The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-02-29, Page 9Prepare delicacies for open house guests Students at the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology have been busy this week preparing for Friday's open house and official opening. The public is invited to attend and will have an opportunity to saniple the cakes being prepared by the home economics class girls. The girls practiced Monday,to pick out the best recipes for Friday and sampling from the left are: Lorraine Gedcke, Sandra. Huffman, Enid Petheram, M. J. McManus, Pat Little, Marg Oldfield, and Joan Fisher. (ED. NOTE: The cake was delicious). T-A photo Times-Advocate, February rt 1908 17 ProPork For Rent » SMALL APAltriVfMr, furnish- ed, heat and it water M440. Apply 70 John ,St E ast, 12:21thic LARGER0914, heated, utilities paid, availahle Jan. 1. Apply gxeter; Tiroes-Allvo-; gate. 12: 14tfnc . . . UNFURNSHED 1-bedroom Apart- ment,. Heat and hot water sup.. plied. .CeMral location, Avail-- Able immediately. Apply Bill's Barber Shop .235.015; evenings 227-4839. 12: 14tfnc 3-BEDROOM a par tmen t in T41511Weed. Utilities paid, Avail- a ble immediately, Apply E. R. Guenther, 227.3491, 29;74' 18 For Rent COMFORTABLE ROOMS, with- out board, on Main Street, linen • supplied. Phone 235-2373. 29:7c RENTALS—Floor sanders, floor edgers; power hand saws; belt sanders; 1/4 & 1/2 " drills; port- able television; poWer mowers; floor polishers. Beavers Hard- ware, 235-1033, 2:22tfnc • 19 For Sale or Rent UNHEATED, unfurnished apart- ment, 88 Sanders St. W., Exe- ter or house for sale, 88 Sand-, ers St. W. Apartment available immediately. Apply Box W C The Exeter Times-Advocate. 2: 15tfnc 21 Properly Wanted HOUSE IN EXETER — 2 or 3 bedrooms. Apply Box C M The Exeter Times-Advocate. 29c Let us fix your TV as it ought to be fixed $gsVm Experience plus skill make the difference in TV re. pairs, For quick service call us today„ 255 HURON E..xt -rER ELECTRICAL WIRING TV, RADIO AND SMALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS Centralia Farmers Supply Ltd. Groin • Feed • Cement Building Supplies Coal 228-6638 Real Estate Wanted RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL, FARM SALES RENTAL SERVICE Ronald lies, Exeter 235-2303 HUGH A. EVANS REAL ESTATE LTD. 433-8145 29:7:14:21* 22 Notices BRING YOUR useless mature dogs. Save dog taxes. They will become uesful for medical pur- poses. Phone first. Hogarth, 235- 1414. 29* VICTORIA and GREY TRUST 264th CONSECUTIVE COMMON STOCK DIVIDEND Notice is hereby given that a quarterly divi- dend of Fourteen and one - half Cents (141/2 0) per share has been de- clared on the issued common stock of Vic- toria and Grey Trust Company payable on and after March 15, 1968 to shareholders of record February 23, 1968. By Order of the Board, R. G. THOMAS, Q.C., Secretary. Lindsay, Ontario. January 10th, 1968. 029c 23 Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Arthur Christian Willert, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Arthur Christian Willert, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Retired La- borer, who died on or about the 5th clay of February 1968 are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario by the 9th day of March 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton, Solicitors for the Executrix Exeter, Ontario 22:29:7c February is a short month, but long on T-A ad results. CUSTOM KILLING & CUTTING . Leicker rental b' the month or Year PHONE 237.34/1 DASHWOOD Look for the Manager 's Unadvertised Specials ENDS SATURDAY! CASH ON THE BARRELHEAD SALE! The BIGGEST, Most Exciting sale in Conklin's eighty-lour year'history! From now until Saturday, March 2, Conklin Lumber is slashing prices to the bone 1 0I=1 READY CASH — and each yard has its own special group of unadvertised bargains! Hurry to the yard in YOUR areal You'll be amazed at how much you cassaveWHEN YOU BUY WITH READY CASH during Conkiih's "Cash on the Bartelheaci" Salel Don't miss hi Prepare safety demonstration John White, Mac Zurbrigg and Randy Rolston have been preparing a farm safety demonstration for visit- ors at Friday's open house. The Hon. W. A. Stewart and the Hon. C. S. MacNaughton will be on hand to officially open the Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. T-A photo GRAIN CONTRACTS Conquest Barley Herta Mixed Grain Oats SEE US NOW FOR CONTRACTS. SEED AND FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Complete fertilizer service. Liquids and solids. Custom broadcast. Custom plant- ing and side-dressing. We can broadcast phosphate and potash now — snow permitting, with our new No-Track machine. We will top dress your fall wheat with nitrogen solutions with the same No- Track machine. If you haven't seen this outfit, come in and find out how it can help you with your fertilizer spreading. SEED GRAIN Take advantage of our early discounts. SEED CORN should be ordered now. Came s I LTD. 25-1782 EXETER 411•1111,,m,. HAY TOWNSHIP 1/2 Ton Pick-Up Truck SEALED TENDERS, plainly marked, will be accepted until FRIDAY, MARCH 15, 1968 AT 12:00 NOON for the following: 6 CYLINDER 1/2 TON PICK-UP TRUCK A 1963 Mercury 100 lh ton pick-up as trade-in. Tenders to quote price with trade-in and also without. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Specifications may be ob- tained from the undersigned. H. W. BROKENSHIRE, Clerk-Treas., Township of Hay, ZURICH, ONT. 29:7c Too Late To Classify NO TICE The Annual Meeting of the Share- holders of the Hibbert Co-opera- tive Dairy Association, Limited will be held in the Township Hall, Staffa, on Thursday, March 14, 1968 at 2 p.m. to enact the fol- lowing business. To consider and if thought ad- visable, confirming with or with- out further variation, a special resolution enacted by the Board of Directors on the 6th day of February, 1968, rescinding all former By-laws and substituting New By-laws in their place, copies of which are available at the office of the Co-operative for inspection by any member during business hours prior to the Annual Meeting. Election of Directors. 29:7c By MRS. G. HOOPER Mr. & Mrs. Peter Vanexan and Lisa of Waterloo visited Sunday with Mr. Leonard Thack- er and girls. All visited Sunday afternoon with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Morgan of Brinsley. Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson visit- ed Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Ar- chie Cameron of Watford. Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Hartwick, Stephanie and Janet visited Sun- day with Mr. &Mrs.StuartSmale of St. Marys. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson were guests at the ParkinSon— Dunnell wedding Saturday. The fairftelci Friendly Folk met at the home of Mr. and Earl Haist Monday night. The guest speaker was Mr, Carmen Hodgins, the Devizes cheese-, maker. He is a fluent speaker and gave an instructive talk.. Mr, Hodgins has been in the cheese business 39 years, No one knows who made the first cheese, but there is an ancient legend that it was accidentally made by an Arabian merchant. The first cheese factory in Can- ada was established in 1864 but there was cheese made In the homes before that by the early FrenCh colonists and the United Empire Loyalists. There were several large cheeses made in 1840 in England. A cheese weigh- ing 1232 lb. was made and pre- sented to Queen Victoria as a wedding gift. Since World War Ti there is a greatly increased demand for cheddar cheese as well as other varieties. The quality of the finished cheese depends first on the care of the milk on the farm. Everything used^ at milking time must be thoroughly clean and the greatest care is taken in the process of manufacturing the cheese. A social time was enjoyed and lunch was served includi ng cheese. There were 21 present at the meeting. The next one will be held March 11 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lamport. DHO maps are available The Department of Highways' 1968 Official Road Map of Ontario is now available. Copies may be obtained, free of charge, from the Information Section, Department of Highways, Downsview, Ontario, and at all Department of Highways' Of- fices throughout the Province; the Department of Tourism and Information, 185 Bloor Street East, Toronto 5, Ontario, the department's Tourist Reception Centres, at border crossing points in Southern Ontario, and' Service Centres on Highway 400 and Highway 401. Dear Friends: The blind people in your area and the CNIB wish to express their appreciation for your par- ticipation in the 1967 Annual Appeal for funds. — to the contributors who gave so generously — to the volunteers who gave so freely of their time and effort in making the campaign possible — to all the news media who did such an excellent job in publicizing the work of CNIB You can all be assured that the monies raised will be used to provide the services so vital to the blind people in this area. The service program of CNIB 'Juniors plan three plays The Huron County Ju nio r Farmers are holding their 14th Annual County Drama Festival on Friday, March 8 at the Sea- forth District High School at 8:00 sharp. There will be three one act plays presented along with mus- ical entertainment. A feature will be the Huron County Junior Farmers Quartet which was de- clared Provincial Champion at , the recent Junior Farmers, As- sociation of Ontario Winter Con= ference. Clinton Junior Farmers and Seaforth Junior Farmers are competing in the drama festival. Best actor and actress awards will be presented at the con- clusion of the plays. The Harold Baker Meeting Improvement Trophy will be awarded to the winning club during the evening. Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Exclusive healing substanceproven to shrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoids painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months. This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of hew tissue. Now Bio-Dyne is offered in oint- ment and suppository form called Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfaction or your money refunded. .24 -Tenders. 