HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-09, Page 5WENDY DIXON, JO-ANNE VAN WIEREN AND DARYL KEYS AS THEY PERFORMED IN LAST WEEK'S SONG PROGRAM AT HENSALL PS Hensall personal items NMINNERWMCOMMUMNalagfatMEWMAUMMIASSIABWIMPArtiaale.et 100% Frost-Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model F114K, 14.12 cu. ft. (CAMA standard) FRIGIDAIRE Soles with Service ! DRYSDALE Cited HARDWARE Dial 262.2015 HENSALL WIATION =S—WORD WHISK PRACTICE './S OF EFFECTIVEf. ig OF COURTESY ;1 0,M; TO EF ro 6 Supervisor trainee Sgt. Douglas Ward, Who resides with his Wife Sharon and six Child, ren at 83 London Rd., lientall, practises public speaking during a six Week Senior SiiperVisbr Training Course at Canadian Forces Base Borden, Ontario, He 15 on course at the nation's largeSt military training centre where more than 200 career and trades courses are taught. Among the subjects he studies and practises to make him capable of becoming a Senior Supervisor are Corn- nithitation of Ideas ) Military Writing) Management Techniques, Leadership, General Military KfloWledge, and brill: CF Photo WILSON'S DRUG STORE Hensall 262-2019 CLOSING-OUT SALE CONTINUES SAVE 20% to 50% Philishave Razors Reduced Below Cosa WILSON'S DRUG STORE HENSALL Mother's Day 1/3 OFF COLOGNES. GIFT SETS BUXTON., WALLETS & EkENQH PURSES TIMEX WATCHES 20% OFF GOOD SELECTION ORANGE DRINK DELMONTE 48 OZ. TINS 3/890 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE 17 OZ. (WITH MEAT OR MUSHROOMS) SPAGHETTI DINNERS EACH 494 RELISHES HOT DOG, HAMBURG, GREEN OR CORN RELISHES 12 OZ. JARS 4/$1 43' CAKE MIXES DUNCAN HINES 19 OZ. PKG. 550 SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 32 OZ. JAR BEANS CLARK'S RICH BROWN 14 OZ, TINS NAPKINS PASTRY FLOUR PEANUT BUTTER PEACHES ARDMONA 28 OZ, KERNEL CORN LIBBY'S DEEP BUTTERED OR GREEN PEAS 13 b4 tiN 6/$1•00 SPAGHETTI CATELLI COOKED 19 OZ. 5/$1 FROZEN FOODS MIXED VEGETABLES '1'7:,== 43.4 LEMONADE PICNIC 6O2,TINS 4/494 KOTE$ SANITARY 12s MONARCH 7 03. BAG BEA E'S 32 02, JAR 5/69t PKG, 39' 734 590 2/730 411 SWEET PICKLED • COTTAGE ROLLS FRESH GROUND BEEF & PORK 2 alsORCEDUTS 6 OZ. PKG. POT ROAST BONELESS 'LB. BOILING BEEF RIB STEAKS mINUTE LB. HAM STEAK 'FRESH LB. LIVER ..R,„„, L. 55C 894 2 /49C 49C L. 294 894 654 L. 334 PRODUCE. PINEAPINEAPPLES PPLES N.ip..T..ffic. ms 4/$1 RHL BARB • 294 MARK ET1 HENSALL- ONTARIO AL'S Timaa.Advocato, Max 9, 1961 page Batt n Around CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Redden, Phone 20.2002 Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 orrnel church ladies continue Japan study Past Grand's night was observ- ed at Amber Rebekah Lodge, • Wednesday evening with PNG Mrs. Beatrice Richardson pres- iding for the opening and closing Lodge. Mrs. Margaret Ingram, PNG, assisted as Vice Grand. Mrs. E rnie C hipchase , Mrs. Har- old Parker, Mrs. Bertha Mac- • Gregor, Mrs. Glenn Bell, Mrs. Bev Beaton, Mrs. Cla-rence Vol- land, Mrs. Campbell Eyre, Mrs. A. Orr, Mrs. Stewart Blackwell, Mrs. Inez McEwen and Mrs. Alex MacBeath, Past Noble Grand's occupied the chairs. Mrs. John Corbett, NG, pre- sided for the business assisted • by Mrs. A. Orr PNG, who sup- plied for the Vice Grand Mrs. Earl Campbell. Mrs. Margaret Ingram 'gave a report of the visit to Victoria Lodge in Strat- ford April 19. Members were invited to attend service with the IOOF Sunday May • 5 in the Hensall United Church. Following the meeting contests were directed by Mrs. Volland and Mrs.Orr. Mrs. Parker favor- ed with readings. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed. • Itt Nicest Moiket4 SH Carmel WMS met in the church schoolrooms Monday evening. President Mrs. R. A. Orr open- ed with a verse. Mrs. Gordon Schwalm gave a report of the Synodical held at Chatham First Presbyterian Church April 23 to 25 which she attended as a dele- gate. The 1969 Synodical will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church Goderich. Mrs. Harry Snell and Mrs., Catharine Monteith took part in the devotion and study of Korea and the work presbyterians do there. Eighteen attended and answer- ed the roll call. Members made twenty-one visits to sick and shut-ins. Letters were received from Miss Margaret Kennedy and Miss Agnes Hislip, both Mis- sionaries in India. Huron Presbyterial will be held in Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, Wednesday, May 15 at 10:30 am and 1:30 pm. Miss Ida White, Goderich, Missionary in India will be guest speaker in the afternoon. She leaves for India in June. Several from Hen- sall plan to attend. Miss Dorothy Church quilters receive thanks Hensall UCW, Unit 4, met in the Fellowship Hall with the hos- tess Mrs. Pearl Shaddick wel- coming the members and visit- ors. President Mrs. James Mc- ' Allister opened with invocation on the theme "God speaks