HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1968-01-04, Page 2CUSTOM 'KILLING
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PlioNE 23/447i DA i4itr/DOD
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RiNDLESS L13. 69
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STORE TelLiFige SAT. 8 een. pee,
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At a Special Price!
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NoW You Can Enjoy The
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These panels ate strong and durable;
highly resistant to scuff marks and
they're so easy to eleatel A truly out-
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Exeter,' 235 td2 ttefti a 238,2374
Pay. Z. linies.Advocato, January 4, 1968
• Council mec onics
Copttnmi .frput.page
The •machine, which ,Petteell
!Peel peretteee fer$2,599 W44 01414
Se: lee a faster 'Method of picking
up ,garbage as It held about three
tines the amount of the prepent
truck and therefere resulted in
fewer .WPP, to the cletete. The
presept truck 14 in etieit'a ,etete
that it has to be replaced.
After the two ;pee egreee to
take the equipment beck with
them, Mayor Delbridge teldthent
not to pet geeter'e flame ele it
until council had a chance :to
check It out again,
Later .in the meeting, .neethe
bers of the sanitetioneotoreitteei
chaired by yriepe„ were given
authority to purchase the. equip-,
meet if they deemed it worthy
and fixed to their satisfaction.
"What in the devil next?"
That was the question from
Mayor Delbridge after noting that
council had receiveda newsletter
from the Ontario Shade Tree
"Is that another government
department we have to pay for?"
he asked.
Information in the letter was
--Continued from front page
under a new name, but these
things don't change us. A church
is as good as the people make
The Dashwood, Crediton and
Zurich churches which were part
of the Stratford district of the
EUB conference will now become
part of the Huron-Perth Presby-
tery of the United Church.
The EUB church had its origin
more than 100 years ago with
camp meetings among the Ger-
man speaking people of Pennsyl-
vania. It expanded into Canada
in the Kitchener, Stratford and
Niagara Falls areas.
A total of 10,1'70 EUB mem-
bers of 62 congregations served
by 45 ordained ministers will be
making the change to the United
The formal ceremony admit-
ting the EUB members to United
church membership will be held
on January 10 in Kitchener.
The union, while not entered
suddenly, was hastened by the
planned merger of the EUB's
parent body in the United States
with the Methodist church in Ap-
ril. The Canada Conference given
the choice, decided to join the
United Church rather than be-
come an extension of the new
United Methodist Church. The
EUB members in the North-
West Canada Conference, num-
bering about 3,500 chose the
other alternative.
Rev. E. E. Hallman of Kit-
Icy intersections
lead to crashes,
Exeter Police report thr e e
minor accidents over the holi-
day period, two of them caused
by icy conditions at local inter-
Cpl. Harry VanBergen, who
was on duty for New Year's eve,
reported several residents ac-
cepted the offer of free transpor-
tation ho me from parties for
those who felt it advisable.
Two of the crashes took place
on the Saturday prior to Chtist-
ma.s. At 12:05 p.m., cars driven
by Gerald Emandel, Madison
Heights, Michigan, and George
Eisenchink, 219 Carling Street,
collided at the intersection of
Gidley and William Streets.
Emandel was northbound on
William and slid through the in-
tersection and hit the eastbound
Eisenchink Car. Damage was
lifted at $250 byChief C. H. Mac-
At 5:15 p.M. ears collided at
the intersection of William and
Sanders St.
Robert eames Meikle, 109
Huron St., was stopped at the in-
tersection when a ear driven by
Jens Oluf Anderson, Essex, slid
into the rear of him.
Cpl. Harry VanBergen listed
damage at $225.
The only other accident
oecurred on December 29 at 1:30
p.m. on Main St. Drivers Involved
were Sharon Jesney, RR 1 Credi-
ton, and Ralph Harold Damrn,
Chief Mackenzie reported the
Jesney vehicle was slowing down
to turn right into a lane When
struck from behind by the Denim
car, Both were northbound.
Damage was $95.
Mr. &Mrs. Pellen
and Titnethy with their perents,
Mr. & Mrs. Hervey Pollen and
Mr. & Mre. Norman Walpet,
Miss Elizabeth Shell of Water.,
loo University, Mies Ann Bell
of AMA College, St. Thotna.s,
Miss little Sotitheott, of Florence
Nightingale School of Nereing,
Toronto, Peter Lewis be the Utile
versity of Toronto, Miss Sandra
Snider of UWO and MISS Linda
Snider, Sarnia with their patente
for the holiday season,
• Mr. & Mrs. Ken Herr; and
Millen, Mr. & Mts. Den
Wright, Lohdon and Miet & Mrs.
