HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-11-30, Page 15VOTE Joseph Hoffman for REEVE HAY TOWNSHIP on Dec. 4 To the electors of the Township of McGillivray As a candidate for Reeve in the forthcom- ing election, I solicit your vote, and will en- deavour to serve the ratepayers to the best of my ability; and I ask for your support on Dec. 4 ""Elryden Taylor Receive TOPS honors In addition to naming their queen for the first year, members of the Exeter TOPS also crowned the three-month winner and her runner- up, Tuesday. Mrs. Bob Johns, right, RR 1 Woodham, won the title with a loss of 111/2 pounds, while Mrs. Hubert Schroeder, Exeter, lost 10 pounds. — T-A photo Staffa community honors newly-weds NEIGHBORS and FRIENDS IN HAY TOWNSHIP I would like very much to have your support in the coming election on Monday, December 4. Having had five year's experience on County Council, I feel I can be of some help to both the Township and County in the year 1968. Since I wish to be a can- didate for Warden of the County in 1968, I would appreciate your careful consideration in th P s election. If re-elected I will try to serve every- one to the best of my a- bility, At this time I would like to thank everyone for their kind support in the past, and wish you the best for the year ahead. JOHN H. CORBETT • • Cast Your Vote In McGillivray Twp. Election Mon. Dec. 4 Having completed three years as Reeve of McGillivray township I would solicit your support in Monday's election. If elected I will continue to do my best for all the rate- payers in the township. Grant Amos gotwoosiooliim*hiwitmol, Gifting Ideas A Smith-Corona portable, man- ual or electric, helps get better grades. It's an asset around the home for other members of the family. Tab Sets and Clears, balanced keyboard, 88 keys, and many other Smith-Corona features. SUPER-STERLING — $129.95 ($11.57 a month) GALAZIE DELUXE — $149.95 ($12.94 a month) Phone 235-1331 Alt+14**6t414/VA417140,W)ii,iet'aioist0;th*Viv.:.,v Times-Advocate, November 10, 1.907 Page IS 16 Property For Sale AREA — Farm, 100 acres, 83 Workable. Pond and rock well. Clay loam. House has 4 bed- rooms and is in good condition. Barn needs some repair. KIPPEN AREA — Dairy farm, 200 acres, 160 workable. House has four bedrooms. Barn in ex- cellent condition, FARM — Dashwood area, 150 acres, 137 workable, with a 2 bedroom house about 6 years old. Oil heating and 3 pee. bath. FARM — Close to Exeter, 125 acres, 65 workable and 60 acres of river flat pasture land. LOTS FOR SALE EXETER — Lot for sale in Riverview Heights. EXETER — North-end, just off Main St., large lot, close to stores and post office. BUSINESS FOR SALE ZURICH — 2 storey frame apartment building. Fully rent- ed, Good investment. We have a great many buy- ers for homes as well as farms. If you are thinking of selling or renting your home or if you would like an appraisal kindly contact us, JOHN BURKE Limited Low Cost Auto Insurance Fire and Wind Insurance Real Estate Mortgages Trust Certificates Devon Building Phone 235-1863 11:23tfnc 17 Property For Rent EXETER — 2-bedroom, unheat- ed, unfurnished apartment. Ap- ply Box W C The Exeter Times- Advocate. 11:2tfne 2 BEDROOM house, Exeter North, available Dec. 1. Phone 235-2306. 23:30c 3-BEDROOM house, newly dec- orated, oil heat. Phone 238-2661. 30e APARTMENT — Unfurnished, 2- bedroom, in Crediton. All utili- ties paid. Available December 8. Phone Crediton 234-6336 after 5 or on weekends. 23:30nc 18 For Rent FLOOR SANDERS, electric — Beavers Hardware, phone 235- 1033, Exeter. 12:13tinc 22 Notices MR. FARMER — To obtain pro- fessional advice on various sick pay and income replacement plans available to milk and beef producers, contact James A. Lait, Huron County Group Consultant, Box 692, Clinton, Ontario. 23:30:7c TOWN OF EXETER COLLECTION OF TAXES Taxes may be paid at the Clerk's Office or the Banks Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Please make pay- ments before Dec. 1, 1967 to avoid penalty. ERIC CARSCADDEN, Tax Collector 23:30c Township Of McGillivray Election for Reeve will be held on MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1967 when polls shall be opened from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. at the following places with the undermentioned officers in charge as fixed by Township By-Law: Poll No. 1 — Community Hail (Lot 6, Con. 2); A. Kilmer, D.R.O.; W. Dixon, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 2 — James Cunning- ham House (Lot 24, Con. 2); James Cunningham, D,R.O.; Lloyd Lynn, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 