HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-04, Page 11For Sale EXETER Three homes, all Within four years of being new and all with three bedeetteris. 1. Has separate dining room With sliding glass door covering One Wall. Ektra large living room features fireplace. 2, Features impeccable decorating throughout. A completely finished recreation room with its stone fireplace offers Many hohrt Of relaxed living. An attached gstage and dein- , pletely enclesed yard makes thiS an exceptional value. 3, Split level home on paved Street with country taxes. This home offers a large family room as Well at the formal int and dining areas with Wall he wall broadlotri. EXETER large home' close to Riverview Park. EXETER--two bedroom tottage with basement and oil heat. This property is completely landscaped With car port and encloSedtatie, EXETER ,.Warehouse and office located the corners of Main and Wellington St. Thit it,tonei,ty also has separate maintenance building and parking fad iliti es. EXETER,--13uilding lots bordering schooi property 'Serviced with sanitary teWer, storiii sewer . uridergreUnd street eft. Ceitirnerdial lot on Main St. Bordering Riverview oopei,ty is ideal for one de- siring toinplete living at an economical pried., it offers a complete lot with small storage shed and asphalt drilte. The home haS an added living room inaking the area very commercial building 'on 60' x 132' lot, building size 56i 60 feet. INSURANCE REAL 'ESTATE Phone 215:2426 Exeter 14 b SON LIMITED ts.4„,.1 Gaisee H, Hodgson. A, A. Kneale 25 Auction Sales sion feeder; 100 its timothy seed. Cerigeleum rug; :21 inch TY; dresser with large mirrai, .4t1' ticitte bureeel tables alld chai SWINE; 19 goad weaner pigs;- 1 Landreee hog .and pew, 4 months old; 1 sow year and a ball old; 1 large York hog. More MiScelleneens articles, not Mentioned. No Reserve Terms Cash WM. H. SMITH, Auctioneer Crediton, Dial 234-6282 411c Estate AUCTION SALE of Real Estate; Household Effects; Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF DASHWOOD The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 21, Village of Dashwood on which is situated frame dwell- ing covered with red asphalt siding. Large living and dining room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen and utility room. Full size basement, soft water cistern; also garage. Ample garden land. Dwelling nicely situated, good state of repair. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC, ITEMS: Frigidaire re- frigerator, medium size; Ad- miral television, table model; chrome kitchen table & chairs; 2-burner electric stove; 2 piece chesterfield suite; dining room table and 6 chairs; china cabi- net; antique glass cupboard; sideboard; Quaker space heat- er, like new; Williams sewing machine; oak rocker; kitchen cabinet; odd chairs; bureau; trunk; stands; electric radio; couch; cot; pictures; novelties; 2 bedsteads; dressers; com- modes; toilet set; hall tree; mirror; rugs, various sizes; an- tique vases; dishes; kitchen utensils; step ladder; rakes; gals. tubs, etc., etc. Terms: Cash GERALD MASON, Executor for the estate of the late Wm. Mason ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4:11c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Livestock, Feed, Dairy Equipment, Machinery and Household Effects FOR CALDER McKAIG Lot 14, Con. 12, Hibbert Twp., 1 mile south of Cromarty and 1/2 mile east, on WEDNESDAY, APRIL 17 at 1:30 o'clock sharp A full list will appear in next week's issue. CALDER McKAIG, Prop. LARRY GARDINER, Auctioneer 4c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Beef Cattle, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT u., CON, 15, STEPHEN TWP. li miles east of Shipka, on FRIDAY, APRIL 19 at 1:00 p.m. Complete list in following is- sue, ARTHUR FINKBEINER, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Lads enjoy puck tourney MT. CARMEL Mrs. Winnie Dignan, London, is visiting with her sister, Miss Bernie Madden for a few days. Miss Anne Ryan, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ryan. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gerard and baby, London, visited on the weekend with the latter's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Carey. Miss Judy Ryan, London, was a weekend guest with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ryan and family. Miss Shirley Ryan, Seaforth, visited for a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ryan. Mr. Richard Trainor, London, spent the weekend with Mrs. Frank Trainor and family. Grades 6 and '7 students of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School and their teachers enjoyed a bus trip to London on Tuesday and visited many interesting points in that city. Last Tuesday evening Miss Wendy Trainor entertained sev- eral girlfriends from High School at her home, the occasion being a complete surprise birthday party in honor of Rita Anne Carey on her sisteenth birthday. Many young boys from this community joined the fun of the third annual Knights of Columbus hockey tournament held in Sea- forth last Saturday. All report a good time and great playing. Want Ad Deadline Tuesdays 6 p.m. Au .Ion ' Silos _AUCTION SALE of Valuable HousehoW Effects? Electrical Appli ances and Misc, Items IN THE TOWN QE BNETER on SATURDAY, APRIL; 20 At 1:10 AUDREY BURROWS;. proprietress ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c AUCTION SALE; of Household 'Effects' and Misc, "toms in the Town of Exeter on WEDNESDAY, APRIL. 24 Notice to follow, • • ALVIN' WALPER, Auctioneer 4c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises in the VILLAGE OF HENSALL on SATURDAY, APRIL 27 at 1:30 p.m. ESTATE OF THE LATE MYRTLE SPROAT ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c Community AUCTION SALE Date & place to be announced in the near future. Please contact Norm Whiting, phone 235-1964 evenings and Sat- urdays and list your consign- ments. Take, advantage of, this opportunity to sell those items you no longer require. NORM WHITING, Auctioneer GIANT AUCTION SALE OF BRAND NEW FURNITURE SAMPLES Direct From The 1968 Toronto Furniture Show That liar Just Ended. Forest City Distributors Were A ble To Acquire A Large Quantity Of New Furniture Samples From Some Of The Lingest, Prominent Furniture Manufacturers. NOW IT'S YOUR CHANCE TO DO THE SAME —ONE NIGHT ONLY — I THE AUCTION SALE OF THE YEAR I CLINTON LEGION HALL CLINTON Tuesday Evening April 9. 8:00 P.M.' CHESTERFIELD SUITES — Modern, Provincial, Traditional, Bed Chesterfield, Davenport Suites and Others. BEDROOM SUITES — Different styles with double and triple dreSserS, complete With nEw box spring and mamess on every set. DINETTE AND RITCIIEN SUITES Consisting of 9-piece, 7-piece and S,plece Sulfa — Step and Coffee Tables — Reclin- er and hostess Chairs — Lamps — Swivel Rockers — Hichair — Chrome ROcker — Telephone Table — Pole Lamps — 39"Con, tinental Beds — full Size „.14"13Ox Springs and MattreSses And Marty Other 'Toronto Furniture Show Samples Available. RECONDITIONED TV AAlD APPLIANCES — Yes, we will also offer a nice assortment of Refrigerators, RangeS, Wash- em' and Dryer; Stereo Set, .1 different Televisions, 21" and 23" models,. An Appliances Guaranteed, NEW CLOTIIING A nice selection of new clothing for all Members of the family will be auctioned imMediatelY follotiviiig Prniture & appliances. wxy- TERMS available for any items in this sae tiro 'riding credit arrangentents are made at CaShier's Desk BEFORE START OP SALE. DON'T MISS THIS AUCTION SALO Auctioneer — IIenry Brock OPERATED BY FOREST CITY DISTRIBUTORS Cheques Accepted Sala Tax in Effect 25 Anction 'Saki Land cheice elaY *M.' and if?, first class state of cultivation. TERMS of Real Estate ; 1.0% on day of sal!, b e in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve Please Note: Farms will be offered separately, TRUCK, TRACTORS A ND THRESHER; 1953 GMC 3-ton stake truck equipped with hoist, tarpaulin, in good condition; CocitSbutt. 