HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-04, Page 10MERNERS ARE KEEPING PRICES DOWN . WITH THE HELP OF AUTOMATION, MERNERS HAVE MAINTAINED THEIR LOW PRICES ON THE CUSTOM KILLING & PROCESSING OF BEEF & PORK. Compare these low prices On Custom Killing & Processing . . . EXAMPLE 800 lb. WEL T STEER 5° ONLY $2 2 Dressing out at 400 lbs. Price includes processing of 50 lbs. of hamburg. LIVE b HOG • WEIGHT Dressing out at 150 lbs. Price $10 20 includes' the rendering of 20 lbs, lard, 10 lbs. of sausage phis ONLY head cheese. AND NOW FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE PROVIDE A PICK-UP SERVICE TO SAVE YOU TIME at EFFORT eeccce.e. .1.1.•••••"•wew .H, , I /000..L A14,10.1 130 G1SPLAY Man IWIOdows) viol to 4100 Able Ageno D1SP nIshIne ' a CY ... ---,------- --e- --ei; 73,0--re-e -4. e.........i., ..... 1/110,..9. f ..!..**0 ... 4y..... Hoe today , PARK it Agen 4 0 Y fo ' break into publishing field. CLERIC Numbing II, Mating supply go $90. Gloria Agency, 152 W'42 pricing 1 estirnal‘no, Call GL 69/67. EDITL Ac "12 (11/44 Itel2613'444;" I 1 liu r 'GOR TORIA allied o $6 5 A enter firm. }cc& 4 Agency 509 51h A • Too co,` Drilri A9 ncY.` i$a .a•W. civ EMC-REC GRAM, TO PIA SanllarY or OM too o. log Fcl yorf WO 1.00 ow ..W.." I I Si .• dr,71ar VfotiTgalivfArirW6.61. 2 EOU 110Y/MAN RECEIVING CLERK 2$7 I N 4 111(1011-anv ore ok-Ses the USA-c. 14 your sat of 54700-5300"w. e><pn) focct. CA ENCY 7 E 42 Pr 4-1114C111 .4 "78EMIES 19 5th W 160 awe 011-0FcE A ENT 5) )*PiIld 100 eIt rAtl -, J ,15 ER F at ,',.9nYer1 ass • 11"Urasrodo.t41.71141111:enStcir 3T'%4.19 s)21 A gib"' to y 507 6. e :trSat nor gicanjyrcoyu AWL L,t,41..715 0 0, $1. 50n1. 40r9re5nT: NY f jr7s4e_sit?t, 41 nifTSI 4t Ay -$130 434100' 9,`509 5 A, sirtsol 152 CLERK,' IXO, AGENLY, 1044 E OYS, ACCU JOYS, laity A soy, cl CLERK.Tyglst, S75, HORN Agency CLERKS, el at figs, Gitlin Agency S09 Stg atrlAgils. •Gli ffitTAY II. F.C.-,1IVolume dealer „..-N T C. W.' Waite Agency, 21) Madison (40) 001r(SIPER.IrgIst stIngral Offal lass . 303 to start. PL 5.1739. IIKKPR, MFG CO. $90 PECIALTY AGENCY, 115 W. 42 RM 202 1 we I `Lr'sI 190.90. G~iflilh 11/0 49 8W 0'34331 ' 90 5, ACCURA ge ne E m EG NtIER.OR SWIFT AGENCY 509 5 ,,111AFT541411.5TRUCTURA' • -envy, CONTACT Agencyht E 41 MU 54674 LY E t2Wi•tittf.;fillshinAtt,terultri S Aver FLep, mi. ,11, f!'', 941+ COFFEE SN MGR 1125' Hose/S 0 Tic* Triad Agency 11W 12. 109-Office, nice ten, A.I co, Abbington Agency, If John St., Rm CLERICALS-ACCTG $70.85 CASHI ER-CHEC KER. 13 For Sole 16 Property For Sale. 13 For Sale Page 10 13 For Sale 9 Services April 4, 1968 4 Female Help Wanted 9 Services Classifications EXETER-226 Andrew St., brick house needing renovating, barn, large garden; 216 Andrew St., 4 bedroom house renovated re- cently• ' 2 Nursing Homes, each has 17 bed license, owner's liv- ing quarters; to appreciate, see them. W. C. Pearce, Realtor, 445 Main St., Exeter. 2:29tfnc 3 BEDROOM storey and a half brick house, completely reno- vated, centrally located on a paved street. Phone 235-2044. 4:11c CHROME SET with 6 chairs; dining room table, 4 chairs; round dining room table; 3 chesterfields and chairs; china cabinet; beds, springs and mat- tresses; dressers; wash stand; odd tables; 2 matching end ta- bles and coffee table; desk; table lamps; small radio; stove; 3 washing machines; McClery Easy automatic washer; 21 cu. ft. freezer; electric heaters; 2 lawn mowers; violin; 2 wheeled trailer with 6Vx6' floor and 4' sides, Phone Norm Whiting 235- 1964 after 5;30 p.m. 4c SEVERAL HANDMADE hooked rugs, various sizes and colors. Phone 235-1955 after 5 p,m. 4:lac LAWN ROLLING - Phone Sam Sweitzer, 235-0181, 235-0804, 235- ,1714, 235-1015. 