HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-03-14, Page 12Farmers Income Tax Service P. O. BOX 35 LUCAN, ONTARIO TI Short Individual Return $3.00 Only. Farmers Returns $20 Up For appointment in your twine, please call collect phone 227-4851 George Eizenga BEEF SALE! I.G.A. have bought and selected 1,000,000 lbs. of the choicest i)cef available from the finest beef feed lots in Canada. Ask your I.G.A. Meat Manager about the special feature pricks and special buys that are available to *took Your freezer during this out- standing beef *alai lb, 29 lb, 19 1. 69gOka, MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAM MAPLE LEAF CANNED PICNIC ZI P DOG FOOD 10 1;:gs. 88c MAPLE LEAF MILD OR NIPPY CHEESE SLICES 8P-1::. 330 22,8,-: 88c TREESWEET RECONSTITUTED Assra. FRUIT JUICES 2 alts ' 83c DELMONTE FANCY SEASONED Green or Wax Beans A 14 -oz. (mai or Creamed Corn 1 Tins 00% TOP VALU BEANS TtimthatoPtucIne 3 Tin, 88g8-oz 2. HEINZ REGULAR OR HOT TOMATO KETCHUP 4 "Biclisx, 88C SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE WHIP 3 TJars 99e MacLEAN'S REGULAR OR SPEARMINT Family Size 880 Tubb SHIRLEY GAY PLAIN, SUGAR OR CINNAMON DONUTS 2:72490 TOP VALU FANCY FRUIT COCKTAIL TOOTHPASTE 50 lb. Bag 1.59 123's) doz. 89g (Size Ont. Grown No. I Hot House CUCUMBERS Canada No. I COOKING 3.1b. ONIONS Cello Bag 'Assorted Colours CHRYSANTHEMUMS "1.89 3 49, 2 for Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Sholdice of London were Tuesday guests of Mrs. Wes Atkinson. Lucan, offers congratulations to The Exeter Times-Advocate on receiving four awards in the annual competition, conducted by the Ontario Weekly Newspapers Association. Mr. & Mrs. NormanHankalaof West Land, were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert and family, The Middlesex Jr. Farmers will hold their Drama Festival at the Medway High School, March 21. Mrs. Sheridan Revington was a Friday guest of her mother, Mrs. Harry McFalls of London. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott were Thursday guests of Mrs. Ern Abbott of Centralia. Mrs. W. Westney of Brookliti is holidaying with her sister, Mrs. T. A, Hodgins. Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett had another long distance call from their son, Brian, who has been touring Europe, since last No- vember. He was then in Austria and planned to visit Germany, Holland, England and Scotland before returning home some time in April. Mr. Frank Smith, of centralia was a weekend guest with Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Theander. The hext meeting of the WI will be held at the home of Mrs. T. A. Watson, Thersday, March 21 — not March 19 as misprinted on the program. Mrs. Gordon Banting is now staying with Mr. & Mrs. William Killam of Don Mills. Mr. Ross Ward of Lambeth was a Sunday guest of Mr, & Mrs. Norman Steeper. Mr. & Mrs. W. W. Garrett of London, were Sunday &tests of Mrs. Bob Coleman. Lucan Horsemen's Club DANCE Smorgasbord Fri„. Mot, 22 Lucan Arend, ADVANCE TICKETS: ADULTS 2,00 STUDENTS 1,00 Everybody Welcome Advance tieketS available at Davies Hardware, Lucan Last Saturday evening Mrs. Harold Cobleigh entertained 20 members of the Lucan Public School staff (includinghusband or wife). The evening was spent in games, contests and progressive euchre. Debbie Irene Saunders, two- year-old daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Saunders of London, Is holidaying with her great-grand- parents Mr. & Mrs. A, R. Wilk- inson. Mr. Ron Crozier spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. A. I. Crozier of Kingston, who has been on the sick list. Rev. & Mrs. Gordon McDonald spent the weekend in Toronto, where the former took Sunday services for his uncle, whq, was in Georgia. Following the death of Mrs: Wes Hodgins, her daughter, Mrs. Isabelle Copeman took over Mrs. Hodgins' George St. home. Mrs. Copeman had as. Sunday guests Mr. & Mrs. Joe Hodgins and fam- ily of St. Thomas and her son Mr. Reginald Copeman of Belmont. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Kenzie of Prescott were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Garry McKenzie. Mr. J. W. Cantelon of Victoria, Dr. & Mrs. C. Bruee Cantelon and three children of westLorne and Mr. & Mrs. J. W. A. cantelon of Toronto had a happy reunion at the home of their parents and grandparents, Mr. & Mrs. ‘1. H. Cantelon. Mr. Lawrence Grose of Till- Sonburg called on Miss Line Ab- bott, Monday afternoon. Mr. Cliff Dickins of Edmonton, Alberta, formerly of Lucan, spent the Weekend with his Mother, Mrs. Phineas Dickins of London and family, Mrs. Ruth Wilson of London held a family reunion at her home In London Sunday in honor of her /bother, Mrs. Minnie Douglas who was 95 en Monday. Among the guests were M. & Mrs. floss Holden of Market St., Ltican. Weight watchers considering walk Thursday was "Fun Night" for the TOPS Streamliners, with Mrs. Roland Carty and Mrs. Don- ald McRobert in charge of games and contests. With leader, Mrs. Eldon Hopps, still on the sick list, co-leader Mrs. Donald McRobert presided. Seven members and one visitor from Brinsley and 2 from Gran- ton were present. The weight recording was bet- ter but still two little pink pigs had to be taken home. Mrs. Ro- land Carty had the greatest loss, so was named, queen of the week. A "Walkathon" was discussed but no date nor place decided upon. Deficit sale shows profit Saturday the WI held a suc- cessful Deficit Sale in the Nevin MotOr's showroom, which will help to keep the institute out of the "Red" for a while, Mrs. Ron Crotier, Mrs. Ira Carling and Mrs. Wes Atkinson, had charge of the home bakihg and Mrs, Cecil Robb, the children's table. The secretary, Mrs. Lock- yer was cashier. Special thanks goes to Miss Muriel Carling who assisted with the coffee and with her car. A number of former members and friends sent in donations. Mr. Gate Wennerstrom, Of 8111, Lucan was the lucky winner of the year's subscription to the ",Western ()Marie Farmer" do- nated by the editor, Mr. Pon Crozier. Always forgive Your enemies nothing annoys them as much. ALL YOU NEED IS THIS CERTIFICATE—SAVE IT A Photograph of your Child FREE With the CdrilplirhehtS of GOLLINGS LAUNDRAMAT DutHEss& BEECH STREETS LUCAN We will give you ABSOLUTELY FREE a lovely 5X7 portrait photo- graph as a special get acquainted giftl Up to 6 cute poses will be taken. PORTRAITS BY VELETONE STUDIOS Nei &Malty Paniou§ for Vide POrtraitt of Child. rot Exelufively Children from 2 4nOnfh ..0 up are 'eligible, Only one tert- wolf& honored per fandiy, Por best` results have your children War fight colour, THERE IS NO CHARGE AND NO OBLIGATION to buy anything. You may, if you Wish,. order additional photographs for gifts or for keepsakes direct from the studio, but that is entirely up to you, Mondry, March 18 A.M.t t,00 to Lou h ramat LUdAN POO. 12 Times-Advocate, March ..0.-! 0l0 ct new Corporal B, r.,.. Crane .0 the Lucan OpP Detachment was the Peet speaker at the Lucan. Jr. 'Far m er's annualtAllenetAncl. .dance, held in. the .Leglen. fla.1.4 Friday -evening. Taking as his theme* .((you. atrd- the Law," 'Mr. Crane splicited the earoperatlon of ,all. present to assist the police by phoning in any sueptclop$ looking ' 'PVent, by taking the license num-- her,. .noting the make And. colour. qf the ear involved .and by taking particular note .0.f the appearance 91.: theoccupants, rather than to avoid pihlicity by saying, Al don't knew ruithin!" Mr, crane went on to citesev- oral recent events, when alert helpful witnesses were instru- mental in providing information which led to arrests being made. ...Mr. Crane was introduced by Bob Armstrong and thanked by Garry Trevithick, Other head-table guests, spoke briefly; mrs, Don McComb, an honorary president, Donald Ab, bott, county president, Don Mc- Millan, provincial director and Ralph Winslade, assistant agri- culture representative, all of whom congratulated the Lucan branch on its centennial activi- ties and of having won the attend- ance banner and of being runner- up in the point contest, Each paid, high tribute to the outgoing presi- dent, Alfred Ovens, who had con- tributed so much to the branch, during his term of office. Mr. Ovens will be succeeded by John Riddell as 1968 president, Otner members on the execu- tive will be Mrs. Don McComb and Dr, Lloyd Hall, honorary presidents, vice president, Garry Trevithick; secretary, Bonn i e Tweddle; vice secretary, Viola Tweddle; treasurer, Ron Scott; press reporter, Brian Trevi- thick; county directors, Kathy