HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1967-11-23, Page 12HARD WATER worn you ragged? If you've been blaming the weather for rough hands — stop. Soft water can make the differ- ence. Now home installation for as low as 3.86 per 4 week period. Salt Delivery - prob- lem water solved, re- pairs to all makes, free water analysis HEy1 Culligan „A 1°M. LGAI Water 7AN. Conditioning Phone 5244511 376 Bayfield Rd. GODERICH WE SERVE HURON ELIZABETH ANGLIN r SUPERIOR 24 OZ. LOAF BREAD WHITE OR LARGE 60% WHOLE WHEAT 5/990 PARAMOUNT FANCY RED 7 3/4 OZ. TIN SOCKEYE SALMON WHITE SWAN 360 PER PKG. FACIAL TISSUE SHIRRIFF GOOD MORNING MARMALADE 24 OZ. JAR LIQUID JAVEX 64 OZ. PLASTIC BOTTLE CHICKEN, IRISH OR BEEF YORK STEWS 15 OZ. HYATT'S CHOICE TENDER PEAS 15 OZ. GARDEN PATCH CHOICE CREAM CORN 15 OZ. CLARK'S 14 OZ. TIN BEANS & PORK CLARK or HEINZ FANCY TOMATO JUICE CENTENNIAL CANISTER CRISCO MONARCH FLOUR MINETTE'S TOMATOES 48 OZ. 3 L. 7 LB. BAG 20 OZ. CHOICE SHIRRIFF'S 6 15 10 BONDED DEAL JELLY POWDERS WALDORF TEA BAGS 60°S 570 2/490 490 430 2/590 2/3 70 2/350 2/430 2/690 1.25 790 2/450 554 690 WIN YOUR CHOICE OF GROCERIES WIN $10.00 WORTH OF GROCERIES EACH WEEK UNTIL THE LAST WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS AND THEN WIN $25.00 WORTH OF GROCERIES — JUST SAVE THE TICKET YOU RECEIVE WITH EVERY PURCHASE, INCLUDING PHONE ORDERS. AND THEN . WATCH OUR AD OR THE SIGN IN OUR WINDOW EACH WEEK TO SEE IF YOU HAVE WON. NOTHING TO SIGN, JUST WATCH FOR YOUR NUMBER. FROZEN OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE FANCY LARGE 12 OZ. TINS 3/1.00 CASE OF 24 7.95 SCHNEIDER'S MINCED HAM IDEAL SANDWICH MEAT LB. 590 SCHNEIDER'S PURE PORK LARGE COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE LB. 590 FROZEN SWANSON TV DINNERS CHOPPED SIRLOIN o SWISS STEAK EA. 590 MAPLE LEAF BONED & ROLLED FRESH PORK LOINS LB. 790 MAPLE LEAF FRESH GRADE "A" TURKEYS 6 - 8 LB. Ai le A AVERAGE L.B.gfai; MAPLE LEAF SWEET PICKLED COTTAGE ROLLS CRYOVAC 21/2 TO 3 LBS. LB. 590 FRESH GROUND HAMBURG 2 LBS. $1.00 °FRUITS & VEGETABLES TANGELOS 125'S DOZ. 490 CALIFORNIA CELERY STALKS 24'S 290 FANCY MAC APPLES 3 LBs.290 ...- • • • • • AT MIDDLETON'S GET LUCKY! PLAY REXALL'S CPR) Ej&6100(114---5 CASH AT MIDDLETON'S OVER 8000 LUCKY WINNERS IN OCTOBER ALONE! EASY TO ENTER * NOTHING TO BUY IT'S AT THIS REXALL STORE! WIM Page 12 Times-Advocate, November 23, 1967 Perform pledge ritual discuss self estimates Sorority sponsors special hydro show Christmas party December 12 in Clinton and the annual dance February 9 in the Exeter Legion Hall, The next meeting December 5 will be a Christmas meeting. Assisting the hostess were Mrs, Ross Dobson and Mrs. Chandler LiVingstone, LEARN GIFT WRAPPING Stephen Township lady teach- ers were hostesses for the sec- ond meeting for the Exeter unit of FWTAO last Wednesday even- ing, A brief business period was conducted by President Mrs. Grace Brine after which Mrs. Tom MacMillan, Exeter, demon- strated the art of gift wrapping. Grand Bend teachers will be in charge of the next meeting held in March. "What, we ask of Life" was the answer to the roll call given by members of Beta Sigma Phi Sorority at their meeting Tues- day evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Wilkinson. Self Estimates was the subject of the program taken by Mrs. Don Gaiser and Mrs. Wilkinson. Mrs. Geiser spoke on “Fears and Anxieties" and Mrs. Wilkin- son on "Self Image." A contest followed in which all were given questions on the topic. The pledge ritual was read for Mrs, Howard Redman who was unable to be present at ritual night, Mrs. Betty Ives, of the Windsor Chapter was a guest at the meeting. Arrangements were completed for Hydro Showtime, November 30. It was decided to hold the "Hydro Showtime" an enter- taining two-hour program will be staged at the Legion Hall, in Exeter, November 30 at 8:00 pm sponsored by Ontario Hydro— Exeter Area under the auspices of the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority . . T-A photo Class of 12 RNA students graduate at Hospital Fifth graduation exercises for South Huron Hospital Training School Scott, Donna Button, Ladeena Latour; back row standing, Mrs. J, H, for Registered Nursing Assistants were held Friday night in James Delbridge, instructress; Della