HomeMy WebLinkAboutHuron Signal, 1864-03-31, Page 3NOZ`IfJEt THz ()RT or RROTSION row w 'emar .OUofoe W4eh wit in Irk! r the mobare w fig, an Wf dwAy. do 201b day U Apall Rate Ar As YarYwe at Mama[ appeals yakw / rante ma. eta JOHN $HAW, Tr w ship Clerk. hawk Md. till♦ wail YQl'fIOIPAL NO I . r All COURr or Bsrlw ax he the 1 7owosWp of aophea wit he boM K UM 1,t SATURDAY ZR MAY, M to e'eioek, a. a., is 6thoel How be. a.an W Tlk eaaenewo. loops. . CHESTER PROUTY. 'I.W.k* Clark. Bwpbea, Mata& 14. IM4. W7Jt NUTS LOST. Na-ZIL wassm r, Mad Oak lase. we -s• 6 77 eT 14Y4LaP.-(leas ro the aaaloawe d the saaaa.IMr, I tK u.a.aaA swrWrlrttlleve ti■tpewe, tee wru►err Tb• •rrrar r n•geseF .1=16ea paT.spse.reaad tab nit.ms"Ir. THOMAS MSCI: LLOGH. ssewua, Marra Kalb. in" will. t IIO'iIICE TO-CRED__ "JR . Mae. JOHN HUDtl,ON, saddler, late o1 taus Ike rukrae 4 AuNyv,Ue. ,a the County at Bwwrl kr mase an ar,)nm. t W oil IT. etkN Md 'y w W ahem v. Hmpwo■.ol the www• skip of Yenta, ■ad R,ehrnl B.}4v, w the wwt aklR efonT lathe Cously of Hurst Gx the eve• a1 bma it of Cmea-r•. All 1pasme. bar Rheims a alet the real Ural- are lon'by' awlfa4 M orad tat ems W the mall W. O. (H1 ppore1 IDesgba P.O Jew we"news t sad pn,es ,adr= w the sped Hodson we uvofbd ,o pay the MA W. O. nrpssa who" dtLy. W. G. HINGSION RICHARD BATLEY, Assilterm. Dated u Aiakyvil e, tau Sod day of Ma A, A. D, IM4. street MONEY To LEND t ON aravr.sy of Improved Farm Propert at a reasonable rate of i.WmM Rep.T■ 17 baMW-w aperod over soy nue the bwrowet ■homes from stew Ter )tars. Apply o R. rbw. Der, away a Mamtp l.k.aaes, Clu•tw. Odiee oppnnte Mr. Curdyh AWN PATENTS TAKEN OUT, Chases, March M, W4. wlfhe•p CAUTION. ALL PSS60Ne we hereby forbid negoti- mug aq d the "I"r Ya ante, es Tal" low NI bra reerived for the ".­ Snows OM :isvom of kmw dnwe by lune and Wesley Honest is (aye d Tbumes Mop beef, due .n 1 1►n Im►f February. we, .m.wnt of eash 64711 70. Also ■ ante n( head dawn by Ned t amplel in neer of T'boms• IA,ugherty, due ON the 101h ' January, IS16t, amount =]0.00, waft some ser wipes, ate. i THOMASDOUGHERTY. Orey P. 0. Clary, Co. He-, Mereb 10, IN4. wish SBLRIFFtS SALE OF LARDS. Ultaed Conatlre of uY vinN o(two MrNa W Hary and eruce, Yesrbtwi Expose real To w": 111 Fen Facers for reaedae, m toed cwt d Het $sleety'. Corrty Cour. the Used Counties 4(Hturn sad 111--e sad to we diraud agelnt the kande and I.-irnests of /tae tboa) }liar It sad J+meet Black, ■1 the -,I- d (;wa Elliott, Thorn.+ Dar►, and Wdlum Wafter, 1 bit se,fed aed.lakn m Esnuuon all the right nate sad amcn,vt ul tae Nof draead• awls, Ia Q to • l wnua ret I n1 sewer twdn, r the with maser . of the town.►,p w Ab- ` fele, beteg aromputed M cue MII a, re oe Ile roetb r4 Derate d lke wYl\ of Nod IW. and 1.4 Wy- am@ la the yillaEe a(Uunpa rn.n, redo list build- gap ITimMr erased. (Lagar. es IAack'. I eerie) m lbs rd Towrbtpp of A.hgeld lard f waaty d Hew; wbich Ie.1 and arnement. 1.hell oiler lit vole at m) )at7 ,n tae( -'our H__ Ike Ike Town oft m.