HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-11-23, Page 16Liman and district news Ph*Nt 127420 Correspoodant; 'Ake Abbott CHRISTMAS BAKING BEGINS AT... SAVE I SIAelfilG SUGAR LL A kiiiii'OSE FLOUR C 2-lb. BOX 7-lb. BAG 1 T0i ns -ox. 990 2 1 T4ins .... 390 24-ox, 49c Pie Page 14 Times-Advocate, November' 23, 1967 More pigeon trophies Many members of the Lucan Homing Pigeon club won more than one award over the years racing from various points in Ontario and Quebec. Above, M. and Mrs, Willy Vanneste of Clandeboye are shown with their trophie s at the annual banquet held at the Shillelagh Motel, recently. T-A photo. nstitute members wear ancient hats The Lucan WI held its Historic Research and Current Events meeting at the home of Mrs. Erwin Scott, Thursday afternoon, with 14 members and one visitor answering the roll call, by nam- ing an ancient mode of trans- portation, and wearing an ancient hat. Some wore their wedding hat, while others wore hats pur- chased for some special oc- casion. Knowing from experience, Proudly displays his first trophy To most Lucanites, the Pigeon Banquet, Nov. 11, is now past history but not to Timothy Cul- bert, three-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Mert Culbert, who proudly displays his first and only trophy, to everyone who visits the Culbert home. To his three brothers, 15-year old Mike, 12-year old Pete and 11-year old Jeff, trophy winning is just a repeat performance as they have not only won pigeon trophies but also music and pub- lic speaking trophies. Last spring Mr. Dwight Hend- erson, one of Lucan's most ard- ent pigeon fanciers, gave Timothy an egg out of which hatched a big red pigeon, which Tim named "Scooter". Scooter became Tim's special pet. Day after day he cared for him and watched him grow, Friday, Aug, 25 Scooter was taken to Peterborough to par- ticipate in a race the next day, and well you guessed it — Scooter won the race, and brought great honor and excitement to the whole Culbert household. some would come hatless, the secretary brought a dozen or more old hats with her, and members chose hats to match their dresses. These were worn throughout the meeting and caus- ed much amusement. Members were again urged to bring in pictures for the Tweeds- muir History and reminded to bring a gift for the cupboard at Thameswood Lodge to the De- cember meeting, which will be held at the home of Mrs, Ron Crozier, Dec. 14. Mrs. Jim Lockyer, the area delegate, gave her report of the London area convention. She was assisted by the president, Mrs. Frank Hardy, who also attended the convention. As convener of "Historic Re- search and Current Events", Mrs. Alex Young read an article on the "Fathers of Confedera- tion" and also the article en- titled "From Indian Trail to Modern Highway", written by Mrs. Jennie Raycraft Lewis and published some years ago. This was followed by the reading of a poem on "Pioneers" written by the late W. W. Revington and read by Miss Line Abbott. As Mrs. Frank Jolliffe was sick at the time of the October meeting she read her paper en- titled "How we Kept Thanks- giving in Oldtown", by Harriet Beecher Stowe", Mrs. Jolliffe's keen sense of humour, added much to the reading of this paper. Mrs. Eldon Hodgson followed with the reading of a Thanksgiving poem. The secretary Mrs. Mur- ray Hodgins gave a talk on New- foundland. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Scott, Mrs. Sheridan Rev- ington and Mrs. Murray Hod- gins. Lucan Personal Items Couple mark anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Haskett of Alice Si,, Lucan were married in Centennial United Church, Lon- don, Nov. 21, 1942 by the Rev. R, Richards. Mrs. Haskett was the former Catherine Rite hi e (Kae), daughter of Mr. HenryRit- chie of London and the late Mrs. Ritchie. She was born in Scot- land but at the time of her wed- ding was living in Ft. Erie, Mr. Haskett, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Haskett, was born just north of Lucan. The couple have three child- ren Judy (Mrs. John C, Eady) on the C, C. Carothers School staff, London, Brian, a Medway student, now on a six-m onth European trip and Bruce at home. To honor Mr. and Mrs. Haskett on their 25th wedding anniver- sary, the family held Open House at the Lucan Legion Hall, Satur- day. In spite of bad driving con- ditions over 60 of their rela- tives and friends from Toronto, Chatham, London and Lucan were able to be present for an even- ing of dancing, to music provided by Mr. Clare Stanley. Regardless of the request "No gifts please", Mr. Clar e nc e Hardy, on behalf of all present, presented the "bride and groom" with a purse of money. Refreshments were provided by the family and a happy even- ing was spent by all. Cancer fund over $1,100 Final figures for The Canadian Cancer Society show that the Society went "over the top" by $357,640.00 of which London- Middlesex Unit collected $5,722.