40 standard tractor, fully equipped, in perfect condi- tion; .Cockshutt 30 standard trac- tor, in good condition; int. 130 Farmall tractor, equipped with loader, scuffler & bean Puller; Bell 28 x 45 threshing machine, equipped with cutter, 18 ft, ele- vator, 120 ft, drive belt. This machine is practically new, FARM MACHINERY: Int, 15- run grain and fertilizer drill, power lift and markers, good condition; M,H, 11-run grain drill; M,H. 7 ft, binder; Int. 9l At, heavy duty springs culti- vator; Cockshutt 30 plate trac- tor disc; New Idea tractor spreader; M,H. 3 furrow plow on rubber; M,H, 2 furrow plow on steel; Cockshutt scalier; Cockshutt 4 bar side delivery rake in good tondition; two 3- section diamond harrows; 6- section harrow pole; John Deere one-way disc; M.H. hay loader; heavy duty 7-ton rubber tire wagon equipped with adjustable racks; 6-ton rubber tire wagon equipped with new racks; steel tire wagon; set of sleighs; 2 , wagon boxes; cutter; circular saw and frame; 3-drum steel roller; 42-ft. bale elevator; 1 h.p, electric motor; adjustable hay and grain elevator; 250 ft. steel cable, hooks and pulleys; M.H. 750 cap. new electric cream separator; 2 unit Uni- versal milking machine; elec- tric motors, various sizes; fan- ning mill with motor; heavy duty emery; 200-gal gas drum; 1,200 lb. scales; 2-wheel trailer with tractor hitch and high and low racks; aluminum wheelbar- row; set of brass mounted team harness; cutting box; sausage press; Stewart cattle clipper; steel and end posts: barb wire; block and tackle; chains; scrap iron; 3 large kettles; carpenter tools: forks; shovels; etc. HAY AND STRAW: 9,000 bales choice ouality hay; quantity of wheat straw. Quantity of household effects, Terms: Cash Not responsible for accidents. This is an extra large sale, plan to attend. WILLIAM H. WESTLAKE, Prop. GARNET HICKS and DALTON FINKBEINER, Clerks ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Tractors, Combine, Farm Machinery, Durham and Hereford Cattle, Hogs, Pony, Feed, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 19, CON, 16, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 21 miles west of Dashwood thence 11 miles south or 2 miles north of Shipka The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 13 at 1:00 p.m. TRACTORS, COMBINE AND FARM MACHINERY: Farmall Int, tractor equipped with 2- row scuffler; 1954 Ford Jubilee tractor equipped with new load- er, in good, condition; M,M. combine with motor; Int. 73 ft. cultivator; Oliver 3 furrow plow; McDeering side rake; M.H. 2 furrow plow; Allied 3 point hitch cultivator; Bissel tractor disc; Int. 7 ft. binder; rubber tire wagon with 16 ft. hay rack; rubber tire wagon, gravity box; 2-drum steel roller; set diamond harrows; Int, 7 ft. cut power take=off mower; Int, tractor spreader; team mower; M.H. grain drill; grain thrower; bean puller; electric bean cooker with timer; 50 ft. drive belt; 2 wheel trailer; electric motors; hot Water heat- er; chain saw, recently pur- chased; Surge 2-unit milking machine; Renfrew cream sep- 16 Properly For Sale 16 Properly- for .S* 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales 25 Auction Sales Titin*S-AdvOcot*fIWO 4f 1968; CALL JB AT 1863 "The Centennial Office HOUSES FOR SALE EXETER — Three bedroom red brick home with living room, dining room and Attached ga- rage , Good lecation. Oil heat- ing, EXETER -- Beautiful new brick home; 4 bedrooms, fully com- pleted • basement; electric heat- ing; paved driveway; 2 baths; lot size 95'x1101 . EXETER — Huron St. E., 2 bedrooms, living room, kitchen, 3 piece bath plus utility room, electric heating, frame house, brick front. EXETER — We have just listed a 2 storey brick home. Recent- ly renovated; 4 bedrooms, fam- ily room; Hying room and fire- place, dining room and kitchen. You must see •this home to ap- preciate it. House has a dry basement and is suitable for a billiard room. EXETER — Andrew St, 1 bed- room home, ideal for retired couple. Full price $3100, EXETER — Bungalow, 3 bed- rooms, large kitchen and living room; garage, Excellent loca- tion. EXETER — Large brick home, 4 bedrooms, living room, dining room, kitchen, large bright fam- ily room with fireplace. Lot size 135'x132', EXETER — 2 bedroom home, carport, large lot. Reasonable. EXETER — Huron St. W., 2 bedroom frame home with oil and electric heating. Large lot. Sewers connected and paid for. EXETER — North End, 3-bed- room, 2-storey house, oil heat- ed, 3-piece bath, on 2 lots. EXETER — 2 bedroom brick home, oil heating, good loca- tion. House 3 years old. EXETER — Two storey brick home on Main St., 3 bedrooms and 2 pee. bath upstairs, 3 pce. bath downstairs. Centrally located. EXETER—Anne St., storey and a half in excellent