Irvin Ford and faintly, Grand
Bend With Mr, & Mi's, Arthur
not read:but Orflec.19YPr to GPO,'
Piller Newby,
In ether business,, council;
Passed a bylaw :authorizing the
teerrewille of up to $1991000 until
196 0 taxes etert to come in, The
bylaw last year called for leer
eaWthe $70•0Q0,
Approval was given JF Farm
Machinery to remove a eouse en
their new property onelighway 83
East.. The house was used as an
office while the firm's new Wild-
ing wee being erected.
Learned that their repreeenta-
llve on the Ausable River Con-
servation Authority, R, E. PeeleY,
would be prepared to give a report
on the Authority and council de-
cideci to invite him to do so et
their next meeting.
Turned over to the property
committee a request from John
Webpter that he be allowed to
purchase from the town a piece
of road allowance to square off
his lot at Alexander Street.
Passed a motion, that the snow
be cleaned off Main Street after
Councillor Wooden noted cars
were parking six feet from the
curb and badly constricting travel
on the street.
chener who was superintendent
of the Canada Conference of the
EUB. Church now takes over as a
Superintendent of Home Missions
of the United Church. In addition
to his new position, Hallman will
continue for a period of one year
to help the former EUB churches
Mr. Peter Gartenburg, who
has been studying at the Royal
Roads Military College in Vic-
toria, B. C. spent the Christmas
vacation with his parents, Mr.
& Mrs. Alex Gartenburg, Jim
and. John.
Mr. & Mrs. John Tomlinson
and family were Sunday guests
with Mr. & Mrs. Norman Jaques
and Harry of Zion.
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Copeland,
Mrs. M. Copeland and Jean were
guests Wednesday at the
Trevithick-Copeland wedding in
Metropolitan United Church,
London and the reception which
followed in the Seven Dwarfs Res-
F/0 and Mrs. Ralph Wareham
and Jeffrey of Ottawa visited for
a few days with Mr. & Mrs.
Norris Webb and family.
Mrs. Mary Anderson cele-
brated her 93rd birthday on De-
cember 29. Mrs. Anderson makes
her home with her graddaughter,
Mrs. Gordon Johns, Mr. Johns
and family.
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Miller and
family of Thames Road and Mr.
& Mrs. Chas. Miller of Exeter
and Mr. & Mrs. Jack Constable of
Welburn were Monday guests with
Mr. & Mrs. Jas. Miller, Betty
Jean and Bob.
Mr. & Mrs. Reg McCurdy were
Saturday evening visitors with
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Bilyea. of St.
Miss June King and Miss Ann
Parkinson attended the Toc Alpha
Youth Conference In Niagara
Falls during the Christmas week.
Mr. & Mrs. Reg McCurdy were
New Years guests with Mr, &
Mrs. Chas. Stephen of Elimville.
Visitors during the holiday with
Mr. & ere. Wm. Dickey and
family were mr. & Mrs. Clayton
Brock and family of Elora, Mr.
& Mrs. Don Masnica and family
of Orillia, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald
Morley and Danny of Exeter,
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Ford and
family and Mrs. Harry Ford of
Kitchener, Mr. & Mrs, Newman
Baker of Wellburn M. & Mrs.
Harry Sperling and Miss Ruth
Horne of London, Mr. & Mrs.
Freeman Horne and Mr. Ray-
mond Horne and Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Ferd and family of Win-
Mr. & Mre. Geo. Levy, and Mr,
& Mrs. Ted Brine of Relined' and
M. & Mrs, Glenn Copelantivete
Saturday evening guests with Mr.
& Mrs. John Rodd.
Nevi Yeare bey guests with Mr.
& Mrs. Jack Smith were Mr. &
Mrs. Wray Sweitzer and Barbara
of S hip k a, Mr, & Mrs. Ren
Sweitzer and Sherry of Stratford,
Mr. & Mrs. Don Wilton and family
Of Lakeside, Mr. Prank -Levy,
Hilda and Helen of St, Marys,
Mr. Gerald Webbof Thorndale,
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Brintnell and
family and Mr, & Mrs. Wm.