3 — Community Hall (Lot 15, Con. 10); John Trevi- thick, D.R.O.; Harold Lee, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 4 — Donald Robin- son House (Lot 15, Con. 6, E.C.R.); Lawrence Herman, D.R.O.; Hugh Ross, Poll Clerk. Poll No, 5 — Township Hall (Lot 16, Con. 14); W. J. Amos, D.R.O.; Elisabeth Wright, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 6 — Lawrence Curts House (Lot 21, Con. 7 WCR); Thomas Hall, D.R.O.; Lawrence Curts, Poll Clerk. Poll No. 7 — Community Hall (Lot 35, Con. N.B.); Willis Steeper, D.R.O.; Earl Turner, Poll Clerk. And all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly. W. J. AMOS, Clerk 30c 25 Auction Sales Estelle AUCTION SALE of Tractor, Truck, Farm Machinery, Livestock, Hay, Grain, Poultry, Household Effects and Misc, Items On the premises WEST HALF t LOT 27, SOUTH BOUNDARY, HAY TOWNSHIP, 11/4 miles west of Dashwood, Highway 83 The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 at 1:30 p.m. TRACTOR, TRUCK, & FARM MACHINERY: Massey Harris No. 101 Junior standard trac- tor; 1952 Chev truck with stock racks; McDeering 7i ft. spring tooth cultivator; McDeering 13- tooth cultivator; Int. 13-run grain and fertilizer drill; MeDeering 7 ft. binder; Int. 13- bar side rake; int. hay loader; rubber tire wagon and rack; M.H. No. 11 manure spreader; Taco 2-furrow plow; single plow; 4-section diamond harrows; 2- drum steel roller; single scuf- fler; gang plow; cutter; set of beam scales; root pulper; 2 fanning mills; set of sleighs; extension ladder; wheelbarrow; cattle clipper; chop box; land scraper; bag cart; hay fork; forks; shovels; chains; barrels, etc., etc. LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY: Hereford cow with calf at foot; Hereford steer rising 2 years old; Hereford heifer rising 2 years old; Hereford steer, mar- ket condition. 5 white geese; 17 ducks; 100 bantam hens and roosters. SHEEP: 12 ewes; 1 ram. choice quality hay; 300 bushel HAY & GRAIN: 400 bales of choice quality hay; 30 bushel mixed grain. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS: Ad- miral 21 inch television; med. size refrigerator; electric cabi- net radio; electric stove; space heater; coal and wood stove; small tables; 2 tables & chairs; kitchen cupboard; dry sink; kitchen cabinet; sideboard; bed- room suite; dresser; bureau; daybed; sofa chair; antique clock; coal oil lamps; phono- graph; toilet set; assortment of dishes and other misc, items. Terms: Cash Eben Weigand, Administrator for the estate of the late Harrison Weigand DONALD WEIGAND, Clerk ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer Phone 237-3399 23:30c Large Interesting Consignment AUCTION SALE of Household Furnishings, Antiques, General Farm Tools, Motorcycle, Tractors, Implements, Etc. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 2 at 1:00 p.m. sharp on THE FARM OF HUGH FILSON, Lot 21, Con. 13, London Twp., 2 miles west of Birr Sale features complete house- hold furnishings for the estate of the late Mrs. John Elliott, St. Marys, formerly of London township. The following: Kel- vinator refrigerator; 9 pee, din- room suite, good condition; 2 pce. wine chesterfield suite; dressers; wash stands; beds; chests of drawers; washing machine; trilight lamp; chairs; odd tables; studio couch; lin- ens; quilts; set of good dinner dishes; odd dishes and kitchen utensils; sealers, etc.; Interna- tional small size rerigerator; 6 pce. maple dinette suite; 7 pce. chrome kitchen suite; Duo- Therm large oil heater. Additional consignments: 20 cu. ft. deep freeze; chests of drawers; refrigerators; tables of all kinds; chairs; Bell piano and bench; 4 burner Moffatt electric stove; Chefmaster 4 burner electric stove; kitchen table; fernery; water powered portable Spalding dishwasher; Electrohome humidifier; Cen- tury telephones; Sparton 21 inch TV's; Admiral TV; aluminum door 80" x 32"; chairs; cutter robes; few antiques; 1 pair of double width drapes 3 yrs. old; studio couch; mahogany dining room table; medicine chest with mirror; blonde china cabinet; coffee table. The following new items will be sold without reserve: Gloves; socks; work boots; pants; hats; jackets; shirts; overalls; over- shoes; garbage cans; records; pails; raw linseed oil; Cooper's Dri Kill; skate boards. 