- 89 over their objective. Lucan Branch, which covers Biddulph Township increased its collec- tions by $248.17 over that of 1966. This year's collection was $1,122.85. Secretary, Mrs. Don Ankers, chairman of Service Committee, Mrs. Clarence Haskett and Cam- paign Chairmen Mrs. M. H. Hod- gins and Mrs. Joseph Nagle saw the many evidences of money well spent for research equip- ment when they attended the Die- trict meeting, toured the Cancer Clinic, Thameswood Lodge and the Cancer Research Foundation at the University of Western Ontario, recently. Elderly woman injured in fall Mrs. W. J. McFalls, 84, form- erly of Alice St., Lucan, who for nearly three years has made her home with her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harold McFalls of Main St., fell on the floor last Tues- day night and cracked her pelvis bone. She was taken to St. Jo- seph's Hospital for X-rays Wed- nesday and Thursday taken to the Criagholme Nursing Home at Ailsa Craig. Due to her age the doctor did not deem it advisable to operate and insert a pin. Mrs. McFalls only had one son, the late Harold McFalls, a London mail carrier, who passed away suddenly in March 1966, Arrange dance to boost project The Culberts, Cronkites and Froats were in charge of the November meeting of the Couples' Club Fellowship, last Wednesday evening at the United Church. Mrs. Cliff Cronkite led in the worship service. Plans were finalized for the annual dance to be held at the Community Centre, Friday even- ing, Dec. 8. The proceeds will go to the building fund. The showing of the film "Fame ily Problems" was the highlight of the program. Those present were divided into three groups. After the showing of the first three problems, each group dis- cussed one of the problems and submitted a report, after which the remainder of the film was shown. The Suter 8, Melansons and Loekyers were named a nomine ating committee to bring in a slate of officers, December 12. Re- freshments were Served. Among the Many who attended the presentation for Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott at St. Patrick's church last Saturday were the following friends from Liken, Mr. & Mrs. Earl Atkinson, Mrs. Gordon Atkinson, Mr. & Mrs, Maurice McDonald, Mrs. Larry Ditty and mother, Mrs. Bruce Abbott (London), and Mr. & Mrs. Ceell Artrtitage. SAVE 10c HEINZ TOMATO KETCHUP 1131t1.z. SAVE 12c—AYL.MER CHOICE TOMATOES 28.0 SAVE 25c—McVIT'T'IE ASST'D 8-ox. pkgs. BISCUITS CANADA NO. 1 P.E.I. SAVE 42c—WESTINGHOUSE EYE SAVER LIGHT BULBS 100 6:0totr FRESHLY CUT CHICKEN LEGS OR BREASTS 16.5 THREE LEGGED OR DOUBLE BREASTED Amg FRYERS , lb. lb. 74 C lb. ,w$ from the .churches Girls to visit rest home Mrs. Currie conducted a Bible quiz and a number of members presented "Thanksgiving is Thanks-living". The purchasing of carpet for the church was discussed and it is hoped the carpet will be laid in time for the Christmas con- cert, Saturday, Dec, l6, urged to save ail stamps pos- sible for the Bible Society. The Lucan-Clandeboye CGIT met Tuesday evening, November 14 with president Carol Hackett in the chair. Owing to the weather and the first evening of Figure Skating Club, the attendatiee was down but those present finished the "teki" gods, heard the names of the patients at the Dubs Rest Home, Strathroy, whom they will remember at Christmas, and voted unanimously to change meeting time to alternate Mon- days for the duration of Skating Club, The Worship Service on the theme, "youth Chooses Life Abundant" was taken by Heather Froats and Janis Freeman--and the carols for the Vesper Ser- vice, Sunday evening, December 17, were rehearsed, The groups finalized their Bible study with Rev. George W. Sach visiting