repair with new furnace and large lot. EXETER — Storey and a half, 3 bedroom home, oil furnace, completely renovated and in good condition. EXETER — Brick house on Main St., in excellent condi- tion. Large lot and good ga- rage, $12,000. HENSALL — 3 bedroom 2 sto- rey frame home. New oil fur- nace. Main floor has been re- cently renovated. Large lot. FARMS FOR SALE FARM — On 83 Hwy, east of Exeter. Large barn and 5 room house. Barn equipped with auto- matic cleaning and feeding sys- tems. 3 acres of land, good business opportunity to operate part-time. EXETER — On Hwy 83, 8 miles east of Exeter, 155 acres, new barn; 4 bedroom house. FARM—Exeter area, 175 acres, 165 workable, barn in good con- dition with stalls for 33 cows. House has 4 bedrooms, oil heat- ing. This farm is located 4 miles west of Exeter 1/2 mile off main highway. Will sell farm and buildings, or farm, buildings, cattle and imple- ments. GRAND BEND — PARKHILL AREA — Farm, 100 acres, 83 workable. Pond and rock well. Clay loam, House has 4 bed- rooms and is in good condition. Barn needs some repair. KIPPEN AREA — Dairy farm, 200 acres, 160 workable, House has four bedrooms. Barn in ex- cellent condition. FARM — Dashwood area, 150 acres, 137 workable, with a 2 bedroom house about 6 years old. Oil heating and 3 pce. bath. FARM — Close to Exeter, 125 acres, 65 workable and 60 acres of river flat pasture land. • LOTS FOR SALE, EXETER -- 13 acres with 330 ft. frontage on # 4 highway lo- cated on the southern outskirts of Exeter. Water, hydro. Excel- lent location for drive-in res- taurant, garage, body shop, etc, Good building on the prem- ises, EXETER — Lot for sale in Riverview Heights. EXETER — Three lots, Carling and Nelson St. Total 169'x182'. Price $500.00 per lot or all three for $1200.00, JOHN 'BURKE- Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 4:4tfnc Display Advertising Deadline , Mondays 6 0,m, for Sale By Tender FORMER ...V$11Q4NV (H011ON.DALE). SCHOOL LOT less. iron fence. Bids. to be in hands of board chairman by 12;00 noon. on Aprit A 1968 Rids should be clearly marked "tenders for lot", Highest or any bid net necessarily accepted, .13EV .PARSONS RR 3 pceter. chairman, Usborne School. Board .4;11c 17 Properly For Rent 100-ACRE FARM near Centralia; 50 acres workable, 50 acres pasture. Phone 228-6251. 4;11:18c FARM HOME in McGillivray Twp, All conveniences. Chil- dren welcomed. Phone 293-3126. 4c EXETER — 3 bedroom house, Main St. N., oil furnace, bath- room. Apply J. 0, Trivithick 296-4241 Medford. 4:11* APPLE ORCHARD — 700 bear- ing trees, good commercial va- rieties, mostly Macintosh and Northern Spy. Full line of equipment including boxes and storage. Excellent local sales record, Apply Andrew Dixon, RR 2 Ailsa Craig. Phone 293- 3043. 21:28:4c REAL NICE small furnished apartment available April 15. Elliot Apts., 235-2912. 4:4tfnc BRICK FARM HOME — Oil fur- nace, bathroom, built-in cup- boards; 3 miles from Hensel]. or Zurich and 1 mile north. Available April 1. Phone 236- 4728. 28:4:11* EXETER — Centrally located, 1 bedroom apartment, com- pletely modernized, tile bath, modern kitchen, large bedroom, Walk-in closet. Available April 15. Call 235-2420. 3:28tfnc 2 BEDROOM HOUSE at Corbett. Apply to Mrs. H. A. Adair, RR 2 Dashwood. Phone 294-6556, 28:4:11c 18 For Rent B-A SERVICE STATION — Exe- ter north. Apply Ralph Gentt- ner Fuels, Exeter. Phone 235- 2411. 4:11c 100 ACRES OF GRASS — Con- tact Charles Dietrich 237-3432. 4:11* 36b ACRES of workable land. Apply Mrs. Kennon Fischer, RR 3 Exeter or phone 235-2516. 4* PASTURE FOR 50 HEAD of yearlings for the season. Phone 293-3126. 4:11c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; power mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033. 2:22tfnc 20 Wanted To Rent MOBILE TRAILER — Furnished, 1 bedroom. Phone 237-3206. 