•h, on Ti r lay the Nlnttrcnth day d Apnl etxl, at the hour u( Twelve W IL deck, wra- JOHN MACDO\ALD, of S. P.uoes, Deputy Shen0. Sham'a(ti. ,Gudench, lith Maerb, Ire{. ( wi - MORTGAGE ULE or- YALUA9LE PROPERTY. IIODER ami b7 I irtue of • Power of Sale eonteined in a Mongage made by Angus Nicholson of the Towuehap of Asbfie'd in tin Count] of Heron, of the first pan, son N, h wife, of the second part,And Thomas S. Tobin, Bartholomew Seymour,and Jobs W. Seymour, exeeuwre of the Inst Will red Trtas.est of the Ilurorsble Michael Tobin. deeaaaed,of the third pait; defwlt yvis` bees made in the doe (nyment'be - Of. will be Lid at the Auction hart of Messrs. SM"AILL and 1 HOMSON, Ki-gslon street Geleytelt, w TL'E.SDAY, NINF:TEII (IM) DAY OF APRIL, A. D. 1864, st 12 o'clock, sow, the following property, vis.. 4b amt half of'Lot Number Three, in the 'rkirMastle (I3) cor.cra■ica, Western Division artists Tewlm►tp of Aslifield, containing by dvoesnrevornt One Hundred (100) teres, be ,be thew more or less. Deed ander Power Ad Saba. M. C. CAMERON, w8 al Solicitor for Mortgage*. XORTGAGE SALE Retort stata• T17t fit- , peop, y real b. d •pwd of by Zwhka Assu m, ran Wdm&y do Twe9tkdl fay K APRIL sem. IiOt, N tura n•rlort is the aferessM, N lent. Ipufbsi% Tay.a. see Saywwid. is rhe TewmklP ofeenab), nary p r serosal . awe ray 'gas wait bl 7•kgr,.No Heap. ad sagas r1be. yama sear, a shad Mortgage ti w look Tktesse Manes. To 7 bum •t Mr• =:1L81==== as an the eat asks w the 1 ewrhip at ,Sale). vo Ian Cwsq seat H moa d rmwlnec M e.asud\/gMy bt -w -sal he vmor he d es rto 0 w Ism. T11ss etsrwy 1N na t bl 8es r pryyr M ate tSaiai eelptp amm doh' ire„ [t7071n " J I atry,ar, sk . aevo W S, m am 4t) of JaNarT, 1/M. TSUO-T- ^-7 Mr.4tsreach- was" r of the I+Wa e mgfefa rhe tTime of Sala I the bake" Y sea digs A. B. IIS01rN90`I, Asctnetsaer. Nash, Mrd Int►, lif4._ Ettore to Rent okr for Bale, ANB W t\see, web s asesseslskesus and s e w MI.Nr dwdpvoa Nolte ,t teeard. aaaelei w the'" IIII of N.rTMt, VIA Iva teed a mu, If Y anrmvod in sea memo 1 i" _ ppaar a dM „ gga Irrbe r mea tavern NO be for mat MtA1ag •(Sap w Hawes, heeLg be mot fare msi la m tart d_ Tater! !y n( ~ a sew se a M iYross M a.tK ►mtn't' maga, lir 14aIw pest m a• be Y'T, K:[ S YP" ■rAe F.O, Komb aV,lwg w0,ilaw N*4 Lost or Stoles ltmatp aetY V%. Nwsan s stay yAlmm Ikred g'swa by tvor.m 0/te voan Yes laea rarhrd Y 1M volas. DONALD IMIRNWM I\ pYaN., (i.r+l, Ire .ai IPA= FOS BA.LE- )w a* s)IIr *&o"wina. Uba wg Wf 1177 Mi ba 'wI"l me sod bwpk-- Y••aifl '•' kM See ai a s..et 8 maim* r an. !r @pggb ApIP t. sea pwgMrl M f f OSl i DtrRRSA r • • A HY-iLA VV" ,A1 RETURN OF CONVICTIONS ree m yr T o"mad Didier Jb. ossein: Made by Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace within the United Counties of ron sed Bruce, •°'w Acrea""`iawaos' Wummus the 6orroretiw of Like L'aJY Froin the December Sessions 1963 to the March 9eeiteret 10" Ca.Na o/ Hgoa A Beeee,hSs to are/n 8n•rl ab lalpee a Ie#at r ktgbtnla itb the ie the asst, at►I. test saw ai tP'lir .. Nor► It t..rrrCar. -- Naraa y/AJo-fe e. Xarwn yQArse V ftSir 74s iwias. 1 NMes e/ I.. -W I/.sear r Jlmt now wJdt• er m (76wiemrlr/ iwr L r1![f. And wlwreN the nay it wro wto an M• 4f r swsi lareri.w• iw/set ~ lin( witiia the Coon u/ Har'o.; seal the ea- J■arises ase Simerw r a( oak's# the roe to be doh M N --- - Cert William Blotto.... - - .. Bernard Truear ....... Aggravated Axel ... Joe If I003 '....IC Crabb Ifsq ......... - .......... ...... .. • • .. ...... • • • • • • dtamiWW Wkb esso or Bre,, tilt) Ina,(r- debtlw•!I be The by I Met mjA County and the two lJaei 1 O'Cwaor....... SaSNI MCCaig ...... INuirotw 19 Cn MIM .... 