Wiebe, Nancy Mason, Ellen Lindsay, Street United Church with a filled auditorium of relatives and Mary Ellen Hallahan, Lana Renwick, Wibbina Bylsma, and Miss friends in attendance. This year's class included, bottom row seated, Myrtle Ninham, director of nursing. Yvonne Steeper, Helen Livermore, Mrs. Joan Fite, Barbara Anne Alpha-Pi Chapter. Highlighting the presentation will be the preparation and cook- ing of a complete oven meal by Miss Elizabeth Anglin, Ontario Hydro Home Economist. The care and use of portable appliances similar to those found in the average kitchen will also be discussed. Many features of large electrical appliances in- cluding washers, dryers, ranges and refrigerators will be demon- strated. Art Murphy, Master of Cere- monies of Ontario Hydro, will Introduce the platform demon- strations and will suggest many Ideas as to how you can "Live Better Electrically". Informa- tion on electric water heating, home heating and lighting will be included in the program. Attractive door prizes will be drawn including a number of beautiful electrical appliances which have been donated by local dealers and the Ontario Hydro — Exeter Area. Elizabeth Anglin, Ontario Hydro Home Economist, West- ern Region, was born in Saint John, New Brunswick. She ob- tained her Bachelor of Science degree in Home Economics from Mount Allison University, Sack- ville, New Brunswick. Elizabeth is continually in touch with appliance and food product manufacturers and is a member of the Canadian Home Economics Association. She is well informed on the latest developments of interest to homemakers and has a natural ability to impart this informa- tion to her audiences in an enter- taining and informative manner. Outside her realm of business duties, Elizabeth enjoys travel- ling, swimming, golf and shows a flair for the original in interior decorating. Centralia home ec school head tells nurses to be approachable Arrange dates for 4-H girls After studying color and ar- rangement as they pertain to housefurnishing in the project "Cotton Accessories for the Bed- room" Huron County 4-H Home- making Club members are pre- paring for their local Achieve- ment Days. On display will be dresser scarfs, bedspreads, cushions and chair pads which the girls have made as well as their record books. Local Achievement Days begin for the public at 1:30 pm to which all interested people are invited. Achievement Days will be held at South Huron District High School, Exeter, December 9; at Zurich Community Centre, No- vember 25; also at Wingham, Auburn and Howick. rooms for the graduates, their relatives and friends and all in attendance, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Shapton spent the weekend in Peter- borough with Mr. and Mrs. Jack 011en-Bittle and family. Graduates were Miss Wibbina Byisma, RR 1 Blyth; Miss Donna Button, RR 1 Lucknow; Mrs. Joan Fite, Exeter; Miss Mary Ellen Hallahan, RR 3 Blyth; Miss La- deena Latour, Exeter; Miss Ellen Lindsay, Bayfield; Miss Helen Livermore, Clinton; Miss Nancy Mason, RR 1 Belgrave; Miss Lana Renwick, RR 2 Teeswater; Miss Barbara Ann Scott, RR 2 St. Paul's; Miss Yvonne Steeper, RR 3 Parkhill; Miss Della Wiebe, RR 1 Fullerton. Miss Alice Claypole, hospital administrator and director of the Training Centre announced the awards. Miss Della M. Wiebe, RR 1 Fullarton, won the Hospital Auxiliary award for the highest academic standing and general proficiency which was presented by Mrs. Glenn Mickle, president of the Hospital Auxiliary. The Board of Directors award for general proficiency in bed- side nursing was presented to Miss Ladeena Latour by Mrs. J. G. Dunlop of the Board of Di- rectors. Dr. C. Wallace, Zur- ich, presented the Medical As- sociation award to each gra- duate. Gifts were also present- ed to each by the Supervisory Staff by Mrs. Norma Lindenfield Reg. N. and Mrs. Audrey Bent- ley, Reg. N. and by the Hospital Auxiliary, by Mrs. CharlesSmith and Mrs. Norman Walper. Miss Ellen E. Lindsay of Bay- field was valedictorian. M r s, Anne Marie Hoffman, RNA, Dash- wood, sang a solo and the T-A choristers directed by Mr. Ron- ald Heimrich, favored with three selections. Mr. Robert Cameron presided at the church organ for the processional. Following the program a