4:11c 2 OR 3 BEDROOM apartment or house (house preferred), in Exeter or 'immediate area, oc- cupancy June 1. Apply Cliff Waters, Box 221, Bright's Grove, Ont. 28:4* 22 Notices NOTICE The Council of the Township of Hay hereby notifies users of the Hay Township Dump yard that all material that is liable to be carried by wind, such as papers, paper cartons and fer- tilizer bags, s h a 11 not be dumped in the yard at any time. BY ORDER COUNCIL OF THE TOWNSHIP OF HAY H, W. Brokenshire, Clerk-Treas, 25 Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Tractor, Truck, Farm Machinery, Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 1 and 2, CON, 22, STEPHEN TOWNSHIP 1 mile east of Grand Bend on Hwy. 81, Mollard Line Corner. The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, APRIL 6 at 1:00 p.M. REAL ESTATE: West part of Lot 1 and 2, Core 22, Stephen Township, approximately 53 acres of land on Which is situ- ated 2-storey frame house, bank barn, newly - censtrutted ga- rage, poultry house, Land choice clay loain, all tillable with the exception of a few acres creek flats. Farni nicely situated for other potential values. InsPec- tin invited. TERMS-10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold Sub, ject to a reasonable reserve bid, TRACTOR & TRUCK: Mcbeer- ing Earthen 'A' standard frac,- tor; 1961 Dodge 1,4 ton piek-up truck, good condition. FARM MACHINERY:f M. II. tractor spreader; New Holland hay elevator; Int. 2 furrow plow on rubber, recently purchased; grain elevator, new condition; Cockshutt power take-off Mew- er; Kit 4 bar side rake; Mc- Deering cultivator; M.H. Wader; 4 section diamond harrows; McDeering 2 row scuff* and Wier; Pale bundler; set of. Scales; steel reller; horse-drawn rake; grain drill; set of sleighs; 3 tarpaulins; Pioneer ehain saw; extension ladder; ,electric fencerp; logging chains; carpen- ter tools; snow fence; chains; forks; rubber tire wagon and rack; colony house; eta, HAY & 400 bales of choice bay; 120 bus. mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS AND MISC, ITEMS: 1 wood and 1 iron bed; 3 dressers; 2 wash stands; 2 mattresses; ,2 feather ticks; feather pillows; assort- ment of quilts and blankets; buff robe; cutter rug; quilt box; 4 trunks; crokinole board; glass cupboard; extension ta- ble; kitchen chairs; rocking chair; arm chair; small chest; dry sink; chime clock; alarm clock; Eureka vacuum; Singer sewing machine; 2 part toilet sets; pictire frames; Westing- house radio; coal oil lamps and lanterns; complete set of dishes, setting for 12; assort- ment of dishes; kitchen uten- sils; copper boiler; clothes bas- ket; crocks; sad irons; apple peeler; 2 sets of chime bells; 4 sleigh bells; 5 doz. sap pails; spites; sap pan; mail box; etc. Not responsible for accidents. Terms: Cash PEARL MILLER, Executrix for the estate of the late J. 0. Leasum LaFond GLEN WEBB, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Auto; Truck; Tractors; Farm Machinery; Feed; Household Effects and Misc. Items On the premises LOT 20, CON. 11, STEPHEN TWP., 11 miles east of Dashwood thence 13 miles south The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, APRIL 5 at 1:00 p.m. REAL ESTATE: Parcel # 1— Consists of Lot 20, Con. 11, Ste- phen Twp., 99 acre farm on which is situated 2-storey frame dwelling with modern conven- iences. Large• bank barn, newly con- structed drive shed and ga- rage. ' Land choice clay loam, 6 acres hardwood bush, remain- der all tillable. Never failing water supply. Parcel # 2—.Consists of South Half Lot 23, Con. 17, Stephen Twp., 50 acres of land situated 2b miles west of Dashwood thence 1/2 mile south. 20 acres clear land, remainder mixed bush. Never failing water sup- ply, TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. AUTO, TRUCK, TRACTORS- 1964 Ford Custom 4-door sedan in A-i condition; 1966 G.M.C. 1/2 ton pick-up truck including 2 sets of closed and open racks, 22,000 actual mileage, in all around perfect condition; 1954 Ford Jubilee standard trac- tor equipped with live power take-off •and 3-point hitch, in good condition; M.H. # 22 row crop tractor equipped with 3- point hitch. FARM MACHINERY AND MISC. ITEMS: Allis Chalmers 2-row corn scuffler; 4-row bean scuffler; 3-section diamond har- rows; rubber tire wagon; Oliver 4-bar side rake; 2-furrow plow; John Deere 2-section rotary; set of sleighs; 35 gallons green color special barn paint; large assort. V belt pulleys; 21 bags 33.5°10 Aeroprills; extension lad- ders; 'pump jack; heavy duty chains; steel gates; new tar- paulin 9x12; small cream sep- arator; galvanized sheeting, Quantity of hay and grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Duo- Therm