1951 Ford tractor and 2 fur- row plow, real good; M.H. #30 row crop tractor; Cockshutt 30 tractor with cultivator; George White manure spreader on rub- ber; Ford rear end loader; M.H. 3 point hitch 2 row corn planter; Ferguson cultivator; New Idea blower with pipes; Gehl portable PTO 15" hammer mill with bagger; Case 10" hammermill; steel wagon and fiat rack; Int. corn binder; M.H. cutting box with pipes; trailer with flat rack; 20' cattle 25 Auction Sales feeder for loose hay; cattle de- homers and electric clippers; buzz saw; self feeders for pigs; pig saver; electric pail heater; Right-way milke r, complete; Surge unit, all like new; elec- trical supplies; a number of heat lamps; two 760x14 8 ply snow tires; large box of tools; double barrelled shotgun. 1967 Yamaha 100 motorcycle, like new with only a few miles. Plan to attend this large in- teresting auction sale. Special prices on bread and cigarettes by the carton are being ar- ranged for the day. Draws throughout the afternoon for special prizes, Terms: Cash Booth on the grounds. Sale will be held inside, Auctioneers; HUGH FILSON, TOM ROBSON 666-0833 phone 666.1967 30c AUCTION SALE of Frame Cottage and Household Effects On the premises 11 MILES EAST OF ZURICH THENCE 3A MILE SOUTH The undersigned auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8 at 2:00 p.m. FRAME COTTAGE — Approx- imately 18x18 ft. covered with red asphalt shingles. Combina- tion living room and kitchen, bedroom and utility room. Cot- tage newly built, hydro and in- sulated. Please Note: Cottage has to be removed from premises by May 1, 1968. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS in- clude propane heater; 4-burner electric stove; med. size refrig- erator; kitchen table & chairs; china cabinet; oak bedstead; dresser; trunk; dishes and other misc, items. No Reserve — Terms Cash Anyone wishing information regarding property contact Ar- nold Merner. THEODORE SCHROEDER, Proprietor ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 30:7c Registered HEREFORD SALE Wed., Dec. 6 — 1 p.m. AT STRATFORD SALE BARNS 2 miles south on Downie St. 15 BULLS, Horned and Polled eligible for 20% bonus. YOUNG COWS with calves by side BRED FEMALES OPEN FEMALES 'Heated pavilion. Lunch available. W. S. O'NEIL & SON Auctioneers Denfield Phone 88-7 Granton 30c Clearing AUCTION SALE of Farm Machinery, Beef Cattle and Feed FOR THE ESTATE OF THE LATE KENNETH TWEDDLE Lot 12, Con. 14, McGillivray Twp., first farm north of West McGillivray Store SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 1:00 p.m. CATTLE: 8 Hereford cows; 9 Hereford spring calves; 6 Here- ford heifers 11 years old; 6 steers 11 years old; 5 steers 2 years old. FEED: 3,000 bales of hay; 200 bus. oats; 500 bus. of mixed grain; 30' of ensilage in a 12' silo. MACHINERY: John Deere AR tractor; Cockshutt 3 fur- row plow; Bissel tractor disc; 3 section spring tooth cultiva- tor; 4 section harrows; 3 drum steel roller; rubber tired wa- gon and rack; John Deere semi mounted mower; 2 wheel trailer; grain treater; grain binder; brooder stove; 2 chick- en ranges; shelters; Viking electric cream separator, like new and many small articles too numerous to mention. CAR: 1960 Chev coach. Terms: Cash plus 5% sales tax if applicable BILL ELLIOT, Auctioneer 294-6759 Parkhill 30:7c Important AUCTION SALE of Valuable Real Estate and Chattels On the premises MAIN ST., CREDITON SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9 at 2:00 p.m. PARCEL NO. 1 — Stephen Township Office. Brick building in good state of repair with flush toilet, wash basin and oil furnace, PARCEL NO. 2 — Stephen Township Fire Hall, Crediton. Brick building 20'x33' in good state of repair. Could be con- verted in to a garage or busi- ness place. CHATTELS — Quantity of lumber, a number of windows, small sink, 3 doors, Duo-Therm oil stove, a number of black- boards and chairs; safe, like new. Terms: Cash This sale is on Saturday, Dec, 9 at 2:00 p.m. WM. H. SMiTh, Auctioneer Phone 234-6282 30:7c By MRS. J. TEMPLEMAN STAFFA A large crowd of neighbors and friends attended the recep- tion for Mr. and Mrs. Robin Daynard, Hamilton, which was held in Staffa Community Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 24. Mrs. Don Johns, Hugh Norris and Nel- son Howe provided the music for dancing. An address of good wishes was read by Gordon Pethick and Jim Mitchell presented them with a gift of money, Robin making a fitting reply. PERSONALS Mrs. Mac Melville is t h e cashier at the new Super-Save market, Thedford. 