4:llc SEWING - Will make slacks for anyone for a modest price of $2.50. Please bring a well- fitting pair to go by. Phone Audrey Haugh 235-2534. 4c CARPENTRY - Cabinets, book cases, arbours, trellises, flower boxes, etc. A. J. Sweitzer, 20 Victoria St„ Exeter. Phone 235- 0344. 3:14tfnc SAND & GRAVEL - Back hoe for trenching and drainage. Dial 235.0754 Exeter. 4:11:18:25c STANDING AT STUD - Regis- tered Arabian stallion, chestnut, exceptional breeding and tem- perament. Phone Granton 26r14. 28:4* BALED STRAW and mow of loose bean straw, Cheap, Phone 236-4059, 4:11c FRAME BUILDING - 16' x 24', steel roof, Phone 293-3068, 4* PAIR OF CAR TIRES 825 - 14, just like new. Phone Seaforth 527-1205. 4c 10" BENCH SAW and stand, new; air compressor, new; 1/2 " drill press, new; 2 power hack- saws (auto), new; 4" bench vise, new; 30 to 1 gear reduc- tion box, new; Propane heat torch (complete), tank, etc, used; wire gate 3'x4', new; Kirby vacuum cleaner (com- plete), used. All items reduced in price for spring sale, John- ny's Shell Station, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2788. 4: 11c ONTARIO HYDRO has a West- inghouse automatic washer used 8 months at SHDHS, man- ufacturer's new appliance war- ranty. Can be seen at Ontario Hydro Office 8;30 to 4:30. 4c 2-PIECE BROWN chesterfield, excellent shape, $125.00; 2-piece chesterfield suite 'in wine, $25.00; 1-piece chesterfield, $35.00; used Imperial zig-zag sewing ma- chine, $75.00. Hopper Hockey, 235-1990. 4c WOMAN TO DO CLEANING one day a week, Phone 235-2898 after five, 41 Grinsven & Butler LUCAN DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 1. Lost, Strayed 2. Found 3. Male Help Wanted 4. Female Help Wanted 5, Help Wanted 6, Business Opportunities 7. Teachers Wanted 8. Situations Wanted 9. Services 10. Livestock For Sale 11. Poultry For Sale 12. Oars, Trucks For Sale 13. For Sale 13a, Personal Items 14. Wanted To Buy 15, Wanted 16. Property For Sale 17. Property For Rent 18. For Rent 19. For Sale or Rent 20, Wanted To Rent 21. Property Wanted 22. Notices 23, Legal Notices 24. Tenders Wanted 25. Auction Sales MASON & RISCH upright piano in good condition. Phone Bay- field 565-5369, 4c CHESTERFIELD a n d chair, matched set, excellent condi- tion. Phone 235-1684. 4c AVON COSMETICS Have territories available now for energetic women in USBORNE - STEPHEN - McGILLIVRAY We train you, earnings start immediately, For interview write or call PICK UP DEAD & DISABLED CATTLE & HORSES For efficient service call collect 227.4312 24-1-iour Service-7 Days a Week License 159068 3: 21tfric HERTA SEED BARLEY - Ap- ply Gordon Ford, 229-6167. 4* CHEST FREEZER - 29 cu. ft., like brand new, reasonable. Lyman Gratton, phone 238-2114 Grand Bend. 4:11* NEW SIMPLICITY wringer washer, guaranteed 12 years; 2 new chests of drawers; 2 new beds; a few mattresses; 2 space savers; 2 swivel rockers. All these new articles to be cleared at g r e a t l y reduced prices. Sandy Elliot, over Ca- nadian Tire Store. 235-2912. 4:4tfnc FARM - 100 acres, 80 work- able, excellent soil; barn 45x75; drive shed; 6 room house, 3 piece bath, full basement and furnace. STEEL BUILDING 40 x 100, ce- ment floor, only 2 years old, accessible to highway, suitable for storage or industry. Priced for quick sale. DAIRY BAR, fully equipped, with living quarters down and 3 bedroom apartment upstairs. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, some fur- nishings included. 