HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-09, Page 2Biiiiiiilyle art u 1 ,„(.. IN HONOR OF A.CotheaDa4.. SWEET PICKLE COTTAGE ROLLS CRY-0-VAC 59t LB. COLEMAN WIENERS 45(0 APPLE OR RAISIN PIES EACH 39t CHOCOLATES 14 OZ. BOX 89 FREEZER SPECIALS SIDES OF BEEF 51 LB. WIENERS 10 LB. BOX $3.99 BOYLE'S LUCKY CUSTOM KILLING & CUTTING Locker rental by the month or year PHONE 237-3471 DASHWOOD LB. To The Ratepayers- Of Grand Bend Please VOTE', that in publiShing this statement, kin complying With the rettiiirethenta of section #223a of the MuniCipal ACt. And inetilietiOna 'received froM MUniCipal AtiditOrS. Wider date Of April l2; 1986, Clerit-TreaSUret Village of Grand tend Revenue Fund Surplus or Deficit Account December 31, 190 Debit Credit Balance Balance at beginning of year 44,186.50 Surplus or deficit Included in Current Budget 44.198.50 Balante after above adjustment's Surplus bk Deficit for the Year (Porni D) NIL NIL ,61,381,16 2,755.03 7,809.44 2,997,63 - 13,562.10 2,888,26 6,142,79 376,00 8,287.90 4256,96 3,693.34 38,593,81 24,338.36 18,951.90 19,276.71 1,040.00 200.00 3,693.34 62,279.78 8,818.50 P41 .0 May 9, 1968 • Exeter tax ,c9n4Neci,from 404 Page to supply .1A9St of the $39?0QQA 1i0WeVer, members agreed that the dtsPoldtion of the $30,000 have to wait Until the main teirler was. let PO POP4011 would exactly 'what their Past* will Pg. Mayor Jacc. Pelbridge pointed cut tPat a tigkeeture debt dooPieg itself over a 20-year Parted. and ;urged, rg council to 'pay as much Of the cast out Of current revenue as, POSP$010.. "We ,gbegid pay our own way As. much as possible," he said, adding' that the other levels of gererhatent were. getting them- selves into trguble by ;following other policies. Councillor George Vriese Agreed with this suggestion, not- ing that money wee expensive to borrow. Clerk Eric Carscadden told members that. the shelter grants would OP split into two for pers., ons who pay their taxes on the two installments. Halt of the amount would be credited on each. Those persons who have al- ready paid taxes will receive a rebate covering the grant, This year's total budget calls for expenditures of $402,899.61. This is made up as follows: General purposes ' $194,, 476.06; sewers, $31,081.72; county, $66,014.74; high school, $66,011.67; public school, $42,- 009:41; separate school., $1,305.- 71. The provincial grants for edu- cation, highways, welfare, uncon- ditional and others is estimated at $263,756.65. tslo word yet on road start .thelhhere soli .0001 know definitely WhaPrecehatrUP, Hon of Main Street will but; most agree that it probably Won'$ be until July 1. Members' of council Met with department of highways officials abOut two weeks ago to ,discuss various eaneeta of the 190 and igerned that the 'tender calla would probably, be made around June 1,.. Contractors would have. three weeks to bid on the lOP and it would take another week ter OPr prOval to be granted, When one plan won't work try another. How lovely they were Judging from the pretty faces in this picture, students at SliDliS left are; SOsan Oeseh, Pam no doubt had much difficulty in choosing their dance queen last week. Brenda Dinney who did the Lynda Litt, seated, won the honor and the other contestants from the Simmons. Graves, Kathryn Taylor, Judy Estey, crowning, Sharon Martene and Joan T-A photo St. Joseph BP Qprngr Hyw. i21 Groceries, Gifts. cottage Needs. .spp041 .