1RCR is preparing for winter exercises. Fred Burley is helping to com- bine corn at the New Venice Farm. Mrs. G. Gotelaer Jr., David and Peter visited at home over the weekend and Ruth Ann Gill of Thedford. Mrs. Tom Hall and Mrs. Bill Hall and Charles visited in Lon- don Friday. Finishing harvesting the late crop has its risks getting stuck sometimes "almost out of sight". By MRS. WELLWOOD GILL GRAND BEND The General meeting of the Grand Bend UCW was held Tues- day evening when Mrs. Robert Jennison gave the nominating committle's report and Rev. G. E. Morrow conducted the election of officers for 1968. Past president is Mrs, Well- wood Gill; president, Mrs. Wrn. Sturdevant; vice presidents, Mrs, Wm. Blewett, Mrs. Allan Parker; recording secretary, Mrs. Fred Willert; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. Leroy Bariteau; treasurer, Mrs. Lorne Wright; pianist, Mrs. Vern Sharpe; ass't. pianists, Mrs. Mansel Mason, Mrs. Clark Kennedy. Conveners, finance, Mrs. Emerson Desiardine; nomin- ations, Mrs, Robert Jennison; community friendship, visiting PERSONALS Visiting Saturday with Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family were Miss Pat Mier, Windsor and Mr. H. Mier, Seaforth. Misses Janet and Edna Miller, London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. & Mrs. Leslie Miller and Mrs. Mary Miller. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Duncan, Exeter, visited recently with Mr. & Mrs.JohnTemplemanand fam- ily. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Hayman and family, Detroit, visited over the weekend with Mrs. Hayman's parents: Mr. & Mrs. Darrel Parker. Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris visit- ed Saturday evening with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Burleigh and Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lamont. Seaforth. Mr. & Mrs. Russell Ische and Bradley, Sebringville visited Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. John Templeman and family. Mr. & Mrs. Terry Daynard, Guelph, Mr. & Mrs. Robin Day- nard, Hamilton visited with Rev. & Mrs. Daynard and Heather. Mr. & Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Brampton visited Sunday with Mrs. Sam Norris and Mr. & Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Miss Kay Worden, Thornhill, visited over the weekend with her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Russell Worden and Margaret. and membership, Mrs, Clarke Kennedy; Christian Citizenship, social action supply and welfare, Mrs. Cannon Lovie; periodicals, press publicity, Mrs. Murray Venner; stewardship and recruit- ing, co-operation in Christian Education and M & M, Mrs, Ed Gill; card, Mrs. Wellwood Gill; social, Mrs. Wm Brenner; flow- ers, Mrs. Colin Love; program, Mrs, Douglas Gill; afternoon unit leader, Mrs. Alex Hamilton; evening unit leader, Mrs. Robert Keyes; auditors, Mrs. Don Flear and Mrs, Gerald Kading. Mrs. W. Gill presided for the business. Reports were read by all conveners which proved a very successful year in the UCW, The UCW had reached their allocation and voted $150 to over and above gifts, $100 to The By MISS ELLA MORLOCK Tuesday evening, November 21 the UCW held a shower for Miss Elaine Whitney in the Sunday School rooms of the United Church. Mrs. Doug Galloway con- ducted a singsong, Mrs. Douglas Warren gave a reading, and miss Wendy Neil read the address. VISIT CHAPEL About seventy members and friends of the EUB Church en- joyed a hymn sing in the Mary Ellen Chapel, Grand Bend, Sun- day evening. Special numbers in song were given by Miss Doris Schwartz, Mrs. Gordon Finkbein- er, Mrs. Howard Zurbrigg and Mr. Steve Brierley. Rev. Howard Zurbrigg addressed the group and Mr. Steve Dundas acted as chair- man. PERSONALS At their last meeting the young people of the United Church en- tertained the Youth Fellowship of the EUB Church. Two films were shown. Tuesday evening of this week they were guests of Good Roads — Continued from page 11 Ontario Good Roads Association like any association or club is held together by its annual meet- ing. I think a look at the pro- grammes of the last few years will convince all of the outstand- ing calibre of the speakers who have participated and that there is something of interest for everyone. It is here only that the Con- stitution can be changed or a- mended. Possibly the Annual Convention can be compared to an annual meeting of stockholders where everyone attending has a mutual interest in its welfare but of necessity must leave the every day details to its elected Exec- utive. Unfortunately this convention was tagged with a rather poor reputation due to the antics of a few delegates many years ago. The Association nor any indiv- idual delegate can be responsible for the behaviour of the dele- gates in general. The Association has officially banned the opening of company "hospitality rooms" during ses- sion hours and has requested the co-operation of company members and individual