1 atti.oMt dark _ ...... t 144.1. khriaomtarat at be" Isle/ mwtionW iM ire1I rebel aolel n the William Arnot . A IAiewaW n ...(Abuse. • .• • • • TwrkfP • . wtihad the erid Corp e: rots j ... ` ) ......... - .. Septpt T .......... _ W O Walker i'iil.... til rateable prupen 7 Jahe Met ag.......1Hoslry Latin ...... Treapw p 12 ........ - .. W O Walker Fmq . ........ • . ...... ...... Heron BataaN Pike .......!C►r &cob ..... :1= .. ' p 12 ' W G Walker F.rq .... ...... ..... _ ..... ...... ..... • . • .... • With eoML Aad .►area/ a carry ran ai'a: tae eal ...... _.... 1 William Certmiu ......IF (teaser ........... t1'ayyes p 2f ........... W U Walker Esq .... .T5 ...... N yet paid. recited It .ill be r• for lbs Said V. Reliance ........... Wm Contain ....... brseki. " W O Walker 1 MOST i row a Y Trauatsnt.... P. Fields ............ L Fields I L•Ylwearin ct Walker ... ...... • ...... ewaailp T ... Bart a the stoner T.ey i Leq T sew Der an to raise I the UUeiana o(b*fdkM g _......G tT ...........::w G .. .. 1 .: rwrer ILOloww ........ Moyer..... _........ Trmpass Oct 30 ........... W U Walker Esq .... ...... ...... • .... • ...... T ...... ..... Give week to b the wawa, auuored. Wm 81rwg ......... ELM Clark ........ 8tawu labor Dac 18 .......... W O Walker ' Of Robert Johnston ..... ward Noire ........ It . •.. • . ... • week ........ owtsahia Treasurer.... Not paid. And it ■ ill require the sant JomP► B.xtlel ...... i Coaplia ........AS.ealt Dec IT W o Welker 0.50 .... Thee thousand two hundred dollars to f'Dasall Smith ...... Mel sal ...... Asruluo kis Sou ..... A 1i ,j+OYlt Pau Dao h 120 ad a days .'....• y1 he'100 l rued Renu(( h apeeid rets fur tae Pi i T ordebt and interest r--N--o w. PeOMs ......u......Ma otil sertonRoderick MrLsd ...... Bmttk .......... Amaalting kis Roe Sep li jy hW rlrb Esq 2t1 sad eipeeses . - .. 30 dale also kersir.aher tsaletrined.Juba P Ray ......... [ala sad ........Await Deo N rt Dew 70 Irwin Armstrong wa 1 abed" ......... DRG u is costa.Aral where the amount of the whole rete _ i RMlta,d Gih u x 'bq 2.40 PD1 iable rt of the said Muuici tt i l !y ) l pal 7 i J ... - .. William AnnaU Noopaynesal of wages .. DN 3♦ ..........l1 bumts Cilawu Fiq .... X24.50 wages -$2 eoato. }itteeu live of uq talon increase of the same, • Willis. Da.ee Thomas She.ider ...... obi. Grmmlll Fiq irres tin of an income to he derived• 8o11h Willtsnt Turnbull .... Assault and Batter). Jsa') 19 ....,...... torn Cuter Esq....Ii2.00 • ..... • • • • • • from the temponr) ie•ee;usen of the Sink i sale 1 .....-........ R Fralict kiq 8.00 is fond hereinafter meatiou or an Pleased Bennett Scott }}_ .tlj 8.00 Poeti.ltk tMrwf. iecord'og to the last reriaed asset P M'lorald b'q meat rolls, beidg for the year pow those" ohn Leckie Esq eiI(ht buudrsd and sixty three; - wM eight tillluw (looney r Pani settled th udwI,r-Dtfnohw&@ peal millions, three hurdled std ninety-six tiros! Wa!iam When ..... - William Taylor ..... - Prosecutor claims axe. Jas') 21 ........... Millis Cue. 1.45 teotd -•. • • • , • • • , • , . • li.Ia from Tull r • - • - pe Mcltod eq sand three rrasforhundmil and lg the r dollen. • Caetot Willis E Ami whereas for X) Ing the iabarso sad q ;at Costo a ad, meting a ;ual nud