3 BEDROOM HOUSE, 2 bath- rooms, excellent condition throughout. DUPLEX - 2 bedroom apart- ment down, 1 bedroom apart- ment up, with 1 bedroom cot- tage on same lot now rented. Good income property. LOVELY OLD 4 bedroom rural home, on an acre of land, needs decorating and fixing up. A real buy, priced for quick sale. TRIPLEX - 3 apartments now rented, Good income property. 3 BEDROOM, 2 bathroom brick home with sewing or nursery room, wall - to - wall carpeting throughout, double garage, many extras, in excellent con- dition. BUILDING LOT - 80x110, South- cott Pines. SOUTHCOTT PINES - Well-ap- pointed executive home on a well-treed lot 120 x 150, excep- tional furnishings, fully insu- lated, 3 bedrooms with clothes closets, spacious living 4'0070, fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen. including refrigerator, electric range and dishwasher; just off the lake. This home may be seen by appointment. LAKEFRONT PROPERTIES 2, 3 and 4 bedroom furnished cottages. For friendly and capable service CALL VALERIE GOULD 235.0685 McCLARY STOVE, wood and coal; motor and blower for oil furnace. Phone 235-0327. 4c Roofs Shingled MRS. M. MILLSON 17 Hawkesbury Ave., LONDON, 451-0541 4:18c AND REPAIRED Free Estimates 10 Years' Experience WORK GUARANTEED Phone 234-6307 14 Wanted To Buy TRICYCLE, in good condition. Phone 235-0159. 4nc USED SHUTTERS for windows. Bill Parker, Main St. 235-0915. 3:28tfnc THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH COMPLETE LAWN ROLLING services and fertilizer spraying. Let George do it! For appoint- ments phone 235-1373 or Park- hill 294-6574. 4:11* PAINTING - Interior and ex- terior. Expert workmanship. Twenty-five years' experience. Tom Walker, phone 235-0722. 21 : 28: 4:11c Ontario H ospital, requires Goderich 3 Male Help Wanted JOE REGIER OUTBOARD MOTOR, 5 or 6 h.p.; 4 burner electric stove, both in good condition. Phone 234-6277. 21:28:4c MINNEAPOLIS MOLINE G trac- tor in good running order. Geo. German, RR 1 Paris. Phone 448-1439 St. George. 28:4* MAPLE SYRUP - Apply B. R. Wiebe, Fullerton. Phone 229- 8260 or 229.6570. 4:ilc BOY'S 2-PANT charcoal suit, fit boys 12 to 13 years old; lady's beige spring coat, size 7 - 9. May be seen at Mid-Town Cleaners. 4: lInc NEW AND USED CAR sales- man. Snell. Bros. Limited. Phone 235-0660 Exeter. 4c POULTRY MAN - For turkey barn at Alcantuc farms. This job requires a trustworthy man with experience in poultry, mar- ried man preferred, living ac- commodations available, Call or visit W. H, Beaty, Cold Spring Farms, Thamesford. Phone days 285-2126 or evenings 285-2448. 4c REGISTERED NURSES CREDITON 3:21tfnc OXFORD DEAD STOCK REMOVAL LTD. for 300-bed progressive psychiatric hospital SALARY: $5500 - $6300 annually Salary differential for two or more years recent experience. QUALIFICATIONS: Registration in Ontario BENEFITS: Group life insurance and med- ical - surgical benefits - 75% paid by government. Accumulative sick benefits Annual vacation Pension plan 40-hour week. BARN PAINTING - Phone Dave Morrissey 234-6202. 21:28:4:11c WALT ANN'S Dressmaking and pattern designing school now of- fering pattern drafting courses by correspondence. For informa- tion write P.O. Box 638 Exeter. 2: 29tfnc BEACH SAND - An unlimited quantity of clean beach sand. No charge for •taking it away. Full particulars available from Grand Bend Village Clerk Mur- ray A. DesJardins at 238-2141. 21:28;4:11c FRESH DEAD OR DISABLED COWS AND HORSES Small animals also picked up. 24-hour service 7-day week JIM MURRAY & SON Call collect Hickson 462-2614 License Number 85 C 67 We go any place any time. CHILD'S RED laminated coat, size 6, worn one season. Phone 235-1964 evenings. 4nc FRIDGE - Phone 235-2942. 