HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-09, Page 12First time in Canada work started on the site of The Big ,40" Drain Tile Company Limited south of Hensall last week, and appropriately enough, drainage tile was the first thing installed. It was the first time plastic perforated drainage tubing had been used in Canada and this is one of the products the firm will produce when they begin operations around July 15. Many area farmers stopped last week to watch the four-inch tubing being installed and most were impressed with the fact it was a one-man oper- ation. The plastic tubing comes in 250-foot lengths which weigh about 70 pounds and a corresponding amount of tile would weigh about one ton. Installed price is about the same as tile, but there is no labor for the farmer. Watching the operation above from the left: Norm Hodgins, Parkhill, a share- holder in the firm; Sybren De Boer, who will be manager; and Lowell Kraft, president of the company. T-A photo List Crediton bingo winners Mark church anniversary Tie stalls for ,sows more animals, less. labor arm e s of swim, ROZON and teoRry Corn growers: WE HAVE SHELL KORNOIL add 1<ortitoi" to :Atrazine sprays. for better weed control in corn, COME IN OR CALL C-ANN 1S. MILL EXETER Shell Chemicals NOW IN STOCK GOOD USED TRACTORS • FARMALL CUB * 2 FARMALL SUPER "C's" • FARMALL "M" NEW TIRES FARMALL 350 DIESEL FARMALL "806" DIESEL WITH DUAL WHEELS FARMALL 504 GAS 960 HRS. INTERNATIONAL 434 GAS POWER STEERING & INTERNATIONAL "1501" LOADER WITH HYDRAULIC BUCKET JUST 450 HRS. * INTERNATIONAL "504" DIESEL 1,100 HOURS INTERNATIONAL 606 GAS 4 INTERNATIONAL 414 DIESEL * INTERNATIONAL 250 DIESEL * INTERNATIONAL "W06" * INTERNATIONAL "W6" • INTERNATIONAL "WO" GAS COCKSHUTT "60" DIESEL * 'FORD "I3N" WITH FREEMAN LOADER OLIVER 880 DIESEL * JOHN DEERE "B" USED EQUIPMENT * 2 — COCKSHUTT 2 ROW 3 PT. HITCH PLANTERS 4' INTERNATIONAL 2 ROW TRAILING PLANTER *COCKSHUTT INTERNATIONAL 13 RUN DRILL * 15 RUN 4 MASSEY 13 RUN DRILL 1HC "03" S.F. COMBINE 2 "60" MASSEY COMBINES * 2 NEW IDEA MOWERS BRILLION HAY CONDITIONER GOOD SELECTION OF PLOWS AND TILLAGE EOL/IPMENT N. T. MONTEITH EXETER LTD. 2354121 "rife .1ie$ .011Yied wizen yen need war!" YOUR S IL IS HUNGRY Protect your most valuable business asset', your soil. You can help prevent "hidden hunger" in your soil by building up its nutrient content with top quality High Analysis Aero® Fertilizers, You'll see the benefits in this year's crop! • High Analysis Aero Fertilizers save you money. Let us show you how. • Aero Fertilizers can be spread for you to save you time, labour, machine wear and costs, • We can help you plan ahead for increased crop yields, lower production costs, higher profits. • Ask us how you can take advantage of the research and teChnical fealties of Cyanamid of Canada to help you solve special soil and fertilizer problems. OReg'tt Trademark Serving the man Whose business is Agriculthre , NORTH MIDDLESEX FERTILIZERS LTD. AlLSAtriA19 293.3272 Your local AFRO FERTILIZER CUSTOM BLEND E R .1 Best in tho Field! •-• 3 Year Guarantee New Deluxe Farm Sployer Notating Currostonproof fibre-Glass Talc 200 Imp, Gal. Capacity SPRAYS &SPRAYEIRS The Calaa line of sprayers and farm chemicals has been 0r6Ven "Beate n the FielP., Calla pioneered the iti.tatik niedharilaal aitation foe tomplete and POntinticitit mixing of ell aPrayingThaterials, Wide range Of piston pumps and adjustable beoMs and tank capacities from 100 to .606 gallons -... allows you to thinote the sprayer that's right for the job. roar Calla dealers/so has a complete line Of ed44 hetbkicia end insecticides fat control of Weedi, insects anti fuhat14, tee Thant Now At Your ktitholiZed talta beeiee. Rosa Ire B e d a rd kit 2, tori6h 236-.4674 uric ultufal Oh on* ald too 'Sp roam OtittiiktOmPANYrilbi Mentreal eTo ton to iSartiia Oita rY. Pfizer Page Times-Advocate, lvloy 9, 19610 Pre'Skijont. of Canners s price increases PrOdneers Of canned foci will have to. raise, prices, this yearl according to L., H, Johnston, PIPS-Went Canadian Canners. 