the senior group, ANGLICAN Flowers in the chancel were in remembrance of the late Clar- ence Culbert, also in the United Church. It was announced a euchre will be held in the Parish Hall, Nov. 28 by Mrs. Gordon Atkin- son's group, to raise church funds. BISHOP'S ADDRESS Rev. and Mrs. Gordon McDon- ald_ and family spent last weekend in Toronto, guests Of Rev, and Mrs. Lloyd Mosley, and attend- ed a special service in the Evan- gelistic Centre, where the guest speaker was Bishop Joseph Syn- an, of Franklin Springs, Georgia, Ladies boost church fund BALE The Evening WA met in the Parish Hall, last Tuesday and packed four large boxes for the Rev, Stanley Tomes Of Big Trout Lake, Another box will be pack- ed after Christmas. UNITED Teachers' meeting will be held Thursday evening and the annual bazaar, Friday, Dec. 1. Sunday, Dec. 26 it will be the annual "Every Member Visita- tion" following lunch provided by' UCW after the 11 o'clock service, PENTECOSTAL The November WA meeting was held at the parsonage last Monday evening with the presid- ent, Mrs. Howard Currie, pre- siding and Mrs. Meine Eizenga assisting in the worship ser- vice, Accompanied by Mrs. George Eizenga, Mrs. Meine Eizenga and Mrs. Rufus Thompson sang a duet. illness was unable to be present so the installation was post- poned until a later date. Hold service for Biddulph native Michael F. P, Tookey, 56, of Alice St., Lucan, passed away in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday, November 13. The body rested at the C. Haskett & Son Funeral Home, where pray- ers were said at 8;30 pm Tees- day evening; then to St. Patrick's Church, Biddulph, for requiem high mass at 10 are Wednesday, November 15, F. J. Bricklin of- ficiating. Pallbearers included Messrs. Jack Harrigan, Frank Vereyken, Tom Kooy, George IvIcIlhargey, Jack Lankin and Joe Benn. Mr. Tooket was unmarried. His only survivors are three aunts, Miss Annie Ryder of London and Misses Martha and Rachael Ryder of Alice St., Luca,n. Son of the late Patrick and Margaret Tookey, Mr. Tookey was born in Biddulph Township and was a Biddulph farmer. SUNDAY SERVICE Mrs. Jack Booth of Toronto, president of the WA for Ontario, was to have installed the re- cently elected officers at the evening service but owing to EXPLORER NEWS The Lucan-Clandeboye Ex- plorers held their 6th Expedition in the United Church schoolroom last Monday evening with 28 Ex- plorers and four leaders answer- ing the roll call. Each of the three groups was asked to prepare a Christmas song to be sung to the other two groups, December 4. The Red Star group discussed the meaning of the Explorer Prayer. The Blue Star group practised four fun-type songs and drew a map of Lucan. Mrs. Froats also read them a story. Three Gold Star girls taught a new song and two new games to the Gold Star group. A leaf contest was held on the prints made by the girls. All were Anglican ladies plan card party The Ladies Guild of Holy Trinity Anglican Church met in the Parish Hall, last Wednesday evening with the president, Mrs. Charles Haggar in the chair and Mrs. Kay Egan reading the Scrip- ture. A report on the Turkey dinner was discussed. Mrs. Joe O'Neil and Mrs. Gordon Atkinson were named a nominating committee to bring in a slate of officers to the December meeting. As a money making project each of the five groups will sponsor a euchre to be held in the Parish Hall. Mrs. Gordon Atkinson's group will hold the first, November 28. For the winter months the Guild meetings will be held in the afternoon. The General UCW November meeting was held in the new C, E. addition last Tuesday with the president, Mrs. Wm Froats, pre- siding and Mrs, Owen Seward in charge of the worship service, Mrs. Frank Parsons of St. Marys, assistant to Rev, Dr. Ross Crosby, who was to have been the guest speaker, was un- able to be present owing to in- clement weather. Joan and Jane Lockyer entertained with a duet. During the business session, plans were finalized for the an- nual bazaar to be held Friday evening, December 1. Donations of $10 each were voted for Five Oaks Training Centre and for Camp Kee-Mo- Kee, also $500 towards the Build- ing Fund. It was also decided to finan- cially assist in sending Hi C delegates to the Toc Alpha Con- vention. Lunch was served, (Beef, Chicken,11-o x . 