HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-12-21, Page 9Proclamation The Mayor and Council for the Town of Exeter has prat/aimed TUESDAY, DECEMBER 26 as a public Holiday All Residents are asked to observe this holiday. TO YOU, OUR READERS All year long, our many friends wish us well by continued loyal pa- tronage. We take this happy oppor- tunity to express our gratitude and sincere Christmas wishes. THE PUBLISHERS, STAFF & CORRESPONDENTS OF THE Next edition of the T A January 4, 1968 HAPPY NEW YEAR fill your heart with the greatest joy and peace. Merry Christmas, everyone. tiozicuziol.404414tovutgrigtwiltialvllvik.5/1141;4111101!4V4ttalVVA41440441•041.4111/0414jVaV cif IVA14114 op op op op op op op op. 4.7 kV. itTI, 4.7.P k7P 44.7 #.7fr 170 tv kw' a device atea CliftISTMAS By: Gail Travers Grade 5 Hensall Christmas is a lot of fun, Getting gifts for everyone, Using money by the ton, But still having fun, It's fun to get gifts, But is Christmas just gifts? Let's think about this, Is it really just gifts, What is Christmas, What is the meaning of it? In this matter I'm in blindness, IS it love and sincere kindness? THE CHRISTMAS LIGHT By: Marjorie Schenk Grade 8 -SCS The stars were shining in the sky, The Wise Men saw the light, That led them to the little stall That held the babe that night. ONE CHRISTMAS By: Marilyn Whitney Grade 8 -SCS Why can't we have one Christmas Without any news of war? Why can't we have one ChristmaS Like our fathers had before? Why can't we all be merry Like the angels were at first? Why can't we have one Christ- mas Without being fought and cursed? Why can't we have one Christmas Why must we always fight? Why can't we have one Christmas That falls on a silent night? Ali I want is one Christmas Without this hate and strife. How can we have a Christmas When someone loses his life? Can't we forget for this Christ- mas Who wants what and where? Why can't we have one Christmas Without hate in the air? All I want is one Christmas When all people pray on their knees. How can we have a Christmas When a war's on with the Viet- namese? So please remember this Christ- mas All men have right to this sod Because if you will remember It all belongs to God. While on the hills outside.of town, The shepherds stared with awe, At all the angels overhead And at the light they saw. SANTA CLAUS And at the inn, so close at hand The babe was born in Bethlehem The sheep and cattle standing near Somehow knew that the king was here. By: Diane Gingras SCS Santa Claus will ride tonight, Upon another happy flight, And every house that he will meet, He'll go inside and have a feast. STOP TO THINK By: Carmen Currie Hensall PS. In the hectic hurry of our lives today, we have forgotten the true Meaning of Christmas. Today most of us are only in- terested in buying gifts and re- ting up decorations andcards, put- tin up decorations and other simi- lar jobs. I knew these things give us the warmth of this joyous Christ- mas season, but have you ever stopped to think why we cele- brate this festival? Take one quiet moment and think what Christmas means to you. I hope you don't have the answer con- taining new clothes, a motor- cycle or any such thing. The real answer lies in the New Testament of the Holy Bible. We celebrate this joyous season not because of new clothes or a motorcycle, but because of Jesus Christ, God's own Son, who was born in a lowly stable and who died for our sins as a King of all Kings. I doubt if many of us have ever thought of this, while, we were opening one of our Christ- mas presents. I know, myself, I am guilty because I seldom pause to think of this. I am not just speaking to the younger generation, but the older generation as well. They, also, have probably not taken a min- ute for this thought. Are you going to block out Jesus Christ with a Santa Claus? I have nothing against Santa Claus, he must be a wonderful fellow, but bear in mind the true mean- ing of Christmas and have a jolly season. Now at Christmas time each year, We think of the babe on the night so clear, And remember the reason why He came Was to save all people from sin and shame. He'll ride the air without a-care, And snitch a cookie here and there But when his belly through the chimney pokes, You'll know he's read a few of your jokes. THE LITTLE SHEPHERD BOY By: Olga Lemitis Grade 8 -SCS The stars twinkled brightly, On that heavenly night, The little shepherd boy, Was awed with the light. The star, the bright star, Was shining above, A little town quiet, A child of love. CHARLIE BROWN'S CHRISTMAS DAY The little shepherd knew, Of the new born King, And wanted to tell him, Of the peace he will bring. So remember children when Christmas does come, Go to bed early for dad and mom, But it doesn't matter if you're a girl or boy, Because under your tree you'll always find a toy. The little shepherd knew, As we all know today The Lord came to save us, To live the right way. A CHRISTMAS POEM By: Randy Keller Grade 8 -SCS I hope that all the joyful per- sons, Who live on Christmas Eve, Get the same meaning of this happy time, That always comes to me. The first six letters spell Christ, Well that rhymes with nice, Oh me! Oh my! Now I know why, At Christmas we joyously sing, Christ's birthday, good tidings bring. A COMMERCIALIZED CHRISTMAS By: Wayne