144' of 1-144tiltena Mr. Johnston's company rem parted a 30,9 per cent drOln in profit despite a 2,7 per cent increase in sales for the year e4.400 'Feb. j He said the inchistry has pack, aged too many peeled tomatoes and wax beatIS and too much tonaa.to jatice. Tnis over-pro- OttOttqa and epmpetition pree vented a price increase last year, "Price adjustments must be Be certain it's needed Micronutrient fertilizer s shatild not be used unless a pro- ducer definitely knows there is a lack of some micronutrient in his fields, Professor Tom Lane, Soil Scie nc e Department, Ontario Agricultural College, says that research in the province has shown that there is almost as much chance of decreasing yields as there is of increasing yields when micronutrients are applied to fields on a random basis. Micronutrients are plant nut- rients needed in very small a- mounts as opposed to nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, which are required in relatively large amounts. The main micronutrients are copper, manganese, zinc, boron and mag- nesium. Another conclusion which soil scientists draw from the pro- vince-wide tests is that there is a significant proportion (about 17 percent) of farm fields on which experiments have been conducted in Ontario that require one or more of the micronut- rients for most profitable crop production. But, since general recommen- dations are not satisfactory in view of the apparent toxicity problem (about 10 percent of the fields), some other method of testing must be adopted. Research groups and exten- sion workers are recommending a tissue-testing service for de- termining the need for micro- nutrients.. The interest in micronutrients will continue as farmers look for higher yields, and as erosion and leaching continues. Micro- nutrients also are increasing in importance as more of the soil's supply of nutrients is being used up. High levels of major nut- rients in a soil can cause im- balance, and in some cases tie up micronutrients. Research is continuing, and` new services will need to be initiated to provide farmers with more specific information about requirements in particular fields. •• McADAMS TV Service To All Makes & Models I n The Hensel', Exeter, Crediton, Grand Bend and Surrounding Areas. ROGERS MAJESTIC COLOR TV, HI-Ft LEONARD HOME AP- PLIANCES Cameras & Photo Supplies Fast Photo Developing All 731 Service done by a government certified technician. PHONE 236-4094 ZURICH realized in 1006 fer the canned food; Industry to reverse the re, cent trend of decreased earn- ings." Canadian Canners Still has a surplus of tomatoes, Nice and, beanS but ether product imearitorY is balanced to meet customer needs until the 1968 packing seas- oo, Mr. Johnston said., He said. the federal Govern- ment is willing to discuss with a canning industry committee the problem caused by imports from Australia, (The industry earlier presented a brief to the Government claiming hardship because of the imports,) Profit of Canadian Canners fell to $1,351,33'7 or 90 cents a share in 1967 from $2,107,- 645 or $1.50 a share the pre- vious year, Sales rose to $53.,e 676,626 from $52,251,047, The company is two-thirds owned by Del Monte Corp, of San Fran- cisco and operates a plant in Exeter, Gaunt urges farm scheme Liberal farm critic Murray Gaunt Tuesday night suggested a system of tenant farming to re- lease for production and other short-term farm needs operat- ing capital now tied up in land. "It has come to the point in farming where farmers have too much fixed capital tied up in land, which gives a distorted picture of actual income," Mr. Gaunt said in the legislature. Mr. Gaunt said tenant farming would help young farmers in- crease the size of their oper- ation because less capital would be needed. Under a tenant system, farm- ers would rent their land rather than own it. Mr. Gaunt, MPP for Huron- Bruce, said: "All that is need- ed is for rented land to offer security of tenure. "If security of tenure could be given for at least 10 years, this would permit farmers to plan ahead." He conceded some tax revi- sions would be necessary es- pecially depreciation allowances which would have to be much larger. Mr. Gaunt also called for a direct bargaining system where- by farmers could set price levels for their products. Spring grain seeding is es- sentially completed in Hur- on County. Corn planting is progressing well with good conditions pre- vailing for the preparation of land. The backlog of plowing from the wet