59g or Turkey) Pkg, SWIFT'S FROZEN MEAT DINNERS YORK FANCY ASST'D VEGETABLES With Pork in Chili Sauce CLARK'S BEANS SHIRLEY GAY BLUEBERRY PIE Sic:ILARGARI NE Pa r;ilaircnIcent CREST REG. OR MINT FLAVOURED 2 1p -k":;. 47c EAGLE BRAND SWEETENED 4-ox. 490 Btl. 2-lb, 59e Pkg. faillA EXTRACT ... TSTITvAK U NA RAISINS ... CRISCO (SPECIAL PACK) CONDENSED MILK 1.19 TSHEIAIED ALMONDS 3;::: 29c TOOTHPASTE TOP FOIL Family Size 89c Tube 12" x 25' 294e Roll SHORTENING 'PIC: 37c SAVE 34c—CLARK FANCY TOMATO JUICE SAVE 32e.—SCOTT (Asst'd Colours) BATHROOM TISSUE 3 118-oz tins • 4 rolls (2 roil. pkg.) ZISZOMEM Come and Get 'En! er, Mrs. Roy Stone. Both spent last weekend in Hamilton, guests of Mr. & Mrs. Murray Ottaway. Fearing a change in the weath- er, he curtailed his visit, and has left for Prince Albert. Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cummins and family of Toronto and Mr, & Mrs. Jack Graham of Chatham were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Calvin Haskett, Mrs. M. L. Crinnian now of Guelph is a guest of Mr. & Mrs. John Park and other friends. Mr, & Mrs. Wm. Abbott of Niagara Falls, attended the pres- entation to Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott at St. Patrick"s Church Saturday evening, and took Mr. Murray Abbott back home with them for a visit. Mrs. John Park and her sister Jean (Mrs. L. W. Lobsinger) of Sarnia, have returned from a week's visit at Burlington and Toronto. At Burlington they were guests of Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hep- burn (the former Audrey Reving- ton) and at Toronto they were guests of Mrs. Lobsinger's daughter, Marie. Mr. & Mrs. Ed Morris of Mt. Forest were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Jack Murdy and took home their two daughters, who had spent the past two weeks with their grandparents. Mrs. Sheridan Revington spent a few days last Week with her mother, Mrs, Harry McFalls of London, Mr. & IVIre, Allan Tindall of Wiarton were weekend guests of Mr. & Mrs. Cliff Abbott and Mrs. Bruce Abbott of Londonand daughter, Mrs. Larry Ditty of LUeeti, were Sunday guests. The Lucan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion held a success- ful social evening in the Legion Hail Saturday evening. POTATOES 1(B): 39C it.MSMAXMO, ,ee ee,e,..e zee,— Mrs. Wes Hodgins, who has been moved from St. Joseph's to St. Marys Hospital, London, is showing signs of improvement. Mr. & Mrs. Bert Kristoffeson of London were lastSunday guests of Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Theander, Mr. Art Abbott, son of Mr, & Mrs. Cliff Abbott now of Geo- rge St., Lucan, was able to be brought home last Tuesday, after having undergone surgery, in Vic- toria Hospital, London. Misses Maureen Smith, Jane Crozier, Josephine Tostado and Mrs. P. 0, King attended the Royal Winter Horse Show, in Tor- onto, last Sunday. Mr. & Mrs. Norman Hankala have returned to Westland, Mich., after spending a few days with Mr. & Mrs. Aljoe Culbert. Owing to a breakdown at the Free Press, Lucan subscribers to the morning edition did not get their Wednesday paper, until after 4 pm and did they feel lOst all morning! Mr. Douglas Stone motored from Prince Albert, Sask., to spend a few days with his moth- Medway group start card play The Medway Euchre Club held Its Waning Fall euchre at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hobbs, lett Monday evening, with an 100% attendance of 20. Mr. and Nit's. Elmer Summers won the high score prizes, Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Lewis, the lone hand prizes ane Mrs. Wm Mc- Comb and Mr. Wilbert Stanley, the low score prizes. The next game will be held November 27 at Me, and Mrs. Wilbert Stanley's. I FRESH - YOUNG PRE-DRESSED RIVING CHICKENS GOVERNMENT INSPECTED GRADE 'A' U.S. NO. 1 PINK OR WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 10!::::79g Min 125'0 FLORIDA ORANGES 2 do,. 89' Pkg. 33' U.S. NO. 1 FLORIDA CELERY HEARTS CHICKEN n the B'ASKET U,S, NO, 1 FLORIDA CUCUMBERS 2 for 25° 21/2 -3 lb. SIZE COLEMAN'S lb, 3910 ilb, An , 0 WIENERS Vac Pod 47 7 Prices Effective Nov, 22.25 Inclusive C We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantitiet COLEMAN'S SMOKED PICNICS 49g COLEMAN'S EPICURE SLICED BACON Voic.ibiac 67° DARLING'S IGA BETTY lit ART'S IGA EXETER, LUCAN GRAND BEND .01