Corbett Hensel]. One of the main questions con- cerning the Christmas season is "Is Christmas becoming too commercialized." From my point of view, I think Christmas is becoming more commercialized every year. Large and small companies alike put on huge sales during this Christmas season and claim they are great bargains. Really these companies make a large amount of money and enjoy watching all of it roll in from the thousands of people who buy gifts every year. These people rush to the stores just before every Christmas. The one fellow thinks "Well, maybe if I buy him an expensive gift, he'll buy me one too". This pers- on ends up buying an expensive gift and the fellow he gives it to will likely buy him an expensive gift also. In this way these companies make a good profit from the Christmas season. With all the hustle and bustle and buying of gifts, I wonder if people remember what the real meaning of Christmas is. I wond- er if they remember Christ was born on this day to wash away our sins and we celebrate Christ- mas every year in remembrance of him. I'm afraid we both know the answer to these things." People today just don't remember what Christmas really means. If they would though, Christmas would be a happier event without all the drinking and commercializ- ation. I hope the people of today and the future, remember Christmas in an event that we remember Christ's birth and not to see how big a gift we can receive or give, ilgrgigigr.C.CC.004PROVICCACCIntgrIACIRCOVICIAMCMCIPACCOMCCCACCCIli CHRISTMAS TOWN By: Susan Sturclevant Grand Bend park is the shoreline of Huron Lake No snow has fallen, not a flake But Grand Bend nestled in the bay Has decerated fpr Christmas day. The colored lights all travellers greet In the centre of town where the highways meet. Blue lights twinkling topped by a cress Fine job Mr. Manley, P.U.C. bogs! Bright spiral lights on a river pine Make Stebbins' garden really shine The Venners' porch in green and blue The Bakers' tree of every hue. Beside the church spire a star's light shines On a manger's scene of other times And when the bells begin to chime I love our town at Christmas time. By: Richard Jennison Grand Bend Charlie Brown's Christmas started at about 6:30 am on a clear, crisp, cool Friday morn- ing. I'll tell you about it: "Oh boy just what I wanted, a supercharged bulldozer and gravel truck", were Charlie's first words after he started to unwrap his gifts. Snoopy and Lucy were al so busily involved, ripping off the colourful wrap Santa Claus had used to tie their gifts. Then, "Good grief", as Char- lie Brown unwrapped a brand new, shiny, silver, dog dish. At the same time Snoopy let out a groan and picked out of the bell covered wrap, a doll. "Look at my new pair of hock- ey skates, hockey sweaters and a puck," was Lucy's comment to Charlie's amazement. Their mother and father just sat back and laughed. After some exchanging of gifts and giggling Charlie Brown ex- plained "I guess even Santa Claus can make a mistake." The day went on with much ex- citement. Charlie, Snoopy and Lucy went skating with the rest of the gang. They arrived home just in time for a super-delicious turkey with all the trimmings. "M-m-m-m-m!" was Charlie's only comment. "Wash and comb your hair be- fore you sit down," said Charlie's mother. After about three-quarters of an hour of solid eating followed by some television watching, the family filed off to bed. If anyone is wondering how I know about C har 1 ie Brown's Christmas it is a secret between Snoopy, me and Santa Claus. It's not the lovely gifts, It's not the green tree's limbs, But it's Christ, our dearest Sav- iour, Who came to save our sins. I like all the gifts, too, I like the tree and the chimes, But don't forget our Saviour's birth, That brought these happy times. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT CHRISTMAS By: Gail Parsons Usborne I like the beautiful lights out town. The lights looked like fairy land. I like when we get up in the morning and the toys are under the tree. I like when we get candy too. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. TOWN TOPIC Mr. Norman Beam an is a patient in Victoria Hospital hav- ing undergone an operation for appendicitis Monday. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT CHRISTMAS Wia..AwakW;a1Piii tatk;ihsz.1:Aiso4iP.WW44444i12404iiss4aPV.kkAiroWak. By: Doris Stephen Usborne I like Christmas because Jesus was born. I like to sneek behind Santa Claus to see the toys. I like to see the lights on the Christmas tree. They are bright and it is like fairy land. Christ- mas is wonderful. rale ateigip Festive as candy canes and bright ribbons are our wishes for a joyous and fun-filled Christmas for you. EXETER ELECTRIC WHAT I LIKE ABOUT CHRISTMAS By: Lisa Morrison Usborne I like Christmas because it is Jesus birthday. At Christmas we get presents. The decorations look pretty. We open up presents at Christmas eve. Christmas is nice. The Christmas gifts are nice. Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 311 Ma in South 235-0730 >a:Mks,sa;alat.PAWakia4XinNin•Okst,VA sFMaT iiigkrieasaam,Wita..VigoVekla0 PAVAitilltrItliged'aWAIMAVOMIPM1141t1Fti awltice DINNEY FURNITURE FUNERAL HOME 235.0173 wAovorgioNitialm• 467 Main South EXETER ogoommo4;404.4w.wgioworow,olv,ise4e0404:14oto • olio