space heater; electric stove; kitchen stove; small desk; beds; antiques; etc. Terms: Cash PATRICK WILDS, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate; Durham and Hereford Cattle; Tractors; Farm Machinery; Feed and Misc. Items On the preinises PART LOT 9 and 10, STEPHEN TWP„ 4 miles'east of Dashwood or 3 miles west ofExeter, Hwy 83 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on on MONDAY, APRIL 8 at 1:00 pan. REAL ESTATE: Consists of 220 acre, farm, Part of Lot 9 and 10, Stephen Twp., on which is situated large bank barn with good stabling. Two-sterey brick dwelling with modern con- veniences, 125 acres tillable, re- mainder grass and bUshiand, Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate; 10% on day 'of Sale, ,balance in 60 days. Sold subjec to a reason- able reserve bid. CATTLE: 12 choice 'Hereford and Durham cows due in April' 10 Hereford yearling steers an hollers; Hereford, steer . rising 2 years old; purebred Hereford bull rising 3 yearS old. TRACTORS, FARM MACHIN , ERY: Allis Chalmers slendard tractor Case farmall traptor; Allis Chalmers 66 cerriirle; Case cultivator; Int, 47 ^hay baler, used one season; M.H, 11 run grain and fertilieer drill, heavy (MY rubber tire wagon, IQ ft. rack; rubber tire wagon and rack; Jot m Deere 4 bar side rake; fertilizer Spreader; 2 fur- row plow; set of harrows; Mc- Deering 7 ft, binder, new can- vas; 2 drum steel roller; scuff fler; tractor disc; John Deere 3 point hitch 7 foot mower; hay elevator with 11 h,p, motor; cutting box; quantity lumber; hay fork rope and pulleys; 115 gal, gas tank with pump; root pulper; 2-unit milking machine; Viking electric cream separator, like new; snow fence; steel posts; baler twine; forks; shov-, els; chains, etc. FEED; 100 bus, choice soy bean's; quantity baled hay and straw. Terms: Cash PETER VAN DORSSELAER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c AUCTION SALE of Dwelling to be offered on the premises situated next to J F Farm Machinery, Exeter The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at 2:00 p.m. DWELLING — 2-storey frame dwelling covered with grey as- phalt siding. Main floor: living room, bed- room, modern kitchen, 3-piece bath, small sun porch, Second floor: 2 bedrooms. Newly installed oil furnace. Please Note: This is a well constructed home to be re- moved from premises within 60 days. TERMS: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold sub- ject to a reasonable reserve bid. J F FARM MACHINERY LTD., Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 28:4c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Implements, Tools, Shop Equipment and Household Effects ON LOT 9, HAYFIELD ROAD NORTH, STANLEY TWP,, half-way between Hayfield .and Varna, on TUESDAY, APRIL 9 at 1:00 p.m. the following: IMPLEMENTS: M.H. 44 trac- tor with pt.°. and pulley, A-1 condition; Seaman 5 ft. rotary tiller with motor; Spraymotor sprayer with tank and power take off attachment, used 2 seasons; Surge milker with one pail unit, nearly new; Wood's electric grinder with pulley; rubber tire wagon; Beatty lit- ter carrier and track; side de- livery rake; set of drag har- rows; buzz saw; 2 wheel trail- er; bean puller; bean cooker; electro-pail; chain hoist; 1-row scuffler; blacksmith's forge with blower; blacksmith's tools; rip saw and table; line shaft; small air compressor; McCul- lough chain saw; carpenter's tools; vice; wrenches; 2 jack- alls; other jacks; quantity of piping and fittings; quantity of lumber; wagon tongues; shov- els; ladders; belts; ropes; log- ging chains; stock rack; fan- ning mill; galvanized water tank; quantity of cedar posts; 2 gates; garden hose; wheel- barrow; root pulper; milk cans; apple packer; bushel hampers; tree pruners; stable brooms; brushes; windows and frames; 3 Waran electric brooders; elec- tric fencer; set of Model A Ford wheels and tires; h.p, motor; 1/4 h,p. motors; 1,4 h.p, electric drill; numerous other articles, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — DaVenport; sideboard; electric stove; cook stove; oil space heater; electric kettle; grill; floor lamps; table lamps; sew- ing machine; 3 double beds, springs and mattresses; dress- ers and wash stands; Viewiex