HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-25, Page 10Par) 10 TIMOSACIVOCatei April; 254 1968
House of Fashion presentation
The gymnasium at South Huron District High School Monday night
became a "House of Fashion" as members of the school's night sew-
ing classes presented the results of their winter's work. Each lady of
the four different classes modelled her own creation before a large
audience. Above, Mrs. Elva Houtly, teacher of the Monday night
intermediate class is shown with some of her students. From left,
Mrs. Routly, Mrs. Marion Johns, Mrs. Elizabeth Lamport, Mrs.
Winnifred Gunn, Mrs. Hilda Kellett and Mrs. Betty Smith with Brenda
Smith in front.
T-A photo
exist in our Dashwood
plant for factory
workers. Apply
Plant Superintendent
Telephone 237-3633
Own one of these?
There's a special
offer just
for you.
See yopr b
authorized investment
dealer, trust or loan
company today.
alowp.'o Tao '0(120 66
CGIT shown makeup method
At the meeting of James Street
CGIT last Wednesday Mrs. Wil-
liam MacLean demonstrated the
REDEll !;
proper steps in applying make-
up. Linda Bourne,CGITrnember,
was the model. Mrs. W. G. Hunt-
ley assisted Mrs. MacLean.
The cosmetician emphasized
cleanliness of the skin for young
teens and advised against over-
doing make-up. "Use make-up
to make one look natural', she
said. About 30 girls were present.
Plans were discussed for the
mother and daughter banquet to be
held May 1 at the church with the
theme "Springtime in Japan."
Surprise couple
on anniversary
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
Godbolt, Edward St., surprised
them with a dinner at the Dorn-
inion Hotel, Zurich, Friday even-'
ing marking the occasion of their
silver wedding anniversary.
Following the dinner all re-
turned to the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Stanlake where the
evening was spent in playing
cards. The celebrants were the
recipients Of many gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Godbolt, the
former Alma. Ratz, were married
April 20, 1943, and armed on
Highway 4 south of Exeter be-
fore moving to town. They have
two sons, George and John.
Auxiliary plan
trip to Midland
At the meeting of the Exeter
Legion Auxiliary Monday bight
Robert Q. Smith of CKSL Radio
and Ken Inch of town discussed
the different bus tours available.
The Auxiliary decided in favor
of a trip to Midland June 5.
A donation of $25 was voted
to the Cancer Fund. The Zone
Rally is being held in Hensel!
May 15, Members plan to spend
the day June 24 at Mrs. Stan
Frayne's cottage. The mystery
prize Was won by Mrs. Eric
President Mrs, Gerald Wurm
chaired the meeting. There was
an attendance of 25,
Members of Grand Bend WI
held their April meeting in the
town hall Thursday evening. Pub-
lic Relations was the theme with
Mrs. W. Gill in charge. Roll
call was "What I like about my
community". Mrs, Susan Devine
gave a humorous reading. Mrs.
Nola. Taylor, president, presided
for the business, Mrs. Raymond
fading gave the report from the
Board meeting at Hensall. plans
for the District. Annual Which
Will be held inGrand Bend United
Chnrch May 23 were discnssed.
Mrs. Harold Wainer presided
fOr election of Officers. Mrs.
Ed Gill read the nominating corn-
mittee's report.
Past president is Mrs. Harold
Wainer; president, Mrs. Nola
Taylor; vice presidents, Mrs.
Wm Love, Mrs. Ed Gill; branch
directors, Mrs. Myrtle Mc-
Gregor, Mrs. Alex Hamilton,
Mrs. Carmen LoVie; secretary-
treasurer, Mrs. Hugh 1Vlorenz;
assistant secretary treasurer,
Mrs. Allan parker; auditors,
Mit. Alex Hamilton, Mrs. Max
Turnbull; pianists, Mrs. Charlet
Reeves, Mrs. Manse' Mason,
Mrs. Allan Parker;
Conveners of Standing Corn,
mitt ees, Citizenship, Mrs. Harold
\Yelper; Agriculture and Can-
adian Industries, .Mrs. Colin
Love; Home Economies, Mrs.
Well Wood Health, Mrs. Allan.
Parker; Historical Research and
Current Events, Mrs. Wm Love;
Education, WS. Les AdaMs;
Public relations, Mrs, StisanDe,
vine; Resolutions; Mrs. Alex
We P.40410 b4Y9 ,some very
poised and.confident hostesses.
in Mpg County as nearly 700
girls have completed the 4-1i
Homemaking Cetirse "The PIO
Girl Entertains'P In which they
considered the pgints, of being
a good hostess .and of being a
good guest.
