HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-04, Page 14Farmers . Income Tax Service. Ti ‘$.h.prt. Return „F.ormers. Ret.p.rn4„.$20 For.OPPOiri (Merl tin YeYr home, please cq,1. 0,14c; ph9ne 227,4051 George Eiz.p..noa DARLING'S IGA EXETER Weicooted MR. JOHN CAMPBELL AS GROCERY MANAGER Mr. Campbell comes to Darling's after 29 years experience with a major Ontario food chain. It's this kirid of valuable experience that we want to pass on to you our customer. Join with us in welcoming John, his wife and five children to our town. YES, EVERY TIME YOU SEE AN IGA STORE, NO MATTER HOW BIG IT IS, YOU KNOW THAT STORE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY .A LOCAL, INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN. THE OWNERS IN THE STORE, PROUD OF HIS BUSINESS AND SERVICE, INTERESTED IN HIS CUSTOMERS AS ONLY A NEIGHBOUR IS APT TO BE, READY AT ANY TIME TO LISTEN PERSONALLY TO YOUR SPECIAL REQUESTS,' SUGGESTIONS, COMPLAINTS IF YOU • SHOULD HAVE THEM. With Every Purchase of Four Westinghouse Eye Saver Light- Bulbs (40, 60 or 100 Watt) At The Regular Price of 1.42. Betty Crocker Asst'd. CAKE MIXES (SIZE 125's) Shirley Goy liotebittit JELLY 'R You always get more at 1GA because... IEZEN Save 24c Top Valu BEANS Save 48c Top Valu Fancy With Pork In Tomato Sauce 4 Giant Size 1179e Box A Family Size 890 Tuba Somerdale Frozen Choice PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 3.6 INCLUSIVE, 'Top Valu FOIL WRAP (Special Pack) TIDE -DETERGENT TOOTHPASTE WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. St, Freshly Cut CHICKEN LEGS or BREASTS ROASTING CHICKENS CHICKEN t BASKET Three Legged Or Double Breasted FRYERS CELERY STALKS U.S. No. 1 (Size 30's) For Reconditioning Soil PEAT MOSS LAMB LEGS Itatni011.47 OR ROAST 4: • Lamb Shoulder 00 0 MEAL Top VON All GROUND. m•IFtound or Okklarist/ Pagi 1 iinies.Advocatei April 4, 1968 CATHOLIC ST. PATRICK'S CWL St. Patrick's CWL, Lucan, on March 30 were taped on the TV program "Take Your Choice", CFPL London. The president Mrs. Cliff O'Neil, Mrs. Clarence Young and Miss Helen VanBussel Were the contestants, They won $162,00, This completes an objective of $500.00 to raise funds to educate a foreign priest in his own country. UNION HOLY WEEK SERVICES Once again the triemberS of Lu- can's three churches are happy to join in Holy Week Union Services, Tuesday, April 9, at 8 pm the service will be held in the United Church with ReV. Andrew Brnja of the Bible Society, the guest speaker.; WedneSday, April 10 at 8 pm, Pentecostal Holine s s Church; Thursday, Apri111, 8pin in the Anglican Church With the Rev. G. W, Sach of the UC, the guest speaker. Eath church Will hold its own Good 'Friday service's, DAFFODILS PLACED IN CHURCHES Daffodils, donated by the Lon- don Police Association and Retail Florist Association were placed in Lucan and district churches Sunday as a reMinder of the Can- cer drive, FOR SPRING CLEAN UP Call on HOCKEY'S MAINTENANCE for LAW1\1.,TREE, HOUSE, MAINTENANCE Serving Ex eter and tucan Area 227.4860 About people-. you. know Halt card play for Holy Week The Ladies Guild of Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church, held its seventh social evening in the church basement last Tuesday with Mrs. Evan Hodgins' group in charge. There was an attend- ance of 82. Mrs, Wilson Hodgins assisted Miss Lina Abbott present the prizes to the following winners; high score, Mrs. Andy Thomp- son and. William Shipway; lone hands, Mrs. John. Park and Mr. Wilfred Dixon; and low score prizes, Mrs. Lorne Barker and Mr, Dwight Henderson. Due to Holy Week there will be a lapse of three weeks instead of two, until the next euchre, so the next euchre will be held Tuesday, April 16. Former resident dies in Goderich After less than a week in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Al- fons DeBlock, 8'7, a former Lon- don Township farmer, passed away Thursday, March 28. The body, rested in the Murdy Funeral Home, Lucan, until 3 pm saturday, March 30, when the Rev. Bruce Guy conducted funeral services with Mr. De- Block's six sons, as pallbear- ers. Interment was in Birr Unit- ed cemetery. He is survived by six sons and two daughters, Albert of Biddulph Township, Frank, Emiel, George and Alphonse (Pete) all of London Township, Hamilton (Ham) of Kingsville, mary (Mrs. Henrie Verscheure) and Bernice (Mrs. pat Crunican) of London Township. His wife R o m an i e predeceased him in 1940. Mr. De Block was born in Belgium. He came to Canada 49 years ago. For the past two and one-half years he was a patient in Craigholme, Ail s a Craig. Alfons DeBlock Belgium native After a lengthy illness, Mrs. Benjamin M. Wilcox, 58, of God- erich, passed away in the Alex- andra Marine and General Hos- pital, Goderich, on Monday, March 25. Besides her husband, Mrs. Wilcox is survived by one bro- ther and three