4* J. D. TRACTOR, completely overhauled, with quick attach cultivator; New Holland baler, very good condition. Phone Lloyd Lovell, Exeter. 4:11* 15 Wanted GRASS FOR 28 HEAD of cattle. Harry Van Osch, Crediton. 4* 4 Female Help Wanted SINGER - Sales, service, rent- als. Your bonded authorized representative will be in Exeter district every Tuesday. Phone Walper's Tip-Top 235-0991. Singer Co. of Canada Ltd., Goderich 524-8431. 3:14tfnc COMBINING - Grain, beans, corn and swathing. Geo. Troyer, RR 2 Hensall. Phone 262-5282. 3:14-11:28c Grow Cucumbers SCOPES (1) CHAMBERMAID, early June to mid -September. (2) Dish- washer machine operator, June 4 to Sept. 8. (3) Pantry work- er, some experience necessary. Call in person, Oakwood Inn Grand Bend. 4c KITCHEN HELP and 2 wait- resses. Fisherman's Cove, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2025. 4:11c HAIR DRESSER - Experienced, full or part time, immediately, references required. Apply in person, Village Beauty Shop, Grand Bend. Phone 238-2307. 4:llc AND MAKE EXTRA MONEY- IF YOU HAVE 1/2 ACRE OF LAND OR MORE WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES ALL HYBRID SEED FREE PICKUP AT GATE FOR VARMINT RIFLES Rugs & Upholstery Cleaned FARROWING CRATES with or without mounted feeding or water; all steel construction. George Troyer, phone Hensel]. 262-5282. 3:14tfnc WESTINGHOUSE -home freezer sale - 23 cu. ft., $234.95; 16 cu. ft , $214.95; 12 cu. ft., $194.50; 29 cu. ft., $279.00. Bea- vers Hardware, 235-1033, 2;22tfne WOOD - By the cord or truck- load; 14" or 18" lengths, For furnace or fireplace. Albert MacGregor, phone 294-6646 Park- hill. 12:14tfnc DACHSHUNDS - Registered, reds, black with tan, $50.00 to $75.00. Toy Fox Terriers, reg- istered, white with black and tan, $50.00; unregistered, $40.00. A, Macintosh, Clandeboye. 227- 4598. Closed Sundays. 2:22tfnc POTATOES - 3h miles west of Hensall on No. 84 Highway. Phone 236-4038. 9:7tfnc ALUMINUM windows, doors, awnings, siding, porch and step railings, columns, etc. Call us for free estimates. Walker Alu- minum Sales, 17 Nelson St., Exeter. Phone 235-0722 (collect), 9tfnc LYMAN TASCO REDFIELD WEAVER APPLY: Business Administrator Ontario Hospital Goderich, Ontario 4c In your own home or place of business by Von Schrader dry foam method. No Muss - No Fuss - No Odor Use rugs the same day All work guaranteed Phone for estimate TODAY Triebner's Gun Shop 1967 FARM TAX RETURNS and year-end statement prepared in your home. Phone H. Dougherty 235-2156, 2: ltfnc FARMERS' INCOME TAX SERVICE - Office hours 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Main St., Lucan, across from the Fina Station. Phone 227-4851. 2 : 15tfnc TRI - TOWN Bookkeeping Serv- ice for income tax. Complete record preparation and mainte- nance. Phone 482-9260 collect. 2: 29-4: 25c BICK'S OF CANADA 5 Help Wanted 235-1907 Exeter 4c MEAT WRAPPER for progres- sive processing plant. Apply in person. Exeter Frozen Foods. 4:11c Grading Station # 10 ALBERT KRAMERS, DUBLIN Phone 345-2643 Dublin i 1:25.5:23c eow CAMPER - Large,,, size tent trailer complete ,with, foam mattress, ,sleeps j sixs used ,one year. PhReeiry .eiristrong 235 2563. 4c CHEAP - 6 piece dining room suite, $45.00; Continental bed, box spring, clean, good condi- tion, $15.00; small clean dresser, mirror and 3 drawers, $10.00; platform rocker, $8.00; 2 occa- sional chairs, $5.00 a pair, suit- able for cottage, Phone 235-0506. 4: lle 'S'uperior Maintenance MEN AND WOMEN to demon- strate new Homecare Products. Excellent commission, no ex- perience required. Write 732 Lorne Ave., London. 