As we checiced their record
hooks and their rhoatesS files they
haye a wealth of knowledge and
know-how which, with a little
practice, they could ably fill the
duties of nostest for Prirnelgln-
ister Pierre Trndeau.
We gleaned a few recipes that
were used for informal afternoon
"Dainty, pretty, tasty these
Party pinwheels, sure to please."
Cut the crust from the top of
a fresh loaf of bread. Turn loaf
on itt side and cut 1/3" slices.
Remove crusts and run rolling
pin over each slice. This makes
the bread easy to handle, less
likely to crack.
Spread one side of each slice
with butter, then with a filling
such as white cream cheese which
may be delicately tinted with
vegetable coloring. Chopped nuts,
green pepper or pickle may be
added to the cheese filling,
For variety, olives, sweet cuc-
umber pickles, dill pickles or
banana may be placed across one
end of the slice. Choose a filling
which forms a pleasing color
contrast to the bread. Roll tightly
from end to end as a jelly roll.
Wrap tightly in wax paper and
then in a dampened towel and put
in a cool place. Cut in 1/3"
slices for serving.
Hamilton; Curator, Mrs. Elgin
Webb; hospital, Mrs. Wellington
Baker; horticulture, Mrs. Ed
Lunch was served by Mrs.
Susan Devine and her Committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Stubbs of
Thedford visited Sunday With Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Baird.
Miss Evelyn CurtS and Mr.
Manuel Curls of Greenway visited
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug-
las Gill.
A custard sauce begins to sep-
arate after Cooking! All is not
lost. Beat sauce immediately with
egg beater, It will be as smooth
as satin again. Next tithe; re-
move front a double boiler ltist
when the Mixture coats the spoon.
1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup prown augar
1 egg
1 cup sifted pastry flour
Cream the butter. Add sugar
and, cream together. Add the
heater!, egg yq1k (allow a little
of the egg white to be left with
the yolk). Add the flOur and
combine thoroughly. Roll into
small balls and dip in egg white
which has been neaten slightly
with a fork. Coat with finely
hopped nutt,
Place on a baking sheet and
ress dawn the centre with a
thimble. Bake at 300 degrees for
five minutes. Press down the
Centres again. Bake 10 to 15
minutes more, While still hot,
fill centres with red jelly. Makes
about 40 cookies.
I. cup white sugar
1/4 cup butter
1/4 cup milk
tbl cocoa
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup walnuts, finely chopped
1/2 cup coconut
1 to 1 1/2 cups rolled oats
Combine first four ingredients
and bring to a boil. Then cool.
Add vanilla and salt. Pour choc-
olate mixture over coconut, wal-
nuts and rolled oats which have
been previously combined. Spoon
onto waxed paper and allow to set,
• Beat one egg white until stiff
but not dry. Beat in 2 cups sifted
icing sugar. Flavor with 1/4 tsp
peppermint flavoring or to taste.
If desired, add a few drops (5 or 6)
of food coloring (green is sug-
gested for peppermint.)
Add additional icing sugar if
necessary until firm enough to
mold. Form into a smooth cylin-
drical roll about one inch in
diameter. Wrap in waxed paper
and chill. Unwrap and cut in 1/4
inch slices.
Sorority hold
jewel ritual
The Ritual of Jewels banquet
for four new members of Beta
Sigma Phi Sorority was held at
Dufferin House, Centralia, Tues-
day evening. Mrs. David Mc-
Donald, Mrs. George Rether,
Mrs. Don Webster and Mrs. Tom
Arthur are the new members.
The program topic was "ART"
and was convened by Mrs. Wil-
liam Belling and Mrs. William
Schaefer. They had on display
about 20 paintings chiefly from
the winter art class, and com-
mented on them.
President Mrs. Peter Redmond
chaired the meeting and was pre-
sented with a gift as it was her
last meeting in the president's
office. Mrs. Clayton Smith, who
is retiring as director, and Mrs.
Frank Wilkinson who is moving
to Toronto, were also given gifts.
— Continued from page 9
course was presented with a:
silver homemaking spoon. Ten
clubs were represented with 135
girls in attendance.
Club Leaders were: C redlton 1,
Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Miss Ruth
Ann King; Crediton 11, Mrs.