Rundle and tarty.
Mr. & Mrs. Roy McCurdy end
family of St, Marys Wei Mr. &
Mrs. Hese McCurdy, Terry and
Harty were Monday guests with
& Mrs. Ira IVIcCiltdy,
Mr, & Mts. Norris Webb and
family Were New Years guests
with Mr. & Mrs. WM, Whyte
and family Of Sainte..
Mr. David Klee of NeW Heinle
twIck and Mr, WM. Pinkney of
Port Credit visited eel' a few
days` with Rev. & Mrs. John
King and June durieg the holi-
Mte & Mrs. Clarence Milts,
Doris and Keith Were Monday
guests With Mr. & Mrs, Martin
Arenthals and girls of .Ltleati.
Mr, •et Mrs. Clarened johtle
and Alex' Johns were guests With
Mr. & Mrs, Norman Johns and
family of lidettoh on Monday.
Mt. & Mrs. john Rodd acid
faintly, Mrs. John Buttetsi
& Mre., Geo. Wheeler and bavid
and Miss Jean Cdpeletid were
er‘f ee44e4e
VOW; eq
frt 4tee344A • • f
For Various reasons, the year
1967 I* one that few area resid-
ents will ever forget.
The majority, of course, will
remember it for the many special
events during Canada's centen-
nial, and trips to Expo
Area residents entered fully
into the celebrations and most
communities came up with pro-
jects that Will stand as remind-
ers of the accomplishments of the
Past year.
For others 196'7 will have un-
pleasant memories. As usual
there were fatalities on the high-
ways and untimely deaths for
many in the area.
Farmers will remember it as
a year of adverse weather con-
ditions, One tornado did deva.stat-
ing damage.
The year also had some out-
standing highlights such as the
development of Centralia into an
industrial and educational com-
There were many other high-
lights for individuals and groups
and listed below are some of
those events as recorded in the
newspaper during the past year.
Centennial year got off to a
rousing start in Exeter when over
400 people turned up at the town
hall to hear Mayor Delbridge read
a proclamation regarding the ac-
tivities.— , A son of Mr. and Mrs.
Douglas Cooper, Hensall, was the
first baby born in centennial
year.... Cal Wein won the best
decorated house contest....
James St. United Church was
packed for a centennial service
featuring old-time costumes and
a sermon similar to that of 100
years ago.... The OPP assumed
policing duties in Hensall.,..
Crediton merchant Freeman
Morlock found stocks of old shoes
clearing quickly as centennial
fever continued,... Ontario gov-
ernment announced a study to
see if Centralia could be made
into an industrial park.... Ron
Bogart was named chairman of
RAP....W, R. Lamb had the
honor of being the last person to
receive a service medal at CFB
Centralia.... Canada's centen-
nial caravan crews and trucks
arrived for a training session
at Centralia.
* *
Rev. H. A. Seegmiller replac-
ed Rev. Phil Gandon as minister
of the Anglican congregations at
Exeter and Hensall....3 immy
Skinner, Elimville, broke his leg
when a horse he was riding slip-
ped on ice.... Jack. Guenther,
Dashwood, won a bet by carry-
ing a 131 pound pig seven-tenths
of a mile.. John Mitchell mark-
ed his 100th birthday.... Winter
storms gave area students some
holidays.... The T-A was judged
best newspaper in its class in
OWNA.... A fountain was approv-
ed for Riverview park.... Marie
Campbell was named Hens all
Snow Queen and Reeve Minnie
Noakes beat Jack Delbridge and
John Corbett in a snowshoe race.
...Roberta and Andria Barrett
and Debi Wooden and SharonMc-
Caffrey were judged top speakers
at EPS.... Mrs. Howard KlumPP
was named a director of the Huron
Children's Aid Society.. . . Steph-
en farmer Alvin Finkbeiner was
killed during a blinding snow
storm.... Mrs. Lloyd Smith was
named Beta Sigma Phi Sorority
* *
Linda Gascho, Zurich, was
named SHDHS At-Home Queen.
• , Mrs. Tom Lavender retired
after serving over 20 years with
Hensell and area Girl Guides.
