HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-01-04, Page 7SHDHS actors present plays Students at SHDHS presented three one-act plays prior to taking their Christmas holidays and the per- formances were much enjoyed, One of the plays was also presented at a student body assembly. Four of the actors in one of the plays are shown above and from the left are: Mary Wilson, Ian Neal, Judy Burke and Leo DesJardine, T-Aphoto Staffa girls feted Couple mark anniversary Timlos-Advoca of /January 4 1900 BEAVER LUMBER • • • So why not begin that Rec. Room you've been thinking about for so long. Drop in arid let Us help you With your needs. Floor Tile, Pan, eling, Ceiling Tile. S S 227 Mdin 5fte6f, Exeter Phone 235.1881 Purchase Your BRIDAL-KNOT DIAMOND "Insured for a lifetime" At WILSON'S JEW ELLERY 8. Gifts Exeter Pleasing You Pleases Us. Let us develop and.print your films BLACK 8. WHITE or KODACOLOR. Guaranteed expert processing plus a new fresh film FREE, the same size and type of your original roll in sizes 127 -126-120-620-35mm only. IN WS US Mt iggei I UNTLEYS DRUG STORE EXETER r I A Telephone Ontario 235.1070 I I I p Bankers, Tigers tie again at top of :Rec puck loop By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA Forty friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller on Fri- day evening, December 29. The occasion was their 25th wedding anniversary. The event wasplan- ned by their two daughters, HOOPER garret Of Pranten, Mr. 0, Mrs. Ken Hill and tam, fly of Lambeth, Mr. & Mrs. .7011c. Pickel And farnilY of Str"MarYP, Mr r. 8c. 'Mrs, Fred Parkinson and, Nadi), Of Baseline were New year's Dp.y guests of Mr. & Mra. Ken Parkinson and family. Mr.t. 4 Mrs, Peter Vanexan and Lisa of 'Waterloo spent the week- end with Mr. Leonard Thac)cer and girls. Mr. .&. Mrs. Wm Jones, Edwin and Donna were Sunday evening guests of Mr, & Mrs. Gerald Bryan and farnilyof pros- Peet Rill, Mr. & Mrs. Cecil Thomson and family, Mr. Fred Thomson of Avonbank, Mrs. Pearl Thom- son of St. Marys were Sunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Thomson, MRS. ROSS SKINNER Skinner and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bell and Carol, Mr. and Mrs. Don Parsons and family of Hensall with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Cooper and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Batten and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Johns and Emerson, Mr. Tennyson Johns and Mrs. Isabel Sugden of Zion, Mr. Harry Redd of Wood- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Gertsen- korn and family of Exeter with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Johns and family. New years visitors out of the community were: Mr. and Mrs. Wm Routly with Mr. and Mrs. Don Willcox of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Pen- hale and family with Mrs. Rae Penhale of Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Johns and Karen with Mr. and Mrs. Chas Cassar and Terri of Lon- don. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Johns and Marilyn with the Jahns' family at Russeldale Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kers- lake and family with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Schroeder and family of Dashwood, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Skinner and family with Mr, and Mrs. Reg McDonald of Exeter. Mr, and Mrs. Philip Johns and family with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kerslake of Exeter. M r. and Mrs. Horace Delbridgd of Winchelsea visited Monday with Mrs. Bruce Cooper and also visited Mr. Bruce Cooper in South Huron Hospital Monday afternoon. Miss Carol Johns of Islington, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Switzer of London with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Johns and family. Mrs. Vera MinersVith Mr. and Mrs. Erie Caracadden cif Exeter eight goals apieCe. Tonight'a regular play at the Exeter Arena has the Bank Bays and Old Tiniers meeting in the opener at 8 e'cleck while the Crediton and Graham and Graham tilt follows at 900, TRIO, LEADS SCORING Two goal performances turned in by Plena Overholt and the Lamb Champ declared in ladies draw A thrilling come from behind win preserved the unbeaten rec- ord of Pauline Simmons and her team-mates in the first draw of the Exeter ladies' curling club and gave them the championship. The Simmons contingent was trailing Ellen Knight's foursome 8-5 after seven ends of play in the sudden-death final and ap- peared ready to suffer defeat for the first time. A big three-ender on their final chance put the Simmons, rink