'Wanted C heese man. SERVICE CENTRE tells history BOYLE'S LUCKY DOLI„AR SMUG ,HARBOUR, GODERICH, ONT. TENDERS will .be received by the undersigned for the supply- ing of all materials and con- struction of a proposed build- ing to be located at the north Side of the Harbour, This is a general construction call and includes electrical work, plumbing and construe- fion. A marked cheque for 10% of the tender Should accompany the kid, Plans may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, 57 West Street. For additional informa- tion, contact Councillor B. R, Robinson, 61 Hamilton Street, Goderich, Ont. •Phone 524-8831. Tenders to be received by March 14th, 1968. The Harbour Committee re- serves the right to reject any or all tenders. S. H. BLAKE, Town Clerk, 57 West Street, Goderich, Ont. Crop prices up slightly The 1968 prices for crops of green peas and sweet corn for processing have been established following negotiations between processors and the 0 ntkrio Vege- table Growers', M,arketing Board. The price of sweet corn has been increased 50 cents per ton to the new price of $29.50. Seed charges have been increased from 45 to 60 cents per pound and harvesting charges remain unchanged at $5.50 per ton. The price paid for peas will be up one and three-quarter per- cent over 1967 figures. Seed charges of $7.50 per bushel and harvesting and delivery costs of $16.00 per ton remain un- changed. Prices to be paid for peas based on tenderometer readings are as follows: 0 - 80 $183.40 81- 85 167.60 86 - 90 139.40 91- 95 130.00 96 -100 120.60 101-105 115.20 106 -110 111.20 111-115 104.80 116 -125 97.90 126 - up 94.90 BY GEORGE, IT'S THE TRUTH! WANT ADS ARE CHEAP (FEATURE) BANANAS LB. 1O FRYING CHICKENS GRADE A LB. 394. FRESH HAMS PORK ROASTS LB. 55 HOME MADE LB, 694 SAUSAGE FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON rhoz,Tini FILL YOUR FREEZER SIDES OF BEEF LB, 554 COLMAN'S WIENERS 10 st $3.99 238.2005 GRAND BEND Enjoy the pleasures of to- day's modern conVeniene. es; including air-conclition- ing povdered by LP gas. Call us for delivery. Live Modern With Low-Cost LP Gas! genibers of the Exeter Saddle clubwere privileged to hear • of •.the : most ichOWiedgeahle Merl. In Quarter W.470..e 1.04.4.' and riding their regular ;monthly at the Legion 144! f.1.71;, cl#Y. evening. ,p.Tkte, Smellle, the pyrn9r. of new and .elaborate .",Ontario. Quarter Horse Training, Centre'', in Guelph and his manager and. trainer, Mike Tilton Allowed films APO spoke P.119 o l i n the Horse . and gider,P .Some of the films showed the official .opening of the new indoor arena, at Guelph with many of the. top trainers and borses in 0.14-7. tario In .attendance. Monday evening, two members of the local club, Wilmer presz- cator and Craig Black visited Mr. $rceine. and Mr, Tilton at their new facilities in Guelph.and. were impressed with the Modern setup. The arena, which is the largest in the province contains 24 box stalls bordering the riding ring- along with heated tack rooms, office, feed rooms, wash rooms and wash racks for the horses. Saddle club ..hears, iocpertS Qne ;end of the arena 1.0 001004 ' • and. 1.400 for the .comfort Of. spectators. 10. Tilton look time out. to, show. the Exeter guests ad•rricqr stratiOn of breaking and. trai#14' • a POPS #feck horse. • Remanded again over bank theft Two persona arrested in On- nection with the Jan. 3 rt20,13VY' of the Bank of mentreal, Bruce-. field were given their tWrd Or mend Monday when they appeared; in magistrate'a court, Goderich. Robert Stewart, 9thith, 20, of RR •4 ,Brussels, charged with the armed robbery is being held in the Huron county jaile and William. James Yuill, 23, of Kit- chener charged with possession of money stolen in the robbery is free on bail. They were remanded without plea or election until next Mon- day. is ever expanding and Improving. CNIB is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year and during this time has achieved aprogram second to none. This remarkable growth can be directly attributed to the support and interest of everyone in your community .and in every other community throughout this great nation of CUM Sincerely, Jack Clements, District Field Secretary Dear Mr. Editor: Thank you for your excellent editorial so aptly entitled "Suf- fer the little children", which, I am sure voices the feelings of many people. I would like to think that some of the "objectors" do not realize the actual facts; it is usuallyfear of the unknown which rouses reactions. We feel it is regrettable that people are acting on an ac- cumulation of rumours that have grossly distorted the picture of what a group home really consti- tutes. This is in reality a family situation of four to six unrelated children under the care of foster parents, and is in effect no dif- ferent from countless homes in our community, except for the relationship between the house- hold members. Your interest in our project is greatli,amireciated. Sincerely, (Miss) Gertrude Wilkes, Supervisor for, (Miss) Clare McGowan, Local Director. Business uses adVertising to maintain and increase its outlets for goods. Unless such outlets are maintained and increased, the income on which taxes are based will not be forthcoming.