HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-05-02, Page 8Sing with all their might All students attending Hensall Public school took part in the school's annual music festival, Monday evening, Above, Roxanne Lavery, Sandra Nixon and Stephen Cooper are getting in a little practice in the ball before they move onto the stage. T-A photo Retarded nursery. school Individually Des:Ion-ed. Spencer-Spirelle desired sup- ports for abdomen, back and breasts, Your Spencer-$pirelle will. relieve tired Aching back And exhaustion caused by weakened muscles and wrong popture. For an appointment call 235-1920 MRS. V. ARMSTRONG 89 ANNE W. EXETER, ONT. THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH CANCER AND IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE •TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES • DRESSINGS • PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS •HOME AND HOSPITAL VISITING •HOME NURSING SERVICE • HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE •LODGE ACCOMMODATION 'DIVERSIONAL ACTIVITIES ROBERT LUXTON President Exeter & District Branch MRS. EWART PYM Chair man Service to Patients 4 HEINZ STRAINED FRESH GROUND celebrates their eleventh MAY 2, 3, 4, OPEN FRIDAY TIL 9 lg.. • f!..• 411p, # • • a •• r • * • :a • a •4 • AP 4. mr. • • ••• • • • S • • . • •# ir • DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT FRESH FROM OUR DRINK HOUSE & GARDEN INSECT SPRAY SAVE 304 14 OZ. BOMB FRUITS & VtGeTABLES ONTARIO NO. 1 25 LB. RAGS 1LB„PRINTS' pits. " MAPLE LEAP c .t#TINED PICNICS 29 •••PArtAilbWrirOA" FAcELLE ROYALS TOWELS WHITE OR COLOURED 4 ROLL BUNDLE bEL MONTE CORN 2.43' tAtArAttyLE 14 oz, MAPLE LEAF FRESH BONED & ROLLED PORK LOINS BEST VALUE IN PORK ROASTS PEARS CHOICE 20 Oz. T1N A H Say thanks Million For Your Patronagoi and invite You To Take Part in their Celebration. Mese Are Alt Name Etrondi At Money Saving Vtihr#s For You. • • ' 1141 \SUPERIOR7 *FOOD MARKET*1 • ir • • fa, • • Olds at discuss problems Police Pfficiql. is Promoted. Fire protection for the town- ship of Stanley has been reduced again and is now being handled mainly by the Brucefield brigade. This week, the Ba.yfield fire association said it would stop fighting fires in the township be- cause it had failed to work out a satisfactory agreement with the township. Within the past year, fire agreements between Stanley and brigades in liensall and Zurich have also been terminated. Stanley Township reeve Elmer Hayter said this week the Bruce- field brigade would cover the en- tire township with the exception of a small northeastern corner served by Clinton. Not all blind persons are total- ly blind. A person with less than 10% vision is considered blind. —Continued from front page "It warms your heart to see and talk to young people and children who have received train- ing in nursery schools and work- shops", stated Associationpres- ident Ron Heimrich. At the meeting, Mrs. Margaret Purdy and Mrs. Kneale were named to represent the area group at the annual meeting of the On- tario Association to be held in Sault Ste. Marie this weekend. A regional meeting and youth conference will be held in Ches- ley later in the month and it is hoped some senior public school students and high school students will attend. CAMPAIGN STARTS The Flowers of Hope cam- paign will start in the area this week and about 4,000 families will be receiving a package of cosmos seeds through the mail. They are asked to plant the seeds and return a donation to the Association. The donations will be receiv- ed by the Bank of Montreal in Exeter. This type of campaign is used throughout Ontario to raise money for the retarded. The glintville-Thames Road oo.i.T meeting was held' Sunday evening. at Thames Road. United Church,. MISS Beverley pees,. more was in .charge of the wor,- ahip.On '"Friendship". A discussion on ."Teenage ProlilenWt was enjoyed and plans were .made for the graduation mother and daughter banquet in May, PERSONALS A number from this tom munity attended. the Oddfellow's church service at MainSt.vnitedchnreh Sunday morning. Mr, and Mrs. Jerry Rennie., Joanne, David and Susan Of Lon, don visited Saturday with Mr. and. Mrs. Wm Routly. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. .and Mrs. Floyd. Cooper visited Sunday with Mrs. Rachel Bell at Huro.nview, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs. Chas Stephen visited Sunday with Mrs. John Heckman -of Dashwood. Sunday visitors with. Mr. and. Squire Herdman and Anne were Mr, and Mrs. Robt Coates, Judy Meeting at Mt. Carmel A very large turn out was wel- comed at the April CWL meeting by the President Mrs. Clem Mc- Cann, Tuesday evening held in the school gym. Guests were present and a plastic demon- stration was given. Mr. Richard Trainor, London, a student from Fanshawe Col- lege, has accepted a position in Hamilton after graduation. Miss Betty Ryan of Chicago, spent a few days with Mrs. Mike Ryan Sr. and relatives. Miss Christina Rutten visited over the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. John Rutten and family. and Cathy, Messra,* AMOs and oelePreting M. gcipire Rerdninnoe birthday,, Mrs.. Gilbert johnS le ettend- in. the WI Conference iii. Guelph this .weelt. Baptismal service was held in the United Church Sunday when Darryl Ray Woodburn, son, of Mr, and Mrs. Ray Woodburn, was baptized. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Pollock spent the weekend with relatives in Toronto. Mr, Ken E agieSon, who has been attending school in Toronto is spending the summer with his parents, mr, and Mrs. Jim Eagle- son. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hicks moved from their farm to their neW honie in parichill last week and Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ivieliin have bought Mr. Hicks farm and moved there last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Walper and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Walper's aunt, Mrs. Lump- den in Strathroy Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Johnson and family of London visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Romphf and family. Mr. Paul Carey and Mr. & Mrs. Leo Gerard and daughter of London spent the weekend with Mr. & MrS. Hubert Carey. Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ryan of Corbett visited relatives in Pet- rolia Saturday evening. Miss Joanne Dietrich was a weekend guest with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dietrich. Mr. Cameron MarLean of Lon- don who will be ordained aDeac- on in near future gave the Hom- ily at all three masses last Sun- day. OPP PlepeotOr A. 4. /gegen.. of -Chatham ',bee Peen 'Pr941Qteti to .superintendent and is to .talte charge of District PffeetiVe Mel 2. He will stioceocioperintendent J. PAW, Superintendent Mason's. atm, DOA; is a member of the Exeter PPP? detachment... ,c1tArlAs. G. -nirAnsol, an ,4* bear now nerving at lliegei'a F,4114/ hea bee n -neMeti t o r eplace *PO as IAPpPPti.lr- ghat- 11.441, Ins sector Wilkinson 14--S.Pg1Vg of Hencall Wit9 joined the force at Lonciw,. • No,. I may 2, mot Mrs« J. :Loader dies Stratford MrS,, ",Red" Loader, a Teeitient. of g4eter for about !years,, died suddenly in 5tratford., morning, She was. 1ft.. NirS, 14Peder was rail active 'bowler and Yteiped with the local minor howling program and was .44 avid fan of the hockey teams. for which her hyshenti. coached and.played.,, Surviving .'besides her imahand. are two nhildren, John and Janice. She was a native of the Six Nations Indian. Reserve and the funeral service was held from the chapel of the Mire FUneral Home_ in PShwegan on Wednesday with. interment in the. reserve eetne, tery. Acting as pallbearers were. Jim Glover, Pete Durand, Doug Sweet, Dal Robbins, Jim •Fair- + bairn and Aub Farquhar, all of Exeter. Terminate third :.; fire .agreement 4