Cliff Kenney, Miss Wendy Neil;
Crediton Ill, Mrs. R. Fink-
Winer, Mrs. Philip Rudolph;
Elimville 1,.Mrs. CliftOnJaques,
Mrs. William Morley; sElimville
11, Mrs. Ed Johns, Mrs. Dan
Coward; Elimville 111, Mrs.
James Miller, Mrs. Laverne
Rodd; Grand Bend, Mrs. H.
Schlegel, Mrs. J. Kneale; Huron-
dale 1, Mrs. Ray Cann, Miss
Sharon PastmOre; HurOndale 11,
Mrs. Harry Dougall, Miss Dianne
Oke; Hurondale 111, Mrs. Reg
McDonald, Mrs. Carl Mills.
A Ftnancia
.Auditor's Report
March 44, 1960
The Mayor, MenWers of COullet/ and Ratepayers,
The c9rfterOlen of the Town of gxeterr,
Exeter, Ontario.
I have witted the accounts and- records of the .Town of :Exeter
for the Year ended December
1. 1l97.an clhaVe prepared theref rom.
the statements the. index accompanying this report.
'The operations for the year resulted in .4 dpficit of $9,491.72
.compared with a surplUS of $0.i930,95:for•the year eudedDecember
31, 1966, The 1967 expenditures ineind'e V6,000,00 which is the
Town. of Exeter's share of .a storm. drain on Pude Batilevard .which
was not budgeted for but for whiChapproyalhad been obtained from.
the Ontario. Municipal Board for the sale of debentures. Subsequent
to the approval being granted it was apparently decided to pay the
Town't share out of revenue for 1967,
Presented lierewith is a condensed comparative statement of.
revenue and expenditure for the three 'years ended December 31,
1967,1900 and 1900,
Year ended December 31
1965 Revenue 1967 1966
Taxation — - - — 364,269.03 328,427.45 293,232.37
Debenture debt charges
recoverable 86,536.45 76,480.19 72,195.37
Contributions, grants and
subsidies 81,943.61 67,821.48 64,307.41
Contributions, other
municipalities - - - - 15,036.81 14,514.60 13,691.18
Licenses and permits - - 1,712.25 2,435.00 1,726.25
Interest and tax penalties 5,773.43 5,334.43 4,678.69
Other revenue 4,968.04 3,854.58 12,748.08
Sewerage collections - - 35,518.02 15,042.26 16,975.83
Surplus from prier years to
reduce levy 89,960.01 (5,303.60 16,716.96
$685,717.65 $508,606.39 $496,272.14
General government - - - 31,811.26 31,312.43 3Q,055.58
Protection to persons and
property 39,899.55 40,383.16 36,238.39
Public works, roads and
streets 117,384.88 79,337.63 71,068.59
Sanitation and waste removal 85,849.58 40,858.81 44,454.41
Relief assistance - - - - 6,860.47 5,091.10 7,078.95
Institutional care - - - - 3,171.70 7.350.00 9,788.70
Education - - - - - - 115,318.87 110,597.68 103,802.16
Recreation and community
services 22,570.30 19,421.44 20,444.68
Debenture debt charges - 121,223.03 101,798.52 95,762.31
Discount for taxes - - - 2,025.07 1,984.53 1,788.74
Taxes written off - - — 3,036.05 302.53 1,883.83
County rates 61,666.06 56,298,82 49,619.49
Capital expenditure from
current revenue - - 686.33 8,998.27
Provision for reserve funds 84,392.55 7,152.46 2,030.99
Sundry 277.89
695,209.37 502,575.44 483,292.98
Surplus (deficit) for year (9,491.72) 6,030.95 12,979.16
The 'operations of the other Boards were as follows:
Public Utilities Commission - Hydro Surplus $37,837.22
Public Utilities Commission -
Water Supply Surplus 3,861.72
Huron South District High School Deficit 16,525.81
Exeter Public School Deficit 8,539.39
Combined Roman Catholic Separate
School Surplus 11,535.00
Exeter Cemetery Board Deficit 130.51
Exeter Community Centre Board Surplus 482.12
Exeter Recreation Committee - Surplus 308.98
Exeter Industrial Development
Corporation Surplus 802.91
Mother and daughter combo
Some of the ladies taking thenight school sewing courses also made clothes for their children in addition
to 'themselves. Above, Mrs. Marilyn Dixon, second from left is shown with her daughter Christine along
with Mrs. Gwen Lynn, Mrs. Edyth Scott, Mrs. Irene Thompson and Mrs. Mary. Fisher. — T-A photo
Plan district annual
GB ladies elect officers