HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-25, Page 17Thries•AcIvocatof April 25, 196$ E'.Oter iactotsk Spring 19.9 School Gyre thurs,..,. May 7;30 p.m. An opportunity for all who are interested in the de- velopment of young voices, in the school, Kindergarten to Grade 8 will offer vocal selections for your enjoyment. There will be a silver collection, proceeds of which will be donated to oharitehle organizations. Come and enjoy an evening of music, OUR TOWN A play in three acts, by THORNTON WILDER performed by the DRAMA CLUB of North Middlesex District High School at Parkhill, 8 p.m. Sharp in the Auditorium of N.M.D.H.S. on Monday, April 29 and Tuesday, April 30 $1.00 per person MC per student with card or under High School Age. Don't Miss It! Don't Miss The STRATFORD INDOOR Sponsored by Stratford Chamber of commerce and Stratford Recreation Commission, CLASSIC CITY ARENA MAY 10,11 and 12 Outstanding Events: • COWBOY EVENTS *BAREBACK BRONC RIDING • SADDLE BRONC RIDING • BRAHMA BULL RIDING e BULLDOGGING • CALF ROPING e GIRLS BARREL RACING Friday, May 10 - 8 p.m. Saturday, May 11 - 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Sunday, May 12 - 2 p.m. TICKETS AVAILABLE - PLEASE MAIL REMITTANCE Stratford Chamber of Commerce, 24 Erie St., Stratford, Ontario. Advance Sale - Adults $1,50, Children (under 12) 751. Door Sales - Adults $1,75, Children $1,00. vl The President and Members of the Students' mina of the South Huron District High School present their annual banding 9:00 Music by ilia Swinging Beast Couples $3.50 to be held in the ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Mr, and Mrs, Will Hodgson, 88 Stanley St, London, Ontario, will be at home to friends, rela- tives and neighbors on Satur- day, May 4th, frorn 2-4 in the afternoon and 7-9 in the evening, on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary. No gifts please. . 25c ENGAGEMENTS — Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Becker, RR 1 Dashwood, wish to announce the• engagement of their second eldest daughter, Jean Helma to Mr. William Robert Holmes, son of Mrs. Alexia Holmes and the late Mr, Carl Holmes of Sea- forth. The wedding will take place Saturday, May 18, 1968 at Zion Lutheran Church, Dashwood.25* GIVE to the CANADIAN CANCER gej SOCIETY When your neighbour knocks answer the call and • •6 •I: • • • 6 • APR! L 26 And, :27' ..Fg041:14 (Asieltgritertelemen4 NOTICE 1.0.0.F. Annual Church Service of the Exeter Lodge No. 67 Independent Order of Odd- fellows and The Pride of Huron Rebekah Lodge No. 338 will be held in Main Street United Church, 'Exeter at 11:15 A, M. Sunday, April 28 Members meet at the Lodge Hall'at 10:30 - 10:45 A.M. Daylight Saving Time. Percy MeFalls, Recording Secretary. beimar Skinner, Noble Grand. Crediton Tigers Victory Dance Thurs., May 2 Stephen Township Community Hall, Crediton Music by Desjardine's Orchestra Dancing 9 to 1 L.911111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111111111i1111111111W = :4= JACKPOT $150 icnarl: Admission $1 for 15 rounds 7.2 Exeter Legion Hall I . Thursday, April 25 9:00 Sponsored by Lodies i Auxiliory No one under 16 years of age will be admitted. BIRTHS- .qeralcline Wel4.,(11P0 •Parlser),. North. Syd- PPY/ N S., announce the birth Of their first child., A son, David, .St. .H.liphettilIPSoitel*North Sydney, N.S. April 12. Tonight THURSDAY APRIL 25 in EXETER CREDITON GRAND BEND HURON PARK STEPHEN TWP. and CENTRALIA CARDS OF THANKS — Joan Allen and her parents would like to say "Thank You" to their relatives and friends for flowers, gifts, treats, cards, letters and the many inquiries during Joan's stay in War Mem- )rial Children's Hospital, Lon- don and since returning home. All kindness is deeply appreciat- ed and will always be remember- ed. 25* I wish to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to my friends and relatives for cards, flowers, treats and visits while I was a patient in South Huron Hospital, Thanks to Dr. Goddard and nursing staff of South Huron Hospital. -Mrs. Beatrice Des- Jardine. 