...31 Guenther-Tuckey drivers
received safe driving awards,
• Snow storms crippled the area
and caused the postponereent of
one wedding....Rev. E. Stein-
man was Indueted at Dashetood's
Zion Lutheran Church... .. The
Hon. J. J. Greene spoke to Liber-
als in a rally itteleeter.... Three
dogs Were poisoned inDeshwOod.
...Leman OPP won the area's
police curling championship,...
Douglas Paltrier reel gn d as
priecipal Of SHDHS and Joe Wood.
en Was named acting principal.
• • 4D011 Southcott was nate e
executive assistant to the Hon.
C. S. Macelaughton....Fire de-
stroyed a barn owned by Jim
Rost/cline, London, just north of
Eeeter....Clese to 50 vehicles
entered Exeter Teen Town East-
er parade.... Grand Bend learn-
ed they would receive free polic-
ing by 24 OPP... ,1Vieirra.y Moore
purchased the business of John
Burke. *
Pound .Brothers locate an-
nounced plane to et the
fOttitet beee at Greed Betici,
.,SHDHS etadtietee beetle Carte
and :Jenie G Oen e Weft major
scholarships at two universities.
Centennial- School at
B• rucefield Opened for 'classes:
• Council considered hiring a
dog catcher,... A large crowd at-
tended a Centennial church etr-
Vice at Heneall,...Robert
Weide, Reheat], Woti a National
Research teholership., ”Delinie
Monday gtieste with Mr. & Mrs.
Glenn Copeland and girls,
Mr. & Mrs. Sob Marshall and.
Lana. of Kirkton were Sunday
visitors with Mr. & Mrs, keg
McCann was killed in a car ac-
cident sputh of Dastiwood...
Birthe declined at South Huron
Hospital and costs rose for the
SHAHS board as the loss of Cen-
tralia started to show.. , . Russ
Hopper was elected enairmae of
the hospital beard....Aree
teachers received sizeable pay
boosts.... A flock of 14 swans
visited the area.. Mrs. Wil-
liam Essery, Mrs. Ted Jones
and Mrs. Don Geiser received
Order of Rose awards from the
Beta Sigma Phi Sorority.... A
devastating tornado hit Hensall
and areas to the east, .. The On-
tario government announced
plans to make Centralia into an
industrial park.
Exeter's mill rate jumped eight
mills.... R. G. Seldon died at age
90... , Hensall hired e recreation
director for the summer months.
..Area schools staged centen-
nial days.... The Stephen central
School was officially opened....
RAP okayed moving the bell lights
to facilitate the rodeo—. .Ory
Wassmann was elected president
of MODA.... Area Baptists an-
nounced plans to build a church in
Exeter.... Sheila Churchill was
SHDHS posture queen....Hensall
Kinsmen received an award from
the Canadian Cystic Fibrosis
Foundation.... SHDHS students
were among the first from the
area to visit Expo and returned
with glowing reports... , Educa-
tion Minister William Davis tour-
— Continued from front page
mobile owner himself, agreed
some drivers were breaking laws
and noted the machines come
under the provisions of the High-
way Traffic Act.
Ile also explained that Cpl.
Harry VanBergen had been
"looking at them real closely"
but was finding it difficult to catch
the drivers as they can take off
through fields when they see the
police cruiser.
"Maybe we'd better get him one
so he can catch them," Mayor
Delbridge retorted.
In his weekly press release;
OPP Cpl. C. J. Mitchell advised
snowmobile owners to know their
legal status regarding licencing,
traffic regulations and respon-
sibilities pertaining to public lia-
bility and property damage when
operating or trailering one of
the machines.
He also provided the following
tips for owners:
— Driving instruction is re-
quired for the safe operation
of a snowmobile.
— Treat a snowmobile with
the respect and care due any
power-driven vehicle, and rec-
ognize the limitations of your
ability to operate it.
— Study carefully the operating
manual supplied by the manu-
facturer of the snowmobile you
are using.
Avoid public thoroughfares,
and when necessary, cross at
right angles, using extreme cau-
— Do not operate a snowmobile
on frozen lakes or rivers without
first checking ice thickness and
having an intimate knowledge of
water' currents.
Woman dies
from injuries
SeafOrth OPP Constable Ray
Prieleati tepetted this week no
inquest has beeh called as yet
IMO the death of Mrs. Fred C.