mem- bers in closing hospitality rooms by mid-night. It is unfortunate indeed that an old reputation or the 3rd hand stories told by people who never attended should be listened to or printed. In my opinion a delegate to the 0.G.R.A. convention has the op- portunity to gain more useful knowledge than at any other Mun- icipal Convention of its typ -3 and any "tales" to the contrary are simply exaggerated or are not true. Yours very truly, James C. Hayter, Reeve, Township of Stephen. Irwins Missionaries In Korea, $200 to M & M Fund of the Church. Mrs. Colin Love conducted the closing worship using several ten second sermons. Lunch was served by Group 1, MARK ANNIVERSARY Thursday evening Mr. and Mrs. Colin Love entertained their family and relatives to a hot turkey dinner on the occasion of their fortieth wedding anni- versary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Love, Danny and Dick, of Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Love and Paul, Mr. and Mrs, Wm Love, Mr, and Mrs. Ed Gill, Mrs. Ethel Pollock, Greenway; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, Thedford, Mr. and Mrs. the Youth Fellowship in the EUB Church. Steven Finkbeiner was a patient at War Memorial Children's Hos- pital, London and Jim Morlock at South Huron Hospital. Both have now returned to their homes. Mrs. Ruby Molitor has been engaged to teach English to the class of Koreans at the Centralia School of Agriculture. Mr. & Mrs. Manford Dinkel of London have moved into the farm home formerly occupied by Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Schenk. They have three daughters, two of whom at- tend Stephen Central School. Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Morlock and Mrs. Clayton Sims spent Sunday with Mr. & Mrs. Clare Sparling and family of Walkerton. Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Pfaff of Rodney spent Sunday with rela- tives in the area. Mrs. Nelson Schenk and Mrs. Margaret Clarke returned with them for a week's visit. Mr. & Mrs. Joe Finkbeiner, Mr. & Mrs. Nelson Schenk, Mrs. Jack Fuller and Miss Maleeda Schenk were in Hamilton on Sun- day, the guests of Mrs. Beatrice Tate. The United Church combined White Gift Service with the Sun- day School classes will be ob- served Sunday, December 3 at 9:45. Pupils are asked to meet in the school room at 9:30 with their teachers. All the pupils are to be on hand after the service at eleven for Christmas pro- gram practice. Ross Love, Dashwood. Mr. and Mrs. Love were the recipients of many beautiful gifts cards and flowers. Friday evening they were Pleasantly surprised with a visit from their nieces and nephews, Mr, and Mrs. Ellison Whiting, Lloyd and David, Mrs. Eliza Whiting, Parkhill, Mr. and Mrs. Wm Sturdevant and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Love, Ginger, Deb- bie and John, Mr, and Mrs, Alex Love, Holly and Stewart of Toronto, who presented them with a set of TV tables and a blue mountain vase. Lunch was served. NURSE SPEAKS Sunday morning Miss Doreen Baker RN, spoke to the Sunday School of Grand Bend United Church. She explained the work she will be doing. Doreen left Sunday for New York, the head office of the "Care Medico Foundation". She is going as an operating room nurse. Along with her will be a surgeon, a nurse anaesthetist and they will join two other members already there. She will be there for two years and will work in a Government hospital at Sungei Patani on the North West Coast across from the island of Penang. Mrs. Sturde- vant thanked Doreen and pre- sented her with a gift and best wishes from the UCW. HEAR HOME EC. The Grand Bend Council of the CWL held the November meeting Monday, November 20. Mrs. Anderson, home econom- ist, demonstrated fancy sand- wiches. There were 28 members present. ATTENDS CONGRESS Miss Linda Miller, nurse-in- training at Stratford General Hospital and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Miller is attending the 46th annual 4-H Congress in Chicago, Illinois this week. She is the sole representative of Ontario. PERSONALS Mrs. Rosa Grigg is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Grigg and family at Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Gill, who received word of the arrival of a new grand-daughter, spent the weekend in Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allister and girls. Mr. and Mrs. James Patterson spent a few days in Ottawa and attended the reception of her sister who was married recently. Resort ladies choose officers 25 Auction Sales Couple mark, anniversary Crediton neighbors honor bride-elect