HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-12-21, Page 22Nicholson, Mrs. Tom Barr and Mrs. George Carpenter, A discussion was held as to how to improve on the recent bazaar and tea, which netted the group $722.70. In addition to the regular allocation to the presbyterial it was decided to send an additional $200 in mem- ory of the late Mrs. George Paul. All annual reports indi- cated the church had an excep- tionally good year. NEARS COMPLETION Lucan's new Bank of Montreal building which was at a stand still for so long, is now near- ing completion and will add much to Lucan's Main Street. The long wooden tunnel-like protection in front of the build- ing, through which pedestrians had to walk, has finally been removed. tv,ar to one and all and many thanks for your patronage during 1967. HAWSvar:lzMLIVP.Cit:at4:::agLaagrw,tAtP1+0. qafria„, Seadoo /d, Siozeire ..Sfreeviatt'd 9'teee4t9d- and many thanks to one and all for your patronage in the past, to our many clients and friends in Lucan and Area. State Farm Insurance Co, Cecil Robb, Lucan Agent We aim to serve. For appointment Phone 227-4557 Lucan N'IP',.5A5:%Skr5:.,gaglia'Wfd=?S5.11 15AWee'5111Itir5:115. We wish to extend Seasons Greetings to all bowlers at our lanes. Bring you Christmas guests and have fun during the festive season. Open bowl- ing every Sat. and Sun. afternoon and evening (except Christmas Day) Florence Arnold & May Blythe 227-4236 Lucan 44.0i444;44i45i40A444.0i4attl4.0*.4.5*4- to all our new friends in Lucan & District. Mrs. Ian Wallace (Dealer in Antiques) Now Open Corner of Main & Water Sts, Phone 227-4177 Lucan ttlatr5;?ItecArs:PAS'isPfalstagrafigirtsFAinstsatt:Itess DON HODGINS Lodge chooses slate of officers At the election of officers in Irving Lodge 154 Lucan on Thurs- day evening Dec. 14, officers were elected for the year 1968: Worshipful Master is Bro. D. K. Hodgins; I.P.M., Wor. Bro. J. 0. Anderson; Sr. Warden, Bro. R,M.E. Engel; Jr. Warden, Bro. C. H. Stanley; chaplain, Wor. Bro. J. R. Young; secretary, V. Wor. Bro. C. B. Culbert; treas- urer, Rt. Wor. Bro. M. H. Hod- gins; D. of C., Wor. Bro. J. M. Murray; Sr. Deacon, Bro. W. C. Moody; Jr. Deacon, Bro. T. G. McFalls; Inner Guard, Bro. J, W. Smith; Tyler, Bro. L. A. Kennedy; Sr. Steward, Bro. W. L. McFalls; Jr. Steward, Bro. W. M. Symons. District groups hold euchre play Last Monday evening 18 mem- bers of the Medway Euchre Club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Summers for an evening of euchre. High score prizes went to Mrs. Carmen Hodgins and Mr. Cliff McRoberts, lone hand prizes to Mrs. Cliff McRoberts and Mr. William McComb and low score prizes to Mrs. Austin Hobbs and Mr. Clarence Lewis. GUILD'S EUCHRE PARTY The Ladies Guild of Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church, sponsored by Mrs. Harvey Hodgins' group, held another successful social gathering and euchre party in the church basement last Tues- day evening. High score winners of the 10 table euchre were Mrs. Maurice McDonald and Mrs. Earl Atkin- son (playing a man's card). Lone hand winners were Mrs. Cecil Neil and Mr. Mert Culbert. Fina Station Staff HUGH & IRENE Phone We aim 227-4728 to please. at COli I stmAs May your holiday be happy and -- your blessings many. Radcliffe Drugs 227-4792 and Staff Lucan rtsn-ess:atolsterce?g-tp1kic:AiAl-aFt.taa.5Ass:Arato?grtRIelre CS szagraPiter flOODOPPOi 000POOODOOONVOOQ 0.J0000000000000H00000JOJS Warmer than ever, And cheerier too, Are the