reception was held in the church Married in Crediton "Tonight is an ending and a beginning a thrilling and sad occasion" said Miss Molly Mc- Ghee, B.Sc., M.E., Associate Di- rector of the Centralia School of Agriculture and Home Econom- ics, as she addressed the Regist- ered Nursing Assistants class of South Huron Hospital at their graduation exercises in James Street United Church, Friday evening. She stressed the important role of the RNA in helping patients to adjust to hospital life and ad- vised "Be approachable — it is left to the RNA to show genuine interest in the patient" and her closing challenge was "Keep ahead and keep up with the times" in the nursing profession. The speaker was introduced by Mr. E. R. Hopper, chairman of the Board of Directors, who chaired the program. Mayor J. H. Delbridge, thanked Miss Mc- Ghee. Graduation diplomas were pre- sented to the 12 graduates by their instructress, Mrs. Jack Delbridge Reg. N. assisted by Miss Myrtle Ninham, director of Nursing, and Mr. Jack Pryde, vice-chairman of the Board of Directors, presented the gradua- tion pins. guests in antique gold brocade with turban in blending tones and brown accessories. The groom's mother assisted in abrown crepe dress with beaded trim and brown accessories. The UCW catered for the wedding dinner. For travelling to the Eastern United States the bride changed to a beige walking suit trimmed with white fox fur and matching hat with brown accessories. They will reside at '7 Arbour Glen Crescent, London. . . photo by Jack Doerr MR. AND MRS. DENNIS M. LAMPORT Tinted blue gladioli and white mums formed the setting in Cred- iton United Church for the cere- mony uniting in marriage Miss Marilyn Anne Galloway, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Galloway, Crediton, and Dennis Maxwell Lamport, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Lamport, RR 2 Crediton, on Saturday, November 18 at 2:30 pm. Rev. Douglas Warren was the officiating minister assisted by Rev. H. Zurbrigg. Miss Elaine Powe, Centralia, provided the wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Mrs. Don Mahoney, Hespeler, who sang The Wed- ding Prayer and I Believe. Given in marriage by her fath- er the bride chose a floor-length gown of white Chantilly lace. The bodice was styled with scal- loped neckline and long lily point sleeves. A detachable chapel train cascaded from the should- ers. A cap of delicate lace petals touched with tiny pearls held her pure silk finger tip v e 11. She carried a bouquet of white mums centred with an orchid with tinted blue throat. Matron of honor was Mrs. Bruce McLennan, Stratford, wearing a formal gown of royal blue silk velvet fashioned on simple straight lines with elbow sleeves and shallow-scoop neck- line in front becoming square at the back from which a train fell gently to the floor. She wore a matching pillbox and carried white mums with long white vel- vet ribbons. Bridesmaids Miss Pam Dufton, London, and Mrs. Ed Glavin, RR 3 Lucan, were gowned similarly to the matron of honor. Flower girls, Debbie and Kimmie Galloway, nieces of of the bride, wore floor-length gowns of white velvet with royal blue velvet trim with bow at back and streamers to the dress hem. They carried smallbaskets of white mums edged in blue with long blue velvet ribbons. Bob Cuillerier, London, was best man and ushering guests were Larry Ratz and Douglas Galloway, both of Crediton, as- sisted by Dennis Byers and Peter Richer, both of Toronto. The reception was held in Crediton Community Hall where the bride's mother received Ladies at Caven told of Assembly The fall Thankoffering service of Caven WMS was held in the church Thursday with Mrs. Wil- liam Sillery in the chair. The current events portion of the meeting was a resume of the General Assenibly of the Pres- byterian church held in Ottawa. The Thankoffering message prepared by Mrs. Alice McLean of Cumberland on the theme "The Missionary Spirit of the Chris- tian Life" was read by Mrs. T. Pryde. Mrs. David Millar, Mrs. Nor- man Stanlake and Mrs. Sillery tang the Centennial Hymn and Mesdames J. C, Boyne, Carman Cann, Alvin 1Violry L. Kirk, Stanlake and H. Strang sang a selection. Hostess was Mrs. Kirk as- Sisted by Mrs. Sillery, Mrs, MO. Lean and Mrs. S. Pryde.