HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-04, Page 9By MRS. HAROLD DAVIS Mr. and MrSoAlekirVine viSit , ed last Tuesday with Mrs. Bithop Of Toronto. Canon Griffin of Stratford Will be guest speaker at St. Paul's • Chnith, KirktOn hest Sunday, • April 7, at 9t20 am. The St. Fellowship Club will hold their postponed Meeting at kirk= ten United Church at 8 pm next suuday evening, April '7 when discussion Will 'Continue on church union. Mr. and Mrs‘ Joe Illbetnaert and family of Brantford visited on the Weekend -With Mr. and Hiram Hanna, Mr. and Mrs. Sid White of Guelph visited Friday With Vitt, T. Foley'and Mr. Harry Fletcher. LET'S MAKE A CHOCOLATE EASTER EGG CAKE • ..Xk' •a. Son F. A. EXETER 235.0852 SALE LADIES Wool Spring Coats GREATLY REDUCED • SIZES 8 TO 20 • VARIETY OF NEW SPRING FASHION SHADES Just A rrived New Spring Dresses FOR EASTER • SIZES 5x20 • 1/2 SIZES 14% TO 24% MeliNSINWAStaM"— VIM Accent Your Spring W ardrobe from our wide L.,./ tr selection of colourful handbags - gloves - scarves - nylons- • MEN'S ALL-WEATHER TOPCOATS REGULAR OR TAPERED MODELS IN PLAIN SHADES OF bottle green, biege, black, bone, navy and grey SIZES 36 TO 46 22" KOROTAM TREATED 24.95 `SMOttkihUVAVITMONTI BOY'S & YOUNG MEN'S COLOURFUL CO-ORDINATES Smartly styled jackets With one pair of match- ing trousers and extra slacks in plain Co-or- dinated shades. 2 BOY'S 3 PCE. — 9 !S Student's—Sport coat, 2 way vest, co-or- dinated slacks — 42" Choose Your tiade. to Measure. Suit from hundreds of new samples expertly tailored by Firth 83 50 Brothers. Prices start as low as make a name for yourself with... 3 SIZES OF LETTERS AND NUMBERS • GOLD ANODIZED ALUMINUM • INDOORS • OUTDOORS APPLY IN SECONDS • SO EASY TO USE I- NE.W , • . Ar•'TRAQIIAIRS IDEAL FORID.ENTIFiCATIQN•PAI .1-1/QPAgE,'TIWPKS',. BOATS, HOUSE T.R.All4RS, MAIL BONES, GOLF 'BAPS. mgroRgIKES,SLIMMEB COTTAGES, OFFICES, ETC, TRAQUAIR HARDWARE NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE IN EXETER dh,,PET mak* PI!, liU Get °Bonus Savings! Your Dodge Dealer is offering bonus savings on every single model in the Dodge line. This is in addition to the Dodge FeVer Specials described above, There Will never be a better tinie to save than right now», See your Dodge Dealer soon, SEE YOUR LOCAL DODGE DEALER DOBBS MOTORS LIMITED 116:Main A Dodge Fever Spe- cial is a great way to get the options you want at the price you want . . . low. Pick the car you're interested in, and look at the option chart.Nou get all of these options at one low package price. White Sidewall Tires or Red Streak Tires Deluxe Wheel Covers Bumper Guards, front, rear Fender Mounted Turn Signals Outside Remote Control Mirror,left Special Mouldings Vinyl.Interiors Rear Window Defogger Full Horn Ring 4-Dr, H.T. 4-Dr. Sedan 4-Dr, Sedan ---- • • • • 0 • • • • • - • • • • - - • - Save even more by adding these options Ili • \ *0 I • \ — — • • I ' SPECIALLY EQUIPPED GARS AT SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICES! 2-Dr. H.T. 2-Dr. H.T. Polara 500 Coronet 440 Dart 270 Monaco 2-Dr. H.T. 4-Dr, Sedan 2-Dr. H,T. white, black, green Vinyl Roof, 383 cu. in. V8 Engine 383 V8 and/or Air Conditioning *2-or. NJ. only verish savings 't.s1:43 MONACO Monaco is one of the most luxurious Dodge models ever built. And now you can make it even more luxurious for very little extra cost when you buy it as a Dodge Fever Special. Look at the spe- cial option chart above. You'll see what we mean. CORONET 440 Coronet 440 hits the happy medium between standard-size cars arid compacts. At a Dodge Fever Special it also hits the height of low-cost luxury with the option package, above. POLARA 500 Polara 500,gives you big-car luxury at a price you can live with. And now the living's even better when you get the high-style options listed above at a reduced package price. DART 270 Dart 270 is Canada's biggest compact. A Dart 270 bodge Fever Special has to be one of Canada's biggest bargains when you get the special low- price option package, above, 41111"f CHRYSLER CANADA LTD, Thras-Advocate, April 