HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-06-20, Page 11Time fora rest A large stump in the vicinity of the Devil's Elbow, west of Exeter was a welcome sight for two Crediton Cubs who took part in the walk to Exeter, Saturday. Above, Ricky Snell and Barry Campbell are cooling off their toes at about the halfway mark of the journey that netted $144 for the local Association for the Mentally Retarded. — T-A photo North Bosartquest Mr. and Mrs. Howard Elliott are on a trip to the West. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Burley in- tend to build a new home in the Pinery soon. Mrs. Wilfred Willsie held a button club gathering on Sunday for all button members. The funeral of the late Charles Southworth was on Monday at Gilpin Funeral Home. Quite a number attended the Decoration Day service at Grand Bend on Sunday. Attending the Moon reunion at Exeter on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Pym, Mr. and Mrs. George Willsie and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Milt Watson and family, Wilfred Willsie, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Prance, Brian, Ruthann and Stephen Gill, as well as quite a number "of the class" from Chatham. The 40th anniversary of the reunion was celebrated with a large cake. The Haig Farm is finishing sowing flax in the area west, of Seventh Concession of McGil- livray. fling at ate Save $2.60 on every gaUon of PIISSURGWV,IMOS 6Sc on every quart Pittsbtligh Paints are a bargain even at the regular. price • They go on easily and Outlast ordinary paints, 2, S or as Much as 4 years. P.,nd now they're yours at Savings oi 2.50. per ge1\oh. 'The Spring Coat Sale includes V\Iallhide I...ateY. One. Coat Plat wad Paint and Sginhide Leto( i.srl-ustre Enernek lor the interiors. And Joy the y,teriors: SunPooi ease I-louse pain Son,Proof 1..ate)( House Piint Which has t\ines the stretch poWey of other Later House Paints', and NeW Sun-Proof atex ?nine. Net no‘Ail Save $2_,50 Oil every gallon al Pittsburgh Paints, Spring Coat Sale now at your Pittsbu CENTRALIA FARMERS SUPPLY . . CONKLIN LUMBER CO. LTD. EXETER DISTRICT CO-OP . GINGERICH SALES & SERVICE LTD. UCO BRANCH AILSA CRAIG . h Paints Dealer: Centralia . Exeter Exeter Zurici Ailsa Craig ql ELECTRONIC SERVICE The trick to TV repairing is skill and experience We tion i t use a lot of fancy gimmicks, jusi faShioned Skill and mod- ern eqUipmerit. _ aSS 1-41MON ir. Exe'MA ELECTRICAL WIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS NOW IS THE TIME! ELECT MATT EDGAR Make Sure . Huron is Represented in the Trudeau Liberal Government T R U D E A U E D G A R A leader in his community Malt Edgar has "the know how" to work effectively for you Vote EDGAR Vote TRUDEAU Vote LIBERAL Vote CANADA (Oublished by the Huron Liberai Astociation) 14 Girl receives plaque Tim•s-Advociote, 4uni 29, l9611 Cubs stage walk for retarded kids By ,E4A....MoRLocK Mrs, William Hodge received Honor eparting Ciondeboye cleric BY MAL 4, PA OM plaque :to Miss Raze/ PittiPackn in the district. po ;Sunday the and mrst Jack Ileatilan Of Ailaa CLAN-DEW:WE who had highest marka in the group joined Mr. and Mrs, Nil, Craig also attended. Ply. 11 Ely MRS. ROSS SKINNER The June meeting of the Elim- ville Women's Institute was held on Wednesday evening with Home Economics and Health as the topic. Roll Call was answered by' "my biggest mistake in cook- ing", Mrs. Elson. Lynn gave the re- port of the District Annual held at Grand Bend. Mrs. Murray Coward convened the program. The motto "Salt your food with 'humour, pepper it with art and sprinkle it with the charm of friendship" was given by Mrs. Jud Dykeman. Mrs. Lorne Johns introduced the demonstrators for the even- ing, Linda and Janice Hayter from the Silhouette Beauty Sa- lon in Exeter. They set hair for Mrs. Lorne Johns, Mrs. Murray Coward, Mrs. Philip Johns and Mrs. Bev Parsons, A skit was presented by Mrs. Lorne Johns and Mrs. Murray Coward accompanied by Mrs. P. Johns on the piano. Mrs. Lorne Johns gave a read- ing on "Fashions". The 4-H girls were present. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge, Mrs. Wm. Rout - ly, Mrs. Lloyd Johns, Mrs. Nutt and Mrs. Tom Brock. BRIDE SHOWERED A community shower was held sit Elimville Church basement last Tuesday evening in honour of Miss Carol Bell, bride-elect of Saturday. Mrs. Emerson Pen- hale escorted Carol to a prettily decorated chair. The parsons sisters, Susan, Gail and Debbie sang two num- bers accompanied by Miss Susan Parsons on the guitar. Miss Bar- bara Gilfillian read the address and Misses Nancy and Joan Coop- er pulled in a decorated wagon full of kitchen articles.. After opening all the gifts Carol . thanked everyone for the lovely gifts. Misses Joan, Elaine and Mar- garet Pym sang a song and Miss Joan Pym played a piano instru- mental. Miss Brenda Skinner gave a humorous reading and. MISSOS Elaine, Margaret, Janice and Eleanor Johns sang two num- bers. Lunch was served at the close. A surprise shower was held on Saturday evening for Miss Bell at Elimville Hall. miss Su- san Parsons read the address and Gail Parsons presented Carol with a flower tree giving informa- tion where to find her gifts. After receiving all the gifts Carol thanked everyone, Lunch was served by the hostesses Misses Brenda Skinner, Marion Parsons and Susan Parsons. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Squire Herciman and Anne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hillson Whiteford and family of Ingersoll. Mrs. John batten r e t u r he d home after being a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pyni and family visited on Sunday with Bert Lobb of Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol and Ron Parsons visited oh Sunday with MrS. Rachel Bell at Huroriview. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mira of PetaWaWa is sriending a felt/ days With Mr, and MrS. Alvin Cooper. _ • Word last Week of the death ef her father, Norman MeLeoci. Mr. and Mrs, Hedge and familY and Mr. and Mrs, John Miller at- tended Mr. mq,eod's funeral at Walkerton on ThiirsdaY, Mr, and Mrs, Everett McLaren and Trudy, WilioWdale, and Mrs. W, D. McDonald, London, were StitidaY glieata of Mr. and Mrs. Don Finkbeiner, Wednesday evening the staff of Divine Street Schpol, Sarnia, held a shower in honour of Miss Sandra Taylor, August bride- elect. Mrs. L. Taylor and Rebecca and Miss Julie Schenk attended. Miss Gwen Finkbeiner is work- ing at Elim Lodge, Peterborough, for the summer months. Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner and Karen attended a missionary con- ference at Wellesley Community Church on Sunday. After the ser- vice they visited with Rev. and" Mrs. A. Schlenker, Ayr, and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Vancieworp, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Lochner of London were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner on Sun- day. Wayne Rats has accepted a position in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Finkbeiner have taken up residence on the farm formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner. Mrs. Alvin Finkbeiner and her child- ren have moved into the home purchased from. Clarence Moon. The United Church Women of Crediton UnitedChurch held their June meeting in the Main Street ,United manse, Exeter. Mrs. Rus- sell Finkbeiner led the worship, assisted by Mrs. Ed Lamport and Mrs. Cliff Kenney. Mrs. Douglas Warren introduced a new hymn, and Mrs. Garfield Hill read let- ters from Miss Doreen Baker, surgical nurse in a Malaysian hospital. At the close of the meet- ing Mrs. Warren took the ladies on a tour of the manse. hostesses were Mrs. Warren and Mrs. Jack ,Galloway. On Monday eYening- the so.ii- gregatien of St, Jame!s Church met for a social evening as the ReV. E., 0. and Mrs. Lancaster will be leaving after the service on June 2a for Forest and Kettle Point, Rev. Lancaster Cantle in. the fall of 1960. Mrs. Arnold Lewis and Mrs. Andy carter led in singing a few familiar tunes. Mrs. Karl O'Neil read humorous poem. gUeSt, the Rev. Tomes from Big Trout Lake ex- pressed his pleasure at being hack at St. James, Mr. Tomes showed pictures taken of weddings at St. James and other churches, as well as some of Big Trout Lake and the aeroplane