Holiday Wishes We're sending you, From GREEN GIANT FANCY FROZEN TOP VALU (ASSORTED FLAVOURS) ICE CREAM 2-lb. Poly Bag CORN NIBLETS — OR GREEN PEAS 59c NAP:kr: ts*osss5)4574?.415K2 04554*!W 55ssass5`he.:P,=5),Fse:),,t4eA5), 0/4 04 0UM5,45,4 Sea Pkiee5s)ez oesi4Yaa chip Oae Ph=5shaegs4t,gs Page 20 Times-Advocate, December 21, 1967 United Church ladies instal slate for '68 DRIVE WITH CARE . Over the festive season Following a GOO pm pot-luck supper in the United Church schoolroom last Tuesday, the Rev, G. W. Sach installed the 1968 UCW slate of officers, Honorary President is Mrs. G. W. Sach; President, Mrs. Wm Froats; vice-president, Mrs, Jim Lockyer; recording secretary, Mrs, A. W. Thompson; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs, Ira Carling; finance, Mrs. Stewart Park; treasurer, Mrs. H, B. Langford. Conveners are—pianist, Miss Reta Chown; auditors, Mrs. G. W. Sach and Mrs. Jack Lankin; program, Mrs. Chas. Sover- eign; flower; Mrs. Ivan Hearn and Mrs. Robert Patterson; membership, Mrs. Murray Hod- gins; social function, Mrs. Eldon Young, Mrs. T. A. Watson and Mrs. H. B, Langford; supply, Mrs. Leonard Smith, Mrs. Maur- ice Cobleigh, Mrs. Alex Young and Mrs. Gordon Froats; citizen- ship and social action, Mrs. Dave Park; community friendship, Mrs. Cecil Robb; Stewardship and recruiting, Mrs. Duncan Mc- Phee; literature, Mrs. Ross McRoberts; Christian and Miss- ionary education, Mrs. Owen Saward; nominating, Mrs. Sheri- dan Revington and Mrs. Emerson Stanley. Following the dinner, Mr. Ernest Ross, as auctioneer, real- ized $17.40 from an auction sale of food, candy and articles don- ated by the UCW to raise funds for a Christmas gift for a worthy family. The junior choir entertained the group with several Christmas numbers. The worship service took the form of a Christmas skit, entitled ,‘The Three Wise Men" staged by Mrs. G. E. ; aFAi aft 7i6.%c:rAcsqgsVIt .aqte:15:Rkit?,:t Correspondent: it tsi Line. Abbott tariAtoricgemseteimgrealOW.VAIrl eede Zio14 9teee449 Former farmer to our many Lucan and District friends. Supertest Service Station dies in London 5711PtiltrET Scott's Elevator 227.4479 Ltd. Cliff & Don It will be a pleasure to serve you. 227-4781 Lucan 4;issAlite.01,40A4Ciiia.020445*40i0.041:114,4) Lucan alsq4i5vitiss?gssViatna Girls arrange special events The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT met in the church schoolroom on Monday, December 11, with Pres. Carol Haskett in the chair. Final plans for the Carol Sing to Shut-ins of the village on Fri- day were made, together with plans for dress rehearsal for the annual CGIT Vesper Service on the 17th, and the Christmas party on the 28th. It was decided to at- tend the Century Theatre, leav- ing the Church by bus at 12:15, tour the St. Peter's Basilica, have dinner and tour Winter Wonder- land, to cost approximately $2,00. The President announced that Mrs. Worthington had made up the flannelette, bought by the group, into diapers for a new baby in a large family in the community. Twenty-five dollars was voted to the organ fund of Holy Trinity Anglican Church in appreciation of the use of the facilities at the Parish Hall on several occasions. A Christmas Worship Service was conducted by Cathy Price and Nancy Simpson and the group adjourned to the sanctuary for Vesper practice. Teen town elects slate Pat Crudge, president of the Royal Canadian Legion, Lucan, announced the Legion's spon- sorship of the newly formed Lu- can Teen Town. Some 