HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-02-22, Page 12Farmers Income Tax Service BOX 35 t•VCAN, ONTARIO T1 Short Individual Rptyrn. $3.00 Only, Farmers Returns $20 Up For appointment in your home, please call collect phone 227-4851 George Eizenga SHOP TH. PAYS BIG DIVIDENDS Lucan Personal Items aserzmazzazsoramvigagmummzzazataammut Pkgs. TABLE READY TRIMMED Personally Selected STEAK Fearman's Farm SAUSAGE 16.390 Essex Peckers Assed. COLD CUTS 16 Pkg.-"i 83c YES, EVERY TIME YOU SEE AN IGA STORE, NO MATTER HOW BIG IT IS, YOU KNOW THAT STORE IS OWNED AND OPERATED BY •A LOCAL,' INDEPENDENT BUSINESSMAN. THE OWNERS IN THE STORE, PROUD OF HIS BUSINESS AND SERVICE, INTERESTED IN HIS CUSTOMERS ,AS ONLY A NEIGHBOUR IS APT TO BE, READY AT ANY TIME TO LISTEN PERSONALLY TO YOUR SPECIAL REQUESTS,' • SUGGESTIONS, COMPLAINTS IF YOU SHOULD HAVE THEM. ZWagangrata:k#4 You always get more at IGA because... I TM •10 SAYE 25c SOFT RITE (Asst'd Colours) SAVE 23c Top Valu; Frozen RANGE JUICE PRICES EFFECTIVE WED., FEB, 21, to SAT., FEB. 24, INCI.USIV WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES T SAVE 42c Pillsbury' (Ant') CAKE MIXES BLADE OR SHOULDER . RED BRAND RIB C US NO 1 CELERY STALKS 2FOR49 Darling's IGA Betty & Art's IGA EXETER ttlAlqb. BEND lb. TOP VALU SLICED SIDE BACON 69 1-lb. Vac Pat Pa rchment C Dew Wrap CHEEZ WHIZ MARGARINE Kraft Regular 3p..1.Ib, 66 Top Valu 1st Grade BUTTER Print Family TOOTHPASTE 'tee Stripe Special Pack 8 FOR. YOUR HOME .FREEZERt. FRONTSte .490 Ai. HINDS gtt 6_9(t Importad New ,Zitialand CHUCKS 530 LAMB „.43 Pam Times-Advocate, February 22{ 1968 Wins essay contest on being good Cub The Fehrhary UCW general meeting was held in the School- room last Tuesday with the prep- ident, Mrs. Freats in the Chair, The worship service Was in charge of Mrp. Sheridan ReVitig- too, Mrs., Jack Marshall, Miss Marilyn Hearn and Miss Nancy park, A film "One half of one per- cent", was shown. As the theme of the meeting was "Japan" all joined in singing a Japanese song and Mrs. Marshall modeled a robe sent frem Japan by her cousin, Mrs. Carmen Conti (the former Helen Johnston) whOse husband is now in Japan on goy, ernment work. Social conveners and commit- tee served refreshments, SOCIAL EVENING AND DANCE The Couples' Club held a so- cial evening and dance at the Community Centre last Friday evening with members of Hi C in charge of checking. Owing to in- clement weather the crowd was, not as large as expected. Winners of the eight-table, euchre were Mrs. Clarence Lew- is and Mr. Fred Suter for high score and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Lewis for lone hands. A cake, made and decorated by Mrs. Ernest Ross, for a door prize, was won by the Rev. G. W. Sach. Dancing to the music of Mr. Clare Stanley's records followed the euchre. Refreshments were served. PRESBYTERIAL MEETING Thursday, Mrs. Wm. Froa.ts, Mrs. Jim Lockyer, Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. Earl Young at- tended the Middlesex UCW Pres- The Lucan Cubs were given two weeks to write an essay on "What it means to be a good Cub," with Miss Line Abbott to be the judge. Tim Stutt, 10 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W, Stutt, was the winner. He wrote "The promise of the Wolf Cub tells you very much about what it means to be one. Here is the promise: 'I promise to do my best, to do my duty to God and to the Queen, to keep the law of the Wolf Cub Pack and to do a good turn to somebody every day'. When it says, "I promise to do my best", it means you will do your best in everything. The word I refers to the Cub and this makes the promise a per- sonal thing, "To do my duty to God", means to attend and take part in church-school and church ac- tivities, to help people and to say grace at meals and to say your prayers, when you should. There are also many other ways you can do your duty to God. "And the Queen", means that you shall obey the laws of Can- ada and stand at attention, when- ever the National Anthem is sung. "To keep the law of the Wolf Cub Pack", means what it says. stick to your job until it is done and done well. "Do a good turn to somebody every day", means you shall help somebody every day. You can wash dishes, take the dog for a walk and many other things. When you are a Cub, it also means to have something to do and have fun doing it. You go on hikes, play games and make things. You learn things, you go to camp, and make friends. What a great way to spend the day! Here is the law, The Cub gives in to the Old Wolf. The Cub does not give in to himself.. The words "Old Wolf", means your Cub leader, your parents, and at school, your teacher. "The Cub does not give in to himself", means that you will Refreshments consisted of sandwiches, two Valentine cakes, and an orange drink. By changing the day of meet- ing from Wednesday to Monday, the Cubma.ster will have two more helpers, Jerry Freeman, a former Scout, and Mr. Tom Barr. Lady attacked on city street Mrs. Charles Powers, who was raised north of Lucan, Thursday was knocked to the sidewalk when a would-be thief attempted to snatch her purse. Although Mrs. Powers celebrated her 65th wed- ding anniversary recently she managed to hold on to her purse. Mrs. Powers was shopping on Talbot St. north, before going to St. Mary's Hospital where her husband is now a patient. Three men in a near-by barb- er shop were eye-witnesses. One man gave chase and with the as- sistance of a policeman, finally captured Emerson George Brown 36, of 639 Elias St. who has been charged with attempted theft. After reporting at the police station, a policeman took Mrs. Powers back to complete her shopping and then drove her to the hospital to visit her husband. Mrs. Powers escaped injury in her fall. I lllllll 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllll I lllll I lllll Lucan Rec News 1111111111111111101 lllllllllllllll 111111111111111111111111, lllllll By J. E. BURT Well, with OMHA playoffs going on in the past week we have been busy finding an opening for these games. In the midget series, the mid- gets have been eliminated by Wilton Grove in 3 games in a best out of two series. The first game was Lucan 2-1, the second game was 7-4 for Wilton Grove and the third game was 2-1 for Wilton Grove. In bantam series the bantams dropped two straight to Wilton Grove by 3-1 scores to bow out. The peewees are waiting for Belmont as they took Wilton Grove in two games, 5-4 and 3-1. The novice team is playing off with Lambeth, the latter win- ming the first game 8-0, The next game is here at the Centre Fri- day night at 7 pm. Friday night in Shamrock play it was Lambeth vs Lucan. In overtime it was Lucan 4-Lam- beth 3, in bantam, Lambeth 3- Lucan 1, midget, Lambeth 4- Lucan 2. In the novice league Saturday afternoon Exeter bow- ed out because of weather con- ditions. In games played it was Stoney- brook 5-Strathroy 1; Lucan over Huron (A) 14-1 and Dorchester had a close win over Huron (B) 3-2. In South Middlesex they are still in the first round of play- offs in pretty good fast rough hockey. That's tonight at the Centre. Mr. & Mrs. John Eady of Lon- don were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett, the oc- casion being Mrs. t ady's birth- day. A letter from Brian Haskett was read. Brian is having a Wond- erful trip in Europe, his next stop to be Athens, Greece. After 10 days in St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. John Harrigan is able to be home. Miss Nancy Weller, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Weller enter- tained 20 of her friends at aV'al- entine party and dance at her home, Sat. Feb. 10. The Feb. WI meeting schedul- ed for Thursday, Feb. 15 at the home of Mrs. Sheridan Reving- ton had to be postponed till Feb. 22, owing to sickness. Owing to illness, the Lucan Streatnlinert had to cancel their TOPS meeting, Thursday even- ing. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson (the former Cheryl Thompson) left Sunday for a Week's Vaal, gee in Florida. Iii spite of extreme cold Mr. Rey Hamilton held. a successful auction sale Saturday. The many Lucanites Who, last taturday, watched Russia xiefeat Canada '5-0y were it least over,, joyed to See thean's player, Paul COrilin, When he WAS inter, viewed during the Hitt Inter- mission and to hear his Mine Called so Many times during the garrie. Mr. R. R. (Ron) Crozier of Lucan, former editor of the "Farmers' Advocate" and On- tario editor of the "Winnipeg Free Press Weekly" has been named editor of "The Western Ontario Farmer", a new weekly farm paper, printed bytheWebco Publication, London. The first edition of this weekly is scheduled to be sent to 21,- 575 farm homes in Essex, Kent, Lambton, Elgin and Middlesex, Thursday, Feb. 29. Mr. Crozier an Ontario Agri- cultural College graduate has had 10 years experience iv farm journalism. He served nine years as a district agricultural rep- resentative for the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture in both Eastern and Western Ontario. He majored in Agricultural economics at the OAC in Guelph, and is also a graduate of the Kemptville Agricultural School. A few years ago he was one of those who toured West Germ- any in company with other Cana- dian journalists as a guest of the Republic of Germany. He studied European Agriculture and agriculture marketing in particu- lar. Mr. Crozier was born and brought up on a dairy farm in Leeds County. At present he lives on a beef and horse farm at Lucan. He is married and has three daughters. Farm group chooses slate Thursday the Lucan Local 174 Farmers' Union, held its annual meeting at the Lucan Arena, with a good attendance present. Rev. Clifford Waite of Manda- min, a teacher at Forest, was the guest speaker. Mr. Waite gave a splendid address on farm or- ganization, farm, labor and teachers' unions and the neces- sity of having a strong organiza- tion if the union expects to reach its objective. Officers were elected for 1968. President is John Harrigan; vice president, Joe Vader, secretary- treasurer, Tony Damen and di- rectors, Gerry Wallace, John Van DeLoo, Joe O'Neil, and Frank Toonder, Mr. Harrigan presided for the meeting. Weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sovereign were Mr. &Mrs. Ron Harvey of St. Thomas and Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Noels and Brent of London. Saturday night, Medway stud- ents held their ut ur n-a-bout" dance. Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Allan Scott were Mr. &Mrs. Neil Romphs of Ingersoll and Debbie Lindenfield of Exeter. Mr. Wm. Frost has returned from a three week trip to 'the West. Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Mr. Cecil Armitage paid their last respects to Mr. Wilfred Herbert at the Hopper-liockey Puneral Home, Sunday evening. Demolition Of the old bank is progressing rapidly, in Spite of the cold Weather. The eight skidoo owners in tit- can, are taking advaetage of the snow and are really, having fun. Dr. & WS. S. J. libtrisori and family spent last weekend with Mr. & Mts. Ralph Rummell. Mrs. Nay Egan visited Billy Ranting who, has been pa- tient in St. Joseph's Hospital for the past nine weeks, but saw little, Or rid itinprOVement in his con-. ditfon. Mr. & Mrs. Ralph 'Smith and family of Wallac &tut were 'Week - end guests of Mrs, George !Wag- Ina and. Miss Nancy Watson Was aniong a tar, •load who attended the Wint- er dartlieal at geatottht gunday;, byteriai meeting held. In the met, ropcditp Church, London, Hi Sunday evening 20 Lecan-Clan- deboye Hi C members, answered the roll call. President Linda Smith, presided. Ceunseller, Mr- . Ed. Melanson, was in charge on a discussion on "Going Steady". The Rally at Byron, next Sun- 00 was cliscussed, with 12 hers consenting to leave right after the morning service. Arrangements were made for the following menibers to assist at the Youth Service, Feb. 25 Linda and Pat Smith, Bert Walk- er and David Stanley. Linda Lightfoot, Bonny Brooks, David Stanley, Donna Walker and Brian Ankers were the lunch committee. ANGLICAN The social evenings and pro- gressive euchres put on by the Ladies' Guild groups of Holy Trinity Anglican Church are be- coming more and more popular. Last Tuesday evening Mrs. Don Anker's group exceeded Mrs. Kay Egan's high attendance of 49, by 3. For the second successive game Fortune smiled on Mrs. Wm. Mathers giving her the high score prize and Mr. Mert Cul- bert won the men's lone hand prize with eight lone hands. Mrs. Rose Atkinson and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins tied for ladies' lone hand prize but Mrs. Atkin- son, who is a consistent winner, wherever she plays, won in the draw. Mr. Hilton Roberts won.the men's high score prize. Miss 4ina Abbott, who was again in charge of rules, etc. was assisted by Mrs. Mert Cul, berI I n the giving out of prizes. Junior farmers elect new slate Friday night .over 200 Farmers and .friends attended the County Jr, parmers banquet and dance at Thorndale. The Lhcan Jr. Farmers were well represented with an attendance of 20. piftget4 were elected for 1968. Honorary presidents are Mrs. W. W. Garrett and W, K. Riddell both of London; president, Ronald Abbott; vice presidents, Doreen Crawford and Michael O'Shea; secretary, Mary Brodish; treas.. urer, Ruth Richardson and pro- Vincial director, Donald MacMil- lan, Among the trophies awarded, the Lucan branch received the attendance banner for the highest yearly attendance, Agricultural Minister William Stewart, congratulated the group on their 50-year-old organiza- tion. MEDWAY EUCHRE The Medway Euchre Club held a four-table euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Mc- Comb last Monday evening. High score prizes went to Mrs. Austin Hobbs and Mr. Wm Mc- Comb; lone hand prizes to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Summers and low score prizes to Mrs. Wil- liam McComb and Mr. Carman Hodgins. HIGHEST RATES PAID ON 3, 4 & 5 YEAR DEBENTURES 6 34% on 1 & 2 year terms Minimum $500 THE ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY established 1870 Member Canada Deposit Insurance Corporation Yes, I am interested in your attractive rates of interest offered on debentures, ID Please tell me more about this system of saving, o Enclosed is my cheque for S . for a year debenture. Mr./Mrs./Miss Address Tel Complete and mail this coupon to: ONTARIO LOAN AND DEBENTURE COMPANY 137 Dundas Street, London, Ontario. ETA L District church new. .s. UC couples play euchre CUB MEETING The Wednesday Cub meeting took the form of a Valentine party. One more new member was added making a total enrol- ment of 34. Of the 34, there were 28 present. A game, "The Tunnel" was enjoyed, after which, Miss Lina Abbott read a Valentine story. Medway band takes top spot Medway High School's 42 piece concert band placed first in the first section of the "A" concert band class at the Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto last Satur- day. Competing with three other entries the Medway band was awarded a score of 90, the high- est of any high school entries in the festival that far. The second and third sections of the class will be played on consecutive Saturdays. The band is directed by H. Alex Clark and sponsored by the East Middlesex District High School Board. The group went to Toronto by school bus, leaving Medway about 2 pm Saturday and arriving back to the school at 2 am Sunday where most of the pupils were picked up by parents. They played at 8 pin Saturday, TWo of the players live in Liman, Jane Corbett and Joyce Butler. Dog bites youngster Thursday, a number of boys were playing hockey on Butler St. using •a ball for a puck. A Butler St. dog decided to join the genie. Having no hockey stick, the dog grabbed the ball with its teeth and ran. Naturally the boys chased the dog to retrieve their ball. Billy Henderson, 11.year.Old son of Mr. arid MrS, Dwight lien& Orton managed to catch the dog and pulled the ball from its mouth. The dog resented 16511* the ball and turned on Billie. Before the other boys could rescue Billie the dot had bitten him twice, on the back and side of his head gash., es that required eight stitches to close. Had he not had a cap Oh, the accident, might have be en Worse. RETIRES FROM NAVY Mr, Graham Thompson, Vihd has led a colorful life, since leavihg Lucan, Will be l'etiring front the navy On May .224 Be Will be moving into a nett/ home in 'Ottawa in June and ekpeCtS to be teething Mathefilatiot In Ottawa :High School in Septetil., bet, RON CROZIER Edits new farm paper 1