sisters, Mr. Cecil Armitage of Lucan, Lola (Mrs. Laverne Allison) of Parkhill, Ruby (Mrs. Arnold Morley) of Lucan, and Wilda (Mrs. Garry Graham) of London. Another sis- ter, Dora (Mrs. Kenneth Thar) of London predeceased her. Mrs. Wilcox, the former Evelyn Armitage, was the daugh- ter of the late Mr: and Mrs. Fred Armitage. She was born and raised on Concession 5, Bid- duiph, about three miles north of Lucan. Before her marriage in 1956, she operated a beauty salon in Owen Sound. For the next 10 years after her marriage she lived in Belleville, moving to Goderich in 1966. Funeral services were con- ducted Tuesday, March 26 by Lt. and. Mrs, Ralph Hewlett of the Salvation Army at the Stiles funeral home, Goderich. Temp- orary entombment was in Mait- land cemetery with burial in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye, later: Lads and dads enjoy pictures Last Tuesday evening'a father and sbn film for Grade 6, '1, and 8 boys Was shown at the school with Dr. E. S. Pentland MOH in charge. There was a good Attendance out to see thiS Middlesex Health Unit film, which was folloWed by question arid answer period: The Student Council (composed of a representative from each room) held a successful white elephant sale and realized over $22 for tinnily Bundle. Banners up for canvass The executive of the Lucan branch of the Cancer Society, Mrs. Harold Hodgins president, Peter Wallis, vice president; Ian Dallas, treasurer; Mrs. Don Ank- ers, secretary; Mrs. Clarence Haskett, service to patients; Mrs. Cecil Robb, education chairman; Mrs. Murray Hodgins, campaign chairman and Mrs. Joe Nagle assistant, decided before the an- nual canvass to hold a coffee party and at the same time give out kits and instruction to the can- vassers. Mrs. Clarence Haskett offered her home and the party was held last Tuesday at 10 am with the executive in charge of the serv- ing of coffee and doughnuts. Mrs. Hodgins assisted Mrs. Haskett welcome the guests and intro- duced the three visitors from the London Middlesex Unit, Mrs. J. A. Beechie, chairman of nomina- tion and maintenance, Mrs. Iris Mole, unit secretary and Bob Turnbull, campaign chairman. The record "It's great to be alive", made by Lorne Greene and Joseph Whitmore, was play- ed. Kits and instruction were then given out to the 35 can- vassers present, for the Lucan and district canvass, the week of April 15. Two banners across Main St. will further remind residents and passers through the village of the coming can- vass. Couple honored upon departure Thursday evening over 40 rela- tives and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McLean (who have recently moved to Alice St., Lu- can) met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester McComb for a farewell party. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were presented with a coffee table and piece of pottery. Mrs. Clar- ence Lewis read the address, Mr. McComb presented the pot- tery and Mr. Lewis and Mr. Don McComb, the table. The evening was spent in pro- gressive euchre, with high score prizes going to Mrs. Clarence Lewis and Mr. Ivan Stanley, lone hand prizes to Mrs. Blake and Mr. Joe Nagle and low score prizes to Mrs. Don Abbott and Mr. Don McComb. UNITED The evening UCW unit met in the schoolroom last Tuesday with president Mrs. Emerson Stanley in the chair. Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. Owen Saward had charge of the worship service. Mrs. Saw- ard also took the study "Japan Profiles". About $40 was realized from the bake sale held in the Ross Holden store Saturday. MIDDLESEX PRESBYTERY Last Tuesday, Rev. G. W. Sa.ch and Mr. Wilbert Stanley attended the Middlesex Presbytery, Which was held in the Wesley United Church, London. Hi C The rheMbers of the Lucan- Clandeboye Hi C had a busy day Saturday, with a bake sale in the former ReVington Meat Market and a car-Wash across the street at the Supertest Service Station. The young people themselves Were Surprised to net over $15, part of which will go to Bunny Bundle and part to the support of their orphan. ANGLICAN Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Mrs. 8enja- men Wilcox. Archdeacon Clare Foreman of Leridein, (a Lucan native) was the guest speaker speaking OnSacri,. fide, leading Up to Eager, ThE ArChdeadoti, !IOW retired, is at present executive a.StiStant, to EtishoP Luxton. Fred, Ann and Doris.Culbert spent a feW days with their sister, Mrs. Norman Rankala and Mr. Hankala, Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett, Mr. & Mrs. Heber Davis and Mr. & Mrs. Earl Phoehottom were Tuesday guests of Mr. .