4 1968 Part We all think of a fine home- made.chocolate cake as a fay, orite dessert treat. But when it's made to look like a beauti, ful chocolate Easter egg, it be- comes an exciting adventure. The secret is to divide the cake hatter in half and bake the cake in two ovenware bowls. The two bowl-shaped cakes arc fitted together With a fluffy ehoc, olate frosting and you have a big chocolate cake egg. Then, with a touch here and a touch there, you're ready to swirl on the frost- ing and add pretty rosettes or any Easter finery you fancy. EASTER EGG CAKE 1 1/2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 1/2 cups white sugar 2 tp baking powder 1 tp salt 1/4 tp baking soda 1 cup plus 2 tbl milk 1/2 cup soft butter 2 liqui-paks (2 oz) unsweeten- ed baking chocolate 1 tp vanilla 2 eggs Sift flour, sugar baking pow- der, salt and baking soda to- gether in a large bowl. Add 1 cup milk, soft butter, baking chocolate (Choco-bake) and van- illa. Stir to blend well. Beat with electric mixer at medium speed, 2 minutes.- Add eggs, 2 tbl milk and beat 2 minutes more. Pour into two greased 3-cup size ovenware mixing bowls. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Cool 10 minutes before remov- ing from bowls. SEVEN MINUTE FROSTING 1 egg white 3/4 cup sugar Pinch salt 3 tbl water 1 tp corn syrup 1 tp vanilla 1 liqui-palc (1 oz) unsweetened baking chocolate Put egg white, sugar, salt, water and cornsyrup in top of a double boiler. Beat with a rotary beater for one minute or until thoroughly mixed. Place over boiling water and beat con- stantly for 7 minutes, or until frosting will stand in stiff peaks, stirring frosting up from bottom 7outot 7o/11w Mrs. Clark Fisher is a patient in South Huron Hospital since Saturday. Mr. & Mrs. Mac Patterson, Rawden, Que. have been visiting the past two weeks with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Patterson. MARKS 95 YEARS Mrs. Catherine Ford, formerly of this community, celebrated her 95th birthday at Huronview Friday. She is in good health and re- markably active for her years. Freezer event to be in Clinton The Home Economics Branch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food is sponsor- ing a FREEZER FORUM on Wed- nesday, April 17 at 8 pm in Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. Tips will be given in demon- stration form on how to select freezers, how to freeze certain types of food and how to make the best use of a freezer. Each woman attending the forum will be given a booklet on freezing and an opportunity to sample products and ask questions of the Home Economist, No admission is charged and the meeting is open to all women in the County. FISHERMAN'S COVE GRAND BEND RIVER RD. S. OF BRIDGE CHICKEN & CHIPS ••• FISH & CHIPS ••• SHRIMP & CHIPS ETC, TAKE OUT ORDERS Phone.: 238-2025 and sides, occasionally, Remove from 'heat and place oyer cold Water or Pour into a bowl. Add vanilla and beat 1 minute longer. Fold in chocolate. DECORATING Slice just enough from top of cakes to take away any uneven- ess, With Seven Minute Frosting, "glue" cakes together to make egg-shape, Then cut narrow slice from one side of egg so it will rest flat. Set egg, with cut side down, on board. Frost with seven minute frosting, b_ui.ldin u.p egg- like shape. Decorate egg with pink rosettes or what-haVe-yon. One can buy decorations ready to add for special occasions but it's much more fun to make the decorations yourself, EGG IN A BASKET Slide Yolir •Fester egg,master- piece onto a piece of foil wrap, Ped -cardboard and place it in a wicker haaket, EASY PARTY CAKE If you haven't time or the inclination to 'fuss" over a spec- ial cake for an occasion just bake a plain cake in a tube pan, Ice with fluffy white icing. After icing has set, place a tiny glass in the hole in the center, Fill glass with colorful candy canes, jelly beans or artificial or real flowers, This makes a pretty cake with little effort. By ,MRS. WiP4Aki..RPHRE THAMES T1QAP The se venth :meeting of the .littrondale gostesses club was held ,atorclay„. March 0 at .8:19 at the home of Sharon Passmore, Miss Sharon carroll the home economist Attended. The eighth meeting was held Saturday afternoon, March 30, at Thames Road Church. All the mothers attended and after a brief meeting fhe girls .served after- noon tea, Guests -of honour were Mrs. Stewart Miner and Patricia. All mothers got a chance to inspect thp club 'books and hostess refer- ence files of the girls. The demon, eter, Mr, and Mrs. Don Reid, Danny and. Debbie of Hensall, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Black of Science Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson's an- niversary is on Friday, April 5. COMMUNITY NIGHT The regular community night was held Monday evening with six tables of euchre in play. Prizes were won for ladies high by Mrs. Lee Webber; ladies low, Mrs. Harold Rowe; lone hands, Mrs. William Lamport; men's high, William Lamport; men's low, Jack Duncan; lucky chair, Mrs. Jack Duncan. Lunch was served by the com- mittee in charge, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mayer and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Passmore. PERSONALS The membership class will join the church Sunday, April 7 at the Communion Service at 11:15 am. messengers will hold their meeting Saturday afternoon, April 6. Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Ballantyne and Brenda, Mr. & Mrs. Ray Cann and Cheryl, Mr. & Mrs. At the meeting of James Street UCW unit 4 in the church rooms Monday night, Mrs. A. E. Heth- erington of London was guest speaker. She was introduced by Mrs. W. H. Gemmill, London, a sister of Mrs. George Vriese who chaired the program. Mrs. Hetherington was guest speaker at the London World. Day of Prayer and is active in many organizations. She chose as her topic Monday evening "The Measure of Love." She said "We do not give enough of ourselves to others — we are so wrapped up in ourselves and our own activities that we haven't time for our families, or our neighbors." Mrs. Ken Ottewell led in the devotional. Mrs. George Sereda favored with a solo. Unit Lead- er, Mrs. Arnold Lindenfield opened the meeting and conduct- ed the business. Hostesses were Mrs. Vriese, Mrs. Ottewell, Mrs. Harry Coates and Mrs. Norman Wainer. A thought is an idea in transit. Eteaia9 04404au ..Mothers. at Hurottdole feted by 4 H ,members. Ptr.,40,94 Air Achievement Pay was Murray Dawson, Larry and Brent put "Table,wero Priday...eYeeing pests with At the endof theafternoonMra, Mr, & Miner thanked thegiris,,oribehali Miss Cathy Ferguson of Hen of the mothers for the teaand sall spent the Weekend v1013444, o.ongrattgato the leaders, Sharon Darlene Passmore.. Passmore .and Mrs. Ray Cann. Miss Dianne Hutton of MARK ANNIVERSARY vine, spent the Weekend. with . Mr, and Mrs, james Anderson Miss carolyn were gl,IPst4 of 'honor at the home. Mr, & Mrs. William lover of their daughter arid.een,in-law, .and Debbie of Fergus spent the Mr. and Mrs. Fleming Simpson on the occasion of their wedding Other guests for the turkey London woman anniversary, Jack Triebner and Cathy of Ex- speaks to group dinner Sunday were Mr, and Mrs. N„Pe159.40 with Mr; Mrg. Rob, ort Mayer,. •t. Mr, -.4.1044 Floyd ;Stewart and. family visited P141144Y, with mr,. & Mrs. Alyin-Pchleolc of DPP ten.. Mr, Mrs, m.plaou.aro.fEtro„, tjy 'of ciaut!ehoye„ Mr. & Mrs, Allan :Coward .44 farellY. of Kit. cile7.14r, Mr, Roy Coward. of :EX eter„ were Sunday ,gnests with Mr. & Mrs, Glen $tewart, the .occasion being the birthdays .of Mr..goy coward, mlohael Stew, Art and NirS, Dixon last week, Mr, & mrs, marl.;trapp„:1,,au, rie, Michael and 'Jamie of Lop, & Mrs. Donald bray/ Robert, .Janet and Ruth ylslted, Sunday -with Mr, .& Mr§, JOhn Pray, mr, & Mrs. William Rohde attended Mr, Alex Rolide's sale, Saturday- afternoon at. Mitchell. 14ater in.the evening Mr. 4 WS. Rohde ,visited with mr, & Mr!. William'OclioPriderW,POrd of near 1\1 itc 1194 Mrs, Stewart Wrier .attended the ;,oritlou Conference Branch of the UC W at Chatham, Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.