HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-30, Page 20The new gymnasium now provides facilities for all types of physical education, as well as providing an area for large assemblies and interschool games. A gymnastic display will be featured at open house on Wednesday and some of the participants are shown here getting ready for the event. Over 6,000 books avaiku e in library The bright, spacious library provides ample room for reading and studying and is used by students in all courses. The reading area is shown above, while below are the Ample space for large assemblies Phys ed facilities second to none By 'V, PINNIN Library Department liead EducationiSta cur r ntlY ernphasize the valaP of dependent study to alinost every subject area. Whether stedents are prompted to undertake such study by some personal need or by a, teacher's suggestion relating to a research as- signment, their personal In- volvement assures better Warning. The new library quarters make a noteworthy contribu- tion toward the provision of adequate individual study fa- cilities. Splendid lighting, heating and ventilating, along with good acoustical control and comfortable chairs, proyide excellent study conditions. The carpeted floor helps to eliminate distracting noise and adds colour to the room. There is seating accom- modation for 40 students in the general study area, 18 at special screened study tables (carrels), and 15 in each of two group discus- sion rooms. More than 6,000 book s dealing with philosophy, re- ligion, sociology, language, science, technology, fine arts, literature, history, geography, biography a nd fiction, are availabe to the students. A card index system per- mits the locating of a book when either author, title, or subject is known. Several en- cyclopedias and special ref- erence books supplement the book collection. A reader's guide index , helps to find information in the many magazines kept on file. Films, film strips, rec- ords and tapes will be ac- quired, since the wr itten word is no longer the only media by which knowledge is recorded and transferred. The screened study tables (carrels) will permit the use of these audio-visual aids by individuals. A separate room provides adequate space for the pre- paration of books, periodic- alP, etc., by the library staff and student assistants. An- other room, froIP which the general study area may be viewed, Will house the audio- visual equipment and ma terials. The two group discussion (seminar) rooms are used by teachers who wish to have students participate in the discussion of assigned top- ics. Grade 9 classes have weekly library periods in which they receive instruc- tion regarding the arrange- ment of books on the shelves, and the use of reference ma- terials, including the read- er's guide. The purpose of such in- struction is to have each stu- dent know how to locate available required informa- tion. Grade 13 students may uSe the library during any study period. Students in other grades may secure, permis- sion to go to the library dur- ing a study period. The library is open to all students before school, dur- ing lunch and activity per- iods, and after school. Many teachers assign re- search projects requiring the use of library materials. Advance planning permits the assembling of such ma- terials. These books, pamph- lets, etc., are loaned on an over-night basis and are re- turned by the student before school the next day. So many students make use of the library that it is fre- quently filled to capacity. As its services expand, it will become increasingly ap- parent that maximum utiliz- ation of its facilities c an make the library the most ef- fective instructional area, the one to which all others may relate. Recognizing that the stor- ing-up of facts alone is In- a d e qu a te preparation for good citizenship, we trust that the library's store of fact and fiction will help to develop attitudes to make South Huron students better citizens for their world of to- mo r row. screened off study tables (carrels). Many times the library is filled to capacity. By R. BOGART Physical Education Depart- ment Head What did we have before the addition? The main gymnasium which was built with the or- iginal school provided good facilities for the Physical Education program when the school was much smaller. This gym (70'x45') was used by both boys and girls. There was adequate dress- ing room space at either end of the gymnasium. Storage was a problem only one small room at the side for all gymnasium equipment. A stage at one end provided fair facility for plays, gra- duation exercises, etc. Seating capacity was lim- ited to a balcony along one side which seated a maxi- mum of 250-300 tightly pack- , ed students. Chairs were ' arranged on the main floor ! for large assemblies. In 1960 a second gym- ; nasium (70'x45') was added to the north of the main gym- nasium,. This doubled the facilities — but there was no seating or no stage. Acous- tics and heating were major problems with this gymna- sium. This new gymnasium be- came known as the "Boys' Gymnasium" and the or- iginal gymnasium the "Girls' Gymnasium". School games and tournaments were held in the main gymnasium, It did not present a regulation basketball court but it was far better than some other gymnasiums in our confer- ence. Outdoors We had a quarter mile cinder track which at one tirn?, was the best in this area. Because of manage- ment problems and all the cinders blowing. away this track soon became a bed of weeds. A regulation football field was within the bounds of the track which ran east and west. These were the facilities we had until January 1968. WHAT DO WE HAVE NOW? The "Boys' Gymnasium" was renovated into the pres- ent carpentry shop. T h e "Girls' Gymnasium" re- mained as such, with some very minor alterations. A new modern gymnator- ium was constructed at the south-west corner of the school. This gymnatorium (overall size 90'x70') is div- ided by an electric folding door giving us 2 - 70'x45' gymnasiums. The door opens for large assemblies and interschool games. We now have a regulation 59'x84' basketball court, six badminton courts, three vol- leyball courts and two prac- tice basketball courts — one in each half of the gymna- sium. Along the south side is a small storeroom which we have developed into a weight training area. Boardering this wall are folding bleach- ers to seat 500 people. Along the opposite wall are excel- lent dressing and shower rooms, a large store room, and P.E. office and staff change rooms. The west end will be used for various activities in the future. under the stage is sto- rage space for future chairs for this gymnasium. Easy to operate folding basketball backstops are along each, wall with a folding ceiling unit over the stage. The gymnasium has much better acoustics than the old gymnasium., A colourful as- bestos block ceiling helps a great deal as does the sound absorbing folding door in the middle. Lighting is excellent —three sets of lights--the main fluorescent lights a dim set for ro- mantic dances, etc. and an emergency battery operated set which come on alitoma- tically if the hydro goes off. This new gymnasium is now being used full time throughout the day with sev- eral overflow classes tak- int their PE in the old "Girls' Gymnasium". All modern gymnastic equipment has been added for use in these new gym- nasiums plus several ar- ticles which we have never had in the school climb- ing ropes and rings for gym- nastic ptirpOSeSr Outside, the situation is perhaps grim at the present time. The new addition cut off a large portion of the existing "weed track" and we no longer could run a good track meet. The or- iginal football field was mov- ed a feW yards to the west and new goal posts were erected last year. Property to the south was purchased with plans to change the track around to run north and south. These renovations were found to be rather expensive and it is now in the planning to make renovations and improve- ments to the present exist- ing track. The present PE facilities at South Huron (with excep- tion of Track Area) are sec- ond to none in this area and we here at South Huron are very proud and happy -with what we have and the students should feel very fortunate to have such facilities as these to use in their Physical Edu- cation programmes.