picture projector, new; radio; kitchen table and thaws; dish- es; cooking utensils; numerous other articles, Terms: Cash MURRAY GRAINGER, Prop. EDWARD ELLIOTT, Auct 28:4e Extensive AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Truck, Tractors, Farm Machinery, Threshet', Hay, Straw, Household Effects and Misc. Itetits On '.the premises LOT 25, CON. 3 USI3ORNE TOWNSHIP it Miles east of Exeter, Hwy, 83 thence 11 miles north The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on INEDNetbAYi OM 10 at 1:00 Pon. REAL ESTATE — Parcel # 1 consists of 49 acre farm, Con. 2, west part Lot 21, Csborne Twp., Highway 831 sA mile east of Exact. No buildings. 26 acres fall wheat, remainder newly seeded, Farm completely drained, thoice clay loam. This is an extra good farm, Also suitable for industrial purposes._ PARCEL # 2 — Consists of Lot 25, Con, 3Y 'Osborne Twp., 100 acres of land on which is situated modern 2-storey brick dwelling. Large L-shaped bare, liejViy constructed drive shed and garage. 15 acres mixed hardwood bush, 55 acres fall Wheat, remainder newly seeded, arateri; cinantit•Y lurnberl efg.' my house; snow fence; cutting box ; 400 'four-incli tile; steel water trough; tractor ebains; hay fork rone; chains; forks; shovels, etc„ etc, LIVESTOCK:, Holstein cow, due sale date; Derharn cow due in May; Holstein cow due in May; Part Holstein and Here- ford cow fresh one week, calf at foot; Hereford cow fresh one Week, calf at foot; Red Dur- ham cow due in April; part Hereford and Holstein cow due sale date; Durham cow due lat- ter part of April; Holstein cow due in April; 7 Hereford heif- ers; Hereford steer rising 2 years old; 8 Hereford ..summer calves, HOGS: Yorkshire sow parry- ing second, litter due latter part of April; 7 shoats averaging 75 lbs, each; 2 pigs averaging 100 lbs, each. Hackney pony gelding rising 3 years old, fawn in color, FEED; Quantity cob corn. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Bureau; buffet; rope bed and many other misc. items, Lunch booth — Terms Cash ELGIN ADAMS, Prop. DON HENDRICK, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4:11c Estate AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real. Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises 134 GIDLEY ST. W„ EXETER The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on THURSDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Part of Lot 515 and 522, ap- proximately 75 x 180 ft. in the Town of Exeter on which is sit- uated well constructed brick dwelling. Main floor: living and dining room, bedroom, kitchen and utility room. Second floor: 2 bedrooms, 3-piece bathroom. Full size basement, coal and wood furnace; also small barn suitable for garage. Beautiful shade trees and ample garden land. Inspection invited. TERMS of Real Estate: 10% on day of sale, balance in 30 days, Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 3- piece bedroom suite; TV with aerial; 2 transistor radios, 1 new; arm chair; 2 piece ches- terfield; rocking chair; high backed chairs; kitchen table & chairs; buffet; couch; 2 bed- ding boxes; electric heater; heating pad; walking canes; carpets; pictures; antique hall seat and mirror; small tables; dishes; wool comforters; blank- ets; 2 car rugs; suitcases; 7 cu. ft. International refrigera- tor; McClary combination gas and wood or coal stove; hot water tank; ironing stand; old fashioned bake table; garden tools and other small articles. Terms: Cash Oscar Greb, Kenneth Greb, Executors for the estate of the late Simon Greb ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 4c Farm Sold AUCTION SALE of Household Effects, Farm Machinery, Dion Thresher and Hogs FOR MR. GORDON HAIST Lot 13, Con. 6, Stephen Twp., 1/2 mile north of Crediton, on SATURDAY, APRIL 13 at 1:30 p.m. hit, 3 furrow plow; dump rake; steel land roller; 13 tooth International cultivator with power lift; Int. 13 hoe fertilizer drill; Int, binder;. Int, hay loader; Renfrew cream sep- arator with power motor at- tachment; fanning mill; Cock- Shutt grain grinder; windmill derrick; electric motor with rotary pump; car radio; Int. manure spreader in good work- ing condition; 120' drive belt; Dion thresher on rubber equip- ped with shredder and exten-