HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-04-04, Page 5100% Frost-Proof —even in the zero zone freezer! Model FI14K, 14,12 Cu. ft. (CAMA Standard) FRIGIDAIRE Soles with Service ! DRYS emit HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL Zone head makes visit Zone Commander Mrs. Evelyn Carroll of Goderich paid her of- ficial visit to the Hensall Legion Ladies Auxiliary Tuesday even- ing speaking on the. Auxiliary work. President Mrs. Garnet Allan presided for the business which included; • a donation of $10 to the Cancer Fund. • planned to cater to the Kins- men banquet April 26. • made plans for the annual Penny Sale to be held in the month of May. • planned to attend the Aux- iliary card party at Seaforth April 17. • discussed plans for the Zone Rally to be held in Hensall May 15. Two bowling teams will go to Seaforth May 1. Mrs. Harold Campbell, past president, pre- sented Mrs. Carroll with a gift. The mystery prize was won by Mrs. Harold Thiel, guessing prize by Mrs. W. H. Bell and attendance prize by Mrs. John Skea. A penny sale and lunch con- cluded the meeting. By MRS. NORMAN LONG Mr. & Mrs. Ross Carter and Jimmie of Galt spent the week- end with the later's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Hood. Sunday visitors with Mrs. Nor- man Long were Mrs. Marguerite Ulch, Windsor, Mr. & Mrs. Os- wald Brown, Detroit and Mrs. Ed. Little, Hensall. Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Easter- brooke and family of London and Mrs. Robert Gibson of Wroxeter were Sunday visitors with Mr. & Mrs. W. L. Mellis. Weekend visitors with Mr. & Mrs. Ted Robinson were Mr. & Mrs. George Wilkie and family of Toronto. Join church at Greenway Communion and church mem- bership service was held in the United Church on Sunday. Those entering into membership were: Mrs. Wayne Mellin, Marlene Bul- lock, Wendy Hicks, Clarence Steeper, Gary Eagleson, Keith Walper and Paul Steeper. Daffodils in both the Anglican and United Churches Sunday were through the courtesy of the Lon- don and Middlesex Cancer So- ciety, London florists, and Lon- don policemen. Canvassers for the Cancer Society will be calling on the people of this community this month when donations may be given for a worthy cause. Miss Viola Curts of London spent a couple of weeks with Miss Evelyn Curts and Mr. Man- uel Curts. Mrs. David Eagleson had to "return to St. Joseph's Hospital, London, last week. Good Friday service for Grand Bend and Greenly ay United Churches will be held in Green- way United Church on Friday, April 12 at 11 am. Area students visit sugar bush A bus load of young students from. Huron Centennial School at Brucefield enjoyed a trip through the Hensall area sugar bush of Ross and Herb Kercher, Friday, witnessing the operation of making syrup. Herb Kercher is shown here passing around a dipper of syrup for Bill Campbell, Wayne Gingerich, Sharon Finlayson and Janet Haney. Below, the kids line up to see the operation. — T-A photo .r. Rr • SUGAR COOKIE 15% OZ. & BROWN SUGAR COOKIE 16 OZ. 2 BAGS 894 TOOTHPASTE PEPSODENT FAMILY SIZE (DEAL PACK) TUBE 794 LINIT FABRIC FINISH 20 OZ. 594 BEANSm WITH PORK 19 OZ. TINS 4/894 MILK WONDER BRAND EVAPORATED 16 OZ. TIN 4/694 COFFEE MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 12 02. JAR $1.59 DR INK LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT 48 OZ. TINS 3/890 SHAKEN BAKE FOR CHIC. PKGKEN OR FISH 2 O. 2/494 MARGARINE BLUE BONNET 3 LB. EC COLOURED) ONOMY PACK ( 850 PUMPK IN STOKELY FANCY 14 OZ. TIN C ATSUP AYLMER 11 OZ. BOTTLE MARMALADE STAFFORD MELLO GOLD 2/290 3/590 12 OZ. JAR 9 IDEAL PACK) I FROZEN FOODS SUPREME BRAND GREEN or WAX BEANS 2 LB.POLYeAG 49-4 DARE'S COOKIES F inish quilts at Woodham By MISS JEAN COPELAND WOODHAM The United Church Women met at the church Tuesday afternoon and tied two quilts which are to be sent in the bale. Mrs. Fred Parkinson, Mar- garet and Janet spent last week with the former's sister, Mrs. Wilfred Lamerieux and family of Caperol. Mrs. Ted Brine and Michael of Rannoch visited with Mrs. Ar- thur Hopkin, Wednesday evening. Mrs. John Rodd was hostess for the Kirkton Women's In- stitute, Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Don Rixon and family of London and Mrs, Agnes Rixon of Beamsville were Sunday visitors with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd, Pam- ela and Calvin, Mr. & Mrs. Geo. Wheeler and David and Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland and girls, Two of the party were celebrating birth- days. Mr. & Mrs. LaWrence Skinner of London visited with Mr. & Mrs. John Rodd and family, Saturday