream separator; Gehl 10 inch hammer mill; complete set of sieves; Ford No, • 601 semi mounted single row corn picker, brand new condition, Terms: Cash RUSSELL FISCHER, Proprietor GLENN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 13:20e AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on SATURDAY, JULY 6 at 1:30 p.m. Complete list of sale in fol- lowing issue. WM. FORREST, Proprietor ' ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20c NOTICE TO CREDITORS deceased. All pereone heving claims agaiest the Estates Of Jonathan Dietee.Cooper} late of the Wen- eleiP of Usborne, the OeeintY of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on er about the 27th day of January 1998, and. Violet Ann Cooper, of the same place, Heusewife, who died on or abqut the 23rd day of may 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Leighton, Solicitors, Exeter, Ontario, be' the 22nd day of June 196$ after which date 'the estates Will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which no- tice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. 6;13:20e NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Dora May Delbridge, deceased. All persons having claims against •the Estate of Dora May Delbridge, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Hur- on, Housekeeper, who died on or about the 18th day of Jan- uary 3968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 22nd day of June 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario. . 6:13:20c NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Lilian May Sinclair, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Lilian May Sinclair, late of the Town of Exeter, in the County of Huron, Housewife, who died on or about the 15th clay of Oc- tober 1967, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, Solicitors, of Exe- ter, Ontario, by the 29th day of June 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Administrator, Exeter, Ontario. 13;20:27c 24 Tenders Wanted 111. the Estates et Jonathan Bruce Cooper and Violet Ann Ceepor, Its worth it TWenty-one members of the 1st Crediton Cub Pack along with three leaders walked to Exeter Saturday morning with subscriptions going to the Exeter and district Association for the Mentally Retarded. As of Wednesday morning, pledges of $144 had been received for the walk, Above, Randy Witherspoon and Dale binney are cooling their feet on arrival at Exeter Riverview Park while Ted Thorne and Marty Martens decide' on joining their friends, —T-A photo Women at resort hold final meeting ti BUY WITH CONFIDENCE nIMSAUX REG 139 1.59 NgnraetatMVVZ2E',.. SCHNEIDER'S CANNED PICNIC HAM G 794 L8 63' -FAMOUS FOR 'DUALITY to PINE RIVER CHEESE MEDIUM market the family FREE PARKING A LARGE PAVED LOT FOR YOU13 doiwtNIENCE NOW OFFERING To lilt EXETER. AfIEA FREE DELIVERY SERVICE. WE STAKE OUR REPUTATION ON EVERY POUND OF BEEF WE SELL, EITHER BY THE QUARTER OR OVER THE COUNTER. * Locally slaughtered with government inspection for your protection. * Properly aged for tenderness. * Cut by experts to assure you the most edible meat you can buy. LEAN BEEF PATTIES SCHNEIDERS NO. 1 REG 654 „ A Chicken Legs t_g BLADE REG 694.4 ROASTS 65'L. BLADE BONE REMOVED Miteeee ee. e Os:zee:et:tee .,... te, 79' eereeeletee.tttWeeefeegteZeeeeeeeVeefMeZeeeeaeeeeeeeneere WATERMELON 99 EA, .tint`MMV<Le‘ M.X4' 'O. CABBAGE taccALNLY toummumzegiumamawmmmau... COFFEE-MATE AR 11 OZ. REG J 894 SeMetteeMeereeSeaeiMeneeeagStineinnetaNtaVMMX ^III LB TIN AVERAGE 6 PATTIES PER LB. REG. 69t LB. 59 n, ti KNECHTEL'S PEANUT BUTTER iNz VaeeTeeeeeNeeeneeneefe.e.en eeeeeeeeeeeeeee'eeee,ZeeiegUeNeee„, lee HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE REG. 39 0 454 ereleeMeeneetnIe REG. 43e By Popular Demand . . SWANSON T.V. DINNER 736 REG, 59 4 * CHOPPED SIRLOIN * SWISS STEAK