The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-03-07, Page 12Winners in public speaking The Lucan Legion staged a public speaking contest for pupils of Lucan and vicinity Friday evening, Winners in Grades '7 and 8 in the upper photo, left to right, were Ruth Mitchell, Huth Wallis and Weida Van Geel — in the lower photo junior winners were Johanna Engel, Diana Martin and Joe Mitchell. president Keith Dickson (left) as- sisted in giving out the awards and Past president J, W, Smith presided. Formers Income Tax Service P.O. BOX 35 LUCAN, ONTARIO Ti Short Individual Return $3.00 Farmers Returns $20 Up appolnIrnent in your ironic", please Call colltaY phone 2i7.4851 George Eizertga I- \:• 14nbi TOP VALU 1st GRADE 67c CREAMERY BUTTER TOP VALU CANADIAN 60c Cheese Slices le: a KRAFT REGULAR Cheez Whiz 6 Jar 16-0z. C SAVE 14c - AYLMER FANCY CREAM CORN 5 os AVE 10c-CHALLENGER FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON 1/2-1b. Tin SAVE 19c - AYLMER FANCY GREEN PEAS 5 1 ,„ 99 SAVE 30c - SPECIAL PACK BOLD POWDERED DETERGENT King Size Pkg. .19 SAVE 48c - CLARK RICH BROWN BEANS 7 14-oz. 90c Tins Church groups are active Competition is keen in speaking contest 43 211-0.. g Btls. 48-0z. 35g Tin 24-0z. A 2 Plastic 6911 Cntrs. Friday evening the Luc an branch of the Royal Canadian Legion staged its annual public speaking contest, for the child- ren of Lucan and vicinity, with Messrs. George. Lambourn and Dwight Ball of London and Pat Freeburn of Exeter as judges. Thirteen contestants in the group Gr. 6 and under and only threee contestants in Gr. '7 and 8, participated. The winner of the first group was Johanna Efiel,' a Gre 4`4'pupil of the Biddulph Central School, who spoke on, "The Farm Horse Which Became a Champion." The runners up were; Diana Martin, a Gr. 6 pupil at St. Patrick's Sep- arate school, who spoke on "In- dians" and Joe Mitchell, a Gr. 5 pupil also of St. Patrick's school, who chose as his subject "Abra- ham Lincoln" The winner in the senior group was Ruth Mitchell, a Gr. '7 pupil At St. Patrick's school who spoke on "Sir Vincent Massey". The runners up were Walda Van Geel, a Gr. '7 pupil also of St. Patrick's school, who spoke on LUCAN CUBS Last Monday evening, three more new members, Steve O'- Brian, Terry Hayter and Kevin Gilmour, were enrolled making an all-high Cub attendance of 36, and six sixers, Cubmaster Fronts' assistants were unable to be present so he couldn't take the program he had pre- pared and had to till in with extra games. District infant dies in hospital Kenneth Robert Ferguson, In- fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ferguson of Concession 18, Lon- don Townehip, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London Monday, February 26. The body rested in the C. Haskett and Son Funeral Home, LUtah, until 2 pm Wednesday, February 28, when the Rev. Bruce Guy of Bin* United Church conducted a private burial sereice, interment Was in Medway Cemetery. He was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ferguson. Former resident dies in accident Mrs. Williatn Henry, 42, of Berrie, a former LtiCanite, was killed last Thursday afternoon, Wheh her husband's car was hit by another car. Funeral services Wet e held at 2 pail, Monday, March 4 from the Lloyd Tasker Funeral Home,• BlYth, Besides her husband, she is survived by one daughter Bat- bare (Mrs, Robert Wearath) of Kitchener and one grandchild Jimmie. Mr. Henry perchased the home of Mr. Al Broinwith on Butler St. but sold it to Mr. joim Moon last ,Tune and moved to Barrie. Sunday Mr. & Mrs. Clare Stah- ley, Mr, & Mrs Leh Mesterei and WS. Alex Young of Lticati • Vielted the n1161%1110016. "Helen Keller" and Ruth Wallis, a Gr. 8 pupil at Biddulph Central, who chose as her topic, "The Nancy" Special mention went to Gerard Mitchell, a small Grade 2 lad, who won the heart of