evening; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Abey and family of London were Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Smith, Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen, Sharon and Brian visited with Mr. & Mrs. George Landman and family of Grand Valley, Sunday. e. • Hensall P.U.C. The Public Utilities Commission of Hensall will commence flat rate -water billing April 1, covering the area north of King St. for the billing period of Feb. and Mar. 1968. The following rates will be effective Industrial $50 per 2 months 1st Commercial $20 per 2 months 2nd Commercial $6, per 2 months 13omeStic $4 50 per 2 months The above'rates are subject to 10% penalty. H. D. Page Manager, SMOKED COTTAGE ROLLS CRYOVAC 1/2'S WIENERS SIDE BACONBACON LB. LB. 65 C 45C 59C FRESH GROUND BEEF & PORK LB. MINUTE STEAKS LB 89C PRODUCE NO. i ONTARIO POTATOES 50.LB. BAG $1.39 NO, 1 (PRODUCT OF U.S.A.) .30s RADISHES 3 SAGS 23 MARKET HENSALL - ONTARIO WEEKEND SPECIALS APRIL '04 NOTE!, Store wilt be open next Thursday night April 11, till 10:46.13.111,, CLOSED Al day, Atitil 12, Good Friday. CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Haddon, Phone 262-2002 Mn ..i Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 Henson and district news v: .10 Rebekahs stage dessert euchre The Hewn Ladies Curling Club enjoyed a banquet at the Legion Hall Hensall, Wednesday evening, March 27, with forty ladies sitting down to a turkey dinner. Pins were presented to the two top winning teams of the year. Mrs. Howard Scene was elected president and Mrs. Robt. Baker, secretary-treasurer. Legion Ladies Auxiliary cat- ered for the dinner. 0111111110 $$$$ It llllllllllll lllllllllllllll 111111111111011 Personal Items iun,m.,.lll lllllllll llllllll irrierrei ll llllllllllllll tom Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cucimore returned home after a visit with their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer MacDonald, Ruth Anne and Jack at Brampton. Mrs. Bertha MacGregor visit- ed over the weekend with her son and daughter-in-law and granddaughter, Mr. andMrs.Don MacLaren and Jodi in Toronto. Hensall WI will hold the annual meeting Wednesday, April 10 at 8:15 pm in the Legion Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Under- wood of Gorrie visited over the weekend with Mrs. John Hender- son and family. Mrs. Frank Harburn is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital. Mrs. John E. McEwen return- ed home after spending the past By MISS ELLA MORLOCK CREDITON Twenty-five members of the adult Bible School classes of Zion United Church were privil- eged to tour the Goderich Salt Mine Monday evening, March 25. Their guide explained the layout of the mine, using a map to illustrate his talk. Then the party descended 1,730 feet by swiftly moving elevator. They saw the tunnels with ceil- ings 50 to 60 feet high, the bolts used to secure the ceilings, the trucks and drills, and the conveyor belt with its powerful cable. A small truck was used to transport the group in two parties through the underground area. Afterwards the members pro- ceeded to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crawford for lunch. PERSONALS To verify the fact that spring really is here, three lively kids have arrived in the herd of goats belonging to Mr. Clarence Moon. Mr. and Mrs. Will Oestricher visited last Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green of Mit- chell. Those who attended the Mary Hastings Spring Dinner at Black- bush School last Tuesday evening were Mrs. Margaret Clarke, Mrs. Nelson Schenk, Mrs. Victor Green Mrs. Aaron Wein, Mrs. Don Dinney, Mrs. Shirley Glan- ville, Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner and Mrs. Leonard Wein. About sixty members were present. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beaver of Pittsburgh were in Crediton last weekend to visit with Mr. Harry Beaver. Mr. and Mrs, Evan McCandless of Strathroy spent Sunday after- neon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Will Oestricher. Mrs. Margaret clarke, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clarke of Zurich, and Cathy Diriney spent the weekend in Preston with Mr. and Mrs. George Burr and Miss Margaret Burr. Miss Dorothy Jean Randall of Komoka, tragically killed in an auto accident at the Denfield Crossing Saturday evening, is a grandniece of Mrs. Elmer Law- son. A number from this area at- tended the funeral of Mr. Reuben. Lady curlers hold banquet Amber Rebekah Lodge,Hen- sall, held a Dessert Eucre and Bake Sale last Wednesday with fifteen tables of euchre. Ladies' high