TlielKeY exe er FROZEN FOODS 2/65' 48 OZ. TIN gny'*4it-Thames:Road, INVEST IN HURON IIEWALL. Vern:ter jewellery shop. This property would bb an ideal place for en entiqee shop. I/VC1iXOW — 984 acres gravel learnt 50 acres. workable; 29. acres beetle 28i acres pastere: Township just opened a gravel pit en farm; 2 springs for wa--ter, Well worth elle asking price of $11,000.00. PHONE HENSALL 262.5164 VII. D. DICK representing R, L HARRIS INSURANCE AGENCIES LTD-, REALTOR 505 Talbot et., ',tendon Multi* Listing Service 20c HENSALL — Two-storey brick house, 4 bedrooms, le bath, re- cently redecorated, family room with walleto-wall carpeting, ga- rage, new hot air oil furnace, Phone 262-2327. 6: 13tfnx 1.1 STOREY FRAME house on zY4 acre; 3 bedrooms; garage; country taxes. Priced reason- ably. 63 Waterloo or 235-0632. 13:20* PRICED TO SELL — Comfort- able older home, suitable for growing family or duplexing, on quiet residential street; extra building lot; double garage; oil furnace; 3 - 4 years old. Write P.O. Box 247 Clinton, 6:13:20c 3-BEDROOM HOME — Nicely decorated throughout, sewer connection c o m p l e t e, priced very reasonably. Apply 303 An- drew St, or phone 235-0114. 20c H. Keith Ltd. Realtor 181 Eglinton Ave. E., Toronto 12 Are pleased to announce that Mr. HORACE W. CRUMPLIN has now joined our staff of salesmen. He Is well experi- enced in all phases of Real Estate and will be willing to handle any properties you may wish to buy or sell. ere may be reached at 5 Frontenac Rd., #409, London, 433.3304 or Grand Bend 238-8081. 20c 11 Properly For Renl 2 BEDROOM modern apartment, available immediately. Phone • 235-2012 after 6:00 p.m. 5:30tfnc ROOM—Centrally located, avail- able now. Apply 16 John St. or phone 235-0382. 5:30tfnc NICELY FURNISHED bright, clean, steam heated 1-bedroom apartment, centre of town. Elliot Apts., 235-2912. . 5:21,fne TOWN HOUSE apartments now renting, All new 1-bedroom apartments, centrally located, 301 Senior St. Phone 235-2420. 5:9tfnc SMALL 2 BEDROOM house in Exeter; full basement and oil heat, Suitable for 3 people. Write E. J. W., Box 373, Exeter. 13:20* HOUSE FOR RENT — Available 1 - 15 August; 4 bedrooms; 2- piece bathroom upstairs; 4- piece down; modern kitchen; living room and den; Main St e close to schools. 244 Main St., 2354533. 6: 20tfne ONE STOREY 2 or 3 bedroom house, full basement, garage. No pets please. Phone 235-0736 after six and Saturdays. 6: 13tfne UPSTAIRS apartment in coun- try home. Suitable for working or middle aged couple, Apply Jack Ryan, RR 2 Detfield, Dial 666-1167. 20e 18 For Rent RENTALS—Floor Saiiders floor Odgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; Va & te" drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hat& Ware, 2354033, e:22tfne 19 For Safe or Rent SILVERLINER 'hard-top tatlip- ing trailers for sale or for tent, Open evenings and Week- ends, Dale's Stitibeo, Exeter,. Pilate 2354110, 6e201,fite 21 Properly Wanted PROPERTIES WANTED We have throUgh our Toronto office and U-S, contacts, an ever increasing demand for properties in this area, If you are contemplating selling, either neve 'Or in the futere, will be happy to be -of service .you. Horace "W, trumPlin, Lotidon 2133,3e04 or Grand 'Bend 238.80eL KEITH LTD. REALTOR, 181 Eglinteei Ave. E., Toronto 12, e0:27e 7'eeeekeeeeee.., eeee -seee - ' Want Ad. Deadline Tuesdays . . . . . TOWN of EXETER TENDERS FOR Main St. Construction SEALED TENDERS on the forms supplied will be received by the Town Clerk, Mr. E. H, Carscadden, at his office on Main Street, Exeter, Ontario, until 12:00 Noon, E,D.S.T. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1968 for the reconstruction of Main Street from Huron Street to the Auxsable River (Highway #4 - Connecting Link - 0.9 Miles). The work includes grading, granu- lar base, concrete curb •and gutter, , sidewalks, sewers, wa- ter mains, and Hot Mix Paving. Plans, Specifications and Ten- der forms may be obtained at the office of the undersigned for A non-refundable fee of $25.00, Each Tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque in the amount of $20,000,00 and the successful bidder must provide a 100% Performance Bond by an approved Guarantee Com- pany. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, 13. iii. ROSS AND ASSOCIATES LIMITED 41 West Street, Goderich, Ont. 20e 25 Auction Sales Complete HolStein DISPERSAL SALE consisting Of tows, Heifers and Calves On the premises LOT 32, CON, 17, HAY` TWP, 21 miles west Of beshwoOd, Hwy 83, thence 1/2 mile north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auctiee On PRiDAY EVENING, JUNE 21 at 6t30 CHOICE HOLSTEIN COWS & HEIFERS — Cow, milking, fourth self at foot; cow, fresh 2 Months /mirth calf at feet: By' MRS. WELLWOOD G1L1. GRAND BEND The afternoon Unit of the 'Unite ed church Women met oft Thurs- day. Mrs. Ezra Webb conducted the opening worship using several illustrations of real + TARO, Roll call was one of Jesus' pare ales and each member com- mented on the parable ebosen, Mrs. Win. Love gave the lest thepter of the study noels on Jape ale Mrs. Emery DesJardine will Introduce, the new snide+ book en China at the September meet- ing. Mrs. Alex Hamilton presided for the business. Lunch eves served by Mrs. George \Yelper and Mesa Rosa 2S „Auction Soles. AUCTION. SAL of Voloablo .Heo*091(1, :Effects, Antitwee. and Misc..1t#nr.1* on the 'peemieee. CRgINTON EAST (Formerly. the Teeideletee .ef Mies Ethel Brown) The eedereigned auctioneer received tnarnetions to sell by POOP Peethett on SATURDAY, J4NE 29 at 1:30 Perri- Dinifig room table and chairs; kitchen table and chairs; china cabinet; pine glass cupboard; 2 settees; occasional chairs; chesterfield; 3 antique oak rockers; platform rocker and chair; centre and end tables; combination book case and writing desk; oak bedsteads; brass bedstead; steel bedstead; pictures and frames; toilet sets; lamps; assortment glassware; silverware; antique dishes; kitchen utensils; .power lawn mower; garden tools. Complete list in next week's issue, CHARLES GLANVILLE, Prop, ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20c ACW FINAL 'the final meeting of the Ange liege Church Women of St, John's- byetbe-Lake Aiiglivali Church, Grand Bend before the entente season was held in the parish half iVirs* James Cutting pre- sided, The chief business et hand Was the preparation for the Boutique and take silo iti ;hay, A quilt it 45n display lit the window of the former L slid teshopinGteed Bend and will be one Of the filthy desirable items for sale next Month, PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Dale Pfile and children of 1.,ontion spent Wednes- tley With his Barents, Mr. and -W141,104. RQHDE The annual, Sendae.gelleel An- niyersery . was held. .en Sunday. The .chureb was eigeoreted, with ferns, .iris, peelliee and Meeie was provided by the organ- let, Miss Agnes Bray, and the pianiet, Ross. Rowe, Tee choir was under the leadership of Mrs. Reg Hodgert. The pest Speaker was Dr. Norman Meeleeeele, Quite a number of people et, tentlee, and spent the day with friends and reletives. Mr, and Mrs, Brian 'Weelels.e, Mr. and Mrs,. William 'Rowe; Larry and. Karen, Mr, and Mrs. Ross Rowe, Mrs. Chester Rowe and hem Clarke Fisher of Exeter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rennie and Brenda of London, M. and eere, Amos Warwick of Port Huron and Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Rowe with Mr,, and Mrs. Hamlet Rowe; Mr. and Mrs. Milton McCurdy and Ray with Mr, and Mr$. Reg Hodgert; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Mills, Mrs, Lawrence Mills of London and Mrs. Alfred Hunkin of Ex- eter with