HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-11, Page 9Busy fingers make many items for the craft sale In their crafts session Thursday afternoons in James Street Church Hall the ladies of Braemar Lodge make various items such as covered hangers and wastepaper baskets which they hope to sell at the Sale and Tea Thursday, April 18. Seated, are Miss Marjorie Campbell, Miss Madeline Holmes, Miss Dorothy Carleton and Miss Gwen Snowden; standing are craft helpers Miss Marion Bissett and Mrs. Tom Pryde. . . . T-A photo Centralia area people hold shower for bride MR. AND MRS. JOE FINKBEINER THE CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY HELPS THOSE WHO ARE ILL WITH. CANCER AND IN NEED OF ASSISTANCE *TRANSPORTATION TO TREATMENT CENTRES • DRESSINGS • PAIN RELIEVING DRUGS •• HOME AND HOSPITAL VISITING 4, • HOME NURSING SERVICE *HOUSEKEEPING SERVICE to LODGE ACCOMMODATION @DIVERSIONAL ACTIVITIES ROBERT LUXTON President Exeter & District Branch MRS. EWART PYM Chairman Service to Patients THURSDAY APRIL 18 SATURDAY APRIL 21 Watch For Our Sale Flyers Thru 2 for the price of 1 ...plus a penny! MIDDLETON DRUGS Is your business ready for expansion? GhG DG MB loans have helped thousands of small and medium-sized Canadian businesses to enlarge or modernize their facilities to meet the demand for their goods and services. Perhaps an IDB loan can help you. Ask for our booklet, "A Source of Finan- cing for Canadian Business". INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES toNhON, ONT.:291 0undat Street '-u teleptIone .1439-8363 Couple mark anniversary Tirne,4-Ady9cate'4. .Apot 1908: Cre iton olk busy at bingo, eetings •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Special Fords ...Special Mustangs! Specially-built. Specially-equipped. And specially-priced! Special Galaxie 500 Fastback Curtain raising, moneysaving deals on this hot fastback with room for six. And even more savings (over $100,00) on this special equipment package:all-vinyl seat trim • GT SpOrt Wheel covers • special chrome bodyside accent moulding • whitewall tires. JI Special Mustang. Hardtop Exciting prices on the happening car, plus added savings (V3.05) on the special equipment package: chrome wheel lip Mouldings • full wheel covers • race Style pop.open gas cap • whitewalls • Tutone louvered hood with built.in turn indicators, ... $PtC,t0.1, Gi.14 SL listIOALX The all star' ast—winning acclaim everywhere, We're out to make this thegost successful year in 'Ford's hiitukt end the deals are just .greal, Style, 'Combat Power. 'Luxury, There 't never been a better time to get them for yourself. Move lip with tkuble 'Feature Sale savings Get in on 'Better Ideas tightnewl Falcon Save on the Sty', EconOmy Star. And . save 468,%; en the Special teniiiirtent Package, SPECIAL EXPLORER PICKUP ti Great dealtintrodute the newest Star, P tut $74.00 saving on the special equipMent package, Fairlanes, Torinos, Fords, Mustangs, Falcons, 1-Birds... all the Better Idea cars—at.special savings! t"b7Tra,IrT\11 VA3VTI7 Trrn‘l,r) * **, /MAWR SOO TASIIISOIC LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LIMITED Pholie 235.1640 By MRS. FRED BOWDEN CENTRALIA Mrs. Ray Shoebottom assisted by Mrs. Richard Shoebottom and Mrs. John Thomas entertained at a miscellaneous bridal shower Saturday night for Miss Lynn Phillips of Hyde Park, There were about twenty-five relatives in attendance. The bride elect is a niece of Mrs. Ray Shoebottom. IJCW Mrs. Harvey Smith presided for the business at the April meeting of the UCW in the school- room of the church Thursday evening. Easter was the theme for an impressive program convened by Mrs. Robert Blair, Mrs. Gerald Isaac, Mrs. Alvin Essery and Mrs. George Hicks. Mrs. Blair and Mrs. Essery as leaders were assisted in conducting the wor- ship service by Mrs. Gerald Isaac and Mrs. Arthur McFalls. ',Thoughts on Easter" were pre- sented by Mrs. George Hicks. Musical numbers were a piano duet by Mrs. Essery and her sister Mrs. Sorensen, and a vocal solo by Mrs. Russell Wilson with Mrs. Ken Hodgins playing the piano accompaniment. Mrs. Blair presented the chapter from the study book. MESSENGERS At the Messengers meeting Sunday morning, readings were RECEIVES CAP Miss Sheila