Walker, '74, . Mitthell, who died
in St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
last Week from injuries received
ill a December 10 car accident
half a mile south Of Brucefield.
Mrs. Walker was a passenger
in het 'hilsbeed'e car which col'
Tided with one driven, by qeorge
E. Rethet, 241 pryde Boulevard,
Exeter, On Highway 4 at 4:45
The crash occurred during
heavy sleet StOtte and Constable
Pritheati reported the highway
was deleted with ice.
Mrs, Walket was a 'sister of
Arthur Edighoffee, Zurich,
ed the area., .. Rey. D. 1V1, Guest
delivered his farewell sermon
et Centralia.,,.Mrs. Wilfred
Mack was elected head of South
Huron Wis.... Whalen UC was
cloeed...,Finee for illegal
drinkine were boosted to $100 at
GB. . , Don Jermyn arrived in
Egypt as the Middle East crisis
Brenda Dinney and Bud Desjar-
dine were named top athletes at
SHDHS.... Grand Bend mill rate
jumped 8.5 mills.... John Ziler
was named principal of Precious
Blood Separate School.... Fire
destroyed the Dashwood barn of
Andrew Diepstraten and one in
Crediton owned by Ross Haugh.
.. Exeter's fountain in the park
was termed ludicrous by mem-
bers of Exeter council.... Spd
was turned for the Parkhill darn.
...Bob Pooley was named fore-
man of Exeter PUC.... Exeter
Legion honored R. E. Pooley by
renaming their branch as the R.
E. Pooley branch.... South Hur-
on's centennial baby, Brian Coop-
er, won first prize at a show held
in conjunction with H e ns all's
stock show.... The home of Ex-
eter lawyer C. V. Laughton was
destroyed in a fire set by an
arsonist at Beach 0' Pines....
A small tornado struck south of
Exeter, but did little damage.
...Dashwood's centennial park
was officially opened by Mrs.
Susan Merrier and Mrs. Mary
Martene.... The Hay Township
picnic pavilion at Lake Huron
was officially opened.... World
War I vets were named life mem-
bers at the R. E. Pooley branch
Legion.... Donna Forrest, Mary
Wilson, John Goddard and Gary
Flaxbard topped their classes at
SHDHS.... Stephen's tug-of-war
team won the contest atthe town-
ship's centennial day event....
Stephen Robinson was killed lean
accident near Kirkton.
* *
Over 6,000 attended Exeter's
centennial day program and the
opening of Riverview Park...,
Herm Dettmer, Dr, Don Ecker,
Frank Wilkinson and Mervyn
Grainger won the top spots in
the beard judging contest....
yeggs ,took $6,000 when they
cracked the safe at Darling's
MA.... Hensall centenarian Dun-
can Stewart opened that com-
munity's new pavilion.... John
Baker, Al Hoggarth, Bob Baker,
Harold Knight and Ted Roberts
had the best beards at Hensall.
..Erik Gravlev announced plans
to build a new plant for JF Farm
Machinery and Mike Darbishire
became manager of Kongskilde.
..A school of agriculture and
home economics was announced
for Centralia with James Mac-
Donald as director.... Jake and
Michael Reder were united after
42 years apart— . Centralia's
community centre was opened
after a lengthy centennial theme
parade.... 3,000 attended centen-
nial day activities inMcGillivray
ToWnship....Rain forced the
Kirkton Garden Party to move to
the St. Marys high school.
* *
Usborne taxes went up 7,5 mills
and Stephen jumped over 11. „ .
Gwen Hay, Ron Youngash,Chris-
Una Mills and Sharon Baechler
were named Ontario Scholars.
44 • Debi Wooden received a bal-
let Silver medal.... George Rob-
ertson joined the Exeter Police
Depq., .. The OPP air p a tr o I
started in the area and nabbed
Many speeders.... Patrick Free-
burn became Exeter manager
for Ontario Hydro,. .. Gary Mid-
dleten Was Ranted Exeter's fire
chief. :Dr, Don Ecker "rob-
bed" the sank of Montreal in
Exeter's Fun Day, which featte-
ed pie eating contests, frog jump-
ing races, turtle races, a fid-
dlers' contest and fun for all.
...Bert Farmer Woh the pipe
smoking contest. 44438 welters
froM Trinidad came to Exeter
to join Canadian Gannets....