25* I wish to express my sincere thanks for the flowers, treats and cards I received while in the hospital. Special thanks to the 1.1.C.W., Rev. Currie, Dr. God- dard, the nurses and staff of the hospital. -- Blighton Ferg. 25c Stephen Township Bingo in 60 calls Jackpot $135.00 on Tues:, Apr. 30' at 9 p.m. 15 games per $1.00 Community Centre Crediton ,Sponsored by the Hall & Park Board Bee-Line Drive-In Restaurant GRAND BEND Open this week-end Sat. - 5:00 - 1:00 Sun. - 1:00 12:00 Open week days commencing MAY 24 iMEMORIAM. 19Ving memory of our dear sister, Vera Eldona SMith, who passed away two years ago April 29, i9.08. The depths of sorrow we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well, And 'while she sleeps a peaceful sleep, Her memory we shall always keep. Ever remembered by broth- ers and sisters, 25c CASH BINGO - Legion Hall, Sea- forth, Friday, April 26, 1968, 8:15 pm -- 15 regular games for $10; 3, $25 specials; $75 jackpot to go. Two door prizes. Admis- sion $1.00. Extra cards 25C or 7 for $1.00. Auspices, Seaforth Branch 156 Canadian L egion. Proceeds for Welfare Work. 25c ANNUAL SP RING RUMMAGE SALE sponsored by Hensall Kinette Club will be held Satur- day May 4, 2 pm in Henson Arena, 18:25;2c TURKEY and HAM SMORGAS- BORD, St. Paul's Church, Hen- sail, Saturday May 4, 5 to 7 pm. Adults $1.50; children under 12, 75C; pre-school age free. 18:25:2c ANNUAL MOTHER'S DAY buffet dinner, Harbourlite Inn, God- erich 5 to '7;30 pm Sunday, May 12th. Adults $2.75; children under 10, $1.50; under four free. Res- ervations 524-9371 or 524-9264. Lambton gets Health Unit The- Pltila4414 :anew - SeOietY say that a fipap smote" test reVe4P ohaPP4 in Pel4 before they Pecetile ,cancer tinnoilrs thilS Melting cancer :of Ole womb virtually 100%g preYellfahlee 011,141~414~4~1.11.1 ROWNIES DRIVE IN CL .INT O N Box (Mc* Opens 7.45-Show tit 81113 ""`" Weehend Shows Only Alt DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS 4", •• ••• ••• "Tr THURS, ERN. & SAT. April 25-26-27 - DOUBLE FEATURE - JAMES BOND is back in "YOU. ONLY LIVE TWICE" Showing at 10:15 p.m. Starring SEAN CONNERY—In Color - AND - "THE WAY WEST" Showing at 8:15 p.m, Starring Kirk Douglas, Robert Mitchum and Richard Widmark In Color Cartoon Fri„ Sat. May 3-4 - DOUBLE FEATURE - "Divorce . American Style" (Adult Entertainment) - AND - "The Love-Ins" (Adult Entertainment) Deadlier Than-the Male (Colour) flichardJohnston., Rlke '$,Pmmer Gunfight in Abeline (Colour) Bobby Darin, Emily Ranks JUST MINUTES FROM GRAND BEND AT SHIPKA FREE FILM Fast Local Processing LOW PRICES BLACK and WHITE 8 Exposures 75.1; 121859' KODACOLOR 8 Expo,sures $2.89; 121$3.89 We are in our 10th year Send Film & This Ad To The Jervis. Family Quality Film Developing Clinton, Ontario Satisfaction guaranteed or your money back KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Far September 1968 on 2URICH PUBLIC SCHOOL FFi., MAY 3 2:00 P.M. to ;,30 - For Zurich and Hay Township children attending the Zurich Public School HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL MOW MAY 6 2:00 Knii, to 8130 P.M. - Hensel! Village Children - Hay 'Township children' ttend- ing the Hensel! Public Scheel, All onlidren from Concession 6 and 7 (Parr Line) and West to the west limits of Hay Township, including Zurich, will register at -the ZURICH PUBLIC SCHOOL, The rereainder Of the school area; including HenSall, will register at the HENSALL PUBLIC SCHOOL. Children eligible for "Kindergarten , Registration must be S years old on or before Deceniber 31, leSS Parents should bring proof of age 'and Irll munitatiort re cords The present kindergarten classes will be open for inspection by parents or guardians registering HAY TOWNSHIP SCHOOL AREA CARPS OF .THANKS ,,, I wish to thank. 