Elston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Elston, RR 1 Centralia, is a member of the 1970 class of St. Thomas-Elgin General `Hospital. She received her cap in a recent ceremony, . , photo by Jack Doerr given by Donald and David Mc- Falls. The story "Into All The World" was told by Mrs. Harvey Smith. It was decided to send a five dollar donation to Bunny Bundle. PERSONALS Mr. Harmon Morton of Ailsa Craig was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks Thursday. • Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake to the Maple Syrup Festival at Elmira on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson were Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Thompson in Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. RussellSchroed- er accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Webb of Grand Bend were Saturday guests with Mr. and Mrs. B. Webb and family inLon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Don Smith, Pam and Patti of Lucan visitedSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Smith and Penny. Mr. Ray Shoebottom has been By MRS. THOMAS HERN Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl were Friday evening guests with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hannon, Mitchell, and with Mr. and Mrs. Milne Pullen of St. Marys Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hern visited Sunday with Mrs. Louisa Kyle in Exeter. Mrs. Mary Brock visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brock and Bill, Exeter. Miss Lisa Westcott, Exeter, visited over the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam Hern. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hern attended the Elmira Syrup Fes- tival on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Jeffery and family, Staffa, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Angus Earl. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hern and family, and WS. Ephrialtillerli were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Snell and fam- ily, Grimsby. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott, London, were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ballantyne and family, Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. John Tookey, London, were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs, Themes G. Bern. By MISS ELLA MORLOCK Ttlesday, April .9. was the Oc- casion of the fiftieth wedding an- niyersarY of Mr. and Mrs, Joe Finkbeiner. After their marriage fifty years ago they returned to their farm on concession 8, Ste-phen Townsnip and, immediately began the task of sowing the spring grain since the land was ready. Saturday was Open. House in their honour at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Finkbeiner .on Highway 83, Exeter. Friends and relatives called in the afternoon and evening to offer congratula- tions and good wishes. Grand- daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Fink- beiner served the guests, and a grandson attended the door. At 5:30 the family went to the Dufferin Hotel, Centralia.for . din- ner. Relatives and friends who came from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Finkbeiner and fam- ily of Thornton, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Finkbeiner and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lochner of London, Mrs. Beatrice Tate of Hamilton, Mrs. Annie Finkbeiner of Zur- ich, Mr. and Mrs. Danny Davy of Waterdown, and Mr. and Mrs. William French of St. Catharines. Mr. and Mrs. Finkbeiner re- ceived a framed scroll from the Hon. Charles MacNaughton and letters of congratulation from the Hon. Robert Stanfield and Mr. Robert McKinley. SHOWS PICS OF ETHIOPIA Rev. Allan Kliewer, mission- ary on furlough from the Sudan Interior Mission, Ethiopia, was at Zion United Church last Wed- nesday and Thursday. He showed colored slides of the people, the mountain s, streams and roads, the flowers, the new type of architecture in Addis Abeba, the work of the Mission in hospital, school and evangelistic end e a v o u r. Rev. Kliewer is a native of Stein- bach, Manitoba. BINGO WINNERS Winners at the Bingo sponsor- ed by the Hall and Park Boards Tuesday evening, April 2 were Mr. Carl HadfPrd (2), Mr. Allen Hecker, Mrs. Le4 Taylor, Mrs. Donald Glanville, Miss