Hodgson and Alfred Ovens. Immediately following the din- ner, by the ladies of the Legion Auxiliary who were thanked by Garry Trevithick, Harvey Rol- 4l. 1968 r . OTTICer$. lingS and .Kathy, Hodgson, 1,0 In A sing song, The RAMA. riSh.MA Band reln 'T49.4090,. previded music for the dance, JOHN RIDDELL Girls continue study of Japan Last Monday evening 23 Lucan- Clandeboye Explorers and two Counsellors met in the United Church schoolroom for their I4th Expedition which opened with games. Mrs. Kraul reviewed ChapterI of the study book, "Long Night to Tokyo". Mrs, Froats read Chapter II and with the assist- ance of three explorers, Julie Noyes, Diane Stuckless and. Suz- anne Leckie presented Chapter III which had been prepared for dramatization by Mrs. Don O'- Neil. The theme of the worship ser- vice, "Living in a spirit of love", was taken by Patti Fisher andDi- arme Corbett. The girls were reminded to bring in diapers and wash cloths for a layette to be sent over- seas and any other articles they had at home. Council lets. grovel. job Clerk Austin Hodgins, submits the report of the. Biddulph Council meeting, held last Tuesday. Word was received that the Middlesex Municipal Convention will be held March 20 at g pm at Nairn, followed by a supper meet., ing at Ailsa Craig. Mr. A. J. DeVos, professor en- gineer from A. M. Spriet & As-, sociates Ltd, was present to ex- plain drainage reports on the Clyman and Morkin-Ryan Muni-. cipal drains which were adopted by the council. The Court of Re- vision was set for April 2 at 8 pm, Ray Ireland's tender was ac, cepted to crush and haul approx- imately 9000 cu. yd of gravel at $1,20 a cu. yd. The preliminary report on the postponed dam and reservoir re- ceived from the Ausable River Conservation Authority was ac- cepted indicating a dam is not feasible. Engineer A. M. Spriet was ap- pointed to report on necessary repairs to the Elginfield drain. Engineer C. P. Corbett was appointed to report on drainage needed on Lot 12 north boundary concession. John Bryan, Lorne Barker, Steven Rooney, Kenneth Hodgins, Lloyd Mardlin, William Irvine, and Garfield Nixon were appoint- ed to the Biddulph Community Centre Board. Warble Fly Inspector, Anthony Lamphier was instructed to col- lect spraying fees after the sec- ond spraying. Building permits were authorized to Roy Zinn to rebuild the service station form- erly owned by Roy Hamilton at the corner of Highway 4 andCon- cession 5 and to Allan Hodgins Lot 17, north boundary, to re- model a house. Cancer group pions canvass The executive of .the Lucan. Branch Of the canadian Society .net at the home of Mrs. Joe Nagle Thursday, to make up the canvasser's kits and to finalize plene for the ceffee party for all canvassers, to be held at the home of Mrs. Clarence Haskett at 10 am Tuesday, March 26, at which time the kits will be dis- tributed. Special guests will. be Mrs. S, L. Mole, secretary of the Len, don Middlesex unit, and Mrs. J. A. Beechie, chairman of the main- tenance and nominating commit- tee.. District couples home from trip Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Hardy of Lucan and Mr. & Mrs. Wilmer Scott of Clandeboye were among the 28, who went on the Roy Jewell Farm plane tour of Peru, Argentine, Chile and Brazil, leaving Feb. 21 and returning March 10. It was a wonderful but tiring trip. Lions host 21 visitors Last Monday Lion members from Mt. Brydges attentied the Lucan Lions Club dinner in the Anglican Church basement. Also present were two Korean boys, Tark Tae soon and Park Tyong Sik who are on exchange and at., tending the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, The guest speaker Mr, Donald Ort was also from Centralia, Mr. Ort spent many years in Japan so gave a most interesting and informative talk on. life In Japan as well as showing slides. Mrs. Cliff Shipley and Mrs. Russell Bowman's Ladies Guild group, assisted by other mem- bers, catered for the dinner. CONVENTION Among those who attended the all-day convention and banquet of the Trustees and Ratepayers, held at the Riclgetown Agricul- , tural College, Saturday, March 2, were Mr. and Mrs. NormanSteep- er, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Mrs. Russell Goddard of Lucan. Last Wednesday evening, Mrs:,. Anna