fall last year has been practically overcome. A significant number of beef and sheep have been turned out to grass. Warm weather and showers would allow for first rate grow- ing conditions for all crops. By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr, and Mrs. MervinShuteand boys, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gard- iner of C torn arty went to Niagara Falls Blossom Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis of London were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Charlie Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Robt Clark and family of Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Clay- ton Smith. By MISS ELLA MORLOCK Sunday was the celebration of the 117th anniversary of Zion United Church. A fine crowd nearly filled the auditorium for the morning and evening ser- vices. The speaker, Dr. Anne Graham of Metropolitan United Church, London, chose as her morning theme "ANewChurch", calling attention to changes she felt a changing world would bring to programs of worship. In the evening she spoke on "They Couldn't Get Enough of Him", with reference to the thronging crowds around our Lord during His public ministry and our need to be involved with Him to day. Special music was provided by a male quartet from Calvary Memorial Church, Kitchener. Mr. Cal Simpson, Mr. Harry Brown, Mr. John Current and Mr. Harold Current comprise the group which sings under the name "Three Dads and a Lad". Crediton United and Calvary Un- ited, Dashwood, joined in the services, BINGO WINNERS Winners at the Bingo Tuesday evening, April 30 were Mrs. Jim Scott, Mrs. Eugene Sokolowski, Mrs. Don Watson, (2), Mrs. Harold Tripp, Gail Cronin, Mrs. Dennis MacDonald, Mrs. Morris Desjardine, Wendy Grasdahl, Mrs. Ada Lowe, Randy Quesnel, Mrs. Roy Ryan, Carol, Hendrick. Elizabeth Merner, Mrs. Earl Dixon, Wayne Glanville, Mrs. Lawrence Hirtzel, Mrs. Harvey Wainer, Mrs. Donald Glanville, Mrs. Clarence Fahner, Mr. C. Bowen, Mrs. Harvey Smith, G. Glanville and Mrs. Charles Col- lett. The next game will be held Tuesday, May 14. The jackpot is $145 with 61 calls. P ERSONALS Mrs. R. W. McBain of Grim- sby, Mrs. S. L. Honey of Fen- wick and Dr. W. G. Hardy of Edmonton, Alberta, spent Wed- nesday with their sister, Mrs. William Oestricher and Mr, Oes- tricher. Laurie and Jo-anne Jory of Forest visited with Mr. andMrs. Alfred Tilley on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Moon and family have moved to Exeter. Messrs. Ray Morlock, Albert Gainer, Ed Hendrick, Roy Ratz Tie stalls permit farmers to get up to 25 percent more an- imals in a barn with less labor to take care pf them, according to J, G, Norrish, Swine Spene What with the Ontario Depart- mot of Agrleplture and Food, This system has proved to be an, efficient and effective method of handling sows, The stalls are approximately 30 inches by '72 inches, includ- ing the feed trough. The size varies slightly with the breeds. The floors slope slightly to the gutter bellied to allow urine to drain away. Research at the Ontario Agri- cultural College has found that there is a danger of prolapse Study need for 'vets' In an effort to resolve the shortage of veterinarians en- gaged in large animal practices in some areas of the province, a Large Animal. Practices com- mittee has been appointed to make a complete study of the situation, Hon. Wm. A. Stewart, Minister of Agriculture and Food, told the Ontario Legislature today. The committee, which will in- clude veterinarians and live- stock producers, will be headed by Dr. Harold Worton, Director of the Veterinary Services Branch of the Department of Agriculture and Food. The new committee will work closely with the Special Com- mittee on Farm Income to com- bat the scarcity and high cost of veterinary services in some areas of the province. The committee will survey all large animal practitioners in the province to analyze the cost of operating such a practice. Two other programs to help provide veterinary Services are already in effort. Bursaries are available to students at the On- tario Veterinary College who agree to spend a minimum of four years after graduation in large animal practice. In 15 areas of the province, in Northern Ontario and the Madawaska Val- ley in Eastern