4:11:18:25* VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND - Police Stenographer - Applica- tions will be received for the position of Police Stenographer for the Village of Grand Bend for the coming season. Basic requirements are typing, typing and more typing. This position places complete emphasis on typing rather than other steno- graphical requisites. Interested applicants are to meet with Council for personal interviews at the meeting of May 6. Sal- ary commensurate with typing ability. Murray A. Des Jardins, Clerk, Village of Grand Bend. Phone 238-2141. 4:11:18:25c HOUSEKEEPER WANTED-Are you a young lady looking for an opportunity to get estab- lished in London? Housekeeper sought to assist in running of home. Private living quarters with TV provided. Cleaning woman handles heavy work. Pay good. Arrangements can be made for person interested in attending school. Write to Ward Cornell, 140 Commission- er's Road East, London or dial 439.1111 on Friday, April 5 be- tween 12 noon and 1 p.m. and 5:30 to 7130 p.m. 4e 235.1413 28:4:11:18c 16 Property For Sale 10 Livestock For Sale 3 BEDROOM HOUSE- Oil heat, full basement, new home, ready for occupancy April 1., 144 Thomas St., Exeter. Phone 235- 2711. 3: 28tfnc HENSALL - 3 bedroom frame house with asbestos siding, on No. 4 highway; oil heat, bath upstairs and downstairs; garage and barn, on corner lot. Phone 262-5076. 3:28tfnc REGISTERED Pilled Hereford bull, serviceable age. Harvey Ross, RR 3 Ailsa Craig. 28:4c 25 GOOD STARTED PIGS - Call 262-5262 after six. 4c 2 HOLSTEIN HEIFER S, due soon. Call Peter Berendsen, Kirkton 229-8804. 4* FEW BRED GILTS or sows for immediate sale; also 2 service age Yorkshire boars. Phone Mac Thompson, herdsman for Hilholm Farms, Varna. 4:llc PONY - Mare, exceptionally good with children, a proven brood mare. Jud Dykeman 222- 6405, 4c 2 PUREBRED young Holstein cows due to freshen April 10. Lorne Barker 227-4310. 4c 6 Business Opportunities TO BUY OR SELL used furni- ture contact Norm Whiting, 235-1964. 10:19tfnc GRADER & OPERATOR avail- able to do custom drainage back filling and general grader work. Phone 227-4721 day or night. 5:4tfnc VACUUM CLEANER Sales and service for all makes, Robert K. Peck, Zurich. Phone 262-5350 Hensall. 4tfnc Giving Up Farming HOW ABOUT AN ALL CASH BUSINESS? 14' BOAT, moulded plywood, 18 h.p. Mercury motor, factory built trailer, paddles, anchor, life preservers. Phone 235-1820. REPRESENTING R. Newman Sharen Completely modern hotel with cocktail lounge, good clientele, with excellent returns, 1 ACRE OF LAND - Ideal for country home, adjacent to town, conservation land and golf course. Write Box 466 Exeter. 28:4* Broker GRAND BEND BEATTY AUTOMATIC clothes dryer, good condition, $75.00. Phone 235-1820. 4c 238.2303 FOR FULL DETAILS CALL 4c ANN RUGGABER SALE OF Glidden Spread Satin, discontinued lines, half price; all other lines 10% off. Fink Plumbing & Heating, Hensel 262.2114, 28:4:1k REFRIGERATION SERVICE - Commercial, Domestic & farm milk coolers. Neilson Appliance Service, Parkhill. 294-6321. 23tinc at 234-6410 or 438-0511 WILFRID P. BROCKMAN, REAL ESTATE BROKER 4c MEATS BRUCE REFRIGERATION SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED - Immediate s e r v i c e, always available. Harold Butler, Lucan, phone 227-4254 or 227-4312 col- lect. 10:4tfnc 9 Services 12 Cars, Trucks For Sale 1965 FORD GALAXIE 500 con- vertible,. power steering and brakes, in good condition. Dial Seaforth 527-1205. 4c 1958 CHEV 6 cyl. standard, 4- door, radio, good condition. Con- tact Peter Mason between 6:30 and 8:30 Monday to Friday. Phone 228.6311. 4:11* 1956 CHEV 3 - TON truck, DP axle, stake rack and hoist. Ross Riley, Cromarty, Phone 262-5240. 