Basking food (ase Thomas Sbarden ..... Wi.lnm Demes ...... Aamult and hosed ... Jai. y IO ...... . . Win Mooney Eaq ...... IS.00-9T,N come .... Forthwith ...... PPS par n w sum f Twe ) the del, Rdtrerd R Curoll....... Jacob Y Horb IFdwl Ikbrwary 1 Willi.. Mooney .... ...... ...... Charge a (prune. paying ° ret .sial ..I ...... .... .. Peter McDonald EE qq are and interest, r herei,utR.r meutiwted, it wilt - . I rate Of Donald Scott Esq four the of a .o(((gre the d•,Inuid ll r m1 aJd taw l'harles Parker E I to all other read sed taxes to be levies/ W Charles Burrows Esq Jnbs Leckie Eaq 1 each tau• C . I ... IDs t thereforeb' the orpruidA Jgrralic Carter Esq s std B Enlick Esq of lbs United C Michael Hogan ...... Freeman James, ittmm Felony F'ebru G .........!Julio Leckie F ............ ........ Bound over to a at Quarter Sessions. L That it shall be lawful for the Ward" • M IDrmsld St•utt } iq .... - •..... - ... _ being o(tba sail Ias1 menti -M 'Peter M.D ,n.Id :aq - C rurppoenYp to raise by way of loan, ferns Ni D McKellar ...... Wiliiam Willson Esq ...iA mult December 23........ _ T Holmes Esq ..11.00 week ........ WS Wilson won i view sal alba. N nus or persons, holy tar bodies corporate, Ithe e•ideea of Dome" e[dlor fay break. who may be willin to advance the same h peau by assae",i C,-,- Whitt- epee the end/. uC the Ibkeotures harod rF not w( ,sed t Def Igllnd, a Nm mnMy pnl tx Mr. e W hiv►rd waspefisa,ed on •and alrt ine, u the whole the sun. of Twenty Thousand, Duncan McKellar ...... C i itchead Esq..... . Assault December 23 .... ... T Holmes Fiq ..... - 310.00 N week 1 ' ' • •• • • - ' - ' • • • ' ' ' ' ' ' ' a the e►Idenon of Drier Me ler fes DAlows, and to esux the saes to be paid i■t the pease by rraltiorg W. into the holds of the Treasurer of this } Esq. Fite rot yet paid. (Jutted Counties aforesaid, for the purpoara Job Drummond ......'War Armstrong ]As"t and Battery.. . February G William Wi:wn Esq....IiS•N ..........'Porthwitk ........ I ........ .... aLd with the object shove recited. James I;,.eman Esq Il. That it tiball be lawful for tho said Thomas HoSmd - i a en in made,cforr sucmm h autmr of money Mnumbe, of rtme • Gbarkts Whnehead eq )J William Janis .. - ... John Femoo -Destroying by shooting a February l .... Alex Gibsou Efq ......J12 deal. Febrauy 12 • • •... • • • • • • be" ' , ntt lea than one hundred II f ....... 1 the dei Debentures valuable Dog $Ia costs I ` Paid, be sealed nib that eal ofthesaid Cu altell Tisomss Qmnlm .Jeremiah uialinn .... Assault .......... December 5 ....... aRobt Pinkerton F,,l_ .. 31 and costs ......: ,•ON month • ... - ..... . - .... ...... taw and signed b t 'd Warden. T►emM Quinlir ......,Patrick Quislin ......Assault ......... December esu ........ Robt PnAttlnn F1q .. 1 and costs ......ON Swath • .... • ...... ) seal Edward Mahon John Mullin .........Non payment of toll.... January 14 .......... Rohl Pinkerwn Esq.... I Lad costs ....... ,:Forthwith ........One meaty to Ttwamnra Not )et pod. 1II. That the said ars ssea shall Irf I I I - - ( M• a liesnealK ' Paid and • led to Qwrter SemioM. Sada payable m ten )earn at furlte7t•f Ed Mahon ...... A G Forbes .'Non payment of toll... J"uary 14 Robs Pinkerton Esq ... 