HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-03-28, Page 15loctgai. campaign' rghahl
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needed mass. of
,motorists, to make them real,
12e that ,discourtesy, lack pfgpp,..
they are. in control of that lethal
weapon, the 'automobile,. can and
ogten does result in very severe
injury and in all too many ,cases,
As a medical observer of the
British scene over a consider-
able number of years and now of
the Canadian scene, I am struck
by the number of Canadian child-
ren and adolescents who have a
less than satisfactOry posture In
compar/SPP with their 13000.
I hasten to add that this Phser-
ya tion is a dispassionate one;
Serionsly, however,,p9Pr posture
carries with it several disad-
The PersPn concerned has a
less attractive appearance, is
More subject to tipper respir-
atory tract infeetions, such as
bronchitis, due to inadequate ven-
tilation of the lungs, and may
have impaired efficiency of the
digestive system.
What the reasons are for this
larger percentage of postural
Joins RAP .
Exeter council this week aPpoint-
ed Carf Cann to fill the vacancy
on RAP created by the resigna-
tion of Bill Gilfillan. Past presi-
dent of the Board of Trade, Mr.
Cann has been active on the rodeo
on Texaco Motor Oils
and Lubricants.
Start the new season with savings—the Texaco way!
Now you can make big savings on bulk purchases of
top-quality Texaco products, including world fa-
mous brand names like Havoline Motor Oil and
Marfak! Take advantage of this unusual opportu-
nity. Give us a call today. We'll save you money.
* Farm Trade Only.
227 Wellington St.
Exeter, Ontario.
Tel.: 235-2840
Your Community Texaco Distributor
Mexican Bean Beetle
Corn Root Worm
-!!You're Dead!"
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Now for the first time you can control
those crop destroyers with liquid fert-
ilizer and have no application costs.
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• Higher Yields For Extra Profit
• Earlier Maturity For Early Harvest
In addition to the aboVe, we service about 30 other liquid fertilizer planters in the area. If you are interested in reducing your spring work load — go liquid with us.
Contact These Custom Operators For Service:
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DASHWOOD 237-3627
KI R KTON 229.8856
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MOH discusses 'violence, .driver and pasture Times-Advocate, March 28, 1868 ago is
Conduct of some drivers brands them as sociat:misfits: • •
,defects I do not know, or whether
•It is a finding across Canada or
limited to SetithernPpiarip,
s4mvoion, of posture when"
woog or sitting (most es p,
,0044 at table or desk) and
adequate .organized sport and.
PhySiCal o0gc44on are of great
Ovortame., and preptplte04,
ers and youth leaders all have .a
psrt to play,.
That 'phypical RcincatInn, is an
essential school subject not to
be cancelled due to theprePaing
demands of other subjects or as
a DWI) punishment should
axiomatic in the drawing up and
aPPlieetiPn Of school achetitiles,
• #
• #
4 WY
The Health of the county of letY Y.4441411} is a type of be-
. 'woo, a report issued hy MPH ha four which r u p fierce
Dr. G. p. A. Evans, contains passions, It is not only regarded
a report on violence, the ag, as inexcusahle but also inborn,
grepsive driver and a comment prehensible, Personal violence
on the posture of Canadian child- Can sometimes he Comprehended, ren and adolescents. theft May be explicable, but Why
The report is as, follows: ;;sheer" destruction where there
In a property-consPlOus soc- is no apparent gain.
Other' adjectives used—
"wanton", "airtiless", ""point
less" etc. reflect this perplex-
Criminologists tend to accept
rather than question the lay jud-
gment of vandalism as ;mean-
ingless" and the very use of the
label "vandalism" distorts at-
tempts to uncover motivation.
It is an emotive label, not a
legal term.
Aggression resulting from
frustration may be put forward
as an explanation. Such a theory
does not explain why property—
and only certain types of property
are the objects of aggression.
Is the eventual target only a
symbol of or substitute for the
original aggression?
In how many cases is the act
only the last stage in a series
of traumatizing incidents? e.g.
Boss rockets em plo y e e , em-
ployee ""takes it out" on his
Wife after work, wife shouts at
the little boy, then vandalism
comes in, little boy throws a
stone through a window.
A United States study recog-
nizes three types--predatory,
vindictive and wanton. Predatory
and vindictive can be identified
. . .
fairly readily, and wantoncovers
the situations which do not fit
into the other two categories. An
unusual example of vindictive
vandalism was that of a 13-year -
old English boy who, disappoint-
ed at the Christmas giftsre-
eeived after Praying, decided to
"get my own back on God", and
Set fire to the Church, .causing
over $15,000.00 damage,
An English study of vandalism
from court records gives a sort
of itlenti-kit picture of the of-
fender. (The use of the term
;;offender" is important, be-
cause most perpetrators of van-
dalism go undetected.)—Work-
ing-class, urban, male adoles-
cent. He passes through the mid-
dle-class dominated school
system without becoming com-
mitted to its values such as
ambition. After school, he drifts
in and out of a series of dull,
undemanding jobs.
He takes refuge in the com-
mercial teenage culture. In lei-
sure also his ways are blocked,
youth organizations and typically
middle-class outlets such as pol-
itical and community activity,
look superbly irrelevant to him,
and, despite so-called affluence,
the commercial culture can be
sampled but not bought.
