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Tirmo-Advocate, February 40, 1968
Second generation enrolled
District G uide Commissioner Mrs. Robert Luxton, right, had the privilege of enrolling her own daughter,
Jean, into the Exeter Guides, Thursday, Other girls enrolled from the left were; Heather Mills, Colleen
Lysack, Valerie Sweet, Debbie Potter and Heather Smith, Below, Mrs. Luxton presents special badges
to Barb Stanlake and Debi Wooden. Barb received her second class, industrial and minstrel badges,
while Debi received her laundrest badge. T-A photo
pit your service
Pii();Jr, 21'5 Li .1.4
170.;;A141)1,:i*,5 5TREI;14 :CAST
List winners from
Dashwood euchre
that Investors Mutual is
-bV far Concida'S largest
mutual fund?
• 145 Deer Paric
Circle, London
Former Centralia man
dies in Sarnia hospital
i terng Aid. •
, •
FRIDAY, MAR. 1 1-3 p.m.
E, Tiled& Hearing- Aid Service Ltd,
88 Queen I. S. Kitchener
The Girls
at the
send you
their best
Then we would be pleased to have
you take advantage of our new
quiet, uninterrupted discussion
about the flowers you have always
dreamed of.
In this way you can be assured of
the finest in original floral designs
for that very special occasion.
Why not receive our fullest attention
by phoning for a personal appoint-
ment at your convenience ...
„Second generation enrolled
into .Exeter's Guide group
There are SO many -VerSionS
cf tuna casseroles /ant WO sus-
pest each.homemaker has a fav-
orite of her OWt4liowever Alnaend
Tuna Scallop ;stone .to win the
approval laPSY young home-
makers, The subtle Ponabinatien
of tuna fish, toasted bread cubes,
onondt, celery, and a smooth
cheese sauce results rn a dish
With distinCtiOnA
Y014 will,, be proud to serve it
to IMPortant guests but it is
family fare, too, and easy on the
2 cups toasted bread cubes
ape 7,9ance can tuna flaked
1 tbl lemon juice
3 tbl choppecipersley
1/2 cup finely chopped celery
Kinettes fete
'moving' pair
At the February meeting of
Exeter Kinettes at the home of
Mrs. Bill Lain It was decided
that the Kinettes become a mem-
ber of the South Huron Mentally
Retarded Association. Presi-
dent Mrs. Dave Cross conduct-
ed the business.
The spring project this year
will be a draw on a china tea
set. Plans were". finalized for a
trip to the Ice Capades in Lon-
don Wednesday, February 28.
The • Kinettes will serve the
Senior Citizens in march. The
draw brought by Mrs. Gib Dow
was won by Mrs. George Pratt.
The hostess auctioned the box
lunches that each member had
brought. Gifts were presented to
Mrs. Glen McNabb and to mrs.
Lain whose husbands have been
transferred to Ingersoll and Owen
Sound respectively.
Twenty-two tables were in play
at the euchre sponsored by the
WI at the Community Centre,
Tuesday, Feb. 20.
Winners were Mrs. Jules man-
tey and Milford Merner; low,
Joan Finkbeiner and Bob Hoff-
man; lime hands, Mrs. Jules
Mentey. The next euchre will be
March 19.
Mrs. Howard Klemm and Mrs.
Milford Merner received a letter
of thanks from CNIB thanking
them for their fine effort on be-
half of it and asking them to thank
the people of this Commtmity for
their generous contributions.
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell Gamble
and family of London were Sun-
day visitors With Mr. & Mrs.
Lloyd Rader and Darlene.
Sunday visitors with Mr, &
Mrs. Irvin Rader and family were
& Mrs. Lloyd Rowe and girls
of London and Mr, & Mrs. Fred
Miller and girls of z ion.
Mr. & Mrs. Bob CorrieliOut of
Sarnia were Sunday Visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan.
Mt. & Mrs: Austin 13ickell
and three granthildren of Lon-
don and Mr. Harold Kuntz of
Timing The World
Since 1850
& arts ex et&
PfeaSing You Pfeaset /US
g tbl butter or margarine
g tbl flour
1/2 tp salt
1/8 tp pepper
1 ell') Milk
1/2 cup grated pheddar cheese
2 tbl sliced toasted 41MOnds
Combine toasted bread cubes,
flaked tuna, lemon juice, celery
and half the chopped parsley in
a deep greased oasserole.