William G. Thomsen, ER ,2 Hen-
sell, and Mary Ellen Plumb,
pen, wet e killed in auto accidents.
000 ate beans at
Crediton installed bail lights,
* *
Over 8,000 attended Exeter's
rodeo— GB council was threat-
ened with legal action after a
London girl was injured on an
amusement park ride.. • S a f e
crackers stole $400 at the R, E.
Pooley branch Legion in Exeter.
...Elmore Keys, Exeter, died
in an auto accident west of Hen-
sall,.. , Council proposed a bylaw
to regulate the keeping of horses
in town.. Miss Molly McGhee
was named associate director of
the Centralia school of agricul-
ture and home economics..
A new park was opened in Bid-
dulph Township.... The Huron-
dale Memorial was moved to
Usborne Central School., . Ex-
eter's population jumped 55..
Kathy Munn, RR 1 Exeter, was
named Zurich fair queen....
Pouring rain practically washed
out Exeter fair.... Carol Hend-
rick was Exeter fair queen....
Fire destroyed the Kirkton area
farm of Earl Foster.... Tech-
nical Equipment Marketing As-
sociation became the first in-
dustry announcing plans to move
to Centralia Industrial Park....
Exeter native Peter Fraser be-
came head of the UWO physics
department.. „Gary Flaxbard
was named SHDHS student coun-
cil president.
* *
Bad weather plagued Kirkton
fair.... Exeter Lions donated a
New Years visitors in the com-
munity were:
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott, Miss
Lina Abbott, Lucan, Mr. & Mrs.
A 11 e n Tindall, Wiarton, Mrs.
Madeline Tindall and Mrs. Mabel
Nicholson and Ricky, Listowel,
with Mr. & Mrs. Art Abbott.
Mr. Leonard Thacker, Linda,
Catherine and Joy, Mr. & Mrs.
Marvin ' liartwick and family,
Woodham, Mr. & Mrs. Peter
Vanexan and Lipa, Waterloo with
Mr. & Mrt. Perey Hodgins.
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Gee, Mr.
& Mrs. Allen Gee and Lisa,
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick,
London, Mrs. Lily Gee, Cupan,
Saskatchewan, Mr, & Mrs. Gor-
don Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs. Nor-
man Hodgins and Grant with Mr.
& Mrs. Allen Hodgins.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Cann, Mr.
Robert Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Ray-
mond Cann and Cheryl, Mr. &
Mrs. Reg Hodgert and family,
Thames Road with Mr. & Mrs.
Gordon Johnson.
Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Rawlings
and Glenn, Clandeboye with Mr;
& Mrs. Alton Neil.
Mr. & Mrs. Howard Hodgson
and family, St. Marys with Mr.
& Mrs. Ken Hodgson.
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Foster and
Billy, Mr. & Mrs. and Billy,
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Poster and
Billy, Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schrier,
Ann and John, Stratford, Mr.
& Mrs. Peter Goudsward and
Joey, Melrose, Mr. & Mrs. Ar-
thur Cann, Mr. & Mrs. Howard
Cann, London, and Mr. & Mrs.
Malcolm Allison AllseCraig with
Mr. & Mrs. Laverne Morley.
Mr. Russell Parkinson, Mrs.
Evelyn White and Lloyd with
Mr. Frank Parkinson and Glenn.
New Years Visitors away Were;
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Johnson
and fait* with Mr. & Mrs.
Ivan Johnson, Ildertoe.
Mr. Ron Squire with Mr. &
Mrs. Lloyd Flannigan, London.
Mr. & Mrs. E. Ferguson with
Mt. & Mrs. Keith Hern, Zion.
Mr. & Mrs. CecilSquire,
Douglas and Bill with Mrs.
Bristol Holden St. Marys.
Mr. & Mrs. Wm. Morley,Janice
and Rob with Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd
Cooper, Elimville.
Miss Mary Richardson St.
Marys spent a few days during the
week with her friend, Miss Carol
Mr. & Mrs, Bev Westman and
Janet, Wesley visited Saturday
evening with Mr. & Mrs. Percy
Mrs. Cleve Pullman Is con-
fined to be d etlffering from
shipping container for eyes to
the CRIB and the equipment was
turned over to the South Huron
Hospital.... Vandals deflated
many car tires at Crediton...