prize was won by Mrs. A. Orr; consolation, Mrs. Gretta Richard, Exeter; nearest birthday, Mrs. Robert M. Bell; lone hands, Mrs. Edna Caldwell, Exeter. Winner of the table centre, Mrs. Howard Lem- mon. Several members and friends from Pride of Huron Lodge, Ex- eter attended. VISIT CLINTON REBEKAHS members of Amber Rebekah Lodge were guests of Huronic Rebekah Lodge, Clinton, Monday evening. Huronic Lodge confer- red the degree when six can- didates were initiated. Mrs. Ray Consitt and Mrs. Eunice Aikenbead were received into membership in Amber Re- bekah Lodge. two weeks with friends in London. Mrs. Dorothy Munro of Sea- forth visited this week with Mrs. Bertha MacGregor. Mrs. Bill Knights, Stewart and Jane, Blenheim, Mr. and Mrs. Terry North and Tammy Lee of Port Stanley, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snell, Teresa North returned home after spending the past two weeks with the Snells. Schwantz in Dunnville Monday afternoon. Those who went to Dunnville were Miss Pearl Fah- ner, Mr. Earl Heist, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gaiser, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hendrick, Miss Clara Gaiser and Mr. Albert Gaiser. Miss Sandra Taylor and Mr. L. Cronk of Sarnia were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Les Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mrs. Clayton Sims were at Walkerton Sunday with Mrs. Bil- liard Sparling. By MRS. J, TEMP4EMAN STAFF4 The March meeting of the stafia Women's Institnte took the form of an all-day quilting and pot hick dinner, Mrs. Verna Brooks was hostesa tOr the day Four quilts were quilted for the War Memorial HoSpital and the Northern Qntarlo bale. Roll Call was answered with levyhat's .your beef" and some very interesting suggestions and ideas were given, The motto grlionest labour dis- graces no man" was given by Mrs. Cecil BOWMOn. Geraldine Temgleman favored with a solo accompanied by Mrs, George Vivian, Mrs. Vivian also con- ducted a geography match. Mrs. Ed. Chappel presided for the business. Mrs. Carter Kers- lake and Mrs. John Templeman were the committee named to look after the short course on May 1 in Staffa Hall on ',Fash- ion Cues For You". Mrs. Carter Kerslake report- ed on the training school '"Hats for you" saying that summary day would be held in Atwood on April 17. A motion was made to send a donation to Bunny Bundle. Mrs. Sandford Hutton Miss Diane Hutton spent the weekend with Miss Carolyn Kel- lett, Thames Road. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Pehlke, Monkton, spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Dennis. Mrs. Howard Dayman, Joe and Michelle, Kippen, Mrs . George Frayne, Sunshine Line, visited Thursday with Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Lloyd Dobbs and Mrs. Eveleen Stephens and Rick, Lang- ton, visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ivan Brock and Dennis. Miss Margaret Brock, Stratford spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Brock. Members were reminded that: he WSFJP.t. Annual would be •held in, FuliartM1 church on. Mal 21 and that ,members are to bring their 'pennies. lor Friendship to. the April SWOP:1g, Mrs, Garnet Taylor was in charge of the special feature and .110 the members display their winters Werlr... There Was a lovely display of quilts, einhroldery, knitting, crocheting, hats and bedroom accessories, Hostesses were Mrs, Rohert. 14CcOUgheY and Mrs, Lillian Deuglas, The'Staffs WI catered to the Ribbert. Township official's ban- quet in $taff4 HAIL Teeeday even-, ing, 'March 26. Mrs, pelt, Mrs.. Taylor and Mrs. Chappel were the committee in charge of the banquet. PERSONALS Mr. & Mrs. Russell Miller, Mr. & Mrs. John Miller and Mr. Ken Miller attended the wedding reception for Mr. & Mrs. Tom Woodword in Detroit, Michigan, Saturday evening. Shirley and Steven Miller visit- ed over the weekend with their aunt, Mrs. Rose Harris, Chisel- hurst and Karen Miller visited with her cousin, Betty Ann Mill- er, Cromarty. Hensall Jewellery Store The above premises will be open Saturday March 30 & April 6 1968 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of customers pick- ing up any goods left with the late George Robert Hess, and after these dates the business will be closed permanently. • • Times-Advocator April 4 1900' rnstihite at Staffa spend •day Crediton folk tour Goderich salt mine End Floor Waxing Forever with beautiful SUNSET SEAMLESS FLOORING it is skid & stainproof and much more Learn about this flooring by calling Gordon Whiteman HENSALL 262-2431 Hotedt-&-igooditedantottettatiatopideel