through the Bible". Mrs. Russell Erratt took the devotional. Mrs. Harry Luther, accompanied by her hus- band at the piano favored with a solo. Mrs. McAllister expressed thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Luther for their contribution to the pro- gram. Mrs. Albert Alexander gave the study and the group listened- to a record, "Ten Profiles". An invitation from Centralia UCW was accepted and trans- portation arranged. Fifty visits and calls were reported. Mrs. McAllister expressed thanks to the quilters who helped with the three quilts last week. Lunch was served and some of the ladies spent the rest of the afternoon quilting. Douglas, Lucknow, retired mis- sionary of Formosa, will be guest speaker at the 78th anniversary of Carmel WMS, Hensall, inJune. The devotion and study will be given by Mrs. George Walz and Mrs. Earl Campbell. Meeting of the Ladies Aid fol- lowed. The group will cater to a wedding this Saturday, May 11, will entertain the residents of the Blue Water Rest Home June 11. Mrs. Pearl Love, Mrs. Mal- colm Dougall, Mrs. Ed Munn are the entertainment committee. The ladies are planning on giving candle holders as a gift to be placed on the Communion Table of the church. In charge of this project are Mrs. Earl Campbell and Mrs. E. Munn. Zurich kids raise $300 Twenty-seven students from grades 7 and 8 of St. Boniface School, Zurich, marched from Zurich to Exeter, a distance of 13 miles one way. They were sponsored by the merchants of Zurich and relatives and friends who paid 10¢ to $1.00 a mile. Proceeds of over $300.00 will be donated to the Mentally Re- tarded Children of South Huron., Marching with the students were their principal Sister Eileen Marie who stated that they re- ceived many kindnesses along the way by the OPP and motorists. One motorist stopped and offer- ed Sister Eileen Marie a ride into Exeter, but when she ex- plained that she wanted to finish the march with the students, he gave her a $10 bill to help along with the cause. • Students left Zurich at 9 am Saturday and some arrived at Exeter at 12:30. They all return- ed home by car tired and with sore feet but happy to have par- ticipated in such a project. There were no drop outs. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle attended the concert presented by the London Symphony Orch- estra last Wednesday evening and heard the Canadian born Tenor Jon Vickers fromthe Met- ropolitan Opera in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Simpson, Birmingham, Mich., were week- end visitors with Mrs. L. Simp- son. Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle and Miss Ann Mickle spent Sun- day with the formers daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacMillan and family, in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Ron passmore, Michael and Mark of London, visited Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pollock, Jim and Jane. The Turkey and Ham Smor- gasbord held at St. Pauls Ang- lican Church Saturday afternoon was a great success. There was a record crowd, the largest in years. Mrs. Barrie Jackson and Mrs. F. Forrest convened the event. Miss Barbara Schwalm who is attending UWO at London, is spending a week at her home before leaving for London to accept a position at the. Dearness Home, London, for the summer months. lk. nntinned frPrx) page .4 that had a large gaping mouth through Which patrone liSd to pa§s and ,the ,gymnasium. itself featured. seyeral interesting and pictnr, esque gardens and even a couple of shooting galleries, Phis was topped, nit With the stage for the prowping which was a huge Cron. Words fall ,4hort of offering an ample description of the decor.- aloes and the students WhePlati-! ned and compieted the work should take a 1301'4 They were just fan- tastic; * * The upcoming federal election promises .to be a real battle across the country and Huron riding will be no exception. Liberal supporters appear to be crawling out of the woodwork these days and the fact there are eight candidates for the Liberal nomination in Huron is ample Students singing benefits crippled Last Monday evening pupils of the Hensel). Public School pre- sented their annual. Spring Con- cert with approximately three hundred people in attendance. Mr. James Sangster, chairman of the Hay Township School Area Board, acted as MC. The music was under the direction of Mr. Law- rence Wein, Music Supervisor of the school. A massed choir of all the pupils opened the concert and this was followed with each grade presenting its own portion of the program. Following the concert the parents could visit the class- rooms and meet the teachers. During the evening proceeds of $70.00 were realized for the Easter Seals campaign. Seven enrolled into Brownies Seven new Brownies were wel- comed