he had used to get from one place to another. He expects to stay awhile nere and then with his family go to a parish in New Brunswick with the Right Rev. Bishop O'Neil, form- erly of St. James Church here. PERSONALS Mrs. Emily Tomes, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lynn and children and Mr, and Mrs. Tom Tomes and son went to visit on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, J. Lloyd at Kincardine and Rev, Stanley and Mrs. Tomes, Kanesia and Ruth. On Sunday, the Rev. G. W. Sach made a presentation of a confirmation class. lia.m Gilmore of Fort Erie who, Miss 'Vitinnie Marvin, Windsor!, celebrated, their 40th wecidieg Mrs, Henry Wissell of Granton Mrs. L. C. Harrison of ,Pitat, anniversary at their home. Mr. entertained :her grandchildren, hurl ' Mrs.! Cecil Carter, 4acan and Mrs. Wilmer SPOttaildPettY; Dean:and pradley, nOns of Mr. and.Mrs. Altner liendrie eatled Mr, and Mrs. JaMen SCott andMr. and. Mrs. Jim Scott on Sunday. on Mrs. J. li, Paton on Sunday, Miss Laura Hudgins has 0.4- cepted the position of playground leader at the Lucan Community wheeleldtasthcea islp aKttenZnt:ee.PlaY- I - ' ground Leaders' Trainingcourse any peop e visit Centre for the wanner. This ToDirr Kgel4Petliteajnidnigra.4iantitr Mhai!lsd. 160 t M unt arme Bill Mr, Mrs. 4413laipr4ennt th ryWilflin and weekend with Mrs. Frank Trainor and family. Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Carey visited in Windsor on weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Paul Masse. Richard Trainor of Hamilton spent last weekend with his moth- er, Mrs, Frank Trainor. Many relatives and friends at- tended a shower in honour of Miss Barbara Woodburn on Monday evening held at the home of Mrs. Cecil Smithery. Barbara is a bride-elect of Saturday, June 22. Miss Rita Anne Carey is visit- ing for a few days with her sis- ter, Mary Eileen this week in London. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hogan and family and Mr. & Mrs. Ed Mit- A tree grows in height from Ueholtz and boys Exeter; Mr. the tip only. A branch will always & Mrs. Gerry Hartmanand Brian remain the same distance from of London; Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hogan the ground no matter how long and family and Mr. & Mrs. Jack the tree grows. Saturday forenoon the Crediton. COS Staged a walkathen in aid of the Retarded children'a Twenty -One boys and three ers walked frOrn the CO Hall Crediton tq Riverview Park, Ea- eter, a distance of seven and PPP, half miles, which they covered in three hours and .ten ininnteS. The weary ones enjoyed lunch and a treat ,of ice cream at the park befere returning borne. The three leaders who completed the walk were Mrs, Bill Johnsen, Mrs, Walter Fydenchult and Mrs, Betty Clifford, WI meets at Elimville Kurt Gebel and Susan attended the festival at Frankenmuth, Michigan, over the weekend. Dave Hall and Mr, and Mrs, Clare Cook of Detroit, Mf.ciiigan, and Mrs, Emily Kestle Visited in Ciandeboye. Nancy Kestle of London spent Father's Day in Clandeboye on Sunday. Mrs, Maurice Simpson is at her home here after spending some time with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Banks and Andy, Brights Grove. Mrs. Edward Flynn has left St. Joseph's Hpspital and is at her niece's home, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Broderick, Exeter. At St. James Church, the rec- tor, the Rev. E. 0, Lancaster, had a Father's Day message. On Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Lionel Shipley and sons Fred and Steve of Ottawa visited Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Scott and other relatives McCann and family Mood op Fothor's Day with Mr. & Mrs, Wilfred Hog a n and Margaret Anne. Mr. & Mrs. Clare ROCK and family, Wallaceburg visited op the weekend with. Mr. ea Mrs. Joe Carey. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Sharp, and. Mr. & Mrs. charleS Gilmore accompanied by Mrs. Mary Regan, London, spent Saturday with. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Regan and family. • Mr. & Mrs. David Gilkes and Mr. & Mrs. Dilkes and Mr. Ronald Hajas spent Father's Day with Mr, & Mrs. Paul Rajas,