Boyle, Clair Skinner, 1.401S Bruer (2), Gary Dinney, Dave Cottle, Mrs. Bud MacDonald, Allen Pfaff, Bob Reid, Les Taylor, Ross Krueger, Mrs. Joe Conlin and Mrs. Walter Weber. The next game will he held April 16. The jackpot stands at $125 and 59 calls. By MRS. ROSS SKINNER ELIMVILLE The Elimville-Thames Road CGIT are holding a Japanese Tea at Elimville Church Thurs- day evening. Rev. Donald Orth, an agriculture missionary from Japan, who at present is teaching at the Agricultural School at Centralia will be giving an il- lustrated talk. JOIN CHURCH During the Palm Sunday ser- vice on Sunday, there were three new members of the Confirm- ation Class accepted into church membership, Miss. Helen Batten, Mr. Jim Skinner and Mr. Ken- neth McLennan. Mr. Squire Herdman accepted these new members on behalf of the session. Following this ser- vice Communion was observed. PERSONALS Mrs. Delmar Skinner visited Saturday in Toronto and attended the TOPS Convention with the Centennial Slimmers of Exeter. Mrs. Ross Skinner, Mr. Harold Bell and Mr. Ronald Elford at- tended the manse meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. S. Miner Monday evening. Mrs. Wm Routly, Mrs. James Sinclair and Mrs. Jerry Rannie attended a Fashion Show at Kit- chener Thursday evening when Mrs. Don Willcox was one of the models. Mr. and Mrs. Wm Routly, Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcox and family of Kitchener visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rannie and family of London. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Skinner were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wilkinson of Zion on Friday evening, cele- brating Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jaques' wedding anniversary. The UCW Of ZiOnVnited Charch entertained the ladies of the crediton United Church at their regular monthly meeting Thurs- day evening, April 4. Mrs. Gord- on Finkbeiner accompanied the singing. The president, M r s. Howard Zurbrigg, conducted the business. She warmly welcomed the visitors and read an Easter poem. The Program was led, by Mrs, The Youth Fellowship Club will be having an Easter Sunrise Ser., vice Sunday morning April 14. FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. S. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS 4,44 FISH & CHIPS ••• SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC. TAKE OUT,ORDERS Phone: 238.2025 Lloyd .1197i. Mina .Clara. Gaiser read the Mrs, Hey, a PPM and: Mrs, Hey and mrp, Alvin Finkbeiner sari; flTeeelt VP tg.Prar4.HeY. Allan :KlieWer o ughieri ,everyene with colored slides .of his work in Ethiopia, Hostesses Were Mrs. Ross Krueger, Miss 'Nei?. Faist, Miss. Laura M a t h e r s, Mrs, Lorne Finkbeiner, Mrs. William Stir wartz,Miss Lillian Haist, Mr*, Harold Fanner and Mrs. Claire Schwartz. PERSONALS Mr, & Mrs. Roy Ratz, Mr. & Mrs. Ervin Ratz and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Lippert attended the funeral of Mr. Dave Lippert at Graven- hurst, Tuesday, April 2. Mr. & Mrs. Rea Stephen, And- erson and Mr. Bc. Mrs; HarOcl Grearsorl of London spent oupday with Mr. Oscar Pfaff, „Mr, 4 Mrs, PhOdo McCand.r less Strathroy visited lest TUeSdaY with Mr. 8i Mrs, Will oestricher, Mr. & Mrs, Wallace Wet;Rode ney, were Sunday guests of Mr', Henry Pfaff,. M. & Mrs, Ed Hendrick and Qsrol have moved, into their new home on King St. North. mr*, Chris .Dinney is spend- iag some time with co & Mrs. R,, J. Taylor of Downsview. A joint communion service will be held Inc rediton United Church at 10:30 am on Good Friday, Mr. Bruce Perry, Exeter, is to be guest speaker at the Easter Service at 6;30 Sunday, April 14 in Zion United Church. confined to his home for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Arley Copeland of Windsor were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hicks Sun- day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Love of Exeter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Reg Hodgson in Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schroeder and family of London were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shoe- bottom of London were Sunday callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shoebottom. T hree youths join church at Elimville