41 theSe who .PPAt cards, flOWere end treats,. and for visits, While was in South Huron HOSP1tal. and since returning home. It was all deeply. aPPrePlated. Melvin Gardiner, 25* The .fainily of .thelateL. Wilkie McEVIPTI wishes to express Stu, pre thanks and appreciation to their .many relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributet, cards, 'M e s §A;.e.§ of Sympathy, Gideon Bibles, clone, tions to funds, and the many acts of kindness shown them, Very special thanks to Rev, Johnson, Dr. Butler, the nurses and staff of the Strathroy Middlesex Gen- ere.1, Hospital, the pallbearers, flower bearert, the London T.S. A, Board, the staff of plc., bow School, the members ofAilsa Craig Lodge #574 AF & AM, the ladies of Carlisle iJCW, the T, .Stephenson. & Son Funeral 'Home and those who helped in any way... Your kindness will never be for- gotten. 25* The family of the late George McFalls wish to express their sincere thanks to r elative s, friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness, beautiftil floral tributes, donations to Heart . Fund and messages of sympathy in the loss of a dear husband and father. Special thanks to Dr. Fletcher, Dr. Read, Miss Clay- pole and the nursing staff of South Huron Hospital, pallbear- ers, flower bearers, Rev. Wil- son, congregation of Centralia United Church and the Murdy Funeral Home. Their kindness will never be forgotten. 25* We wish to express our sin- cere thanks to all the relatives, friends and neighbors for the many thoughtful cards, flowers, letters, visits and treats while in St. Joseph's Hospital and since returning home. Special thanks to all those who helped us in any way. - Marilyn and Baby Jeff Miller. 25c Thank you so much to all those who so kindly sent me cards, flowers and treats and visited me as well as all the many deeds of kindness done while I was a patient in Victoria Hos- pital and since returning home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. Dorothy Re$temayer. 25c. The family of the late Emil Ruggaber wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to their friends, and neighbors for Masses,,flow- e'rs; cardeand many acts of kiricif ness we received during our re- cent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Rt. Rev. Monsigneur Bourdeau, Rev. Fathers Jansen,' Kelly and LaRocque, the pall- bearers, Drs. Gulens and Wal- lace, T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Westlake Ambulance ser- vice and those wonderful neigh- bors who helped in so Many ways. 25* I wish to thank my many kind neighbors and relatives for cards, flowers and visits while a patient in South Huron Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Goddard, Rev. Blacki,vell, and the nursing staff who were so kind. All was greatly appreciated. - Mrs. Vio- let Schwalm, Hensall. 25c We would like to thank all our friends and relatives for their cards, visits, treats, gifts and flowers while in St. Joseph's Hospital. Special thanks to DrS. Ecker, Tew and Vincent and the nursing staff at South Huron Hos- pital and 3rd floor at St. Joseph's Hospital, -Marilyn and Baby Darlene Sillery. 25c We would like to thank our many friends, neighbors and relatives, R. E. PooleyBranchOf Legion, Miss Claypole and staff of South Huron Hospital for their many nets of kindness, cards, flowers and treats while we were patients in the hospital and since returning borne. - Ted and Eva Sims. 25c I wish to thank all my friends and neighbors for their visitS, cards and treats I enjoyed While in the hospital and alto since I Caine honie, I wish to thank the South Hiiron Hospital nurses and staff. Special thanks to Dr. Wal- lace and ROV. Father Jansen. - Mrs. George (Evelyn) Tucker. 