Make cream sauce by melting
butter in a small saucepan; add
flour, salt and pepper. Add milk
and cook until thick stirring con-
stantly. Add cheese and stir until
it melts—do not boil. Pour sauce
over mixture in casserole and
blend all ingredients well.
Sprinkle almonds over the top
and bake in a moderate over
(350 degrees) for 25 minutes,
Sprinkle remainder of parsley
over casserole just before serv-
Not very long ago the Elim-
vale CGIT published a booklet
of casserole recipes as a money-
making project. In it is another
tuna casserole which is very
tempting too.
3 cups coarsely crushed potato
1 7-oz tin tuna flaked
1 10-oz tin cream of mushroom
3/4 cup milk
2 tbl finely diced onion
1/2 tsp salt
few grains pepper
1 cup drained cooked peas (op-
Arrange half of the potato chips
in the bottom of casserole. Cover
with half of the tuna and half
cup peas if used. Repeat layers.
Combine mushroom soup, milk,
onion and seasonings. Pour over
the other. Garnish with whole
potato chips.
Bake in a moderate over, 350
degrees, 30 minutes; serves 5-6.
Windsor were Sunday visitors
with Mr. & Mrs. Clayton Pfile.
Mrs. Ruth Stire AWCM an-
nounces results of her pupils
in recent examinations at the
Western Conservatory of Music;
Grade 8 piano Mrs. Idena Des-
Jardine, pass; Grade 3 Harmony,
Debbie Thomas; Grade 2, theory,
Barbara Anne Thomas, first
class honors.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wein of
Sudbury were weekend visitors
with Mrs. Herb Wein.
Vicar Arthur Rader of Bristol,
Connecticut spent a few dayS
last week with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elgin Rader and bro-
Weather cancels
Rebekah's visit
Due to weather conditions
Thedford Rebekah Lodge WaStri-
able to be present as guests of
the Exeter Rebekah Lodge last
Wednesday evening.
Arrangements Were Made to
entertain the IOOF Subordinate
Lodge together with their 4wivet,
also husbands of Rebekah Mem-
bers March 20 following t h
regular Meeting.
The Foods and Nutrition be,
Pertinent at Macdonald Institute
Guelph, say that one of the
secrets of making perfect tea
biscuits it tb use all-ptirpoSe
flour and knead lightly.
Legion women
enter bowling
Thirty members attended the
February meeting of the Legion
Ladies Auxiliary held Monday
night with President Mrs. Gerald
Warm presiding.
A letter was read from the
Auxiliary's adopted boy in Tur-
key. Arrangements were made to
attend the bowling tournament
in Walkerton March 20.
Letters of appreciation were
read for birthday parcels sent to
Westminster Hospital. The mys-
tery prize was won by Mrs.
70-coa 70#:a
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Shier
of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Clay-
ton Hanna of London visited with
Mr. and Mrs. William Thom-
son of Andrew St. Mr. and Mrs.
Hanna later visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Hiram Hanna of Kirk-
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rohde of
Mitchell visited Sunday evening
with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slea-
Thomas Harrison fell Satur-
day morning and fractured his
hip. He was found by Arthur
Ford and taken to South Huron
Hospital by Hoffman's ambul-
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Snider
motored to Montreal Saturday
returning Tuesday. Their daugh-
ter Shirley received her cap
and bib at Royal Victoria Hos-
pital after attaining an 83 aver-
age in her exams.
Mrs. Ross Cowan and son
Cameron of New Province, New
Jersey, have returned home after
spending a week with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Quite a number from this com-
munity attended the reception and
dance for Mr. & Mrs. Ron
O'Brien at Dashwood Friday ev-
Linda and Fred Hern of Win-
chelsea spent Friday evening and
Saturday with Darlene and Dale
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Stone and
Diane were guests at the Eller-
ington-Arnold wedding Saturday
evening in James Street 11C Exe-
ter. Diane was maid of honor.
Mr. & Mrs. Lorne Passrnore
entertained quite a number of
people Saturday evening.
Mrs. E. Lewis of Exeterytirs.
Stewart Miner, Mrs. Edwin Mil-
ler, Mrs. William Rohde attended
the ekecutive meeting of the UCW
Huron-Perth Presbyterial at
Mitchell United Church Friday
Mr. Roy Coward of Exeter and
Mr. & Mrs. Glen Stewart, Jan-
ice, Sandra and Michael attended
the ICE Capades in Kitchener
Mr. & Mrs. }toward Rennie
and Brenda. of London spent the
Weekend with 111r. & Mrs* Harold
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Jeffery
were honored on the occasion of
their 40th wedding anniversary
by their seri and daughter-in-law
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Jeffery and
family with a dinner Sunday at
the Colonial Hotels Grand Bend.