So delinquency in the shape of
vandalism steps into the gap. It
is ;manufactured excitement"
and may be indulged in either on
the lone-wolf basis or as a mem-
ber of a group. The latter form
is much more common and intro-
duces the complicating factor of
approval from peers. This often
results in heightened aggression
and increased damage and is
closely related to group psychol-
ogical intoxication.
A final factor to be considered
in vandalism is that the method
of reporting group vandalism by
press, radio and television can
affect future patterns and may
even result in an epidemic or
waves of incidents. This was il-
lustrated most clearly in the
""mods and rockers" occur-
rences in South-east England
several years ago.
A reasonable conclusion to
these remarks is that there is a
need to try much harder to under
stand behavior such as vandalism
and Co be cautious about hyster-
ical denunciation based on the
wrong labels. However, it is
important that such understand-
ing and caution should not be
accompanied by over-permis-
It is tempting indeed to write
at some length on violence as it
is depicted and described in the
various art forms. It will have to
suffice in this Context on this
occasion to comment on the
stoAciy, erosion of Standards
films and television PlaYs,
That modern man ,almost
Titres to see violence in PlaYa
or films prom time to time is
accepted by many. It can pe
regarded ap a vicarious Partici-
PatiPil in substitution for eX-
cespive aggression necessarily
suppressed for the Welfare Of
the family and Society. How-
ever, when strong sexual and or
sadistic elements are grafted
on to the violence, then a rea-
sonable harmleps escape valve
can become a menacing in-
fluence especially when the phy-
sically immature are subjected
to it.
"More people have died on the
roads of the world than on the
battlefields of both world wars.
The killing continues at a yearly
rate of 200,000 and 5,000,000
are injured." This disturbing
quotation highlights the third
aspect of violence of concern
to Public Health and Social Med-
icine—The Aggressive Driver.
Road deaths are almost never
attributed, except in cases of
dangerous driving, to personal
violence. The great majority are
described as accidents, the result
of carelessness, bad roads, laek
of skill, faulty cars, poor visi-
bility, general weather conditions
and many other plausible causes
not necessary to enumerate in
The psychology of the motorist,
himself, is usually ignored, yet
every time a driver gets into
his car, he has at the touch of
a foot, or a hand, the most
dangerous weapon he is ever
likely to handle, and in his anger
he is lethal.
We are all aware of incidents
such as the following described
in a responsible motoring maga-
zine. Briefly, the account con-
cerns a driver overtaking when
really he should not have done
so. Admittedly, in this he was at
fault. When it was too late to
come back into line he realized
that he would be very hard put
to it to avoid head-on collision
with an on-corning car.
The reaction of the driver of
the on-coming car was to shine
his lights at full beam into the
eyes of the overtaking driver
making a very difficult task al-
most impossible. Miraculously,
the overtaking driver did manage
to complete the over-take and get
back into line with no more than
a second or two to spare.
The worst feature of the in-
cident, however, was the con-- 4
duct of the ,cirivpr being tWer-
taken, who delibera.tely arid vig,
prously Accelerated. The author
remarks, "The driver of the car
being overtaken deserves spec-
ial mention, what he did was
Attempted murder, it was coolly
and deliber ately executed,
nothing slipshod. Only the poor
output of his engine failed him,"
Unfortunately, psychology re -
mains the Poorest relation of
accident Prevention. Many mil-
lions of dollars are spent de-
signing cars which are as safe
as possible, but little is done
to find out why people drive in
the way they do. However much
cars are made safer and roads
are improved, there is unlikely
to be a real break-through in
accident prevention, u nt i 1 the
psychology of the driver is taken
fully into account.
Aggression is one of the prim-
ary instincts of man; it is not
surprising that many drivers
under stress become dangerously
aggressive, use sulphurous lang-
uage, race competitively and
"carve-up" other drivers.
The worst cases of aggressive
driving are almost certainly link-
ed to mental illness. Canty, Dir-
ector of a Detroit Clinic related
to a traffic offences court, found
in a survey of more than 800
traffic offenders, specially re-
ferred to the Clinic by the Courts,
that 90% of them were mentally
ill. The sample contained a large
proportion of drivers of very low
intelligence and of unstable and
immature personality.
Canty writes ;;It has often been
said that a person behaves in
a manner totally different from
his usual pattern when he is be-
hind the wheel of his car. This
not so. His personality does not
change. There is one significant
difference: when a driver is in
his own car, there is more free-
dom to demonstrate the presence
of unsocial, irresponsible and
even antisocial traits.
The complete clinical study to
which these chronic traffic vio-
laters are subjected unmasks
these people for what they really
are—social misfits". One has
only to observe the conduct of
some drivers on Highways 21,
8 and 4 and of some of the youth
of Huron County on the Square of
Goderich on Saturday and Sunday
afternoons to realize the fright-
ening accuracy of these remarks.
The great majority of aggres-
sive drivers do not, of course,
fall into the category described
by Canty, yet, their mental at-
titudes are hardly less pro-
ductive of death and injury. A
long-term intensive, psycho-