- 750X14 tubeless' 'wh iteyval.1;ireP..; set of installed and bsioneecf 473" PHONE 4648.07 Village of Grand Bend Financial Report Auditor's Report To the Council and Ratepayers of The Municipal Corporation of the Village of Grand Bend. Gentlemen: We have examined the books and records of the Village of Grand Bend and the Public Utilities Commission for the year ended December 31, 1967 and wish to report as follows: CAPITAL FUND Capital expenditures for the year amounted to $17,568.73. These expenditures were financed from current revenue. Investment in capital assets was $73,334.00 at December 31, 1967. CURRENT FUND The surplus for 1967 stands at $61,381.16 an Increase of $17,184.66 over the previous year. Tax arrears for 1967 are $40,182.37 or 25.4%, a slight improvement over 1966. Auditor's Opinion I (we) hereby report that in my (our) opinion: (1) The financial transactions which have come under my (our) notice have been within the powers of the municipality. (2) The audit has been conducted in accordance with the in- structions of the Department of Municipal Affairs. (3) The financial statements pre sent fairly the financial 'pOsition of the municipality as et December 31, 1967 and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. W. L. Smith & Company Date of tiling March 31, 1968 License Number 3255 Capital & Loan Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1967 .ASSETS General Fixed (as per schedule 18) DUO from Schools (fOr Debentures) Public and Continuation - 149,733.22 collegiate and High - 63,716.96 Dhe front Utilities and other Municipal '(for DebentureS) Electric Light and Power 9,466.66 Due front Other Municipalities (For Debentures Assumed -Schedttle Other Tangible Assets (specify) 0.W.R.c, water supply system 13,532.17 Leat Own equity - 8,221,78 Stheols Public Utilities and Other Municipal Public and Continuation Uri 35,000.00 35,000.00 Enterprises 'Electric Light and power , 30,486.88 Total Due to Other Mtinicipalities Other Long` Term Debt (specify) (For Debentures Assinned ,-.8chedule 3) Due to Ontario Water IteSoUreeS 5,310.38 COininistiOn - .4- - 9,152.71 Dile -tO 'Other FuitiS (REVENUE): 73,304.00 InVeStment in capital AtsetS 364,886.44 11/4101t: Oneranteed or t etitittgent Li /Althea (Schedule 18) Statement of Source and Application of Capital Funds For the year Ended December 31, 1967 SOURCE Unexpended funds at beginning of year 9,152.71 Contributions from current revenues for Capital expenditures 17,568.73 17,568.73 Balance at end of year not permanently financed (9,152.71) 11,568.73 APPLICATION Balance at beginning of year not permanently financed 9,152.71 Application of funds during the year Fixed Assets and Work in Progress Protection to PersOns and. Property 14,930.45 Recreation and Community Services 2,638.28 17,568.73 Unexpended funds at the end of year (9,152.71) 17,568.73 Revenue Fund Balance Sheet December 31, 1967 ASSETS Cash in Bank Accounts Receivable Sundry 719.14 Due from, Province of Ontario Due from Other Municipalities Due from Schools - - Due from Other Lbcal Boards and Commissions (specify) Grand Bend P.U.C. Due from Other Funds (specify) Capital and Loan Fund - Taxes Receivable (Sbhedule 5) Total Assets LIABILITIES Accou nts Payable - Debentures and Coupons Due Principal 500.00 interest 558.75 Due to other Municipalities Due to SehOols - 4, 4, '- Other Liabilities Deferred Revenue (schedule 8) Surplus (Forth C) - Total Liabilities and Surplus Guarahtee or Contingent Liability (see Report) Totals of Debit and Credit coit nn8 44.188.50 .105 577.654 Balance of Surplus Or Deficit , 81,381.15 at year end (POrth D) Statement of Revenue & Expenditure For the year ended December 31, 1967 REVENUE Total Revenue from Taxation (Schedule 3) Long-Term Debt Charges Recoverable (Schedule 12) Contributions, Grants and Subsidies Governments: Ontario - Direct Relief Highway Improvement - - Payments in lieu of municipal taxes Police and Fire - - - - Share of Liquor License Fees Unconditional Per Capita Grants Other municipalities 5,045.39 Licenses and Permits (include dog tax) Interest, Tax Penalties, etc. Other Revenues - Rents, Concessions and Franchises Fines Service Charges Recreation and