25* The family of the late Charles “Tupper" Anderson Wish to ex- press their sincere thanks and appreciation to their relatives, friends and neighbors for the Many floral tributes, dard, Met- Sage's of sympathy and many acts of kindnesS shown them in their recent bereavement in the loss Of a loving hiisband, father and grandfather, special thanks to ReV. Doligles Warren, pallbear- ers and the staff Of the -Money Ptineral }Wine. 25c IN MEMORIAM SKINNER in :loving memory of a 'clear Wife and Mother, 'Mrs. Othella 'Skinner, .WhO passed away April 26, 1962. itesting where no shadows tally In petted peace She aWeitStit all Where OA Will link the broken chain, As Ohe by brie We meet again. We Cannot Lord thy Ditkpose see 131it 011 is well that's done by .Tilee. jawayt• rethelnbeted land -gad, 1.y Misted 'byte!! litithatid sec ahrt.'family. 25* ENGAGEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. ,./.9SePh Cart- er, RR 1 Clandeboye, are pleas, ed to announce the engagement of their daughter, Alice Bernice tq Mr. Robert Adolph Martin, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Marffn, Crediton, the marriage will take place on Saturday, May- 25, 1968 at Holy Trinity Church, Lucan at g;3(4 o'clock, gsx Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dieleynan, RR / DashW900 are happy to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Maria Adriana to Mr, Siebrancl Wilts, son of Mr, and Mrs. Siebrand Wilts, Loncies- boro, the wedding will take place Saturday, May 18 at 2:30 p.m. at Bethel Reformed Church, Ex- eter. 25* The pupils -of Hensall public School Will present their Annual Spring. Concert Monday, April 29 at 8:o0 p.m. Under the direct on of LaWratiad wein, MUSIC' tupeiviser, The Public is Cordially Invited to attend. Silver dolledtion Will be taken. Proadeds going to a Charitable Organi2etiOri., ttaberit Prin tidal j Lambton County c ounc il has voted in favor of a county-wide health unit that could lead to the future amalgamation of both Lambton and Kent units. The vote, made in air of du- ress, will bring together 16 communities and townships not now served by the existing Lamb- ton health unit. "As things are, we have a choice of voluntarily joining by July 1 or being forced in on May 1," said Grand Bend Reeve Orval Wassmann. The Public Health Act of 1967 requires municipalities without public health services to join existing units. The provincial*. health minister advised local county centres to join the Lamb- ton unit last October. Councillors yesterday were told the county will save an es- timated $16,000 by joining now and officially becoming part of the Lambton unit on July 1. The saving would be realized by not having- to pay the $2.60 per capita rate for May and June. At present, only Sarnia, point Edward, Courtright and Moore and Sarnia Townships are involv- ed in the 21-year-old Lambton health unit. More than 100,000 people will be served by the new county- wide unit and Dr. Gordon Ander- son, medical officer of health for the unit, said he believed there would be no increase in the per capita cost at least until next year and possibly not even then. He said his present staff of about 25 would eventually have to be increased to about 33, in- cluding another doctor. He fore- sees difficulties getting qualified public health personnel IM- mediately. Of the $2.60 fee, municipali- ties receive a 50 percent rebate from the province under a county- wide scheme. Sarnia Township Reeve James Marshall countered suggestions by reeves of Several centres, not now in the system, Who said their present part-time services would not be improved under the county unit. "You will be getting a great deal more public health service . ..I know, we couldn't do with- out it in our townshW' he said. There were indications earlier the Small number Of centres participating in the Larnbtori unit was blocking talks On a proposed anialgarnation of Lambton and Kent health units. Under such a,twIn-county Oper- ation, the goVernnient rebate would rise from 50 to 75percent. Stephen Centro! School KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Tues., May 7, 1968 From 10:00 to 12:00 2:00 to 4:00 Please bring proof of age and immunization records.