1.10 ............Forthwith to Tonaww appealed the day henioafter mentiened fur this By, 1 Mdalsoto Protons" to take *Ilse( either in tendon in Eug• r.4 Mahon Miebael Mullan ...... `vad'"gtollnt of tell. Janua•) 14 .......-IAPinkerton cul.. ,. I ..... mired, Complaisant w y coats. p g. Y ... PI Pe, land or moms lace in Canada, to be der/ Ed Malws Alex Gleneske - pay . to-. •..,Jamar( 14 .......... Robt mkertcn Es -j . 61.00 and costs 'Forthwith ... r..... ...... ...... Appeal to Quarter Sessions. mated in the said, Debentures, and shall hero Appealed . - • • • . .. Not y Earl. - - .... A led to Quarter 8essioY. Ed YakM A WallaceNmI payment of toll Julusr I{ 1864.... - . Rnbt I'inke tuu Ri.00 and trots - - • - Forthwith ...... _ .. - - - VPs■ attached to them coupons fur the palmeot , • • • .• . • • January 14' . , Robt Pinkerton Esq... SI 00 and costs Fonhwitb ... _ .......ON nearly to t'p Tramie Not all paid. of ipterest. Ped MAae Pral flow payment of loll... _ I' ions or.e w prweeator I)•, That the said Debentures and colt- Thos Wallace James Nelson .......,Awult .February 12 .. . ... Roht Pinkerton Fay .... ys 00 and goats... _....'Fonbrtith' ........ Co, Treasurer ........ stale emu shell be made out in either Sterling William Nelson J B Ititchie Eel I S•00 and two " I money or Provincial currency of this Pro - wince, rKe Kelly _ - 3-00 std costo " wince, at the optiou of the said Wanieni so GoetJohe HPlised • ........ Nelson Fralik Assault and Battery .. . February 16 ... . Wm Mcrcne) Esq .. -45.00 and costs ....... Februsr) 16 . - ......:. Towcehip Treasurer that the whole amount of said Debentures Jno Leckie 1iq I sW 1 sot exceed the beton mentioned rem !Jno Carter }sq - of Twenty Thousand Dollars, and they shall I- Peter McDonald Fal I beer interest at old after the me of rex per Donald §cott Esq i venture per annum, which interest shall be i (Chas Burroas Sol payable on the first day of Januar) and fiat John Greases .......'John Mcl.nn ...IAamult . ............October 23 :S`lex Cibsou E. 6 .30 . ........ 23 •.....• ... day of July n each and ever) year dune ' l 11(( the contmuaace of the said Debentures, at 29 ..-.......-. ...-......j he Iwo where the Debenturts an meds John Los" Joseph Horton I9tesling two pain go lFabrnsq 16 ........lilex Girton 1:+q dale m eommon)ad. payable. • • •' • .l brMing t Slippperes (Peter B Brown Esq L Y That for the purpose of forming s Suets Una olt IThomss Wakefield Violating the Sabbath .. Novemtxr 29 .... _. IJatnes Rmcklel,rak F,eq;01.00 ............ Ibr ....... -.,Tow:-ship Treasurer.... Paid. Spiking Fund, for the payment of the said S say Onrhtxt Thom Wakefield via[ November 29 James Brocklehank Esq.. 4.N ............ "To • • • • • • • • • • do Pad Debenutes and the interest at the rate Alex Rnbb ......... iWnr DavisD ......... ALarceuy .......... January 2 ........'George Gould Earl .... .. ...... ...... Case and dimaisasd• afore" to become due (hereon; an egsd Donald Urquhart :Dan W aluobu rrp emitting tint' ser Jauua 2 .... , George Gould E i1 T ...... .......... • . • • .. • . • • P to prosecutor. special rate of Your tentba of a mill in ihj rq _ ... seg .... pas■, i 7 seg 1... • ....... . Geo Slina.el on prosecutors premises .. Ili. shall it edditioaAo all ober rates asid [.emu Murton without r{»rmitsion tax" be raised, levied slid collected in each Mn Stewan . .......'john Williamson ...... Cutting Yino timber.... F.bruurl 27 .. _ .......ID Scott Feq ....... $0.50 • • • •• •• • • • • ... ... • • •.. , _ • Paid. you solely rpon all the taterble proper:) IP McDonald Es,l withla tae acid County of III during Lisa Santee( Smith ........'Angos Pincher Dog killing Shupe ..... Januar) 22 ........ _ .(tont Pringle },.q ...:, . 5•A;, -•• • • • • • • • • • • ' - "' ' ` • • •- • " • continuance of the said lhhentures or ..-.. sal John W ilhamoon .. ...1 W illiam Richaann...... Ams.11 and Battery IkebrusrT 23 1% Moons F 62 fire 15.1 e"':::: Tea lags • .. • • • •• • • .. _ • - - .Mot yet pall. ooff'tlhem. Francis Hunter.. --....'Loaghlin McNeil ...... Assault ......... .... ebrua l2 ....... • Well Mount-) 'q ...... 6.2:, cosi. g . • . • ...... ... - - - .. • . • •.. lf'•a@■ dismissed. In default of pa ramt iS• r7 I eat to days to hard 1. do That this "no road eerie enact " • ' Not end come into optrreuM spew the brat ds? FJlfmbetk Hall ....:...IRoben [ en ........ Atlsaalt and Battery. IM.rch 1 ...... l...... N m Monne 4.00-14.45 eatskeo.arl ..... ...... ) 4 • .. • ..` y .... Fatitritk ..... •....Cont Treaeaeet......I of JulJnllin )ear of our Lord oN Francis Kelley ........IMieharl C' Impbell...... A December 10....... _ . IAreh'd Roy Earl ..... ..00 - .. .. ...I . • .. • . • • • •...... 1 d eight undred and sixty-four; Arcbd Reston....... -. Alex McNabb ...... _ . r ............ February 23 - ....... _,iAreb'd RoeF 1t ... _ ..... • • • •• h .. Isaac Jukaon. _ ... _ ...IJames Reumeks .......IASmalt ...............IDecember 2D ......... J W httcltaad l•1q ...... 2.00 ............ , Fee11wi1i ... • .. • .. -• •• • of .at pest, I 1 '1 F W i!v n Faq milled to ' 1 for 21 4Ta Garr Reutt;ra ... .I11 ichl Rarry .......... Assault .. - .. - .... .lJanuary 26 ........ , .IFrederi.k Wilson Esq .. 1.00 e...... - . • . • • ...... • ... Ju V l I V Ee ....... FeelbsMk ... . JNtw.r .:........ Not et John Fickle........... John lieu ............ Assault - ....... T 3l ..........IF Wilson Fal ..... _ . L00 ... _ : tthetmSi 18 . • • • • • ' I above • troy of a pro f1TD1S W a trN IK Thwaites •1 sea Trstswrwr .... , ,I i H -Lw to be taken into cotmidentiw b John Churchill .....John Davis .......... rikin- timber off C C February G IJ Xt itrbnd } ...... 1.00-111.00 damage .. FMtbwttb y (Ruda P t, ileo„ ad I Csead. Co. Agret the Municipality of the United Counties of 1 . I rCo canitted to *1 for want of .reties. Huron and erea at the Count Court Roes, l ........ p .. February 9 J Whitehead Esq ........ •.... • • • • the Town o Godtrdch i ) County e, .. - .. IF Wilson Esq m o f , n the J of Men T Dowell ........ James w ..:. Geor Harvey Thus Williams ........ rescass a .. .. 'February 9 Whitehead Eaq .. r 7rsawrer ........' Huron, on the T•went eteeond day of Jose, 1.00 ...... da 7 i IF W ilwn F' IBo76 ander 16 years of age. 1864, at the boar of two o'clock to the sfbar R'm ..... I t Treasurer ...... Orion,t which time and lace the urmbere Murrayy .. _IJames Keys ..........18tesling Ilees and Honey February 9 F Wdwn }:eq .... - .... 2.00 ...........IFortirshh..... »..... y I c D Ede Joslia Ricb'd Th -lutes }iq 1.00 0( the Council ohereby reqursd to uteri oseph Cook I I 1.00 under 16 0! for the purport D.H.aforesaid. A S Fisher .... - - .. ... R H Call ........ Stealing /teen and Honer Felly a 9 F Wilson Fk9 ... ..00.... _ ........... Forthwith ..::....... Tnmom". IV TleaSae@r. W7a 7•w D. H. itlTCH7 William Walker iliich'd Throtea 1.00 - • • , • , . •... • „ Counties Clerk H' Coaster I 1.00 Count CIah101fitt, Inspector ohn Kerr..._._..-...Obatrneiing Street ...]February February 9 .......... F Wilson Feq 1.00 F«tkwtth Paid March 21L Go4rie6, 10th March. 1864. wTW James [Dow ...... -. Ju. Campbell • •Drank and Disorderly . 10 ..........,F Wilson Fan..... - -.. 1.00 ................ TM days .......................... • • •. • LAND SALE I[os'I Campbell I f 1.00 , On View u Hawaon ........ Drank and Disorderly r7 .... Jos Gaits .. , .....I ks.......... • • • ••, ...... • • • . Joseph G Wtbk ....... Allan McKinnon... ... Destroying cotton warp January 20 . . • •• • • • _ • ......... • • • • • •+••• •• •••••• --- - • • • • • • . • DEFAULT having been made in the p.j- Februa °lin Scott a 2.00damrs Ma h l5. .•». 'eves ••.• Swot ofcertals mons and Into February Joseph G Webb .......Leblm Mc(iinnon..... Awult .--... ry 24 .......... William Gunn Esq 1.00. a p I lm1` obn Scott Esq I able under, ud by virtue of a cartsis Indaet• Joseph G Webb ...... John McDonald ... , .. Assault .............. February 24 .......... Wm Gunn ... 0.50 .l4 days ............. • • • • • •• • • • • • •• are of Mo Mortgage bearinx date the twenty-ninth F John Scott F 'aq day of April, 1863, and Rexissered is the Robt Dornya.........Elizabeth Hall and Asaault............... March I ...... - ...... R FnlitkSal 4.00 ........... orthwith ............I• . ..... : • • r •+. •. Net paid- Cay 111PPaalac . Registq ollive for the Count) of Huron on Goo Baxter Whitehead Eaq 6.00 I the ebaveath day of May, 1.463, at 10 o*Cfes; t Holmes Esq a m., and made between ungh D yatt of the D Scott first part, and Jane his wife of the second P McDonald Esq to part (for the porrppoon e' of barring bar dower) J Caner Esq and John Inner MacKenzie of the third pert. A McDonald Esq In ppuunuanee of a Power of Bele contained Deficiency of Statute December 31.......... McLeod ! i.. the said MnnnRe,the Mortgaged provisions, she Leckie Faq Municipality of UaboneJamd Cove .... Ig 10 ds N consisting of all and sinealar, that crinsid pal' l h bsq ..... 2.00. r ............. Mcl parcel or tract of land and proses aiaasa Labor aster Willie Esq Municipality of Usborne Win Hamel .......... eficiency of Statute ... Doe 31 ..... _ .. •.... Geo McLeod haq . 1.00 ............... TN days ............ . • . • • • • . • .... et Ist Paid. ling and being In the Labor Cantor W i 11 is ....do. _ .... .do- ...,E Defer ............ Deficiency of 8tatats.. December 31........ _ George McLtnd aq. !.......................................... TOwnsWp Of Usbomd, Labor Castor Wilt F q ....do ...do.. Thomas Noueu Dafieietae) of Stetate ... DsoeSher 21......... surge MoD send Faq. 1 00 .................................................. »• •• et PW. Is yua labor for Willis Eaq , ....do........do..... rge Weston........ DSL:rley of Swain ... December 31.......... io Mcleod Fiq.... 1.00.......... •• • •............. st PW. caster Willis ' • • • m COUNTY Province of HdUROIrt, do........ do..... A adrew Dempsey...... Opieieeey of Statete .. Decemher 21.......... rge Mei aodZaq .. Non age .... .... ........ of L•t8ix, in then hird sone us i ce er labor .tor Willis sea .. •.. .. •• •. • •' said Township of UsMnay is the C ty. de........ do...... Jones ............ Deitws ey of Stelae . - D-ber 2D.......... rge McLtrd Faq . 00 ..... . eMrse Yssltlpl"y Hurn and Provin v of Cotentin, eostataty lehor U\ator Willis ]yep .. .... . U by admeasurement de. ...b. ...Nelson Me. ....... Deficiency of StalaY ... December 21.......... Mcleod Eaq ... 2.o0 ............. et 1N Pail. Labor for Willis F q .... .. N do .......ie..... Michael F......... of filatew December 3l.......... Mcleod bq.. _ . 2 00 ..t« .. i• ................... Now by teseest of Row", more n a a mom t One Hundred Acres of LBins T Labor r R illia be the NIN mon or Isar, said Int somber sin Jasr Torrance ....... Clark ............... Aaarli d Bstesry Febraarl 12 .......... rite Mc[ pod 1.N . ............. PnMlbeMi ........... l i510aamst ..... heu : nn ally dose he id HA ed t bs r Willis Esq Ca Company w t w ago t7eorp Wealaad ...... Avon McTeggan ...... [itloag half bill Bear . . Daesmher 5.......... _ Pstar Ramsay Set . , 3.70 &seem i arsu........... . ......... . .................. Beer 11"m to k. 4 r a ear " dated the fifth day of April, to the yea of red Md gdsard Rieksne David Yauc►a ........ i•bag a DOW Jawaary 2 ...........Pelta Ra.my F+q w) from s wuggoa n W 1(oad t hese i.li d+maps sad ... «..... ..... - _ i iwd recorded,onseryl hweal7 r rtr-ii eye Home Brace, on the hteen • Be* Caasisgbsm ... Allen Bebeaa ........ lSsksag a rett.a..-iiassary 14. ..........Peter Llamas) Fiq . - .. 6 f0 of •rtwebes rulers of wekkt d • thousand Ig be" d W 4 1 ... asst SII P)ssew4. .. _ ] 7 7 Teed Har• JuNr use eight t WI>tt.m Lou".balsa Connors see" pJetafei dd a. BI l,eecb 14 '' Will be sold by Public Aaetien . SID Jabs oam weam a•war7 as M P. C. BIkRN ARU, at We Anoints bs1a" Babom Pewha t=r1l.saillilist tiJr For walla. eltwat S ......... Robert 1,40" 044'1 I SIQHYOND STiI22T, Leae•Dreak Jasgwn For waged 1ttMwirt 27 Rotten Lair 14.00 !►dltM, .I864 Lord C. W.peft whrt Milk Amaalt sod j ...... Rdisrt golf/ 1.00 1 Jaam Move ..... ohs McDos&M ia6 a Sall/ t I1 Qrh >Ii 10.00 or 21 days is a Ti8[S By ibE 7l1 y 0i Apia :d die stet big we 44 1 •'clock, F. ■. r4mottioas Nal be meds ja III Bantu ... ono O.Oomw ... a8M ..........Fobassivy a a Hay@ Iraq U 12; 1 tlgs asses w the day of ft.1e. w am Marrow , , sees R >K $aye Rli >I.40 1 iyr PblbiN W ASRry RtK R, L'Itaa Smith Dana s{aa blalob 19.00 t Age P iM R Saleiar tar JOHN I. Mae[tl@FJter Theme Segal lli.m Lawrie salad seen 7 (i .- s I r00 .ed a osb rees.ltk lrwren tela.. ilk Mktrsk. tail woo Per tJr.k La btM ...... warts .b...FF 9 A db. %ROg is. ?a 1 d.y. Q S . w Robot Jebmebm enderiak t►be say t9 G atter Ray 14.00 ......... 10 days Pisa Two, * p S[IbTY1NGS ow her labs Jamas ...... ward sad R J IroSes 98 B Walker Req IBJIe 1 day@ M /sato an wabooky, /(seta Mia a" r wmba0 wads F wMs Aamb ......... aw► G Walker keq 2.W i days ower* Hainer tit► snow .aortas 2.00 Avg •.ale's+. ser+ Mr,ra ttsi0slbet 1.00 Wtllw/d Itabae les iat@kag Tao Pr 4 lkq taa amoobw amain !1N, llfify_ . ind y'WNg Qgjpy i Qwilpe rmadble dokM" Id 1140 R Dl iteetl 'r* r aiayrs4 ildlllkr aMar tx JAM ritia Mahn udkw" J LW~r ' ' ' _ _ - __ w onitlnned on 4th Psi ff". swfill " ft N" t 1, .'-A