Community Services 17,315.63 Miscellaneous (specify) Bank Interest Tax sale excess Sand, calcium, etc. - - Welfare chargebacks - - Taxes rebated charged back - Miscellaneous 1,206.05 Gross Total Revenue 213,331.64 Surplus from Prior Years used to reclude levy 44,196.50 Total Revenue Section 257,528.14 EXPENDITURE General. Government Executive and Legislative - Administrative Other ProteCtiOn to Persons and Property Fire--.,-_----- Police Law Enfordement Street Lighting - - - Other (specify) Ausable River Authority Public Works -Roads, HighwayS and Streets, etc. - - - - Sanitation and Waste'Removal - Conservation of Health Sticial Welfare (Schedule 10) Relief Assistance Education, including debt charges (Schedule - - Recreation and coniniunity Services Debt ChatgeS Long-term debt charges (Schedule 11) - LesS OWn Share of school debt charges -- - - • 14,255.51 Short-term interest and other charges - - - 6,9121 Discount for Taxes Taxes written Off Capital ExpenditureS out of Revenue (Schedule 13) Joint or Special ExpenditureS County Rates - - 6 - Miacellandotis (specify) Taxes rebated - 0.W.A.C. repayments 'a drotiS Total 'EXpetiaiture 4 4 40. S111'01110 1Or the 'Year * Total Expenditure Section Six-Year Financial Review (in $000 unless otherwise indicated) 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1. ASSESSED POPULATION 645 662 667 764 874 906 2. AREA in acres 480 480 480 480 480 480 3. EMPLOYEES - con- tinuous full time 2 2 2 2 2 2 4. ASSESSMENT Taxable assessment Residential and farm 1,316 1,225 1,157 1,116 1,154 1,060 Commercial and industrial 433 452 478 469 428 484 1,749 1,677 1,635 1,585 1,582 1,544 per capita $2.7 $2,5 $2.4 $2.1 $1.8 $1.7' Commercial and Industrial as a percentage of taxable assess- meat 24.8% 27.0% 29.2% 29.6% 27.0% 31.3% Exempt assess- ment 81 89 85 76 76 75 Provincial equaliza- tion factor 26 26 26 75.3 76,1 76.5 5. LONG TERM LIABILITIES General municipal 5 8 11 14 Education 35 46 39 86 94 107 Utilities and other municipal enter- prises 39 44 49 54 59 64 79 98 99 154 153 171 Per capita $121 $148 $148 $201 $175 $188 Percentage of tax- able assessment 4.5% 5.8% 6.0% 12,6% 9.6% 11.0% 6. TAX ARREARS - percentage of current levy 25.2% 29.9% 44.6% 25.7% 34.9% 33.4% - per capita $62 $61 $65 $49 $40 $33 7. RATES OF TAXATION Residential and farM 88.70 79,25 65.6 Oemmercial and industrial 95.16 84.75 '71.4 8. REVENUE Taxes - realty 149 12.8 102 97 81 - business 8 5 5 4 158 COntributions from other governments 18 Other revenues 37 213 184 164 145 128 118 9. EXPENDITURE General Municipal 104 91 86 70 57 50 County 30 29 25 25 24 '23 Education 62 51 43 41 45 37 196 171 154 136 126 110 10. SURPLUS (DEFICIT) at December 31 61 11, RESERVES 1 12. DEBT CHARGES Principal and interest 14 Per capita Per $000 of taxable assessment $9 13. CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ctiRRENT REVENUES FOR CAPITAL EX- PENDITURES 18 To The flatepayers Of Grand Bend Please NOTE, that in publishing this statement,1 am complying with the requirements Of Section #2230. Of the Muhicipa1 Act. And instructions received from Municipal Auditert. L. Smith co, under date of April 1, 1968. $ 82,486.11 213,449.18 39,466.66 23,873.50 5,310.39 364,566.44 39,466.66 74,466.66 202,322.68 11,613.87 719.14 2,547.66 79.12 30.49 110.84 9,152.71 40,182.37 64,496.20 1,421.34 1,058.'75 59.71 103.95 471.29 61,381.16 64,496.20 2,438.82 4,550.76 863,51 165.00 1,208.98 3,559.50 158,108.19 14,255.51 12,786.5'7 5,045.39 1,721.00 2,893.30 135.15 9,320.73 2,092.00 5,767.75 209.02 398.58 108.00 49.30 349.88 91.47 36 342 31 494.98 2,299.11 14,946.78 1,573,14 99.62 17,568.73 36,842.31 198,146.98 ,61,351.16 . 257',528,I4 58.082.7 58 64.0 69.6 62' 92 8 134 98 107 102 91 22 19 16 20 11 28 47 22 6 14 44 30 20 11 1 8 (2) 0 12 8 16 16 14 $18 $11 $20 $18 $15 $10 $6 $12 $11 $ 9