4c 1956 CHEV 3 TON truck, new V-8 motor, stake racks & hoist. Phone 228-6392, 4:llc RUGS SHAMPOOED - New modern equipment. Phone J. L. McKnight 235-2126. 3:28-5:2* PHONE 238.2385 GRAND BEND New and used milk coolers; walk-in boxes; ice machines; air conditioners and complete Kelvinator appliances; Sweden soft serve ice cream machines, WE SELL THE BEST AND SERVICE THE REST 3:28tfnc THAT MAKE THE MEAL! Watch Repair Service One year guarantee on work performed on your watch by Certified M aster Watchmaker Wilson's Jewellery & GIFTS - EXETER Pleasing you pleases us. 2tfnc N. L. MARTIN OPTOMETRIST Main Street, Exeter Open Every Weekday Except Wednesday For Appointment Phone 235.2433 PORK SIDES 37' LB. G. A. WEBB, D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC CLOSED WEDNESDAY For Appointment Phone 235-1680 COMING SOON ALMATEX 2 For I Paint Sale APR. 15 - APR. 27 NORMAN WHITING LICENSED AUCTIONEER Prompt, Courteous, Efficient Any Type, Any Size, Anywhere Phone 235.1964 EXETER BEEF SVL. 45 'L8. 62‘LB. ALVIN WALPER PROVINCIAL LICENSED AUCTIONEER For your Sale, large or small, courteous and efficient service at all times. "Service That Satisfies" DASHWOOD Phone 237-99 1960 MERCURY hardtop, $300 or best offer. Phone 235-0327, 4c 1960 MERCURY lh TON truck; also racks. Phone Lucan 227- 4505. 4* SIDES FRONTS HINDS SIGNS. BY WEBSTER 13 For Sale 2,000 BALES OF STRAW - Dial 262-5244. 28:4:11* DR. H. H. COWEN DENTAL SURGEON L.D.S., D.D.S. Main Street Exeter Closed All Day Saturdays PHONE 235.0233 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office - Exeter, Ont. Directors Martin Feeney RR 2 President Dublin E, Clayton Colquhoun 1#lt 1 Vice-President Science Hill William IL Chaff° RR, 4 Mitchell Robert G. Gardiner RR 1 CromartY Itayniond McCurdy ER 1 Kiricton RR Lucan Signs by Webster 3 H.P. 60 CYCLE motor; 1963 3h ton pick-up with closed in hex.; both in A-1 condition, Dial 229-6568. 4:11c EASTER BUNNIES - 4 ePho 229-8283, c 2:8tfrie OLIVER 3-FURROW plow, Ap- ply Laverne Rodd, 229•6384. 4c • ALL TYPES OF SIGNS • DISPLAYS • ALMATEX PAINTS COLEMAN'S PEAMEAL BACON 69'w, Exeter Phone 235-0680 28:4:11c BALED IIAY Phone 237-3368. 4e PHONE 235.0680 EXETER C. H. RODER DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 228 Front St., C. Strathroy, Ont. GENDRON baby carriage, ex- cellent condition. Phone 262, 2241. 5 CAN DROP IN milk cooler, auk:41148.e controlled, in goOd working condition, Allan Rowe, Ailsa Craig 293-3115. 4e PLAY PEN, car seat and baby seat, in excellent condition. Phone 228-6774. 46 OLTICE SALE - Washing machine, bicycle, rocking chair, antique baby buggy and stroller, Phone 227-4493, 4c WROUGHT IRON railings. Ger. aid Lewis, Manager, phone 227- NEW SCALE 'Williams piano. Mra. Elgin Adams, phone 231- 8428, 4e YOUNG MAN'S SUIT, size 16- 18, in new condition, 6.00. May be Seen' at Mid-Town Cleaner's, 4d Dead Stock Removal FRESH DEAD COWS AND g0118ES &hell animals also picked up. FM' 'the .most prompt arid d teOUS SerVite thiS district Please tall Collect MARLATT BROS BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE Phone 245-1272 HAMBURG Tint Toehey Agents Ilttgli Benninger Dublin flatly Coates Exeter Clayten„ Harris :Mitchell 5etreterv.Treaturer Hugh Patterson Exeter JACK HEYWOOD LICENSED AUCTIONEER All types Of Sales "'For Top Prices MERNER S MEAT MARKET Order Your bASHWOOD 237-3314 Easter Hams Earl y STRAWBERRY TIME will soon be here. 'Now is the time to order your plant needg. Soy, eral leading Varieties from cery titled stock, bug to order, L. V. lIogarth, phone 235-1414. Phone 133 Brussels, Onf, 8erviee-7 Days a Week License NO, 360.C-65 451-8630 LONDON EXETER Phone .22.5-0720•