35 interested teens turn- ed out for the nomination and vot- ing of the new executive in spite of the fog and adverse weather. Most of the Teens were from the Biddulph School, and the new executive are as follows: President, Gary Crudge; vice- presidents, Allan Kraut, Linda Lightfoot; sec., Carol Haskett; treas., Brend Herbert. The Lucan Teen Town will hold its first dance this Friday night at the Lucan Legion Hall. Overflow crowd at school event So large was the attendance at the St. Patrick's School Christ- mas concert last Thursday night that many extra chairs had to be brought in. The whole program was very colorful and the sing- ing excellent. The children were well trained and all spoke out well. The program included a rhythm band (which always makes a hit), pageants, dances, plays, minstrel songs, two piano solos and several numbers by the sr. choir—Grade 5 to 8—directed by Mrs, Clarence Hardy of Lucan. Mr. Pat Crunican, chairman of the school board, was in the chair. Just to say Merry Christmas and Thank You After a lengthy illness, Allan Hodgins 80, of London, formerly of RR 1 Lucan passed away on Thursday, Dec. 14 at St, Joseph's Hospital. The body rested in the 4. IViill- a.rd George Funeral Home, Lon- don, until 2 pm Sat. Dec. 16, when the Rev. J. J. Jennings of Oakridge Presbyterian Church, conducted funeral ser- vices. Interment was in Little Wood Cemetery, Ilderton. Pallbearers included Messrs Hiram, Roy, Gerald and Clayton O'Neil, Don McLeod and Mal- colm Campbell. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Hodgins, Mr., Hodgins was born on the Roman Line, east of Lucan, but spent his early life on the Coursey Road, south of Lucan. After his first marriage to the late Martha O'Neil he lived in London for a short time before purchasing a farm on Conces- sion 12, London Township, near Ilderton. On retiring he moved into Ilderton where Mrs. Hod- gins died four years later. Mr. Hodgins again moved to London where five years ago he married Mrs. Etta Hardy, who survives him. His only other survivor is one sister, Mrs. Annie Fairies of Elmira, formerly of Market St., Lucan. for your friendly patron- age during the past year. Rudy Engel Photo Studio 227.4756 Lucan trt:Nrisittertz,s.ts•e*A•AtttossMc*SIPItereq‘k OFFERING LOW PRICES FOR TEREIFIc SAYINGS IS IGA'S WAY OF SAYING J. W. Darling dies at age 56 John Wellington Darling, 56, passed away at St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London on Friday, Dec. 15. The body rested in the C. Has- kett and Son Funeral Home until 2 pm Monday, Dec. 18, where the Rev. G. W. Sach of the Lucan United Church conducted funeral services. Interment was in Car- lisle Cemetery. Pallbearers included Messrs Keith Montgomery, Murray Cart- er, Joe Carter, Herman Lang- ford, Arnold Morley and Arnold Kilmer. The flower bearers were Kirk Montgomery, David Whyte, Ray Neil, Douglas Hotson, Lorne Morley and Russell Kennedy. Mr. Darling is survived by his wife, the former Eleanor Hotson, one son, William at home, his mother, Mrs. Emily Darling of Lucan, four brothers, Fred of London, Otto of Clandeboye, Ralph of Toronto and James of Tillsonburg, also three sisters Grace (Mrs. Arthur Erskine) of Parkhill, Jean of India and Aud- rey of Winnipeg. Mr. Darling had been in poor health for some time, His last place of employment was at the Lucan Farm Equipment, A reckless drive is seldom wreckless for very long. .