Later they all Visited with Mr.
& Mrs. 1Vianford Luther, Grand.
t M. & Mrs. Ken Ottewell, Rich-
ard and Michael of Exeter were
Sunday guests With Mr. & Mrs.
ciWin Miller.
Mr. & Mrs. Bert Miner, and
family were Sunday guests with
Rev. Stewart and Mrs. Miner.
The World Day of prayer will
be h e Id at Eliniville United
Church at 2 p.m. when the
Thames Road ladies Are invited
to attend.
Mr. Fred penwarden, knownto
a host of friends throughout the
district, passed away in Sarnia
General Hospital Sunday.
The deceased, a resident of
Centralia for many years, was
proprietor of the garage now
under the ownership of RayShoe-
lie is survived by his wife, the
former Marion Neil, one son,
Harold, grandson Christopher,
and a sister, Mrs. William Ste-
phens of Woodham.
The body rested at the D. J.
Robb Funeral Home in Sarnia
where the funeral service was
held Wednesday with interment
in Lakeview Cemetery.
Marlene Noels, daughter of Mr.
& Mrs. Percy Noels was honored
on her approaching marriage at
a Miscellaneous shower in the
schoolroom of the church Satur-
day night. Program numbers
were a vocal duet by Mrs. V.
Drought and Mrs. A. Wilson with
MrS. K. Hodgins at the piano;
piano so 1 o, Marikay Hodgins;
reading, MrS. Tom Kooy.
An address was read by Mar-
garet Haist. Judy Blair and Mar-
garet Heist assisted in display-
ing the gifts. Gayle Lamport
Was in charge of the guest book.
(Mrs. Ray) Doris Shoebottom
was the winner of the lucky
chair but in order to claim the
prize she had to reveal the se-,
Cret of "Hov, She Met Her Hus-
band". Refreshments were
Mr. Murray Abbott was a visi-
tor at the home of his daughter
and son-in-law, Mr. & Mrs.
James Mugford and family, Lti,
Can last Wednesdayi Mrs. Mug,-
ford entertained at a dinner party
honoring her father on the coca;
Sion of his birthday.
Mr. & Mrs. lihttell Schroeder
attended bridal shOwer in Lon,-
don oh Saturday night for their
granddaughter, Joan Semple, and
remained for the weekend With
Mr. & Mrs. Jack Sehroeder and
Rev. It. VA Wilson was the
guest speaker Sunday evening
at the 71th anniversary service
bf the Westmorela.nd United
Church in Tortint0.
mentht Ken Greb, itobt.13Ialt,
Lloyd Morgan, Sam Skinner, Earl
Dixon, Bill EsSery, Cecil Skinner
and Stephen Molnar attended the
Brotherhood dinner tponsered by
the AOTS Meri't Club in JaMeS
St. Church Hall Monday night.
Mrs. Ray Shoebottom is a pa-
tient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, having undergone sur-
gery Tuesday.
Mrs. Warren, wife of Rev.
The annual congregational
meeting of Brinsley United
Church was held Wednesday
evening, February 21 preceded
by a pot luck supper. Rev, Harry
Johnson chaired the meeting. The
minutes of last year was read by
the appointed secretary, Mrs.
Marjorie Steeper.
Encouraging reports were re-
ceived from most departments.
On reviewing the work and ach-
ievements an increase was noted
both financially and numerically
in most groups.
The °inters were re-elected
for another term, with some nec-
essary additions and replace-
ments. Among the items of new
business plans were made for the
sale of books to be received
from the author, Rev. Duncan Mc-
Tavish, former minister of the
church in 1925.
Grateful appreciation was ex-
pressed to Rev. Harry Johnson
by the chairman of the stewards,
Mr. Wilbert Lewis far his un-
tiring efforts in all phases Of
the work here..
The chairman of the ushers,
Mr. Gordon Morley expressed
appreciation to the young men of
the congregation for their faith-
ful work during the past year as
Mrs. Doug Lewis is envelope
steward for BrinaleY U rated
Church for theyear 1968.
Lieury's oldest gentleman,
Thursday', Feb, 22, Was. Lord
IPAen-POwell's PiribclaY4 The Exeter Guides,held open house
for their parents at the Scout
Hall, and Were very Pleased to
have the 1St Huron ParIc (Cen-
0444) PoinPany Join with them
for the evening.