all present with his story, "A Medal for Dan- ny". Gerard not only memorized his own address but that of his winning sister, Ruth Mitchell. Many of those present were amused watching him mimic ev- ery word and facial expression, as Ruth gave her address. The prizes were $5, $3 and $2. The two winners, Johanna Engel and Ruth Mitchell, will now compete in the zone con- test, which this year will be in the Lucan Legion Hall, Friday evening, March 22. Past president J. W. Smith presided and president Keith Dickson assisted in giving out the awards. Mrs. Alma Price spent last weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Doug- las Haugh, of Byron. Mr. & Mrs. Larry IVIcFalls of London spent the weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hotson. Friday two car loads attended the Official Opening of the On- tario Agricultural Technology School at Centralia, Mrs. Mary Squire and Mary Jane Were Saturday guests of Mrs. Michael Sullivan of Lon- don and all attended and greatly enjoyed Ice Capades. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff McLean have moved into their new home on Alice St. Mr. & Mrs. Wilbert Stanley have returned from a months Vacation in Florida. The first two Weeks Were spent in St. Petersburg and the last two, as guests of Mr. & Mrs. Rev- ington Stanley of West Palm B each. Mr. & Mrs. Glen Ranger of London were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. William Frost. Miss Janette McDonald of Teeswater Was a weekend guest of Mrs, Dave park and family. Flowers in the churches on Sunday were In memory of the late Mrs. Wes Hodgins who was active in dhurch and WI work. Mr. & Mrs. Harold Corbett returned Saturdayfrom a month's Vacation in Hollandale, Florida. Mrs. Gerald Lewis, and son Roger were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Al, Bromwick now of Rexda.le. Institute plan `def icit sale' The members of the committee in charge of Saturday's WI "De- ficit Sale" are busy finalizing plans. Thanks to the kind co-operation of Mr. Glen Nevin, the sale will be held in the large Nevin Motor phowroom. Mr. Roe C rozier, edi- tor of the "Western Ontario Farmer", is donating a year's subscription as a draw prize. Being a Saturday, a special bargain table for children will be featured, while the home bak- ing table will attract adults. Anglican euchre remains popular The fifth and last group of the Ladies' Anglican Guild headed by Mrs. Cliff Shipley and Mrs. Russell Bowman, held another successful social evening and euchre in the church basement last Tuesday evening and just lacked one player of reaching Mrs. Don Anker's high of 52. As the euchres are enjoyed so much and as the Anglican Church is so central, the euchres will continue, so Mrs. Gordon Atkinson's group one will spon- sor the next euchre Tuesday evening, March 12. High score prizes went to Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mr. Harry Carroll, lone hand prizes to Mrs. Joe Carter and Mr. Lawrence Hodgins and low score prizes to Mrs. Lawrence Hodgins and Mr. Mert Culbert. Mrs. Allan Scott assisted Miss Line Abbott in the giving out of prizes. MEDWAY EUCHRE A four table Medway Euchre was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cliff McRoberts last Tuesday evening. High score prizes went to Mrs. Chester McComb and Mr. Wm McComb, lone hand prizes to Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hobbs, and low score prizes to Mrs. Car- men Hodgins and Mr. Elmer Summers. The next game will be held Monday March 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earle Middle- ton. JR. FARMERS Saturday a number of the Lucan Junior Farmers had a wood bee to replenish the wood supply for the Maple Lodge Community Centre. Other bees are planned. Arrangements for the open an- nual banquet and dance have been finalized. It is being held in the Legion Hall Friday, March 8 at 7:30 pm. Mr. & Mrs. Herb Stretton and family of Hensall were Sunday guests of Mrs. Cecil Hodgins, the occasion being Mr.Stretton's birthday. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson was a Sunday guest of Mr. & Mrs. Wes- ley Hodgson of Centralia.. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Noels of Forest and Mr. & Mrs. Peter DeRyk of Aylmer were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Maurice MacDonald. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon C. Stew- art and Mr. & Mrs. Donald B. Lockhart and family of Ailsa Craig were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Ron Crozier and family. Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Robb were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. James Bawtemheirner of Sarnia. Farmers' Union seeks members The first 1968 board meeting of the Liman Farmers' Local Union was held at the home of the president, Mr. John Harrig- an last MOnday evening; The possibility of the beet refinery at Chatham being closed was discussed. It was dedded that an increase In membership was a necessity; and each member of the board was asked to assist in the tan- Vassing for new members in hie neighborhood., Streamliners get three pink pigs The meetings of the Lucan Streamliners, which have been curtailed and even postponed due to weather conditions and illnese, have taken a turn for the better though the leader, Mrs. Eldon Hopps, was still unable to be present Thursday evening. Co- leader Mrs. Don McRobert pre- sided. When the seven members were weighed in, the result was not up to expectation and three little pink pigs had to go home. Mrs. Alfred Williams and Mrs. Charles McRobert shared the weekly crown for having the greatest loss. After a pep talk by the co-leader a better report is hoped for next week. The convention in Toronto in April was discussed and eight members hope to be able to at- tend. An invitation from "Tubbies to Tinies", a London Tops group was read, inviting the Lucan Streamliners to attend the crown- ing of the queen, March 21, in the Eastern Star Temple, London. Mrs. Harry Bond won the mystery prize. Ladies mark . prayer day Once again the women of Lucan and vicinity met to form a small link in the huge chain of women who circled the world for the 196 8 World Day of Prayer Fri.- day, This year, the meeting was held in the United Church, with its choir and organist leading in the music. The five leaders for the ser- vice included Mrs. William Froats, Lucan, UCW president, Mrs. Howard Currie, WA presi- dent of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, Mrs. Jack Murdy,presi- dent of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Women, Mrs. Emily Tomes, president of St. James ACW and Mrs. Jim Donaldson, president of the Clandeboye UCW. Mrs. Emerson Stanley read the scripture and Mrs. Gordon Mc- Donald, as soloist, was accom- panied by Mrs. George Eizenga. Mrs. Sheridan Revington and Mrs. Earle Young ushered and took up the collection, which will go to The Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada. Mrs. R. M. Weekes of London, ANGLICAN A Rectal Ash Wednesday Corn - meelen service was held in the church, at 1000, With a geed attendance of Anglican Church. Wonlen, Present. CHOIR AWARDS. At the 11 0'050 service, Karen Herbert and Ken Free- man, received the Jr. Choir awards, for the month of Feb- ruary. UNITED Last Tuesday night, Mrs. Em- erson Stanley presided for the meeting of the evening UCW and also introduced the new study book, "Japer! Profiles", which will be taken by sub units. The worship service was taken by Mrs. A. E. Reilly and Mrs. Ed Melanson, A bake-sale was planned for March 16. MESSENGERS During the 11 o'clock service. Sunday, 11 Messengers and lead- ers met in the school-room. The motto for the meeting, "This