HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-01-18, Page 9Getting All students at Usborne Central school got a chance to try out their skating abilities,last week as the weatherman turned the school's lagoon into a perfect skating rink. Above, Lori Lynn Stewart and Marlene Glanville are helping Jo-Anne Foster and Carol Abbott to their feet after a slight fall. T-A photo Women at Greenway list fund-raising events a little help Students ass tests January 1,9, 196$ .Pac Can .trq ict women .litlistalled GREENWAY At the Greenway UCW meeting held at the home of Mrs . Ethel Pollock the officers for 1 96 8 were installed. Business was under the direc- tion of president Mrs. Carmen Woodburn. The proposed budget Clandeboye ladies meet By MRS. J. H. PATON CLANDEBOYE Clandeboye WI met at thehome of Mrs. Roy Cunningham with Mrs. Alan Hill as co-hostess last Wednesday afternoon. Roll call was answered by 12 members telling ci the person in history that you admire." Mrs. Karl O'Neil was in charge of the program on historical re- search. She reported on the Tweedsmuir History and Mrs. Karl O'Neil gave the, biography of Miss Judy LaMarsh. Mrs. Mary Carter, Mrs. Charles Coughlin and Mrs. Rea Neil con- tributed readings. The motto "Fill your store- house with memories that will nourish your thoughts in later years" prepared by Mrs. Albert Rosser was read by Mrs. Hill. A singsong introduced the pro- gram. A contest about Canada was won by Mrs. Wilmer Scott. In the business session a don- ation was voted to the organ at Strathmere Lodge and Mrs. Ray Hodgins' group were to purchase an item and distribute tickets for a raffle—the proceeds to go towards Clandeboye street lights. WITH THE CHURCHES No services were held in the Clandeboye churches Sunday ow- ing to road conditions. The annual congregational meeting of the United Church will be held Thursday, January 25 at 8:30 at the church. The annual vestry meeting of St. James Church is being held Monday, January 22 at 8:15. PERSONAL Mr. Roy McRann, who lives near Clandeboye, was taken, ill in Lucan on Friday and removed by ambulance to St. Joseph's Hospital, London. luck supper is to be served be- fore the congregational meeting on Monday night. Lunch was served by Mrs. Patterson assisted by Mrs; R. Kading and'Mrs. M. Luther. PERSONAL Mrs. Herb Pfile is spending a week with her son Mr. Dale Pfile, Mrs. Pfile and children in London. Waltham Timing The World Since 1850 WILSON'S JEWELLERY & Gifts Exeter Pleasing You Pleases Ut. at your service DAVID S. McDONALD OCCIDENTAL LIFE PHONE 235 0154 176 SANDERS STREET EAST EXETER, ONTARIO TERM INSURANCE ON THE BEST TERMS was brought in and it was decided to have a strawberry and ham supper and a bake sale and bazaar in the fall to raise money. Storm windows for the choir loft and re- finishing the auditorium floor were discussed as probable pro- jects during the year. The worship service was taken by Mrs. Harold Brophey and the study book was presented by Mrs. Ed. Stewardson. Officers are: President, Mrs. C. Woodburn, recording secret- ary, Mrs. E. Curts; correspond- ing secretary, Mrs. J. W. Horner, treasurer, Mrs. H. Brophe y; community friendship and visit- ation, Mrs. I. Isaac (West), Mrs. Ed Stewardson (North), Mrs. Jan Lagerwerf (South), Mrs. E. Bul- lock (East); citizenship and so- cial action, Mrs. Russell Brown; stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Paul Eagleson; cards, Miss EVelyn Curts; program, Mrs. C. Smithers, Mrs. Ed. Stewardson; supply, Mrs. Ken Rock and group leaders; group leaders, Mrs. Bryden Taylor (South), Mrs. Har- old McDonald and Mrs. Harold • PRESCRIPTIONS' Have yours Filled at Middleton's. Drug Store Ltd. ..;:saageigALilmiffi• 359 Main St. Exeter, Ont. Phone 235-1570, 1111~111•001111080.1.41111.81151 SAVE TAX DOLLARS A Good Investment The following discounts will be allowed for the prepayment of 1968 taxes in Exeter FIRST INSTALLMENT Discounts allowed if paid on or before: February 1 March 1 April 15 SECOND INSTALLMENT Discounts allowed if paid on or before: February 1 March 1 April 15 June 1 July 1 August 1 September 4114% 4% 31/2 % 3% 2'h% 2% 11/2 % 2%% 2% -1'4% Payment may be made to Eric Carscadden, tax collector, in the Clerk's Office, Monday to Friday 9-5. NOW ON wAtonts 1/2 PRICE BARGAIN TABLE SWEATERS•SHIRTS, MAN-A-BOUTS•TIES JEWELLERYPANTS BELTS AND 25 WINTER JACKETS ALSO 2 'AlktAIUTRE SUIT SALES NOW ON peir 6 MEN'S I WEAR CHILDREN'S SNOWBOOTS & OVERSHOES WOMEN'S & MEN'S OVERSHOES & RUBBER BOOTS 10% OFF! WOMEN'S WATERPROOF SHOP EARLY & SAVE 50% NOT ALL SIZES IN ALL GROUPS ALL SALES ARE FINAL MEN'S SNOW BOOTS INSULATED BOOTS 10% OFF WOMEN'S COCKTAIL BOOTS Black or Brown REG. TO 9 9 9 Assorted Styles $16.95 ALL WOMEN'S IMITATION SEAL BOOTS 20% OFF! WOMEN'S LEATHER SNOW BOOTS 20% OFF! WOMEN'S FLAT HEELED FOOTWEAR CLEARANCE SHOE STORE EXETER 2-86;1933 ,Properly For Vent FURNISHED apartment, .steam heated, nicely 'furnished, Wa'11, to-wall carpet. 45.- 2912. " 12;21049 STORg...4 WORKSHOP, oil heat- pd. PhOlig 45,1081. after 18c . . HOUSE 3 bedrooms, west of Mount Carmel, Phone 47-3277 after six o'clock, 4;11:18c „„ ......„.. UPSTAIR APARTMENT vate entrance, hot water .heat- iog, spacious rooms, private bath, *net couple Preferred, 82 Main .St, Phone 228-2778, 1;4tfrie 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric -- Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tfrie 21 Notices HAY TOWNSHIP NOTICE• Ratepayers and inhabitants of the Township of Hay are re- quested by council not to park cars on township roads and streets during the winter months in order to facilitate snowploW- ing operations. Council will not be respon- sible for damages to any mail boxes, or vehicles parked on roads or streets. Council requests that the resi- dents of the township of Hay do not push or dump snow on township roads, KARL HABERER, ROAD SUP'T., TOWNSHIP OF HAY 18:25c NOTICE The Annual Meeting and Ban- quet of Huron County Chil- dren's Aid Society is being held in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Hall, Wingham, Wednes- day, February 14, 1968 at 6:30 p.m. Banquet tickets are available at $2.00 from the Children's Aid Society staff and Board Members. The public is COT-' dially invited to attend. 18:25c 23 legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of William Gossman, deceased, All persons having claims against the estate of William Gossman, late of the Village of Dashwood, in the County of Huron, Labourer, deceased, who died on or about the 11th day of October 1967, are re- quired to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exeter, Ontario, by the 27th day of January 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Administratrix Exeter, Ontario 11:18:25e NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Joseph Wein, deceased. All persons having claims against the estate of Joseph Wein, late of the Township of Stephen, in the County of Hur- on, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 1st day of Jan- uary 1968, are required to file particulars of same with Bell & Laughton, solicitors of Exe- ter, Ontario by the 3rd day of February, 1968 after which date the estate will be distributed having regard only to those claims of which notice has been received. Bell & Laughton Solicitors for the Executors, Exeter, Ontario 18;25t1e NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Harrison Weigand, known also as Har- rison Wiegand, late, of the Township of Hay, in the County of Huron, Retired farmer, who died on or about the 8th day of October, 1967. Creditors and others having claims againat the above estate are required to send full par- ticUlars of such elaims to the undersigned on or before the 9th day of February, 1968 after which date the estate's assets Will be distributed having re- gard only to, claims that have been received. PETER L. RAYMOND, Barrister & Solicitor Exeter;Ontario Solicitor for the Administrator. 180 14 Tenders Wanted FUEL OIL Sealed, tenders will be re- ceived by the Board of Direc- tors of South Huron Hospital for the supply Of VUrnace Oil for S.H.H. and Nurses' Resi- de-fide, Prices quoted to be' constant for The 12-Month period. Sealed tenders to be in hands Of the Adroinistrater by Thurs- day, February 8th, 1968, 18;25Ile 2S Auction Sales Estate AUCTION SALE of Household Effects in the VILLAGE OF GRAND BEND (Lake R9ad) on SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 at 1;00 P.m. sharp Blue floral chintz chesterfield and chair, like new; Normende stereo combination radio and record player; 2 Queen Anne occasional Chairs and footstools; 21 inch television; brass coffee table; 2 mahogany tiered end tables; 2 walnut end tables; nest of tables; table lamps; pole lamp; Oriental living room rug 11x17; maple dining room suite; extension table; 6 rusk upholstered chairs; 2 hutches, like new; wrought iron dinner wagon; nest of wrought iron tables; mahogany 4 poster bed- room suite, like new; bedside tables; platform rocker; rug; modern walnut bedroom suite; cedar chest; hall runner; red- wood table; 2 chaise lounge chairs; 8 lawn chairs; large frigidaire with deep freeze; medical instruments; small frig; typewriter; electric clock; Westinghouse automatic wash- er; Frigidaire dryer; electric vacuum cleaner; 4 leatherette chairs; 2 sectional settees; 2 coffee tables; hail tree; flat top maple desk; flat top wal- nut desk and chair; 3 arm chairs; 2 metal cabinets; util- ity tables; examination table; power lawn mower, like new; flower pots; electric edger; garden tools; 'house plants and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms: Cash ESTATE OF THE LATE DR. E. A. McMASTER WM. ELLIOT, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 11:18c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate, Household Effects, Antiques and Misc. Items On the premises MAIN STREET, PARKHILL The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, JANUARY 27 at 1:30 p.m. REAL ESTATE consists of Lot 5, Main Street in the Town of Parkhill known as Parkhill Farm Supplies. Building with adjacent all steel warehouse. Both buildings in good state of repair. New oil furnace. In- spection invited by contacting the auctioneer. TERMS of Real Estate — 10% on day of sale, balance in 60 days. Sold subject to a reason- able reserve bid. Immediate possession if desired. Complete list of -household ef- fects in next week's issue. GEORGE DIETZE, Prop. ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3399 18c Two groups meet at GB By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND The January meeting of the ACW of St. John's-by-the-Lake Anglican Church was held at the residence of Mrs. Glen Grindlay at the Patio Motel. Mrs. Peter Warner presented a detailed agenda and projects were discussed for the months ahead into summer. The euchre which was planned for January will be held in February and, if successful, another will be held before Lent. Color slides showing the work of the prayer partner of the group who is located in the Canadian North West will be shown at a future meeting. The annual congregational sup- per and vestry meeting will take place later in the month. The hostess served refresh- ments. TO SERVE SUPPER The afternoon unit of the Grand Bend UCW met Thursday with twenty-five members present. Mrs. Garnet Patterson con- ducted the worship service as- sisted by Mrs, Raymond Kading. The roll call was a thought for the New Year. Mrs. Wm LOVe gave the study book chapter. Mrs. Alex Hamilton, leader, pretided for the business. A pot Announce New Healing Substance: Shrinks Piles Exclusive healingsnbstaneeproventoshrInk heinorrhoids and repair damaged tissue. A renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor- rhoida painlessly It relieves itching and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured, inflamed tissue. In case after case, while gently relievingpain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most important of all—results were so thorough that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months, This was accomplished with a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne which tit:jelly helps heal injurer`( cells and stimulates growth of new tissue, Now Bio-Dyne is offered in &int. ment and suppository form dalled Preparation H. Ask for it at all drug stores. Satisfactiori br your money refunded. By MRS. FRED BOWDEN QPNITAPA Mrs, flarVergillith,.,tikaPPWS new PrOgiclghti was in the-,ebeir fpr the .first ,meeting-of the year held in the Achoolroom. of. ,to church, Thursday evening. Mrs. smith OPPTIPP1 the meeting with a poem f .Faitt.11. Rev. R. It, Wilson conducted. the installation of officers. past co-presidents were Mrs. Ross McFalls, • Mrs. chap Rollings; president, Mrs. Harvey Smith; vice presidents,.Robt, Blair, Mrs. Sam innei'i record- ing secretary, Mrs. Ken Greb; assistant sec., Mrs. W. pery; corresponding sec., Mrs. Win Elliott; treasurer, Mrs,. Elmer Powe; Christian and Miseienary Edu- cation secretary, Mrs, Frank Hicks; finance, Mrs. Ross Mc, Falls; community friendship and visiting, Mrs. Chas Rollings; lit, erature, Mrs. Wm Elliott; music, Mrs. Lorne Hicks, Mrs. Alvin Essery; programs, Mrs. Robt. Blair; supply, Mrs. George Dunn. Suggestions brought forward from the executive meeting, held. at the home of Mrs. Harvey Smith on the previous Tuesday night, were approved. The allo- cation set at $400 is to be raised by means of voluntary givings. A tea and bake sale will be held in the spring. Committees to as .s i s t executive secretaries were appointed. It was decided to hold the World Day of Prayer service "After all, everyone . . . present company excepted . makes mistakes, sir." in =Junction with the monthly meeting on the evening of February 29 at 8 o'clock. MI'S. Ross McFalls, Mrs. chas ,Rollings and Mrs, Robt, Wilson were in charge of the worship service and program. Mrs. me- Falls oPened with a reading ci.A Way To A Happy NOW Year" and spoke on SteWardshiP based on the Scripture reading. A topic "Forward Into The New Year" was given by Mrp. Robert Wilson, A violin solo was played by Rev. Wilson with pia.no accom- paniment by Mrs. Ken Hodgins. Mrp. Chap Rollingspresented the chapter from the study book. Sanford Lawson Crediton native Sanford Lawson, 69, died sud- denly at his home, RR 1 Cen- tralia, on Thursday, January 11. Mr. Lawson was born near , Crediton and as a young man went to Flint, Michigan. In 1920 he married Miss Irene Zuefle of Exeter. After living in Flint and Detroit they returned to Crediton in 1930 and in 1932 built his late residence on Hwy. 4. His wife survives him. Funeral services were con- ducted by Rev. Robert Wilson at the R. C. Dinney funeral home, Exeter, on Saturday, January 13 with interment in Exeter ceme- tery. Pallbearers were Messrs. Harris West, Cooper McCurdy, Lloyd Morgan, Roy Lamport, Wilfred Huxtable and Sam Law- son. PEkI.SONALP. Mrs. }grit leYtin of W1119Vidale VAS a Satiirtlay visitor at thp home of her parept4.0 ,Prici. Mrs • P.P9Per. McCurdy and at, tended the funeral sery0p0pAhp late Mr. SlIforci PAYSOS at the Dinney Funeral EicOtOr, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Greb spent weekend with her parepts, Mr. and ;Mrs. 'AMOS Snlitn. in Mount Albert. Music results obtailleel ,J)yptip- OS of Mrs. Kenneth Hodgins are; Carol Robinson, 1st ,claaa honors grade 2 theory; Judy Robinson, honors grade 2 theory; Marilt43' Hodgins, honors ,grade theorY Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Greb and family were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Green and family in Landfall. Pollock (North); Mrs. Jake Lag- erwerf and Mrs. Hugh Adair (East); Mrs. Emerson Woodburn (West). Representative to stewards, Mrs. L. Curts; rep. to Christian Education, Mrs. L. Curts and Mrs. G. Dixon; rep to Official Board, Mrs. C. Woodburn; liter- ature, Mrs. George Dixon; sick boxes, Mrs. Harold McDonald, Mrs. Oscar Steeper; kitchen, Mrs. Jan Lagerwerf and Mrs. Fred Bullock; auditors, Mrs. Jim Eagleson Jr., and Mrs. C. Smith- ers; 'flowers, Mrs. Elton Curts.