\ COLEMAN'S, READY TO EAT SKINLESS & DEFATTED ulna IIIICTIYI 0IC. ID TO ILI INCLUSIVL TO • .41../ • SMOKED HAM 19.24 lb. Size — WHOLE OR HALF —T 1 'S31*MIR SAUSAGE CHUBS '6•95e LDLaMAIri BACON & LIVER STICKS . '`. 69° POLISH SAUSAGE lb ' 69( TOP VALU SUCIO MINCED HAM TO, VALU SI,CLO VARIETY PACK lb. MDT To EAT SMOKED HAM SLICES .. lb. 790 COLTMAN') 10111LASS llAPT-TO.LAT YK DINNER HAMS .. 99' lb. PACKLICS SOM6153 PINIAPRI GLAZED PICNICS lb. 95c COLD CUTS TOP YALU LUCID it' Pm< 59c CHICKEN 'LOAF • DUTCH LOAF OR MACARONI AND CHIDES LOAF TOP YALU SLICED BUY THE BEST.. BUY TOP YALU! C 16.es, 690 Vac Pac SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF POULTRY FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER. DUCKLINGS, GEESE, CAPONS AND GLAZED HAM ARE ALL ATTRACTIVELY PRICED. 16-.. 69r Vac Pac SIDE BACON LI VAC PAC POUP10, Fill•D.11510, PA01111 !ROMP — SAVE 24c Top Valu Reconstituted FRUIT JUICES ORAPITAUIY Illm11101 — SAVE 47c — daT — SAVE 14c — ,LIBBY'S FANCY SAVE 41e — ARDMONA FANCY TOP YALU FROZEN CANADA GRADE 'A' '°:s1,°,)14. 4 T" YALU TURKEY aR1terercaEAIRSkta?.:55?.tAlPstatta4e-mattlIqlteMtsa?Stertsgtteq.trs:ReA ^ TOMATO JUICE WHITE OR PINK YOUNG, Prt.ONISSIO, ,A011.1 TOM CANADA GRADE C TURKEY Qf APIJ L LI • TOP VALU (ASSORTED FLAVOURS) SOFT DRINKS C CASE OF 34 11 .59 SAVE 39c FRUIT COCKTAIL LEMONADE "OVEN-FRESH" BAKERY FEATURES SHIRLEYth-NT-FT:: 29 413•02, Sincere Good Wishes TIN 48.01, TINS 410 11'01'1 TINS TINS TIN GOOD SHOWING Lucan may not be a "Lam- beth" but it can well be proud of its Christmas decorations. Each year more and more homes are being decorated. One of the large lighted steel stars, across Main St., Which was blown down Of, ..aV by high winds last week, is now back in place. OF 12 • ROLLS... iik6WH 'N SERYE TWIN ROLLS .. ;`% 3111IMIIMP oika Best Xmas Greetings to one and all and many thanks for your patronage during 1967. End Canada's Centennial year with a visit to: U.S. NO. 1 EASY TO PEEL (SIZE 210's) Culbert's Decorating 227-4756 Centre Francis St., Lucan 5PteraPeerc:ta7gr5Pgr55P4.' eo,etkeir.4 ektedemad ST. WILLIAMS MAXWELL HOUSE ALL PURPOSE JAM • 24-oz. sRTARSAPw"BRERRYRy jars 89g COFFEE . 1-16. Bcig Poinsettias Cyclamen Pot Mums Table Centres, Corsages, Arrangements by order $2.50 and up. 24-oz. OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED TOP VALU Cranberry Sauce 27.: 45g PEANUT BUTTER Jar TOP VALU FANCY GRADE DELICIOUS APPLES 6 for 450 • 59g Liquid Detergent‘s: Ctn r." Nicholson's Flowers Lucan 227-4283 HEINZ KOSHER Baby Dill Pickles 2 69c CANADA NO. 1 CANADA NO. 1 TURNIPS lbs. 29g CARROTS teltg. 37g Pk Bog 01:1,41445445*44:rksPieS4*4A44*40*.iss•N: • 59g POTATO CHIPS PACK) 'TOP YALU REGULAR OR HEINZ SWEET Mixed Pickles MONARCH (PARCHMENT 28To: 49C 11/;11: 1.59 79g 49g 39* 59g 33g MARGARINE Pk: 29g CHEESE SLICES ASSORTED 6" POT Poinsettias E.,$2.49 'Mums .. Ea, $1.99 PIMENTO 8-ox. Pkg. ARRIVING FRESH DAILY — FLOWERS FOR CHRISTMAS 2-BLOOM — 6" POT GREEN GIANT FANCY CUT MAPLE LEAF GREEN OR WAX BEANS 39C MINCEMEAT . SOFT RITE (ASST'D COLOURS) ESSEX Roll Bathroom Tissue 2 Pkg. ng COOKED HAM To my many friends and patrons, sincere Xmas GreetingS and grateful thanks for your patronage. SMITH SUNOCO STATION Lockyer Machine Shop Market St. Phond 227.4421 Lucan )tietti4).aa1U:sPia4siA i.iest:a1)5bi:e35`);0 0)2:3078.7 Phone 227-4274 Lucan fnr 24 hour towing Repairs for all mokes of cars. 5‘v:a 540 514 5')4 014 0)40)40)45i45*40,4 Vi:sViaaVisiti.cskoiib.lesaPAaa 5%ea" PAio0as Vers140" DARLING'S IGA EXETER, LUCAN BETTY & ART'S IGA GRAND BEND