Ontario, grants are available to encourage settle- ment of veterinarians. A local committee is responsible for sec- uring a veterinarian. Grants make possible a‘standard rate regardless of the distance a farm- er may be from the veterinar- ian's office. Dr. Howard Patterson, Dir- ector pf the Department's Farm Economics, Co-operatives and Statistics Branch will help plan the proposed study. Livestock producers on the committee are; Andrew Stewart, Ailsa Craig, a hog farmer; Pres- ton Ralph, Kemptville, a dairy producer; Francis Walsh, Peter- borough, a beef feeder; and James Barrie, Galt, a beef and sheep producer. Now that the production season has started, there will doubtless be an occasional breakdown of a, 'farm machine. This delay is important during the week, particularly if the deal- er does not have the parts in stock. Usually, in such an emer- gency, he is able to get them the following day from the parts depot, says Hal Wright, Sec- retary-Manager, Ontario Farm Machinery Advisory Board. However, Saturdays and holi- days present a more serious problem. To prevent a delay of two to four days over a week- end, most major farm machinery parts depots have personnel available until noon on Saturday to handle emergency orders. Other personnel aro on call dur ing the afternoon. While express and truck trans- portation is not available over the weekend, the dealer can place a call for the emergency parts, and go himself to pick them up. A farmer cannot call in for parts himself, unless the dealer makes the call and makes arrangements for the farmer to pick up the parts. So, if the delay is serious, these emergency parts are avail- able through the cooperation of the parts depots. The Ontario Farm Machinery Advisory Board emphasizes that the service is for emergency parts only. Have depots supply parts in the sows if the floor slope a problem as there is enough is too great, Sufficient Space room in the stalla to permit should be made for a boar to some movement. They can be tied move behind the sows, daily, to continuously during gestation, check the sows for retveeclipg, and even when farrewing, in an- Exercise for the sows Is not other pen. Metal collars have proven to be the best. Two bars joined at the top and bottom will lock behind the sow's jaws without being too tight, Leather straps cause irritation when pulled tight enough to hold the soW. Farmers find that the stalls are cleaner and permit greater individual attention. Breeding re- cords can be kept more accur- ately and injury problems are less frequent, The sows are quieter, often after only a few hours of being tied, Cost of the stalls is low. Come parative prices show that tie stalls are as much as 50 eere cent less expensive than indiv- idual confinement or loose hous- ing systems. Some culling may be neces- sary due to feet and leg prob- lems, but these are usually found only in a very small percentage of the animals. Breeders have found that litter size and health is as good as in other sow man- agement methods. WOOL Realize the highest returns for your wool by patronizing your own Or- ganization. SHIP COLLECT TO Our Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Exeter District Co-Operative Exeter or by writing to CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE WOOL GROWERS LIMITED 40 St. Clair Avenue East Toronto 7, Ontario. A certain country m i ni ster posted this notice on the church door; "Brother Smith departed for Heaven at 4;40 a.m." The next day he found written below: "Heaven, 9:00 a.m. Smith not in yet. Great anxiety." and Rev. Howard Zurbrigg at- tended the AOTS banquet at James Street United Church last Mon- day. Thursday evening the UCW's of Crediton's churches were guests of the Centralia UCW. Mrs. Art Attfield attended the Women's Institute convention in Guelph last week. Miss Edna Schmidt and Miss Helen Dickie of London accom- panied Dr. Anne Graham on her visit to Crediton. Mr. Harold Gower is a patient at South Huron Hospital, Exeter. Mr. Maurice Hirtzel and Mr. Frank Pertschy are at St. Jos- eph's Hospital, London. A small boy leading a donkey passed by an army camp and a soldier wanted to have some fun with the lad • . "Why are you holding your brother so tight?" "So's he won't join the army," the boy replied.