on even terms at 8-8 and they went on to win in the extra end. Other members of the cham- pionship rink are Sally Lou Ray- mond, Lillian Pym and Beatrice Dawson. Completing the roster of the Knight foursome were Connie Johnston, Dolores Shan- ton and Lucy Klumpp. The second draw begins this week with each skip getting three different curlers to round out their rinks. n itinuntinuttua ntountuithiniuuntiminnit uruit BOWLING SCORES IIIIIIIIIM11111111111111111RII11111111111111111tillialltIMIR LUCAN SD (D, Hirtzel 543) 0 22 MA (D. Wallis 627) 3 15 FE (W, Hickson 577) 0 14 DU 13 SH (N. Ferguson 516) 2 13 RE (D, Watson 619) 3 13 NM (R. Roulston 492) 1 9 LUCAN LADIES LEAGUE DA (E. Watson 688) 7 58 CO (M. Kennedy 630) 0 29 FR (J. McComb 662) 7 58 PI (J. Smith 493) 0 47 RA (M. Parnell 692) 7 66 SH (S. Hancox 534) 0 20 CU (A. Scott 588) 7 53 HO (C. Hayter 500) 0 7 SP (E. George 579) 5 59 HI (L. Ditty 621) 2 55 THE COLLEENS TH (B. Steeper 517) 60 FB (J. Lewis 561) 51 MG (P. Holmes 442) 50 TS (W. Avery 481) 43 TW (K. Arnold 440) 26 DO (V. O'Brien 478) 22 brothers, Fred and Dave, led Ole- rOditon six to. their 740.ilgver the Bankers, creating the tie for fit* Place. John Conlin notched the ether. Tiger tally to tie the score at 5-5 midway through the third. Bob Jones continued his Pro , IMP coring as he counted twice to lead the Bankers' in a losing cause. John Varley, Bill Hey- Wood and Frank Boyle counted in single faShiOn to Pornplete the Bank Boys scoring. WATT DOES IT A late third Period goal fired by Tom Watt gave Graham and Graham a 5-4 verdict over the Old Timers and their first win of the season. The scoring was well spread as, the balance of the & G goals were also fired in ' single Order by Jim MacDonald, Dave Dale, Ed Kerslake and Gord Strang. Sharing the marksmanship for the Old Timers were Fred Wells, Jim Parsons, Mel Whiting and Rev. Floyd Rhude, 7auta 7o-frie.4 Mr. & Mrs. Edward Coombes were talking on Christmas Day by phone to Irwin Timothy of Trini- dad, one of the boys who worked at Canadian Canners in the sum- mer. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Johnston and Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Cole, Strat- ford, left Tuesday for a winter holiday in Florida. Mrs. George Lawson has mov- ed into the Whilsmith Apartment formerly occupied by Mr. S, Singh of the SHDHS staff and Mr. Singh has rented Mrs. Lawson's home on James. Street. He ex- pects his wife to join him at the end of the month, Mr. & Mrs. William Marshall in London with Mr. & Mrs. Wil- liam Geddes. Mr. & Mrs. Harry Witmer of Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs. Leo Wit- mer and family of Woodstock, Mr. & Mrs. Preston Dearing, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Dearing and family, with Mr. & Mrs. Wes Witmer. Miss Mary Louise Fritz and. Miss Olive Worton of London, England with the former's par- ents, Mr. & Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr. & Mrs. Fritz attended the Haist—Allison wedding at Fen- wick, Thursday. Mrs. J. G. Dunlop is visiting her daughter and family, Mr. & Mrs. Miller Friesen in Winona, Minn. By Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johns and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Vince Benczik and fam- ily of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. John Romeo of Sidney Mines, Nova Scotia, are visiting a few days with the latter's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webber and family. Miss Nancy Shoemaker was a patient in the London hOspital for an appendectomy operation last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Couitis of Cobourg visited Thursday with Mr. and MrS. Harold Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Hunter are visiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunter and family of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johns and Larry are spending three weekS vacation at Florida. mr, Lawrence Otis returned to Brampton Sunday to resume his school studies after holidaying fOr three WeekS at his home. Mrs. Gladys Johns attended the 50th 'Wedding anniversary of her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Chas Richardson of St. Marys Fri- day afternoOn. NOW Years Day visitors in the community were! Mr. and MrS, Donald Bray and family of Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Elford, Ronald and Doris, Miss Ida Hall of London with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Elford. Mr. and Mrs. Reg McCurdy and faintly of Woodham, and Mrs. Paul MeNatighton and family of StrathrOy, Mr, and mrS, Albert "Watson of ken- tileky, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Mar, Shell and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Grose and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson of Kirkton With Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stephen. Mr, and Mrs. ken RiggS of London with Mr. and Mrs. John Miners. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coates and Judy of Eiteter, Messrs. Amos and Herman Ilerchriari with Mr. and Mrs. Squire tertitriati and Anne. M. and Mrs. George Carolyn and tantence of Thartieg Road with Miss Vet& Killett. and Mrs. Wm Rogers of st,t4a4aWithlt4it.biadys Johns. Mr, and Mrs, Win Morley, Janice and Rabble of Whalen, Mri Bill Brock, W. and Mrs. Merman Jaques and Harry Of. Zion, Miss Susan Tottlitieon of VOndham, Mr. and Mrs. James Wilkinson Of Leattiltigton and Mit, :Howard flirt anhatti,, Hy, Mr. and Mrs. ROSS Skinner and latiiilYy, and 'Mit. 'SEMI And then there were The ten, itibalS Who boiled the lawyer long time beCatise they. liked legal tender. Misses Edna and Janet Miller, London. Progressive euchre provided the entertainment for the evening with prizes awarded for ladies high to Mrs. Arthur Kemp; lad- ies consolation, Mrs. Raymond Miller; gents high, Robert Nor- ris; gents consolation, Roy Balk- will; lone hands, Mrs. Arthur Kemp; lucky chair, Mrs. Ray- mond Miller, A mock wedding was enjoyed. Those participating were: min- ister, Miss Mary Miller; bride, Robert Mitchell; groom, Miss Viola Pullman; bridesmaid, James Miller; best man, Miss Rose Marie Fansley; bride's mother, Miss Janet Miller; bride's father, Miss Edna Mil- ler. The living room was tastefully decorated for the occasion with a three-tier wedding cake and white tapers making an attractive table setting. The cake was made and decorated by their twO da.ugh- ters. Gifts of silver and china, along with many lovely cards Were re- ceived by Mr. and Mrs. Miller. Lunch was served to end an enjoyable evening. HONOR 4-H WINNERS Mrs. Carter Kerslake was hos- tess for the December meeting of the Staffa Women's institute held in the township hall Wed- nesday afternoon, Dec. 21. Some of the 4-H Homemaking club girls were present and the two provincial honor winners from Staffa Clubs, Misses Carol Ann Dow and Eleanor Kemp, were each presented with an Institute cup and saucer by Mrs. Kerslake on behalf of the Institute mem- bers. Mrs. Lloyd Miller pre- sided. The motto is more blessed to give than to receive" was given by Mrs. John Temple- man. There Were 15 members and eight visitors present and the roll call was answered by a suggestion for a last minute Christmas gift, Everyone participated in the program with many readings given. A sing-song was enjoyed with Mrs. CeCil Bowinan in charge. Mrs. Tom Scott favor- ed with a solo '?My Task" ad- companying herself on the auto- harp. Mrs. George Vivian and Miss Brenda Kereiake sang a duet 4 tStar of the East". A con- test was conducted with Mrs. George Vivian in -charge. A cottunittee was named to look after the donations for the layette for Northern Ontario. It was decided to do some sewing and make crib quilts for War Memorial Hospital again this winter. Plans were made to hold a card party on January 12 with Group 1 in charge of the arrangements. An exchange of gifts from "sec- ret pals" was featured and pals were chosen for the coming year. NEW OFFICERS ACCEPTED Christmas music with Mrs. Robert McCaughey at the piano, was an inspiring prelude for the Staffa UCW meeting held in the family Life Centre Wednesday afternoon, Dec. 20. Miss Vera Hambley presided and used as her theme - 0 Come Emmanuel followed by a carol service. Passages of scriptures Were read by Mrs. A. Jeffery, Mrs. R. Reed, Mrs. H. Pethick, Mrs. C. Bowman, Mrs. C. Viv- ian, Mrs. D. Parker and Miss V. Hambley. Rev. A. Daynard presided for the buSiness. All conveners read their reports. The slate of of- ficers for the coming year was accepted. A social half hour was enjoyed. PERSONALS Holiday visitors withIVIrs.Sam Norris and Mr. and MrS. Bob Norris and family were, Mr. and Mrs. Eric Norris, MacDonald College, Onebec, Mr. and Mrs. James Norris and family, Brampton, Mrs. Jim Lyall and family, AginCoirrt. Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and lath Hy were Wednesday-even- ing guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner. Miss Joanne Wortien, Waterloo, and Miss Rosanna WOrden, Mon- treal, were holiday visitors With their father, Mr. Alvin Worderi and 13 ill. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miller and family Were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dan- can, Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. John Templernan and family. Mrs. Marylvillier visited New Years Day with Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Miller and family, Mun- re. Mrs. Stan Dow's family had a New Years gathering in Staffa Hail on Monday, Mr. and Mrs. John Ternpleman and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Isthe and Bradley, Stretford, SY MRS. G. Those Pnending New Year's Day ont pf the community were; Mr. & !Are. 'Orrin 114rtvdck, Stephanie and Janet, Mr. & Mrs. Peter Venexan and Lint Mr. Leonard Thacker, binds, Cathy and JOY with Mr. & Mrs, Percy Hodgins and fam/ly Grantor. Mn, & Mrs, Ken 1.angfOrd, Walter, Don and Carl With Mr. & Mrs. Ross Langford and fam.. fly Of Exeter. Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones: Carl r Edwin and Donna With Mrs. Lottie Jones of St. Marys, Miss Ann Parkinson spent sev- eral days at the Toe Alpha Con- vention at Niagara Falls. New Year's Day guests with Mr. & Mrs, Jack Thomson and Mary Lou were: Miss Sharon Thomson of London, Mr. Grant Thomson, Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Baker and David of Zion, Mr. Blair Fletcher of Exeter, Miss Judy JOry of Exeter, Mr. & Mrs. Laverne McCarter of Zion. Sunday guests with Mr. & Mrs. Claire Sisson were; Mr. & Mrs. Ron Scott of Woodstock, Mr. & Mrs. Howard Robertson of Pow- assan, Mr. & Mrs. Robert Wil- son and family of Kerwood, Mr. & Mrs. Allan Cameron of Wat- ford, Mr. & Mrs. Archie Camer- on and Howard of Watford, Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Grasby and family of Keswick, Mr. & Mrs. Fred Petch of Strathroy, Mr. & Mrs, Jas. Bryan of Prospect Hill, Mrs. Lottie Jones of St. marys were Saturday even- ing guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Jones, New Year's Eve guests with Mr. & Mrs. Harold Frayne were: Mr. & Mrs. Jack Duncan, Kirk- ton, M. & Mrs. Oliver Jaques, Hensall, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Geis- er, Ilderton, Mr. & Mrs. Clayton VanAlstine, London and Mr. & Mrs. Bill Jaques, Toronto. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Parkinson and family were Saturday even- ing guests of Mr. & Mrs. Wilf The latest action 41.0O: Exeter AO district .49e ,hockey provided quite a :reyersal of form frein ,PrOVINS ePnteatS that WO,- vided SPPrea double figures, In T'hursday's. -doubleheader, the creditor; Tigers edged the- Bank - BeYe 7-5 and -Graharn and. • Graham came up with .g close 5-4 win over the Old Timers, Creditors victory moved them into a first place tie with. the Bankers as. each club holds. identtcal records of five wins In six starts. It was the G & sextet's first taste of victory in the play-for-fun loop and they share third place With the Old Timers. In gameS of December 21, the Bankers drubbed G & and Crediton thumped the Old Timers 10-1. In the scoring department, Bob: Jones of the Bankers opened up a big margin over his opposition. Jenes, who has scored in every one of his .nlub's six games has a season total of 1.9. Well back in second place with 10 goals apiece .are Ron Bogart ancroFreci Wells of the Old Timers while • Lloyd Moore of the Bankers, G & G's Jim MacDonald and Fred. Lamb of Crediton follow with Belmont stop • Hawk streak The Exeter junior Hawks, winging on a four L,ame unbeaten streak were knocked off stride by the Belmont Sunsets in a Bluewater junior game played in the Middlesex town, Saturday night. The Belmont club which chang- ed its name from Hatters to Sunsets only last week appeared to thrive under their new title as they downed the Hawks 6-3. The Dresden Kings are well out in front in the league stand- ings with a total of 19 points, three more than the Blenheim Blades who hold down second spot. Three clubs, Exeter, Point Ed- ward and Alvinston are dead- locked in third place with equal point totals of 12. The Hawks swing back into ac- tion at the Exeter arena Friday night when they take on Petrolia and travel to Wallaceburg for a Monday contest. The Hawks held a 1-0 lead after the first period of play in Belmont Saturday as Mike Hoy found the range near the half- way mark. Belmont struck back for three goals in the middle frame while Larry Laye was the only Exeter performer able to find the scor- ing mark. The home team Sun- sets again scored three times in the final period and defenceman Bill Bourne bagged the final Hawk counter of the game. •FILMS •CAMERAS •SUPPLIES OM Ott Mk tiel Iffia Mk Mt Mt Mk OW NI NE if you awoke before 10.00 aim on January 1 and you didn't have a hangover Thanks for taking our advertising. to heart. DRINK MILK Exeter Dairy Exeter Phone 235,2144