is God's message, that we should love one another", Was discussed by Mrs. Jim Lockyer. Mrs. Bob Lewis took the study book "Aiko and her cousin Kenichi". Tami Van Arenthals read the Scripture and a Japan- as guest Speaker, spoke on this year's World Theme, "Bear one another's burdens." By personal and other stories, Mrs. Weeks gave an interesting and impres- sive talk on the part played by "Love" in helping to bring peace to a troubled world. ese game was played. The re- mainder of the.session was spent in making japatlese lanterns, PENTECOSTAL The WA met at the home of the eresIdent, Mrs. Howard Currie last Monday evening. The theme of the meeting "Faith without works is dead," was discussed by Mrs. Currie. Plaps for the year's activi- ties were discuesed. These in- cluded renovations to the church. work was continued on the quilt, to be later, sold. ible Institute SUNDAY SERVICEspeerovpil The service from s the ta ke taken Ambassador o'clock sixu nBg at London Ohio. Donald Sheets, as guest speaker, spoke on the early New Testament church and Don- Store owners here 31 years Thirty-one years ago Mr. A. M. Redden, took over the grocery store, formerly owned bythe late Roland Hodgins, ideally situated at the corner of Main and Alice St. For over three decades, Mr. & Mrs. Redden have operated this store and served the resi- dents of Lucan and vicinity, but the last few years both have been in poor health and have had to spend much time in south Huron Hospital. At present both are at home but feel they will soon have to sell out and retire. ."W aid Go..rdon gaVe an outline of the work dope by the Bible Institute, Three of the girls sang a trio number,, Communions was served. CATHOLIC The CWL executive of St. Pat- rows church hew meeting in the hOnle of Mrs. Ted Toonders, Feb, 26. Captains were chosen for the Cancer Fund drive. It was de- tided to assist the other churches in providing lunch for the official opepipg of the new bank. Money was turned over for the sale of tickets to the Variety Show, to be held in the school gymtorium, March 8. Lunch was served by Mrs. Toonders and Mrs. Cliff O'Neil, I f you want originality and quality in floral design call us EXETER FLOWERS 235-0111 We deliver free to Lucan .•••••/••••••••,•••••••••••••....../S.....•••••••••••••••Ww•••••••••••••••••• 48-0z. g Tins 9 4 13-0:. 99it Pies Lucan Personal Items Save 14c — Top Valu Coloured MARGARINE 3-1b. Box From Our Frozen Food & Dairy Counter YORK FROZEN SLICED 2-Lb. c Carrots Peal; DARLING'S IGA EXETER, BETTY & ART'S IGA GRAND BEND YOU ALWAYS GET MORE AT IGA BECAUSE... `THE OWNER'S IN TIE STORE' PROUD OF HIS BUSINESS AND SERVICE...INTERESTED IN HIS CUS- TOMERS AS ONLY A NEIGHBOR IS APT TO BE-..READY AT ANY TIME TO LISTEN PERSONALLY TO SPECIAL REQUESTS, SUGGESTIONS, COM- PLAINTS IF YOU, A CUSTOMER SHOULD HAVE THEM. epiiPes Er17,,fallve..1 Yta ALLEN'S SWEETENED ,,t,FRUIT DRINKSts, :tots . YORK FROZEN • BEEF MEAT PIES : TU CHICKEN AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP AYLMER FANCY TOMATO JUICE MIR (TWIN PACK) . Liquid Detergent CANADA GRADE 'A' FRESH YOUNG PREDRESSED FRYING 23S I LZ BE CHICKENS SAVE 11c - DUNCAN HINES CAKE MIXES =,tr. 1,194zs: Pk gs. 01' WHITE SWAN (ASST'D.) FACIAL TISSUE SHIRLEY GAY CHERRY PIE CHASE & SANBORN (SPECIAL PACK) INSTANT COFFEE PEPSODENT (SPECIAL PACK) TOOTHPASTE ... BEST OF FRYERS Top Vohs No. 1 Quality Sliced Side 1-lb. Pee BACON Vac 6 NO. 1 MEXICAN (SIZE 113's) VALENCIA NEW CROP NGES GOLUNN*49d-LOW 1 U. S. NO. 1 s CHIQUITA I FLORIDA. BANANAS CELERY 2 Lbs. 350 2 Stalks • ChickenNin-thelasket Lb. 45‘e BATHROOM TISSUE Rolls $1 WHITE SWAN (ASST'D.) Bac(tisooNr Neck, Lb. 53° Coleman's Sweet Pickled Cottage (h's) ROLLS Lb. 65g HEAD ETTUCE 24-0Z. PIE 49C ,.0z. 1 39 Jar Family 83,4 Tube Size 10 Pkgs. si 4 of 360 heads 25c 7 Doz. 0 U. S. NO. 1 RIMIER GRAPES 2 Lbs. 690