HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-03-28, Page 5Ready for action Hensall pee wees made a creditable showing in the Goderich Young Canada hockey tournament played last week. The bean town youngsters played a 3-3 tie with Paisley in their first outing but won the game on shots on goal and then dropped a 4-3 decision to Plattsville. Above, some of the boys are getting their skates laced up for the Friday morning game against Plattsville. From left, Murray Parsons, Ricky Ingram, Kevin Buchanan, Peter Jantzi and Jeff Rea.burn, T-A photo, ensa and district news CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. Maude Hedden, Phone 262-2002 Mri. Bertha MacGregor, Phone 262-2025 *Th I Henson Jewellery Store The above premises will be open Saturday March 30 & April 6 1968 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of customers pick- ing up any goods left with the late George Robert Hess, and after these dates the business will be closed permanently. Attention: Grand Bend Subscribers Starting Saturday, March 30, You'll No Longer Have To Dial "112 " Before Dialing Long Distance 1 just dial "1" Come Saturday, we intend to take some of the dialing out of your long distance calls. All you'll have to do is Dial "one". Then the area code (if different than 519) and the number you wish to reach. It's as easy as that. There will also be a change in the method of placing service calls. Please remember to reach information you will DIAL "411" and if you wish to reach the other party on a two party line dial "4191" instead of "1191". There is no change in the method of reaching another party on a rural line. HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE SYSTEM ROUND SIRLOIN OR T-BONE STEAK OR ROASTS LB 89 C COOKED HAM LB 98C FRESH SIDE SIDE PORK L., 394 FRESH HAMS WHOLE 'dB HALF LB. 5 5 C laiNGNA LB. .49t. HAMBURG 1.5.79-4- ROLLED .R.OASTS LB.494 . Kippen East WI met at the home of Mrs. Ken McKay on Wednesday, March 20. Mrs. Alex McGregor was co-hostess. The roll call was answered by telling one thing children should be taught. Mrs. Vern Alderdice commented on the motto "Per- fection is not expected but im- provement is". Rev. J. C. Boyne of Exeter was guest speaker and members praised his discussion on Educa- `ion very highly. Business consisted of the ap- pointment of Mrs. Robert Bell as auditor. The Branch Direc- tors were appointed as the nom- inating committee. Plans were finalized for the pot luck supper to be held at Mrs. Charles Eyre's home on April 4 to conclude the attend- ance contest. Mrs. Robert Bell gave a reading "Shackles and Taxes". Mrs. Ross Sararas re- ported for Home Economics that Achievement Day for the 4-H girls will be May 4. A short In Memoriam ser- vice was held in memory of Mrs. Ernest Whitehouse, a valued charter member. Mrs. Glenn Bell gave a poem on "Success" and Cleric talks on education Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Weiberg and family were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kooy. Mrs. Maurice MacDonald gave her home Friday afternoon for a church group quilting. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Clarke and girls, Shipka, spent Saturday afternobn visiting Mr. and Mrs. Robt Tindall and girls. Misses Nancy and Marylou Tindall and Jeffrey Young visited their grandparents, Mr. and Heber Davis, in the holidays. Dennis Johnson had his ton- sils removed atSouth HuronHOs- pital, Exeter, last Monday. "Wake up—you might learn Sornething," FROZEN FOODS By MRS. HEBER DAVIS The Public Utilities Commission of Hensall Will commence flat rate water Pilling April 1, covering the area north Of King St for the billing period of Feb. and Mar. 1968. The following rates will be effective — industrial $50 per 2 Months 1st Commercial $20 per month 2nd Commercial $6. per month Domestic $4.50 per month The above rates are subject to 10% penalty. H. Page Manager, Ladies compete in bowling event TWP bowling teams 47.941 still:Legien POWs Auxiliary twit Part in a bowling tournament Walkerton Wednesday; MarebPQ, participating in the ,event were Mrs ,:grant Mcciinchey, Mrs., W, H, Bell, Mrs. Gordon 14.4nn! Mrs, Clarence Reid, Mrs, Jack Simmons,Mrs. James Chalmers, Mrs. Wm Sniale_. Mrs, PraPt Bisback, Mrs.Narry Horton, Mrs, Mary Taylpr, Mrs. Roy Snge, Mrs. Howl Pala10., prize winners were Mrs, W,H, Bell and Mrs, Jack Simmons, Mrs. Mary Taylor was awarded the prize_ for the oldest Pseitdegal4 Mrs. Elsie Keyes of St: Marys visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Patsy. Miss Jackie Simmons in comp, any with Miss Barbara Munn RN of Burlington visited this week with the latter's grandmother, Mrs. Munn at Ripley. Miss Ruth Anne MacDonald of Brampton spent the past week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Flood of Burlington visited over the week- end with the latter's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Grant MacLean. Mrs. Luella Willert visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lee Desch in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon T. Munn and Miss. Roberta Munn of Stoney Creek and Miss Barbara Munn RN of Burlington visited last week with Mrs. Ida Munn. Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon of Brampton visited with rel- atives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Spencer are holidaying in Florida. Misses Shelly and Sandra Flet- cher of Kirkton spent the past week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Tinney and, Bill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Duncan and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ormstram of Toronto visited recently with Mrs. Nellie Riley. Mr. Charles Wilson returned to his home after being ill in Clinton Hospital. Mr. George Thompson re- turned home after spending some weeks in St. Petersburg, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith and Jerry spent Sunday as guests with Mr. and Mrs. George Armstrong, Gail and Murray of Hyde Park. Mrs. Gary Corlett and family, Toronto, spent last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Cook. Miss Joan Hopkinson of Lion's Head was a guest last week with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Cook and family. Miss Frances May and Miss Ann Mickle, UWO, London, spent the weekend with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Mrs. Garnet Allan and son Norman have returned home from Clinton Public Hospital where they underwent surgery. Mrs. G. Voth of Birmingham, Michigan, visited with her mother Mrs. L. Simpson over the weekend. Miss Patsy Parker entertained Misses Debbie Wallace, Joyce Haney of Seaforth and Nancy Traquair and Wilma Dalrymple during the holidays. Kenneth Schroeder returned home after holidaying at the home of his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Corbett and Wayne. The Hensall Curling Club held a jitney and social evening at the Centralia Bowling Rink Saturday, March 23. A good crowd attended and an enjoyable evening was spent. +Roll up your sleeve to save ,a life... BE A BLOOD DONOR Automatic oven in a range that's budget lovin' I FRIOIDAIRt .sties With Service,1. DRYSDALE Cited HARDWARE. Dial HENS ALL Rebekahs plan future projects Amber Rebekah Lodge met last Wednesday evening with the Noble Grand Mrs. Jack Corbett pres- iding. The Vice Grand, Mrs. Earl Campbell, reported visits, cards and flowers sent. Mrs. Blighton Ferg acted for the recording sec- retary Mrs. Leona Parke. Arrangements were completed for the Dessert Euchre and Bake Sale to be held March 27 at 2 pm in the lodge rooms. Mrs. Inez McEwen was appointed in charge of the proceeds and Mrs. Bertha MacGregor, the flowers. An invitation was received from Ruth Rebekah Lodge, Strat- ford, to be their guests Friday, April 19, when the DDP Mrs. Lorena Holmes will make her official visit. The Lodge with their candi- dates are invited to the Initiation Degree at Clinton Rebekah Lodge April 1 at 8 pm. Cars leaving local lodge hall by '7:15 pm. The DDP Mrs. Marjorie Broadfoot will make her official visit April 17. "Happy Birthdays" were ex- pressed to Noble Grand Mrs. Corbett and Mrs. A. Orr. All. members will contribute to the Bake Sale following the Dessert Euchre Wednesday, March 27. Mrs. Richard Dickins, Exeter, was guest of honor at a birth- day party held in the Parish Hall Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Don Maguire were hosts for the . occasion. The evening was spent in play- ing progressive euchre. Winners were Mrs. Harvey Latta, Mrs. Hob Tindall and Mr. Don Maguire and Mr. Heber Davis. Refreshments were served from tables decorated for the occasion aid centered with a birthday cake. There were 35 members of the family and friends present. Wednesday afternoon fifteen tables of progressive euchre were played following dessert served by the ladies of St. Pat- rick's Church in the parish hall. Decorations were in green and white in honor of St. Patrick. A home bake sale followed. Church service was continued in the homes on Stinday owing to the Saturday storm. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice MacDonald, Ltican gave their home. Rev. S. Bell was in charge. Mr. and Mrs. JIM Barker Were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Cliff McLean, Lucan, Thursday even- ing. The evening was spent in London. Mr. and Mrs. McLean were observing their anniver- sary. By MISS JEAN COPELAND wooDHAm The MesPengerS met in the hasement of the church Sunday morning. Theme of the meeting. was "Love means being friend- ly," Michelle Robinson read a ppem and Mary Lou Thomson gave a Piano solo, Mrs, Jaques gaye the chapter on the study hook followed by prayer by Robbie Dickey. Pame-la Rodd read the Scripture les- By MRS. G. HOOPER Mr. & Mrs. Russell Harris and family of Prospect Hill were Thursday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Grant McCorquodale. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Langford and Carl were. Sunday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur Facey of Wellburn. Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins and family of Granton, Mrs. Alex Dobson of Weston, visited Sat- urday evening with Mr. Leonard Thacker. Edwin Jones spent a couple .of days with David Bryan of Prospect Hill. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson at- tended the 50th wedding anni- versary of Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Sisson of Watford Saturday. - Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson were Saturday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. McIntosh of Lon- don. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bryan and family of Prospect Hill were Saturday evening guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones. Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Thomson Murray and Barry, Mrs. Gertie Thomson were Sunday evening guests of Mr. Clarence Moir and Blanche of St. Marys. P.914 Mrs, Wm. Dickey gave the gible study. A play f`A SpeCial Time of year (Lent)" was given, parts were taken by Hampla Janet Tomlinson, Eddie Rodd and Vernon Thomson,. It was decided. to. Send a five dollar donation to Bunny Bundle in Lenden, PERSONALS Mrs. Gordon Bain and. Douglas of Toronto visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Gordon Johns, Gorden and family and Mrs. Mary Anderson. Mr. & Mrs. George Landman of Grand Valley visited Thurs- day with Mr. & Mrs. John Wit- teveen, Sharon and Brian, .Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr. Russell.Mills of Paden visited Wednesday with Miss Blanche Mills and Mr. Edgar Mills. Mr, & MrS. Wm. Crag°, Billy and Linda of pernbroke spent a couple of weeks With Mr, & Mrs. Norris Webb and family. The Men's Club of Woodharn charge, their wives and families journeyed to Clinton Thursday evening and presented a variety program for the inmates of Huronview. Mrs. Florence VVitteveen and Carol of St, George visited with Mr. & Mrs. John Witteveen, Sharon and Brian Tuesday. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Dobson of Kirkton visited with Mrs. Arthur Hopkin Sunday evening. Mrs, Altati Lawson .1)009,91. of St, Marys and. Mr.. Mrs 44n, BehOol Bob and g144heth. et PtItehell. were 'gm), day visitors with .Mr* & Mrs, Gerald pween and Ed. Miss Own Tomlinson visited dnring the weekend with •Mr, 4 Mrs:, Jim Wilkinson of Leam,- tagtori, Mr. & Mrs, William Dickey . • attended the fune r al. of the. former's uncle, the late Joseph (pandy) Downes • held from the Pepping Bros, .funeral borne trathrPY last Wednesday after- noon, Danny Morley of Exeter spent • ' last week with his grandparents,' Mr. & Mrs, Wm, Dickey and • family. Donate to .Bunny Bundle 'Tim•sAdv9catif .•Mirch..2.8e.1968 . P.4010. S Women discuss church missions St. Paul's ACW held their reg- ular meeting Thursday at the home of Mrs. Barrie Jackson. Following opening devotions from the Living Message, Mrs. H.A. Seegmiller read a further chap- ter of the study book, "Right to A Future". This chapter dealt with the Church Missions and Church Schools. Mrs. Mary Taylor announced that the first annual meeting of the Anglican Church Women will be held in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, April 23 and 24. Dele- gates to this meeting are to be chosen later. The annual Smorgasbord was discussed and the date has been changed to Saturday, May 4. al s o gave courtesy remarks. Mrs. John McGregor conducted two contests and lunch was served by the hostesses and the commit- tee in charge. AIGHLINER AEROWAX TEA BISK MONARCH (LIQUID FLOOR WAX) 50-OZ. SPIN 214 LB. PKG. 474 SPEED STARCH EASY-ON 15 OZ, 49 HOT CHOCOLATE TWINK INSTANT 1 LB. PKG. 294 WIZARD ASSORTED FRAGRANCES 6 OZ. AERSOL . ROOM DEODORIZERS (REGULARLOY 594) .—A11r94 CANADA WHITE SPIRIT VINEGAR 40 02, JUG (REGULARLY 350 ROSE GRAND PICKLES 16 OZ, SWEET BUTTER RELISH DI N NIX, SWEET MUSTARD, , BRE EACH LEE BRAND PINEAPPLE 19 OZ. CRUSHEDITID4HTS. SLICED MARMALADE SHIRRIFF 24 OZ, GOLD SEAL CHUNK BY, 02, TINS Woodham kids help crippled kids Hensall P.U.C. angaM.M. Vi?atlia'MVAir