An enrclinent cereitienY was
held and the following girisniade
their promise to District Com-
missioner, Mrs. R. Luxton
Valerie Sweet, Debbie potter,
Colleen Lysaek, Heather Mills
and Jean Luxton. Two GaideS
from Huron Park Co. ,leather
Smith and Wien' Ann Fejkl made
their promise and were enrolled
as Guides.
This enrolment ceremony will
be recorded in our Company
history as being a bit unique.
Valerie Sweet, one of the girls
Douglas Warren, Exeter will be
the guest speaker at the service
observing the World Day of Pray-
er in the schoolroom of the United
Church Thursday evening at 8
o'clock. A
Hilton Amos, 83, passed away
in St. Joseph's Hospital Friday,
February 23 after an illness of
one month's duration. He was
a well-known retired farmer and
lifelong citizen of McGillivray
Township. The late Mr. Amos
was an adherent of Lieury United
Church and a devoted church
He is survived by one sister
(Ruth) Mrs. Tom Wilson of Geri-
erich and one brother George
of Lieury.
Funeral service was held from
the M. Box and Son Funeral
Home, Parkhill, on Monday, Feb-
ruary 26 with the t, ev. H.E.J.
Moorhouse officiating. Interment
was in Mart's Hill Cemetery.
A euchre was held at Brinsley
Community Centre Friday even-
ing, February 23. The ladies high
score was won by Mrs. Levi
White; men's high, Mr. Earl
Dixon; lone hands, Mrs. Earl
Lewis and Mr. Luther Morley;
low for ladies, Mrs. Fraser Dix-
on and for men, Bill Prest.
There were 10 tables in play.
Nextparty to be held on Fri-
day evening, March 8.
To garlic a salad boWl,lionie
EcOnomitts at Macdonald In-
stitute, Guelph, say to use a
small wooden Masher. Mash and
rub the garlic clove over the
inside of the bawl, and then dis-
card what is left of the garlic.
enrolled, Is the, niece of MiSs
Helen Sweet', Who was Captain
Of the Exeter Company when
Mrst Luxton was 4 Guide in this
PeraPanY. Valerie also has two.
sisters in the Company. Also
Jean Luxton is now an enrolled
member of the Exeter Guides.
this respect hitterY is repeating
itself at the second generation
is entering our local Girl Guide
Barbara Stanlake was pre-
sented with her Second Class
Badge. Lieutenant Mrs. Reid
'inkwell presented proficiency
badges to Barb Stanlake and Debi
Special guests of the evening
besides parents were, Mrs. M.
Lysack, Brown Owl of 1st. pack,
Ladies pick
six delegates
In Mitchell United Church, Fri-
day, February 23 the newly-
elected executive of the United
Church Women of Huron-Perth
Presbyterial with Mrs. Harold
Babensee, president, in charge
appointed delegates to the Lon-
don Conference of UCW.
They are Mrs, Babensee,
Stratford; Mrs, A. Sinclair, Se-
bringville; Mrs. Orville Sawyer,
Mitchell; Mrs. Walter McDonald,
Gadshill; Mrs. Stewart Miner,
Exeter; Mrs. Lloyd Bond, RR 3,
Clinton; Mrs. Harold Doig, Ford-
This Conference will be held
in Parkside United Church, Chat-
ham, March 25-27 with the theme
"What in the World is the Church
Doing." The guest speakers are
Dr. Norman McKenzie on "The
Modern Church —Chaos or
Hope" and Mr. Ernest Root on
Fairfield Mission.
Two workshops will be held
on Stewardship and Recruiting
for Huron and Perth early in
and fear Brownies who ere-work,
ing en Brownie Golden nand
jests, and will eYeetpaiiy be Ay,
ing up to Guides.
A special Pandlerlight Thinking
Bey eeremonYfollowedcampfirq,
where thoughts were turned to
Guides in eighty other countries
of the world.
The evening came to a close
with. Barb Stanlake, Susan and
pew wooden .serving lqnch to the
guests. The only sad note of
the night was the fact that Cap-
tain Mrs. Alvin Cudmore was
snowbound at home,
Ready Mix.
Residenc ePla2 3 52:6339 6 1
Have yours
Middleton's Drug
Store Ltd.
359 Main St. Exeter, Ont.
Phone 235-1570
Congregation elects
officers at Brinsley