Usborne Central School won the
tug-of-war at Kirkton fair, • , •
Another English firm announced
it would move to Centralia In-
dustrial park.. , Over 8,000 saw
the centennial caravan in Exeter,
despite miserable weather....
Dashweocee 13111 Gossman died,
...The Hon. C. S. MacNaughton
beat NDP John Boyne and Liberal
Morgan Smith by a landslide ma-
jority. . Brenna Wein was the
Exeter Kinsmen car show queen.
.. The agriculture school open-
ed at Centralia.... The Centen-
nial school at Brucefield was of-
ficially opened.... Mr. and Mrs.
Gary McLaughlin died when their
car was hit by a train on the
Br in sl ey Road.... Hair cuts
jumped 25 cents in Exeter....
The new Stephen office and Credi-
ton fire hall were opened.
* *
Sod was turned for a new Bank
of Montreal building in Grand
Bend.... Heavy rains plagued
deer hunters.... Mrs. Douglas
Dailey and her son, Steven, died
in a crash near London on their
way to Mrs. Dailey's home near
ilensall..,.Heavy rains con-
tinued to plague farmers as they
did throughout the year and the
farm outlook was reported dim,
especially for Usborne and Steph-
en Townships.... Rick F ray n e
was elected president of Exeter
Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills
attended a New Years party at
Centralia Community Centre.
Miss Joan Hodgins returned
to University of Toronto and
Douglas Squire to University of
Mr. & Mrs. Percy Hodgins
and family, Mrs. Clare Bryan,
Jeff, Selena and Alice, Mr. &
Mrs. Gordon Hodgins, Mr. &
Mrs. Allen Hodgins, Mr. & Mrs.
Norman Hodgins and Grant also
Miss Elaine Grant, Dundas
visited Friday evening with Mr.
& Mrs. Larry Kilpatrick, London.
Mr. & Mrs. McLeod Mills,
Barry, Bruce and John Eglitis
were at Ski-Hi, Thorndale on
Teen Town.. "'Vase Betty Coates
won a trip to England.. . Exeter
merchants voted to leave store
hours unchanged. , . former Us-
borne Reeve Verne Plitcombe
died— .. John Etheringtori accept-
ed a job in Africa..., The SHDHS
Panthers won the Huron-Perth
football title, . Usborne school
board asked approval for a five-
room addition... Mrs. M. C.
Fletcher was honored by mem-
bers of her former SundaySchool
class et James Street United
Church.... Bob Luxton was elect-
ed president of the Exeter and
Area Cancer Unit.... Thirty Kor-
ean farm trainees arrived at
Centralia— ..Peter Raymond
was named to the SHDHS board
by Exeter council to replace Dr.
R. W. Read.... Kathryn Taylor,
Grand Bend, won provincial 4-H
honors.... A. J. Sweitzer receiv-
ed a life membership from Ex-
eter Lions.. —Six Exeter ladies
walked from town to Centralia
and raised $109 for charity....
It was suggested the area could
become Ontario's first satellite
city. ...Joe Dietrich became
deputy-reeve of Stephen and
Lloyd Hendrick assumed the
same position in Hay....B ill
Smith was elected president of
the Exeter Board of Trade.
Duncan Etherington won a ma-
jor 4-H award at the Huron
Achievement Night.— Mrs.
Clarence Reid, Hensall, won$500
in a Grey Cup pool.... Joe Hoff-
man won the reeve's post in Hay,
Ivan Hearn made a successful
comeback in Lucan and Grant
Amos beat two challengers in Mc-
Gillivray. . . . Hughes Boat Works
Limited announced they would
move to Centralia.... An elderly
Zurich man, Robert Williams,
died when flames destroyed his
small home.... R. E. Pooley was
named Exeter's citizen of the
year and others nominated were
Hugh Davis, Dr. Don Ecker, Carf
Cann, Terry McCauley and Mrs.
George Dobbs.. Area trustees
announced opposition to the idea
of county boards.... Santa made
special visits to area communi-
ties....It was announced most
of the industrial facilities at
Centralia were already taken up.
...Two youths were put on pro-
bation for attempting to get into
the safe at SHDHS....It was re-
ported wolves were on the in-
crease in the area.... The weath-
er curtailed work on the Parkhill
Church union