into the 1st Hens al 1 Brownie Pack last Tuesday. They are Dale Simmons, Cheryl Fuss, Karina Melanson, Tonette Mat- ussi, Karen and Kathy Soldan and Kelly Ward. The new Brownies were en- rolled by Brown Owl, Mrs. Robert Cook, in a ceremony ar- ranged by Snowy Owl Mrs. Bar- rie Jackson. Three Brownies, Linda Elder, Terri Dick and Nancy McCurdy, were presented with their Golden Bars. Tawny Owl Mrs. Rodger Wen- ner, was in charge of the pro- gram and the mothers present joined in with the Brownie Games. The afternoon concluded with a short play and Brownie Songs. SVidelicS #h1§ feet. in most recent eleptigo, the Liberals had to practically beg to ,get a candidate into the run- ning, but it is apparently felt they have more than outside chance under Pierre Tradeau. TWO remains to be seen, but if is shaping up 114 a real .battle that ,could prove, most e3.teiting and interesting before it is over PO this Win be WPICOrned by.those whe OPPY lively politics. * * The various IfWallc4" that are becoming en ,popular Ornughont the comitry are :rasing fantastic alleetints for charltlea. However, in most cases it's the walkers who receive all the.credit and people fail to realize that their efforts would be in vain if they didn't have sponsors for them. The sponsors are really the herpes and it's too bad some method couldn't be used to give them more credit. Mastermind behind such child- ren's books as The Bobbsey Twins, The Hardy Boys, and the Nancy Drew series (they sell in the millions) says she instructs her syndicate's ghost writers never to marry off a character. Once, when this was done, reader.. ship dropped. Commenting on this situation, The Printed Word says this may serve as a word to the wise to all bachelor prime ministers. * * The best story we've heard for a number of years came out of Detroit recently. Police investigating a clothing store burglary found a dog on the premises. They told the dog to "go home",, followed him and arrested its owner, charging him with break- ing and entry. They also found some loot. Man's best friend indeed! LETTERS a EDITOR Dear Editor: On behalf of the Ontario Society for Crippled Children and assoc- iated Easter Seal service clubs, I take pleasure in extending warmest appreciation to your newspaper for the superb pub- licity focused on our 1968 Easter Seal Campaign. It is only through this con- tinued interest and support that we are able to relate the many important physical needs of thousands of crippled youngsters in Ontario and in the end, provide greater opportunity with in- dependence. Again and very simply, thank you. Sincerely yours, W. Denis Whitaker, Chairman, Provincial Easter Seal Committee. . Wins medallion Carolyn Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook, Hensall, has passed her life saving and swimming tests for the Bronze Medallion and the London YWCA. Masters Certificate. Past Grands feted at lodge Mrs. 0. G. Williams and Mrs. George Parker returned home after visiting with relatives in Ottawa. Mrs. Edna Caldwell of Exeter was a recent guest of Mrs. John E. McEwen. Legion women will host rally At the meeting of the Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday even- ing final plans were made for the zone rally to be held in Hen- sall Arena Wednesday, May 15, at 8:30 pm. Prior to the meeting a par- ade will commence at 7:45 from the arena to the cenotaph when a remembrance service will be led by Rev. A. C. Blackwell. Twelve Auxiliaries are expect- ed to participate. The Penny Sale Draw will be held June 15. The Auxiliary in conjunction with the Legion will march to Carmel Presbyterian. Church for service June 2. Mrs. Clarence Reid won the guessing prize, Mr. Ed. Munn, the mystery prize and Mr s. Grant McClinchey, the attend- ance award. Leaving by plane to vacation with relatives in England are. Mr. and Mrs. Barrie Jackson, David and Ann; Mr. W. 0. Good- win and Miss Mary Goodwin, who leave May 31, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Horton who leave May 17 and Mrs. John Henderson, June 9. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Don Coghlin and Debbie of Aurora, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coghlin of Atwood. Mrs. Eleanor McKenzie of Kip- pen, is a guest with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Schwalm and family. Hensall Kinette Club were pleased with the success of their annual Spring Rummage Sale Sat- urday last held at the Arena with many patronizing the sale. Car- tons of used clothing not sold were given to the UCW to be included in their bale being packed'this week. Randy Parker spent the week- end with his grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. Harold. Parker. The Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind serves 26,049 blind persons. P