Chapman, presented, at the arena, her third annual Figure skating Revue sponsored by the Lucan Branch of the Royal Ca- nadiao Legion Auxiliary, The Phi adage, "Children draw a crowd", was again exemplified ,by the large attendance of parents, grandOarenta, and other rela- tives and friends, This year's th@trIP was "TV Time", so the first number was "Romper Room" with Luanne Taylor, as Miss Dorothy, put on by Group I, the beginners. As usual these little people stole the show, as they wobbled slowly on to the ice, trying desperately to keep erect. The last entrant, four-.year-old Ferlin sovereign did lose his equilibrium and down he went. However, the whole group put on a splendid pen, formance of following Miss Dor- othy's steps and actions to on a Saturday Night" and "Pop Goes the Weasel." Troyanne and. Pauline Bell, two Heneall skaters, followed with an excellent sister act of figure skating. About 40 Group 2 and 3 pre- sented the "Lost in Space" num - ber. Dressed in black plastic bags with weird make-up from green to bright red, these folk from outer space put on a good performance. To add to the eerie appearance, Mr, Bob Taylor had donated several buckets of dry ice. Cherry Pinner, a 10-year ,old St. Thomas star, drew a big hand of applause, "Saturday night inCanada", by Lucan and London, prospective players,. pit on a period of fast :and:power sitatim and netted: PPP. Jane Bell, A Phi MedgliStfrotn, St, Thomas, followed with Parents visit clossrooms Last Tuesday. And Wednesday was Open Holm at the Lucan and Biddulph central seheols, parents were invited to ,sit in and listen to lessons, any time during the two. days, thus per- mitting parents with more than one child to visit each child's room, Teachers were very pleaped with the number of parents who availed themselves of the op, portunity to visit the schOol, Report cards went out on Fri, day, so it is hoped all children had a happy weekend. splendid. exhibition .Pt flg:lrre: ""The The• only comic number,, t Horse" Appealed to young and. old,. Eris Metcalfe and Tgobel Masson, from the London Sitat- ing Club, illAde an AnleSing horse, Which ran, trotted, baited and fell, Finally the horse ..sepArated. and..the front half, .(aestSteo. by Heverley. Mitchell), pulled. the • rear half off the ice, holding on to the horse's tail, Then Beverley put on her solo number. The .o!linllabaloo" was. staged,. by Mrs. ,Chapmao's..seniorOroup 4 -pupils. TheSe !'stars of the ture" could really skate, They were followed by jack Greenwood pf .the Lenclon. Skat, ing Club, who was the Junior 1"Trt's h Champ last n Qnble9r On the pro- gram was the Parade of Stars, who lined up .across the ice and were preseoted with small gifts by Lucan skaters. And so ended LlicaWs 1968, FigueeSkatingRe- vue. Skating carnival success Youngsters steal show J.uniors , hear police HOM llllllllllllll MM llllllllllll llllllllllllll MMOMMO. lllll MMOMMOMMI llllllllllll UUMM lllllllllllll Lucan Personal Items lllllll lll MM llll M llllll IMM lllllllllll M lllllll MM llllllll llllllll IMM Correspondent; MisN Una A SEE US ALL SOON IN WALT DISNEY'S Jungle Book n a Theatre Near You sleei sJ:EtfectieS, ,seor. servo the not,.to eantittes INSTANT COFFEE Save Up to 30c Red Brand SIRLOIN TeBONE WING OR RIB STEAK Lb, 97c — Save '20c — Tulip (Parchment Wrap) MARGARINE 4 1 lb. Pkgs. Canada No. 1 P.E.I. POTATOES New Crop From Israel JAFFA ORANGES Fancy Grade Controlled Atmosphere MAC 3-lb. e el,: APPLES Tray U7 WAXED Canada No, 1 Ca. 290 TURNIPS U.S. No. I Tender Green ASPARAGUS COO lb. ;147 Save Red Brand Boneless Nit Round STEAKS OR ROASTS Lb. 89g 11/44amisaiii *tie Ili* is Pi-lir-li ill,i.wrarii 1 0 00 000 - 1 LB. DARLING'S IGA EXETeR, — Save 32c — Tomato or Vegetable 24.0z plastic cntrs. Red Brand {Bone inl BLADE ROAST Leen Bantle** Sirloin Tip Roast Red Brand Boneless SWISS STEAKS Freshly Ground MINCED BEEF Red SHORT RIB ROAST lb. 59c OVEN ROAST lb. 99c n lest Imperial Chef Style Short- Cut Red Brand PRIME RIB ROAST lb. 85c RIB STEAKS lb. 57c EY E STEAKS lb. 9c9 Boneless STEAKS Tap Yalu Veal br Beef lb. 990 STEAKETTES Asd , Maple Leaf lb. 4Vg Bologna mole By the 330 Pieta lb. ..N lb, 19174! BETTY & ART'S GRAND BEND acre IQUI EgROE Frozen Valley Farm • ;pr.. FRIES 4. c. M • • I