Mr, and Mrs, Wilfred Hunkin; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Ratz of Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Ron O'Brien of London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hera, Linda and Fred of Zion, Mrs. John Selves, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McCarter and Gerry with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Webber; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gardiner of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs, William Cann; Mr. and Mrs. William Lamport with Mr. and Mrs. Glen Lamport; Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Miller and Ken of staffa, and Barry Oliver of St, Marys with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Woods, Mrs 49..ehtle Grebe pf .(410.4.ry and Mr, and Mrs. 'William Rass~ .}Wore of Exeter WithMr, Weirs, Alvin Passmore. Mr, ahtt'ldre. Clarence Thome ,son and tarellly of Weettheme and Mee, Dave ,Spence NIP7s). and Mr. AN Mrs,. wiiiiam 'Thomson. of Exeter with mr, and mrs, Rohde; Mr. and Mrs. Warren .preek Of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. .Edwin Miller; Mr, and mrs, willtentgerper of erernerty,'Mre, elere ilecettey of geetere 'Mrs. Gerald Hell and family of Heneell and Mr, and Mrs. Lorne )elientyne end. Brenda. with Mr,..and Mrs, Lloyd Ballantyne; mr, and Mrs. Victor .Jeffery of Exeter with Mr. and Barry Jeffery; Mr. and Mrs. Fred cueningben of .ceetreeta. with Mr, and Mrs. Howard Canning-ton; Mrs. Percy Passrepre„ Mrs. Edgar Rosid of Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. preyne Parsons, Mur- ray, Margaret and Mark with Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Passmore; Mrs, James Hodgert and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cottle witheer. and Mrs. Arnold cenn; Rev. Hugh and Mrs. Wilson of Exeter with Mr, and Mrs. William Cann; Mrs. Jean Morgan and Mrs. Reba Clarke of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Hey Morgan. PERSONALS Miss Shirley Newhook of Bei Verte, Newfoundland, and Dr. Norman- MacKenzie of Toronto, personal secretary of the over- seas Mission Board visited with Rev. Stewart and Mrs. Miner. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cann are visiting with Jack Cann and girls of Kingston. Times Advocate.June O, 1963 Pa. 13 PASTURE FOR HORSES at zip- pen. , Phone 262e56e0. 26:27e ROOM FOR g GIRLS — Private home in Grand Bend. Phone 238-2861. , 13:20c TENT TRAILER— By the week, Still, available for the first two weeks of July and last three Of August, Phone ee5,2568. 13:20ne Re-elect Too Late. To Classify FOR SALE — 20 acres mixed hay, $20.00 per acre. August Greve, 235-1647. 20c OW, milking, rebred, calf at Grigg. Mrs. Herb Pfile. POA tilANSOMITATI ON TO THE isOLLt .JUNE. 11•116, . ark sc h ool anniversary Mr. And Mrs. Ross eledgarte Diane and Alan, were SnleciaY Zeeete with Mr. eedeereoeyeeyeete Tinl;ey .of Peeter. Mr, and Mrs. Ed Alexecder and Me. and Mrs, Robert Meyer spent a few slays recently at the French River. Miss Joyce M aver is holidaying in California, • ANNOUNCEMENT I wish to announce the opening of an office in MITCHELL for the practice of DENTISTRY on June 17`,1968 My office will be located in the same building as that of Dr. R. K. McGill at 149 Montreal Street. For Appointments PHONE 348-8622 Dr. R.G. Eickmeier Aar Mr.. and Mrp. Rohert Jeffery, Mr. and Mrs. Almer ,pas snore and Mr. end Mrs, Gordon.Stone Went the weekend at a cottage at $t. Joseph. M. :and mre. bprne Mford, Ava and Michael of Elimville, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bray, R913 ,- ert, Janet and Ruth were Suedey guests with Mr. and Mrs. William Ettore. Mr. ,and Mrs. Donald Bray and family Were Sunda)! evening Peet§ With Mr, eedMre. John Bray, ON JUNE, 25 BERT PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE