HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-01-11, Page 5Budget-priced FRIGIDAIRE Jet Action Washer! Model WATK FRIGIDAIRE Sales with Service ! DRYSDALE ClEeit HARDWARE Dial 262-2015 HENSALL www. k..kW WageNS.4%‘, SPYS OR MACINTOSH ONTARIO FANCY GRADE APPLES 5 LBS. 490 HAM COOKED LB. 98C WIENERS 2 ,BS 79 < CHICKEN LEGS LB. 55C HAM STEAK 1.13 69C BEEF CUBED STEWING LD. 65 SIDE PORK LB. 45t PRODUCE CATSUP HOME 20 OZ. BOTTLE CORN OIL MAZOLA SALMON RED ROSE KETA PEANUT BUTTER KRAFT DOG FOOD ZIP PEARS YORK CHOICE BARTLETT CHICKEN CORDON BLUE BONELESS ROBINHOOD 5 LB. QUICK OR 72 OZ. INSTANT 730 18 OZ. CRUNCHY OR SMOOTH 470 15 OZ, TINS 10/990 19 OZ, TIN 2/73 7 oz, TIN 37 c 2/63 (DEAL PACK) 32 OZ, 851' 1 L.B. TIN 650 DEL MONTE 14 OZ. CANNED VEGETABLES GREEN BEANS WAX-BEANS, ot PEAS/CARAOTS, CREAM CORN NO/ J 4J 1r DONUTS SUPER SAVE MACARONI & CHEESE CORN SUPREME BRAND KERNEL 2 LB. BAG FROZEN FOODS si,NMW ,*.:VANPN;Y ‘e, [MARKET HENSALL- ONTARIO ThnesAdvocate, Januery „ 1908 Page Stephen plow crew help laliver' mother... • • 0 • • • 4 • a 4 • CORRESPONDENTS Mrs. MaO. Hidden, Phone 262.2002 Mrs; Eeitha MacGregor, Phone 262.2025 Visits Kentucky Ln picks mobile showing egio r r. new officers • Joseph H. Gillis, General Coach Works of Canada, Ltd., division of Divco-Wayne Indust- ries, Inc., Hensall, will represent his company at the 32nd National Mobile Home Show, Jan. 9-14, at the Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville. The major trade show, at which the firm is exhibiting, is sponsored annually by the Mobile Homes Manufac- turers Association, The event—sho*case for a billion-dollar industry— is marking its eleventh consecutive year in the huge exposition center. MHMA manufacturers will debut their 1968 models with exhibition of more than 200 mobile homes in the center's 10 acres under roof. In addition, over 150 supplier firms will exhibit. The MHMA Show is the only national exposition in which all units are built to industry- pioneered plumbing, heating, electrical and constructiom standards, affording dealers the opportunity to see the latest and best in mobile homes under one roof. hear about By MRS. ERVIN RADER The Dashwood Women's In- stitute meeting was in charge of the Agriculture and Canadian In- dustries group with Mrs. Milford Merner convener. The 4-H girls of No. 1 group gave their skit. Joanne Hayter played a musical number. Roll call was answer- ed by giving a variety of cheese. Mr. Carl Oestreicher was guest speaker speaking on the topic, "Past and Future in Agri- culture". The president, Mrs. Glen Webb presided for the business. The WI will sponsor euchres January 9 and 23. The St. John Ambulance course will begin January 24 in the community centre. YF ELECT OFFICERS The YF of Calvary United Church held their annual election of officers. President is Eric (Rick) Gaiser; vice-president, Norma Weigand; secretary, Rose Marie Weigand; treasurer, Mich- ael Tieman. An evening of fun is planned for Friday, January 19, at the Pinery Park. The Women's Society of World Service of the EUB Church will „flow be known as the United oChurch Women (UCW) of Calvary .1 United Church and will meet the second Tuesday of each month except in January when they will meet Wednesday afternoon, Jan- uary 17 at 2:00 pm. Storm halts congregation By MRS. HEBER DAVIS SAINTSBURY Service at St. Patrick's Church was cancelled Sunday afternoon on account of the storm. Miss Sharon Davis spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, John Pritchard, Creditors. Mrs. Maurice MacDonald and Mrs. Pete Sovereign drove to Watford and picked up their aunt, Miss Alice MetneS, and visited With Mr. and Mrs. Harry Noels, Forest, Miss Maines is spending the Winter with Mr. and Mrs: Maiiride MacDonald. Mr: and MrSi Karl Weiberg, Exeter, spent TuesdaY with Mr. and MrS. Toni Kooy. MrS. Ron Carroll and children visited their aunt, Mrs. Clifford Abbott,'Llican, Monday. Miss Heather Davis Spent the weekend With her friend, Miss Nancy Hardy, Liman. Mr: and Mrs. Ray ShoebottOM and Mary were guests Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Johnsen and boys. Mr, and Mrs. Donald England Were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Heber Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Carroll are spending a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Dickies Were guests 8undaY With Mr. -and Mrs. Graften Squire 'And fanillyi Whalen. At a meeting of Hensall Branch of the Canadian Legion 468 Wed- nesday, January 3, election of officers was held to form the 1968 slate. President is E, R. Davis; vice- presidents, Stan Kochan, Paul Neilands; past president, Ted Roberts; secretary-treasurer, John Skea; Sgt at Arms, Ed Little; executive, Harry Horton; Wilmer Dalrymple, Garnet Allan, Murray Traquair. In a joint installation with the Legion Auxiliary officers will be installed Friday, January 19. A social will be held following the installation. FORMER MINISTER PASSES Word was received of the pass- ing of Rev. R. A. Brook of Acton, former minister of Hensall and Chiselhurst United Churches who died Monday, January 8. Surviving are his wife, three sons and one daughter. Funeral services were held at Acton, Wednesday, January 10. agriculture Joseph Church, Corunna, with interment in adjoining cemetery. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Watts of Exeter, Mr. Louis Zimmer and Mrs. William Miller. PERSONALS Mrs. Rudolph Miller has re- turned home after spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Sieg- fried Miller and family of Port Dover. Mrs. Morris Denomme is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London where she underwent sur- gery. Mr. Melvin Schlundt is also a patient there. , Mr. John Kellerman spent one week at the world convention of The Students Christian Movement in Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Klump and Brad arrived home from a three week visit to sunny Jamaica to the welcome cold Canadian air of Dashwood. Clandeboye ladies instal Clandeboye UCW met at the home of Miss Agnes Northgraves with eight members present. Rev. G, W. Sach conducted the installation of officers. The an- nual meeting of the congregation will be held Tuesday, January 16 at 7 pm commencing with a pot luck supper. Mrs. Wilmer Scott led in the devotions and the study on a Japanese country minister was presented. It was voted to retain the same custodian as last year at the same salary. The hostess served refresh- ments. GUILD OFFICERS NAMED Mrs. Wilfred Cunningham was the hostess Thursday, JanUary 4, for the ACW meeting of St, JaiteS Church. President Mrs. Emily Tomes led in prayer. The Epiphany and scripture was read by Rev. E. 0. Lancaster: A memorial silence was observed for the late vincent Massey, Canada's first natiVe.. Wit Governor General, who died last Saturday in London, England, and the late Mayor Stroilath of London. A portion of the address given b'y M DerSett tiattorshy, 'pest president of the Huron Diocesan Board, at a UCW meeting in Godei'ich, was read: Mrs. Robert Latta. who pro, sided for the Guild Meeting which fellOWed ; opened with a reading. SUCCOStfal finandial reporit were given for 1967. Officers for i968 were named. Mini President is, Mit. E, 0, Lancaster; president, Arnold LOWISI V i e e sident, WS. Emily TonieS; secretary- treasurer, Mrs. Cecil Carter; conveners, Mrs.S Rae Rodgitis and NitS, Hebert Latta: MOTHER DIES Mrs. Sarah Jane DOnaldsba, 89, wife of the late Richard Henry Donaldson, died In VIC, tOria Hospital, London, on Fri, day, December 8tirtkiving are sons, JaineS Of ClaticiebeYe; `Leonard D, and Heiner of London; datighterty Ce cil <Rete) Hebert Sofi f Lendeii and Mrs, Jack (Myrtle) Metaten, Ottawa, also 17 grand, children and nine great,grand, Children, Funeral terVite's1 Were ten.. ducted Tues day,s, JOrillarY 2 at Church ladies study warrior Unit 4 Hensel' UCW met Thurs- day afternoon with an attendance of twenty despite the inclemency of the weather, President Mrs. James McAllister opened with verses of scripture fitting for the New Year and prayer. De- votional was taken by Mrs. Robin McAllister on "What makes a New year". The study book on Japan by Mrs. James McAllister who used the first chapter on "Japan pro- files" studying Kunigiro, Ono, a Christian warrior of the last great war, whose career was followed for a time. Mrs. Leona Parke read a letter from Mrs. Redmond expressing apprec- iation of the gifts of the Christ- mas stockings which this unit filled for women patients at the Ontario Hospital, Goderich. Hostess was Mrs. Nancy Kyle. Tea was served. Midgets trounce Monkton squad Hensall midgets put on their best scoring attack of the season on home ice, Saturday night as they thumped Monkton 11-2 in a regularly scheduled game in the district WOAA grouping. Brad Pryde was the top marks- man for the Hensall club as he notched three goals. Fred Elder and John Moir were close behind in the scoring department with two goals each to their credit while singles were added by Allan Sararas, Brian Campbell, Gerry Sararas and Steven Faber. Rebekahs plan friendship night Amber Rebekah Lodge #349 held their first meeting of the. New Year in the Lodge Hall last Wednesday evening with Noble Grand Mrs. John Corbett in charge. Vice Grand Mrs. Earl Campbell reported for the meet- ing Committee. Greetings from lodges in the jurisdiction and from members were read by recording secretary Mrs. Leona Parke. Plans were made to hold "Friendship Night" Wednesday, January 17 when all members are urged to attend. Names of secret pals will be revealed. Arrangements were also made for the "Birthday of the Lodge" to be celebrated February 21, guests to be entertained. Pe/woad-I Mr. Doug Daley of London visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parker and Miss Patsy Parker. Rev. John C. Boyne BA, BD, conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. The annual congregational meet- ing will be held in the school- room of the church Thursday, January 25. The flowers were placed in the church Sunday in memory of the late Mrs. Mei- dinger and Mr. Rudy Petzke, Mrs. Pearl Shaddick is spend- ing a few weeks with her sister, Miss Elvera Churchill in Tor- onto. Flowers in the United, Carmel Presbyterian, St. Pauls Anglican Churches Sunday morning were In memory of Mr. Rudy Petzke, placed by his wife and family. By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN Mr.& Mrs, Norman Dow and Ernest visited Friday evening with Mr: & Mrs. John Templeman and family. Mr. & Mrs. Johnny Miller and family visited Sunday with Mr. mre. Reg Finlayson and Mike. Jeffrey Hutson, son of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Hutson and Dean Elliott son Of Mr. & Mrs: Frank Elliott are patients in Seaforth General Hospital. the 'Needham 'Memorial Chapel, London with interment in Mt. Pleasant Ceinetery. PERSONALS 8erViceS were withdrawn St both churches because of road conditions Sunday morning. Almer Hendrie returned home Sunday from a Visit With her son-in-law 'And daughter, Mr. and 'Mrs. Bill 'Downing at Chat, bath Miss Rattan AntiCunninglidin who has been in training at 8t. Thomas-ElginHoSpital,ls spend- ing A few days With her parents i Mr., And Mrs. Arthur Cunning- liana. She will leave January 21 to enroll at 'Sick thildtens HOS- p1151, Teretititi for 'six ,iriontlis, By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND The evening unit of Grand Bend UCW held the first meeting of the New Year Tuesday. Mrs. Gerald Love conducted the worship and program assist- Local student dies in bed Dwight Cormier, 11-year-old son of Mrs. Ann Cormier, Hen- sall, was found dead inbed Tues- day morning when his mother went to call him about 8:00 a.m. for school. The youngster was in grade five at Hensall Public School. Coroner Dr. J. C. Goddard was called and an autopsy was performed at Stratford. Further tests were to be conducted at Toronto in an attempt to dis- cover the reason for the lad's untimely death. Surviving besides his mother are three sisters, Brenda, Linda and Annie, and one brother, Mark, all at home. Funeral service will be held at 2:00 p.m. Thursday from the Bonthron Funeral Home with Rev. Harold Currie officiating. Burial in Hensall Union Cemetery. ed by Mrs. Irwin Bestard and Mrs. Verne Ridley. Films were shown on "Christ in the Art of Japan". Mrs. Robert Keyes, leader of the unit, presided for business. A discussion on programs for the New Year followed. Lunch was served by Mrs. Stewart Webb and her committee. The officers of the executive of the ACW of St. John's-by-the- Lake Anglican Church, Grand Bend, were installed by the rec- tor, Rev. E. Insley, at theSunday service at the church. President is Mrs. PeterWarn- er; vice president, Mrs. Ken Young; secretary, Mrs. Fred Newton; treasurer, Mrs. Glen Grindlay. The monthly meeting of the ACW will be held this week and a euchre planned for this month. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kading flew to Philadelphia over the holiday to attend the wedding of their niece, Julianne Kramer, to Lieutenant Daniel Arnold of Bal- timore. Birthday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson on Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Adair and family of Corbett, Mr. and Mrs. Johns- ton Patterson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Patterson and Win- ston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gill. The occassion was Jim's birthday. Miss Janice Gill RN of London spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Gill. By MRS. NORMAN LONG Friends and neighbors met at the home of Mrs. Verne Alder- dice Saturday evening to honor Miss Kathy McGregor with a miscellaneous shower prior to her forthcoming marriage. The evening was spent in games, contests and piano selec- tions. The bride-to-be was seated in a prettily decorated chair with pink and white streamers. The address was read by Mrs. Robert Bell. Lynn Alderdice and Linda Bell presented the gifts, in a decor- ated basket. Kathy thanked every- one for the many gifts. Lunch was served by Mrs. Verne Alderdice and Mrs. Robert Bell. A small town is a place where everybody knows whose check is good and whose husband isn't. By isil” Ekr.L.,4 MPROcK QP,FrATQN The child of Mr,, and Mrs, Douglas .1.vightfeet, South Huron 110 $15itg's New Year baby, caus- ed excitement even before his arrival, Near midnight last Thursday While Mr. and Mrs. Lightfoot were on their way to the hospital, their car became stuck in the drifts near the home • of Mr. Irving Sta.hls, Mr. ,Lightfoot was obliged to rouse a neighbour to get help. The township snowplow was called out to open A path Ladies meet at Brinsley By GORDON MORLEY BRINSLEY The January meeting of the UCW was held in the church base- ment. Mrs. Arnold Wasnidge as convener opened the meeting with a hymn followed by prayer. A poem "Centennial Year's over" was read by Mrs. Cecil Hartle. A devotional reading "A New Year's Message" was read by Mrs. Wasnidge. Mrs. Mac Al- lison gave us a very interesting talk on Japan. A poem "Reso- lutions" was read by Mrs. Ed- win Morley, reading from De- votional Calendar was given by Kathleen Morley. Mrs. Wm. Fen- ton presided over the business. Minutes were read and 12 mem- bers joined our society. Lunch was served by Group I ladies. PERSONALS There was no church service at Brinsley United Church on Sunday, Jan. '7. Rev. CharlesScott was on the sick list but a supply was to have taken the service but, owing to the storm, the church was cancelled. Mr. & Mrs. Dawson McGregor visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Levi White, Rev. J. T, Johnson of Sombra is to take over the pastorate of Allsa Craig, Brinsley and Car- lisle churches beginning in Feb- ruary. Five generations met at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Lewis, London. The centre of attention was the youngest three- week-old Lori Lea Lewis. Mrs. W. A. Sholdice, London is great- great-grandmother while Mrs. Wes Lewis, Brinsley, is great- grandmother of the infant. Mr. & Mrs. Duanne Lewis, London, are the proud parents. The Anglican Church, Brins- ley, is scheduled to have its church service at 1 pm on Sun- days for the winter months. for the car, NAMED Z,IQN PG The. .fOrbler gp13 .Church is now to be .known as Zion, United church, TP 000PrM to the,structure •pf Vnited Churches ,the pengreg4, tign appointed three. elders.. They, are Ed. liPnOr4c1c., ROY ri,* And William Schwartz. Mrs, llareld, Fahper is to act A.$ lay repre sentative to meetings of (hp Huron presbytery. SS AWARDS To forty scliolars of gloripnit., ed Sunday School award pins' were presented on Suriday, $lx received one-half year pins, 28 one-year pins and six two-year pips, To be eligible for a pin a member must be atsundayScbooV every Sunday. (Absence Is not counted if there Is illness or if the roads are impassable be, cause of bad weather), The teachers of the Beginners, Testaments, Junior, Junior High, Searchers and Ambassadors Classes presented the pins,under the direction of the Superintepd- ent, Mr. Alf Smith, Looking for a UFO? The basketball season opened for SHDHS teams last weekend and the boys played their first games in the school's spacious new gymnasium. All eyes were upward on this particular play as three Panthers and two Stratford Northwestern players wait to see what the ball is going to do. The Panthers in the picture are Bud Desjardine, Unice Nagel and Ross Huff. — T-A photo Anglican ladies installed GB ladies study Japan Women at Dashwood HERMAN DEBUS Herman Debus, 63, of 339 Beresford Street, Corunna, for- mer Dashwood resident, passed • away at St. Joseph's Hospital, Sarnia, Friday, January 5. Surviving besides his wife, the former Marguerite Held, is one son Michael of Corunna. The funeral was held Monday, January 8 from his house to St. • • • 6