HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-01-18, Page 10Corritiponclont4 Mix* Lino Abbott VICTORIA and GREY ..QOYN11NMENT gEOISTMIT-qP RETIREMENT SAVINGS YOU MAY MAKE .DEPOSITS TO .EITHER OR BOTH OF TWO FONDS — THE COMMON STOCK FUND OR THE .INCOME FOND (CONSISTING OF PREFERRED STOCKS, MORTG AGES AND BONDS). YOU MAY., TRANSFER ALL .OR PART OF YOUR SHARE OF EITHER FUND TO THE OTHER, ONCE EACH YEAR, GIVING 7 DAYS NOTICE PRIOR TO A VALUATION DATE, YOUR DEPOSITS MAY VARY FROM YEAR TO YEAR AND MAY BE MADE FROM TIME TO TIME DURING THE YEAR AND UP TO 60 .DAYS AFTER THE END OF THE YEAR. Deposits Made By February 29, 1968 Are Tax Free for 1967 Returns There is no commission of any kind Charged on our Retirement Savings VICTORIA AND GREY _ TRUST Established 1889 The Locan Jr, Farmers met last Tuesday In the Maple Lodge .poramenity Centre, with an at, *lc41)Pa of M President Alfred Ovens presided. Officers were elected for 1900, President is John Riddell; vice president, Garry TreVitlitelc; See, retary, Bennie Tweddle; assist- ant, Viola Tweddle; treasurer, Ron Scott; press reporter, Brian Trevithick; 1st county director, Kathy fledgsPni 2nd county direct, or, Alfred Ovens, The pest speaker was a Mem, ber, Phil Conlin, who this year is Flames damage NA(c)marl's house Mrs. Claire Wisbey of 43 The Ridgeway London, formerly of Beech St. Lucan nearly lost her home. Fri., Jan. 5. Her stepson, who works nights was away when Mrs. Wisbey smelled smoke coming from the basement. Sud- denly the lights went out but with a flashlight she was able to call the fire department. Flames extensively damaged the basement and burned a por- tion of flooring on the first floor anf knocked out the electrical system. Mrs. Wisbey is staying with a neighbour across the street, It will probably be five or six weeks before she gets back in her own home. It is thought a spark from the fire place ignited some papers in the basement. It was for- tunate the fire began about 9 p.m. for had Mrs. Wisbey re- tired it might have been much more serious. Couple's niece slain in London Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett Alice St, on Friday, attended the funeral of the latter's niece, 16 year old Jacqueline Dunleavy, at the Needham Memorial Chapel, London. Jacqueline, the daugher of Policeman and Mrs. John 0. Dunleavy was murdered last Tuesday evening in London. MEDWAY EUCHRE CLUB Last Monday, a 100% member- ship of the Medway Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm McComb for a night of euchre. High score prizes went toMrs. `Clarence Lewis and Mr. Earl Middleton, lone hand prizes to Mrs. Wilbert Stanley and Mr. Carmen Hodgins and low score prizes to Mrs. Chester McComb and Mr. Otto Daley. The next game will be held January 22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Car- men Hodgins. ec 4 15-01. BTLS• ....40,11.011.1304.410401,400113e11,Fr..., SAVE 34' TOP VALU TOMATO or SO VEGETABLE up d±otilltrr • SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER! BETTY & ART'S IGA Grand Bend suNkisT SIZE NAVEL ORANGES 89 u.s, NO, CORN 19,;'1 COB 4 " '39c WAXED ONT 1 ci GR TURNIPS OH 25' t Ria111PPERS 2 25g ONTARIO GROWN NO. I PARSNIPS 2 35e Ag, CHICKEN tkc BASKET 43C BURN'S SWEET PICKLED I.1/2 1%) CRY-.0-VAC COTTAGE ROLL ...,590 TOP YALU SLICED SIDE BACON BURN'S (TRIPLE PAM COLD CUTS SEE YHA WEtkt IGA HA' itot011 itb.tt 'MANY ORE OUTSTANDING !CJYtYANbIN6 OttlAtt DARLING'S IGA txefoe,totan bt POe 141). V650 AC P 14-8, VAC 6 FRESH YOUNG PREDRESSED ROASTING CHICKENS PLUMP TENDER! TASTY ! CHICKEN LEGS AND BREASTS C TRUCKLOAD SALE I U.S. NO, 1 RED EMPEROR C 4 is-1,17 •, 44 410trr fFFECT$YEljAK 'INCLUSIYE1: AO: to :knit.: TOP VALU FROZEN 6-oz. C 6 88 ORANGE JUICE Tins TOP VALU ASSORTED 8-oz. . CHEESE SLICES Pkgs. 88 3 FACELLE MODERNE tasst'd.)n nnc Bathroom TISSUE Rolls 00 - TSTRWBERRY JAM 2 4i clorz 33C SAVE 31c — TOP VALU POWDERED MILK C 3-1.B. 00 BOX SAYE 29c —TOP VALU FANCY TOMATO JUICE 3 48-01. oc TINS SAVE Sc TOP YALU Evaporated MILK TINS 5 16-01. oc SAVE 25c — TOP YALU CHOICE GREEN PEAS 5 1T4iNOSI. 0 0 SAVE 36c — TOP YALU Tomato KETCHUP Miss Angela Armitt of Lon- don, one of the London resi- dents without heat, spent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Clarence Haskett and family. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Watson and son Bobby have returned to 27 degrees below temperature at Winnipeg, after a holiday with Dr. & Mrs. T. A. Watson. Friday, Jan. 12, Mrs. Frank Stanley attended the funeral of her brother, Mrs, Maurice C. Smith 64, of Buffalo. at the Mac Smith Funeral Home in Wood- stock. NIIIINNINIIIINNisI iiiii i 111 iiiiii ii iiiii Lucan Rec News BY L E. St_IST Anothet week haS gone by and What a week With below zero ternperatarea then freezing rain and snow. I think I'd better head for southern pOitits. Oh Well that's not red news, so I'd better get On with it. teat PridaY night in Shamrock Hbakey it was Exeter vs Laden; in pee twee it was Lucan Irish 4 -- the Exeter team, 2. In PAntani the Irish took an awful rittibbing as they fell 9,0 to Eketer t and in midget it was a 3-3 stand off. There was a bit of a iniSurider. standing in this one. I gueSs everyone knOWS how our game's run ekeept the Exeter tears. Vortally 'they We 5 minutes stop time for the last 5 minutes rOf the 3rd period but because of our 'ice bookings If a garde takes too much tithe we ctit their off at 10 minutes to the liotit. I hope that this is tindet- itandable to my reatieft. in novice' etkey oti SattirdaY it WAS :Liman: 2 Buron B 1 Strathroy and Dorchester battled to a 2-9 tie; Exeter clobbered Huron A 9.0 and Lambeth beat Stoneybrook '3-0,.I can not giVe you the league standing as I MVO not got theni, We had a very POO crowd out to the daride Saturday night itiebabse of the Weather. We - altd had a lot of CatibellatiOnt because Of the same conditions on Sunday and the' Way' it looks now we will have It pretty quiet here at the centre tonight and that IS that fOr the present, attending the Agrieillt4r41 School at Oentr4.1i4. He spoke pn Schoel, studies and the activities, Ttiell4rci Beck, another teem, her, who recently qualified as •an AtietiPaeer, proposed, as a future club project, to WO a Corn- nitinitk Auction Sale during the summer. plans were made for the annual banquet. A committee was set up to arrange the hay-ride party followed by a dance for Friday night, Jan, 12 and a competition was held at "Fleetway 4Q" Lon- don on January 13. Once a Year the presiderit of the Middlesex Co. Junior Farm- ers' Association, visits each club and evaluates the meeting. Last Ttleaday,. Don Foster, attended the Lucan meeting. The mem- bers were happy to learn they were awarded a mark of 72, out of a possible 100, whidh was the second highest mark given to any Middlesex Club. CNR agent dies at home Frederich J. Crouch, 70, passed away at his Granton home, Wed., Jan. 10. Mr. Crouch served 47 years as CNR agent. He was a member of the Shriners, life member of Tillsonburg Masonicorder, mem- ber of the Canadian Order of Foresters and a member of St. Thomas Anglican Church, Gran- ton. Mr. Crouch is survived by his wife, the former Ethel (Powell) Hodgins, two sons George of Williamsburg, Virginia and Don- ald of Granton, one daughter Mildred (Mrs. Mark Gorth) of Sarnia, one step-son, Wm. Powell of Granton, two step-daughters, Elizabeth (Mrs. Peter Finch) London, Mary Rose (Mrs. William Elders) Chatham, one brother John Crouch of Brant- ford, four sisters, Mrs. George Cooper of Sarnia, Mrs. Norval McKim, Tillsonburg, Mrs. Earl Ferguson, Pt. Huron, Mich., and Mrs. Floyd Smith of Sarnia. Funeral services were con- ducted by the Rev. S. J. Dell of Granton and Kirkton on Saturday, Jan. 13 at the C. Haskett & Son funeral home, Lucan with in- terment in St. James Cemetery, Clandeboye. Pall-bearers included Messrs John A. Stewart, S. S. Robinson, Ross Clatworth, Allan Aitche- son, Jack Noon and Kenneth Hod- gins. The flower bearers were Frank Squire, Gordon Leslie and Bill Wiseman. On Friday evening at th e funeral home a Masonic. Service was held under the Auspices of Craig Lodge No. 574 A. F. and A. M., Aliso. Craig. Mrs. Eldon who had the flu at Christmas has had a relapse and is confined to her home. Miss Nancy Watson, who un- derwent surgery in Victoria Hos- pital, has sufficiently recovered to return to work. The Week of Prayer collection for the Bible. Society amounted to $32.97, Mrs. Prank Egan (the former Marilyn Culbert) now of Aylmer is a patient in St. Thomas Hos- pital. Mr. & Mrs. Larry Hotson who had been living In the Radcliffe Apt. have moved into Mrs. Lou McFall's house on Alice St., recently vacated by Mr. Bob Anderson and family. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Miller of Saskatoon spent a feW days last week with Mr, & Mrs. Clarence Hardy and other Ltican friends. Mr. & Mrs. AljoeCulbertVere Wednesday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Lunen hockey fans, who have been watching Canada's national hockey team in action lately, are proud of the part pawl. Conitii; a former Limanite, has contrib- uted to the success of the team. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wilson of Burlington spent lest weekend With the latter's parents, Mr. & Mrs. Bert Thotnpson, Mrs. Wes. Atkinson was a.Wed, nesday guest of Dr. & Mrs. Mar- via Sniout and family of tendon. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Anderson and family have moved from Alice St. to the corner of Main and Princess St. Mrs. Gordon Ranting is at present Making her home, With her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Paton of Lon., don. By MRS. G. HOOPER Mr. -Leonard Thacker and girlt visited Sunday *with Mr, and Mrs, Peter Vanexan and Lite, of Water., lob, bOti Langford -of sity of Toronto And Mr. Walter Langford of Kitehetter spent the Weekend -with their patents, Mr. arid Mrs. Kenneth Langford and Carl. Mrsi dertie Thomson of Sty Marys spent the weekend at her home, Revise levy onproperties Middlesex Cpunt y' g assess- ment court of revision at Arva heard 24 appeals for the Town ship of Biddulph last Wednesday with the following eight receiv, ing reductions: Mrs, T, A. Hodgins, $150 dye to error in the lot assessed; Austin Hodgins, $150 for 5 acres sold to the Department of High- ways; Peter Fevery, $200 for a barn blown down by the wind; Joe Grace, $300 who was assess- ed for a building which he did not have; Bert Daman, RR 3 Lucan, $380 for swampland on his property; Harold Westrnan, Edgewood, $80 for 3 lots sold; John Bryan, $100 for a building which had been torn down; For , rester's Bldg., Grantee, $2300 to bring in line with other Grant- on buildings; George Maxte d, Clandeboye, assessment written off as property sold to Depart- ment of Highways. LUCAN REVISION COURT Assessment Court of Revision was held in the Municipal Bldg., Monday, Jan. 8. Ernest Ross of Lucan receiv, ed $150 reduction because of a car wrecking yard across the road from his residence, which he claimed devalued his property. Mrs. Mary Dykernan of Lucan was granted a reduction of $290 to $555 in the assessment, on a small house which she is renov- ating. 4444 II,,,. IN,44%4N,114N 1111 {111411114144{11441/1141411111111111111 CHURCH NEWS IINNINNIOININ11111111N iiiiiii ININUNNONNIINNNNN ANGLICAN The Anglican Church Women held the postponed January meet- ing at the home of the president, Mrs. Jack Murdy last Wednesday afternoon with the president in the chair and leading in the wor- ship service. Mrs. Frank Hardy, the new Educational Convener, took otter and read a newspaper article and also, "The Shape of Things to Come", from the "Living Message", which were followed by a lengthy discussion. The roll call was answered by the nine members present. Cards were signed to be sent out to absent members and lunch served. CHURCH SERVICE Flowers in the church were in memory of the late Edward Mills and Frederick Crouch. UNITED Mrs. William Froats presided at the UCW meeting last Tues, evening. Mrs. Stewart Park re- ported on the 1968 budget. Mrs. Dave Park, Christian Citizenship and Social Actien convener, led in the worship service and pre- sented the film, "What happened to Hanna". CHURCH SERVICE Considering the Weather there was a good attendance at the 11 o'clock service, so the service went as scheduled. The choir was out in goodly numbers and sang at anthem, with Marilyn Hearn and Wendy Cronkite sing- ing the duet. As Miss Reta. Chown, the or- ganist Was unable to be present, Mrs. Sach was in Charge of the organ. PENTECOSTAL In spite of the Weather, all services were held OA usual. Sunday school attendance was down about 50% and attendance at morning and evening church services was small, There was no Young People's meeting scheduled for Sat, even- ing but the Hey, and Mrs, Gordon McDonald, truce Currie and Joyce Butler attended a. "Youth for Christ" meeting in the Beal Tech, London, Saturday evening. Mt. Carmel Mrs Ada Dietrich has ?tett& tied hotrie after visiting for the past couple Weeks in Detroit. Miss Atte MdCatiti Of Mother , house Academy, London; spent the weekend with her parents Mt. and MrS, Wm McCann, MISS Anne Ryad and friend, Londoii i, and Vitae' Judy Ryan, London, visited OVer the weekend With their parents. IVIt, and Mrs, John Morrissey accompanied by 'Mrs, Catherine MerrISSeY are holidaying In tunny Florida for three weeks. 'MiSs Wendy Trainor spent a rew days 'with friend, 'MISS Judy Thompson, Of Bert-fish. Mr. and Mrs. 1161'0 Vett and Nancy of Parkhill and Mn,' and Mts. Ray Yelle and family, Liati, don; dined With Mr, and Mrs, Jack .1loganSubday evening, MrS, Jelin Angell left on Jail, vary 1 to visit her relatives in Rolland, Weight watchers honormember The pew co-leader, Mrs. John McRoberts presided at the Thursday meeting of the Lunen TOPS, "The Streamliners", which took the form of a farewell to one of its members, Mrs. Ted Faris of Nairn, who is mov- ing to Watford, Mrs. Faris was Lucan's third queen and was crowned last October. During the evening Mrs. Faris was presented with a cup and saucer as a remembrance, with Mrs. Gary McKenzie making the presentation. Mrs. Faris makes the third member the club has lost re- cently. Mrs. Ernest Kennedy, who reached her goal weight, no longer attends and Mrs. Wes. Hodgins, who suffered a stroke is still a patient in St. Mary's Hospital, London. Thursday, nine members showed little change in weight. All were pleased to learn that Mrs. Harry Bond, the press re- porter who has been very ill is able to be up. During her absense, Leader Mrs. Eldon Hopps has been reporting the meetings. ic.e 'freezes' house doors Lucan and district reSidents had a hectic weekend, Drifting snow Saturday left a number- of drivera in the Oita or stranded.. Stindayga freezing rain, broke many branches from trees and caused hydro black-,outs to sev,- eral parts of the village, TO add to the discomfort a water, main broke on Main North, and a number of residents were without water all night, hut, at time of writing, all but, two homes have water. Farmers, north of Lucan were hard hit, with neither hydro nor telephone, which meant the milk- ing of many cows by hand , A number of Lucan residents whose front doors faced east or south found themselves "frozen in" and had to secure help to get out." Sunday night's heavy snowfall still added to the hectic weekend as many cars are still stalling in the deep snow. SCHOOL NEWS The Biddulph Central School was closed Monday but the Lucan school carried on with the 48 pupils who braved the weather conditions and bad walking, (The full enrolment is over 200) mrs. Allison, Mrs. Cobleigh and Mrs. Garrett were the only Lucan teachers, who were able to make it. However they were assisted by Mrs. Hearn of Lucan. Princi- pal Fred Berdan and Mr. Norman Steeper of the Biddulph school were also present and were able to catch up on office work. Mrs. Don Ankers group of the Ladies' Guild catered for the dinner. Lion Gary McFalls won the door prize. Pay* 10 'Timos-Advocati, 4.4‘,44.a.ry, 1,04 juniors, elect ate, hear ag school. Lions heor local officials The Lucan District Lions Club, held its dinner meeting in the Anglican Church basement last Monday evening with president Ian Dallas presiding, One of the encouraging reports was that of securing Mr. Gordon Froats to succeed Mrs. Laura Morgan, as Cub Master. Mrs. Morgan was forced to submit her resignation, when she couldn't secure a house in Ltican. As a re- sult the cubs have had no meet- ings all Fall. Before coming to Lucan Mr. Froats had two year's experience as assistant Cub Master in Pres- cott, so the Lions were fortunate in securing his services. Lion Clare Stanley, who is now Zone Chairman, gave his official talk to the group. It was reported the club had spent $224.73 on 10 Christmas hampers and on providing a din- ner at the Shamrock for one area family, also $58.80 had been spent on flowers for the sick and shut- ins. A report was also given of the successful December dance at the Community Centre. lllllll 1 oo 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 000 1 llll 1011111111111111/111111111111111111111111111111$1111101111111111011111111111111 Lucan Personal Items 1110 llllll 11.1111111 llllll 111.1 lllllllll 1 llllll .1.1111.011...11 llllllllllll 11111111111111111111 iiiiiiii 111 iiiiii I iiiiiiiii 1 iiiiiii 1111 iiii