& Mrs. Ivan Stanley,. Mr. & Mrs. RaY Fischer of London were weekend guests of Mrs. Chris Fischer. Mr, & Mrs. C, F. Langford of Toronto, spent a few days last week with the latter's moth- er, Mrs, John Casey. Mrs. Jane Somerville has re- turned home after spending the winter in Florida. Mr, H.. B. Langford, who has been under the weather since his last sickness, has been in West- minster Hospital for the last two weeks taking tests. Mr. Jim Hardie has moved to Centralia. Mrs. Eldon Hopps after almost three weeks in St. Joseph's Hos- pital, is able to be home and is feeling much improved. Thursday two car loads from Lucan attended the dessert euchre at B r in s l e y Anglican Church and the following ladies brought home four of the prizes, Mrs. Rose Atkinson, Mrs. Wes Atkinson, Mrs. Gordon Atkinson and Mrs. Clarence Rogers. Mr. & Mrs. R. 0, Spence of Streetsville spent last weekend with the latter's mother, Mrs. Jane Somerville. Mrs. Bernard Avery and baby Belinda Margaret arrived home from St. Joseph's Hospital, Sat- urday. Mr. Jack Adair of London has purchased Mrs. Jack Arnold's home and Mrs. Arnold and family moved to near Ottawa Friday, where she will make her tempor- ary home. Wesley Laneaster, two-year- old son of Mr, & Mrs. John Lancaster of London, spent a few days last week with his grand- parents, Rev. & Mrs, E. 0. Lancaster. Mrs. Charlie Wight and daugh- ter Shelley of London, spent a few days last week with Mr. & Mrs. Cliff McLean, Mrs. Cecil Robb spent last weekend in .sarnia, the guest ef Mr. & Mrs. Jim Bawtenheimer and family. Ellen $ mout, nine-year-old daughter of Dr. &.Mrs. Marvin SmOut, of London, spent the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Wes Atkinson, returning with her mother, Sunday even- ing. competing with eight other contestants, Susan Crozier, 13- year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier, placed fourth in the Hunter Hack class at the Mardon Stables, Arva, Sunday. mr. & Mrs. Cecil Armitage and family and Mrs. Elsie Kent visited Mr. Levi Darling in Strathmere Lodge, Strathroy, Sunday. Dr. & Mrs. L. W. Lobsinger of Sarnia were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Lankin. Mr. & Mrs. A, F. McLean have returned from a month's vacation in Florida. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Fischer, Holly and Mark and Mr. & Mrs. Ray Fischer, all of London were Sunday guests of Mrs. Chris Fischer. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Patterson and family were Sunday guests of Mrs. S. Patterson, of Parkhill. On April 5, 1951 "Lucan News" first appeared in the Exeter Times-Advocate and for the fol- lowing 17 years has never missed one edition. Mr. & Mrs, Allan Tindall of Wiarton were weekend gile0o of Mr. & Mrs, Cliff ,Abbott and. were joined Sunday evening by Mrs, Clarence Davis, ann. Cameron. and Mr, .cotu Wenner, strom. of :paintsbury, Mre.! Erwin $gott, who is now a, patient In St, M§rya.M3Ppiia3, London, was taken forfora short drive on Sunday .by her .410- Or and NOP, Alan Hill. Lucca' Church News Ea s ter Special April -8:13 Marian's Hair Styling Butler St, Lucan 'Pertnt. Reg. • $10.00 for $7:50. Hours: :TtieS, to Sat 'noorf Open Evenings MOS, Phone 227416E', • I 4. 4 Group arrange for bunny event Last Monday evening 3- Lucan- Clandeboye Explorers and three counsellors met in the United Church schoolroom for their 16th Expedition. The story "Long Night to Tokyo" was reviewed and the next chapter read by Mrs. Keith Kraul. The worship service was in charge of Mrs. McRoberts and Joan Latta. Plans were briefly discussed for the annual Bunny Tea. Girls were given letters to take home to their mothers regarding the Bunny Tea and . also on a pro- posed trip to London. Mrs. Ross McRoberts led in a sing-song. The next meeting will be held Monday, April 8. Two 4-H clubs organized here The Lucan Jr. Farmers, at a meeting held in the Lucan Arena, last Wednesday night, organized two 4-H Clubs — a Field Crop Club (corn and beans) and a Calf Club. Ralph Winslade, assistant ag- ricultur al representative for Middlesex, presided. He was as- sisted by last year's two leaders, Alfred Ovens and Clarke Rol- lings. The officers elected for the 4-1I Field Crop Club were, President Ron Pullman, vice-president, Pat Ryan, secretary-treasurer, Art Mercer, and press reporter, Neil Trevithick. Meetings will be the third Wednesday of each month. The officers elected for the 4-H Calf Club were, President, Joe French, vice president, Brian Hodgso n, secretary-treasurer, Frank Dietrich and press report- er, Don O'Neil. This club will meet the fourth Wednesday of each month. If sufficient members can be secured, a 4-H Swine Club will also be organized, 18 members, three leaders and two parents attended last Wednesday's meet- ing. JOINT BIRTHDAY PARTY Sunday, Mrs. Peter Sovereign held a joint birthday celebration for her five-year-old son Ferlin and her sister-in-law Mrs. How- ard MacDonald. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald and Mr. Howard McDonald of Lucan and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davis and family of Centralia.